/************************************************************************* * * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * Copyright 2008 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * $RCSfile: richstring.hxx,v $ * $Revision: $ * * This file is part of OpenOffice.org. * * OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * version 3 along with OpenOffice.org. If not, see * * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License. * ************************************************************************/ #ifndef OOX_XLS_RICHSTRING_HXX #define OOX_XLS_RICHSTRING_HXX #include "oox/helper/containerhelper.hxx" #include "oox/xls/stylesbuffer.hxx" namespace com { namespace sun { namespace star { namespace text { class XText; } } } } namespace oox { namespace xls { // ============================================================================ /** Flags used to specify import/export mode of strings. */ typedef sal_Int32 BiffStringFlags; const BiffStringFlags BIFF_STR_DEFAULT = 0x0000; /// Default string settings. const BiffStringFlags BIFF_STR_FORCEUNICODE = 0x0001; /// Always use UCS-2 characters (default: try to compress). BIFF8 export only. const BiffStringFlags BIFF_STR_8BITLENGTH = 0x0002; /// 8-bit string length field (default: 16-bit). const BiffStringFlags BIFF_STR_SMARTFLAGS = 0x0004; /// Omit flags on empty string (default: read/write always). BIFF8 only. const BiffStringFlags BIFF_STR_KEEPFONTS = 0x0008; /// Keep old fonts when reading unformatted string (default: clear fonts). Import only. const BiffStringFlags BIFF_STR_EXTRAFONTS = 0x0010; /// Read trailing rich-string font array (default: nothing). BIFF2-BIFF5 import only. // ============================================================================ /** Contains text data and font attributes for a part of a rich formatted string. */ class RichStringPortion : public WorkbookHelper { public: explicit RichStringPortion( const WorkbookHelper& rHelper ); /** Sets text data for this portion. */ void setText( const ::rtl::OUString& rText ); /** Creates and returns a new font formatting object. */ FontRef createFont(); /** Links this portion to a font object from the global font list. */ void setFontId( sal_Int32 nFontId ); /** Final processing after import of all strings. */ void finalizeImport(); /** Returns the text data of this portion. */ inline const ::rtl::OUString& getText() const { return maText; } /** Converts the portion and appends it to the passed XText. */ void convert( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::text::XText >& rxText, sal_Int32 nXfId ); private: ::rtl::OUString maText; /// Portion text. FontRef mxFont; /// Embedded portion font, may be empty. sal_Int32 mnFontId; /// Link to global font list. }; typedef ::boost::shared_ptr< RichStringPortion > RichStringPortionRef; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- enum BiffFontPortionMode { BIFF_FONTPORTION_8BIT, /// Font portion with 8-bit values. BIFF_FONTPORTION_16BIT, /// Font portion with 16-bit values. BIFF_FONTPORTION_OBJ /// Font portion in OBJ or TXO record. }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Represents a position in a rich-string containing current font identifier. This object stores the position of a formatted character in a rich-string and the identifier of a font from the global font list used to format this and the following characters. Used in binary filters only. */ struct FontPortionModel { sal_Int32 mnPos; /// First character in the string. sal_Int32 mnFontId; /// Font identifier for the next characters. explicit inline FontPortionModel() : mnPos( 0 ), mnFontId( -1 ) {} explicit inline FontPortionModel( sal_Int32 nPos, sal_Int32 nFontId ) : mnPos( nPos ), mnFontId( nFontId ) {} void read( RecordInputStream& rStrm ); void read( BiffInputStream& rStrm, BiffFontPortionMode eMode ); }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** A vector with all font portions in a rich-string. */ class FontPortionModelList : public ::std::vector< FontPortionModel > { public: inline explicit FontPortionModelList() {} /** Appends a rich-string font identifier. */ void appendPortion( const FontPortionModel& rPortion ); /** Reads count and font identifiers from the passed stream. */ void importPortions( RecordInputStream& rStrm ); /** Reads nCount font identifiers from the passed stream. */ void importPortions( BiffInputStream& rStrm, sal_uInt16 nCount, BiffFontPortionMode eMode ); /** Reads count and font identifiers from the passed stream. */ void importPortions( BiffInputStream& rStrm, bool b16Bit ); }; // ============================================================================ struct PhoneticDataModel { sal_Int32 mnFontId; /// Font identifier for text formatting. sal_Int32 mnType; /// Phonetic text type. sal_Int32 mnAlignment; /// Phonetic portion alignment. explicit PhoneticDataModel(); /** Sets the passed data from binary import. */ void setBinData( sal_Int32 nType, sal_Int32 nAlignment ); }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class PhoneticSettings : public WorkbookHelper { public: explicit PhoneticSettings( const WorkbookHelper& rHelper ); /** Imports phonetic settings from the phoneticPr element. */ void importPhoneticPr( const AttributeList& rAttribs ); /** Imports phonetic settings from the PHONETICPR record. */ void importPhoneticPr( RecordInputStream& rStrm ); /** Imports phonetic settings from the PHONETICPR record. */ void importPhoneticPr( BiffInputStream& rStrm ); /** Imports phonetic settings from a rich string. */ void importStringData( RecordInputStream& rStrm ); /** Imports phonetic settings from a rich string. */ void importStringData( BiffInputStream& rStrm ); private: PhoneticDataModel maModel; }; // ============================================================================ /** Contains text data and positioning information for a phonetic text portion. */ class RichStringPhonetic : public WorkbookHelper { public: explicit RichStringPhonetic( const WorkbookHelper& rHelper ); /** Sets text data for this phonetic portion. */ void setText( const ::rtl::OUString& rText ); /** Imports attributes of a phonetic run (rPh element). */ void importPhoneticRun( const AttributeList& rAttribs ); /** Sets the associated range in base text for this phonetic portion. */ void setBaseRange( sal_Int32 nBasePos, sal_Int32 nBaseEnd ); private: ::rtl::OUString maText; /// Portion text. sal_Int32 mnBasePos; /// Start position in base text. sal_Int32 mnBaseEnd; /// One-past-end position in base text. }; typedef ::boost::shared_ptr< RichStringPhonetic > RichStringPhoneticRef; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Represents a phonetic text portion in a rich-string with phonetic text. Used in binary filters only. */ struct PhoneticPortionModel { sal_Int32 mnPos; /// First character in phonetic text. sal_Int32 mnBasePos; /// First character in base text. sal_Int32 mnBaseLen; /// Number of characters in base text. explicit inline PhoneticPortionModel() : mnPos( -1 ), mnBasePos( -1 ), mnBaseLen( 0 ) {} explicit inline PhoneticPortionModel( sal_Int32 nPos, sal_Int32 nBasePos, sal_Int32 nBaseLen ) : mnPos( nPos ), mnBasePos( nBasePos ), mnBaseLen( nBaseLen ) {} void read( RecordInputStream& rStrm ); void read( BiffInputStream& rStrm ); }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** A vector with all phonetic portions in a rich-string. */ class PhoneticPortionModelList : public ::std::vector< PhoneticPortionModel > { public: inline explicit PhoneticPortionModelList() {} /** Appends a rich-string phonetic portion. */ void appendPortion( const PhoneticPortionModel& rPortion ); /** Reads all phonetic portions from the passed stream. */ void importPortions( RecordInputStream& rStrm ); /** Reads phonetic portion data from the passed stream. */ ::rtl::OUString importPortions( BiffInputStream& rStrm, sal_Int32 nPhoneticSize ); }; // ============================================================================ /** Contains string data and a list of formatting runs for a rich formatted string. */ class RichString : public WorkbookHelper { public: explicit RichString( const WorkbookHelper& rHelper ); /** Appends and returns a portion object for a plain string (t element). */ RichStringPortionRef importText( const AttributeList& rAttribs ); /** Appends and returns a portion object for a new formatting run (r element). */ RichStringPortionRef importRun( const AttributeList& rAttribs ); /** Appends and returns a phonetic text object for a new phonetic run (rPh element). */ RichStringPhoneticRef importPhoneticRun( const AttributeList& rAttribs ); /** Imports phonetic settings from the rPhoneticPr element. */ void importPhoneticPr( const AttributeList& rAttribs ); /** Imports a Unicode rich-string from the passed record stream. */ void importString( RecordInputStream& rStrm, bool bRich ); /** Imports a byte string from the passed BIFF stream. */ void importByteString( BiffInputStream& rStrm, rtl_TextEncoding eDefaultTextEnc, BiffStringFlags nFlags = BIFF_STR_DEFAULT ); /** Imports a Unicode rich-string from the passed BIFF stream. */ void importUniString( BiffInputStream& rStrm, BiffStringFlags nFlags = BIFF_STR_DEFAULT ); /** Final processing after import of all strings. */ void finalizeImport(); /** Returns the plain text concatenated from all string portions. */ ::rtl::OUString getPlainText() const; /** Converts the string and writes it into the passed XText. */ void convert( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::text::XText >& rxText, sal_Int32 nXfId ) const; private: /** Creates, appends, and returns a new empty string portion. */ RichStringPortionRef createPortion(); /** Creates, appends, and returns a new empty phonetic text portion. */ RichStringPhoneticRef createPhonetic(); /** Create base text portions from the passed string and character formatting. */ void createFontPortions( const ::rtl::OString& rText, rtl_TextEncoding eDefaultTextEnc, FontPortionModelList& rPortions ); /** Create base text portions from the passed string and character formatting. */ void createFontPortions( const ::rtl::OUString& rText, FontPortionModelList& rPortions ); /** Create phonetic text portions from the passed string and portion data. */ void createPhoneticPortions( const ::rtl::OUString& rText, PhoneticPortionModelList& rPortions, sal_Int32 nBaseLen ); private: typedef RefVector< RichStringPortion > PortionVec; typedef RefVector< RichStringPhonetic > PhoneticVec; PortionVec maFontPortions; /// String portions with font data. PhoneticSettings maPhonSettings; /// Phonetic settings for this string. PhoneticVec maPhonPortions; /// Phonetic text portions. }; typedef ::boost::shared_ptr< RichString > RichStringRef; // ============================================================================ } // namespace xls } // namespace oox #endif