@namespace table url("urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:table:1.0"); @namespace text url("urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:text:1.0"); @namespace report url("http://openoffice.org/2005/report"); table|table { display: table; } table|table-columns { display: table-column-group; } table|table-column { display: table-column; } table|table-row { display: table-row; } table|table-cell { display: table-cell; } table|table-cell[number-columns-spanned], table|table-cell[number-columns-spanned], table|table-columns[number-columns-spanned], table|table-column[number-columns-spanned] { -x-liblayout-colspan: attr("table|number-columns-spanned"); } table|table-cell[number-rows-spanned], table|table-cell[number-rows-spanned] { -x-liblayout-rowspan: attr("table|number-rows-spanned"); } /** * Style definitions for star report. */ * { vertical-align: baseline; } /** * A standard number format declaration. The number of decimal places * and whether there is grouping is defined by the format string. * * The position and content of embedded text is also derived directly from * the given format string text. number scientific text boolean date currency percentage fraction */ @format number myname { -x-liblayout-decimal-replacement: "-"; -x-liblayout-display-factor: 1000; content: "'Prefix'#,##0.00'postfix'"; } @format scientific anothername { /* to be filled */ }