/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: fetab.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: $ * * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-19 00:08:19 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #ifdef PRECOMPILED #include "core_pch.hxx" #endif #pragma hdrstop #define ITEMID_BOXINFO SID_ATTR_BORDER_INNER #ifndef _HINTIDS_HXX #include #endif #ifndef __RSC //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _APP_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_SVXIDS_HRC #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_PROTITEM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_BRSHITEM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _RULER_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SWWAIT_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _FMTFSIZE_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _FMTORNT_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _FRMATR_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _DOCARY_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _FESH_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _DOC_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _CNTFRM_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _ROOTFRM_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _PAGEFRM_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _TABFRM_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _CELLFRM_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _FLYFRM_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _DFLYOBJ_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SWTABLE_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SWDDETBL_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _NDTXT_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _CALC_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _TABCOL_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _CELLATR_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _PAM_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _VISCRS_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _TBLSEL_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SWTBLFMT_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SWSWERROR_H #include #endif //siehe auch swtable.cxx #define COLFUZZY 20L inline BOOL IsSame( long nA, long nB ) { return Abs(nA-nB) <= COLFUZZY; } SwTabCols *pLastCols = 0; const SwTable *pLastTable = 0; const SwTabFrm *pLastTabFrm = 0; const SwFrm *pLastCellFrm = 0; class TblWait { SwWait *pWait; public: TblWait( USHORT nCnt, SwFrm *pFrm, SwDocShell &rDocShell, USHORT nCnt2 = 0); ~TblWait() { delete pWait; } }; TblWait::TblWait( USHORT nCnt, SwFrm *pFrm, SwDocShell &rDocShell, USHORT nCnt2): pWait( 0 ) { BOOL bWait = 20 < nCnt || 20 < nCnt2 || (pFrm && 20 < pFrm->ImplFindTabFrm()->GetTable()->GetTabLines().Count()); if( bWait ) pWait = new SwWait( rDocShell, TRUE ); } inline const SwCursor& GetShellCursor( const SwCrsrShell& rShell ) { const SwShellCrsr *pCrsr = rShell.GetTableCrsr(); if( !pCrsr ) pCrsr = (SwShellCrsr*)*rShell.GetSwCrsr( FALSE ); return *pCrsr; } /*********************************************************************** #* Class : SwFEShell #* Methoden : GetStartEndCell #* Datum : MA 03. May. 93 #* Update : MA 23. May. 95 #***********************************************************************/ void SwFEShell::GetStartEndCell( SwLayoutFrm *&prStart, SwLayoutFrm *&prEnd ) { SwPaM* pPam = IsTableMode() ? GetTblCrs() : GetCrsr(); SwShellCrsr *pICr = (SwShellCrsr*)*((SwCursor*)pPam); ASSERT( pICr->GetCntntNode() && pICr->GetCntntNode( FALSE ), "Tabselection nicht auf Cnt." ); prStart = pICr->GetCntntNode()->GetFrm( &pICr->GetPtPos() )->GetUpper(), prEnd = pICr->GetCntntNode(FALSE)->GetFrm( &pICr->GetMkPos() )->GetUpper(); } /*********************************************************************** #* Class : SwFEShell #* Methoden : InsertRow(), InsertCol #* Datum : MA 03. May. 93 #* Update : MA 19. Apr. 95 #***********************************************************************/ BOOL SwFEShell::InsertRow( USHORT nCnt, BOOL bBehind ) { // pruefe ob vom aktuellen Crsr der Point/Mark in einer Tabelle stehen SwFrm *pFrm = GetCurrFrm(); if( !pFrm->IsInTab() ) return FALSE; if( pFrm->ImplFindTabFrm()->GetTable()->ISA( SwDDETable )) { ErrorHandler::HandleError( ERR_TBLDDECHG_ERROR, ERRCODE_MSG_INFO | ERRCODE_BUTTON_DEF_OK ); return FALSE; } SET_CURR_SHELL( this ); StartAllAction(); // lasse ueber das Layout die Boxen suchen SwSelBoxes aBoxes; GetTblSel( *this, aBoxes, TBLSEARCH_ROW ); TblWait( nCnt, pFrm, *GetDoc()->GetDocShell(), aBoxes.Count() ); BOOL bRet = FALSE; if ( aBoxes.Count() ) bRet = GetDoc()->InsertRow( aBoxes, nCnt, bBehind ); EndAllActionAndCall(); return bRet; } BOOL SwFEShell::InsertCol( USHORT nCnt, BOOL bBehind ) { // pruefe ob vom aktuellen Crsr der Point/Mark in einer Tabelle stehen SwFrm *pFrm = GetCurrFrm(); if( !pFrm->IsInTab() ) return FALSE; if( pFrm->ImplFindTabFrm()->GetTable()->ISA( SwDDETable )) { ErrorHandler::HandleError( ERR_TBLDDECHG_ERROR, ERRCODE_MSG_INFO | ERRCODE_BUTTON_DEF_OK ); return FALSE; } SET_CURR_SHELL( this ); if( !CheckSplitCells( *this, nCnt + 1, TBLSEARCH_COL ) ) { ErrorHandler::HandleError( ERR_TBLINSCOL_ERROR, ERRCODE_MSG_INFO | ERRCODE_BUTTON_DEF_OK ); return FALSE; } StartAllAction(); // lasse ueber das Layout die Boxen suchen SwSelBoxes aBoxes; GetTblSel( *this, aBoxes, TBLSEARCH_COL ); TblWait( nCnt, pFrm, *GetDoc()->GetDocShell(), aBoxes.Count() ); BOOL bRet = FALSE; if( aBoxes.Count() ) bRet = GetDoc()->InsertCol( aBoxes, nCnt, bBehind ); EndAllActionAndCall(); return bRet; } /*********************************************************************** #* Class : SwFEShell #* Methoden : DeleteRow(), DeleteCol() #* Datum : MA 03. May. 93 #* Update : MA 19. Apr. 95 #***********************************************************************/ BOOL SwFEShell::DeleteCol() { // pruefe ob vom aktuellen Crsr der SPoint/Mark in einer Tabelle stehen SwFrm *pFrm = GetCurrFrm(); if( !pFrm->IsInTab() ) return FALSE; if( pFrm->ImplFindTabFrm()->GetTable()->ISA( SwDDETable )) { ErrorHandler::HandleError( ERR_TBLDDECHG_ERROR, ERRCODE_MSG_INFO | ERRCODE_BUTTON_DEF_OK ); return FALSE; } SET_CURR_SHELL( this ); StartAllAction(); // lasse ueber das Layout die Boxen suchen SwSelBoxes aBoxes; GetTblSel( *this, aBoxes, TBLSEARCH_COL ); TblWait( aBoxes.Count(), pFrm, *GetDoc()->GetDocShell() ); // die Crsr muessen noch aus dem Loesch Bereich entfernt // werden. Setze sie immer hinter/auf die Tabelle; ueber die // Dokument-Position werden sie dann immer an die alte Position gesetzt. while( !pFrm->IsCellFrm() ) pFrm = pFrm->GetUpper(); ParkCrsr( SwNodeIndex( *((SwCellFrm*)pFrm)->GetTabBox()->GetSttNd() )); // dann loesche doch die Spalten BOOL bRet = GetDoc()->DeleteRowCol( aBoxes ); EndAllActionAndCall(); return bRet; } BOOL SwFEShell::DeleteRow() { // pruefe ob vom aktuellen Crsr der SPoint/Mark in einer Tabelle stehen SwFrm *pFrm = GetCurrFrm(); if( !pFrm->IsInTab() ) return FALSE; if( pFrm->ImplFindTabFrm()->GetTable()->ISA( SwDDETable )) { ErrorHandler::HandleError( ERR_TBLDDECHG_ERROR, ERRCODE_MSG_INFO | ERRCODE_BUTTON_DEF_OK ); return FALSE; } SET_CURR_SHELL( this ); StartAllAction(); // lasse ueber das Layout die Boxen suchen SwSelBoxes aBoxes; GetTblSel( *this, aBoxes, TBLSEARCH_ROW ); TblWait( aBoxes.Count(), pFrm, *GetDoc()->GetDocShell() ); // die Crsr aus dem Loeschbereich entfernen. // Der Cursor steht danach: // - es folgt noch eine Zeile, in dieser // - vorher steht noch eine Zeile, in dieser // - sonst immer dahinter { SwTableNode* pTblNd = ((SwCntntFrm*)pFrm)->GetNode()->FindTableNode(); // suche alle Boxen / Lines _FndBox aFndBox( 0, 0 ); { _FndPara aPara( aBoxes, &aFndBox ); pTblNd->GetTable().GetTabLines().ForEach( &_FndLineCopyCol, &aPara ); } if( !aFndBox.GetLines().Count() ) { EndAllActionAndCall(); return FALSE; } KillPams(); _FndBox* pFndBox = &aFndBox; while( 1 == pFndBox->GetLines().Count() && 1 == pFndBox->GetLines()[0]->GetBoxes().Count() ) { _FndBox* pTmp = pFndBox->GetLines()[0]->GetBoxes()[0]; if( pTmp->GetBox()->GetSttNd() ) break; // das ist sonst zu weit pFndBox = pTmp; } SwTableLine* pDelLine = pFndBox->GetLines()[ pFndBox->GetLines().Count()-1 ]->GetLine(); SwTableBox* pDelBox = pDelLine->GetTabBoxes()[ pDelLine->GetTabBoxes().Count() - 1 ]; while( !pDelBox->GetSttNd() ) { SwTableLine* pLn = pDelBox->GetTabLines()[ pDelBox->GetTabLines().Count()-1 ]; pDelBox = pLn->GetTabBoxes()[ pLn->GetTabBoxes().Count() - 1 ]; } SwTableBox* pNextBox = pDelLine->FindNextBox( pTblNd->GetTable(), pDelBox, TRUE ); while( pNextBox && pNextBox->GetFrmFmt()->GetProtect().IsCntntProtected() ) pNextBox = pNextBox->FindNextBox( pTblNd->GetTable(), pNextBox ); if( !pNextBox ) // keine nachfolgende? dann die vorhergehende { pDelLine = pFndBox->GetLines()[ 0 ]->GetLine(); pDelBox = pDelLine->GetTabBoxes()[ 0 ]; while( !pDelBox->GetSttNd() ) pDelBox = pDelBox->GetTabLines()[0]->GetTabBoxes()[0]; pNextBox = pDelLine->FindPreviousBox( pTblNd->GetTable(), pDelBox, TRUE ); while( pNextBox && pNextBox->GetFrmFmt()->GetProtect().IsCntntProtected() ) pNextBox = pNextBox->FindPreviousBox( pTblNd->GetTable(), pNextBox ); } ULONG nIdx; if( pNextBox ) // dann den Cursor hier hinein nIdx = pNextBox->GetSttIdx() + 1; else // ansonsten hinter die Tabelle nIdx = pTblNd->EndOfSectionIndex() + 1; SwNodeIndex aIdx( GetDoc()->GetNodes(), nIdx ); SwCntntNode* pCNd = aIdx.GetNode().GetCntntNode(); if( !pCNd ) pCNd = GetDoc()->GetNodes().GoNext( &aIdx ); if( pCNd ) { SwPaM* pPam = GetCrsr(); pPam->GetPoint()->nNode = aIdx; pPam->GetPoint()->nContent.Assign( pCNd, 0 ); pPam->SetMark(); // beide wollen etwas davon haben pPam->DeleteMark(); } } // dann loesche doch die Zeilen BOOL bRet = GetDoc()->DeleteRowCol( aBoxes ); EndAllActionAndCall(); return bRet; } /*********************************************************************** #* Class : SwFEShell #* Methoden : MergeTab(), SplitTab() #* Datum : MA 03. May. 93 #* Update : MA 19. Apr. 95 #***********************************************************************/ USHORT SwFEShell::MergeTab() { // pruefe ob vom aktuellen Crsr der SPoint/Mark in einer Tabelle stehen USHORT nRet = TBLMERGE_NOSELECTION; if( IsTableMode() ) { SwShellTableCrsr* pTblCrsr = GetTableCrsr(); const SwTableNode* pTblNd = pTblCrsr->GetNode()->FindTableNode(); if( pTblNd->GetTable().ISA( SwDDETable )) { ErrorHandler::HandleError( ERR_TBLDDECHG_ERROR, ERRCODE_MSG_INFO | ERRCODE_BUTTON_DEF_OK ); } else { SET_CURR_SHELL( this ); StartAllAction(); TblWait( pTblCrsr->GetBoxesCount(), 0, *GetDoc()->GetDocShell(), pTblNd->GetTable().GetTabLines().Count() ); nRet = GetDoc()->MergeTbl( *pTblCrsr ); KillPams(); EndAllActionAndCall(); } } return nRet; } BOOL SwFEShell::SplitTab( BOOL bVert, USHORT nCnt ) { // pruefe ob vom aktuellen Crsr der SPoint/Mark in einer Tabelle stehen SwFrm *pFrm = GetCurrFrm(); if( !pFrm->IsInTab() ) return FALSE; if( pFrm->ImplFindTabFrm()->GetTable()->ISA( SwDDETable )) { ErrorHandler::HandleError( ERR_TBLDDECHG_ERROR, ERRCODE_MSG_INFO | ERRCODE_BUTTON_DEF_OK ); return FALSE; } SET_CURR_SHELL( this ); if( bVert && !CheckSplitCells( *this, nCnt + 1 ) ) { ErrorHandler::HandleError( ERR_TBLSPLIT_ERROR, ERRCODE_MSG_INFO | ERRCODE_BUTTON_DEF_OK ); return FALSE; } StartAllAction(); // lasse ueber das Layout die Boxen suchen SwSelBoxes aBoxes; GetTblSel( *this, aBoxes ); TblWait( nCnt, pFrm, *GetDoc()->GetDocShell(), aBoxes.Count() ); // dann loesche doch die Spalten BOOL bRet = GetDoc()->SplitTbl( aBoxes, bVert, nCnt ); DELETEZ( pLastCols ); EndAllActionAndCall(); return bRet; } /*********************************************************************** #* Class : SwFEShell #* Methoden : _GetTabCols #* Datum : MA 30. Nov. 95 #* Update : MA 08. Jan. 97 #***********************************************************************/ void SwFEShell::_GetTabCols( SwTabCols &rToFill, const SwFrm *pBox ) const { const SwTabFrm *pTab = pBox->FindTabFrm(); if ( pLastCols ) { //Paar Kleinigkeiten muessen wir schon noch sicherstellen FASTBOOL bDel = TRUE; if ( pLastTable == pTab->GetTable() ) { bDel = FALSE; if ( pLastTabFrm != pTab ) { //Wenn der TabFrm gewechselt hat, brauchen wir bei gleicher //Breite nur ein wenig shiften. if ( pLastTabFrm->Frm().Width() == pTab->Frm().Width() ) { pLastCols->SetLeftMin( (USHORT)pTab->Frm().Left() ); pLastTabFrm = pTab; } else bDel = TRUE; } if ( !bDel && pLastCols->GetLeftMin () == (USHORT)pTab->Frm().Left() && pLastCols->GetLeft () == (USHORT)pTab->Prt().Left() && pLastCols->GetRight () == (USHORT)pTab->Prt().Right()&& pLastCols->GetRightMax() == (USHORT)pTab->Frm().Right() - pLastCols->GetLeftMin() ) { if ( pLastCellFrm != pBox ) { pTab->GetTable()->GetTabCols( *pLastCols, ((SwCellFrm*)pBox)->GetTabBox(), TRUE); pLastCellFrm = pBox; } rToFill = *pLastCols; } else bDel = TRUE; } if ( bDel ) DELETEZ(pLastCols); } if ( !pLastCols ) { GetDoc()->GetTabCols( rToFill, 0, (SwCellFrm*)pBox ); pLastCols = new SwTabCols( rToFill ); pLastTable = pTab->GetTable(); pLastTabFrm = pTab; pLastCellFrm= pBox; } } /*********************************************************************** #* Class : SwFEShell #* Methoden : SetTabCols(), GetTabCols() #* Datum : MA 03. May. 93 #* Update : MA 18. May. 93 #***********************************************************************/ void SwFEShell::SetTabCols( const SwTabCols &rNew, BOOL bCurRowOnly ) { SwFrm *pBox = GetCurrFrm(); if( !pBox->IsInTab() ) return; SET_CURR_SHELL( this ); StartAllAction(); do { pBox = pBox->GetUpper(); } while ( !pBox->IsCellFrm() ); GetDoc()->SetTabCols( rNew, bCurRowOnly, 0, (SwCellFrm*)pBox ); EndAllActionAndCall(); } void SwFEShell::GetTabCols( SwTabCols &rToFill ) const { const SwFrm *pFrm = GetCurrFrm(); if( !pFrm->IsInTab() ) return; do { pFrm = pFrm->GetUpper(); } while ( !pFrm->IsCellFrm() ); _GetTabCols( rToFill, pFrm ); } /*********************************************************************** #* Class : SwFEShell #* Methoden : SetRowHeight(), GetRowHeight() #* Datum : MA 17. May. 93 #* Update : JP 29.04.98 #***********************************************************************/ void SwFEShell::SetRowHeight( const SwFmtFrmSize &rNew ) { SET_CURR_SHELL( this ); StartAllAction(); GetDoc()->SetRowHeight( GetShellCursor( *this ), rNew ); EndAllActionAndCall(); } /****************************************************************************** * SwTwips SwFEShell::GetRowHeight() const ******************************************************************************/ void SwFEShell::GetRowHeight( SwFmtFrmSize *& rpSz ) const { GetDoc()->GetRowHeight( GetShellCursor( *this ), rpSz ); } BOOL SwFEShell::BalanceRowHeight( BOOL bTstOnly ) { SET_CURR_SHELL( this ); if( !bTstOnly ) StartAllAction(); BOOL bRet = GetDoc()->BalanceRowHeight( GetShellCursor( *this ), bTstOnly ); if( !bTstOnly ) EndAllActionAndCall(); return bRet; } /****************************************************************************** * void SwFEShell::SetRowBackground() ******************************************************************************/ void SwFEShell::SetRowBackground( const SvxBrushItem &rNew ) { SET_CURR_SHELL( this ); StartAllAction(); GetDoc()->SetRowBackground( GetShellCursor( *this ), rNew ); EndAllActionAndCall(); } /****************************************************************************** * SwTwips SwFEShell::GetRowBackground() const ******************************************************************************/ BOOL SwFEShell::GetRowBackground( SvxBrushItem &rToFill ) const { return GetDoc()->GetRowBackground( GetShellCursor( *this ), rToFill ); } /*********************************************************************** #* Class : SwFEShell #* Methoden : SetTabBorders(), GetTabBorders() #* Datum : MA 18. May. 93 #* Update : JP 29.04.98 #***********************************************************************/ void SwFEShell::SetTabBorders( const SfxItemSet& rSet ) { SET_CURR_SHELL( this ); StartAllAction(); GetDoc()->SetTabBorders( GetShellCursor( *this ), rSet ); EndAllActionAndCall(); } void SwFEShell::SetTabLineStyle( const Color* pColor, BOOL bSetLine, const SvxBorderLine* pBorderLine ) { SET_CURR_SHELL( this ); StartAllAction(); GetDoc()->SetTabLineStyle( GetShellCursor( *this ), pColor, bSetLine, pBorderLine ); EndAllActionAndCall(); } void SwFEShell::GetTabBorders( SfxItemSet& rSet ) const { GetDoc()->GetTabBorders( GetShellCursor( *this ), rSet ); } /*********************************************************************** #* Class : SwFEShell #* Methoden : SetBoxBackground(), GetBoxBackground() #* Datum : MA 01. Jun. 93 #* Update : MA 03. Jul. 96 #***********************************************************************/ void SwFEShell::SetBoxBackground( const SvxBrushItem &rNew ) { SET_CURR_SHELL( this ); StartAllAction(); GetDoc()->SetBoxAttr( GetShellCursor( *this ), rNew ); EndAllActionAndCall(); } BOOL SwFEShell::GetBoxBackground( SvxBrushItem &rToFill ) const { return GetDoc()->GetBoxBackground( GetShellCursor( *this ), rToFill ); } /*********************************************************************** #* Class : SwFEShell #* Methoden : SetBoxAlign, SetBoxAlign #* Datum : MA 18. Dec. 96 #* Update : JP 29.04.98 #***********************************************************************/ void SwFEShell::SetBoxAlign( USHORT nAlign ) { SET_CURR_SHELL( this ); StartAllAction(); GetDoc()->SetBoxAlign( GetShellCursor( *this ), nAlign ); EndAllActionAndCall(); } USHORT SwFEShell::GetBoxAlign() const { return GetDoc()->GetBoxAlign( GetShellCursor( *this ) ); } /*********************************************************************** #* Class : SwFEShell #* Methoden : SetTabBackground(), GetTabBackground() #* Datum : MA 08. Jul. 96 #* Update : MA 08. Jul. 96 #***********************************************************************/ void SwFEShell::SetTabBackground( const SvxBrushItem &rNew ) { SwFrm *pFrm = GetCurrFrm(); if( !pFrm->IsInTab() ) return; SET_CURR_SHELL( this ); StartAllAction(); GetDoc()->SetAttr( rNew, *pFrm->ImplFindTabFrm()->GetFmt() ); EndAllAction(); //Kein Call, denn es veraendert sich nichts! GetDoc()->SetModified(); } void SwFEShell::GetTabBackground( SvxBrushItem &rToFill ) const { SwFrm *pFrm = GetCurrFrm(); if( pFrm->IsInTab() ) rToFill = pFrm->ImplFindTabFrm()->GetFmt()->GetBackground(); } /*********************************************************************** #* Class : SwFEShell #* Methoden : HasWholeTabSelection() #* Datum : MA 18. May. 93 #* Update : MA 20. Jul. 93 #***********************************************************************/ BOOL SwFEShell::HasWholeTabSelection() const { //Ist die ganze Tabelle Selektiert? if ( IsTableMode() ) { SwSelBoxes aBoxes; ::GetTblSelCrs( *this, aBoxes ); const SwTableNode *pTblNd = IsCrsrInTbl(); return ( aBoxes[0]->GetSttIdx()-1 == pTblNd-> EndOfSectionNode()->StartOfSectionIndex() && aBoxes[aBoxes.Count()-1]->GetSttNd()->EndOfSectionIndex()+1 == pTblNd->EndOfSectionIndex() ); } return FALSE; } BOOL SwFEShell::HasBoxSelection() const { if(!IsCrsrInTbl()) return FALSE; //Ist die ganze Tabelle Selektiert? if( IsTableMode() ) return TRUE; SwPaM* pPam = GetCrsr(); // leere Boxen gelten auch ohne Selektion als selektiert // if( !pPam->HasMark() ) // return FALSE; BOOL bChg = FALSE; if( pPam->GetPoint() == pPam->End()) { bChg = TRUE; pPam->Exchange(); } SwNode* pNd; if( pPam->GetPoint()->nNode.GetIndex() -1 == ( pNd = pPam->GetNode())->StartOfSectionIndex() && !pPam->GetPoint()->nContent.GetIndex() && pPam->GetMark()->nNode.GetIndex() + 1 == pNd->EndOfSectionIndex()) { SwNodeIndex aIdx( *pNd->EndOfSectionNode(), -1 ); SwCntntNode* pCNd = GetDoc()->GetNodes()[ aIdx ]->GetCntntNode(); if( !pCNd ) { pCNd = GetDoc()->GetNodes().GoPrevious( &aIdx ); ASSERT( pCNd, "kein ContentNode in der Box ??" ); } if( pPam->GetMark()->nContent == pCNd->Len() ) { if( bChg ) pPam->Exchange(); return TRUE; } } if( bChg ) pPam->Exchange(); return FALSE; } /*********************************************************************** #* Class : SwFEShell #* Methoden : ProtectCells(), UnProtectCells() #* Datum : MA 20. Jul. 93 #* Update : JP 25. Sep. 93 #***********************************************************************/ void SwFEShell::ProtectCells() { SvxProtectItem aProt; aProt.SetCntntProtect( TRUE ); SET_CURR_SHELL( this ); StartAllAction(); GetDoc()->SetBoxAttr( GetShellCursor( *this ), aProt ); if( !IsCrsrReadonly() ) { if( IsTableMode() ) ClearMark(); ParkCrsr( GetCrsr()->GetPoint()->nNode ); } EndAllActionAndCall(); } void SwFEShell::UnProtectCells( const String& rTblName ) { SET_CURR_SHELL( this ); StartAllAction(); GetDoc()->UnProtectCells( rTblName ); EndAllActionAndCall(); } // die Tabellenselektion aufheben void SwFEShell::UnProtectCells() { SET_CURR_SHELL( this ); StartAllAction(); SwSelBoxes aBoxes; if( IsTableMode() ) ::GetTblSelCrs( *this, aBoxes ); else { SwFrm *pFrm = GetCurrFrm(); do { pFrm = pFrm->GetUpper(); } while ( pFrm && !pFrm->IsCellFrm() ); if( pFrm ) { SwTableBox *pBox = (SwTableBox*)((SwCellFrm*)pFrm)->GetTabBox(); aBoxes.Insert( pBox ); } } GetDoc()->UnProtectCells( aBoxes ); EndAllActionAndCall(); } void SwFEShell::UnProtectTbls() { SET_CURR_SHELL( this ); StartAllAction(); GetDoc()->UnProtectTbls( *GetCrsr() ); EndAllActionAndCall(); } BOOL SwFEShell::HasTblAnyProtection( const String* pTblName, BOOL* pFullTblProtection ) { return GetDoc()->HasTblAnyProtection( GetCrsr()->GetPoint(), pTblName, pFullTblProtection ); } /*********************************************************************** #* Class : SwFEShell #* Methoden : IsHeadlineRepeat(), SetHeadlineRepeat() #* Datum : MA 02. Feb. 94 #* Update : MA 27. Jul. 95 #***********************************************************************/ BOOL SwFEShell::IsHeadlineRepeat() const { const SwFrm *pFrm = GetCurrFrm(); const SwTabFrm *pTab = pFrm->FindTabFrm(); if( pTab ) return pTab->GetTable()->IsHeadlineRepeat(); return FALSE; } void SwFEShell::SetHeadlineRepeat( BOOL bSet ) { SwFrm *pFrm = GetCurrFrm(); SwTabFrm *pTab = pFrm->FindTabFrm(); if( pTab && pTab->GetTable()->IsHeadlineRepeat() != bSet ) { SwWait aWait( *GetDoc()->GetDocShell(), TRUE ); SET_CURR_SHELL( this ); StartAllAction(); GetDoc()->SetHeadlineRepeat( *pTab->GetTable(), bSet ); EndAllActionAndCall(); } } BOOL SwFEShell::IsInHeadline() const { BOOL bRet = FALSE; if ( !IsTableMode() ) { SwFrm *pFrm = GetCurrFrm(); if ( pFrm->IsInTab() && ((SwLayoutFrm*)pFrm->FindTabFrm()->Lower())->IsAnLower( pFrm)) bRet = TRUE; } return bRet; } BOOL SwFEShell::IsInRepeatedHeadline() const { BOOL bRet = FALSE; if ( !IsTableMode() ) { SwFrm *pFrm = GetCurrFrm(); if ( pFrm->IsInTab() ) { SwTabFrm *pTab = pFrm->FindTabFrm(); if ( pTab->IsFollow() && pTab->GetTable()->IsHeadlineRepeat() && ((SwLayoutFrm*)pTab->Lower())->IsAnLower( pFrm ) ) { bRet = TRUE; } } } return bRet; } /*********************************************************************** #* Class : SwFEShell #* Methoden : AdjustCellWidth() #* Datum : MA 20. Feb. 95 #* Update : MA 27. Jul. 95 #***********************************************************************/ void SwFEShell::AdjustCellWidth( BOOL bBalance ) { SET_CURR_SHELL( this ); StartAllAction(); //WarteCrsr immer einschalten, weil sich im vorraus nicht so recht //ermitteln laesst wieviel Inhalt betroffen ist. TblWait aWait( USHRT_MAX, 0, *GetDoc()->GetDocShell() ); GetDoc()->AdjustCellWidth( GetShellCursor( *this ), bBalance ); EndAllActionAndCall(); } BOOL SwFEShell::IsAdjustCellWidthAllowed( BOOL bBalance ) const { //Es muss mindestens eine Zelle mit Inhalt in der Selektion enthalten //sein. SwFrm *pFrm = GetCurrFrm(); if( !pFrm->IsInTab() ) return FALSE; SwSelBoxes aBoxes; ::GetTblSelCrs( *this, aBoxes ); if ( bBalance ) return aBoxes.Count() > 1; if ( !aBoxes.Count() ) { do { pFrm = pFrm->GetUpper(); } while ( !pFrm->IsCellFrm() ); SwTableBox *pBox = (SwTableBox*)((SwCellFrm*)pFrm)->GetTabBox(); aBoxes.Insert( pBox ); } for ( USHORT i = 0; i < aBoxes.Count(); ++i ) { SwTableBox *pBox = aBoxes[i]; if ( pBox->GetSttNd() ) { SwNodeIndex aIdx( *pBox->GetSttNd(), 1 ); SwTxtNode* pCNd = aIdx.GetNode().GetTxtNode(); if( !pCNd ) pCNd = (SwTxtNode*)GetDoc()->GetNodes().GoNext( &aIdx ); while ( pCNd ) { if ( pCNd->GetTxt().Len() ) return TRUE; ++aIdx; pCNd = GetDoc()->GetNodes()[ aIdx ]->GetTxtNode(); } } } return FALSE; } // AutoFormat fuer die Tabelle/TabellenSelection BOOL SwFEShell::SetTableAutoFmt( const SwTableAutoFmt& rNew ) { SwTableNode *pTblNd = (SwTableNode*)IsCrsrInTbl(); if( !pTblNd || pTblNd->GetTable().IsTblComplex() ) return FALSE; SwSelBoxes aBoxes; if ( !IsTableMode() ) // falls Crsr noch nicht akt. sind GetCrsr(); // gesamte Tabelle oder nur auf die akt. Selektion if( IsTableMode() ) ::GetTblSelCrs( *this, aBoxes ); else { const SwTableSortBoxes& rTBoxes = pTblNd->GetTable().GetTabSortBoxes(); for( USHORT n = 0; n < rTBoxes.Count(); ++n ) { SwTableBox* pBox = rTBoxes[ n ]; aBoxes.Insert( pBox ); } } SET_CURR_SHELL( this ); StartAllAction(); BOOL bRet = GetDoc()->SetTableAutoFmt( aBoxes, rNew ); DELETEZ( pLastCols ); EndAllActionAndCall(); return bRet; } BOOL SwFEShell::GetTableAutoFmt( SwTableAutoFmt& rGet ) { const SwTableNode *pTblNd = IsCrsrInTbl(); if( !pTblNd || pTblNd->GetTable().IsTblComplex() ) return FALSE; SwSelBoxes aBoxes; if ( !IsTableMode() ) // falls Crsr noch nicht akt. sind GetCrsr(); // gesamte Tabelle oder nur auf die akt. Selektion if( IsTableMode() ) ::GetTblSelCrs( *this, aBoxes ); else { const SwTableSortBoxes& rTBoxes = pTblNd->GetTable().GetTabSortBoxes(); for( USHORT n = 0; n < rTBoxes.Count(); ++n ) { SwTableBox* pBox = rTBoxes[ n ]; aBoxes.Insert( pBox ); } } return GetDoc()->GetTableAutoFmt( aBoxes, rGet ); } /*********************************************************************** #* Class : SwFEShell #* Methoden : DeleteTblSel() #* Datum : MA 03. May. 93 #* Update : MA 19. Apr. 95 #***********************************************************************/ BOOL SwFEShell::DeleteTblSel() { // pruefe ob vom aktuellen Crsr der SPoint/Mark in einer Tabelle stehen SwFrm *pFrm = GetCurrFrm(); if( !pFrm->IsInTab() ) return FALSE; if( pFrm->ImplFindTabFrm()->GetTable()->ISA( SwDDETable )) { ErrorHandler::HandleError( ERR_TBLDDECHG_ERROR, ERRCODE_MSG_INFO | ERRCODE_BUTTON_DEF_OK ); return FALSE; } SET_CURR_SHELL( this ); StartAllAction(); // lasse ueber das Layout die Boxen suchen SwSelBoxes aBoxes; GetTblSelCrs( *this, aBoxes ); TblWait( aBoxes.Count(), pFrm, *GetDoc()->GetDocShell() ); // die Crsr muessen noch aus dem Loesch Bereich entfernt // werden. Setze sie immer hinter/auf die Tabelle; ueber die // Dokument-Position werden sie dann immer an die alte Position gesetzt. while( !pFrm->IsCellFrm() ) pFrm = pFrm->GetUpper(); ParkCrsr( SwNodeIndex( *((SwCellFrm*)pFrm)->GetTabBox()->GetSttNd() )); BOOL bRet = GetDoc()->DeleteRowCol( aBoxes ); DELETEZ( pLastCols ); EndAllActionAndCall(); return bRet; } /************************************************************************* |* |* SwFEShell::GetCurTabColNum() |* |* Ersterstellung MA 03. Feb. 95 |* Letzte Aenderung MA 21. May. 95 | |*************************************************************************/ USHORT SwFEShell::GetCurTabColNum() const { //!!!GetCurMouseTabColNum() mitpflegen!!!! USHORT nRet = 0; SwFrm *pFrm = GetCurrFrm(); ASSERT( pFrm, "Crsr geparkt?" ); // pruefe ob vom aktuellen Crsr der SPoint/Mark in einer Tabelle stehen if( pFrm->IsInTab() ) { do { // JP 26.09.95: warum mit dem CntntFrame und nicht mit // dem CellFrame vergleichen???? pFrm = pFrm->GetUpper(); } while ( !pFrm->IsCellFrm() ); const long nX = pFrm->Frm().Left(); //TabCols besorgen, den nur ueber diese erreichen wir die Position. SwTabCols aTabCols; GetTabCols( aTabCols ); const long nLeft = aTabCols.GetLeftMin(); if ( !::IsSame( nX, nLeft + aTabCols.GetLeft() ) ) { for ( USHORT i = 0; i < aTabCols.Count(); ++i ) if ( ::IsSame( nX, nLeft + aTabCols[i] ) ) { nRet = i + 1; break; } } } return nRet; } /************************************************************************* |* |* SwFEShell::GetBox() |* |* Ersterstellung MA 22. Jun. 95 |* Letzte Aenderung MA 21. Nov. 96 |* |*************************************************************************/ const SwFrm *lcl_FindFrmInTab( const SwLayoutFrm *pLay, const Point &rPt, SwTwips nFuzzy ) { const SwFrm *pFrm = pLay->Lower(); do { if ( pFrm->Frm().IsNear( rPt, nFuzzy ) ) { if ( pFrm->IsCellFrm() && ( !((SwCellFrm*)pFrm)->Lower()->IsLayoutFrm() || ((SwCellFrm*)pFrm)->Lower()->IsSctFrm() ) ) return pFrm; if ( pFrm->IsLayoutFrm() ) { const SwFrm *pTmp = ::lcl_FindFrmInTab( (SwLayoutFrm*)pFrm, rPt, nFuzzy); if ( pTmp ) return pTmp; } break; } pFrm = pFrm->FindNext(); } while ( pFrm && pLay->IsAnLower( pFrm ) ); return 0; } const SwFrm *lcl_FindFrm( const SwLayoutFrm *pLay, const Point &rPt, SwTwips nFuzzy ) { const SwFrm *pFrm = pLay->ContainsCntnt(); if ( pFrm ) { do { if ( pFrm->IsInTab() ) pFrm = ((SwFrm*)pFrm)->ImplFindTabFrm(); if ( pFrm->IsTabFrm() ) { const SwFrm *pTmp = ::lcl_FindFrmInTab( (SwLayoutFrm*)pFrm, rPt, nFuzzy ); if ( pTmp ) { pFrm = pTmp; break; } } pFrm = pFrm->FindNextCnt(); } while ( pFrm && pLay->IsAnLower( pFrm ) ); } if ( pFrm && pFrm->IsInTab() && pLay->IsAnLower( pFrm ) ) { do { while ( pFrm && !pFrm->IsCellFrm() ) pFrm = pFrm->GetUpper(); if ( pFrm ) { if ( ::IsSame(pFrm->Frm().Left(), rPt.X()) || ::IsSame(pFrm->Frm().Right(),rPt.X()) ) { return pFrm; } pFrm = pFrm->GetUpper(); } } while ( pFrm ); } return 0; } const SwFrm *SwFEShell::GetBox( const Point &rPt ) const { const SwPageFrm *pPage = (SwPageFrm*)GetLayout()->Lower(); Window* pOutWin = GetWin(); SwTwips nFuzzy = COLFUZZY; if(pOutWin) { Size aTmp(RULER_MOUSE_MARGINWIDTH, RULER_MOUSE_MARGINWIDTH); aTmp = pOutWin->PixelToLogic(aTmp); nFuzzy = aTmp.Width(); } while ( pPage && !pPage->Frm().IsNear( rPt, nFuzzy ) ) pPage = (SwPageFrm*)pPage->GetNext(); const SwFrm *pFrm = 0; if ( pPage ) { //Per GetCrsrOfst oder GetCntntPos koennen wir hier die Box leider //nicht suchen. Das wuerde zu einem Performance-Zusammenbruch bei //Dokumenten mit vielen Absaetzen/Tabellen auf einer Seite fuehren //(BrowseMode!) //Erst die Flys checken. if ( pPage->GetSortedObjs() ) { for ( USHORT i = 0; !pFrm && i < pPage->GetSortedObjs()->Count(); ++i ) { const SdrObject *pObj = (*pPage->GetSortedObjs())[i]; if ( pObj->IsWriterFlyFrame() ) { pFrm = lcl_FindFrm( ((SwVirtFlyDrawObj*)pObj)->GetFlyFrm(), rPt, nFuzzy ); } } } const SwLayoutFrm *pLay = (SwLayoutFrm*)pPage->Lower(); while ( pLay && !pFrm ) { pFrm = lcl_FindFrm( pLay, rPt, nFuzzy ); pLay = (SwLayoutFrm*)pLay->GetNext(); } } return pFrm; } /************************************************************************* |* |* SwFEShell::IsMouseTabCol() |* |* Ersterstellung MA 22. Jun. 95 |* Letzte Aenderung MA 22. Jun. 95 | |*************************************************************************/ BOOL SwFEShell::IsMouseTabCol( const Point &rPt ) const { SwCellFrm* pFrm = (SwCellFrm*)GetBox( rPt ); if( pFrm ) { while( pFrm->Lower()->IsRowFrm() ) pFrm = (SwCellFrm*)((SwLayoutFrm*)pFrm->Lower())->Lower(); if( pFrm && pFrm->GetTabBox()->GetSttNd() && pFrm->GetTabBox()->GetSttNd()->IsInProtectSect() ) pFrm = 0; } return 0 != pFrm; } /************************************************************************* |* |* SwFEShell::GetMouseTabCols() |* |* Ersterstellung MA 22. Jun. 95 |* Letzte Aenderung MA 27. Aug. 96 | |*************************************************************************/ void SwFEShell::GetMouseTabCols( SwTabCols &rToFill, const Point &rPt ) const { const SwFrm *pBox = GetBox( rPt ); if ( pBox ) _GetTabCols( rToFill, pBox ); } void SwFEShell::SetMouseTabCols( const SwTabCols &rNew, BOOL bCurRowOnly, const Point &rPt ) { const SwFrm *pBox = GetBox( rPt ); if( pBox ) { SET_CURR_SHELL( this ); StartAllAction(); GetDoc()->SetTabCols( rNew, bCurRowOnly, 0, (SwCellFrm*)pBox ); EndAllActionAndCall(); } } /************************************************************************* |* |* SwFEShell::GetMouseColNum(), GetMouseTabColNum() |* |* Ersterstellung MA 04. Jul. 95 |* Letzte Aenderung MA 04. Jul. 95 | |*************************************************************************/ USHORT SwFEShell::GetCurMouseColNum( const Point &rPt, SwGetCurColNumPara* pPara ) const { return _GetCurColNum( GetBox( rPt ), pPara ); } USHORT SwFEShell::GetCurMouseTabColNum( const Point &rPt ) const { //!!!GetCurTabColNum() mitpflegen!!!! USHORT nRet = 0; const SwFrm *pFrm = GetBox( rPt ); ASSERT( pFrm, "Table not found" ); if( pFrm ) { const long nX = pFrm->Frm().Left(); //TabCols besorgen, den nur ueber diese erreichen wir die Position. SwTabCols aTabCols; GetMouseTabCols( aTabCols, rPt ); const long nLeft = aTabCols.GetLeftMin(); if ( !::IsSame( nX, nLeft + aTabCols.GetLeft() ) ) { for ( USHORT i = 0; i < aTabCols.Count(); ++i ) if ( ::IsSame( nX, nLeft + aTabCols[i] ) ) { nRet = i + 1; break; } } } return nRet; } void ClearFEShellTabCols() { DELETEZ( pLastCols ); } /************************************************************************* |* |* SwFEShell::GetTblAttr(), SetTblAttr() |* |* Ersterstellung MA 09. Dec. 96 |* Letzte Aenderung MA 09. Dec. 96 | |*************************************************************************/ void SwFEShell::GetTblAttr( SfxItemSet &rSet ) const { SwFrm *pFrm = GetCurrFrm(); if( pFrm->IsInTab() ) rSet.Put( pFrm->ImplFindTabFrm()->GetFmt()->GetAttrSet() ); } void SwFEShell::SetTblAttr( const SfxItemSet &rNew ) { SwFrm *pFrm = GetCurrFrm(); if( pFrm->IsInTab() ) { SET_CURR_SHELL( this ); StartAllAction(); SwTabFrm *pTab = pFrm->FindTabFrm(); pTab->GetTable()->SetHTMLTableLayout( 0 ); GetDoc()->SetAttr( rNew, *pTab->GetFmt() ); GetDoc()->SetModified(); EndAllActionAndCall(); } } // aender eine Zellenbreite/-Hoehe/Spaltenbreite/Zeilenhoehe BOOL SwFEShell::SetColRowWidthHeight( USHORT eType, USHORT nDiff ) { SwFrm *pFrm = GetCurrFrm(); if( !pFrm->IsInTab() ) return FALSE; if( WH_FLAG_INSDEL & eType && pFrm->ImplFindTabFrm()->GetTable()->ISA( SwDDETable )) { ErrorHandler::HandleError( ERR_TBLDDECHG_ERROR, ERRCODE_MSG_INFO | ERRCODE_BUTTON_DEF_OK ); return FALSE; } SET_CURR_SHELL( this ); StartAllAction(); do { pFrm = pFrm->GetUpper(); } while( !pFrm->IsCellFrm() ); SwTabFrm *pTab = pFrm->ImplFindTabFrm(); // sollte die Tabelle noch auf relativen Werten (USHRT_MAX) stehen // dann muss es jetzt auf absolute umgerechnet werden. const SwFmtFrmSize& rTblFrmSz = pTab->GetFmt()->GetFrmSize(); if( TBLVAR_CHGABS == pTab->GetTable()->GetTblChgMode() && ( eType & WH_COL_LEFT || eType & WH_COL_RIGHT ) && HORI_NONE == pTab->GetFmt()->GetHoriOrient().GetHoriOrient() && pTab->Prt().Width() != rTblFrmSz.GetWidth() ) { SwFmtFrmSize aSz( rTblFrmSz ); aSz.SetWidth( pTab->Prt().Width() ); pTab->GetFmt()->SetAttr( aSz ); } if( (eType & (WH_FLAG_BIGGER | WH_FLAG_INSDEL)) == (WH_FLAG_BIGGER | WH_FLAG_INSDEL) ) nDiff = USHORT(pFrm->Frm().Width()); SwTwips nLogDiff = nDiff; nLogDiff *= pTab->GetFmt()->GetFrmSize().GetWidth(); nLogDiff /= pTab->Prt().Width(); BOOL bRet = GetDoc()->SetColRowWidthHeight( *(SwTableBox*)((SwCellFrm*)pFrm)->GetTabBox(), eType, nDiff, nLogDiff ); delete pLastCols, pLastCols = 0; EndAllActionAndCall(); if( bRet && (eType & (WH_FLAG_BIGGER | WH_FLAG_INSDEL)) == WH_FLAG_INSDEL ) { switch(eType & ~(WH_FLAG_BIGGER | WH_FLAG_INSDEL)) { case WH_CELL_LEFT: case WH_COL_LEFT: GoPrevCell(); break; case WH_CELL_RIGHT: case WH_COL_RIGHT: GoNextCell(); break; case WH_CELL_TOP: case WH_ROW_TOP: MoveSection( fnSectionCurr, fnSectionStart ); Up(); break; case WH_CELL_BOTTOM: case WH_ROW_BOTTOM: MoveSection( fnSectionCurr, fnSectionEnd ); Down(); break; } } return bRet; } BOOL lcl_IsFormulaSelBoxes( const SwTable& rTbl, const SwTblBoxFormula& rFml, SwCellFrms& rCells ) { SwTblBoxFormula aTmp( rFml ); SwSelBoxes aBoxes; for( USHORT nSelBoxes = aTmp.GetBoxesOfFormula( rTbl,aBoxes ); nSelBoxes; ) { SwTableBox* pBox = aBoxes[ --nSelBoxes ]; for( USHORT i = 0; i < rCells.Count(); ++i ) if( rCells[ i ]->GetTabBox() == pBox ) break; // gefunden if( i == rCells.Count() ) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } // erfrage die Formel fuer die Autosumme BOOL SwFEShell::GetAutoSum( String& rFml ) const { SwFrm *pFrm = GetCurrFrm(); SwTabFrm *pTab = pFrm->ImplFindTabFrm(); if( !pTab ) return FALSE; rFml = String::CreateFromAscii( sCalc_Sum ); SwCellFrms aCells; if( ::GetAutoSumSel( *this, aCells )) { USHORT nW = 0, nInsPos = 0; for( USHORT n = aCells.Count(); n; ) { SwCellFrm* pCFrm = aCells[ --n ]; USHORT nBoxW = pCFrm->GetTabBox()->IsFormulaOrValueBox(); if( !nBoxW ) break; if( !nW ) { if( USHRT_MAX == nBoxW ) continue; // leere am Anfang ueberspringen rFml += '('; nInsPos = rFml.Len(); // Formeln nur wenn diese Boxen enthalten if( RES_BOXATR_FORMULA == nBoxW && !::lcl_IsFormulaSelBoxes( *pTab->GetTable(), pCFrm-> GetTabBox()->GetFrmFmt()->GetTblBoxFormula(), aCells)) { nW = RES_BOXATR_VALUE; // alle vorhierigen Leere wieder mit aufnehmen ! for( USHORT i = aCells.Count(); n+1 < i; ) { String sTmp( String::CreateFromAscii( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "|<" )) ); sTmp += aCells[ --i ]->GetTabBox()->GetName(); sTmp += '>'; rFml.Insert( sTmp, nInsPos ); } } else nW = nBoxW; } else if( RES_BOXATR_VALUE == nW ) { // values werden gesucht, Value/Formel/Text gefunden -> aufn. if( RES_BOXATR_FORMULA == nBoxW && ::lcl_IsFormulaSelBoxes( *pTab->GetTable(), pCFrm-> GetTabBox()->GetFrmFmt()->GetTblBoxFormula(), aCells )) break; else if( USHRT_MAX != nBoxW ) rFml.Insert( cListDelim, nInsPos ); else break; } else if( RES_BOXATR_FORMULA == nW ) { // bei Formeln nur weiter suchen, wenn die akt. Formel auf // alle Boxen verweist, die sich in der Selektion befinden if( RES_BOXATR_FORMULA == nBoxW ) { if( !::lcl_IsFormulaSelBoxes( *pTab->GetTable(), pCFrm-> GetTabBox()->GetFrmFmt()->GetTblBoxFormula(), aCells )) { // dann noch mal von vorne und nur die Values! nW = RES_BOXATR_VALUE; rFml.Erase( nInsPos ); // alle vorhierigen Leere wieder mit aufnehmen ! for( USHORT i = aCells.Count(); n+1 < i; ) { String sTmp( String::CreateFromAscii( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "|<" )) ); sTmp += aCells[ --i ]->GetTabBox()->GetName(); sTmp += '>'; rFml.Insert( sTmp, nInsPos ); } } else rFml.Insert( cListDelim, nInsPos ); } else if( USHRT_MAX == nBoxW ) break; else continue; // diese Boxen ignorieren } else // alles andere beendet die Schleife // evt. Texte noch zu lassen?? break; String sTmp( '<' ); sTmp += pCFrm->GetTabBox()->GetName(); sTmp += '>'; rFml.Insert( sTmp, nInsPos ); } if( nW ) { rFml += ')'; /* // TabellenSelektion erzeugen?? SwTblBoxFormula aTmp( rFml ); SwSelBoxes aBoxes; for( USHORT nSelBoxes = aTmp.GetBoxesOfFormula( rTbl,aBoxes ); nSelBoxes; ) { } */ } } return TRUE; }