/************************************************************************* * * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * Copyright 2008 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * $RCSfile: pivottablebuffer.hxx,v $ * $Revision: 1.3 $ * * This file is part of OpenOffice.org. * * OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * version 3 along with OpenOffice.org. If not, see * * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License. * ************************************************************************/ #ifndef OOX_XLS_PIVOTCACHEBUFFER_HXX #define OOX_XLS_PIVOTCACHEBUFFER_HXX #include #include #include #include "oox/helper/containerhelper.hxx" #include "oox/xls/workbookhelper.hxx" namespace com { namespace sun { namespace star { namespace sheet { class XDataPilotField; } } } } namespace oox { namespace core { class Relations; } } namespace oox { namespace xls { class WorksheetHelper; // ============================================================================ class PivotCacheItem { public: explicit PivotCacheItem(); /** Reads the string value from a pivot cache item. */ void readString( const AttributeList& rAttribs ); /** Reads the double value from a pivot cache item. */ void readNumeric( const AttributeList& rAttribs ); /** Reads the date/time value from a pivot cache item. */ void readDate( const AttributeList& rAttribs ); /** Reads the boolean value from a pivot cache item. */ void readBool( const AttributeList& rAttribs ); /** Reads the error code value from a pivot cache item. */ void readError( const AttributeList& rAttribs, const UnitConverter& rUnitConverter ); /** Reads the index of a shared item. */ void readIndex( const AttributeList& rAttribs ); /** Reads the string value from a pivot cache item. */ void readString( RecordInputStream& rStrm ); /** Reads the double value from a pivot cache item. */ void readDouble( RecordInputStream& rStrm ); /** Reads the date/time value from a pivot cache item. */ void readDate( RecordInputStream& rStrm ); /** Reads the boolean value from a pivot cache item. */ void readBool( RecordInputStream& rStrm ); /** Reads the error code value from a pivot cache item. */ void readError( RecordInputStream& rStrm ); /** Reads the index of a shared item. */ void readIndex( RecordInputStream& rStrm ); /** Reads the string value from a pivot cache item. */ void readString( BiffInputStream& rStrm, const WorkbookHelper& rHelper ); /** Reads the double value from a pivot cache item. */ void readDouble( BiffInputStream& rStrm ); /** Reads the integer value from a pivot cache item. */ void readInteger( BiffInputStream& rStrm ); /** Reads the date/time value from a pivot cache item. */ void readDate( BiffInputStream& rStrm ); /** Reads the boolean value from a pivot cache item. */ void readBool( BiffInputStream& rStrm ); /** Reads the error code value from a pivot cache item. */ void readError( BiffInputStream& rStrm ); /** Returns the type of the item. */ inline sal_Int32 getType() const { return mnType; } /** Returns the value of the item. */ inline const ::com::sun::star::uno::Any& getValue() const { return maValue; } /** Returns the string representation of the item. */ ::rtl::OUString getName() const; private: ::com::sun::star::uno::Any maValue; /// Value of the item. sal_Int32 mnType; /// Value type (OOX token identifier). }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class PivotCacheItemList : public WorkbookHelper { public: explicit PivotCacheItemList( const WorkbookHelper& rHelper ); /** Imports the item from the passed attribute list. */ void importItem( sal_Int32 nElement, const AttributeList& rAttribs ); /** Imports the item from the passed stream and record. */ void importItem( sal_Int32 nRecId, RecordInputStream& rStrm ); /** Imports a complete item list from the passed stream. */ void importItemList( BiffInputStream& rStrm, sal_uInt16 nCount ); /** Returns true, if this item list is empty. */ inline bool empty() const { return maItems.empty(); } /** Returns the size of the item list. */ inline size_t size() const { return maItems.size(); } /** Returns the specified item. */ const PivotCacheItem* getCacheItem( sal_Int32 nItemIdx ) const; /** Returns the names of all items. */ void getCacheItemNames( ::std::vector< ::rtl::OUString >& orItemNames ) const; private: /** Creates and returns a new item at the end of the items list. */ PivotCacheItem& createItem(); /** Imports an array of items from the PCITEM_ARRAY record */ void importArray( RecordInputStream& rStrm ); private: typedef ::std::vector< PivotCacheItem > CacheItemVector; CacheItemVector maItems; /// All items of this list. }; // ============================================================================ struct PCFieldModel { ::rtl::OUString maName; /// Fixed name of the cache field. ::rtl::OUString maCaption; /// Caption of the ccahe field. ::rtl::OUString maPropertyName; /// OLAP property name. ::rtl::OUString maFormula; /// Formula of a calculated field. sal_Int32 mnNumFmtId; /// Number format for all items. sal_Int32 mnSqlType; /// Data type from ODBC data source. sal_Int32 mnHierarchy; /// Hierarchy this field is part of. sal_Int32 mnLevel; /// Hierarchy level this field is part of. sal_Int32 mnMappingCount; /// Number of property mappings. bool mbDatabaseField; /// True = field from source data; false = calculated field. bool mbServerField; /// True = ODBC server-based page field. bool mbUniqueList; /// True = list of unique ODBC items exists. bool mbMemberPropField; /// True = contains OLAP member properties. explicit PCFieldModel(); }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct PCSharedItemsModel { bool mbHasSemiMixed; /// True = has (blank|string|bool|error) item(s), maybe other types. bool mbHasNonDate; /// True = has non-date item(s), maybe date items. bool mbHasDate; /// True = has date item(s), maybe other types. bool mbHasString; /// True = has (string|bool|error) item(s), maybe other types. bool mbHasBlank; /// True = has blank item(s), maybe other types. bool mbHasMixed; /// True = has [(string|bool|error) and (number|date)] or (number and date). bool mbIsNumeric; /// True = has numeric item(s), maybe other types except date. bool mbIsInteger; /// True = has numeric item(s) with only integers, maybe other types except date. bool mbHasLongText; /// True = contains strings with >255 charascters. bool mbHasLongIndexes; /// True = indexes to shared items are 16-bit (BIFF only). explicit PCSharedItemsModel(); }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct PCFieldGroupModel { ::com::sun::star::util::DateTime maStartDate; /// Manual or calculated start date for range grouping. ::com::sun::star::util::DateTime maEndDate; /// Manual or calculated end date for range grouping. double mfStartValue; /// Manual or calculated start value for range grouping. double mfEndValue; /// Manual or calculated end value for range grouping. double mfInterval; /// Interval for numeric range grouping. sal_Int32 mnParentField; /// Index of cache field that contains item groups based on this field. sal_Int32 mnBaseField; /// Index of cache field this grouped field is based on. sal_Int32 mnGroupBy; /// Type of numeric or date range grouping. bool mbRangeGroup; /// True = items are grouped by numeric ranges or date ranges. bool mbDateGroup; /// True = items are grouped by date ranges or by item names. bool mbAutoStart; /// True = start value for range groups is calculated from source data. bool mbAutoEnd; /// True = end value for range groups is calculated from source data. explicit PCFieldGroupModel(); /** Sets the group-by value for BIFF/OOBIN import. */ void setBinGroupBy( sal_uInt8 nGroupBy ); }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Helper struct for mapping original item names from/to group item names. */ struct PivotCacheGroupItem { ::rtl::OUString maOrigName; ::rtl::OUString maGroupName; inline explicit PivotCacheGroupItem( const ::rtl::OUString& rItemName ) : maOrigName( rItemName ), maGroupName( rItemName ) {} }; typedef ::std::vector< PivotCacheGroupItem > PivotCacheGroupItemVector; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class PivotCacheField : public WorkbookHelper { public: explicit PivotCacheField( const WorkbookHelper& rHelper, bool bIsDatabaseField ); /** Imports pivot cache field settings from the cacheField element. */ void importCacheField( const AttributeList& rAttribs ); /** Imports shared items settings from the sharedItems element. */ void importSharedItems( const AttributeList& rAttribs ); /** Imports a shared item from the passed element. */ void importSharedItem( sal_Int32 nElement, const AttributeList& rAttribs ); /** Imports grouping settings from the fieldGroup element. */ void importFieldGroup( const AttributeList& rAttribs ); /** Imports numeric grouping settings from the rangePr element. */ void importRangePr( const AttributeList& rAttribs ); /** Imports an item of the mapping between group items and base items from the passed element. */ void importDiscretePrItem( sal_Int32 nElement, const AttributeList& rAttribs ); /** Imports a group item from the passed element. */ void importGroupItem( sal_Int32 nElement, const AttributeList& rAttribs ); /** Imports pivot cache field settings from the PCDFIELD record. */ void importPCDField( RecordInputStream& rStrm ); /** Imports shared items settings from the PCDFSHAREDITEMS record. */ void importPCDFSharedItems( RecordInputStream& rStrm ); /** Imports one or more shared items from the passed record. */ void importPCDFSharedItem( sal_Int32 nRecId, RecordInputStream& rStrm ); /** Imports grouping settings from the PCDFIELDGROUP record. */ void importPCDFieldGroup( RecordInputStream& rStrm ); /** Imports numeric grouping settings from the PCDFRANGEPR record. */ void importPCDFRangePr( RecordInputStream& rStrm ); /** Imports an item of the mapping between group items and base items from the passed record. */ void importPCDFDiscretePrItem( sal_Int32 nRecId, RecordInputStream& rStrm ); /** Imports one or more group items from the passed record. */ void importPCDFGroupItem( sal_Int32 nRecId, RecordInputStream& rStrm ); /** Imports pivot cache field settings from the PCDFIELD record. */ void importPCDField( BiffInputStream& rStrm ); /** Imports numeric grouping settings from the PCDFRANGEPR record. */ void importPCDFRangePr( BiffInputStream& rStrm ); /** Imports the mapping between group items and base items from the PCDFDISCRETEPR record. */ void importPCDFDiscretePr( BiffInputStream& rStrm ); /** Returns true, if the field is based on source data, or false if it is grouped or calculated. */ inline bool isDatabaseField() const { return maFieldModel.mbDatabaseField; } /** Returns true, if the field contains a list of shared items. */ inline bool hasSharedItems() const { return !maSharedItems.empty(); } /** Returns true, if the field contains a list of grouping items. */ inline bool hasGroupItems() const { return !maGroupItems.empty(); } /** Returns true, if the field has inplace numeric grouping settings. */ inline bool hasNumericGrouping() const { return maFieldGroupModel.mbRangeGroup && !maFieldGroupModel.mbDateGroup; } /** Returns true, if the field has inplace date grouping settings. */ inline bool hasDateGrouping() const { return maFieldGroupModel.mbRangeGroup && maFieldGroupModel.mbDateGroup; } /** Returns true, if the field has a parent group field that groups the items of this field. */ inline bool hasParentGrouping() const { return maFieldGroupModel.mnParentField >= 0; } /** Returns the name of the cache field. */ inline const ::rtl::OUString& getName() const { return maFieldModel.maName; } /** Returns the index of the parent group field that groups the items of this field. */ inline sal_Int32 getParentGroupField() const { return maFieldGroupModel.mnParentField; } /** Returns the index of the base field grouping is based on. */ inline sal_Int32 getGroupBaseField() const { return maFieldGroupModel.mnBaseField; } /** Returns the shared or group item with the specified index. */ const PivotCacheItem* getCacheItem( sal_Int32 nItemIdx ) const; /** Returns the names of all shared or group items. */ void getCacheItemNames( ::std::vector< ::rtl::OUString >& orItemNames ) const; /** Creates inplace numeric grouping settings. */ void convertNumericGrouping( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::sheet::XDataPilotField >& rxDPField ) const; /** Creates inplace date grouping settings or a new date group field. */ ::rtl::OUString createDateGroupField( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::sheet::XDataPilotField >& rxBaseDPField ) const; /** Creates a new grouped DataPilot field and returns its name. */ ::rtl::OUString createParentGroupField( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::sheet::XDataPilotField >& rxBaseDPField, PivotCacheGroupItemVector& orItemNames ) const; /** Writes the title of the field into the passed sheet at the passed address. */ void writeSourceHeaderCell( WorksheetHelper& rSheetHelper, sal_Int32 nCol, sal_Int32 nRow ) const; /** Writes a source field item value into the passed sheet. */ void writeSourceDataCell( WorksheetHelper& rSheetHelper, sal_Int32 nCol, sal_Int32 nRow, const PivotCacheItem& rItem ) const; /** Reads an item from the PCRECORD record and writes it to the passed sheet. */ void importPCRecordItem( RecordInputStream& rStrm, WorksheetHelper& rSheetHelper, sal_Int32 nCol, sal_Int32 nRow ) const; /** Reads an item index from the PCITEM_INDEXLIST record and writes the item to the passed sheet. */ void importPCItemIndex( BiffInputStream& rStrm, WorksheetHelper& rSheetHelper, sal_Int32 nCol, sal_Int32 nRow ) const; private: /** Tries to write the passed value to the passed sheet position. */ void writeItemToSourceDataCell( WorksheetHelper& rSheetHelper, sal_Int32 nCol, sal_Int32 nRow, const PivotCacheItem& rItem ) const; /** Tries to write the value of a shared item to the passed sheet position. */ void writeSharedItemToSourceDataCell( WorksheetHelper& rSheetHelper, sal_Int32 nCol, sal_Int32 nRow, sal_Int32 nItemIdx ) const; private: typedef ::std::vector< sal_Int32 > IndexVector; PivotCacheItemList maSharedItems; /// All shared items of this field. PivotCacheItemList maGroupItems; /// All group items of this field. IndexVector maDiscreteItems; /// Mapping between group and base items. PCFieldModel maFieldModel; /// Settings for this cache field. PCSharedItemsModel maSharedItemsModel; /// Settings for shared items. PCFieldGroupModel maFieldGroupModel; /// Settings for item grouping. }; // ============================================================================ struct PCDefinitionModel { ::rtl::OUString maRelId; /// Relation identifier for cache records fragment. ::rtl::OUString maRefreshedBy; /// Name of user who last refreshed the cache. double mfRefreshedDate; /// Date/time of last refresh. sal_Int32 mnRecords; /// Number of data records in the cache. sal_Int32 mnMissItemsLimit; /// Limit for discarding unused items. sal_uInt16 mnDatabaseFields; /// Number of database (source data) fields (BIFF only). bool mbInvalid; /// True = cache needs refresh. bool mbSaveData; /// True = cached item values are present. bool mbRefreshOnLoad; /// True = try to refresh cache on load. bool mbOptimizeMemory; /// True = application may optimize memory usage. bool mbEnableRefresh; /// True = refreshing cache is enabled in UI. bool mbBackgroundQuery; /// True = application queries data asynchonously. bool mbUpgradeOnRefresh; /// True = application may upgrade cache version. bool mbTupleCache; /// True = cache stores OLAP functions. bool mbSupportSubquery; /// True = data source supports subqueries. bool mbSupportDrill; /// True = data source supports drilldown. explicit PCDefinitionModel(); }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct PCSourceModel { sal_Int32 mnSourceType; /// Type of the source data (sheet, consolidation, scenario, external). sal_Int32 mnConnectionId; /// Connection identifier for external data source. explicit PCSourceModel(); }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct PCWorksheetSourceModel { ::rtl::OUString maRelId; /// Relation identifier for an external document URL. ::rtl::OUString maSheet; /// Sheet name for cell range or sheet-local defined names. ::rtl::OUString maDefName; /// Defined name containing a cell range if present. ::com::sun::star::table::CellRangeAddress maRange; /// Source cell range of the data. explicit PCWorksheetSourceModel(); }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class PivotCache : public WorkbookHelper { public: explicit PivotCache( const WorkbookHelper& rHelper ); /** Reads pivot cache global settings from the pivotCacheDefinition element. */ void importPivotCacheDefinition( const AttributeList& rAttribs ); /** Reads cache source settings from the cacheSource element. */ void importCacheSource( const AttributeList& rAttribs ); /** Reads sheet source settings from the worksheetSource element. */ void importWorksheetSource( const AttributeList& rAttribs, const ::oox::core::Relations& rRelations ); /** Reads pivot cache global settings from the PCDEFINITION record. */ void importPCDefinition( RecordInputStream& rStrm ); /** Reads cache source settings from the PCDSOURCE record. */ void importPCDSource( RecordInputStream& rStrm ); /** Reads sheet source settings from the PCDSHEETSOURCE record. */ void importPCDSheetSource( RecordInputStream& rStrm, const ::oox::core::Relations& rRelations ); /** Reads cache source settings from the PCDSOURCE record. */ void importPCDSource( BiffInputStream& rStrm ); /** Reads pivot cache global settings from the PCDEFINITION record. */ void importPCDefinition( BiffInputStream& rStrm ); /** Creates and returns a new pivot cache field. */ PivotCacheField& createCacheField( bool bInitDatabaseField = false ); /** Checks validity of source data and creates a dummy data sheet for external sheet sources. */ void finalizeImport(); /** Returns true, if the pivot cache is based on a valid data source, so that pivot tables can be created based on this pivot cache. */ inline bool isValidDataSource() const { return mbValidSource; } /** Returns true, if the pivot cache is based on a dummy sheet created in finalizeImport. */ inline bool isBasedOnDummySheet() const { return mbDummySheet; } /** Returns the internal cell range the cache is based on. */ inline const ::com::sun::star::table::CellRangeAddress& getSourceRange() const { return maSheetSrcModel.maRange; } /** Returns the relation identifier of the pivot cache records fragment. */ inline const ::rtl::OUString& getRecordsRelId() const { return maDefModel.maRelId; } /** Returns the number of pivot cache fields. */ sal_Int32 getCacheFieldCount() const; /** Returns the cache field with the specified index. */ const PivotCacheField* getCacheField( sal_Int32 nFieldIdx ) const; /** Returns the source column index of the field with the passed index. */ sal_Int32 getCacheDatabaseIndex( sal_Int32 nFieldIdx ) const; /** Writes the titles of all source fields into the passed sheet. */ void writeSourceHeaderCells( WorksheetHelper& rSheetHelper ) const; /** Writes a source field item value into the passed sheet. */ void writeSourceDataCell( WorksheetHelper& rSheetHelper, sal_Int32 nCol, sal_Int32 nRow, const PivotCacheItem& rItem ) const; /** Reads a PCRECORD record and writes all item values to the passed sheet. */ void importPCRecord( RecordInputStream& rStrm, WorksheetHelper& rSheetHelper, sal_Int32 nRow ) const; /** Reads a PCITEM_INDEXLIST record and writes all item values to the passed sheet. */ void importPCItemIndexList( BiffInputStream& rStrm, WorksheetHelper& rSheetHelper, sal_Int32 nRow ) const; private: /** Reads the worksheet source range from the DCONREF record. */ void importDConRef( BiffInputStream& rStrm ); /** Reads the defined name used for source data from the DCONNAME record. */ void importDConName( BiffInputStream& rStrm ); /** Reads the built-in defined name used for source data from the DCONBINAME record. */ void importDConBIName( BiffInputStream& rStrm ); /** Reads the sheet name and URL from the DCONREF, DCONNAME, or DCONBINAME records. */ void importDConUrl( BiffInputStream& rStrm ); /** Finalizes the pivot cache if it is based on internal sheet data. */ void finalizeInternalSheetSource(); /** Finalizes the pivot cache if it is based on sheet data of an external spreadsheet document. */ void finalizeExternalSheetSource(); /** Creates a dummy sheet that will be filled with the pivot cache data. */ void prepareSourceDataSheet(); private: typedef RefVector< PivotCacheField > PivotCacheFieldVector; typedef ::std::vector< sal_Int32 > IndexVector; PivotCacheFieldVector maFields; /// All pivot cache fields. PivotCacheFieldVector maDatabaseFields; /// All cache fields that are based on source data. IndexVector maDatabaseIndexes; /// Database field index for all fields. PCDefinitionModel maDefModel; /// Global pivot cache settings. PCSourceModel maSourceModel; /// Pivot cache source settings. PCWorksheetSourceModel maSheetSrcModel; /// Sheet source data if cache type is sheet. ::rtl::OUString maTargetUrl; /// URL of an external source document. bool mbValidSource; /// True = pivot cache is based on supported data source. bool mbDummySheet; /// True = pivot cache is based on a dummy sheet. }; // ============================================================================ class PivotCacheBuffer : public WorkbookHelper { public: explicit PivotCacheBuffer( const WorkbookHelper& rHelper ); /** Registers a pivot cache definition fragment. The fragment will be loaded on demand (OOX/OOBIN only). */ void registerPivotCacheFragment( sal_Int32 nCacheId, const ::rtl::OUString& rFragmentPath ); /** Reads the reference to a pivot cache stream. The stream will be loaded on demand (BIFF only). */ void importPivotCacheRef( BiffInputStream& rStrm ); /** Imports and stores a pivot cache definition fragment on first call, returns the imported cache on subsequent calls with the same identifier. */ PivotCache* importPivotCacheFragment( sal_Int32 nCacheId ); private: /** Creates and returns a new pivot cache object with the passed identifier. */ PivotCache& createPivotCache( sal_Int32 nCacheId ); private: typedef ::std::map< sal_Int32, ::rtl::OUString > FragmentPathMap; typedef RefMap< sal_Int32, PivotCache > PivotCacheMap; typedef ::std::vector< sal_Int32 > PivotCacheIdVector; FragmentPathMap maFragmentPaths; PivotCacheMap maCaches; PivotCacheIdVector maCacheIds; }; // ============================================================================ } // namespace xls } // namespace oox #endif