/************************************************************************* * * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * Copyright 2008 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * $RCSfile: workbookhelper.hxx,v $ * $Revision: $ * * This file is part of OpenOffice.org. * * OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * version 3 along with OpenOffice.org. If not, see * * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License. * ************************************************************************/ #ifndef OOX_XLS_WORKBOOKHELPER_HXX #define OOX_XLS_WORKBOOKHELPER_HXX #include #include #include #include #include "oox/xls/biffhelper.hxx" namespace com { namespace sun { namespace star { namespace container { class XNameAccess; } namespace container { class XNameContainer; } namespace lang { class XMultiServiceFactory; } namespace awt { class XDevice; } namespace table { struct CellAddress; } namespace table { struct CellRangeAddress; } namespace table { class XCell; } namespace table { class XCellRange; } namespace sheet { class XSpreadsheetDocument; } namespace sheet { class XSpreadsheet; } namespace sheet { class XNamedRanges; } namespace sheet { class XNamedRange; } namespace sheet { class XDatabaseRanges; } namespace sheet { class XExternalDocLinks; } namespace style { class XStyle; } } } } namespace oox { class AttributeList; class SegmentProgressBar; class RecordInputStream; } namespace oox { namespace core { class BinaryFilterBase; class FilterBase; class FragmentHandler; class XmlFilterBase; } } namespace oox { namespace drawingml { class Theme; } } namespace oox { namespace xls { // DEBUG ====================================================================== // Set this define to 1 to show the load/save time of a document in an assertion (nonpro only). #define OOX_SHOW_LOADSAVE_TIME 0 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define OOX_LOADSAVE_TIMER( eTimerType ) (void)0 #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 0 namespace dbg { // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if OOX_SHOW_LOADSAVE_TIME > 0 enum TimerType { TIMER_IMPORTFORMULA, TIMER_IMPORTSHEETFRAGMENT, TIMER_ONCREATESHEETCONTEXT, TIMER_IMPORTROW, TIMER_CONVERTROWFORMAT, TIMER_CONVERTCOLUMNFORMAT, TIMER_IMPORTCELL, TIMER_ONENDSHEETELEMENT, TIMER_SETCELL, TIMER_SETCELLFORMAT, TIMER_MERGECELLFORMAT, TIMER_WRITECELLPROPERTIES, TIMER_FINALIZESHEETDATA, TIMER_FINALIZEDRAWING, TIMER_FINALIZEBOOKDATA, // TIMER_TOTAL must be the last entry! TIMER_TOTAL }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct TimeCount; class Timer { public: explicit Timer( TimeCount& rTimeCount ); ~Timer(); private: TimeCount& mrTimeCount; TimeValue maStartTime; }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #undef OOX_LOADSAVE_TIMER #define OOX_LOADSAVE_TIMER( TimerType ) ::oox::xls::dbg::Timer aDbgTimer##TimerType( getTimeCount( ::oox::xls::dbg::TIMER_##TimerType ) ) #endif // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct WorkbookData; class WorkbookHelper { protected: explicit WorkbookHelper( WorkbookData& rBookData ); explicit WorkbookHelper( const WorkbookHelper& rCopy ); virtual ~WorkbookHelper(); #if OOX_SHOW_LOADSAVE_TIME > 0 public: TimeCount& getTimeCount( TimerType eType ) const; #endif private: WorkbookData& mrDbgBookData; }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- } // namespace dbg #endif // ============================================================================ /** An enumeration for all supported spreadsheet filter types. */ enum FilterType { FILTER_OOX, /// MS Excel OOXML (Office Open XML) or OOBIN. FILTER_BIFF, /// MS Excel BIFF (Binary Interchange File Format). FILTER_UNKNOWN /// Unknown filter type. }; // ============================================================================ class WorkbookData; class WorkbookSettings; class ViewSettings; class WorksheetBuffer; class ThemeBuffer; class StylesBuffer; class SharedStringsBuffer; class ExternalLinkBuffer; class DefinedNamesBuffer; class TableBuffer; class ScenarioBuffer; class WebQueryBuffer; class PivotCacheBuffer; class PivotTableBuffer; class FormulaParser; class UnitConverter; class AddressConverter; class ExcelChartConverter; class PageSettingsConverter; class BiffCodecHelper; /** Helper class to provice access to global workbook data. All classes derived from this helper class will have access to a singleton object of type WorkbookData containing global workbook settings, buffers, converters, etc. Nearly all classes in this filter implementation are derived directly or indirectly from this class. */ class WorkbookHelper #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 0 : public dbg::WorkbookHelper #endif { public: /*implicit*/ WorkbookHelper( WorkbookData& rBookData ); virtual ~WorkbookHelper(); // filter ----------------------------------------------------------------- /** Returns the base filter object (base class of all filters). */ ::oox::core::FilterBase& getBaseFilter() const; /** Returns a reference to the global service factory. */ ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::lang::XMultiServiceFactory > getGlobalFactory() const; /** Returns the file type of the current filter. */ FilterType getFilterType() const; /** Returns the filter progress bar. */ SegmentProgressBar& getProgressBar() const; /** Returns true, if the file is a multi-sheet document, or false if single-sheet. */ bool isWorkbookFile() const; /** Returns the index of the current sheet in the Calc document. */ sal_Int16 getCurrentSheetIndex() const; /** Sets the index of the current sheet in the Calc document. */ void setCurrentSheetIndex( sal_Int16 nSheet ); /** Final conversion after importing the workbook. */ void finalizeWorkbookImport(); // document model --------------------------------------------------------- /** Returns a reference to the source/target spreadsheet document model. */ ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::sheet::XSpreadsheetDocument > getDocument() const; /** Returns a reference to the service factory of the spreadsheet document model. */ ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::lang::XMultiServiceFactory > getDocumentFactory() const; /** Returns the reference device of the document. */ ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::awt::XDevice > getReferenceDevice() const; /** Returns the container for defined names from the Calc document. */ ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::sheet::XNamedRanges > getNamedRanges() const; /** Returns the container for database ranges from the Calc document. */ ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::sheet::XDatabaseRanges > getDatabaseRanges() const; /** Returns the container for external documents from the Calc document. */ ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::sheet::XExternalDocLinks > getExternalDocLinks() const; /** Returns the container for DDE links from the Calc document. */ ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::container::XNameAccess > getDdeLinks() const; /** Returns a reference to the specified spreadsheet in the document model. */ ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::sheet::XSpreadsheet > getSheetFromDoc( sal_Int16 nSheet ) const; /** Returns a reference to the specified spreadsheet in the document model. */ ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::sheet::XSpreadsheet > getSheetFromDoc( const ::rtl::OUString& rSheet ) const; /** Returns the XCell interface for the passed cell address. */ ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::table::XCell > getCellFromDoc( const ::com::sun::star::table::CellAddress& rAddress ) const; /** Returns the XCellRange interface for the passed cell range address. */ ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::table::XCellRange > getCellRangeFromDoc( const ::com::sun::star::table::CellRangeAddress& rRange ) const; /** Returns the cell or page styles container from the Calc document. */ ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::container::XNameContainer > getStyleFamily( bool bPageStyles ) const; /** Returns the specified cell or page style from the Calc document. */ ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::style::XStyle > getStyleObject( const ::rtl::OUString& rStyleName, bool bPageStyle ) const; /** Creates and returns a defined name on-the-fly in the Calc document. The name will not be buffered in this defined names buffer. @param orName (in/out-parameter) Returns the resulting used name. */ ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::sheet::XNamedRange > createNamedRangeObject( ::rtl::OUString& orName, sal_Int32 nNameFlags = 0 ) const; /** Creates and returns a com.sun.star.style.Style object for cells or pages. */ ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::style::XStyle > createStyleObject( ::rtl::OUString& orStyleName, bool bPageStyle ) const; // buffers ---------------------------------------------------------------- /** Returns the global workbook settings object. */ WorkbookSettings& getWorkbookSettings() const; /** Returns the workbook and sheet view settings object. */ ViewSettings& getViewSettings() const; /** Returns the worksheet buffer containing sheet names and properties. */ WorksheetBuffer& getWorksheets() const; /** Returns the office theme object read from the theme substorage. */ ThemeBuffer& getTheme() const; /** Returns the office theme object reference read from the theme substorage. */ ::boost::shared_ptr< ::oox::drawingml::Theme > getThemeRef() const; /** Returns all cell formatting objects read from the styles substream. */ StylesBuffer& getStyles() const; /** Returns the shared strings read from the shared strings substream. */ SharedStringsBuffer& getSharedStrings() const; /** Returns the external links read from the external links substream. */ ExternalLinkBuffer& getExternalLinks() const; /** Returns the defined names read from the workbook globals. */ DefinedNamesBuffer& getDefinedNames() const; /** Returns the tables collection (equivalent to Calc's database ranges). */ TableBuffer& getTables() const; /** Returns the scenarios collection. */ ScenarioBuffer& getScenarios() const; /** Returns the web queries. */ WebQueryBuffer& getWebQueries() const; /** Returns the collection of pivot caches. */ PivotCacheBuffer& getPivotCaches() const; /** Returns the collection of pivot tables. */ PivotTableBuffer& getPivotTables() const; // converters ------------------------------------------------------------- /** Returns the import formula parser (import filter only!). */ FormulaParser& getFormulaParser() const; /** Returns the measurement unit converter. */ UnitConverter& getUnitConverter() const; /** Returns the converter for string to cell address/range conversion. */ AddressConverter& getAddressConverter() const; /** Returns the chart object converter. */ ExcelChartConverter& getChartConverter() const; /** Returns the page and print settings converter. */ PageSettingsConverter& getPageSettingsConverter() const; // OOX specific ----------------------------------------------------------- /** Returns the base OOX filter object. Must not be called, if current filter is not the OOX filter. */ ::oox::core::XmlFilterBase& getOoxFilter() const; /** Imports a fragment using the passed fragment handler, which contains the full path to the fragment stream. */ bool importOoxFragment( const ::rtl::Reference< ::oox::core::FragmentHandler >& rxHandler ); // BIFF specific ---------------------------------------------------------- /** Returns the base BIFF filter object. */ ::oox::core::BinaryFilterBase& getBiffFilter() const; /** Returns the BIFF type in binary filter. */ BiffType getBiff() const; /** Returns the text encoding used to import/export byte strings. */ rtl_TextEncoding getTextEncoding() const; /** Sets the text encoding to import/export byte strings. */ void setTextEncoding( rtl_TextEncoding eTextEnc ); /** Sets code page read from a CODEPAGE record for byte string import. */ void setCodePage( sal_uInt16 nCodePage ); /** Sets text encoding from the default application font, if CODEPAGE record is missing. */ void setAppFontEncoding( rtl_TextEncoding eAppFontEnc ); /** Enables workbook file mode, used for BIFF4 workspace files. */ void setIsWorkbookFile(); /** Recreates global buffers that are used per sheet in specific BIFF versions. */ void createBuffersPerSheet( sal_Int16 nSheet ); /** Returns the codec helper that stores the encoder/decoder object. */ BiffCodecHelper& getCodecHelper() const; private: WorkbookData& mrBookData; }; // ============================================================================ namespace prv { typedef ::boost::shared_ptr< WorkbookData > WorkbookDataRef; struct WorkbookDataOwner { explicit WorkbookDataOwner( WorkbookDataRef xBookData ); virtual ~WorkbookDataOwner(); WorkbookDataRef mxBookData; }; } // namespace prv // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class WorkbookHelperRoot : private prv::WorkbookDataOwner, public WorkbookHelper { public: explicit WorkbookHelperRoot( ::oox::core::XmlFilterBase& rFilter ); explicit WorkbookHelperRoot( ::oox::core::BinaryFilterBase& rFilter, BiffType eBiff ); /** Returns true, if this helper refers to a valid document. */ bool isValid() const; private: WorkbookHelperRoot( const WorkbookHelperRoot& ); WorkbookHelperRoot& operator=( const WorkbookHelperRoot& ); }; // ============================================================================ } // namespace xls } // namespace oox #endif