/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace formula; // Entries for validation (with only one condition) ScValidationData::ScValidationData( ScValidationMode eMode, ScConditionMode eOper, const OUString& rExpr1, const OUString& rExpr2, ScDocument* pDocument, const ScAddress& rPos, const OUString& rExprNmsp1, const OUString& rExprNmsp2, FormulaGrammar::Grammar eGrammar1, FormulaGrammar::Grammar eGrammar2 ) : ScConditionEntry( eOper, rExpr1, rExpr2, pDocument, rPos, rExprNmsp1, rExprNmsp2, eGrammar1, eGrammar2 ) , nKey( 0 ) , eDataMode( eMode ) , bShowInput(false) , bShowError(false) , eErrorStyle( SC_VALERR_STOP ) , mnListType( css::sheet::TableValidationVisibility::UNSORTED ) { } ScValidationData::ScValidationData( ScValidationMode eMode, ScConditionMode eOper, const ScTokenArray* pArr1, const ScTokenArray* pArr2, ScDocument* pDocument, const ScAddress& rPos ) : ScConditionEntry( eOper, pArr1, pArr2, pDocument, rPos ) , nKey( 0 ) , eDataMode( eMode ) , bShowInput(false) , bShowError(false) , eErrorStyle( SC_VALERR_STOP ) , mnListType( css::sheet::TableValidationVisibility::UNSORTED ) { } ScValidationData::ScValidationData( const ScValidationData& r ) : ScConditionEntry( r ) , nKey( r.nKey ) , eDataMode( r.eDataMode ) , bShowInput( r.bShowInput ) , bShowError( r.bShowError ) , eErrorStyle( r.eErrorStyle ) , mnListType( r.mnListType ) , aInputTitle( r.aInputTitle ) , aInputMessage( r.aInputMessage ) , aErrorTitle( r.aErrorTitle ) , aErrorMessage( r.aErrorMessage ) { // Formulae copied by RefCount } ScValidationData::ScValidationData( ScDocument* pDocument, const ScValidationData& r ) : ScConditionEntry( pDocument, r ) , nKey( r.nKey ) , eDataMode( r.eDataMode ) , bShowInput( r.bShowInput ) , bShowError( r.bShowError ) , eErrorStyle( r.eErrorStyle ) , mnListType( r.mnListType ) , aInputTitle( r.aInputTitle ) , aInputMessage( r.aInputMessage ) , aErrorTitle( r.aErrorTitle ) , aErrorMessage( r.aErrorMessage ) { // Formulae really copied } ScValidationData::~ScValidationData() { } bool ScValidationData::IsEmpty() const { ScValidationData aDefault( SC_VALID_ANY, ScConditionMode::Equal, "", "", GetDocument(), ScAddress() ); return EqualEntries( aDefault ); } bool ScValidationData::EqualEntries( const ScValidationData& r ) const { // test same parameters (excluding Key) return ScConditionEntry::operator==(r) && eDataMode == r.eDataMode && bShowInput == r.bShowInput && bShowError == r.bShowError && eErrorStyle == r.eErrorStyle && mnListType == r.mnListType && aInputTitle == r.aInputTitle && aInputMessage == r.aInputMessage && aErrorTitle == r.aErrorTitle && aErrorMessage == r.aErrorMessage; } void ScValidationData::ResetInput() { bShowInput = false; } void ScValidationData::ResetError() { bShowError = false; } void ScValidationData::SetInput( const OUString& rTitle, const OUString& rMsg ) { bShowInput = true; aInputTitle = rTitle; aInputMessage = rMsg; } void ScValidationData::SetError( const OUString& rTitle, const OUString& rMsg, ScValidErrorStyle eStyle ) { bShowError = true; eErrorStyle = eStyle; aErrorTitle = rTitle; aErrorMessage = rMsg; } bool ScValidationData::GetErrMsg( OUString& rTitle, OUString& rMsg, ScValidErrorStyle& rStyle ) const { rTitle = aErrorTitle; rMsg = aErrorMessage; rStyle = eErrorStyle; return bShowError; } bool ScValidationData::DoScript( const ScAddress& rPos, const OUString& rInput, ScFormulaCell* pCell, weld::Window* pParent ) const { ScDocument* pDocument = GetDocument(); SfxObjectShell* pDocSh = pDocument->GetDocumentShell(); if ( !pDocSh ) return false; bool bScriptReturnedFalse = false; // default: do not abort // Set up parameters css::uno::Sequence< css::uno::Any > aParams(2); // 1) entered or calculated value OUString aValStr = rInput; double nValue; bool bIsValue = false; if ( pCell ) // if cell exists, call interpret { bIsValue = pCell->IsValue(); if ( bIsValue ) nValue = pCell->GetValue(); else aValStr = pCell->GetString().getString(); } if ( bIsValue ) aParams[0] <<= nValue; else aParams[0] <<= aValStr; // 2) Position of the cell OUString aPosStr(rPos.Format(ScRefFlags::VALID | ScRefFlags::TAB_3D, pDocument, pDocument->GetAddressConvention())); aParams[1] <<= aPosStr; // use link-update flag to prevent closing the document // while the macro is running bool bWasInLinkUpdate = pDocument->IsInLinkUpdate(); if ( !bWasInLinkUpdate ) pDocument->SetInLinkUpdate( true ); if ( pCell ) pDocument->LockTable( rPos.Tab() ); css::uno::Any aRet; css::uno::Sequence< sal_Int16 > aOutArgsIndex; css::uno::Sequence< css::uno::Any > aOutArgs; ErrCode eRet = pDocSh->CallXScript( aErrorTitle, aParams, aRet, aOutArgsIndex, aOutArgs ); if ( pCell ) pDocument->UnlockTable( rPos.Tab() ); if ( !bWasInLinkUpdate ) pDocument->SetInLinkUpdate( false ); // Check the return value from the script // The contents of the cell get reset if the script returns false bool bTmp = false; if ( eRet == ERRCODE_NONE && aRet.getValueType() == cppu::UnoType::get() && ( aRet >>= bTmp ) && !bTmp ) { bScriptReturnedFalse = true; } if ( eRet == ERRCODE_BASIC_METHOD_NOT_FOUND && !pCell ) // Macro not found (only with input) { //TODO: different error message, if found, but not bAllowed ?? std::unique_ptr xBox(Application::CreateMessageDialog(pParent, VclMessageType::Warning, VclButtonsType::Ok, ScResId(STR_VALID_MACRONOTFOUND))); xBox->run(); } return bScriptReturnedFalse; } // true -> abort bool ScValidationData::DoMacro( const ScAddress& rPos, const OUString& rInput, ScFormulaCell* pCell, weld::Window* pParent ) const { if ( SfxApplication::IsXScriptURL( aErrorTitle ) ) { return DoScript( rPos, rInput, pCell, pParent ); } ScDocument* pDocument = GetDocument(); SfxObjectShell* pDocSh = pDocument->GetDocumentShell(); if ( !pDocSh ) return false; bool bDone = false; bool bRet = false; // default: do not abort // If the Doc was loaded during a Basic-Calls, // the Sbx-object may not be created (?) // pDocSh->GetSbxObject(); #if HAVE_FEATURE_SCRIPTING // no security check ahead (only CheckMacroWarn), that happens in CallBasic // Function search by their simple name, // then assemble aBasicStr, aMacroStr for SfxObjectShell::CallBasic StarBASIC* pRoot = pDocSh->GetBasic(); SbxVariable* pVar = pRoot->Find( aErrorTitle, SbxClassType::Method ); if (SbMethod* pMethod = dynamic_cast(pVar)) { SbModule* pModule = pMethod->GetModule(); SbxObject* pObject = pModule->GetParent(); OUStringBuffer aMacroStr = pObject->GetName(); aMacroStr.append('.').append(pModule->GetName()).append('.').append(pMethod->GetName()); OUString aBasicStr; // the distinction between document- and app-basic has to be done // by checking the parent (as in ScInterpreter::ScMacro), not by looping // over all open documents, because this may be called from within loading, // when SfxObjectShell::GetFirst/GetNext won't find the document. if ( pObject->GetParent() ) aBasicStr = pObject->GetParent()->GetName(); // Basic of document else aBasicStr = SfxGetpApp()->GetName(); // Basic of application // Parameter for Macro SbxArrayRef refPar = new SbxArray; // 1) entered or calculated value OUString aValStr = rInput; double nValue = 0.0; bool bIsValue = false; if ( pCell ) // if cell set, called from interpret { bIsValue = pCell->IsValue(); if ( bIsValue ) nValue = pCell->GetValue(); else aValStr = pCell->GetString().getString(); } if ( bIsValue ) refPar->Get32(1)->PutDouble( nValue ); else refPar->Get32(1)->PutString( aValStr ); // 2) Position of the cell OUString aPosStr(rPos.Format(ScRefFlags::VALID | ScRefFlags::TAB_3D, pDocument, pDocument->GetAddressConvention())); refPar->Get32(2)->PutString( aPosStr ); // use link-update flag to prevent closing the document // while the macro is running bool bWasInLinkUpdate = pDocument->IsInLinkUpdate(); if ( !bWasInLinkUpdate ) pDocument->SetInLinkUpdate( true ); if ( pCell ) pDocument->LockTable( rPos.Tab() ); SbxVariableRef refRes = new SbxVariable; ErrCode eRet = pDocSh->CallBasic( aMacroStr.makeStringAndClear(), aBasicStr, refPar.get(), refRes.get() ); if ( pCell ) pDocument->UnlockTable( rPos.Tab() ); if ( !bWasInLinkUpdate ) pDocument->SetInLinkUpdate( false ); // Interrupt input if Basic macro returns false if ( eRet == ERRCODE_NONE && refRes->GetType() == SbxBOOL && !refRes->GetBool() ) bRet = true; bDone = true; } #endif if ( !bDone && !pCell ) // Macro not found (only with input) { //TODO: different error message, if found, but not bAllowed ?? std::unique_ptr xBox(Application::CreateMessageDialog(pParent, VclMessageType::Warning, VclButtonsType::Ok, ScResId(STR_VALID_MACRONOTFOUND))); xBox->run(); } return bRet; } void ScValidationData::DoCalcError( ScFormulaCell* pCell ) const { if ( eErrorStyle == SC_VALERR_MACRO ) DoMacro( pCell->aPos, EMPTY_OUSTRING, pCell, nullptr ); } // true -> abort bool ScValidationData::DoError(weld::Window* pParent, const OUString& rInput, const ScAddress& rPos) const { if ( eErrorStyle == SC_VALERR_MACRO ) return DoMacro(rPos, rInput, nullptr, pParent); // Output error message OUString aTitle = aErrorTitle; if (aTitle.isEmpty()) aTitle = ScResId( STR_MSSG_DOSUBTOTALS_0 ); // application title OUString aMessage = aErrorMessage; if (aMessage.isEmpty()) aMessage = ScResId( STR_VALID_DEFERROR ); VclButtonsType eStyle = VclButtonsType::Ok; VclMessageType eType = VclMessageType::Error; switch (eErrorStyle) { case SC_VALERR_INFO: eType = VclMessageType::Info; eStyle = VclButtonsType::OkCancel; break; case SC_VALERR_WARNING: eType = VclMessageType::Warning; eStyle = VclButtonsType::OkCancel; break; default: break; } std::unique_ptr xBox(Application::CreateMessageDialog(pParent, eType, eStyle, aMessage)); xBox->set_title(aTitle); switch (eErrorStyle) { case SC_VALERR_INFO: xBox->set_default_response(RET_OK); break; case SC_VALERR_WARNING: xBox->set_default_response(RET_CANCEL); break; default: break; } short nRet = xBox->run(); return ( eErrorStyle == SC_VALERR_STOP || nRet == RET_CANCEL ); } bool ScValidationData::IsDataValidCustom( const OUString& rTest, const ScPatternAttr& rPattern, const ScAddress& rPos, const CustomValidationPrivateAccess& ) const { OSL_ENSURE(GetDataMode() == SC_VALID_CUSTOM, "ScValidationData::IsDataValidCustom invoked for a non-custom validation"); if (rTest.isEmpty()) // check whether empty cells are allowed return IsIgnoreBlank(); if (rTest[0] == '=') // formulas do not pass the validity test return false; SvNumberFormatter* pFormatter = GetDocument()->GetFormatTable(); // get the value if any sal_uInt32 nFormat = rPattern.GetNumberFormat( pFormatter ); double nVal; bool bIsVal = pFormatter->IsNumberFormat( rTest, nFormat, nVal ); ScRefCellValue aTmpCell; svl::SharedString aSS; if (bIsVal) { aTmpCell.meType = CELLTYPE_VALUE; aTmpCell.mfValue = nVal; } else { aTmpCell.meType = CELLTYPE_STRING; aSS = mpDoc->GetSharedStringPool().intern(rTest); aTmpCell.mpString = &aSS; } ScCellValue aOriginalCellValue(ScRefCellValue(*GetDocument(), rPos)); aTmpCell.commit(*GetDocument(), rPos); bool bRet = IsCellValid(aTmpCell, rPos); aOriginalCellValue.commit(*GetDocument(), rPos); return bRet; } bool ScValidationData::IsDataValid( const OUString& rTest, const ScPatternAttr& rPattern, const ScAddress& rPos ) const { if ( eDataMode == SC_VALID_ANY ) // check if any cell content is allowed return true; if (rTest.isEmpty()) // check whether empty cells are allowed return IsIgnoreBlank(); if (rTest[0] == '=') // formulas do not pass the validity test return false; SvNumberFormatter* pFormatter = GetDocument()->GetFormatTable(); // get the value if any sal_uInt32 nFormat = rPattern.GetNumberFormat( pFormatter ); double nVal; bool bIsVal = pFormatter->IsNumberFormat( rTest, nFormat, nVal ); bool bRet; if (SC_VALID_TEXTLEN == eDataMode) { double nLenVal; if (!bIsVal) nLenVal = static_cast(rTest.getLength()); else { // For numeric values use the resulting input line string to // determine length, otherwise an once accepted value maybe could // not be edited again, for example abbreviated dates or leading // zeros or trailing zeros after decimal separator change length. OUString aStr; pFormatter->GetInputLineString( nVal, nFormat, aStr); nLenVal = static_cast( aStr.getLength() ); } ScRefCellValue aTmpCell(nLenVal); bRet = IsCellValid(aTmpCell, rPos); } else { if (bIsVal) { ScRefCellValue aTmpCell(nVal); bRet = IsDataValid(aTmpCell, rPos); } else { svl::SharedString aSS = mpDoc->GetSharedStringPool().intern(rTest); ScRefCellValue aTmpCell(&aSS); bRet = IsDataValid(aTmpCell, rPos); } } return bRet; } bool ScValidationData::IsDataValid( ScRefCellValue& rCell, const ScAddress& rPos ) const { if( eDataMode == SC_VALID_LIST ) return IsListValid(rCell, rPos); if ( eDataMode == SC_VALID_CUSTOM ) return IsCellValid(rCell, rPos); double nVal = 0.0; OUString aString; bool bIsVal = true; switch (rCell.meType) { case CELLTYPE_VALUE: nVal = rCell.mfValue; break; case CELLTYPE_STRING: aString = rCell.mpString->getString(); bIsVal = false; break; case CELLTYPE_EDIT: if (rCell.mpEditText) aString = ScEditUtil::GetString(*rCell.mpEditText, GetDocument()); bIsVal = false; break; case CELLTYPE_FORMULA: { ScFormulaCell* pFCell = rCell.mpFormula; bIsVal = pFCell->IsValue(); if ( bIsVal ) nVal = pFCell->GetValue(); else aString = pFCell->GetString().getString(); } break; default: // Notes, Broadcaster return IsIgnoreBlank(); // as set } bool bOk = true; switch (eDataMode) { // SC_VALID_ANY already above case SC_VALID_WHOLE: case SC_VALID_DECIMAL: case SC_VALID_DATE: // Date/Time is only formatting case SC_VALID_TIME: bOk = bIsVal; if ( bOk && eDataMode == SC_VALID_WHOLE ) bOk = ::rtl::math::approxEqual( nVal, floor(nVal+0.5) ); // integers if ( bOk ) bOk = IsCellValid(rCell, rPos); break; case SC_VALID_TEXTLEN: bOk = !bIsVal; // only Text if ( bOk ) { double nLenVal = static_cast(aString.getLength()); ScRefCellValue aTmpCell(nLenVal); bOk = IsCellValid(aTmpCell, rPos); } break; default: OSL_FAIL("not yet done"); break; } return bOk; } namespace { /** Token array helper. Iterates over all string tokens. @descr The token array must contain separated string tokens only. @param bSkipEmpty true = Ignores string tokens with empty strings. */ class ScStringTokenIterator { public: explicit ScStringTokenIterator( const ScTokenArray& rTokArr ) : maIter( rTokArr ), mbOk( true ) {} /** Returns the string of the first string token or NULL on error or empty token array. */ rtl_uString* First(); /** Returns the string of the next string token or NULL on error or end of token array. */ rtl_uString* Next(); /** Returns false, if a wrong token has been found. Does NOT return false on end of token array. */ bool Ok() const { return mbOk; } private: svl::SharedString maCurString; /// Current string. FormulaTokenArrayPlainIterator maIter; bool mbOk; /// true = correct token or end of token array. }; rtl_uString* ScStringTokenIterator::First() { maIter.Reset(); mbOk = true; return Next(); } rtl_uString* ScStringTokenIterator::Next() { if( !mbOk ) return nullptr; // seek to next non-separator token const FormulaToken* pToken = maIter.NextNoSpaces(); while( pToken && (pToken->GetOpCode() == ocSep) ) pToken = maIter.NextNoSpaces(); mbOk = !pToken || (pToken->GetType() == formula::svString); maCurString = svl::SharedString(); // start with invalid string. if (mbOk && pToken) maCurString = pToken->GetString(); // string found but empty -> get next token; otherwise return it return (maCurString.isValid() && maCurString.isEmpty()) ? Next() : maCurString.getData(); } /** Returns the number format of the passed cell, or the standard format. */ sal_uLong lclGetCellFormat( const ScDocument& rDoc, const ScAddress& rPos ) { const ScPatternAttr* pPattern = rDoc.GetPattern( rPos.Col(), rPos.Row(), rPos.Tab() ); if( !pPattern ) pPattern = rDoc.GetDefPattern(); return pPattern->GetNumberFormat( rDoc.GetFormatTable() ); } } // namespace bool ScValidationData::HasSelectionList() const { return (eDataMode == SC_VALID_LIST) && (mnListType != css::sheet::TableValidationVisibility::INVISIBLE); } bool ScValidationData::GetSelectionFromFormula( std::vector* pStrings, ScRefCellValue& rCell, const ScAddress& rPos, const ScTokenArray& rTokArr, int& rMatch) const { bool bOk = true; // pDoc is private in condition, use an accessor and a long winded name. ScDocument* pDocument = GetDocument(); if( nullptr == pDocument ) return false; ScFormulaCell aValidationSrc( pDocument, rPos, rTokArr, formula::FormulaGrammar::GRAM_DEFAULT, ScMatrixMode::Formula); // Make sure the formula gets interpreted and a result is delivered, // regardless of the AutoCalc setting. aValidationSrc.Interpret(); ScMatrixRef xMatRef; const ScMatrix *pValues = aValidationSrc.GetMatrix(); if (!pValues) { // The somewhat nasty case of either an error occurred, or the // dereferenced value of a single cell reference or an immediate result // is stored as a single value. // Use an interim matrix to create the TypedStrData below. xMatRef = new ScMatrix(1, 1, 0.0); FormulaError nErrCode = aValidationSrc.GetErrCode(); if (nErrCode != FormulaError::NONE) { /* TODO : to use later in an alert box? * OUString rStrResult = "..."; * rStrResult += ScGlobal::GetLongErrorString(nErrCode); */ xMatRef->PutError( nErrCode, 0, 0); bOk = false; } else if (aValidationSrc.IsValue()) xMatRef->PutDouble( aValidationSrc.GetValue(), 0); else { svl::SharedString aStr = aValidationSrc.GetString(); xMatRef->PutString(aStr, 0); } pValues = xMatRef.get(); } // which index matched. We will want it eventually to pre-select that item. rMatch = -1; SvNumberFormatter* pFormatter = GetDocument()->GetFormatTable(); SCSIZE nCol, nRow, nCols, nRows, n = 0; pValues->GetDimensions( nCols, nRows ); bool bRef = false; ScRange aRange; ScTokenArray* pArr = const_cast(&rTokArr); formula::FormulaTokenArrayPlainIterator aIter(*pArr); formula::FormulaToken* t = nullptr; if (pArr->GetLen() == 1 && (t = aIter.GetNextReferenceOrName()) != nullptr) { OpCode eOpCode = t->GetOpCode(); if (eOpCode == ocDBArea || eOpCode == ocTableRef) { if (const ScDBData* pDBData = pDocument->GetDBCollection()->getNamedDBs().findByIndex(t->GetIndex())) { pDBData->GetArea(aRange); bRef = true; } } else if (eOpCode == ocName) { const ScRangeData* pName = pDocument->FindRangeNameBySheetAndIndex( t->GetSheet(), t->GetIndex()); if (pName && pName->IsReference(aRange)) { bRef = true; } } else if (t->GetType() != svIndex) { if (pArr->IsValidReference(aRange, rPos)) { bRef = true; } } } bool bHaveEmpty = false; svl::SharedStringPool& rSPool = pDocument->GetSharedStringPool(); /* XL artificially limits things to a single col or row in the UI but does * not list the constraint in MOOXml. If a defined name or INDIRECT * resulting in 1D is entered in the UI and the definition later modified * to 2D, it is evaluated fine and also stored and loaded. Lets get ahead * of the curve and support 2d. In XL, values are listed row-wise, do the * same. */ for( nRow = 0; nRow < nRows ; nRow++ ) { for( nCol = 0; nCol < nCols ; nCol++ ) { ScTokenArray aCondTokArr(pDocument); std::unique_ptr pEntry; OUString aValStr; ScMatrixValue nMatVal = pValues->Get( nCol, nRow); // strings and empties if( ScMatrix::IsNonValueType( nMatVal.nType ) ) { aValStr = nMatVal.GetString().getString(); // Do not add multiple empty strings to the validation list, // especially not if they'd bloat the tail with a million empty // entries for a column range, fdo#61520 if (aValStr.isEmpty()) { if (bHaveEmpty) continue; bHaveEmpty = true; } if( nullptr != pStrings ) pEntry.reset(new ScTypedStrData( aValStr, 0.0, ScTypedStrData::Standard)); if (!rCell.isEmpty() && rMatch < 0) aCondTokArr.AddString(rSPool.intern(aValStr)); } else { FormulaError nErr = nMatVal.GetError(); if( FormulaError::NONE != nErr ) { aValStr = ScGlobal::GetErrorString( nErr ); } else { // FIXME FIXME FIXME // Feature regression. Date formats are lost passing through the matrix //pFormatter->GetInputLineString( pMatVal->fVal, 0, aValStr ); //For external reference and a formula that results in an area or array, date formats are still lost. if ( bRef ) { pDocument->GetInputString(static_cast(nCol+aRange.aStart.Col()), static_cast(nRow+aRange.aStart.Row()), aRange.aStart.Tab() , aValStr); } else { pFormatter->GetInputLineString( nMatVal.fVal, 0, aValStr ); } } if (!rCell.isEmpty() && rMatch < 0) { // I am not sure errors will work here, but a user can no // manually enter an error yet so the point is somewhat moot. aCondTokArr.AddDouble( nMatVal.fVal ); } if( nullptr != pStrings ) pEntry.reset(new ScTypedStrData( aValStr, nMatVal.fVal, ScTypedStrData::Value)); } if (rMatch < 0 && !rCell.isEmpty() && IsEqualToTokenArray(rCell, rPos, aCondTokArr)) { rMatch = n; // short circuit on the first match if not filling the list if( nullptr == pStrings ) return true; } if( pEntry ) { assert(pStrings); pStrings->push_back(*pEntry); n++; } } } // In case of no match needed and an error occurred, return that error // entry as valid instead of silently failing. return bOk || rCell.isEmpty(); } bool ScValidationData::FillSelectionList(std::vector& rStrColl, const ScAddress& rPos) const { bool bOk = false; if( HasSelectionList() ) { std::unique_ptr pTokArr( CreateFlatCopiedTokenArray(0) ); // *** try if formula is a string list *** sal_uInt32 nFormat = lclGetCellFormat( *GetDocument(), rPos ); ScStringTokenIterator aIt( *pTokArr ); for (rtl_uString* pString = aIt.First(); pString && aIt.Ok(); pString = aIt.Next()) { double fValue; OUString aStr(pString); bool bIsValue = GetDocument()->GetFormatTable()->IsNumberFormat(aStr, nFormat, fValue); rStrColl.emplace_back( aStr, fValue, bIsValue ? ScTypedStrData::Value : ScTypedStrData::Standard); } bOk = aIt.Ok(); // *** if not a string list, try if formula results in a cell range or // anything else we recognize as valid *** if (!bOk) { int nMatch; ScRefCellValue aEmptyCell; bOk = GetSelectionFromFormula(&rStrColl, aEmptyCell, rPos, *pTokArr, nMatch); } } return bOk; } bool ScValidationData::IsEqualToTokenArray( ScRefCellValue& rCell, const ScAddress& rPos, const ScTokenArray& rTokArr ) const { // create a condition entry that tests on equality and set the passed token array ScConditionEntry aCondEntry( ScConditionMode::Equal, &rTokArr, nullptr, GetDocument(), rPos ); return aCondEntry.IsCellValid(rCell, rPos); } bool ScValidationData::IsListValid( ScRefCellValue& rCell, const ScAddress& rPos ) const { bool bIsValid = false; /* Compare input cell with all supported tokens from the formula. Currently a formula may contain: 1) A list of strings (at least one string). 2) A single cell or range reference. 3) A single defined name (must contain a cell/range reference, another name, or DB range, or a formula resulting in a cell/range reference or matrix/array). 4) A single database range. 5) A formula resulting in a cell/range reference or matrix/array. */ std::unique_ptr< ScTokenArray > pTokArr( CreateFlatCopiedTokenArray( 0 ) ); // *** try if formula is a string list *** svl::SharedStringPool& rSPool = GetDocument()->GetSharedStringPool(); sal_uInt32 nFormat = lclGetCellFormat( *GetDocument(), rPos ); ScStringTokenIterator aIt( *pTokArr ); for (rtl_uString* pString = aIt.First(); pString && aIt.Ok(); pString = aIt.Next()) { /* Do not break the loop, if a valid string has been found. This is to find invalid tokens following in the formula. */ if( !bIsValid ) { // create a formula containing a single string or number ScTokenArray aCondTokArr(GetDocument()); double fValue; OUString aStr(pString); if (GetDocument()->GetFormatTable()->IsNumberFormat(aStr, nFormat, fValue)) aCondTokArr.AddDouble( fValue ); else aCondTokArr.AddString(rSPool.intern(aStr)); bIsValid = IsEqualToTokenArray(rCell, rPos, aCondTokArr); } } if( !aIt.Ok() ) bIsValid = false; // *** if not a string list, try if formula results in a cell range or // anything else we recognize as valid *** if (!bIsValid) { int nMatch; bIsValid = GetSelectionFromFormula(nullptr, rCell, rPos, *pTokArr, nMatch); bIsValid = bIsValid && nMatch >= 0; } return bIsValid; } ScValidationDataList::ScValidationDataList(const ScValidationDataList& rList) { // for Ref-Undo - real copy with new tokens! for (const auto& rxItem : rList) { InsertNew( std::unique_ptr(rxItem->Clone()) ); } //TODO: faster insert for sorted entries from rList ??? } ScValidationDataList::ScValidationDataList(ScDocument* pNewDoc, const ScValidationDataList& rList) { // for new documents - real copy with new tokens! for (const auto& rxItem : rList) { InsertNew( std::unique_ptr(rxItem->Clone(pNewDoc)) ); } //TODO: faster insert for sorted entries from rList ??? } ScValidationData* ScValidationDataList::GetData( sal_uInt32 nKey ) { //TODO: binary search for( iterator it = begin(); it != end(); ++it ) if( (*it)->GetKey() == nKey ) return it->get(); OSL_FAIL("ScValidationDataList: Entry not found"); return nullptr; } void ScValidationDataList::CompileXML() { for( iterator it = begin(); it != end(); ++it ) (*it)->CompileXML(); } void ScValidationDataList::UpdateReference( sc::RefUpdateContext& rCxt ) { for( iterator it = begin(); it != end(); ++it ) (*it)->UpdateReference(rCxt); } void ScValidationDataList::UpdateInsertTab( sc::RefUpdateInsertTabContext& rCxt ) { for (iterator it = begin(); it != end(); ++it) (*it)->UpdateInsertTab(rCxt); } void ScValidationDataList::UpdateDeleteTab( sc::RefUpdateDeleteTabContext& rCxt ) { for (iterator it = begin(); it != end(); ++it) (*it)->UpdateDeleteTab(rCxt); } void ScValidationDataList::UpdateMoveTab( sc::RefUpdateMoveTabContext& rCxt ) { for (iterator it = begin(); it != end(); ++it) (*it)->UpdateMoveTab(rCxt); } ScValidationDataList::iterator ScValidationDataList::begin() { return maData.begin(); } ScValidationDataList::const_iterator ScValidationDataList::begin() const { return maData.begin(); } ScValidationDataList::iterator ScValidationDataList::end() { return maData.end(); } ScValidationDataList::const_iterator ScValidationDataList::end() const { return maData.end(); } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */