/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: node.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.11 $ * * last change: $Author: jp $ $Date: 2002-02-01 12:38:49 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #ifdef PRECOMPILED #include "core_pch.hxx" #endif #pragma hdrstop #ifndef _HINTIDS_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_PROTITEM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_I18N_CHARACTERITERATORMODE_HDL_ #include #endif #ifndef _FMTCNTNT_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _FMTANCHR_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _FRMFMT_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _TXTFTN_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _FTNFRM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _DOC_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _DOCARY_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _NODE_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _NDINDEX_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _NUMRULE_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _FMTCOL_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SWTABLE_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _NDTXT_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _HINTS_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _ERRHDL_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _PAM_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SWCACHE_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SECTION_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _CNTFRM_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _LAYFRM_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _FLYFRM_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _TXTFRM_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _TABFRM_HXX #include // SwTabFrm #endif #ifndef _VIEWSH_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _PARATR_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _FTNIDX_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _FMTFTN_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _FMTHDFT_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _FMTCNTNT_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _FRMATR_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _FRMTOOL_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _PAGEFRM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _NODE2LAY_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _HINTS_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _PAGEDESC_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _FMTPDSC_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _BREAKIT_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _CRSSKIP_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SWSTYLENAMEMAPPER_HXX #include #endif using namespace ::com::sun::star::i18n; TYPEINIT2( SwCntntNode, SwModify, SwIndexReg ) /******************************************************************* |* |* SwNode::GetSectionLevel |* |* Beschreibung |* Die Funktion liefert den Sectionlevel an der durch |* aIndex bezeichneten Position. |* |* Die Logik ist wie folgt: ( S -> Start, E -> End, C -> CntntNode) |* Level 0 E |* 1 S E |* 2 SC |* |* alle EndNodes der GrundSection haben den Level 0 |* alle StartNodes der GrundSection haben den Level 1 |* |* Ersterstellung |* VER0100 vb 901214 |* |* Aenderung: JP 11.08.93 |* keine Rekursion mehr !! |* *******************************************************************/ USHORT SwNode::GetSectionLevel() const { // EndNode einer Grund-Section ?? diese sind immer 0 !! if( IsEndNode() && 0 == pStartOfSection->StartOfSectionIndex() ) return 0; USHORT nLevel; const SwNode* pNode = IsStartNode() ? this : pStartOfSection; for( nLevel = 1; 0 != pNode->StartOfSectionIndex(); ++nLevel ) pNode = pNode->pStartOfSection; return IsEndNode() ? nLevel-1 : nLevel; } /******************************************************************* |* |* SwNode::SwNode |* |* Beschreibung |* Konstruktor; dieser fuegt einen Node in das Array rNodes |* an der Position rWhere ein. Dieser bekommt als |* theEndOfSection den EndOfSection-Index des Nodes |* unmittelbar vor ihm. Falls er sich an der Position 0 |* innerhalb des variablen Arrays befindet, wird |* theEndOfSection 0 (der neue selbst). |* |* Parameter |* IN |* rNodes bezeichnet das variable Array, in das der Node |* eingefuegt werden soll |* IN |* rWhere bezeichnet die Position innerhalb dieses Arrays, |* an der der Node eingefuegt werden soll |* |* Ersterstellung |* VER0100 vb 901214 |* |* Stand |* VER0100 vb 901214 |* *******************************************************************/ SwNode::SwNode( const SwNodeIndex &rWhere, const BYTE nNdType ) : pStartOfSection( 0 ), nNodeType( nNdType ) { bWrongDirty = bACmplWrdDirty = TRUE; bSetNumLSpace = bIgnoreDontExpand = FALSE; nAFmtNumLvl = 0; SwNodes& rNodes = (SwNodes&)rWhere.GetNodes(); SwNode* pInsNd = this; // der MAC kann this nicht einfuegen !! if( rWhere.GetIndex() ) { SwNode* pNd = rNodes[ rWhere.GetIndex() -1 ]; rNodes.Insert( pInsNd, rWhere ); if( 0 == ( pStartOfSection = pNd->GetStartNode()) ) { pStartOfSection = pNd->pStartOfSection; if( pNd->GetEndNode() ) // EndNode ? Section ueberspringen! { pNd = pStartOfSection; pStartOfSection = pNd->pStartOfSection; } } } else { rNodes.Insert( pInsNd, rWhere ); pStartOfSection = (SwStartNode*)this; } } SwNode::SwNode( SwNodes& rNodes, ULONG nPos, const BYTE nNdType ) : pStartOfSection( 0 ), nNodeType( nNdType ) { bWrongDirty = bACmplWrdDirty = TRUE; bSetNumLSpace = bIgnoreDontExpand = FALSE; nAFmtNumLvl = 0; SwNode* pInsNd = this; // der MAC kann this nicht einfuegen !! if( nPos ) { SwNode* pNd = rNodes[ nPos - 1 ]; rNodes.Insert( pInsNd, nPos ); if( 0 == ( pStartOfSection = pNd->GetStartNode()) ) { pStartOfSection = pNd->pStartOfSection; if( pNd->GetEndNode() ) // EndNode ? Section ueberspringen! { pNd = pStartOfSection; pStartOfSection = pNd->pStartOfSection; } } } else { rNodes.Insert( pInsNd, nPos ); pStartOfSection = (SwStartNode*)this; } } SwNode::~SwNode() { } // suche den TabellenNode, in dem dieser steht. Wenn in keiner // Tabelle wird 0 returnt. SwTableNode* SwNode::FindTableNode() { if( IsTableNode() ) return GetTableNode(); SwStartNode* pTmp = pStartOfSection; while( !pTmp->IsTableNode() && pTmp->GetIndex() ) #if defined( ALPHA ) && defined( UNX ) pTmp = ((SwNode*)pTmp)->pStartOfSection; #else pTmp = pTmp->pStartOfSection; #endif return pTmp->GetTableNode(); } // liegt der Node im Sichtbarenbereich der Shell ? BOOL SwNode::IsVisible( ViewShell* pSh ) const { BOOL bRet = FALSE; const SwCntntNode* pNd; if( ND_STARTNODE & nNodeType ) { SwNodeIndex aIdx( *this ); pNd = GetNodes().GoNext( &aIdx ); } else if( ND_ENDNODE & nNodeType ) { SwNodeIndex aIdx( *EndOfSectionNode() ); pNd = GetNodes().GoPrevious( &aIdx ); } else pNd = GetCntntNode(); const SwFrm* pFrm; if( pNd && 0 != ( pFrm = pNd->GetFrm( 0, 0, FALSE ) ) ) { if( !pSh ) // dann die Shell vom Doc besorgen: GetDoc()->GetEditShell( &pSh ); if( pSh ) { if ( pFrm->IsInTab() ) pFrm = pFrm->FindTabFrm(); if( !pFrm->IsValid() ) do { pFrm = pFrm->FindPrev(); } while ( pFrm && !pFrm->IsValid() ); if( !pFrm || pSh->VisArea().IsOver( pFrm->Frm() ) ) bRet = TRUE; } } return bRet; } BOOL SwNode::IsInProtectSect() const { const SwNode* pNd = ND_SECTIONNODE == nNodeType ? pStartOfSection : this; const SwSectionNode* pSectNd = pNd->FindSectionNode(); return pSectNd && pSectNd->GetSection().IsProtectFlag(); } // befindet sich der Node in irgendetwas geschuetzten ? // (Bereich/Rahmen/Tabellenzellen/... incl. des Ankers bei // Rahmen/Fussnoten/..) BOOL SwNode::IsProtect() const { const SwNode* pNd = ND_SECTIONNODE == nNodeType ? pStartOfSection : this; const SwStartNode* pSttNd = pNd->FindSectionNode(); if( pSttNd && ((SwSectionNode*)pSttNd)->GetSection().IsProtectFlag() ) return TRUE; if( 0 != ( pSttNd = FindTableBoxStartNode() ) ) { SwCntntFrm* pCFrm; if( IsCntntNode() && 0 != (pCFrm = ((SwCntntNode*)this)->GetFrm() )) return pCFrm->IsProtected(); const SwTableBox* pBox = pSttNd->FindTableNode()->GetTable(). GetTblBox( pSttNd->GetIndex() ); if( pBox->GetFrmFmt()->GetProtect().IsCntntProtected() ) return TRUE; } SwFrmFmt* pFlyFmt = GetFlyFmt(); if( pFlyFmt ) { if( pFlyFmt->GetProtect().IsCntntProtected() ) return TRUE; const SwFmtAnchor& rAnchor = pFlyFmt->GetAnchor(); return rAnchor.GetCntntAnchor() ? rAnchor.GetCntntAnchor()->nNode.GetNode().IsProtect() : FALSE; } if( 0 != ( pSttNd = FindFootnoteStartNode() ) ) { const SwTxtFtn* pTFtn = GetDoc()->GetFtnIdxs().SeekEntry( SwNodeIndex( *pSttNd ) ); if( pTFtn ) return pTFtn->GetTxtNode().IsProtect(); } return FALSE; } // suche den PageDesc, mit dem dieser Node formatiert ist. Wenn das // Layout vorhanden ist wird ueber das gesucht, ansonsten gibt es nur // die harte Tour ueber die Nodes nach vorne suchen!! const SwPageDesc* SwNode::FindPageDesc( BOOL bCalcLay ) const { const SwPageDesc* pPgDesc = 0; if( GetNodes().IsDocNodes() ) { const SwCntntNode* pNd; if( ND_STARTNODE & nNodeType ) { SwNodeIndex aIdx( *this ); pNd = GetNodes().GoNext( &aIdx ); } else if( ND_ENDNODE & nNodeType ) { SwNodeIndex aIdx( *EndOfSectionNode() ); pNd = GetNodes().GoPrevious( &aIdx ); } else { pNd = GetCntntNode(); if( pNd ) pPgDesc = ((SwFmtPageDesc&)pNd->GetAttr( RES_PAGEDESC )).GetPageDesc(); } // geht es uebers Layout? if( !pPgDesc ) { const SwFrm* pFrm; const SwPageFrm* pPage; if( pNd && 0 != ( pFrm = pNd->GetFrm( 0, 0, bCalcLay ) ) && 0 != ( pPage = pFrm->FindPageFrm() ) ) { pPgDesc = pPage->GetPageDesc(); } } if( !pPgDesc ) { // dann also uebers Nodes-Array const SwDoc* pDoc = GetDoc(); const SwNode* pNd = this; const SwStartNode* pSttNd; if( pNd->GetIndex() < GetNodes().GetEndOfExtras().GetIndex() && 0 != ( pSttNd = pNd->FindFlyStartNode() ) ) { // dann erstmal den richtigen Anker finden const SwFrmFmt* pFmt = 0; const SwSpzFrmFmts& rFmts = *pDoc->GetSpzFrmFmts(); for( USHORT n = 0; n < rFmts.Count(); ++n ) { SwFrmFmt* pFrmFmt = rFmts[ n ]; const SwFmtCntnt& rCntnt = pFrmFmt->GetCntnt(); if( rCntnt.GetCntntIdx() && &rCntnt.GetCntntIdx()->GetNode() == (SwNode*)pSttNd ) { pFmt = pFrmFmt; break; } } if( pFmt ) { const SwFmtAnchor* pAnchor = &pFmt->GetAnchor(); if( FLY_PAGE != pAnchor->GetAnchorId() && pAnchor->GetCntntAnchor() ) { pNd = &pAnchor->GetCntntAnchor()->nNode.GetNode(); const SwNode* pFlyNd = pNd->FindFlyStartNode(); while( pFlyNd ) { // dann ueber den Anker nach oben "hangeln" for( n = 0; n < rFmts.Count(); ++n ) { const SwFrmFmt* pFrmFmt = rFmts[ n ]; const SwNodeIndex* pIdx = pFrmFmt->GetCntnt(). GetCntntIdx(); if( pIdx && pFlyNd == &pIdx->GetNode() ) { if( pFmt == pFrmFmt ) { pNd = pFlyNd; pFlyNd = 0; break; } pAnchor = &pFrmFmt->GetAnchor(); if( FLY_PAGE == pAnchor->GetAnchorId() || !pAnchor->GetCntntAnchor() ) { pFlyNd = 0; break; } pFlyNd = pAnchor->GetCntntAnchor()->nNode. GetNode().FindFlyStartNode(); break; } } if( n >= rFmts.Count() ) { ASSERT( !this, "Fly-Section aber kein Format gefunden" ); return FALSE; } } } } // in pNd sollte jetzt der richtige Anker Node stehen oder // immer noch der this } if( pNd->GetIndex() < GetNodes().GetEndOfExtras().GetIndex() ) { if( pNd->GetIndex() > GetNodes().GetEndOfAutotext().GetIndex() ) { pPgDesc = &pDoc->GetPageDesc( 0 ); pNd = 0; } else { // suche den Body Textnode if( 0 != ( pSttNd = pNd->FindHeaderStartNode() ) || 0 != ( pSttNd = pNd->FindFooterStartNode() )) { // dann in den PageDescs diesen StartNode suchen USHORT nId; UseOnPage eAskUse; if( SwHeaderStartNode == pSttNd->GetStartNodeType()) { nId = RES_HEADER; eAskUse = PD_HEADERSHARE; } else { nId = RES_FOOTER; eAskUse = PD_FOOTERSHARE; } for( USHORT n = pDoc->GetPageDescCnt(); n && !pPgDesc; ) { const SwPageDesc& rPgDsc = pDoc->GetPageDesc( --n ); const SwFrmFmt* pFmt = &rPgDsc.GetMaster(); int nStt = 0, nLast = 1; if( !( eAskUse & rPgDsc.ReadUseOn() )) ++nLast; for( ; nStt < nLast; ++nStt, pFmt = &rPgDsc.GetLeft() ) { const SwFmtHeader& rHdFt = (SwFmtHeader&) pFmt->GetAttr( nId ); if( rHdFt.GetHeaderFmt() ) { const SwFmtCntnt& rCntnt = rHdFt.GetHeaderFmt()->GetCntnt(); if( rCntnt.GetCntntIdx() && &rCntnt.GetCntntIdx()->GetNode() == (SwNode*)pSttNd ) { pPgDesc = &rPgDsc; break; } } } } if( !pPgDesc ) pPgDesc = &pDoc->GetPageDesc( 0 ); pNd = 0; } else if( 0 != ( pSttNd = pNd->FindFootnoteStartNode() )) { // der Anker kann nur im Bodytext sein const SwTxtFtn* pTxtFtn; const SwFtnIdxs& rFtnArr = pDoc->GetFtnIdxs(); for( USHORT n = 0; n < rFtnArr.Count(); ++n ) if( 0 != ( pTxtFtn = rFtnArr[ n ])->GetStartNode() && (SwNode*)pSttNd == &pTxtFtn->GetStartNode()->GetNode() ) { pNd = &pTxtFtn->GetTxtNode(); break; } } else { // kann jetzt nur noch ein Seitengebundener Fly sein // oder irgendetwas neueres. // Hier koennen wir nur noch den Standard returnen ASSERT( pNd->FindFlyStartNode(), "wo befindet sich dieser Node?" ); pPgDesc = &pDoc->GetPageDesc( 0 ); pNd = 0; } } } if( pNd ) { SwFindNearestNode aInfo( *pNd ); // dann ueber alle Nodes aller PageDesc const SfxPoolItem* pItem; USHORT i, nMaxItems = pDoc->GetAttrPool().GetItemCount( RES_PAGEDESC ); for( i = 0; i < nMaxItems; ++i ) if( 0 != (pItem = pDoc->GetAttrPool().GetItem( RES_PAGEDESC, i ) ) && ((SwFmtPageDesc*)pItem)->GetDefinedIn() ) { const SwModify* pMod = ((SwFmtPageDesc*)pItem)->GetDefinedIn(); if( pMod->ISA( SwCntntNode ) ) aInfo.CheckNode( *(SwCntntNode*)pMod ); else if( pMod->ISA( SwFmt )) ((SwFmt*)pMod)->GetInfo( aInfo ); } if( 0 != ( pNd = aInfo.GetFoundNode() )) { if( pNd->IsCntntNode() ) pPgDesc = ((SwFmtPageDesc&)pNd->GetCntntNode()-> GetAttr( RES_PAGEDESC )).GetPageDesc(); else if( pNd->IsTableNode() ) pPgDesc = pNd->GetTableNode()->GetTable(). GetFrmFmt()->GetPageDesc().GetPageDesc(); else if( pNd->IsSectionNode() ) pPgDesc = pNd->GetSectionNode()->GetSection(). GetFmt()->GetPageDesc().GetPageDesc(); } if( !pPgDesc ) pPgDesc = &pDoc->GetPageDesc( 0 ); } } } return pPgDesc; } // falls der Node in einem Fly steht, dann wird das entsprechende Format // returnt SwFrmFmt* SwNode::GetFlyFmt() const { SwFrmFmt* pRet = 0; const SwNode* pSttNd = FindFlyStartNode(); if( pSttNd ) { if( IsCntntNode() ) { SwClientIter aIter( *(SwCntntNode*)this ); SwClient* pCli = aIter.First( TYPE( SwCntntFrm )); if( pCli ) pRet = ((SwCntntFrm*)pCli)->FindFlyFrm()->GetFmt(); } if( !pRet ) { // dann gibts noch harten steinigen Weg uebers Dokument: const SwSpzFrmFmts& rFrmFmtTbl = *GetDoc()->GetSpzFrmFmts(); for( USHORT n = 0; n < rFrmFmtTbl.Count(); ++n ) { SwFrmFmt* pFmt = rFrmFmtTbl[n]; const SwFmtCntnt& rCntnt = pFmt->GetCntnt(); if( rCntnt.GetCntntIdx() && &rCntnt.GetCntntIdx()->GetNode() == pSttNd ) { pRet = pFmt; break; } } } } return pRet; } const SwFrmFmt* SwNode::GetFrmFmt() const { const SwFrmFmt* pRet = 0; const SwNode* pNd = FindStartNode(); ASSERT( pNd, "SwNode::GetFrmFmt(): Missing StartNode" ); if( pNd->IsSectionNode() ) pRet = ((SwSectionNode*)pNd)->GetSection().GetFmt(); else if( pNd->IsTableNode() ) pRet = ((SwTableNode*)pNd)->GetTable().GetFrmFmt(); else switch( ((SwStartNode*)pNd)->GetStartNodeType() ) { case SwNormalStartNode: break; case SwTableBoxStartNode: pRet = pNd->FindTableNode()->GetTable().GetTblBox( pNd->GetIndex() )->GetFrmFmt(); break; case SwFlyStartNode: pRet = GetFlyFmt(); break; case SwFootnoteStartNode: pRet = GetDoc()->GetDfltFrmFmt(); break; case SwHeaderStartNode: break; case SwFooterStartNode: break; default: ASSERT( FALSE, "GetFrmFmt(): New StartNodeType?" ); } return pRet; } SwTableBox* SwNode::GetTblBox() const { SwTableBox* pBox = 0; const SwNode* pSttNd = FindTableBoxStartNode(); if( pSttNd ) pBox = (SwTableBox*)pSttNd->FindTableNode()->GetTable().GetTblBox( pSttNd->GetIndex() ); return pBox; } SwStartNode* SwNode::FindSttNodeByType( SwStartNodeType eTyp ) { SwStartNode* pTmp = IsStartNode() ? (SwStartNode*)this : pStartOfSection; while( eTyp != pTmp->GetStartNodeType() && pTmp->GetIndex() ) #if defined( ALPHA ) && defined( UNX ) pTmp = ((SwNode*)pTmp)->pStartOfSection; #else pTmp = pTmp->pStartOfSection; #endif return eTyp == pTmp->GetStartNodeType() ? pTmp : 0; } const SwTxtNode* SwNode::FindOutlineNodeOfLevel( BYTE nLvl ) const { const SwTxtNode* pRet = 0; const SwOutlineNodes& rONds = GetNodes().GetOutLineNds(); if( MAXLEVEL > nLvl && rONds.Count() ) { USHORT nPos; SwNode* pNd = (SwNode*)this; BOOL bCheckFirst = FALSE; if( !rONds.Seek_Entry( pNd, &nPos )) { if( nPos ) nPos = nPos-1; else bCheckFirst = TRUE; } if( bCheckFirst ) { // der 1.GliederungsNode liegt hinter dem Fragenden. Dann // teste mal, ob dieser auf der gleichen Seite steht. Wenn // nicht, ist das ein ungueltiger. Bug 61865 pRet = rONds[0]->GetTxtNode(); const SwCntntNode* pCNd = GetCntntNode(); Point aPt( 0, 0 ); const SwFrm* pFrm = pRet->GetFrm( &aPt, 0, FALSE ), * pMyFrm = pCNd ? pCNd->GetFrm( &aPt, 0, FALSE ) : 0; const SwPageFrm* pPgFrm = pFrm ? pFrm->FindPageFrm() : 0; if( pPgFrm && pMyFrm && pPgFrm->Frm().Top() > pMyFrm->Frm().Top() ) { // der Fragende liegt vor der Seite, also ist er ungueltig pRet = 0; } } else { // oder ans Feld und von dort holen !! while( nPos && nLvl < ( pRet = rONds[nPos]->GetTxtNode() ) ->GetTxtColl()->GetOutlineLevel() ) --nPos; if( !nPos ) // bei 0 gesondert holen !! pRet = rONds[0]->GetTxtNode(); } } return pRet; } // is the node the first and/or last node of a section? // This information is used for the export filters. Our layout never have a // distance before or after if the node is the first or last in a section. inline IsValidNextPrevNd( const SwNode& rNd ) { return ND_TABLENODE == rNd.GetNodeType() || ( ND_CONTENTNODE & rNd.GetNodeType() ) || ( ND_ENDNODE == rNd.GetNodeType() && rNd.StartOfSectionNode() && ND_TABLENODE == rNd.StartOfSectionNode()->GetNodeType() ); } BYTE SwNode::HasPrevNextLayNode() const { BYTE nRet = 0; if( IsValidNextPrevNd( *this )) { SwNodeIndex aIdx( *this, -1 ); if( IsValidNextPrevNd( aIdx.GetNode() )) nRet |= ND_HAS_PREV_LAYNODE; aIdx += 2; if( IsValidNextPrevNd( aIdx.GetNode() )) nRet |= ND_HAS_NEXT_LAYNODE; } return nRet; } /******************************************************************* |* |* SwNode::StartOfSection |* |* Beschreibung |* Die Funktion liefert die StartOfSection des Nodes. |* |* Parameter |* IN |* rNodes bezeichnet das variable Array, in dem sich der Node |* befindet |* Ersterstellung |* VER0100 vb 901214 |* |* Stand |* VER0100 vb 901214 |* *******************************************************************/ SwStartNode::SwStartNode( const SwNodeIndex &rWhere, const BYTE nNdType, SwStartNodeType eSttNd ) : SwNode( rWhere, nNdType ), eSttNdTyp( eSttNd ) { // erstmal temporaer, bis der EndNode eingefuegt wird. pEndOfSection = (SwEndNode*)this; } SwStartNode::SwStartNode( SwNodes& rNodes, ULONG nPos ) : SwNode( rNodes, nPos, ND_STARTNODE ), eSttNdTyp( SwNormalStartNode ) { // erstmal temporaer, bis der EndNode eingefuegt wird. pEndOfSection = (SwEndNode*)this; } void SwStartNode::CheckSectionCondColl() const { //FEATURE::CONDCOLL SwNodeIndex aIdx( *this ); ULONG nEndIdx = EndOfSectionIndex(); const SwNodes& rNds = GetNodes(); SwCntntNode* pCNd; while( 0 != ( pCNd = rNds.GoNext( &aIdx )) && pCNd->GetIndex() < nEndIdx ) pCNd->ChkCondColl(); //FEATURE::CONDCOLL } /******************************************************************* |* |* SwEndNode::SwEndNode |* |* Beschreibung |* Konstruktor; dieser fuegt einen Node in das Array rNodes |* an der Position aWhere ein. Der |* theStartOfSection-Pointer wird entsprechend gesetzt, |* und der EndOfSection-Pointer des zugehoerigen |* Startnodes -- durch rStartOfSection bezeichnet -- |* wird auf diesen Node gesetzt. |* |* Parameter |* IN |* rNodes bezeichnet das variable Array, in das der Node |* eingefuegt werden soll |* IN |* aWhere bezeichnet die Position innerhalb dieses Arrays, |* an der der Node eingefuegt werden soll |* !!!!!!!!!!!! |* Es wird eine Kopie uebergeben! |* |* Ersterstellung |* VER0100 vb 901214 |* |* Stand |* VER0100 vb 901214 |* *******************************************************************/ SwEndNode::SwEndNode( const SwNodeIndex &rWhere, SwStartNode& rSttNd ) : SwNode( rWhere, ND_ENDNODE ) { pStartOfSection = &rSttNd; pStartOfSection->pEndOfSection = this; } SwEndNode::SwEndNode( SwNodes& rNds, ULONG nPos, SwStartNode& rSttNd ) : SwNode( rNds, nPos, ND_ENDNODE ) { pStartOfSection = &rSttNd; pStartOfSection->pEndOfSection = this; } // -------------------- // SwCntntNode // -------------------- SwCntntNode::SwCntntNode( const SwNodeIndex &rWhere, const BYTE nNdType, SwFmtColl *pColl ) : SwNode( rWhere, nNdType ), pAttrSet( 0 ), pCondColl( 0 ), SwModify( pColl ) // CrsrsShell, FrameFmt #ifdef OLD_INDEX ,SwIndexReg(2) #endif { } SwCntntNode::~SwCntntNode() { // Die Basisklasse SwClient vom SwFrm nimmt sich aus // der Abhaengikeitsliste raus! // Daher muessen alle Frames in der Abhaengigkeitsliste geloescht werden. if( GetDepends() ) DelFrms(); if( pAttrSet ) delete pAttrSet; if( pCondColl ) delete pCondColl; } void SwCntntNode::Modify( SfxPoolItem* pOldValue, SfxPoolItem* pNewValue ) { USHORT nWhich = pOldValue ? pOldValue->Which() : pNewValue ? pNewValue->Which() : 0 ; BOOL bNumRuleSet = FALSE, bCallModify = TRUE; String sNumRule, sOldNumRule; const SfxPoolItem* pItem; switch( nWhich ) { case RES_OBJECTDYING : { SwFmt * pFmt = (SwFmt *) ((SwPtrMsgPoolItem *)pNewValue)->pObject; // nicht umhaengen wenn dieses das oberste Format ist !! if( pRegisteredIn == pFmt ) { if( pFmt->GetRegisteredIn() ) { // wenn Parent, dann im neuen Parent wieder anmelden ((SwModify*)pFmt->GetRegisteredIn())->Add( this ); if ( pAttrSet ) pAttrSet->SetParent( &((SwFmt*)GetRegisteredIn())->GetAttrSet() ); } else { // sonst auf jeden Fall beim sterbenden abmelden ((SwModify*)GetRegisteredIn())->Remove( this ); if ( pAttrSet ) pAttrSet->SetParent( 0 ); } } } break; case RES_FMT_CHG: // falls mein Format Parent umgesetzt wird, dann melde ich // meinen Attrset beim Neuen an. // sein eigenes Modify ueberspringen !! if( pAttrSet && ((SwFmtChg*)pNewValue)->pChangedFmt == GetRegisteredIn() ) { // den Set an den neuen Parent haengen pAttrSet->SetParent( GetRegisteredIn() ? &((SwFmt*)GetRegisteredIn())->GetAttrSet() : 0 ); } if( GetNodes().IsDocNodes() && IsTxtNode() ) { if( 0 != ( pItem = GetNoCondAttr( RES_PARATR_NUMRULE, TRUE ))) { bNumRuleSet = TRUE; sNumRule = ((SwNumRuleItem*)pItem)->GetValue(); } sOldNumRule = ((SwFmtChg*)pOldValue)->pChangedFmt->GetNumRule().GetValue(); } break; //FEATURE::CONDCOLL case RES_CONDCOLL_CONDCHG: if( ((SwCondCollCondChg*)pNewValue)->pChangedFmt == GetRegisteredIn() && &GetNodes() == &GetDoc()->GetNodes() ) { ChkCondColl(); } return ; // nicht an die Basisklasse / Frames weitergeben //FEATURE::CONDCOLL case RES_ATTRSET_CHG: if( GetNodes().IsDocNodes() && IsTxtNode() ) { if( SFX_ITEM_SET == ((SwAttrSetChg*)pNewValue)->GetChgSet()->GetItemState( RES_PARATR_NUMRULE, FALSE, &pItem )) { bNumRuleSet = TRUE; sNumRule = ((SwNumRuleItem*)pItem)->GetValue(); } if( SFX_ITEM_SET == ((SwAttrSetChg*)pOldValue)->GetChgSet()->GetItemState( RES_PARATR_NUMRULE, FALSE, &pItem )) sOldNumRule = ((SwNumRuleItem*)pItem)->GetValue(); } break; case RES_PARATR_NUMRULE: if( GetNodes().IsDocNodes() && IsTxtNode() ) { if( pNewValue ) { bNumRuleSet = TRUE; sNumRule = ((SwNumRuleItem*)pNewValue)->GetValue(); } if( pOldValue ) sOldNumRule = ((SwNumRuleItem*)pOldValue)->GetValue(); } break; } if( bNumRuleSet ) { if( sNumRule.Len() ) { if( !((SwTxtNode*)this)->GetNum() ) ((SwTxtNode*)this)->UpdateNum( SwNodeNum(0) ); #ifndef NUM_RELSPACE SetNumLSpace( TRUE ); #endif SwNumRule* pRule = GetDoc()->FindNumRulePtr( sNumRule ); if( !pRule ) { USHORT nPoolId = SwStyleNameMapper::GetPoolIdFromUIName( sNumRule, GET_POOLID_NUMRULE ); if( USHRT_MAX != nPoolId ) pRule = GetDoc()->GetNumRuleFromPool( nPoolId ); } if( pRule ) pRule->SetInvalidRule( TRUE ); } else if( ((SwTxtNode*)this)->GetNum() ) { bCallModify = FALSE; SwModify::Modify( pOldValue, pNewValue ); ((SwTxtNode*)this)->UpdateNum( SwNodeNum(NO_NUMBERING) ); #ifndef NUM_RELSPACE SetNumLSpace( TRUE ); #endif } } if( sOldNumRule.Len() && sNumRule != sOldNumRule ) { SwNumRule* pRule = GetDoc()->FindNumRulePtr( sOldNumRule ); if( pRule ) pRule->SetInvalidRule( TRUE ); } if( bCallModify ) SwModify::Modify( pOldValue, pNewValue ); } BOOL SwCntntNode::InvalidateNumRule() { SwNumRule* pRule = 0; const SfxPoolItem* pItem; if( GetNodes().IsDocNodes() && 0 != ( pItem = GetNoCondAttr( RES_PARATR_NUMRULE, TRUE )) && ((SwNumRuleItem*)pItem)->GetValue().Len() && 0 != (pRule = GetDoc()->FindNumRulePtr( ((SwNumRuleItem*)pItem)->GetValue() ) ) ) { pRule->SetInvalidRule( TRUE ); } return 0 != pRule; } SwCntntFrm *SwCntntNode::GetFrm( const Point* pPoint, const SwPosition *pPos, const BOOL bCalcFrm ) const { return (SwCntntFrm*) ::GetFrmOfModify( *(SwModify*)this, FRM_CNTNT, pPoint, pPos, bCalcFrm ); } SwRect SwCntntNode::FindLayoutRect( const BOOL bPrtArea, const Point* pPoint, const BOOL bCalcFrm ) const { SwRect aRet; SwCntntFrm* pFrm = (SwCntntFrm*)::GetFrmOfModify( *(SwModify*)this, FRM_CNTNT, pPoint, 0, bCalcFrm ); if( pFrm ) aRet = bPrtArea ? pFrm->Prt() : pFrm->Frm(); return aRet; } SwRect SwCntntNode::FindPageFrmRect( const BOOL bPrtArea, const Point* pPoint, const BOOL bCalcFrm ) const { SwRect aRet; SwFrm* pFrm = ::GetFrmOfModify( *(SwModify*)this, FRM_CNTNT, pPoint, 0, bCalcFrm ); if( pFrm && 0 != ( pFrm = pFrm->FindPageFrm() )) aRet = bPrtArea ? pFrm->Prt() : pFrm->Frm(); return aRet; } xub_StrLen SwCntntNode::Len() const { return 0; } SwFmtColl *SwCntntNode::ChgFmtColl( SwFmtColl *pNewColl ) { ASSERT( pNewColl, Collectionpointer ist 0. ); SwFmtColl *pOldColl = GetFmtColl(); if( pNewColl != pOldColl ) { pNewColl->Add( this ); // setze den Parent von unseren Auto-Attributen auf die neue // Collection: if( pAttrSet ) pAttrSet->SetParent( &pNewColl->GetAttrSet() ); //FEATURE::CONDCOLL // HACK: hier muss die entsprechend der neuen Vorlage die Bedingungen // neu ueberprueft werden! if( TRUE /*pNewColl */ ) { SetCondFmtColl( 0 ); } //FEATURE::CONDCOLL if( !IsModifyLocked() ) { SwFmtChg aTmp1( pOldColl ); SwFmtChg aTmp2( pNewColl ); // SwModify::Modify( &aTmp1, &aTmp2 ); // damit alles was im Modify passiert hier nicht noch impl. // werden muss SwCntntNode::Modify( &aTmp1, &aTmp2 ); } } if ( IsInCache() ) { SwFrm::GetCache().Delete( this ); SetInCache( FALSE ); } return pOldColl; } BOOL SwCntntNode::GoNext(SwIndex * pIdx, USHORT nMode ) const { BOOL bRet = TRUE; if( pIdx->GetIndex() < Len() ) { if( !IsTxtNode() ) (*pIdx)++; else { const SwTxtNode& rTNd = *GetTxtNode(); xub_StrLen nPos = pIdx->GetIndex(); if( pBreakIt->xBreak.is() ) { sal_Int32 nDone = 0; sal_uInt16 nItrMode = CRSR_SKIP_CHARS == nMode ? CharacterIteratorMode::SKIPCONTROLCHARACTER : CharacterIteratorMode::SKIPCELL; nPos = pBreakIt->xBreak->nextCharacters( rTNd.GetTxt(), nPos, pBreakIt->GetLocale( rTNd.GetLang( nPos ) ), nItrMode, 1, nDone ); if( 1 == nDone ) *pIdx = nPos; else bRet = FALSE; } else if( nPos < rTNd.GetTxt().Len() ) (*pIdx)++; else bRet = FALSE; } } else bRet = FALSE; return bRet; } BOOL SwCntntNode::GoPrevious(SwIndex * pIdx, USHORT nMode ) const { BOOL bRet = TRUE; if( pIdx->GetIndex() > 0 ) { if( !IsTxtNode() ) (*pIdx)--; else { const SwTxtNode& rTNd = *GetTxtNode(); xub_StrLen nPos = pIdx->GetIndex(); if( pBreakIt->xBreak.is() ) { sal_Int32 nDone = 0; sal_uInt16 nItrMode = CRSR_SKIP_CHARS == nMode ? CharacterIteratorMode::SKIPCONTROLCHARACTER : CharacterIteratorMode::SKIPCELL; nPos = pBreakIt->xBreak->previousCharacters( rTNd.GetTxt(), nPos, pBreakIt->GetLocale( rTNd.GetLang( nPos ) ), nItrMode, 1, nDone ); if( 1 == nDone ) *pIdx = nPos; else bRet = FALSE; } else if( nPos ) (*pIdx)--; else bRet = FALSE; } } else bRet = FALSE; return bRet; } /* * Methode erzeugt fuer den vorhergehenden Node alle Ansichten vom * Dokument. Die erzeugten Contentframes werden in das entsprechende * Layout gehaengt. */ void SwCntntNode::MakeFrms( SwCntntNode& rNode ) { ASSERT( &rNode != this, "Kein Contentnode oder Copy-Node und neuer Node identisch." ); if( !GetDepends() || &rNode == this ) // gibt es ueberhaupt Frames ?? return; SwFrm *pFrm, *pNew; SwLayoutFrm *pUpper; // Frames anlegen fuer Nodes, die vor oder hinter der Tabelle stehen ?? ASSERT( FindTableNode() == rNode.FindTableNode(), "Table confusion" ) SwNode2Layout aNode2Layout( *this, rNode.GetIndex() ); while( 0 != (pUpper = aNode2Layout.UpperFrm( pFrm, rNode )) ) { pNew = rNode.MakeFrm(); pNew->Paste( pUpper, pFrm ); } } /* * Methode loescht fuer den Node alle Ansichten vom * Dokument. Die Contentframes werden aus dem entsprechenden * Layout ausgehaengt. */ void SwCntntNode::DelFrms() { if( !GetDepends() ) return; SwClientIter aIter( *this ); SwCntntFrm *pFrm; for( pFrm = (SwCntntFrm*)aIter.First( TYPE(SwCntntFrm)); pFrm; pFrm = (SwCntntFrm*)aIter.Next() ) { if( pFrm->HasFollow() ) pFrm->GetFollow()->_SetIsFollow( pFrm->IsFollow() ); if( pFrm->IsFollow() ) { SwCntntFrm* pMaster = (SwTxtFrm*)pFrm->FindMaster(); pMaster->SetFollow( pFrm->GetFollow() ); pFrm->_SetIsFollow( FALSE ); } pFrm->SetFollow( 0 );//Damit er nicht auf dumme Gedanken kommt. //Andernfalls kann es sein, dass ein Follow //vor seinem Master zerstoert wird, der Master //greift dann ueber den ungueltigen //Follow-Pointer auf fremdes Memory zu. //Die Kette darf hier zerknauscht werden, weil //sowieso alle zerstoert werden. if( pFrm->GetUpper() && pFrm->IsInFtn() && !pFrm->GetIndNext() && !pFrm->GetIndPrev() ) { SwFtnFrm *pFtn = pFrm->FindFtnFrm(); ASSERT( pFtn, "You promised a FtnFrm?" ); SwCntntFrm* pCFrm; if( !pFtn->GetFollow() && !pFtn->GetMaster() && 0 != ( pCFrm = pFtn->GetRefFromAttr()) && pCFrm->IsFollow() ) { ASSERT( pCFrm->IsTxtFrm(), "NoTxtFrm has Footnote?" ); ((SwTxtFrm*)pCFrm->FindMaster())->Prepare( PREP_FTN_GONE ); } } pFrm->Cut(); delete pFrm; } if( IsTxtNode() ) { ((SwTxtNode*)this)->SetWrong( NULL ); SetWrongDirty( TRUE ); SetAutoCompleteWordDirty( TRUE ); } } SwCntntNode *SwCntntNode::JoinNext() { return this; } SwCntntNode *SwCntntNode::JoinPrev() { return this; } // erfrage vom Modify Informationen BOOL SwCntntNode::GetInfo( SfxPoolItem& rInfo ) const { const SwNumRuleItem* pItem; switch( rInfo.Which() ) { case RES_AUTOFMT_DOCNODE: if( &GetNodes() == ((SwAutoFmtGetDocNode&)rInfo).pNodes ) { ((SwAutoFmtGetDocNode&)rInfo).pCntntNode = this; return FALSE; } break; case RES_GETNUMNODES: if( IsTxtNode() && 0 != ( pItem = (SwNumRuleItem*)GetNoCondAttr( RES_PARATR_NUMRULE, TRUE )) && pItem->GetValue().Len() && pItem->GetValue() == ((SwNumRuleInfo&)rInfo).GetName() && GetNodes().IsDocNodes() ) { ((SwNumRuleInfo&)rInfo).AddNode( *(SwTxtNode*)this ); } return TRUE; case RES_GETLOWERNUMLEVEL: if( IsTxtNode() && ((SwTxtNode*)this)->GetNum() && 0 != ( pItem = (SwNumRuleItem*)GetNoCondAttr( RES_PARATR_NUMRULE, TRUE )) && pItem->GetValue().Len() && pItem->GetValue() == ((SwNRuleLowerLevel&)rInfo).GetName() && (((SwTxtNode*)this)->GetNum()->GetLevel() & ~NO_NUMLEVEL) > ((SwNRuleLowerLevel&)rInfo).GetLevel() ) { return FALSE; } break; case RES_FINDNEARESTNODE: if( ((SwFmtPageDesc&)GetAttr( RES_PAGEDESC )).GetPageDesc() ) ((SwFindNearestNode&)rInfo).CheckNode( *this ); return TRUE; case RES_CONTENT_VISIBLE: { ((SwPtrMsgPoolItem&)rInfo).pObject = SwClientIter( *(SwCntntNode*)this ).First( TYPE(SwFrm) ); } return FALSE; } return SwModify::GetInfo( rInfo ); } // setze ein Attribut BOOL SwCntntNode::SetAttr(const SfxPoolItem& rAttr ) { if( !pAttrSet ) // lasse von den entsprechenden Nodes die NewAttrSet( GetDoc()->GetAttrPool() ); // AttrSets anlegen ASSERT( pAttrSet, "warum wurde kein AttrSet angelegt?" ); if ( IsInCache() ) { SwFrm::GetCache().Delete( this ); SetInCache( FALSE ); } BOOL bRet = FALSE; // wenn Modify gelockt ist, werden keine Modifies verschickt if( IsModifyLocked() || ( !GetDepends() && RES_PARATR_NUMRULE != rAttr.Which() )) { if( 0 != ( bRet = (0 != pAttrSet->Put( rAttr )) )) // einige Sonderbehandlungen fuer Attribute pAttrSet->SetModifyAtAttr( this ); } else { SwAttrSet aOld( *pAttrSet->GetPool(), pAttrSet->GetRanges() ), aNew( *pAttrSet->GetPool(), pAttrSet->GetRanges() ); if( 0 != ( bRet = pAttrSet->Put_BC( rAttr, &aOld, &aNew ) )) { // einige Sonderbehandlungen fuer Attribute pAttrSet->SetModifyAtAttr( this ); SwAttrSetChg aChgOld( *pAttrSet, aOld ); SwAttrSetChg aChgNew( *pAttrSet, aNew ); Modify( &aChgOld, &aChgNew ); // alle veraenderten werden verschickt } } return bRet; } BOOL SwCntntNode::SetAttr( const SfxItemSet& rSet ) { if( !pAttrSet ) // lasse von den entsprechenden Nodes die NewAttrSet( GetDoc()->GetAttrPool() ); // AttrSets anlegen if ( IsInCache() ) { SwFrm::GetCache().Delete( this ); SetInCache( FALSE ); } BOOL bRet = FALSE; // wenn Modify gelockt ist, werden keine Modifies verschickt if( IsModifyLocked() || ( !GetDepends() && SFX_ITEM_SET != rSet.GetItemState( RES_PARATR_NUMRULE, FALSE )) ) { // einige Sonderbehandlungen fuer Attribute if( 0 != (bRet = (0 != pAttrSet->Put( rSet ))) ) pAttrSet->SetModifyAtAttr( this ); } else { SwAttrSet aOld( *pAttrSet->GetPool(), pAttrSet->GetRanges() ), aNew( *pAttrSet->GetPool(), pAttrSet->GetRanges() ); if( 0 != (bRet = pAttrSet->Put_BC( rSet, &aOld, &aNew )) ) { // einige Sonderbehandlungen fuer Attribute pAttrSet->SetModifyAtAttr( this ); SwAttrSetChg aChgOld( *pAttrSet, aOld ); SwAttrSetChg aChgNew( *pAttrSet, aNew ); Modify( &aChgOld, &aChgNew ); // alle veraenderten werden verschickt } } return bRet; } // Nimmt den Hint mit nWhich aus dem Delta-Array BOOL SwCntntNode::ResetAttr( USHORT nWhich1, USHORT nWhich2 ) { if( !pAttrSet ) return FALSE; if ( IsInCache() ) { SwFrm::GetCache().Delete( this ); SetInCache( FALSE ); } // wenn Modify gelockt ist, werden keine Modifies verschickt if( IsModifyLocked() ) { USHORT nDel = (!nWhich2 || nWhich2 < nWhich1) ? pAttrSet->ClearItem( nWhich1 ) : pAttrSet->ClearItem_BC( nWhich1, nWhich2 ); if( !pAttrSet->Count() ) // leer, dann loeschen DELETEZ( pAttrSet ); return 0 != nDel; } // sollte kein gueltiger Bereich definiert sein ? if( !nWhich2 || nWhich2 < nWhich1 ) nWhich2 = nWhich1; // dann setze auf 1. Id, nur dieses Item SwAttrSet aOld( *pAttrSet->GetPool(), pAttrSet->GetRanges() ), aNew( *pAttrSet->GetPool(), pAttrSet->GetRanges() ); BOOL bRet = 0 != pAttrSet->ClearItem_BC( nWhich1, nWhich2, &aOld, &aNew ); if( bRet ) { SwAttrSetChg aChgOld( *pAttrSet, aOld ); SwAttrSetChg aChgNew( *pAttrSet, aNew ); Modify( &aChgOld, &aChgNew ); // alle veraenderten werden verschickt if( !pAttrSet->Count() ) // leer, dann loeschen DELETEZ( pAttrSet ); } return bRet; } BOOL SwCntntNode::ResetAttr( const SvUShorts& rWhichArr ) { if( !pAttrSet ) return FALSE; if ( IsInCache() ) { SwFrm::GetCache().Delete( this ); SetInCache( FALSE ); } // wenn Modify gelockt ist, werden keine Modifies verschickt USHORT nDel = 0; if( IsModifyLocked() ) { for( USHORT n = 0, nEnd = rWhichArr.Count(); n < nEnd; ++n ) if( pAttrSet->ClearItem( rWhichArr[ n ] )) ++nDel; } else { SwAttrSet aOld( *pAttrSet->GetPool(), pAttrSet->GetRanges() ), aNew( *pAttrSet->GetPool(), pAttrSet->GetRanges() ); for( USHORT n = 0, nEnd = rWhichArr.Count(); n < nEnd; ++n ) if( pAttrSet->ClearItem_BC( rWhichArr[ n ], &aOld, &aNew )) ++nDel; if( nDel ) { SwAttrSetChg aChgOld( *pAttrSet, aOld ); SwAttrSetChg aChgNew( *pAttrSet, aNew ); Modify( &aChgOld, &aChgNew ); // alle veraenderten werden verschickt } } if( !pAttrSet->Count() ) // leer, dann loeschen DELETEZ( pAttrSet ); return 0 != nDel ; } USHORT SwCntntNode::ResetAllAttr() { if( !pAttrSet ) return 0; if ( IsInCache() ) { SwFrm::GetCache().Delete( this ); SetInCache( FALSE ); } // wenn Modify gelockt ist, werden keine Modifies verschickt if( IsModifyLocked() ) { USHORT nDel = pAttrSet->ClearItem( 0 ); if( !pAttrSet->Count() ) // leer, dann loeschen DELETEZ( pAttrSet ); return nDel; } SwAttrSet aOld( *pAttrSet->GetPool(), pAttrSet->GetRanges() ), aNew( *pAttrSet->GetPool(), pAttrSet->GetRanges() ); BOOL bRet = 0 != pAttrSet->ClearItem_BC( 0, &aOld, &aNew ); if( bRet ) { SwAttrSetChg aChgOld( *pAttrSet, aOld ); SwAttrSetChg aChgNew( *pAttrSet, aNew ); Modify( &aChgOld, &aChgNew ); // alle veraenderten werden verschickt if( !pAttrSet->Count() ) // leer, dann loeschen DELETEZ( pAttrSet ); } return aNew.Count(); } BOOL SwCntntNode::GetAttr( SfxItemSet& rSet, BOOL bInParent ) const { if( rSet.Count() ) rSet.ClearItem(); const SwAttrSet& rAttrSet = GetSwAttrSet(); if( bInParent ) return rSet.Set( rAttrSet, TRUE ) ? TRUE : FALSE; rSet.Put( rAttrSet ); return rSet.Count() ? TRUE : FALSE; } const SfxPoolItem* SwCntntNode::GetNoCondAttr( USHORT nWhich, BOOL bInParents ) const { const SfxPoolItem* pFnd = 0; if( pCondColl && pCondColl->GetRegisteredIn() ) { if( !pAttrSet || ( SFX_ITEM_SET != pAttrSet->GetItemState( nWhich, FALSE, &pFnd ) && bInParents )) ((SwFmt*)GetRegisteredIn())->GetItemState( nWhich, bInParents, &pFnd ); } else GetSwAttrSet().GetItemState( nWhich, bInParents, &pFnd ); return pFnd; } // koennen 2 Nodes zusammengefasst werden ? // in pIdx kann die 2. Position returnt werden. int SwCntntNode::CanJoinNext( SwNodeIndex* pIdx ) const { const SwNodes& rNds = GetNodes(); BYTE nNdType = GetNodeType(); SwNodeIndex aIdx( *this, 1 ); const SwNode* pNd = this; while( aIdx < rNds.Count()-1 && (( pNd = &aIdx.GetNode())->IsSectionNode() || ( pNd->IsEndNode() && pNd->FindStartNode()->IsSectionNode() ))) aIdx++; if( pNd->GetNodeType() != nNdType || rNds.Count()-1 == aIdx.GetIndex() ) return FALSE; if( pIdx ) *pIdx = aIdx; return TRUE; } // koennen 2 Nodes zusammengefasst werden ? // in pIdx kann die 2. Position returnt werden. int SwCntntNode::CanJoinPrev( SwNodeIndex* pIdx ) const { const SwNodes& rNds = GetNodes(); BYTE nNdType = GetNodeType(); SwNodeIndex aIdx( *this, -1 ); const SwNode* pNd = this; while( aIdx.GetIndex() && (( pNd = &aIdx.GetNode())->IsSectionNode() || ( pNd->IsEndNode() && pNd->FindStartNode()->IsSectionNode() ))) aIdx--; if( pNd->GetNodeType() != nNdType || 0 == aIdx.GetIndex() ) return FALSE; if( pIdx ) *pIdx = aIdx; return TRUE; } //FEATURE::CONDCOLL void SwCntntNode::SetCondFmtColl( SwFmtColl* pColl ) { if( (!pColl && pCondColl) || ( pColl && !pCondColl ) || ( pColl && pColl != pCondColl->GetRegisteredIn() ) ) { SwFmtColl* pOldColl = GetCondFmtColl(); delete pCondColl; if( pColl ) pCondColl = new SwDepend( this, pColl ); else pCondColl = 0; if( pAttrSet ) { // Attrset beibehalten oder loeschen?? // 13.04.99: Bisher wurden er geloescht, jetzt wird er beibehalten. // #64637#: Beim Laden eines Dokuments wird die bedingte // Vorlage nach dem Laden der harten Attribute gesetzt. Deshalb // wurden die harten Attribute geloescht. pAttrSet->SetParent( &GetAnyFmtColl().GetAttrSet() ); // steht im docfmt.cxx //extern BOOL lcl_RstAttr( const SwNodePtr&, void* ); // lcl_RstAttr( this, 0 ); // if( pAttrSet && !pAttrSet->Count() ) // delete pAttrSet, pAttrSet = 0; } if( !IsModifyLocked() ) { SwFmtChg aTmp1( pOldColl ? pOldColl : GetFmtColl() ); SwFmtChg aTmp2( pColl ? pColl : GetFmtColl() ); SwModify::Modify( &aTmp1, &aTmp2 ); } if( IsInCache() ) { SwFrm::GetCache().Delete( this ); SetInCache( FALSE ); } } } BOOL SwCntntNode::IsAnyCondition( SwCollCondition& rTmp ) const { const SwNodes& rNds = GetNodes(); { int nCond = 0; const SwStartNode* pSttNd = FindStartNode(); while( pSttNd ) { switch( pSttNd->GetNodeType() ) { case ND_TABLENODE: nCond = PARA_IN_TABLEBODY; break; case ND_SECTIONNODE: nCond = PARA_IN_SECTION; break; default: switch( pSttNd->GetStartNodeType() ) { case SwTableBoxStartNode: { nCond = PARA_IN_TABLEBODY; const SwTableNode* pTblNd = pSttNd->FindTableNode(); const SwTableBox* pBox; if( pTblNd && 0 != ( pBox = pTblNd->GetTable(). GetTblBox( pSttNd->GetIndex() ) ) && pBox->IsInHeadline( &pTblNd->GetTable() ) ) nCond = PARA_IN_TABLEHEAD; } break; case SwFlyStartNode: nCond = PARA_IN_FRAME; break; case SwFootnoteStartNode: { nCond = PARA_IN_FOOTENOTE; const SwFtnIdxs& rFtnArr = rNds.GetDoc()->GetFtnIdxs(); const SwTxtFtn* pTxtFtn; const SwNode* pSrchNd = pSttNd; for( USHORT n = 0; n < rFtnArr.Count(); ++n ) if( 0 != ( pTxtFtn = rFtnArr[ n ])->GetStartNode() && pSrchNd == &pTxtFtn->GetStartNode()->GetNode() ) { if( pTxtFtn->GetFtn().IsEndNote() ) nCond = PARA_IN_ENDNOTE; break; } } break; case SwHeaderStartNode: nCond = PARA_IN_HEADER; break; case SwFooterStartNode: nCond = PARA_IN_FOOTER; break; } } if( nCond ) { rTmp.SetCondition( (Master_CollConditions)nCond, 0 ); return TRUE; } pSttNd = pSttNd->GetIndex() ? pSttNd->FindStartNode() : 0; } } { USHORT nPos; const SwOutlineNodes& rOutlNds = rNds.GetOutLineNds(); if( rOutlNds.Count() ) { if( !rOutlNds.Seek_Entry( (SwCntntNode*)this, &nPos ) && nPos ) --nPos; if( nPos < rOutlNds.Count() && rOutlNds[ nPos ]->GetIndex() < GetIndex() ) { SwTxtNode* pOutlNd = rOutlNds[ nPos ]->GetTxtNode(); if( pOutlNd->GetOutlineNum() && !pOutlNd->GetNumRule() ) { rTmp.SetCondition( PARA_IN_OUTLINE, pOutlNd->GetOutlineNum()->GetLevel() ); return TRUE; } } } } return FALSE; } void SwCntntNode::ChkCondColl() { // zur Sicherheit abfragen if( RES_CONDTXTFMTCOLL == GetFmtColl()->Which() ) { SwCollCondition aTmp( 0, 0, 0 ); const SwCollCondition* pCColl; if( IsAnyCondition( aTmp ) && 0 != ( pCColl = ((SwConditionTxtFmtColl*)GetFmtColl())->HasCondition( aTmp ))) SetCondFmtColl( pCColl->GetTxtFmtColl() ); else { if( IsTxtNode() && ((SwTxtNode*)this)->GetNumRule() && ((SwTxtNode*)this)->GetNum() ) { // steht in einer Numerierung // welcher Level? aTmp.SetCondition( PARA_IN_LIST, ((SwTxtNode*)this)->GetNum()->GetLevel() ); pCColl = ((SwConditionTxtFmtColl*)GetFmtColl())-> HasCondition( aTmp ); } else pCColl = 0; if( pCColl ) SetCondFmtColl( pCColl->GetTxtFmtColl() ); else if( pCondColl ) SetCondFmtColl( 0 ); } } } //FEATURE::CONDCOLL // Metoden aus Node.hxx - erst hier ist der TxtNode bekannt !! // os: nur fuer ICC, da der zum optimieren zu dumm ist #ifdef ICC SwTxtNode *SwNode::GetTxtNode() { return ND_TEXTNODE == nNodeType ? (SwTxtNode*)this : 0; } const SwTxtNode *SwNode::GetTxtNode() const { return ND_TEXTNODE == nNodeType ? (const SwTxtNode*)this : 0; } #endif