/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "formularesult.hxx" #include "scmatrix.hxx" namespace sc { FormulaResultValue::FormulaResultValue() : meType(Invalid), mfValue(0.0), mnError(0) {} FormulaResultValue::FormulaResultValue( double fValue ) : meType(Value), mfValue(fValue), mnError(0) {} FormulaResultValue::FormulaResultValue( const svl::SharedString& rStr ) : meType(String), mfValue(0.0), maString(rStr), mnError(0) {} FormulaResultValue::FormulaResultValue( sal_uInt16 nErr ) : meType(Error), mfValue(0.0), mnError(nErr) {} } ScFormulaResult::ScFormulaResult() : mpToken(NULL), mnError(0), mbToken(true), mbEmpty(false), mbEmptyDisplayedAsString(false), meMultiline(MULTILINE_UNKNOWN) {} ScFormulaResult::ScFormulaResult( const ScFormulaResult & r ) : mnError( r.mnError), mbToken( r.mbToken), mbEmpty( r.mbEmpty), mbEmptyDisplayedAsString( r.mbEmptyDisplayedAsString), meMultiline( r.meMultiline) { if (mbToken) { mpToken = r.mpToken; if (mpToken) { // Since matrix dimension and // results are assigned to a matrix // cell formula token we have to // clone that instead of sharing it. const ScMatrixFormulaCellToken* pMatFormula = r.GetMatrixFormulaCellToken(); if (pMatFormula) { mpToken = new ScMatrixFormulaCellToken( *pMatFormula); mpToken->IncRef(); } else IncrementTokenRef( mpToken); } } else mfValue = r.mfValue; } ScFormulaResult::ScFormulaResult( const formula::FormulaToken* p ) : mnError(0), mbToken(false), mbEmpty(false), mbEmptyDisplayedAsString(false), meMultiline(MULTILINE_UNKNOWN) { SetToken( p); } ScFormulaResult::~ScFormulaResult() { if (mbToken && mpToken) mpToken->DecRef(); } void ScFormulaResult::ResetToDefaults() { mnError = 0; mbEmpty = false; mbEmptyDisplayedAsString = false; meMultiline = MULTILINE_UNKNOWN; } void ScFormulaResult::ResolveToken( const formula::FormulaToken * p ) { ResetToDefaults(); if (!p) { mpToken = p; mbToken = true; } else { switch (p->GetType()) { case formula::svError: mnError = p->GetError(); p->DecRef(); mbToken = false; // set in case mnError is 0 now, which shouldn't happen but ... mfValue = 0.0; meMultiline = MULTILINE_FALSE; break; case formula::svEmptyCell: mbEmpty = true; mbEmptyDisplayedAsString = static_cast(p)->IsDisplayedAsString(); p->DecRef(); mbToken = false; meMultiline = MULTILINE_FALSE; break; case formula::svDouble: mfValue = p->GetDouble(); p->DecRef(); mbToken = false; meMultiline = MULTILINE_FALSE; break; default: mpToken = p; mbToken = true; } } } ScFormulaResult & ScFormulaResult::operator=( const ScFormulaResult & r ) { Assign( r); return *this; } void ScFormulaResult::Assign( const ScFormulaResult & r ) { if (this == &r) return; if (r.mbEmpty) { if (mbToken && mpToken) mpToken->DecRef(); mbToken = false; mbEmpty = true; mbEmptyDisplayedAsString = r.mbEmptyDisplayedAsString; meMultiline = r.meMultiline; } else if (r.mbToken) { // Matrix formula cell token must be cloned, see copy-ctor. const ScMatrixFormulaCellToken* pMatFormula = r.GetMatrixFormulaCellToken(); if (pMatFormula) SetToken( new ScMatrixFormulaCellToken( *pMatFormula)); else SetToken( r.mpToken); } else SetDouble( r.mfValue); // If there was an error there will be an error, no matter what Set...() // methods did. mnError = r.mnError; } void ScFormulaResult::SetToken( const formula::FormulaToken* p ) { ResetToDefaults(); IncrementTokenRef( p); // Handle a result obtained from the interpreter to be assigned to a matrix // formula cell's ScMatrixFormulaCellToken. ScMatrixFormulaCellToken* pMatFormula = GetMatrixFormulaCellTokenNonConst(); if (pMatFormula) { const ScMatrixCellResultToken* pMatResult = (p && p->GetType() == formula::svMatrixCell ? dynamic_cast(p) : NULL); if (pMatResult) { const ScMatrixFormulaCellToken* pNewMatFormula = dynamic_cast(pMatResult); if (pNewMatFormula) { SAL_WARN( "sc", "ScFormulaResult::SetToken: pNewMatFormula and pMatFormula, overriding matrix formula dimension; intended?"); pMatFormula->SetMatColsRows( pNewMatFormula->GetMatCols(), pNewMatFormula->GetMatRows()); } pMatFormula->Assign( *pMatResult); p->DecRef(); } else if (p) { // This may be the result of some constant expression like // {="string"} that doesn't result in a matrix but still would // display the result in all cells of this matrix formula. pMatFormula->Assign( *p); p->DecRef(); } else { // NULL result? Well, if you say so ... pMatFormula->ResetResult(); } } else { if (mbToken && mpToken) mpToken->DecRef(); ResolveToken( p); } } void ScFormulaResult::SetDouble( double f ) { ResetToDefaults(); // Handle a result obtained from the interpreter to be assigned to a matrix // formula cell's ScMatrixFormulaCellToken. ScMatrixFormulaCellToken* pMatFormula = GetMatrixFormulaCellTokenNonConst(); if (pMatFormula) pMatFormula->SetUpperLeftDouble( f); else { if (mbToken && mpToken) mpToken->DecRef(); mfValue = f; mbToken = false; meMultiline = MULTILINE_FALSE; } } formula::StackVar ScFormulaResult::GetType() const { // Order is significant. if (mnError) return formula::svError; if (mbEmpty) return formula::svEmptyCell; if (!mbToken) return formula::svDouble; if (mpToken) return mpToken->GetType(); return formula::svUnknown; } formula::StackVar ScFormulaResult::GetCellResultType() const { formula::StackVar sv = GetType(); if (sv == formula::svMatrixCell) // don't need to test for mpToken here, GetType() already did it sv = static_cast(mpToken)->GetUpperLeftType(); return sv; } bool ScFormulaResult::IsEmptyDisplayedAsString() const { if (mbEmpty) return mbEmptyDisplayedAsString; if (GetType() == formula::svMatrixCell) { // don't need to test for mpToken here, GetType() already did it const ScEmptyCellToken* p = dynamic_cast( static_cast( mpToken)->GetUpperLeftToken().get()); if (p) return p->IsDisplayedAsString(); } return false; } namespace { inline bool isValue( formula::StackVar sv ) { return sv == formula::svDouble || sv == formula::svError || sv == formula::svEmptyCell || sv == formula::svHybridValueCell; } inline bool isString( formula::StackVar sv ) { switch (sv) { case formula::svString: case formula::svHybridCell: case formula::svHybridValueCell: return true; default: break; } return false; } } bool ScFormulaResult::IsValue() const { return isValue(GetCellResultType()); } bool ScFormulaResult::IsValueNoError() const { switch (GetCellResultType()) { case formula::svDouble: case formula::svEmptyCell: case formula::svHybridValueCell: return true; default: return false; } } bool ScFormulaResult::IsMultiline() const { if (meMultiline == MULTILINE_UNKNOWN) { svl::SharedString aStr = GetString(); if (!aStr.isEmpty() && aStr.getString().indexOf('\n') != -1) const_cast(this)->meMultiline = MULTILINE_TRUE; else const_cast(this)->meMultiline = MULTILINE_FALSE; } return meMultiline == MULTILINE_TRUE; } bool ScFormulaResult::GetErrorOrDouble( sal_uInt16& rErr, double& rVal ) const { if (mnError) { rErr = mnError; return true; } formula::StackVar sv = GetCellResultType(); if (sv == formula::svError) { if (GetType() == formula::svMatrixCell) { // don't need to test for mpToken here, GetType() already did it rErr = static_cast(mpToken)-> GetUpperLeftToken()->GetError(); } else if (mpToken) { rErr = mpToken->GetError(); } } if (rErr) return true; if (!isValue(sv)) return false; rVal = GetDouble(); return true; } sc::FormulaResultValue ScFormulaResult::GetResult() const { if (mnError) return sc::FormulaResultValue(mnError); formula::StackVar sv = GetCellResultType(); sal_uInt16 nErr = 0; if (sv == formula::svError) { if (GetType() == formula::svMatrixCell) { // don't need to test for mpToken here, GetType() already did it nErr = static_cast(mpToken)-> GetUpperLeftToken()->GetError(); } else if (mpToken) { nErr = mpToken->GetError(); } } if (nErr) return sc::FormulaResultValue(nErr); if (isValue(sv)) return sc::FormulaResultValue(GetDouble()); if (!mbToken) // String result type needs token. return sc::FormulaResultValue(); if (isString(sv)) return sc::FormulaResultValue(GetString()); // Invalid return sc::FormulaResultValue(); } sal_uInt16 ScFormulaResult::GetResultError() const { if (mnError) return mnError; formula::StackVar sv = GetCellResultType(); if (sv == formula::svError) { if (GetType() == formula::svMatrixCell) // don't need to test for mpToken here, GetType() already did it return static_cast(mpToken)-> GetUpperLeftToken()->GetError(); if (mpToken) return mpToken->GetError(); } return 0; } void ScFormulaResult::SetResultError( sal_uInt16 nErr ) { mnError = nErr; } formula::FormulaConstTokenRef ScFormulaResult::GetToken() const { if (mbToken) return mpToken; return NULL; } formula::FormulaConstTokenRef ScFormulaResult::GetCellResultToken() const { if (GetType() == formula::svMatrixCell) // don't need to test for mpToken here, GetType() already did it return static_cast(mpToken)->GetUpperLeftToken(); return GetToken(); } double ScFormulaResult::GetDouble() const { if (mbToken) { // Should really not be of type formula::svDouble here. if (mpToken) { switch (mpToken->GetType()) { case formula::svHybridCell: case formula::svHybridValueCell: return mpToken->GetDouble(); case formula::svMatrixCell: { const ScMatrixCellResultToken* p = static_cast(mpToken); if (p->GetUpperLeftType() == formula::svDouble) return p->GetUpperLeftToken()->GetDouble(); } break; default: ; // nothing } } return 0.0; } if (mbEmpty) return 0.0; return mfValue; } svl::SharedString ScFormulaResult::GetString() const { if (mbToken && mpToken) { switch (mpToken->GetType()) { case formula::svString: case formula::svHybridCell: case formula::svHybridValueCell: return mpToken->GetString(); case formula::svMatrixCell: { const ScMatrixCellResultToken* p = static_cast(mpToken); if (p->GetUpperLeftType() == formula::svString) return p->GetUpperLeftToken()->GetString(); } break; default: ; // nothing } } return svl::SharedString::getEmptyString(); } ScConstMatrixRef ScFormulaResult::GetMatrix() const { if (GetType() == formula::svMatrixCell) return static_cast(mpToken)->GetMatrix(); return NULL; } const OUString& ScFormulaResult::GetHybridFormula() const { if (GetType() == formula::svHybridCell) { const ScHybridCellToken* p = dynamic_cast(mpToken); if (p) return p->GetFormula(); } return EMPTY_OUSTRING; } void ScFormulaResult::SetHybridDouble( double f ) { ResetToDefaults(); if (mbToken && mpToken) { if(GetType() == formula::svMatrixCell) SetDouble(f); else { svl::SharedString aString = GetString(); OUString aFormula( GetHybridFormula()); mpToken->DecRef(); mpToken = new ScHybridCellToken( f, aString, aFormula); mpToken->IncRef(); } } else { mfValue = f; mbToken = false; meMultiline = MULTILINE_FALSE; } } void ScFormulaResult::SetHybridString( const OUString & rStr ) { // Obtain values before changing anything. double f = GetDouble(); OUString aFormula( GetHybridFormula()); ResetToDefaults(); if (mbToken && mpToken) mpToken->DecRef(); mpToken = new ScHybridCellToken( f, rStr, aFormula); mpToken->IncRef(); mbToken = true; } void ScFormulaResult::SetHybridFormula( const OUString & rFormula ) { // Obtain values before changing anything. double f = GetDouble(); svl::SharedString aStr = GetString(); ResetToDefaults(); if (mbToken && mpToken) mpToken->DecRef(); mpToken = new ScHybridCellToken( f, aStr, rFormula); mpToken->IncRef(); mbToken = true; } void ScFormulaResult::SetMatrix( SCCOL nCols, SCROW nRows, const ScConstMatrixRef& pMat, formula::FormulaToken* pUL ) { ResetToDefaults(); if (mbToken && mpToken) mpToken->DecRef(); mpToken = new ScMatrixFormulaCellToken(nCols, nRows, pMat, pUL); mpToken->IncRef(); mbToken = true; } const ScMatrixFormulaCellToken* ScFormulaResult::GetMatrixFormulaCellToken() const { return (GetType() == formula::svMatrixCell ? dynamic_cast(mpToken) : NULL); } ScMatrixFormulaCellToken* ScFormulaResult::GetMatrixFormulaCellTokenNonConst() { return const_cast( GetMatrixFormulaCellToken()); } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */