/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #ifndef INCLUDED_SC_SOURCE_FILTER_INC_FTOOLS_HXX #define INCLUDED_SC_SOURCE_FILTER_INC_FTOOLS_HXX #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "filter.hxx" #include "scdllapi.h" // Common macros ============================================================== // items and item sets -------------------------------------------------------- /** Expands to the item (with type 'itemtype') with Which-ID 'which'. */ #define GETITEM( itemset, itemtype, which ) \ static_cast< const itemtype & >( (itemset).Get( which ) ) /** Expands to the value (with type 'valuetype') of the item with Which-ID 'which'. */ #define GETITEMVALUE( itemset, itemtype, which, valuetype ) \ static_cast< valuetype >( GETITEM( itemset, itemtype, which ).GetValue() ) /** Expands to the value of the SfxBoolItem with Which-ID 'which'. */ #define GETITEMBOOL( itemset, which ) \ GETITEMVALUE( itemset, SfxBoolItem, which, bool ) // Global static helpers ====================================================== // Value range limit helpers -------------------------------------------------- /** Returns the value, if it is not less than nMin, otherwise nMin. */ template< typename ReturnType, typename Type > inline ReturnType llimit_cast( Type nValue, ReturnType nMin ) { return static_cast< ReturnType >( ::std::max< Type >( nValue, nMin ) ); } /** Returns the value, if it fits into ReturnType, otherwise the minimum value of ReturnType. */ template< typename ReturnType, typename Type > inline ReturnType llimit_cast( Type nValue ) { return llimit_cast( nValue, ::std::numeric_limits< ReturnType >::min() ); } /** Returns the value, if it is not greater than nMax, otherwise nMax. */ template< typename ReturnType, typename Type > inline ReturnType ulimit_cast( Type nValue, ReturnType nMax ) { return static_cast< ReturnType >( ::std::min< Type >( nValue, nMax ) ); } /** Returns the value, if it fits into ReturnType, otherwise the maximum value of ReturnType. */ template< typename ReturnType, typename Type > inline ReturnType ulimit_cast( Type nValue ) { return ulimit_cast( nValue, ::std::numeric_limits< ReturnType >::max() ); } /** Returns the value, if it is not less than nMin and not greater than nMax, otherwise one of the limits. */ template< typename ReturnType, typename Type > inline ReturnType limit_cast( Type nValue, ReturnType nMin, ReturnType nMax ) { return static_cast< ReturnType >( ::std::max< Type >( ::std::min< Type >( nValue, nMax ), nMin ) ); } /** Returns the value, if it fits into ReturnType, otherwise one of the limits of ReturnType. */ template< typename ReturnType, typename Type > inline ReturnType limit_cast( Type nValue ) { return limit_cast( nValue, ::std::numeric_limits< ReturnType >::min(), ::std::numeric_limits< ReturnType >::max() ); } // Read from bitfields -------------------------------------------------------- /** Returns true, if at least one of the bits set in nMask is set in nBitField. */ template< typename Type > inline bool get_flag( Type nBitField, Type nMask ) { return (nBitField & nMask) != 0; } /** Returns nSet, if at least one bit of nMask is set in nBitField, otherwise nUnset. */ template< typename ReturnType, typename Type > inline ReturnType get_flagvalue( Type nBitField, Type nMask, ReturnType nSet, ReturnType nUnset ) { return ::get_flag( nBitField, nMask ) ? nSet : nUnset; } /** Extracts a value from a bit field. @descr Returns in rnRet the data fragment from nBitField, that starts at bit nStartBit (0-based, bit 0 is rightmost) with the width of nBitCount. rnRet will be right-aligned (normalized). For instance: extract_value( n, 0x4321, 8, 4 ) stores 3 in n (value in bits 8-11). */ template< typename ReturnType, typename Type > inline ReturnType extract_value( Type nBitField, sal_uInt8 nStartBit, sal_uInt8 nBitCount ) { return static_cast< ReturnType >( ((1UL << nBitCount) - 1) & (nBitField >> nStartBit) ); } // Write to bitfields --------------------------------------------------------- /** Sets or clears (according to bSet) all set bits of nMask in rnBitField. */ template< typename Type > inline void set_flag( Type& rnBitField, Type nMask, bool bSet = true ) { if( bSet ) rnBitField |= nMask; else rnBitField &= ~nMask; } /** Inserts a value into a bitfield. @descr Inserts the lower nBitCount bits of nValue into rnBitField, starting there at bit nStartBit. Other contents of rnBitField keep unchanged. */ template< typename Type, typename InsertType > void insert_value( Type& rnBitField, InsertType nValue, sal_uInt8 nStartBit, sal_uInt8 nBitCount ) { unsigned long nMask = ((1UL << nBitCount) - 1); Type nNewValue = static_cast< Type >( nValue & nMask ); (rnBitField &= ~(nMask << nStartBit)) |= (nNewValue << nStartBit); } class Color; class SfxPoolItem; class SfxItemSet; class ScStyleSheet; class ScStyleSheetPool; class SvStream; /** Contains static methods used anywhere in the filters. */ class ScfTools : boost::noncopyable { public: // *** common methods *** ----------------------------------------------------- /** Reads a 10-byte-long-double and converts it to double. */ static double ReadLongDouble( SvStream& rStrm ); /** Returns system text encoding for byte string conversion. */ static rtl_TextEncoding GetSystemTextEncoding(); /** Returns a string representing the hexadecimal value of nValue. */ static OUString GetHexStr( sal_uInt16 nValue ); /** Mixes RGB components with given transparence. @param nTrans Foreground transparence (0x00 == full nFore ... 0x80 = full nBack). */ static sal_uInt8 GetMixedColorComp( sal_uInt8 nFore, sal_uInt8 nBack, sal_uInt8 nTrans ); /** Mixes colors with given transparence. @param nTrans Foreground transparence (0x00 == full rFore ... 0x80 = full rBack). */ static Color GetMixedColor( const Color& rFore, const Color& rBack, sal_uInt8 nTrans ); // *** conversion of names *** ------------------------------------------------ /** Converts a string to a valid Calc defined name or database range name. @descr Defined names in Calc may contain letters, digits (*), underscores, periods (*), colons (*), question marks, and dollar signs. (*) = not allowed at first position. */ static OUString ConvertToScDefinedName( const OUString& rName ); // *** streams and storages *** ----------------------------------------------- /** Tries to open an existing storage with the specified name in the passed storage (read-only). */ static SotStorageRef OpenStorageRead( SotStorageRef xStrg, const OUString& rStrgName ); /** Creates and opens a storage with the specified name in the passed storage (read/write). */ static SotStorageRef OpenStorageWrite( SotStorageRef xStrg, const OUString& rStrgName ); /** Tries to open an existing stream with the specified name in the passed storage (read-only). */ static SotStorageStreamRef OpenStorageStreamRead( SotStorageRef xStrg, const OUString& rStrmName ); /** Creates and opens a stream with the specified name in the passed storage (read/write). */ static SotStorageStreamRef OpenStorageStreamWrite( SotStorageRef xStrg, const OUString& rStrmName ); // *** item handling *** ------------------------------------------------------ /** Returns true, if the passed item set contains the item. @param bDeep true = Searches in parent item sets too. */ static bool CheckItem( const SfxItemSet& rItemSet, sal_uInt16 nWhichId, bool bDeep ); /** Returns true, if the passed item set contains at least one of the items. @param pnWhichIds Zero-terminated array of Which-IDs. @param bDeep true = Searches in parent item sets too. */ static bool CheckItems( const SfxItemSet& rItemSet, const sal_uInt16* pnWhichIds, bool bDeep ); /** Puts the item into the passed item set. @descr The item will be put into the item set, if bSkipPoolDef is false, or if the item differs from the default pool item. @param rItemSet The destination item set. @param rItem The item to put into the item set. @param nWhichId The Which-ID to set with the item. @param bSkipPoolDef true = Do not put item if it is equal to pool default; false = Always put the item. */ static void PutItem( SfxItemSet& rItemSet, const SfxPoolItem& rItem, sal_uInt16 nWhichId, bool bSkipPoolDef ); /** Puts the item into the passed item set. @descr The item will be put into the item set, if bSkipPoolDef is false, or if the item differs from the default pool item. @param rItemSet The destination item set. @param rItem The item to put into the item set. @param bSkipPoolDef true = Do not put item if it is equal to pool default; false = Always put the item. */ static void PutItem( SfxItemSet& rItemSet, const SfxPoolItem& rItem, bool bSkipPoolDef ); // *** style sheet handling *** ----------------------------------------------- /** Creates and returns a cell style sheet and inserts it into the pool. @descr If the style sheet is already in the pool, another unused style name is used. @param bForceName Controls behaviour, if the style already exists: true = Old existing style will be renamed; false = New style gets another name. */ static ScStyleSheet& MakeCellStyleSheet( ScStyleSheetPool& rPool, const OUString& rStyleName, bool bForceName ); /** Creates and returns a page style sheet and inserts it into the pool. @descr If the style sheet is already in the pool, another unused style name is used. @param bForceName Controls behaviour, if the style already exists: true = Old existing style will be renamed; false = New style gets another name. */ static ScStyleSheet& MakePageStyleSheet( ScStyleSheetPool& rPool, const OUString& rStyleName, bool bForceName ); // *** byte string import operations *** -------------------------------------- /** Reads and returns a zero terminated byte string and decreases a stream counter. */ static OString read_zeroTerminated_uInt8s_ToOString(SvStream& rStrm, sal_Int32& rnBytesLeft); /** Reads and returns a zero terminated byte string and decreases a stream counter. */ inline static OUString read_zeroTerminated_uInt8s_ToOUString(SvStream& rStrm, sal_Int32& rnBytesLeft, rtl_TextEncoding eTextEnc) { return OStringToOUString(read_zeroTerminated_uInt8s_ToOString(rStrm, rnBytesLeft), eTextEnc); } /** Appends a zero terminated byte string. */ static void AppendCString( SvStream& rStrm, OUString& rString, rtl_TextEncoding eTextEnc ); // *** HTML table names <-> named range names *** ----------------------------- /** Returns the built-in range name for an HTML document. */ static const OUString& GetHTMLDocName(); /** Returns the built-in range name for all HTML tables. */ static const OUString& GetHTMLTablesName(); /** Returns the built-in range name for an HTML table, specified by table index. */ static OUString GetNameFromHTMLIndex( sal_uInt32 nIndex ); /** Returns the built-in range name for an HTML table, specified by table name. */ static OUString GetNameFromHTMLName( const OUString& rTabName ); /** Returns true, if rSource is the built-in range name for an HTML document. */ static bool IsHTMLDocName( const OUString& rSource ); /** Returns true, if rSource is the built-in range name for all HTML tables. */ static bool IsHTMLTablesName( const OUString& rSource ); /** Converts a built-in range name to an HTML table name. @param rSource The string to be determined. @param rName The HTML table name. @return true, if conversion was successful. */ static bool GetHTMLNameFromName( const OUString& rSource, OUString& rName ); private: /** Returns the prefix for table index names. */ static const OUString& GetHTMLIndexPrefix(); /** Returns the prefix for table names. */ static const OUString& GetHTMLNamePrefix(); /** We don't want anybody to instantiate this class, since it is just a collection of static items. To enforce this, the default constructor is made private */ ScfTools(); }; // Containers ================================================================= typedef ::std::vector< sal_uInt8 > ScfUInt8Vec; typedef ::std::vector< sal_Int16 > ScfInt16Vec; typedef ::std::vector< sal_uInt16 > ScfUInt16Vec; typedef ::std::vector< sal_Int32 > ScfInt32Vec; typedef ::std::vector< sal_uInt32 > ScfUInt32Vec; typedef ::std::vector< OUString > ScfStringVec; class ScFormatFilterPluginImpl : public ScFormatFilterPlugin { public: ScFormatFilterPluginImpl(); virtual ~ScFormatFilterPluginImpl(); // various import filters virtual FltError ScImportLotus123( SfxMedium&, ScDocument*, rtl_TextEncoding eSrc = RTL_TEXTENCODING_DONTKNOW ) SAL_OVERRIDE; virtual FltError ScImportQuattroPro( SfxMedium &rMedium, ScDocument *pDoc ) SAL_OVERRIDE; virtual FltError ScImportExcel( SfxMedium&, ScDocument*, const EXCIMPFORMAT ) SAL_OVERRIDE; // eFormat == EIF_AUTO -> passender Filter wird automatisch verwendet // eFormat == EIF_BIFF5 -> nur Biff5-Stream fuehrt zum Erfolg (auch wenn in einem Excel97-Doc) // eFormat == EIF_BIFF8 -> nur Biff8-Stream fuehrt zum Erfolg (nur in Excel97-Docs) // eFormat == EIF_BIFF_LE4 -> nur Nicht-Storage-Dateien _koennen_ zum Erfolg fuehren virtual FltError ScImportStarCalc10( SvStream&, ScDocument* ) SAL_OVERRIDE; virtual FltError ScImportDif( SvStream&, ScDocument*, const ScAddress& rInsPos, const rtl_TextEncoding eSrc = RTL_TEXTENCODING_DONTKNOW, sal_uInt32 nDifOption = SC_DIFOPT_EXCEL ) SAL_OVERRIDE; virtual FltError ScImportRTF( SvStream&, const OUString& rBaseURL, ScDocument*, ScRange& rRange ) SAL_OVERRIDE; virtual FltError ScImportHTML( SvStream&, const OUString& rBaseURL, ScDocument*, ScRange& rRange, double nOutputFactor = 1.0, bool bCalcWidthHeight = true, SvNumberFormatter* pFormatter = NULL, bool bConvertDate = true ) SAL_OVERRIDE; virtual ScEEAbsImport *CreateRTFImport( ScDocument* pDoc, const ScRange& rRange ) SAL_OVERRIDE; virtual ScEEAbsImport *CreateHTMLImport( ScDocument* pDocP, const OUString& rBaseURL, const ScRange& rRange, bool bCalcWidthHeight ) SAL_OVERRIDE; virtual OUString GetHTMLRangeNameList( ScDocument* pDoc, const OUString& rOrigName ) SAL_OVERRIDE; // various export filters virtual FltError ScExportExcel5( SfxMedium&, ScDocument*, ExportFormatExcel eFormat, rtl_TextEncoding eDest ) SAL_OVERRIDE; virtual FltError ScExportDif( SvStream&, ScDocument*, const ScAddress& rOutPos, const rtl_TextEncoding eDest, sal_uInt32 nDifOption = SC_DIFOPT_EXCEL ) SAL_OVERRIDE; virtual FltError ScExportDif( SvStream&, ScDocument*, const ScRange& rRange, const rtl_TextEncoding eDest, sal_uInt32 nDifOption = SC_DIFOPT_EXCEL ) SAL_OVERRIDE; virtual FltError ScExportHTML( SvStream&, const OUString& rBaseURL, ScDocument*, const ScRange& rRange, const rtl_TextEncoding eDest, bool bAll, const OUString& rStreamPath, OUString& rNonConvertibleChars, const OUString& rFilterOptions ) SAL_OVERRIDE; virtual FltError ScExportRTF( SvStream&, ScDocument*, const ScRange& rRange, const rtl_TextEncoding eDest ) SAL_OVERRIDE; virtual ScOrcusFilters* GetOrcusFilters() SAL_OVERRIDE; }; #endif /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */