/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /************************************************************************* * * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates. * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * This file is part of OpenOffice.org. * * OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * version 3 along with OpenOffice.org. If not, see * * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License. * ************************************************************************/ #ifndef SC_XLROOT_HXX #define SC_XLROOT_HXX #include #include #include "xlconst.hxx" #include "xltools.hxx" namespace comphelper { class IDocPasswordVerifier; } // Forward declarations of objects in public use ============================== class DateTime; struct XclAddress; struct XclRange; class XclRangeList; class XclTokenArray; // Global data ================================================================ #ifdef DBG_UTIL /** Counts the number of created root objects. */ struct XclDebugObjCounter { sal_Int32 mnObjCnt; inline explicit XclDebugObjCounter() : mnObjCnt( 0 ) {} ~XclDebugObjCounter(); }; #endif // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class SfxMedium; class ScEditEngineDefaulter; class ScHeaderEditEngine; class EditEngine; class ScExtDocOptions; class XclFontPropSetHelper; class XclChPropSetHelper; class XclTracer; struct RootData;//! /** Stores global buffers and data needed elsewhere in the Excel filters. */ struct XclRootData #ifdef DBG_UTIL : public XclDebugObjCounter #endif { typedef ScfRef< ScEditEngineDefaulter > ScEEDefaulterRef; typedef ScfRef< ScHeaderEditEngine > ScHeaderEERef; typedef ScfRef< EditEngine > EditEngineRef; typedef ScfRef< XclFontPropSetHelper > XclFontPropSetHlpRef; typedef ScfRef< XclChPropSetHelper > XclChPropSetHlpRef; typedef ScfRef< ScExtDocOptions > ScExtDocOptRef; typedef ScfRef< XclTracer > XclTracerRef; typedef ScfRef< RootData > RootDataRef; XclBiff meBiff; /// Current BIFF version. XclOutput meOutput; /// Current Output format. SfxMedium& mrMedium; /// The medium to import from. SotStorageRef mxRootStrg; /// The root OLE storage of imported/exported file. ScDocument& mrDoc; /// The source or destination document. String maDocUrl; /// Document URL of imported/exported file. String maBasePath; /// Base path of imported/exported file (path of maDocUrl). String maUserName; /// Current user name. const String maDefPassword; /// The default password used for stream encryption. rtl_TextEncoding meTextEnc; /// Text encoding to import/export byte strings. LanguageType meSysLang; /// System language. LanguageType meDocLang; /// Document language (import: from file, export: from system). LanguageType meUILang; /// UI language (import: from file, export: from system). sal_Int16 mnDefApiScript; /// Default script type for blank cells (API constant). ScAddress maScMaxPos; /// Highest Calc cell position. ScAddress maXclMaxPos; /// Highest Excel cell position. ScAddress maMaxPos; /// Highest position valid in Calc and Excel. ScEEDefaulterRef mxEditEngine; /// Edit engine for rich strings etc. ScHeaderEERef mxHFEditEngine; /// Edit engine for header/footer. EditEngineRef mxDrawEditEng; /// Edit engine for text boxes. XclFontPropSetHlpRef mxFontPropSetHlp; /// Property set helper for fonts. XclChPropSetHlpRef mxChPropSetHlp; /// Property set helper for chart filter. ScExtDocOptRef mxExtDocOpt; /// Extended document options. XclTracerRef mxTracer; /// Filter tracer. RootDataRef mxRD; /// Old RootData struct. Will be removed. double mfScreenPixelX; /// Width of a screen pixel (1/100 mm). double mfScreenPixelY; /// Height of a screen pixel (1/100 mm). long mnCharWidth; /// Width of '0' in default font (twips). SCTAB mnScTab; /// Current Calc sheet index. const bool mbExport; /// false = Import, true = Export. explicit XclRootData( XclBiff eBiff, SfxMedium& rMedium, SotStorageRef xRootStrg, ScDocument& rDoc, rtl_TextEncoding eTextEnc, bool bExport ); virtual ~XclRootData(); }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class SfxObjectShell; class ScModelObj; class OutputDevice; class SvNumberFormatter; class SdrPage; class ScDocumentPool; class ScStyleSheetPool; class ScRangeName; class ScDBCollection; struct XclFontData; /** Access to global data for a filter object (imported or exported document) from other classes. */ class XclRoot { public: explicit XclRoot( XclRootData& rRootData ); XclRoot( const XclRoot& rRoot ); virtual ~XclRoot(); XclRoot& operator=( const XclRoot& rRoot ); /** Returns this root instance - for code readability in derived classes. */ inline const XclRoot& GetRoot() const { return *this; } /** Returns old RootData struct. Deprecated. */ inline RootData& GetOldRoot() const { return *mrData.mxRD; } /** Returns the current BIFF version of the importer/exporter. */ inline XclBiff GetBiff() const { return mrData.meBiff; } /** Returns the current output format of the importer/exporter. */ inline XclOutput GetOutput() const { return mrData.meOutput; } /** Returns true, if currently a document is imported. */ inline bool IsImport() const { return !mrData.mbExport; } /** Returns true, if currently a document is exported. */ inline bool IsExport() const { return mrData.mbExport; } /** Returns the text encoding to import/export byte strings. */ inline rtl_TextEncoding GetTextEncoding() const { return mrData.meTextEnc; } /** Returns the system language, i.e. for number formats. */ inline LanguageType GetSysLanguage() const { return mrData.meSysLang; } /** Returns the document language. */ inline LanguageType GetDocLanguage() const { return mrData.meDocLang; } /** Returns the UI language. */ inline LanguageType GetUILanguage() const { return mrData.meUILang; } /** Returns the default script type, e.g. for blank cells. */ inline sal_Int16 GetDefApiScript() const { return mrData.mnDefApiScript; } /** Returns the width of the '0' character (default font) for the current printer (twips). */ inline long GetCharWidth() const { return mrData.mnCharWidth; } /** Returns the current Calc sheet index. */ inline bool IsInGlobals() const { return mrData.mnScTab == SCTAB_GLOBAL; } /** Returns the current Calc sheet index. */ inline SCTAB GetCurrScTab() const { return mrData.mnScTab; } /** Calculates the width of the passed number of pixels in 1/100 mm. */ sal_Int32 GetHmmFromPixelX( double fPixelX ) const; /** Calculates the height of the passed number of pixels in 1/100 mm. */ sal_Int32 GetHmmFromPixelY( double fPixelY ) const; double GetPixelXFromHmm( sal_Int32 nX ) const; double GetPixelYFromHmm( sal_Int32 nY ) const; /** Returns the medium to import from. */ inline SfxMedium& GetMedium() const { return mrData.mrMedium; } /** Returns the document URL of the imported/exported file. */ inline const String& GetDocUrl() const { return mrData.maDocUrl; } /** Returns the base path of the imported/exported file. */ inline const String& GetBasePath() const { return mrData.maBasePath; } /** Returns the current user name. */ inline const String& GetUserName() const { return mrData.maUserName; } /** Returns the default password used for stream encryption. */ inline const String& GetDefaultPassword() const { return mrData.maDefPassword; } /** Requests and verifies a password from the medium or the user. */ String RequestPassword( ::comphelper::IDocPasswordVerifier& rVerifier ) const; /** Returns the OLE2 root storage of the imported/exported file. @return Pointer to root storage or 0, if the file is a simple stream. */ inline SotStorageRef GetRootStorage() const { return mrData.mxRootStrg; } /** Returns true, if the document contains a VBA storage. */ bool HasVbaStorage() const; /** Tries to open a storage as child of the specified storage for reading or writing. */ SotStorageRef OpenStorage( SotStorageRef xStrg, const String& rStrgName ) const; /** Tries to open a storage as child of the root storage for reading or writing. */ SotStorageRef OpenStorage( const String& rStrgName ) const; /** Tries to open a new stream in the specified storage for reading or writing. */ SotStorageStreamRef OpenStream( SotStorageRef xStrg, const String& rStrmName ) const; /** Tries to open a new stream in the root storage for reading or writing. */ SotStorageStreamRef OpenStream( const String& rStrmName ) const; /** Returns the destination document (import) or source document (export). */ inline ScDocument& GetDoc() const { return mrData.mrDoc; } /** Returns pointer to the destination document (import) or source document (export). */ inline ScDocument* GetDocPtr() const { return &mrData.mrDoc; } /** Returns the object shell of the Calc document. May be 0 (i.e. import from clipboard). */ SfxObjectShell* GetDocShell() const; /** Returns the object model of the Calc document. */ ScModelObj* GetDocModelObj() const; /** Returns pointer to the printer of the Calc document. */ OutputDevice* GetPrinter() const; /** Returns the style sheet pool of the Calc document. */ ScStyleSheetPool& GetStyleSheetPool() const; /** Returns the defined names container of the Calc document. */ ScRangeName& GetNamedRanges() const; /** Returns the database ranges container of the Calc document. */ ScDBCollection& GetDatabaseRanges() const; /** Returns the drawing layer page of the passed sheet, if present. */ SdrPage* GetSdrPage( SCTAB nScTab ) const; /** Returns the number formatter of the Calc document. */ SvNumberFormatter& GetFormatter() const; /** Returns the null date of the current number formatter. */ DateTime GetNullDate() const; /** Converts a date/time value to a floating-point value. */ double GetDoubleFromDateTime( const DateTime& rDateTime ) const; /** Converts a floating-point value to a date/time value. */ DateTime GetDateTimeFromDouble( double fValue ) const; /** Returns the edit engine for import/export of rich strings etc. */ ScEditEngineDefaulter& GetEditEngine() const; /** Returns the edit engine for import/export of headers/footers. */ ScHeaderEditEngine& GetHFEditEngine() const; /** Returns the edit engine for import/export of drawing text boxes. */ EditEngine& GetDrawEditEngine() const; /** Returns the property set helper for fonts. */ XclFontPropSetHelper& GetFontPropSetHelper() const; /** Returns the property set helper for the chart filters. */ XclChPropSetHelper& GetChartPropSetHelper() const; /** Returns the extended document options. */ ScExtDocOptions& GetExtDocOptions() const; /** Returns the filter tracer. */ XclTracer& GetTracer() const; /** Returns the highest possible cell address in a Calc document. */ inline const ScAddress& GetScMaxPos() const { return mrData.maScMaxPos; } /** Returns the highest possible cell address in an Excel document (using current BIFF version). */ inline const ScAddress& GetXclMaxPos() const { return mrData.maXclMaxPos; } /** Returns the highest possible cell address valid in Calc and Excel (using current BIFF version). */ inline const ScAddress& GetMaxPos() const { return mrData.maMaxPos; } /** Sets the document language. */ inline void SetDocLanguage( LanguageType eLang ) { mrData.meDocLang = eLang; } /** Sets the UI language, i.e. if it has been read from a file. */ inline void SetUILanguage( LanguageType eLang ) { mrData.meUILang = eLang; } /** Sets the text encoding to import/export byte strings. */ void SetTextEncoding( rtl_TextEncoding eTextEnc ); /** Sets the width of the '0' character (default font) for the current printer (twips). @param rFontData The font used for the '0' character. */ void SetCharWidth( const XclFontData& rFontData ); /** Sets the current Calc sheet index. */ inline void SetCurrScTab( SCTAB nScTab ) { mrData.mnScTab = nScTab; } /** Increases the current Calc sheet index by 1. */ inline void IncCurrScTab() { ++mrData.mnScTab; } private: mutable XclRootData& mrData; /// Reference to the global data struct. }; // ============================================================================ #endif /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */