/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #ifndef INCLUDED_SC_SOURCE_FILTER_INC_XLSTYLE_HXX #define INCLUDED_SC_SOURCE_FILTER_INC_XLSTYLE_HXX #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "fapihelper.hxx" class XclRoot; // Constants and Enumerations ================================================= // Line styles ---------------------------------------------------------------- const sal_uInt8 EXC_LINE_NONE = 0x00; const sal_uInt8 EXC_LINE_THIN = 0x01; const sal_uInt8 EXC_LINE_MEDIUM = 0x02; const sal_uInt8 EXC_LINE_DASHED = 0x03; const sal_uInt8 EXC_LINE_DOTTED = 0x04; const sal_uInt8 EXC_LINE_THICK = 0x05; const sal_uInt8 EXC_LINE_DOUBLE = 0x06; const sal_uInt8 EXC_LINE_HAIR = 0x07; const sal_uInt8 EXC_LINE_MEDIUM_DASHED = 0x08; const sal_uInt8 EXC_LINE_THIN_DASHDOT = 0x09; const sal_uInt8 EXC_LINE_MEDIUM_DASHDOT = 0x0A; const sal_uInt8 EXC_LINE_THIN_DASHDOTDOT = 0x0B; const sal_uInt8 EXC_LINE_MEDIUM_DASHDOTDOT = 0x0C; const sal_uInt8 EXC_LINE_MEDIUM_SLANT_DASHDOT = 0x0D; // Background patterns -------------------------------------------------------- const sal_uInt8 EXC_PATT_NONE = 0x00; const sal_uInt8 EXC_PATT_SOLID = 0x01; const sal_uInt8 EXC_PATT_50_PERC = 0x02; const sal_uInt8 EXC_PATT_75_PERC = 0x03; const sal_uInt8 EXC_PATT_25_PERC = 0x04; const sal_uInt8 EXC_PATT_12_5_PERC = 0x11; const sal_uInt8 EXC_PATT_6_25_PERC = 0x12; // (0x001E, 0x041E) FORMAT ---------------------------------------------------- const sal_uInt16 EXC_ID2_FORMAT = 0x001E; const sal_uInt16 EXC_ID4_FORMAT = 0x041E; const sal_uInt16 EXC_FORMAT_OFFSET5 = 164; const sal_uInt16 EXC_FORMAT_OFFSET8 = 164; const sal_uInt16 EXC_FORMAT_NOTFOUND = 0xFFFF; // (0x0031) FONT -------------------------------------------------------------- const sal_uInt16 EXC_ID2_FONT = 0x0031; const sal_uInt16 EXC_ID3_FONT = 0x0231; const sal_uInt16 EXC_FONT_APP = 0; /// Application font index. const sal_uInt16 EXC_FONT_NOTFOUND = 0xFFFF; const size_t EXC_FONT_MAXCOUNT4 = 0x00FF; const size_t EXC_FONT_MAXCOUNT5 = 0x00FF; const size_t EXC_FONT_MAXCOUNT8 = 0xFFFF; // families const sal_uInt8 EXC_FONTFAM_DONTKNOW = 0x00; const sal_uInt8 EXC_FONTFAM_ROMAN = 0x01; const sal_uInt8 EXC_FONTFAM_SWISS = 0x02; const sal_uInt8 EXC_FONTFAM_SYSTEM = EXC_FONTFAM_SWISS; const sal_uInt8 EXC_FONTFAM_MODERN = 0x03; const sal_uInt8 EXC_FONTFAM_SCRIPT = 0x04; const sal_uInt8 EXC_FONTFAM_DECORATIVE = 0x05; // charsets const sal_uInt8 EXC_FONTCSET_ANSI_LATIN = 0x00; // attributes const sal_uInt16 EXC_FONTATTR_NONE = 0x0000; const sal_uInt16 EXC_FONTATTR_BOLD = 0x0001; const sal_uInt16 EXC_FONTATTR_ITALIC = 0x0002; const sal_uInt16 EXC_FONTATTR_UNDERLINE = 0x0004; const sal_uInt16 EXC_FONTATTR_STRIKEOUT = 0x0008; const sal_uInt16 EXC_FONTATTR_OUTLINE = 0x0010; const sal_uInt16 EXC_FONTATTR_SHADOW = 0x0020; // weight const sal_uInt16 EXC_FONTWGHT_DONTKNOW = 0; const sal_uInt16 EXC_FONTWGHT_THIN = 100; const sal_uInt16 EXC_FONTWGHT_ULTRALIGHT = 200; const sal_uInt16 EXC_FONTWGHT_LIGHT = 300; const sal_uInt16 EXC_FONTWGHT_SEMILIGHT = 350; const sal_uInt16 EXC_FONTWGHT_NORMAL = 400; const sal_uInt16 EXC_FONTWGHT_MEDIUM = 500; const sal_uInt16 EXC_FONTWGHT_SEMIBOLD = 600; const sal_uInt16 EXC_FONTWGHT_BOLD = 700; const sal_uInt16 EXC_FONTWGHT_ULTRABOLD = 800; const sal_uInt16 EXC_FONTWGHT_BLACK = 900; // underline const sal_uInt8 EXC_FONTUNDERL_NONE = 0x00; const sal_uInt8 EXC_FONTUNDERL_SINGLE = 0x01; const sal_uInt8 EXC_FONTUNDERL_DOUBLE = 0x02; const sal_uInt8 EXC_FONTUNDERL_SINGLE_ACC = 0x21; const sal_uInt8 EXC_FONTUNDERL_DOUBLE_ACC = 0x22; // escapement const sal_uInt16 EXC_FONTESC_NONE = 0x00; const sal_uInt16 EXC_FONTESC_SUPER = 0x01; const sal_uInt16 EXC_FONTESC_SUB = 0x02; // (0x0043, 0x0243, 0x0443, 0x00E0) XF ---------------------------------------- const sal_uInt16 EXC_ID2_XF = 0x0043; const sal_uInt16 EXC_ID3_XF = 0x0243; const sal_uInt16 EXC_ID4_XF = 0x0443; const sal_uInt16 EXC_ID5_XF = 0x00E0; const sal_uInt32 EXC_XF_MAXCOUNT = 4050; /// Maximum number of all XF records. const sal_uInt32 EXC_XF_MAXSTYLECOUNT = 1536; /// Arbitrary maximum number of style XFs. const sal_uInt16 EXC_XF_DEFAULTSTYLE = 0; /// Excel index to default style XF. const sal_uInt16 EXC_XF_DEFAULTCELL = 15; /// Excel index to default cell XF. const sal_uInt16 EXC_XF_NOTFOUND = 0xFFFF; /// Special index for "not found" state. const sal_uInt32 EXC_XFID_NOTFOUND = 0xFFFFFFFF; const sal_uInt16 EXC_XF_LOCKED = 0x0001; const sal_uInt16 EXC_XF_HIDDEN = 0x0002; const sal_uInt16 EXC_XF_STYLE = 0x0004; const sal_uInt16 EXC_XF_STYLEPARENT = 0x0FFF; /// Syles don't have a parent. const sal_uInt16 EXC_XF_LINEBREAK = 0x0008; /// Automatic line break. const sal_uInt16 EXC_XF_SHRINK = 0x0010; /// Shrink to fit into cell. const sal_uInt8 EXC_XF_DIFF_VALFMT = 0x01; const sal_uInt8 EXC_XF_DIFF_FONT = 0x02; const sal_uInt8 EXC_XF_DIFF_ALIGN = 0x04; const sal_uInt8 EXC_XF_DIFF_BORDER = 0x08; const sal_uInt8 EXC_XF_DIFF_AREA = 0x10; const sal_uInt8 EXC_XF_DIFF_PROT = 0x20; const sal_uInt8 EXC_XF_HOR_GENERAL = 0x00; const sal_uInt8 EXC_XF_HOR_LEFT = 0x01; const sal_uInt8 EXC_XF_HOR_CENTER = 0x02; const sal_uInt8 EXC_XF_HOR_RIGHT = 0x03; const sal_uInt8 EXC_XF_HOR_FILL = 0x04; const sal_uInt8 EXC_XF_HOR_JUSTIFY = 0x05; const sal_uInt8 EXC_XF_HOR_CENTER_AS = 0x06; const sal_uInt8 EXC_XF_HOR_DISTRIB = 0x07; const sal_uInt8 EXC_XF_VER_TOP = 0x00; const sal_uInt8 EXC_XF_VER_CENTER = 0x01; const sal_uInt8 EXC_XF_VER_BOTTOM = 0x02; const sal_uInt8 EXC_XF_VER_JUSTIFY = 0x03; const sal_uInt8 EXC_XF_VER_DISTRIB = 0x04; const sal_uInt8 EXC_XF_TEXTDIR_CONTEXT = 0x00; const sal_uInt8 EXC_XF_TEXTDIR_LTR = 0x01; const sal_uInt8 EXC_XF_TEXTDIR_RTL = 0x02; const sal_uInt8 EXC_XF2_VALFMT_MASK = 0x3F; const sal_uInt8 EXC_XF2_LOCKED = 0x40; const sal_uInt8 EXC_XF2_HIDDEN = 0x80; const sal_uInt8 EXC_XF2_LEFTLINE = 0x08; const sal_uInt8 EXC_XF2_RIGHTLINE = 0x10; const sal_uInt8 EXC_XF2_TOPLINE = 0x20; const sal_uInt8 EXC_XF2_BOTTOMLINE = 0x40; const sal_uInt8 EXC_XF2_BACKGROUND = 0x80; const sal_uInt16 EXC_XF8_SHRINK = 0x0010; /// Shrink to fit into cell. const sal_uInt16 EXC_XF8_MERGE = 0x0020; const sal_uInt32 EXC_XF_DIAGONAL_TL_TO_BR = 0x40000000; /// Top-left to bottom-right. const sal_uInt32 EXC_XF_DIAGONAL_BL_TO_TR = 0x80000000; /// Bottom-left to top-right. const sal_uInt32 EXC_XF_DIAGONAL_BOTH = 0xC0000000; /// Both. // (0x0045) EFONT ------------------------------------------------------------- const sal_uInt16 EXC_ID_EFONT = 0x0045; // (0x0092) PALETTE ----------------------------------------------------------- const sal_uInt16 EXC_ID_PALETTE = 0x0092; const sal_uInt16 EXC_COLOR_BIFF2_BLACK = 0; const sal_uInt16 EXC_COLOR_BIFF2_WHITE = 1; const sal_uInt16 EXC_COLOR_USEROFFSET = 8; /// First user defined color. const sal_uInt16 EXC_COLOR_WINDOWTEXT3 = 24; /// System window text color (BIFF3-BIFF4). const sal_uInt16 EXC_COLOR_WINDOWBACK3 = 25; /// System window background color (BIFF3-BIFF4). const sal_uInt16 EXC_COLOR_WINDOWTEXT = 64; /// System window text color (>=BIFF5). const sal_uInt16 EXC_COLOR_WINDOWBACK = 65; /// System window background color (>=BIFF5). const sal_uInt16 EXC_COLOR_BUTTONBACK = 67; /// System button background color (face color). const sal_uInt16 EXC_COLOR_CHWINDOWTEXT = 77; /// System window text color (BIFF8 charts). const sal_uInt16 EXC_COLOR_CHWINDOWBACK = 78; /// System window background color (BIFF8 charts). const sal_uInt16 EXC_COLOR_CHBORDERAUTO = 79; /// Automatic frame border for series (BIFF8 charts). const sal_uInt16 EXC_COLOR_NOTEBACK = 80; /// Note background color. const sal_uInt16 EXC_COLOR_NOTETEXT = 81; /// Note text color. const sal_uInt16 EXC_COLOR_FONTAUTO = 0x7FFF; /// Font auto color (system window text color). // (0x0293) STYLE ------------------------------------------------------------- const sal_uInt16 EXC_ID_STYLE = 0x0293; const sal_uInt16 EXC_STYLE_BUILTIN = 0x8000; const sal_uInt16 EXC_STYLE_XFMASK = 0x0FFF; const sal_uInt8 EXC_STYLE_NORMAL = 0x00; /// "Normal" style. const sal_uInt8 EXC_STYLE_ROWLEVEL = 0x01; /// "RowLevel_*" styles. const sal_uInt8 EXC_STYLE_COLLEVEL = 0x02; /// "ColLevel_*" styles. const sal_uInt8 EXC_STYLE_COMMA = 0x03; /// "Comma" style. const sal_uInt8 EXC_STYLE_CURRENCY = 0x04; /// "Currency" style. const sal_uInt8 EXC_STYLE_PERCENT = 0x05; /// "Percent" style. const sal_uInt8 EXC_STYLE_COMMA_0 = 0x06; /// "Comma [0]" style. const sal_uInt8 EXC_STYLE_CURRENCY_0 = 0x07; /// "Currency [0]" style. const sal_uInt8 EXC_STYLE_HYPERLINK = 0x08; /// "Hyperlink" style. const sal_uInt8 EXC_STYLE_FOLLOWED_HYPERLINK= 0x09; /// "Followed_Hyperlink" style. const sal_uInt8 EXC_STYLE_USERDEF = 0xFF; /// No built-in style. const sal_uInt8 EXC_STYLE_LEVELCOUNT = 7; /// Number of outline level styles. const sal_uInt8 EXC_STYLE_NOLEVEL = 0xFF; /// Default value for unused level. // (0x0892) STYLEEXT ---------------------------------------------------------- const sal_uInt16 EXC_ID_STYLEEXT = 0x0892; const sal_uInt8 EXC_STYLEEXT_BUILTIN = 0x01; const sal_uInt8 EXC_STYLEEXT_HIDDEN = 0x02; const sal_uInt8 EXC_STYLEEXT_CUSTOM = 0x04; // Color data ================================================================= /** Stores all default colors for a specific BIFF version. */ class XclDefaultPalette { public: explicit XclDefaultPalette( const XclRoot& rRoot ); /** Returns the color count in the current palette. */ inline sal_uInt32 GetColorCount() const { return mnTableSize - EXC_COLOR_USEROFFSET; } /** Returns the default RGB color data for a (non-zero-based) Excel color or COL_AUTO on error. */ ColorData GetDefColorData( sal_uInt16 nXclIndex ) const; /** Returns the default color for a (non-zero-based) Excel color or COL_AUTO on error. */ inline Color GetDefColor( sal_uInt16 nXclIndex ) const { return Color( GetDefColorData( nXclIndex ) ); } /** Returns true, if the passed Excel color index is a system color. */ inline bool IsSystemColor( sal_uInt16 nXclIndex ) const { return nXclIndex >= mnTableSize; } private: const ColorData* mpnColorTable; /// The table with RGB values. ColorData mnWindowText; /// System window text color. ColorData mnWindowBack; /// System window background color. ColorData mnFaceColor; /// System button background color. ColorData mnNoteText; /// Note text color. ColorData mnNoteBack; /// Note background color. sal_uInt32 mnTableSize; /// The color table size. }; // Font data ================================================================== namespace vcl { class Font; } class SvxFont; /** This struct helps reading and writing Excel fonts. It stores all Excel compatible properties of a font. In detail this is the name, family, character set, height, color, boldness, posture, script, underline, strikeout, outline and shadow of the font. */ struct XclFontData { OUString maName; /// Font name. OUString maStyle; /// String with styles (bold, italic). Color maColor; /// Font color. sal_uInt16 mnHeight; /// Font height in twips (1/20 of a point). sal_uInt16 mnWeight; /// Boldness: 400=normal, 700=bold. sal_uInt16 mnEscapem; /// Escapement type. sal_uInt8 mnFamily; /// Windows font family. sal_uInt8 mnCharSet; /// Windows character set. sal_uInt8 mnUnderline; /// Underline style. bool mbItalic; /// true = Italic. bool mbStrikeout; /// true = Struck out. bool mbOutline; /// true = Outlined. bool mbShadow; /// true = Shadowed. /** Constructs an empty font data structure. */ explicit XclFontData(); /** Constructs a font data structure and fills it with the passed font attributes (except color). */ explicit XclFontData( const vcl::Font& rFont ); /** As directly above but also fills in the escapement member. */ explicit XclFontData( const SvxFont& rFont ); /** Resets all members to default (empty) values. */ void Clear(); /** Fills all members (except color and escapement) from the passed font. */ void FillFromVclFont( const vcl::Font& rFont ); /** Fills all members (except color) from the passed SVX font. */ void FillFromSvxFont( const SvxFont& rFont ); // *** conversion of VCL/SVX constants *** ------------------------------------ /** Returns the Calc font family. */ FontFamily GetScFamily( rtl_TextEncoding eDefTextEnc ) const; /** Returns the font text encoding. */ rtl_TextEncoding GetFontEncoding() const; /** Returns the Calc font posture. */ FontItalic GetScPosture() const; /** Returns the Calc font weight. */ FontWeight GetScWeight() const; /** Returns the Calc font underline style. */ FontUnderline GetScUnderline() const; /** Returns the Calc escapement style. */ SvxEscapement GetScEscapement() const; /** Returns the Calc strike-out style. */ FontStrikeout GetScStrikeout() const; /** Sets the Calc font height (in twips). */ void SetScHeight( sal_Int32 nTwips ); /** Sets the Calc font family. */ void SetScFamily( FontFamily eScFamily ); /** Sets the font text encoding. */ void SetFontEncoding( rtl_TextEncoding eFontEnc ); /** Sets the Calc font posture. */ void SetScPosture( FontItalic eScPosture ); /** Sets the Calc font weight. */ void SetScWeight( FontWeight eScWeight ); /** Sets the Calc underline style. */ void SetScUnderline( FontUnderline eScUnderl ); /** Sets the Calc escapement style. */ void SetScEscapement( short nScEscapem ); /** Sets the Calc strike-out style. */ void SetScStrikeout( FontStrikeout eScStrikeout ); // *** conversion of API constants *** ---------------------------------------- /** Returns the API font height. */ float GetApiHeight() const; /** Returns the API font family. */ sal_Int16 GetApiFamily() const; /** Returns the API font text encoding. */ sal_Int16 GetApiFontEncoding() const; /** Returns the API font posture. */ ::com::sun::star::awt::FontSlant GetApiPosture() const; /** Returns the API font weight. */ float GetApiWeight() const; /** Returns the API font underline style. */ sal_Int16 GetApiUnderline() const; /** Returns the API escapement style. */ sal_Int16 GetApiEscapement() const; /** Returns the API font strike-out style. */ sal_Int16 GetApiStrikeout() const; /** Sets the API font height. */ void SetApiHeight( float fPoint ); /** Sets the API font family. */ void SetApiFamily( sal_Int16 nApiFamily ); /** Sets the API font posture. */ void SetApiPosture( ::com::sun::star::awt::FontSlant eApiPosture ); /** Sets the API font weight. */ void SetApiWeight( float fApiWeight ); /** Sets the API font underline style. */ void SetApiUnderline( sal_Int16 nApiUnderl ); /** Sets the API escapement style. */ void SetApiEscapement( sal_Int16 nApiEscapem ); /** Sets the API font strike-out style. */ void SetApiStrikeout( sal_Int16 nApiStrikeout ); }; bool operator==( const XclFontData& rLeft, const XclFontData& rRight ); /** Enumerates different types of Which-IDs for font items. */ enum XclFontItemType { EXC_FONTITEM_CELL, /// Use Calc Which-IDs (ATTR_*). EXC_FONTITEM_EDITENG, /// Use edit engine Which-IDs (EE_CHAR_*). EXC_FONTITEM_HF, /// Use header/footer edit engine Which-IDs (EE_CHAR_*). EXC_FONTITEM_NOTE /// Use note edit engine Which-IDs (EE_CHAR_*), special font handling. }; /** Enumerates different types for objects with font settings (using different property names). */ enum XclFontPropSetType { EXC_FONTPROPSET_CHART, /// All text objects in charts. EXC_FONTPROPSET_CONTROL /// Text formatting in form controls. }; /** Helper class for usage of property sets. */ class XclFontPropSetHelper { public: explicit XclFontPropSetHelper(); /** Reads all font properties from the passed property set. */ void ReadFontProperties( XclFontData& rFontData, const ScfPropertySet& rPropSet, XclFontPropSetType eType, sal_Int16 nScript = -1 ); /** Writes all font properties to the passed property set, uses passed color as font color. */ void WriteFontProperties( ScfPropertySet& rPropSet, XclFontPropSetType eType, const XclFontData& rFontData, bool bHasWstrn, bool bHasAsian, bool bHasCmplx, const Color* pFontColor = 0 ); private: /** Returns a chart property set helper according to the passed script type. */ ScfPropSetHelper& GetChartHelper( sal_Int16 nScript ); private: ScfPropSetHelper maHlpChCommon; /// Chart properties for all scripts. ScfPropSetHelper maHlpChWstrn; /// Chart properties for Western script. ScfPropSetHelper maHlpChAsian; /// Chart properties for Asian script. ScfPropSetHelper maHlpChCmplx; /// Chart properties for Complex script. ScfPropSetHelper maHlpChWstrnNoName; /// Chart properties for Western script, no font name. ScfPropSetHelper maHlpChAsianNoName; /// Chart properties for Asian script, no font name. ScfPropSetHelper maHlpChCmplxNoName; /// Chart properties for Complex script, no font name. ScfPropSetHelper maHlpChEscapement; /// Chart properties for font escapement. ScfPropSetHelper maHlpControl; /// Properties for form controls. }; // Number formats ============================================================= struct XclNumFmt { OUString maFormat; /// Format string, may be empty (meOffset used then). NfIndexTableOffset meOffset; /// SvNumberFormatter format index, if maFormat is empty. LanguageType meLanguage; /// Language type to be set with the number format. }; class XclNumFmtBuffer { public: explicit XclNumFmtBuffer( const XclRoot& rRoot ); /** Returns the core index of the current standard number format. */ inline sal_uLong GetStdScNumFmt() const { return mnStdScNumFmt; } protected: typedef ::std::map< sal_uInt16, XclNumFmt > XclNumFmtMap; /** Clears all buffered data, used to set up for a new sheet. */ void InitializeImport(); /** Returns the current number format map. */ inline const XclNumFmtMap& GetFormatMap() const { return maFmtMap; } /** Inserts a new number format for the specified Excel format index. */ void InsertFormat( sal_uInt16 nXclNumFmt, const OUString& rFormat ); private: /** Inserts built-in number formats for the current system language. */ void InsertBuiltinFormats(); XclNumFmtMap maFmtMap; /// Map containing all default and user-defined formats. LanguageType meSysLang; /// Current system language. sal_uLong mnStdScNumFmt; /// Calc format key for standard number format. }; // Cell formatting data (XF) ================================================== /** Contains all cell protection attributes. */ struct XclCellProt { bool mbLocked; /// true = Locked against editing. bool mbHidden; /// true = Formula is hidden. explicit XclCellProt(); }; bool operator==( const XclCellProt& rLeft, const XclCellProt& rRight ); /** Contains all cell alignment attributes. */ struct XclCellAlign { sal_uInt8 mnHorAlign; /// Horizontal alignment. sal_uInt8 mnVerAlign; /// Vertical alignment. sal_uInt8 mnOrient; /// Text orientation. sal_uInt8 mnTextDir; /// CTL text direction. sal_uInt8 mnRotation; /// Text rotation angle. sal_uInt8 mnIndent; /// Indentation. bool mbLineBreak; /// true = Multi-line text. bool mbShrink; /// true = Shrink to fit cell size. explicit XclCellAlign(); /** Returns the Calc horizontal alignment. */ SvxCellHorJustify GetScHorAlign() const; /** Returns horizontal justification method as Calc's attribute. */ SvxCellJustifyMethod GetScHorJustifyMethod() const; /** Returns the Calc vertical alignment. */ SvxCellVerJustify GetScVerAlign() const; /** Returns vertical justification method as Calc's attribute. */ SvxCellJustifyMethod GetScVerJustifyMethod() const; /** Returns the Calc frame direction. */ SvxFrameDirection GetScFrameDir() const; /** Sets the Calc horizontal alignment. */ void SetScHorAlign( SvxCellHorJustify eHorJust ); /** Sets the Calc vertical alignment. */ void SetScVerAlign( SvxCellVerJustify eVerJust ); /** Sets the Calc frame direction. */ void SetScFrameDir( SvxFrameDirection eFrameDir ); }; bool operator==( const XclCellAlign& rLeft, const XclCellAlign& rRight ); /** Contains color and line style for each cell border line. */ struct XclCellBorder { sal_uInt16 mnLeftColor; /// Palette index for left line. sal_uInt16 mnRightColor; /// Palette index for right line. sal_uInt16 mnTopColor; /// Palette index for top line. sal_uInt16 mnBottomColor; /// Palette index for bottom line. sal_uInt16 mnDiagColor; /// Palette index for diagonal line(s). sal_uInt8 mnLeftLine; /// Style of left line. sal_uInt8 mnRightLine; /// Style of right line. sal_uInt8 mnTopLine; /// Style of top line. sal_uInt8 mnBottomLine; /// Style of bottom line. sal_uInt8 mnDiagLine; /// Style of diagonal line(s). bool mbDiagTLtoBR; /// true = Top-left to bottom-right on. bool mbDiagBLtoTR; /// true = Bottom-left to top-right on. explicit XclCellBorder(); }; bool operator==( const XclCellBorder& rLeft, const XclCellBorder& rRight ); /** Contains background colors and pattern for a cell. */ struct XclCellArea { sal_uInt16 mnForeColor; /// Palette index to foreground color. sal_uInt16 mnBackColor; /// Palette index to background color. sal_uInt8 mnPattern; /// Fill pattern. explicit XclCellArea(); /** Returns true, if the area represents transparent state. */ bool IsTransparent() const; }; bool operator==( const XclCellArea& rLeft, const XclCellArea& rRight ); /** Contains base members for XF record import/export. @descr In detail this class stores the XF type (cell/style), the index to the parent style XF and all "attribute used" flags, which reflect the state of specific attribute groups (true = user has changed the attributes). */ class XclXFBase { public: explicit XclXFBase( bool bCellXF ); virtual ~XclXFBase(); /** Sets all "attribute used" flags to the passed state. */ void SetAllUsedFlags( bool bUsed ); /** Returns true, if any "attribute used" flags are ste in this XF. */ bool HasUsedFlags() const; /** Returns true, if this is a hard cell format. */ inline bool IsCellXF() const { return mbCellXF; } /** Returns true, if this is a cell style. */ inline bool IsStyleXF() const { return !IsCellXF(); } protected: /** Returns true, if this object is equal to the passed. */ bool Equals( const XclXFBase& rCmp ) const; protected: sal_uInt16 mnParent; /// Index to parent style XF. bool mbCellXF; /// true = cell XF, false = style XF. bool mbProtUsed; /// true = cell protection used. bool mbFontUsed; /// true = font index used. bool mbFmtUsed; /// true = number format used. bool mbAlignUsed; /// true = alignment used. bool mbBorderUsed; /// true = border data used. bool mbAreaUsed; /// true = area data used. }; #endif /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */