/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #include "svtools/sores.hxx" #define __RSC #include #define S_MAX 0x7fff Resource RID_SO_ERROR_HANDLER { String ERRCODE_SO_GENERALERROR&S_MAX { Text [ en-US ] = "General OLE error." ; }; String ERRCODE_SO_CANT_BINDTOSOURCE&S_MAX { Text [ en-US ] = "The connection to the object cannot be established." ; }; String ERRCODE_SO_NOCACHE_UPDATED&S_MAX { Text [ en-US ] = "No cache files were updated." ; }; String ERRCODE_SO_SOMECACHES_NOTUPDATED&S_MAX { Text [ en-US ] = "Some cache files were not updated." ; }; String ERRCODE_SO_MK_UNAVAILABLE&S_MAX { Text [ en-US ] = "Status of object cannot be determined in a timely manner." ; }; String ERRCODE_SO_E_CLASSDIFF&S_MAX { Text [ en-US ] = "Source of the OLE link has been converted." ; }; String ERRCODE_SO_MK_NO_OBJECT&S_MAX { Text [ en-US ] = "The object could not be found." ; }; String ERRCODE_SO_MK_EXCEEDED_DEADLINE&S_MAX { Text [ en-US ] = "The process could not be completed within the specified time period." ; }; String ERRCODE_SO_MK_CONNECT_MANUALLY&S_MAX { Text [ en-US ] = "OLE could not connect to a network device (server)." ; }; String ERRCODE_SO_MK_INTERMEDIATE_INTERFACE_NOT_SUPPORTED&S_MAX { Text [ en-US ] = "The object found does not support the interface required for the desired operation." ; }; String ERRCODE_SO_NO_INTERFACE&S_MAX { Text [ en-US ] = "Interface not supported." ; }; String ERRCODE_SO_OUT_OF_MEMORY&S_MAX { Text [ en-US ] = "Insufficient memory." ; }; String ERRCODE_SO_MK_SYNTAX&S_MAX { Text [ en-US ] = "The connection name could not be processed." ; }; String ERRCODE_SO_MK_REDUCED_TO_SELF&S_MAX { Text [ en-US ] = "The connection name could not be reduced further." ; }; String ERRCODE_SO_MK_NO_INVERSE&S_MAX { Text [ en-US ] = "The connection name has no inverse." ; }; String ERRCODE_SO_MK_NO_PREFIX&S_MAX { Text [ en-US ] = "No common prefix exists." ; }; String ERRCODE_SO_MK_HIM&S_MAX { Text [ en-US ] = "The connection name is contained in the other one." ; }; String ERRCODE_SO_MK_US&S_MAX { Text [ en-US ] = "The connection names (the receiver and the other moniker) are identical." ; }; String ERRCODE_SO_MK_ME&S_MAX { Text [ en-US ] = "The connection name is contained in the other one." ; }; String ERRCODE_SO_MK_NOT_BINDABLE&S_MAX { Text [ en-US ] = "The connection name cannot be connected. This is a relative name." ; }; String ERRCODE_SO_NOT_IMPLEMENTED&S_MAX { Text [ en-US ] = "Operation not implemented." ; }; String ERRCODE_SO_MK_NO_STORAGE&S_MAX { Text [ en-US ] = "No storage." ; }; String ERRCODE_SO_FALSE&S_MAX { Text [ en-US ] = "False." ; }; String ERRCODE_SO_MK_NEED_GENERIC&S_MAX { Text [ en-US ] = "Monikers must be composed generically." ; }; String ERRCODE_SO_PENDING&S_MAX { Text [ en-US ] = "Data not available at this time." ; }; String ERRCODE_SO_NOT_INPLACEACTIVE & S_MAX { Text [ en-US ] = "Object could not be activated InPlace." ; }; String ERRCODE_SO_LINDEX & S_MAX { Text [ en-US ] = "Invalid index." ; }; String ERRCODE_SO_CANNOT_DOVERB_NOW & S_MAX { Text [ en-US ] = "The action cannot be executed in the object's current state." ; }; String ERRCODE_SO_OLEOBJ_INVALIDHWND & S_MAX { Text [ en-US ] = "An invalid window was passed when activated." ; }; String ERRCODE_SO_NOVERBS & S_MAX { Text [ en-US ] = "The object does not support any actions." ; }; String ERRCODE_SO_INVALIDVERB & S_MAX { Text [ en-US ] = "The action is not defined. The default action will be executed." ; }; String ERRCODE_SO_MK_CONNECT & S_MAX { Text [ en-US ] = "A link to the network could not be re-established." ; }; String ERRCODE_SO_NOTIMPL & S_MAX { Text [ en-US ] = "Object does not support this action." ; }; String ERRCODE_SO_MK_CANTOPENFILE & S_MAX { Text [ en-US ] = "The specified file could not be opened." ; }; }; Resource RID_SO_ERRCTX { String ERRCTX_SO_DOVERB { Text [ en-US ] = "$(ERR) activating object" ; }; }; String STR_ERROR_OBJNOCREATE { Text [ en-US ] = "Object % could not be inserted." ; }; String STR_ERROR_OBJNOCREATE_FROM_FILE { Text [ en-US ] = "Object from file % could not be inserted." ; }; String STR_ERROR_OBJNOCREATE_PLUGIN { Text [ en-US ] = "Plug-in from document % could not be inserted." ; }; String STR_FURTHER_OBJECT { Text [ en-US ] = "Further objects" ; }; Bitmap BMP_PLUGIN { File = "plugin.png" ; }; Bitmap BMP_OLEOBJ { File = "oleobj.png" ; }; Menu MB_PLUGIN { ItemList = { MenuItem MI_PLUGIN ; }; ExtraData = { 1 ; 0 ; 0 ; }; //Um InPlace Menu zu bentzen }; MenuItem MI_PLUGIN { Identifier = MI_PLUGIN ; SubMenu = Menu { ItemList = { MenuItem { Identifier = MI_PLUGIN_DEACTIVATE ; Text [ en-US ] = "Deactivate" ; }; }; }; }; String STR_UNKNOWN_SOURCE { Text [ en-US ] = "Unknown source" ; }; /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */