/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: unomap.hxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.13 $ * * last change: $Author: dvo $ $Date: 2000-11-30 11:30:49 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #ifndef _UNOMAP_HXX #define _UNOMAP_HXX #ifndef _SFX_ITEMPROP_HXX //autogen #include #endif #define PROPERTY_NONE 0 #define PROPERTY_MAP_TEXT_CURSOR 0 #define PROPERTY_MAP_CHAR_STYLE 1 #define PROPERTY_MAP_PARA_STYLE 2 #define PROPERTY_MAP_FRAME_STYLE 3 #define PROPERTY_MAP_PAGE_STYLE 4 #define PROPERTY_MAP_NUM_STYLE 5 #define PROPERTY_MAP_SECTION 6 #define PROPERTY_MAP_TEXT_TABLE 7 #define PROPERTY_MAP_TABLE_CELL 8 #define PROPERTY_MAP_TABLE_RANGE 9 #define PROPERTY_MAP_TEXT_SEARCH 10 #define PROPERTY_MAP_TEXT_FRAME 11 #define PROPERTY_MAP_TEXT_GRAPHIC 12 #define PROPERTY_MAP_TEXT_SHAPE 13 #define PROPERTY_MAP_INDEX_USER 14 #define PROPERTY_MAP_INDEX_CNTNT 15 #define PROPERTY_MAP_INDEX_IDX 16 #define PROPERTY_MAP_USER_MARK 17 #define PROPERTY_MAP_CNTIDX_MARK 18 #define PROPERTY_MAP_INDEX_MARK 19 #define PROPERTY_MAP_TEXT_TABLE_ROW 20 #define PROPERTY_MAP_TEXT_SHAPE_DESCRIPTOR 21 #define PROPERTY_MAP_TEXT_TABLE_CURSOR 22 #define PROPERTY_MAP_BOOKMARK 23 #define PROPERTY_MAP_PARAGRAPH_EXTENSIONS 24 #define PROPERTY_MAP_INDEX_ILLUSTRATIONS 25 #define PROPERTY_MAP_INDEX_OBJECTS 26 #define PROPERTY_MAP_INDEX_TABLES 27 #define PROPERTY_MAP_BIBLIOGRAPHY 28 #define PROPERTY_MAP_TEXT_DOCUMENT 29 #define PROPERTY_MAP_LINK_TARGET 30 #define PROPERTY_MAP_AUTO_TEXT_GROUP 31 #define PROPERTY_MAP_PRINT_SETTINGS 32 #define PROPERTY_MAP_VIEW_SETTINGS 33 #define PROPERTY_MAP_TEXTPORTION_EXTENSIONS 34 #define PROPERTY_MAP_FOOTNOTE 35 #define PROPERTY_MAP_TEXT_COLUMS 36 #define PROPERTY_MAP_PARAGRAPH 37 #define PROPERTY_MAP_END 38 #define PROPERTY_SET_CHAR_STYLE 1 #define PROPERTY_SET_PARA_STYLE 2 #define PROPERTY_SET_FRAME_STYLE 3 #define PROPERTY_SET_PAGE_STYLE 4 #define PROPERTY_SET_NUM_STYLE 5 //S&E #define WID_WORDS 0 #define WID_BACKWARDS 1 #define WID_REGULAR_EXPRESSION 2 #define WID_CASE_SENSITIVE 3 #define WID_IN_SELECTION 4 #define WID_STYLES 5 #define WID_SIMILARITY 6 #define WID_SIMILARITY_RELAX 7 #define WID_SIMILARITY_EXCHANGE 8 #define WID_SIMILARITY_ADD 9 #define WID_SIMILARITY_REMOVE 10 #define WID_SEARCH_ALL 11 //Sections #define WID_SECT_CONDITION 8000 #define WID_SECT_DDE_TYPE 8001 #define WID_SECT_DDE_FILE 8002 #define WID_SECT_DDE_ELEMENT 8003 #define WID_SECT_LINK 8004 #define WID_SECT_VISIBLE 8005 #define WID_SECT_PROTECTED 8006 #define WID_SECT_REGION 8007 #define WID_SECT_DDE_AUTOUPDATE 8008 #define WID_SECT_DOCUMENT_INDEX 8009 //Verzeichnisse #define WID_PRIMARY_KEY 1000 #define WID_SECONDARY_KEY 1001 #define WID_ALT_TEXT 1002 #define WID_IDX_TITLE 1003 #define WID_LEVEL 1004 #define WID_CREATE_FROM_MARKS 1005 #define WID_CREATE_FROM_OUTLINE 1006 //#define WID_PARAGRAPH_STYLE_NAMES 1007 #define WID_CREATE_FROM_CHAPTER 1008 #define WID_CREATE_FROM_LABELS 1009 #define WID_PROTECTED 1000 #define WID_USE_ALPHABETICAL_SEPARATORS 1010 #define WID_USE_KEY_AS_ENTRY 1011 #define WID_USE_COMBINED_ENTRIES 1012 #define WID_IS_CASE_SENSITIVE 1013 #define WID_USE_P_P 1014 #define WID_USE_DASH 1015 #define WID_USE_UPPER_CASE 1016 #define WID_INDEX_AUTO_MARK_FILE_U_R_L 1017 #define WID_LABEL_CATEGORY 1018 #define WID_LABEL_DISPLAY_TYPE 1019 #define WID_USE_LEVEL_FROM_SOURCE 1020 #define WID_LEVEL_FORMAT 1021 #define WID_LEVEL_PARAGRAPH_STYLES 1022 #define WID_RECALC_TAB_STOPS 1023 //#define WID_??? 1024 #define WID_MAIN_ENTRY_CHARACTER_STYLE_NAME 1025 #define WID_CREATE_FROM_TABLES 1026 #define WID_CREATE_FROM_TEXT_FRAMES 1027 #define WID_CREATE_FROM_GRAPHIC_OBJECTS 1028 #define WID_CREATE_FROM_EMBEDDED_OBJECTS 1029 #define WID_CREATE_FROM_STAR_MATH 1030 #define WID_CREATE_FROM_STAR_CHART 1032 #define WID_CREATE_FROM_STAR_CALC 1033 #define WID_CREATE_FROM_STAR_DRAW 1034 #define WID_CREATE_FROM_OTHER_EMBEDDED_OBJECTS 1035 #define WID_USER_IDX_NAME 1036 #define WID_PARA_HEAD 1037 #define WID_PARA_SEP 1038 #define WID_PARA_LEV1 1039 #define WID_PARA_LEV2 1040 #define WID_PARA_LEV3 1041 #define WID_PARA_LEV4 1042 #define WID_PARA_LEV5 1043 #define WID_PARA_LEV6 1044 #define WID_PARA_LEV7 1045 #define WID_PARA_LEV8 1046 #define WID_PARA_LEV9 1047 #define WID_PARA_LEV10 1048 #define WID_IS_COMMA_SEPARATED 1049 #define WID_INDEX_MARKS 1050 #define WID_IS_RELATIVE_TABSTOPS 1051 #define WID_CREATE_FROM_PARAGRAPH_STYLES 1052 #define WID_IDX_CONTENT_SECTION 1053 #define WID_IDX_HEADER_SECTION 1054 //text document #define WID_DOC_CHAR_COUNT 1000 #define WID_DOC_PARA_COUNT 1001 #define WID_DOC_WORD_COUNT 1002 #define WID_DOC_WORD_SEPARATOR 1003 #define WID_DOC_CHANGES_SHOW 1004 #define WID_DOC_CHANGES_RECORD 1005 #define WID_DOC_AUTO_MARK_URL 1006 #define WID_DOC_HIDE_TIPS 1007 //AutoText #define WID_GROUP_PATH 0 #define WID_GROUP_TITLE 1 //ViewSettings #define WID_VIEWSET_HRULER 0 #define WID_VIEWSET_VRULER 1 #define WID_VIEWSET_HSCROLL 2 #define WID_VIEWSET_VSCROLL 3 #define WID_VIEWSET_GRAPHICS 4 #define WID_VIEWSET_TABLES 5 #define WID_VIEWSET_DRAWINGS 6 #define WID_VIEWSET_FIELD_COMMANDS 7 #define WID_VIEWSET_ANNOTATIONS 8 #define WID_VIEWSET_INDEX_MARK_BACKGROUND 9 #define WID_VIEWSET_FOOTNOTE_BACKGROUND 10 #define WID_VIEWSET_TEXT_FIELD_BACKGROUND 11 #define WID_VIEWSET_PARA_BREAKS 12 #define WID_VIEWSET_SOFT_HYPHENS 13 #define WID_VIEWSET_SPACES 14 #define WID_VIEWSET_PROTECTED_SPACES 15 #define WID_VIEWSET_TABSTOPS 16 #define WID_VIEWSET_BREAKS 17 #define WID_VIEWSET_HIDDEN_TEXT 18 #define WID_VIEWSET_HIDDEN_PARAGRAPHS 19 #define WID_VIEWSET_TABLE_BOUNDARIES 20 #define WID_VIEWSET_TEXT_BOUNDARIES 21 #define WID_VIEWSET_SMOOTH_SCROLLING 22 #define WID_VIEWSET_SOLID_MARK_HANDLES 23 #define WID_VIEWSET_ZOOM 24 #define WID_VIEWSET_ZOOM_TYPE 25 #define WID_VIEWSET_ONLINE_LAYOUT 26 //PrintSettings #define WID_PRTSET_LEFT_PAGES 0 #define WID_PRTSET_RIGHT_PAGES 1 #define WID_PRTSET_REVERSED 2 #define WID_PRTSET_PROSPECT 3 #define WID_PRTSET_GRAPHICS 4 #define WID_PRTSET_TABLES 5 #define WID_PRTSET_DRAWINGS 6 #define WID_PRTSET_CONTROLS 7 #define WID_PRTSET_PAGE_BACKGROUND 8 #define WID_PRTSET_BLACK_FONTS 9 #define WID_PRTSET_ANNOTATION_MODE 10 //NumberingRules #define WID_IS_AUTOMATIC 0 #define WID_CONTINUOUS 1 #define WID_RULE_NAME 2 #define WID_IS_ABS_MARGINS 3 //TextColumns #define WID_TXTCOL_LINE_WIDTH 0 #define WID_TXTCOL_LINE_COLOR 1 #define WID_TXTCOL_LINE_REL_HGT 2 #define WID_TXTCOL_LINE_ALIGN 3 #define WID_TXTCOL_LINE_IS_ON 4 /* -----------------04.07.98 11:41------------------- * * --------------------------------------------------*/ class SwItemPropertySet : public SfxItemPropertySet { protected: virtual sal_Bool FillItem(SfxItemSet& rSet, sal_uInt16 nWhich, sal_Bool bGetProperty) const; public: SwItemPropertySet( const SfxItemPropertyMap *pMap ) : SfxItemPropertySet( pMap ){} }; /* -----------------04.07.98 11:41------------------- * * --------------------------------------------------*/ class SwUnoPropertyMapProvider { SfxItemPropertyMap* aMapArr[PROPERTY_MAP_END]; SfxItemPropertySet* pCharStyleMap; SfxItemPropertySet* pParaStyleMap; SfxItemPropertySet* pFrameStyleMap; SfxItemPropertySet* pPageStyleMap; SfxItemPropertySet* pNumStyleMap; void Sort(sal_uInt16 nId); public: SwUnoPropertyMapProvider(); ~SwUnoPropertyMapProvider(); const SfxItemPropertyMap* GetPropertyMap(sal_uInt16 PropertyId); SfxItemPropertySet& GetPropertySet(sal_Int8 nPropSetId); }; extern SwUnoPropertyMapProvider aSwMapProvider; // conversion of ui and programmatic names in styles and sequence fields struct Programmatic2UIName_Impl { String sProgrammaticName; String sUIName; }; #endif