/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include #include "opbase.hxx" using namespace formula; namespace sc { namespace opencl { UnhandledToken::UnhandledToken( const char* m, const std::string& fn, int ln ) : mMessage(m), mFile(fn), mLineNumber(ln) {} OpenCLError::OpenCLError( const std::string& function, cl_int error, const std::string& file, int line ) : mFunction(function), mError(error), mFile(file), mLineNumber(line) { // Not sure if this SAL_INFO() is useful; the place in // CLInterpreterContext::launchKernel() where OpenCLError is // caught already uses SAL_WARN() to display it. // SAL_INFO("sc.opencl", "OpenCL error: " << ::opencl::errorString(mError)); } Unhandled::Unhandled( const std::string& fn, int ln ) : mFile(fn), mLineNumber(ln) {} DynamicKernelArgument::DynamicKernelArgument( const ScCalcConfig& config, const std::string& s, const FormulaTreeNodeRef& ft ) : mCalcConfig(config), mSymName(s), mFormulaTree(ft) { } std::string DynamicKernelArgument::GenDoubleSlidingWindowDeclRef( bool ) const { return std::string(""); } /// When Mix, it will be called std::string DynamicKernelArgument::GenStringSlidingWindowDeclRef( bool ) const { return std::string(""); } bool DynamicKernelArgument::IsMixedArgument() const { return false; } /// Generate use/references to the argument void DynamicKernelArgument::GenDeclRef( std::stringstream& ss ) const { ss << mSymName; } void DynamicKernelArgument::GenNumDeclRef( std::stringstream& ss ) const { ss << ","; } void DynamicKernelArgument::GenStringDeclRef( std::stringstream& ss ) const { ss << ","; } void DynamicKernelArgument::GenSlidingWindowFunction( std::stringstream& ) {} FormulaToken* DynamicKernelArgument::GetFormulaToken() const { return mFormulaTree->GetFormulaToken(); } std::string DynamicKernelArgument::DumpOpName() const { return std::string(""); } void DynamicKernelArgument::DumpInlineFun( std::set&, std::set& ) const {} const std::string& DynamicKernelArgument::GetName() const { return mSymName; } bool DynamicKernelArgument::NeedParallelReduction() const { return false; } VectorRef::VectorRef( const ScCalcConfig& config, const std::string& s, const FormulaTreeNodeRef& ft, int idx ) : DynamicKernelArgument(config, s, ft), mpClmem(nullptr), mnIndex(idx) { if (mnIndex) { std::stringstream ss; ss << mSymName << "s" << mnIndex; mSymName = ss.str(); } } VectorRef::~VectorRef() { if (mpClmem) { cl_int err; err = clReleaseMemObject(mpClmem); SAL_WARN_IF(err != CL_SUCCESS, "sc.opencl", "clReleaseMemObject failed: " << ::opencl::errorString(err)); } } /// Generate declaration void VectorRef::GenDecl( std::stringstream& ss ) const { ss << "__global double *" << mSymName; } /// When declared as input to a sliding window function void VectorRef::GenSlidingWindowDecl( std::stringstream& ss ) const { VectorRef::GenDecl(ss); } /// When referenced in a sliding window function std::string VectorRef::GenSlidingWindowDeclRef( bool nested ) const { std::stringstream ss; formula::SingleVectorRefToken* pSVR = dynamic_cast(DynamicKernelArgument::GetFormulaToken()); if (pSVR && !nested) ss << "(gid0 < " << pSVR->GetArrayLength() << "?"; ss << mSymName << "[gid0]"; if (pSVR && !nested) ss << ":NAN)"; return ss.str(); } void VectorRef::GenSlidingWindowFunction( std::stringstream& ) {} size_t VectorRef::GetWindowSize() const { FormulaToken* pCur = mFormulaTree->GetFormulaToken(); assert(pCur); if (const formula::DoubleVectorRefToken* pCurDVR = dynamic_cast(pCur)) { return pCurDVR->GetRefRowSize(); } else if (dynamic_cast(pCur)) { // Prepare intermediate results (on CPU for now) return 1; } else { throw Unhandled(__FILE__, __LINE__); } } std::string VectorRef::DumpOpName() const { return std::string(""); } void VectorRef::DumpInlineFun( std::set&, std::set& ) const {} const std::string& VectorRef::GetName() const { return mSymName; } cl_mem VectorRef::GetCLBuffer() const { return mpClmem; } bool VectorRef::NeedParallelReduction() const { return false; } void Normal::GenSlidingWindowFunction( std::stringstream& ss, const std::string& sSymName, SubArguments& vSubArguments ) { std::vector argVector; ss << "\ndouble " << sSymName; ss << "_" << BinFuncName() << "("; for (size_t i = 0; i < vSubArguments.size(); i++) { if (i) ss << ","; vSubArguments[i]->GenSlidingWindowDecl(ss); argVector.push_back(vSubArguments[i]->GenSlidingWindowDeclRef()); } ss << ") {\n\t"; ss << "double tmp = " << GetBottom() << ";\n\t"; ss << "int gid0 = get_global_id(0);\n\t"; ss << "tmp = "; ss << Gen(argVector); ss << ";\n\t"; ss << "return tmp;\n"; ss << "}"; } void CheckVariables::GenTmpVariables( std::stringstream& ss, SubArguments& vSubArguments ) { for (size_t i = 0; i < vSubArguments.size(); i++) { ss << " double tmp"; ss << i; ss << ";\n"; } } void CheckVariables::CheckSubArgumentIsNan( std::stringstream& ss, SubArguments& vSubArguments, int argumentNum ) { int i = argumentNum; if (vSubArguments[i]->GetFormulaToken()->GetType() == formula::svSingleVectorRef) { const formula::SingleVectorRefToken* pTmpDVR1 = static_cast(vSubArguments[i]->GetFormulaToken()); ss << " if(singleIndex>="; ss << pTmpDVR1->GetArrayLength(); ss << " ||"; ss << "isNan("; ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenSlidingWindowDeclRef(true); ss << "))\n"; ss << " tmp"; ss << i; ss << "=0;\n else \n"; ss << " tmp"; ss << i; ss << "="; ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenSlidingWindowDeclRef(true); ss << ";\n"; } if (vSubArguments[i]->GetFormulaToken()->GetType() == formula::svDoubleVectorRef) { const formula::DoubleVectorRefToken* pTmpDVR2 = static_cast(vSubArguments[i]->GetFormulaToken()); ss << " if(doubleIndex>="; ss << pTmpDVR2->GetArrayLength(); ss << " ||"; ss << "isNan("; ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenSlidingWindowDeclRef(); ss << "))\n"; ss << " tmp"; ss << i; ss << "=0;\n else \n"; ss << " tmp"; ss << i; ss << "="; ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenSlidingWindowDeclRef(); ss << ";\n"; } if (vSubArguments[i]->GetFormulaToken()->GetType() == formula::svDouble || vSubArguments[i]->GetFormulaToken()->GetOpCode() != ocPush) { ss << " if("; ss << "isNan("; ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenSlidingWindowDeclRef(); ss << "))\n"; ss << " tmp"; ss << i; ss << "=0;\n else \n"; ss << " tmp"; ss << i; ss << "="; ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenSlidingWindowDeclRef(); ss << ";\n"; } } void CheckVariables::CheckSubArgumentIsNan2( std::stringstream& ss, SubArguments& vSubArguments, int argumentNum, const std::string& p ) { int i = argumentNum; if (vSubArguments[i]->GetFormulaToken()->GetType() == formula::svDouble) { ss << " tmp"; ss << i; ss << "="; vSubArguments[i]->GenDeclRef(ss); ss << ";\n"; return; } ss << " tmp"; ss << i; ss << "= fsum("; vSubArguments[i]->GenDeclRef(ss); if (vSubArguments[i]->GetFormulaToken()->GetType() == formula::svDoubleVectorRef) ss << "[" << p.c_str() << "]"; else if (vSubArguments[i]->GetFormulaToken()->GetType() == formula::svSingleVectorRef) ss << "[get_group_id(1)]"; ss << ", 0);\n"; } void CheckVariables::CheckAllSubArgumentIsNan( std::stringstream& ss, SubArguments& vSubArguments ) { ss << " int k = gid0;\n"; for (size_t i = 0; i < vSubArguments.size(); i++) { CheckSubArgumentIsNan(ss, vSubArguments, i); } } void CheckVariables::UnrollDoubleVector( std::stringstream& ss, std::stringstream& unrollstr, const formula::DoubleVectorRefToken* pCurDVR, int nCurWindowSize ) { int unrollSize = 16; if (!pCurDVR->IsStartFixed() && pCurDVR->IsEndFixed()) { ss << " loop = (" << nCurWindowSize << " - gid0)/"; ss << unrollSize << ";\n"; } else if (pCurDVR->IsStartFixed() && !pCurDVR->IsEndFixed()) { ss << " loop = (" << nCurWindowSize << " + gid0)/"; ss << unrollSize << ";\n"; } else { ss << " loop = " << nCurWindowSize << "/" << unrollSize << ";\n"; } ss << " for ( int j = 0;j< loop; j++)\n"; ss << " {\n"; ss << " int i = "; if (!pCurDVR->IsStartFixed() && pCurDVR->IsEndFixed()) { ss << "gid0 + j * " << unrollSize << ";\n"; } else { ss << "j * " << unrollSize << ";\n"; } if (!pCurDVR->IsStartFixed() && !pCurDVR->IsEndFixed()) { ss << " int doubleIndex = i+gid0;\n"; } else { ss << " int doubleIndex = i;\n"; } for (int j = 0; j < unrollSize; j++) { ss << unrollstr.str(); ss << "i++;\n"; ss << "doubleIndex++;\n"; } ss << " }\n"; ss << " for (int i = "; if (!pCurDVR->IsStartFixed() && pCurDVR->IsEndFixed()) { ss << "gid0 + loop *" << unrollSize << "; i < "; ss << nCurWindowSize << "; i++)\n"; } else if (pCurDVR->IsStartFixed() && !pCurDVR->IsEndFixed()) { ss << "0 + loop *" << unrollSize << "; i < gid0+"; ss << nCurWindowSize << "; i++)\n"; } else { ss << "0 + loop *" << unrollSize << "; i < "; ss << nCurWindowSize << "; i++)\n"; } ss << " {\n"; if (!pCurDVR->IsStartFixed() && !pCurDVR->IsEndFixed()) { ss << " int doubleIndex = i+gid0;\n"; } else { ss << " int doubleIndex = i;\n"; } ss << unrollstr.str(); ss << " }\n"; } }} /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */