/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: textview.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: $ * * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-18 16:58:58 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #pragma hdrstop #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef _SV_CURSOR_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SV_WINDOW_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SV_SVAPP_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SV_CLIP_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SV_DRAG_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SV_SOUND_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _STREAM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _NEW_HXX #include #endif #include #ifndef _URLBMK_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_TEXT_XBREAKITERATOR_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_TEXT_CHARACTERITERATORMODE_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_TEXT_WORDTYPE_HPP_ #include #endif using namespace ::com::sun::star; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // (+) class TextView // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TextView::TextView( TextEngine* pEng, Window* pWindow ) { mpWindow = pWindow; mpTextEngine = pEng; mpVirtDev = NULL; mbPaintSelection = TRUE; mbAutoScroll = TRUE; mbInsertMode = TRUE; mbReadOnly = FALSE; mbHighlightSelection = FALSE; mbAutoIndent = FALSE; mbCursorEnabled = TRUE; // mbInSelection = FALSE; mnTravelXPos = TRAVEL_X_DONTKNOW; mpSelFuncSet = new TextSelFunctionSet( this ); mpSelEngine = new SelectionEngine( mpWindow, mpSelFuncSet ); mpSelEngine->SetSelectionMode( RANGE_SELECTION ); mpSelEngine->EnableDrag( TRUE ); mpCursor = new Cursor; mpCursor->Show(); pWindow->SetCursor( mpCursor ); if ( pWindow->GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetSelectionOptions() & SELECTION_OPTION_INVERT ) mbHighlightSelection = TRUE; pWindow->SetLineColor(); mpDDInfo = 0; } TextView::~TextView() { delete mpSelEngine; delete mpSelFuncSet; delete mpVirtDev; if ( mpWindow->GetCursor() == mpCursor ) mpWindow->SetCursor( 0 ); delete mpCursor; delete mpDDInfo; } void TextView::Invalidate() { mpWindow->Invalidate(); } void TextView::SetSelection( const TextSelection& rTextSel, BOOL bGotoCursor ) { // Falls jemand gerade ein leeres Attribut hinterlassen hat, // und dann der Outliner die Selektion manipulitert: if ( !maSelection.HasRange() ) mpTextEngine->CursorMoved( maSelection.GetStart().GetPara() ); // Wenn nach einem KeyInput die Selection manipuliert wird: mpTextEngine->CheckIdleFormatter(); HideSelection(); maSelection = rTextSel; mpTextEngine->ValidateSelection( maSelection ); ShowSelection(); ShowCursor( bGotoCursor ); } void TextView::SetSelection( const TextSelection& rTextSel ) { SetSelection( rTextSel, mbAutoScroll ); } const TextSelection& TextView::GetSelection() const { return maSelection; } void TextView::DeleteSelected() { // HideSelection(); mpTextEngine->UndoActionStart( TEXTUNDO_DELETE ); TextPaM aPaM = mpTextEngine->ImpDeleteText( maSelection ); mpTextEngine->UndoActionEnd( TEXTUNDO_DELETE ); maSelection = aPaM; mpTextEngine->FormatAndUpdate( this ); ShowCursor(); } void TextView::ImpPaint( OutputDevice* pOut, const Point& rStartPos, Rectangle const* pPaintArea, TextSelection const* pPaintRange, TextSelection const* pSelection ) { if ( !mbPaintSelection ) pSelection = NULL; else { // Richtige Hintergrundfarbe einstellen. // Ich bekomme leider nicht mit, ob sich diese inzwischen geaendert hat. Font aFont = mpTextEngine->GetFont(); Color aColor = pOut->GetBackground().GetColor(); aColor.SetTransparency( 0 ); if ( aColor != aFont.GetFillColor() ) { aFont.SetTransparent( FALSE ); aFont.SetFillColor( aColor ); mpTextEngine->maFont = aFont; } } mpTextEngine->ImpPaint( pOut, rStartPos, pPaintArea, pPaintRange, pSelection ); } void TextView::Paint( const Rectangle& rRect ) { ImpPaint( rRect, FALSE ); } void TextView::ImpPaint( const Rectangle& rRect, BOOL bUseVirtDev ) { if ( !mpTextEngine->GetUpdateMode() || mpTextEngine->IsInUndo() ) return; if ( bUseVirtDev ) { VirtualDevice* pVDev = GetVirtualDevice(); const Color& rBackgroundColor = mpWindow->GetBackground().GetColor(); if ( pVDev->GetFillColor() != rBackgroundColor ) pVDev->SetFillColor( rBackgroundColor ); if ( pVDev->GetBackground().GetColor() != rBackgroundColor ) pVDev->SetBackground( rBackgroundColor ); BOOL bVDevValid = TRUE; Size aOutSz( pVDev->GetOutputSizePixel() ); if ( ( aOutSz.Width() < rRect.GetWidth() ) || ( aOutSz.Height() < rRect.GetHeight() ) ) { bVDevValid = pVDev->SetOutputSizePixel( rRect.GetSize() ); } else { // Das VirtDev kann bei einem Resize sehr gross werden => // irgendwann mal kleiner machen! if ( ( aOutSz.Height() > ( rRect.GetHeight() + 20 ) ) || ( aOutSz.Width() > ( rRect.GetWidth() + 20 ) ) ) { bVDevValid = pVDev->SetOutputSizePixel( rRect.GetSize() ); } else { pVDev->Erase(); } } if ( !bVDevValid ) { ImpPaint( rRect, FALSE /* ohne VDev */ ); return; } Rectangle aTmpRec( Point( 0, 0 ), rRect.GetSize() ); Point aStartPos = GetDocPos( rRect.TopLeft() ); aStartPos.X() *= (-1); aStartPos.Y() *= (-1); TextSelection *pTmpPtr = mbHighlightSelection ? NULL : &maSelection; ImpPaint( pVDev, aStartPos, &aTmpRec, NULL, pTmpPtr ); mpWindow->DrawOutDev( rRect.TopLeft(), rRect.GetSize(), Point(0,0), rRect.GetSize(), *pVDev ); // ShowSelection(); if ( mbHighlightSelection ) ImpHighlight( maSelection ); } else { Point aStartPos( -maStartDocPos.X(), -maStartDocPos.Y() ); TextSelection *pTmpPtr = mbHighlightSelection ? NULL : &maSelection; ImpPaint( mpWindow, aStartPos, &rRect, NULL, pTmpPtr ); // ShowSelection(); if ( mbHighlightSelection ) ImpHighlight( maSelection ); } } void TextView::ImpHighlight( const TextSelection& rSel ) { TextSelection aSel( rSel ); aSel.Justify(); if ( aSel.HasRange() && !mpTextEngine->IsInUndo() && mpTextEngine->GetUpdateMode() ) { BOOL bInvertSelection = FALSE; #ifdef MAC bInvertSelection = ( mpWindow->GetBackground().GetColor() != COL_WHITE ); #endif mpCursor->Hide(); DBG_ASSERT( !mpTextEngine->mpIdleFormatter->IsActive(), "ImpHighlight: Not formatted!" ); Rectangle aVisArea( maStartDocPos, mpWindow->GetOutputSizePixel() ); long nY = 0; ULONG nStartPara = aSel.GetStart().GetPara(); ULONG nEndPara = aSel.GetEnd().GetPara(); for ( ULONG nPara = 0; nPara <= nEndPara; nPara++ ) { long nParaHeight = (long)mpTextEngine->CalcParaHeight( nPara ); if ( ( nPara >= nStartPara ) && ( ( nY + nParaHeight ) > aVisArea.Top() ) ) { TEParaPortion* pTEParaPortion = mpTextEngine->mpTEParaPortions->GetObject( nPara ); USHORT nStartLine = 0; USHORT nEndLine = pTEParaPortion->GetLines().Count() -1; if ( nPara == nStartPara ) nStartLine = pTEParaPortion->GetLineNumber( aSel.GetStart().GetIndex(), FALSE ); if ( nPara == nEndPara ) nEndLine = pTEParaPortion->GetLineNumber( aSel.GetEnd().GetIndex(), TRUE ); // ueber die Zeilen iterieren.... for ( USHORT nLine = nStartLine; nLine <= nEndLine; nLine++ ) { TextLine* pLine = pTEParaPortion->GetLines().GetObject( nLine ); USHORT nStartIndex = pLine->GetStart(); USHORT nEndIndex = pLine->GetEnd(); if ( ( nPara == nStartPara ) && ( nLine == nStartLine ) ) nStartIndex = aSel.GetStart().GetIndex(); if ( ( nPara == nEndPara ) && ( nLine == nEndLine ) ) nEndIndex = aSel.GetEnd().GetIndex(); // Kann passieren, wenn am Anfang einer umgebrochenen Zeile. if ( nEndIndex < nStartIndex ) nEndIndex = nStartIndex; Rectangle aTmpRec( mpTextEngine->GetEditCursor( TextPaM( nPara, nStartIndex ), FALSE ) ); aTmpRec.Top() += nY; aTmpRec.Bottom() += nY; Point aTopLeft( aTmpRec.TopLeft() ); aTmpRec = mpTextEngine->GetEditCursor( TextPaM( nPara, nEndIndex ), TRUE ); aTmpRec.Top() += nY; aTmpRec.Bottom() += nY; Point aBottomRight( aTmpRec.BottomRight() ); aBottomRight.X()--; // Nur Painten, wenn im sichtbaren Bereich... if ( ( aTopLeft.X() < aBottomRight.X() ) && ( aBottomRight.Y() >= aVisArea.Top() ) ) { Point aPnt1( GetWindowPos( aTopLeft ) ); Point aPnt2( GetWindowPos( aBottomRight ) ); Rectangle aRect( aPnt1, aPnt2 ); /*! (pb) NOOLDSV if ( bInvertSelection ) mpWindow->InvertRect( aRect ); else mpWindow->HighlightRect( aRect ); */ mpWindow->Invert( aRect ); } } } nY += nParaHeight; if ( nY >= aVisArea.Bottom() ) break; } } } void TextView::ShowSelection() { if ( maSelection.HasRange() ) { if ( mbHighlightSelection ) ImpHighlight( maSelection ); else { // Den Bereich neu zeichnen... Rectangle aOutArea( Point( 0, 0 ), mpWindow->GetOutputSizePixel() ); Point aStartPos( -maStartDocPos.X(), -maStartDocPos.Y() ); TextSelection aRange( maSelection ); aRange.Justify(); BOOL bVisCursor = mpCursor->IsVisible(); mpCursor->Hide(); ImpPaint( mpWindow, aStartPos, &aOutArea, &aRange, &maSelection ); if ( bVisCursor ) mpCursor->Show(); } } } void TextView::HideSelection() { if ( maSelection.HasRange() ) { if ( mbHighlightSelection ) ImpHighlight( maSelection ); else { // Den Bereich neu zeichnen... Rectangle aOutArea( Point( 0, 0 ), mpWindow->GetOutputSizePixel() ); Point aStartPos( -maStartDocPos.X(), -maStartDocPos.Y() ); TextSelection aRange( maSelection ); aRange.Justify(); BOOL bVisCursor = mpCursor->IsVisible(); mpCursor->Hide(); ImpPaint( mpWindow, aStartPos, &aOutArea, &aRange, NULL ); if ( bVisCursor ) mpCursor->Show(); } } } void TextView::ShowSelection( const TextSelection& rRange ) { if ( rRange.HasRange() ) { if ( mbHighlightSelection ) ImpHighlight( rRange ); else { // Den Bereich neu zeichnen... Rectangle aOutArea( Point( 0, 0 ), mpWindow->GetOutputSizePixel() ); Point aStartPos( -maStartDocPos.X(), -maStartDocPos.Y() ); TextSelection aRange( rRange ); aRange.Justify(); BOOL bVisCursor = mpCursor->IsVisible(); mpCursor->Hide(); ImpPaint( mpWindow, aStartPos, &aOutArea, &aRange, &maSelection ); if ( bVisCursor ) mpCursor->Show(); } } } VirtualDevice* TextView::GetVirtualDevice() { if ( !mpVirtDev ) { mpVirtDev = new VirtualDevice; mpVirtDev->SetLineColor(); } return mpVirtDev; } void TextView::EraseVirtualDevice() { delete mpVirtDev; mpVirtDev = 0; } BOOL TextView::KeyInput( const KeyEvent& rKeyEvent ) { BOOL bDone = TRUE; BOOL bModified = FALSE; BOOL bMoved = FALSE; BOOL bEndKey = FALSE; // spezielle CursorPosition BOOL bAllowIdle = TRUE; // Um zu pruefen ob durch irgendeine Aktion mModified, das lokale // bModified wird z.B. bei Cut/Paste nicht gesetzt, weil dort an anderen // Stellen das updaten erfolgt. BOOL bWasModified = mpTextEngine->IsModified(); mpTextEngine->SetModified( FALSE ); TextSelection aCurSel( maSelection ); TextSelection aOldSel( aCurSel ); USHORT nCode = rKeyEvent.GetKeyCode().GetCode(); KeyFuncType eFunc = rKeyEvent.GetKeyCode().GetFunction(); if ( eFunc != KEYFUNC_DONTKNOW ) { switch ( eFunc ) { case KEYFUNC_CUT: { if ( !mbReadOnly ) Cut(); } break; case KEYFUNC_COPY: { Copy(); } break; case KEYFUNC_PASTE: { if ( !mbReadOnly ) Paste(); } break; case KEYFUNC_UNDO: { if ( !mbReadOnly ) Undo(); } break; case KEYFUNC_REDO: { if ( !mbReadOnly ) Redo(); } break; default: // wird dann evtl. unten bearbeitet. eFunc = KEYFUNC_DONTKNOW; } } if ( eFunc == KEYFUNC_DONTKNOW ) { switch ( nCode ) { case KEY_UP: case KEY_DOWN: case KEY_LEFT: case KEY_RIGHT: case KEY_HOME: case KEY_END: case KEY_PAGEUP: case KEY_PAGEDOWN: { if ( !rKeyEvent.GetKeyCode().IsMod2() ) { aCurSel = ImpMoveCursor( rKeyEvent ); bMoved = TRUE; if ( nCode == KEY_END ) bEndKey = TRUE; } } break; case KEY_BACKSPACE: case KEY_DELETE: { if ( !mbReadOnly && !rKeyEvent.GetKeyCode().IsMod2() ) { BYTE nDel = ( nCode == KEY_DELETE ) ? DEL_RIGHT : DEL_LEFT; BYTE nMode = rKeyEvent.GetKeyCode().IsMod1() ? DELMODE_RESTOFWORD : DELMODE_SIMPLE; if ( ( nMode == DELMODE_RESTOFWORD ) && rKeyEvent.GetKeyCode().IsShift() ) nMode = DELMODE_RESTOFCONTENT; mpTextEngine->UndoActionStart( TEXTUNDO_DELETE ); aCurSel = ImpDelete( nDel, nMode ); mpTextEngine->UndoActionEnd( TEXTUNDO_DELETE ); bModified = TRUE; bAllowIdle = FALSE; } else bDone = FALSE; } break; case KEY_TAB: { if ( !mbReadOnly && !rKeyEvent.GetKeyCode().IsShift() && !rKeyEvent.GetKeyCode().IsMod1() && !rKeyEvent.GetKeyCode().IsMod2() && ImplCheckTextLen( 'x' ) ) { aCurSel = mpTextEngine->ImpInsertText( aCurSel, '\t', !IsInsertMode() ); bModified = TRUE; } else bDone = FALSE; } break; case KEY_RETURN: { // Shift-RETURN darf nicht geschluckt werden, weil dann keine // mehrzeilige Eingabe in Dialogen/Property-Editor moeglich. if ( !mbReadOnly && !rKeyEvent.GetKeyCode().IsMod1() && !rKeyEvent.GetKeyCode().IsMod2() && ImplCheckTextLen( 'x' ) ) { mpTextEngine->UndoActionStart( TEXTUNDO_INSERT ); aCurSel = mpTextEngine->ImpInsertParaBreak( aCurSel ); if ( mbAutoIndent ) { TextNode* pPrev = mpTextEngine->mpDoc->GetNodes().GetObject( aCurSel.GetEnd().GetPara() - 1 ); USHORT n = 0; while ( ( n < pPrev->GetText().Len() ) && ( ( pPrev->GetText().GetChar( n ) == ' ' ) || ( pPrev->GetText().GetChar( n ) == '\t' ) ) ) { n++; } if ( n ) aCurSel = mpTextEngine->ImpInsertText( aCurSel, pPrev->GetText().Copy( 0, n ) ); } mpTextEngine->UndoActionEnd( TEXTUNDO_INSERT ); bModified = TRUE; } else bDone = FALSE; } break; case KEY_INSERT: { if ( !mbReadOnly ) SetInsertMode( !IsInsertMode() ); } break; default: { if ( TextEngine::IsSimpleCharInput( rKeyEvent ) ) { xub_Unicode nCharCode = rKeyEvent.GetCharCode(); if ( !mbReadOnly && ImplCheckTextLen( nCharCode ) ) // sonst trotzdem das Zeichen schlucken... { aCurSel = mpTextEngine->ImpInsertText( aCurSel, nCharCode, !IsInsertMode() ); bModified = TRUE; } } else bDone = FALSE; } } } if ( aCurSel != aOldSel ) maSelection = aCurSel; mpTextEngine->UpdateSelections(); if ( ( nCode != KEY_UP ) && ( nCode != KEY_DOWN ) ) mnTravelXPos = TRAVEL_X_DONTKNOW; if ( bModified ) { // Idle-Formatter nur, wenn AnyInput. if ( bAllowIdle && Application::AnyInput( INPUT_KEYBOARD) ) mpTextEngine->IdleFormatAndUpdate( this ); else mpTextEngine->FormatAndUpdate( this); } else if ( bMoved ) { // Selection wird jetzt gezielt in ImpMoveCursor gemalt. ImpShowCursor( mbAutoScroll, TRUE, bEndKey ); } if ( mpTextEngine->IsModified() ) mpTextEngine->Broadcast( TextHint( TEXT_HINT_MODIFIED ) ); else if ( bWasModified ) mpTextEngine->SetModified( TRUE ); return bDone; } void TextView::MouseButtonUp( const MouseEvent& rMouseEvent ) { mnTravelXPos = TRAVEL_X_DONTKNOW; mpSelEngine->SelMouseButtonUp( rMouseEvent ); } void TextView::MouseButtonDown( const MouseEvent& rMouseEvent ) { mpTextEngine->CheckIdleFormatter(); // Falls schnelles Tippen und MouseButtonDown mnTravelXPos = TRAVEL_X_DONTKNOW; mpTextEngine->SetActiveView( this ); mpSelEngine->SelMouseButtonDown( rMouseEvent ); // Sonderbehandlungen if ( !rMouseEvent.IsShift() && ( rMouseEvent.GetClicks() >= 2 ) ) { if ( rMouseEvent.IsMod2() ) { HideSelection(); maSelection.GetStart() = maSelection.GetEnd(); SetCursorAtPoint( rMouseEvent.GetPosPixel() ); // Wird von SelectionEngine bei MOD2 nicht gesetzt } if ( rMouseEvent.GetClicks() == 2 ) { // Wort selektieren if ( maSelection.GetEnd().GetIndex() < mpTextEngine->GetTextLen( maSelection.GetEnd().GetPara() ) ) { HideSelection(); TextNode* pNode = mpTextEngine->mpDoc->GetNodes().GetObject( maSelection.GetEnd().GetPara() ); uno::Reference < text::XBreakIterator > xBI = mpTextEngine->GetBreakIterator(); text::Boundary aBoundary = xBI->getWordBoundary( pNode->GetText(), maSelection.GetEnd().GetIndex(), mpTextEngine->GetLocale(), text::WordType::ANYWORD_IGNOREWHITESPACES, sal_True ); maSelection.GetStart().GetIndex() = aBoundary.startPos; maSelection.GetEnd().GetIndex() = aBoundary.endPos; ShowSelection(); ShowCursor( TRUE, TRUE ); } } else if ( rMouseEvent.GetClicks() == 3 ) { // Absatz selektieren if ( maSelection.GetEnd().GetIndex() < mpTextEngine->GetTextLen( maSelection.GetEnd().GetPara() ) ) { HideSelection(); maSelection.GetStart().GetIndex() = 0; maSelection.GetEnd().GetIndex() = mpTextEngine->mpDoc->GetNodes().GetObject( maSelection.GetEnd().GetPara() )->GetText().Len(); ShowSelection(); ShowCursor( TRUE, TRUE ); } } } } void TextView::MouseMove( const MouseEvent& rMouseEvent ) { mnTravelXPos = TRAVEL_X_DONTKNOW; mpSelEngine->SelMouseMove( rMouseEvent ); } void TextView::Command( const CommandEvent& rCEvt ) { mpTextEngine->CheckIdleFormatter(); // Falls schnelles Tippen und MouseButtonDown mpTextEngine->SetActiveView( this ); BOOL bCallSelectionEngineCommand = TRUE; if ( ( rCEvt.GetCommand() == COMMAND_STARTDRAG ) ) { } if ( bCallSelectionEngineCommand ) mpSelEngine->Command( rCEvt ); } void TextView::ShowCursor( BOOL bGotoCursor, BOOL bForceVisCursor ) { // Die Einstellung hat mehr Gewicht: if ( !mbAutoScroll ) bGotoCursor = FALSE; ImpShowCursor( bGotoCursor, bForceVisCursor, FALSE ); } void TextView::HideCursor() { mpCursor->Hide(); } void TextView::Scroll( long ndX, long ndY ) { DBG_ASSERT( mpTextEngine->IsFormatted(), "Scroll: Nicht formatiert!" ); if ( !ndX && !ndY ) return; Point aNewStartPos( maStartDocPos ); // Vertical: aNewStartPos.Y() -= ndY; if ( aNewStartPos.Y() < 0 ) aNewStartPos.Y() = 0; // Horizontal: aNewStartPos.X() -= ndX; if ( aNewStartPos.X() < 0 ) aNewStartPos.X() = 0; long nDiffX = maStartDocPos.X() - aNewStartPos.X(); long nDiffY = maStartDocPos.Y() - aNewStartPos.Y(); if ( nDiffX || nDiffY ) { BOOL bVisCursor = mpCursor->IsVisible(); mpCursor->Hide(); mpWindow->Update(); maStartDocPos = aNewStartPos; mpWindow->Scroll( nDiffX, nDiffY ); mpWindow->Update(); mpCursor->SetPos( mpCursor->GetPos() + Point( nDiffX, nDiffY ) ); if ( bVisCursor && !mbReadOnly ) mpCursor->Show(); } } void TextView::Undo() { mpTextEngine->SetActiveView( this ); mpTextEngine->GetUndoManager().Undo( 1 ); } void TextView::Redo() { mpTextEngine->SetActiveView( this ); mpTextEngine->GetUndoManager().Redo( 0 ); } void TextView::Cut() { mpTextEngine->UndoActionStart( TEXTUNDO_CUT ); Copy(); DeleteSelected(); mpTextEngine->UndoActionEnd( TEXTUNDO_CUT ); } void TextView::Copy() { Clipboard::Clear(); TextSelection aSel( maSelection ); aSel.Justify(); SvMemoryStream aMem; mpTextEngine->Write( aMem, &aSel ); aMem << '\0'; Clipboard::CopyData( (const char*)aMem.GetData(), aMem.Tell(), FORMAT_STRING ); if ( mpTextEngine->HasAttrib( TEXTATTR_HYPERLINK ) ) { // Dann auch als HTML aMem.SetStreamSize( 0 ); aMem.Seek( 0 ); mpTextEngine->Write( aMem, &aSel, TRUE ); aMem << '\0'; Clipboard::CopyData( (const char*)aMem.GetData(), aMem.Tell(), SOT_FORMATSTR_ID_HTML ); } } void TextView::Paste() { BOOL bPaste = TRUE; if ( mpTextEngine->GetMaxTextLen() ) { // QuickCheck, kein String > 64K moeglich... String aStr( Clipboard::PasteString() ); aStr.ConvertLineEnd( LINEEND_LF ); bPaste = ImplCheckTextLen( aStr ); } if ( bPaste ) { mpTextEngine->UndoActionStart( TEXTUNDO_PASTE ); ULONG nLen = Clipboard::GetDataLen( FORMAT_STRING ); void* pBuf = SvMemAlloc( nLen ); Clipboard::PasteData( pBuf, nLen, FORMAT_STRING ); // commented out while converting to Unicode // long nStringLen = strlen( (const char*) pBuf ); // 0-terminiert, Datenmuell im Clipborad dahinter. SvMemoryStream aMem( (char*)pBuf, nLen /*nStringLen*/, STREAM_READ ); aMem.ObjectOwnsMemory( TRUE ); mpTextEngine->Read( aMem, &maSelection ); mpTextEngine->UndoActionEnd( TEXTUNDO_PASTE ); } } String TextView::GetSelected() { return mpTextEngine->GetText( maSelection, GetSystemLineEnd() ); } void TextView::SetInsertMode( BOOL bInsert ) { if ( mbInsertMode != bInsert ) { mbInsertMode = bInsert; ShowCursor( mbAutoScroll, FALSE ); } } void TextView::SetReadOnly( BOOL bReadOnly ) { if ( mbReadOnly != bReadOnly ) { mbReadOnly = bReadOnly; if ( !mbReadOnly ) ShowCursor( mbAutoScroll, FALSE ); else HideCursor(); } } TextSelection TextView::ImpMoveCursor( const KeyEvent& rKeyEvent ) { // Eigentlich nur bei Up/Down noetig, aber was solls. mpTextEngine->CheckIdleFormatter(); TextPaM aPaM( maSelection.GetEnd() ); TextPaM aOldEnd( aPaM ); BOOL bCtrl = rKeyEvent.GetKeyCode().IsMod1() ? TRUE : FALSE; switch ( rKeyEvent.GetKeyCode().GetCode() ) { case KEY_UP: aPaM = CursorUp( aPaM ); break; case KEY_DOWN: aPaM = CursorDown( aPaM ); break; case KEY_HOME: aPaM = bCtrl ? CursorStartOfDoc() : CursorStartOfLine( aPaM ); break; case KEY_END: aPaM = bCtrl ? CursorEndOfDoc() : CursorEndOfLine( aPaM ); break; case KEY_PAGEUP: aPaM = bCtrl ? CursorStartOfDoc() : PageUp( aPaM ); break; case KEY_PAGEDOWN: aPaM = bCtrl ? CursorEndOfDoc() : PageDown( aPaM ); break; case KEY_LEFT: aPaM = CursorLeft( aPaM, bCtrl ); break; case KEY_RIGHT: aPaM = CursorRight( aPaM, bCtrl ); break; } // Bewirkt evtl. ein CreateAnchor oder Deselection all mpSelEngine->CursorPosChanging( rKeyEvent.GetKeyCode().IsShift(), rKeyEvent.GetKeyCode().IsMod1() ); if ( aOldEnd != aPaM ) { mpTextEngine->CursorMoved( aOldEnd.GetPara() ); TextSelection aOldSelection( maSelection ); maSelection.GetEnd() = aPaM; if ( rKeyEvent.GetKeyCode().IsShift() ) { // Dann wird die Selektion erweitert... ShowSelection( TextSelection( aOldEnd, aPaM ) ); } else { maSelection.GetStart() = aPaM; } } return maSelection; } void TextView::InsertText( const XubString& rStr, BOOL bSelect ) { // HideSelection(); TextSelection aNewSel( maSelection ); mpTextEngine->UndoActionStart( TEXTUNDO_INSERT ); TextPaM aPaM = mpTextEngine->ImpInsertText( maSelection, rStr ); mpTextEngine->UndoActionEnd( TEXTUNDO_INSERT ); if ( bSelect ) { aNewSel.Justify(); aNewSel.GetEnd() = aPaM; maSelection = aNewSel; } else maSelection = aPaM; mpTextEngine->FormatAndUpdate( this ); } TextPaM TextView::CursorLeft( const TextPaM& rPaM, BOOL bWordMode ) { TextPaM aPaM( rPaM ); if ( aPaM.GetIndex() ) { TextNode* pNode = mpTextEngine->mpDoc->GetNodes().GetObject( aPaM.GetPara() ); uno::Reference < text::XBreakIterator > xBI = mpTextEngine->GetBreakIterator(); if ( bWordMode ) { text::Boundary aBoundary = xBI->getWordBoundary( pNode->GetText(), rPaM.GetIndex(), mpTextEngine->GetLocale(), text::WordType::ANYWORD_IGNOREWHITESPACES, sal_True ); if ( aBoundary.startPos == rPaM.GetIndex() ) aBoundary = xBI->previousWord( pNode->GetText(), rPaM.GetIndex(), mpTextEngine->GetLocale(), text::WordType::ANYWORD_IGNOREWHITESPACES ); aPaM.GetIndex() = aBoundary.startPos; } else { sal_Int32 nCount = 1; aPaM.GetIndex() = xBI->previousCharacters( pNode->GetText(), aPaM.GetIndex(), mpTextEngine->GetLocale(), text::CharacterIteratorMode::SKIPCHARACTER, nCount, nCount ); } } else if ( aPaM.GetPara() ) { aPaM.GetPara()--; TextNode* pNode = mpTextEngine->mpDoc->GetNodes().GetObject( aPaM.GetPara() ); aPaM.GetIndex() = pNode->GetText().Len(); } return aPaM; } TextPaM TextView::CursorRight( const TextPaM& rPaM, BOOL bWordMode ) { TextPaM aPaM( rPaM ); TextNode* pNode = mpTextEngine->mpDoc->GetNodes().GetObject( aPaM.GetPara() ); if ( aPaM.GetIndex() < pNode->GetText().Len() ) { uno::Reference < text::XBreakIterator > xBI = mpTextEngine->GetBreakIterator(); if ( bWordMode ) { text::Boundary aBoundary = xBI->nextWord( pNode->GetText(), aPaM.GetIndex(), mpTextEngine->GetLocale(), text::WordType::ANYWORD_IGNOREWHITESPACES ); aPaM.GetIndex() = aBoundary.startPos; } else { sal_Int32 nCount = 1; aPaM.GetIndex() = xBI->nextCharacters( pNode->GetText(), aPaM.GetIndex(), mpTextEngine->GetLocale(), text::CharacterIteratorMode::SKIPCHARACTER, nCount, nCount ); } } else if ( aPaM.GetPara() < ( mpTextEngine->mpDoc->GetNodes().Count()-1) ) { aPaM.GetPara()++; aPaM.GetIndex() = 0; } return aPaM; } TextPaM TextView::ImpDelete( BYTE nMode, BYTE nDelMode ) { if ( maSelection.HasRange() ) // dann nur Sel. loeschen return mpTextEngine->ImpDeleteText( maSelection ); TextPaM aStartPaM = maSelection.GetStart(); TextPaM aEndPaM = aStartPaM; if ( nMode == DEL_LEFT ) { if ( nDelMode == DELMODE_SIMPLE ) { aEndPaM = CursorLeft( aEndPaM ); } else if ( nDelMode == DELMODE_RESTOFWORD ) { TextNode* pNode = mpTextEngine->mpDoc->GetNodes().GetObject( aEndPaM.GetPara() ); uno::Reference < text::XBreakIterator > xBI = mpTextEngine->GetBreakIterator(); text::Boundary aBoundary = xBI->getWordBoundary( pNode->GetText(), maSelection.GetEnd().GetIndex(), mpTextEngine->GetLocale(), text::WordType::ANYWORD_IGNOREWHITESPACES, sal_True ); if ( aBoundary.startPos == maSelection.GetEnd().GetIndex() ) aBoundary = xBI->previousWord( pNode->GetText(), maSelection.GetEnd().GetIndex(), mpTextEngine->GetLocale(), text::WordType::ANYWORD_IGNOREWHITESPACES ); aEndPaM.GetIndex() = aBoundary.startPos; } else // DELMODE_RESTOFCONTENT { if ( aEndPaM.GetIndex() != 0 ) aEndPaM.GetIndex() = 0; else if ( aEndPaM.GetPara() ) { // Absatz davor aEndPaM.GetPara()--; aEndPaM.GetIndex() = 0; } } } else { if ( nDelMode == DELMODE_SIMPLE ) { aEndPaM = CursorRight( aEndPaM ); } else if ( nDelMode == DELMODE_RESTOFWORD ) { TextNode* pNode = mpTextEngine->mpDoc->GetNodes().GetObject( aEndPaM.GetPara() ); uno::Reference < text::XBreakIterator > xBI = mpTextEngine->GetBreakIterator(); text::Boundary aBoundary = xBI->nextWord( pNode->GetText(), maSelection.GetEnd().GetIndex(), mpTextEngine->GetLocale(), text::WordType::ANYWORD_IGNOREWHITESPACES ); aEndPaM.GetIndex() = aBoundary.startPos; } else // DELMODE_RESTOFCONTENT { TextNode* pNode = mpTextEngine->mpDoc->GetNodes().GetObject( aEndPaM.GetPara() ); if ( aEndPaM.GetIndex() < pNode->GetText().Len() ) aEndPaM.GetIndex() = pNode->GetText().Len(); else if ( aEndPaM.GetPara() < ( mpTextEngine->mpDoc->GetNodes().Count() - 1 ) ) { // Absatz danach aEndPaM.GetPara()++; TextNode* pNextNode = mpTextEngine->mpDoc->GetNodes().GetObject( aEndPaM.GetPara() ); aEndPaM.GetIndex() = pNextNode->GetText().Len(); } } } return mpTextEngine->ImpDeleteText( TextSelection( aStartPaM, aEndPaM ) ); } TextPaM TextView::CursorUp( const TextPaM& rPaM ) { TextPaM aPaM( rPaM ); long nX; if ( mnTravelXPos == TRAVEL_X_DONTKNOW ) { nX = mpTextEngine->GetEditCursor( rPaM, FALSE ).Left(); mnTravelXPos = nX+1; } else nX = mnTravelXPos; TEParaPortion* pPPortion = mpTextEngine->mpTEParaPortions->GetObject( rPaM.GetPara() ); USHORT nLine = pPPortion->GetLineNumber( rPaM.GetIndex(), FALSE ); if ( nLine ) // gleicher Absatz { USHORT nCharPos = mpTextEngine->GetCharPos( rPaM.GetPara(), nLine-1, nX ); aPaM.GetIndex() = nCharPos; // Wenn davor eine autom.Umgebrochene Zeile, und ich muss genau an das // Ende dieser Zeile, landet der Cursor in der aktuellen Zeile am Anfang // Siehe Problem: Letztes Zeichen einer autom.umgebr. Zeile = Cursor TextLine* pLine = pPPortion->GetLines().GetObject( nLine - 1 ); if ( aPaM.GetIndex() && ( aPaM.GetIndex() == pLine->GetEnd() ) ) aPaM.GetIndex()--; } else if ( rPaM.GetPara() ) // vorheriger Absatz { aPaM.GetPara()--; pPPortion = mpTextEngine->mpTEParaPortions->GetObject( aPaM.GetPara() ); USHORT nL = pPPortion->GetLines().Count() - 1; USHORT nCharPos = mpTextEngine->GetCharPos( aPaM.GetPara(), nL, nX+1 ); aPaM.GetIndex() = nCharPos; } return aPaM; } TextPaM TextView::CursorDown( const TextPaM& rPaM ) { TextPaM aPaM( rPaM ); long nX; if ( mnTravelXPos == TRAVEL_X_DONTKNOW ) { nX = mpTextEngine->GetEditCursor( rPaM, FALSE ).Left(); mnTravelXPos = nX+1; } else nX = mnTravelXPos; TEParaPortion* pPPortion = mpTextEngine->mpTEParaPortions->GetObject( rPaM.GetPara() ); USHORT nLine = pPPortion->GetLineNumber( rPaM.GetIndex(), FALSE ); if ( nLine < ( pPPortion->GetLines().Count() - 1 ) ) { USHORT nCharPos = mpTextEngine->GetCharPos( rPaM.GetPara(), nLine+1, nX ); aPaM.GetIndex() = nCharPos; // Sonderbehandlung siehe CursorUp... TextLine* pLine = pPPortion->GetLines().GetObject( nLine + 1 ); if ( ( aPaM.GetIndex() == pLine->GetEnd() ) && ( aPaM.GetIndex() > pLine->GetStart() ) && aPaM.GetIndex() < pPPortion->GetNode()->GetText().Len() ) aPaM.GetIndex()--; } else if ( rPaM.GetPara() < ( mpTextEngine->mpDoc->GetNodes().Count() - 1 ) ) // naechster Absatz { aPaM.GetPara()++; pPPortion = mpTextEngine->mpTEParaPortions->GetObject( aPaM.GetPara() ); USHORT nCharPos = mpTextEngine->GetCharPos( aPaM.GetPara(), 0, nX+1 ); aPaM.GetIndex() = nCharPos; TextLine* pLine = pPPortion->GetLines().GetObject( 0 ); if ( ( aPaM.GetIndex() == pLine->GetEnd() ) && ( aPaM.GetIndex() > pLine->GetStart() ) && ( pPPortion->GetLines().Count() > 1 ) ) aPaM.GetIndex()--; } return aPaM; } TextPaM TextView::CursorStartOfLine( const TextPaM& rPaM ) { TextPaM aPaM( rPaM ); TEParaPortion* pPPortion = mpTextEngine->mpTEParaPortions->GetObject( rPaM.GetPara() ); USHORT nLine = pPPortion->GetLineNumber( aPaM.GetIndex(), FALSE ); TextLine* pLine = pPPortion->GetLines().GetObject( nLine ); aPaM.GetIndex() = pLine->GetStart(); return aPaM; } TextPaM TextView::CursorEndOfLine( const TextPaM& rPaM ) { TextPaM aPaM( rPaM ); TEParaPortion* pPPortion = mpTextEngine->mpTEParaPortions->GetObject( rPaM.GetPara() ); USHORT nLine = pPPortion->GetLineNumber( aPaM.GetIndex(), FALSE ); TextLine* pLine = pPPortion->GetLines().GetObject( nLine ); aPaM.GetIndex() = pLine->GetEnd(); if ( pLine->GetEnd() > pLine->GetStart() ) // Leerzeile { xub_Unicode cLastChar = pPPortion->GetNode()->GetText().GetChar((USHORT)(aPaM.GetIndex()-1) ); if ( ( cLastChar == ' ' ) && ( aPaM.GetIndex() != pPPortion->GetNode()->GetText().Len() ) ) { // Bei einem Blank in einer autom. umgebrochenen Zeile macht es Sinn, // davor zu stehen, da der Anwender hinter das Wort will. // Wenn diese geaendert wird, Sonderbehandlung fuer Pos1 nach End! aPaM.GetIndex()--; } } return aPaM; } TextPaM TextView::CursorStartOfParagraph( const TextPaM& rPaM ) { TextPaM aPaM( rPaM ); aPaM.GetIndex() = 0; return aPaM; } TextPaM TextView::CursorEndOfParagraph( const TextPaM& rPaM ) { TextNode* pNode = mpTextEngine->mpDoc->GetNodes().GetObject( rPaM.GetPara() ); TextPaM aPaM( rPaM ); aPaM.GetIndex() = pNode->GetText().Len(); return aPaM; } TextPaM TextView::CursorStartOfDoc() { TextPaM aPaM( 0, 0 ); return aPaM; } TextPaM TextView::CursorEndOfDoc() { ULONG nNode = mpTextEngine->mpDoc->GetNodes().Count() - 1; TextNode* pNode = mpTextEngine->mpDoc->GetNodes().GetObject( nNode ); TextPaM aPaM( nNode, pNode->GetText().Len() ); return aPaM; } TextPaM TextView::PageUp( const TextPaM& rPaM ) { Rectangle aRec = mpTextEngine->PaMtoEditCursor( rPaM ); Point aTopLeft = aRec.TopLeft(); aTopLeft.Y() -= mpWindow->GetOutputSizePixel().Height() * 9/10; aTopLeft.X() += 1; if ( aTopLeft.Y() < 0 ) aTopLeft.Y() = 0; TextPaM aPaM = mpTextEngine->GetPaM( aTopLeft ); return aPaM; } TextPaM TextView::PageDown( const TextPaM& rPaM ) { Rectangle aRec = mpTextEngine->PaMtoEditCursor( rPaM ); Point aBottomRight = aRec.BottomRight(); aBottomRight.Y() += mpWindow->GetOutputSizePixel().Height() * 9/10; aBottomRight.X() += 1; long nHeight = mpTextEngine->GetTextHeight(); if ( aBottomRight.Y() > nHeight ) aBottomRight.Y() = nHeight-1; TextPaM aPaM = mpTextEngine->GetPaM( aBottomRight ); return aPaM; } void TextView::ImpShowCursor( BOOL bGotoCursor, BOOL bForceVisCursor, BOOL bSpecial ) { if ( mpTextEngine->IsFormatting() ) return; if ( mpTextEngine->GetUpdateMode() == FALSE ) return; if ( mpTextEngine->IsInUndo() ) return; mpTextEngine->CheckIdleFormatter(); if ( !mpTextEngine->IsFormatted() ) mpTextEngine->FormatAndUpdate( this ); TextPaM aPaM( maSelection.GetEnd() ); Rectangle aEditCursor = mpTextEngine->PaMtoEditCursor( aPaM, bSpecial ); if ( !IsInsertMode() && !maSelection.HasRange() ) { TextNode* pNode = mpTextEngine->mpDoc->GetNodes().GetObject( aPaM.GetPara() ); if ( pNode->GetText().Len() && ( aPaM.GetIndex() < pNode->GetText().Len() ) ) { long nWidth = (long)mpTextEngine->CalcTextWidth( aPaM.GetPara(), aPaM.GetIndex(), 1 ); aEditCursor.Right() += nWidth; } } Size aOutSz = mpWindow->GetOutputSizePixel(); if ( aEditCursor.GetHeight() > aOutSz.Height() ) aEditCursor.Bottom() = aEditCursor.Top() + aOutSz.Height() - 1; if ( bGotoCursor ) { long nVisStartY = maStartDocPos.Y(); long nVisEndY = maStartDocPos.Y() + aOutSz.Height(); long nVisStartX = maStartDocPos.X(); long nVisEndX = maStartDocPos.X() + aOutSz.Width(); long nMoreX = aOutSz.Width() / 4; Point aNewStartPos( maStartDocPos ); if ( aEditCursor.Bottom() > nVisEndY ) { aNewStartPos.Y() += ( aEditCursor.Bottom() - nVisEndY ); } else if ( aEditCursor.Top() < nVisStartY ) { aNewStartPos.Y() -= ( nVisStartY - aEditCursor.Top() ); } if ( aEditCursor.Right() > nVisEndX ) { aNewStartPos.X() += ( aEditCursor.Right() - nVisEndX ); // Darfs ein bischen mehr sein? aNewStartPos.X() += nMoreX; } else if ( aEditCursor.Left() < nVisStartX ) { aNewStartPos.X() -= ( nVisStartX - aEditCursor.Left() ); // Darfs ein bischen mehr sein? aNewStartPos.X() -= nMoreX; } // X kann durch das 'bischen mehr' falsch sein: // ULONG nMaxTextWidth = mpTextEngine->GetMaxTextWidth(); // if ( !nMaxTextWidth || ( nMaxTextWidth > 0x7FFFFFFF ) ) // nMaxTextWidth = 0x7FFFFFFF; // long nMaxX = (long)nMaxTextWidth - aOutSz.Width(); long nMaxX = mpTextEngine->CalcTextWidth() - aOutSz.Width(); if ( nMaxX < 0 ) nMaxX = 0; if ( aNewStartPos.X() < 0 ) aNewStartPos.X() = 0; else if ( aNewStartPos.X() > nMaxX ) aNewStartPos.X() = nMaxX; // Y sollte nicht weiter unten als noetig liegen: long nYMax = mpTextEngine->GetTextHeight() - aOutSz.Height(); if ( nYMax < 0 ) nYMax = 0; if ( aNewStartPos.Y() > nYMax ) aNewStartPos.Y() = nYMax; if ( aNewStartPos != maStartDocPos ) { Scroll( -(aNewStartPos.X() - maStartDocPos.X()), -(aNewStartPos.Y() - maStartDocPos.Y()) ); mpTextEngine->Broadcast( TextHint( TEXT_HINT_VIEWSCROLLED ) ); } } Point aPoint( GetWindowPos( aEditCursor.TopLeft() ) ); mpCursor->SetPos( aPoint ); mpCursor->SetSize( aEditCursor.GetSize() ); if ( bForceVisCursor && mbCursorEnabled ) mpCursor->Show(); } BOOL TextView::SetCursorAtPoint( const Point& rPosPixel ) { // if ( !Rectangle( Point(), mpWindow->GetOutputSizePixel() ).IsInside( rPosPixel ) && !mbInSelection ) // return FALSE; mpTextEngine->CheckIdleFormatter(); Point aDocPos = GetDocPos( rPosPixel ); TextPaM aPaM = mpTextEngine->GetPaM( aDocPos ); // aTmpNewSel: Diff zwischen alt und neu, nicht die neue Selektion TextSelection aTmpNewSel( maSelection.GetEnd(), aPaM ); maSelection.GetEnd() = aPaM; if ( !mpSelEngine->HasAnchor() ) { if ( maSelection.GetStart() != aPaM ) mpTextEngine->CursorMoved( maSelection.GetStart().GetPara() ); maSelection.GetStart() = aPaM; } else { ShowSelection( aTmpNewSel ); } BOOL bForceCursor = mpDDInfo ? FALSE : TRUE; // && !mbInSelection ImpShowCursor( mbAutoScroll, bForceCursor, FALSE ); return TRUE; } BOOL TextView::IsSelectionAtPoint( const Point& rPosPixel ) { // if ( !Rectangle( Point(), mpWindow->GetOutputSizePixel() ).IsInside( rPosPixel ) && !mbInSelection ) // return FALSE; Point aDocPos = GetDocPos( rPosPixel ); TextPaM aPaM = mpTextEngine->GetPaM( aDocPos, FALSE ); // Bei Hyperlinks D&D auch ohne Selektion starten. // BeginDrag wird aber nur gerufen, wenn IsSelectionAtPoint() // Problem: IsSelectionAtPoint wird bei Command() nicht gerufen, // wenn vorher im MBDown schon FALSE returnt wurde. return ( IsInSelection( aPaM ) || ( /* mpSelEngine->IsInCommand() && */ mpTextEngine->FindAttrib( aPaM, TEXTATTR_HYPERLINK ) ) ); } BOOL TextView::IsInSelection( const TextPaM& rPaM ) { TextSelection aSel = maSelection; aSel.Justify(); ULONG nStartNode = aSel.GetStart().GetPara(); ULONG nEndNode = aSel.GetEnd().GetPara(); ULONG nCurNode = rPaM.GetPara(); if ( ( nCurNode > nStartNode ) && ( nCurNode < nEndNode ) ) return TRUE; if ( nStartNode == nEndNode ) { if ( nCurNode == nStartNode ) if ( ( rPaM.GetIndex() >= aSel.GetStart().GetIndex() ) && ( rPaM.GetIndex() < aSel.GetEnd().GetIndex() ) ) return TRUE; } else if ( ( nCurNode == nStartNode ) && ( rPaM.GetIndex() >= aSel.GetStart().GetIndex() ) ) return TRUE; else if ( ( nCurNode == nEndNode ) && ( rPaM.GetIndex() < aSel.GetEnd().GetIndex() ) ) return TRUE; return FALSE; } void TextView::ImpHideDDCursor() { if ( mpDDInfo && mpDDInfo->mbVisCursor ) { mpDDInfo->maCursor.Hide(); mpDDInfo->mbVisCursor = FALSE; } } void TextView::ImpShowDDCursor() { if ( !mpDDInfo->mbVisCursor ) { Rectangle aCursor = mpTextEngine->PaMtoEditCursor( mpDDInfo->maDropPos, TRUE ); aCursor.Right()++; aCursor.SetPos( GetWindowPos( aCursor.TopLeft() ) ); mpDDInfo->maCursor.SetWindow( mpWindow ); mpDDInfo->maCursor.SetPos( aCursor.TopLeft() ); mpDDInfo->maCursor.SetSize( aCursor.GetSize() ); mpDDInfo->maCursor.Show(); mpDDInfo->mbVisCursor = TRUE; } } void TextView::BeginDrag() { delete mpDDInfo; mpDDInfo = new TextDDInfo; mpDDInfo->mbStarterOfDD = TRUE; DragServer::Clear(); TextSelection aSel( maSelection ); aSel.Justify(); // D&D eines Hyperlinks. // Besser waere es im MBDown sich den MBDownPaM zu merken, // ist dann aber inkompatibel => spaeter mal umstellen. TextPaM aPaM( mpTextEngine->GetPaM( GetDocPos( GetWindow()->GetPointerPosPixel() ) ) ); const TextCharAttrib* pAttr = mpTextEngine->FindCharAttrib( aPaM, TEXTATTR_HYPERLINK ); if ( pAttr ) { aSel = aPaM; aSel.GetStart().GetIndex() = pAttr->GetStart(); aSel.GetEnd().GetIndex() = pAttr->GetEnd(); const TextAttribHyperLink& rLink = (const TextAttribHyperLink&)pAttr->GetAttr(); String aText( rLink.GetDescription() ); if ( !aText.Len() ) aText = mpTextEngine->GetText( aSel ); INetBookmark aBookmark( rLink.GetURL(), aText ); aBookmark.CopyDragServer(); } DragServer::CopyString( mpTextEngine->GetText( aSel ) ); Region* pDDRegion = NULL; #ifdef MAC // ... Region ermitteln Size aOutSz = mpWindow->GetOutputSizePixel(); Rectangle aStartCursor( mpTextEngine->GetEditCursor( aSel.GetStart(), FALSE ) ); Rectangle aEndCursor( mpTextEngine->GetEditCursor( aSel.GetEnd(), TRUE ) ); Point aTopLeft = aStartCursor.TopLeft(); aTopLeft -= maStartDocPos; Point aBottomRight = aStartCursor.BottomRight(); aBottomRight -= maStartDocPos; if ( aStartCursor.Top() != aEndCursor.Top() ) { // Dann einfach das Rechteck mit den kompletten Zeilem aTopLeft.X() = 0; aBottomRight.X() = aOutSz.Width(); } pDDRegion = new Region( Rectangle( aTopLeft, aBottomRight ) ); #endif mpCursor->Hide(); mpWindow->ExecuteDrag( Pointer( POINTER_MOVEDATA ), Pointer( POINTER_COPYDATA ), DRAG_ALL, pDDRegion ); DragServer::Clear(); ImpHideDDCursor(); delete mpDDInfo; mpDDInfo = 0; } BOOL TextView::QueryDrop( DropEvent& rEvt ) { if ( rEvt.IsLeaveWindow() ) { ImpHideDDCursor(); return FALSE; } BOOL bDrop = FALSE; if ( !mbReadOnly && DragServer::HasFormat( 0, FORMAT_STRING ) && ( ( rEvt.GetAction() == DROP_COPY ) || ( rEvt.GetAction() == DROP_MOVE ) ) ) { if ( !mpDDInfo ) mpDDInfo = new TextDDInfo; TextPaM aPrevDropPos = mpDDInfo->maDropPos; Point aDocPos = GetDocPos( rEvt.GetPosPixel() ); mpDDInfo->maDropPos = mpTextEngine->GetPaM( aDocPos ); Size aOutSize = mpWindow->GetOutputSizePixel(); if ( ( rEvt.GetPosPixel().X() < 0 ) || ( rEvt.GetPosPixel().X() > aOutSize.Width() ) || ( rEvt.GetPosPixel().Y() < 0 ) || ( rEvt.GetPosPixel().Y() > aOutSize.Height() ) ) { // Scrollen ? } // Nicht in Selektion droppen: if ( IsInSelection( mpDDInfo->maDropPos ) ) { ImpHideDDCursor(); return FALSE; } // Alten Cursor wegzeichnen... if ( !mpDDInfo->mbVisCursor || ( aPrevDropPos != mpDDInfo->maDropPos ) ) { ImpHideDDCursor(); ImpShowDDCursor(); } bDrop = TRUE; } return bDrop; } BOOL TextView::Drop( const DropEvent& rEvt ) { BOOL bDone = FALSE; if ( !mbReadOnly && mpDDInfo ) { ImpHideDDCursor(); // Daten fuer das loeschen nach einem DROP_MOVE: TextSelection aPrevSel( maSelection ); aPrevSel.Justify(); ULONG nPrevParaCount = mpTextEngine->GetParagraphCount(); USHORT nPrevStartParaLen = mpTextEngine->GetTextLen( aPrevSel.GetStart().GetPara() ); BOOL bStarterOfDD = FALSE; for ( USHORT nView = mpTextEngine->GetViewCount(); nView && !bStarterOfDD; ) bStarterOfDD = mpTextEngine->GetView( --nView )->mpDDInfo ? mpTextEngine->GetView( nView )->mpDDInfo->mbStarterOfDD : FALSE; HideSelection(); maSelection = mpDDInfo->maDropPos; mpTextEngine->UndoActionStart( TEXTUNDO_DRAGANDDROP ); String aText = DragServer::PasteString( 0 ); aText.ConvertLineEnd( LINEEND_LF ); if ( aText.Len() && ( aText.GetChar( aText.Len()-1 ) == LINE_SEP ) ) aText.Erase( aText.Len()-1 ); if ( ImplCheckTextLen( aText ) ) maSelection = mpTextEngine->ImpInsertText( mpDDInfo->maDropPos, aText ); if ( aPrevSel.HasRange() && ( rEvt.GetAction() == DROP_MOVE ) || !bStarterOfDD ) { // ggf. Selection anpasssen: if ( ( mpDDInfo->maDropPos.GetPara() < aPrevSel.GetStart().GetPara() ) || ( ( mpDDInfo->maDropPos.GetPara() == aPrevSel.GetStart().GetPara() ) && ( mpDDInfo->maDropPos.GetIndex() < aPrevSel.GetStart().GetIndex() ) ) ) { ULONG nNewParasBeforeSelection = mpTextEngine->GetParagraphCount() - nPrevParaCount; aPrevSel.GetStart().GetPara() += nNewParasBeforeSelection; aPrevSel.GetEnd().GetPara() += nNewParasBeforeSelection; if ( mpDDInfo->maDropPos.GetPara() == aPrevSel.GetStart().GetPara() ) { USHORT nNewChars = mpTextEngine->GetTextLen( aPrevSel.GetStart().GetPara() ) - nPrevStartParaLen; aPrevSel.GetStart().GetIndex() += nNewChars; if ( aPrevSel.GetStart().GetPara() == aPrevSel.GetEnd().GetPara() ) aPrevSel.GetEnd().GetIndex() += nNewChars; } } else { // aktuelle Selektion anpassen TextPaM aPaM = maSelection.GetStart(); aPaM.GetPara() -= ( aPrevSel.GetEnd().GetPara() - aPrevSel.GetStart().GetPara() ); if ( aPrevSel.GetEnd().GetPara() == mpDDInfo->maDropPos.GetPara() ) { aPaM.GetIndex() -= aPrevSel.GetEnd().GetIndex(); if ( aPrevSel.GetStart().GetPara() == mpDDInfo->maDropPos.GetPara() ) aPaM.GetIndex() += aPrevSel.GetStart().GetIndex(); } maSelection = aPaM; } mpTextEngine->ImpDeleteText( aPrevSel ); } mpTextEngine->UndoActionEnd( TEXTUNDO_DRAGANDDROP ); delete mpDDInfo; mpDDInfo = 0; mpTextEngine->FormatAndUpdate( this ); mpTextEngine->Broadcast( TextHint( TEXT_HINT_MODIFIED ) ); } return bDone; } void TextView::SetPaintSelection( BOOL bPaint ) { if ( bPaint != mbPaintSelection ) { mbPaintSelection = bPaint; ShowSelection( maSelection ); } } void TextView::SetHighlightSelection( BOOL bSelectByHighlight ) { if ( bSelectByHighlight != mbHighlightSelection ) { // Falls umschalten zwischendurch moeglich... mbHighlightSelection = bSelectByHighlight; } } BOOL TextView::Read( SvStream& rInput ) { BOOL bDone = mpTextEngine->Read( rInput, &maSelection ); ShowCursor(); return bDone; } BOOL TextView::Write( SvStream& rOutput ) { return mpTextEngine->Read( rOutput, &maSelection ); } BOOL TextView::ImplCheckTextLen( const String& rNewText ) { BOOL bOK = TRUE; if ( mpTextEngine->GetMaxTextLen() ) { ULONG n = mpTextEngine->GetTextLen(); n += rNewText.Len(); if ( n > mpTextEngine->GetMaxTextLen() ) { // nur dann noch ermitteln, wie viel Text geloescht wird n -= mpTextEngine->GetTextLen( maSelection ); if ( n > mpTextEngine->GetMaxTextLen() ) { // Beep hat hier eigentlich nichts verloren, sondern lieber ein Hdl, // aber so funktioniert es wenigstens in ME, BasicIDE, SourceView Sound::Beep(); bOK = FALSE; } } } return bOK; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // (+) class TextSelFunctionSet // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TextSelFunctionSet::TextSelFunctionSet( TextView* pView ) { mpView = pView; } void __EXPORT TextSelFunctionSet::BeginDrag() { mpView->BeginDrag(); } void __EXPORT TextSelFunctionSet::CreateAnchor() { // TextSelection aSel( mpView->GetSelection() ); // aSel.GetStart() = aSel.GetEnd(); // mpView->SetSelection( aSel ); // Es darf kein ShowCursor folgen: mpView->HideSelection(); mpView->maSelection.GetStart() = mpView->maSelection.GetEnd(); } BOOL __EXPORT TextSelFunctionSet::SetCursorAtPoint( const Point& rPointPixel, BOOL ) { return mpView->SetCursorAtPoint( rPointPixel ); } BOOL __EXPORT TextSelFunctionSet::IsSelectionAtPoint( const Point& rPointPixel ) { return mpView->IsSelectionAtPoint( rPointPixel ); } void __EXPORT TextSelFunctionSet::DeselectAll() { CreateAnchor(); } void __EXPORT TextSelFunctionSet::DeselectAtPoint( const Point& ) { // Nur bei Mehrfachselektion } void __EXPORT TextSelFunctionSet::DestroyAnchor() { // Nur bei Mehrfachselektion }