/************************************************************************* * * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * Copyright 2008 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * $RCSfile: formulabase.hxx,v $ * $Revision: $ * * This file is part of OpenOffice.org. * * OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * version 3 along with OpenOffice.org. If not, see * * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License. * ************************************************************************/ #ifndef OOX_XLS_FORMULABASE_HXX #define OOX_XLS_FORMULABASE_HXX #include #include #include #include #include #include "oox/helper/containerhelper.hxx" #include "oox/helper/propertyset.hxx" #include "oox/xls/addressconverter.hxx" namespace com { namespace sun { namespace star { namespace sheet { class XFormulaParser; } namespace sheet { class XFormulaTokens; } namespace sheet { class XFormulaOpCodeMapper; } } } } namespace oox { template< typename Type > class Matrix; } namespace oox { namespace xls { // Constants ================================================================== const size_t BIFF_TOKARR_MAXLEN = 4096; /// Maximum size of a token array. // token class flags ---------------------------------------------------------- const sal_uInt8 BIFF_TOKCLASS_MASK = 0x60; const sal_uInt8 BIFF_TOKCLASS_NONE = 0x00; /// 00-1F: Base tokens. const sal_uInt8 BIFF_TOKCLASS_REF = 0x20; /// 20-3F: Reference class tokens. const sal_uInt8 BIFF_TOKCLASS_VAL = 0x40; /// 40-5F: Value class tokens. const sal_uInt8 BIFF_TOKCLASS_ARR = 0x60; /// 60-7F: Array class tokens. const sal_uInt8 BIFF_TOKFLAG_INVALID = 0x80; /// This bit must be null for a valid token identifier. // base token identifiers ----------------------------------------------------- const sal_uInt8 BIFF_TOKID_MASK = 0x1F; const sal_uInt8 BIFF_TOKID_NONE = 0x00; /// Placeholder for invalid token id. const sal_uInt8 BIFF_TOKID_EXP = 0x01; /// Array or shared formula reference. const sal_uInt8 BIFF_TOKID_TBL = 0x02; /// Multiple operation reference. const sal_uInt8 BIFF_TOKID_ADD = 0x03; /// Addition operator. const sal_uInt8 BIFF_TOKID_SUB = 0x04; /// Subtraction operator. const sal_uInt8 BIFF_TOKID_MUL = 0x05; /// Multiplication operator. const sal_uInt8 BIFF_TOKID_DIV = 0x06; /// Division operator. const sal_uInt8 BIFF_TOKID_POWER = 0x07; /// Power operator. const sal_uInt8 BIFF_TOKID_CONCAT = 0x08; /// String concatenation operator. const sal_uInt8 BIFF_TOKID_LT = 0x09; /// Less than operator. const sal_uInt8 BIFF_TOKID_LE = 0x0A; /// Less than or equal operator. const sal_uInt8 BIFF_TOKID_EQ = 0x0B; /// Equal operator. const sal_uInt8 BIFF_TOKID_GE = 0x0C; /// Greater than or equal operator. const sal_uInt8 BIFF_TOKID_GT = 0x0D; /// Greater than operator. const sal_uInt8 BIFF_TOKID_NE = 0x0E; /// Not equal operator. const sal_uInt8 BIFF_TOKID_ISECT = 0x0F; /// Intersection operator. const sal_uInt8 BIFF_TOKID_LIST = 0x10; /// List operator. const sal_uInt8 BIFF_TOKID_RANGE = 0x11; /// Range operator. const sal_uInt8 BIFF_TOKID_UPLUS = 0x12; /// Unary plus. const sal_uInt8 BIFF_TOKID_UMINUS = 0x13; /// Unary minus. const sal_uInt8 BIFF_TOKID_PERCENT = 0x14; /// Percent sign. const sal_uInt8 BIFF_TOKID_PAREN = 0x15; /// Parentheses. const sal_uInt8 BIFF_TOKID_MISSARG = 0x16; /// Missing argument. const sal_uInt8 BIFF_TOKID_STR = 0x17; /// String constant. const sal_uInt8 BIFF_TOKID_NLR = 0x18; /// Natural language reference (NLR). const sal_uInt8 BIFF_TOKID_ATTR = 0x19; /// Special attribute. const sal_uInt8 BIFF_TOKID_SHEET = 0x1A; /// Start of a sheet reference (BIFF2-BIFF4). const sal_uInt8 BIFF_TOKID_ENDSHEET = 0x1B; /// End of a sheet reference (BIFF2-BIFF4). const sal_uInt8 BIFF_TOKID_ERR = 0x1C; /// Error constant. const sal_uInt8 BIFF_TOKID_BOOL = 0x1D; /// Boolean constant. const sal_uInt8 BIFF_TOKID_INT = 0x1E; /// Integer constant. const sal_uInt8 BIFF_TOKID_NUM = 0x1F; /// Floating-point constant. // base identifiers of classified tokens -------------------------------------- const sal_uInt8 BIFF_TOKID_ARRAY = 0x00; /// Array constant. const sal_uInt8 BIFF_TOKID_FUNC = 0x01; /// Function, fixed number of arguments. const sal_uInt8 BIFF_TOKID_FUNCVAR = 0x02; /// Function, variable number of arguments. const sal_uInt8 BIFF_TOKID_NAME = 0x03; /// Defined name. const sal_uInt8 BIFF_TOKID_REF = 0x04; /// 2D cell reference. const sal_uInt8 BIFF_TOKID_AREA = 0x05; /// 2D area reference. const sal_uInt8 BIFF_TOKID_MEMAREA = 0x06; /// Constant reference subexpression. const sal_uInt8 BIFF_TOKID_MEMERR = 0x07; /// Deleted reference subexpression. const sal_uInt8 BIFF_TOKID_MEMNOMEM = 0x08; /// Constant reference subexpression without result. const sal_uInt8 BIFF_TOKID_MEMFUNC = 0x09; /// Variable reference subexpression. const sal_uInt8 BIFF_TOKID_REFERR = 0x0A; /// Deleted 2D cell reference. const sal_uInt8 BIFF_TOKID_AREAERR = 0x0B; /// Deleted 2D area reference. const sal_uInt8 BIFF_TOKID_REFN = 0x0C; /// Relative 2D cell reference (in names). const sal_uInt8 BIFF_TOKID_AREAN = 0x0D; /// Relative 2D area reference (in names). const sal_uInt8 BIFF_TOKID_MEMAREAN = 0x0E; /// Reference subexpression (in names). const sal_uInt8 BIFF_TOKID_MEMNOMEMN = 0x0F; /// Reference subexpression (in names) without result. const sal_uInt8 BIFF_TOKID_FUNCCE = 0x18; const sal_uInt8 BIFF_TOKID_NAMEX = 0x19; /// External reference. const sal_uInt8 BIFF_TOKID_REF3D = 0x1A; /// 3D cell reference. const sal_uInt8 BIFF_TOKID_AREA3D = 0x1B; /// 3D area reference. const sal_uInt8 BIFF_TOKID_REFERR3D = 0x1C; /// Deleted 3D cell reference. const sal_uInt8 BIFF_TOKID_AREAERR3D = 0x1D; /// Deleted 3D area reference // specific token constants --------------------------------------------------- const sal_uInt8 OOBIN_TOK_ARRAY_DOUBLE = 0; const sal_uInt8 OOBIN_TOK_ARRAY_STRING = 1; const sal_uInt8 OOBIN_TOK_ARRAY_BOOL = 2; const sal_uInt8 OOBIN_TOK_ARRAY_ERROR = 4; const sal_uInt8 BIFF_TOK_BOOL_FALSE = 0; /// FALSE value of a tBool token. const sal_uInt8 BIFF_TOK_BOOL_TRUE = 1; /// TRUE value of a tBool token. const sal_uInt8 OOBIN_TOK_ATTR_VOLATILE = 0x01; /// Volatile function. const sal_uInt8 OOBIN_TOK_ATTR_IF = 0x02; /// Start of true condition in IF function. const sal_uInt8 OOBIN_TOK_ATTR_CHOOSE = 0x04; /// Jump array of CHOOSE function. const sal_uInt8 OOBIN_TOK_ATTR_SKIP = 0x08; /// Skip tokens. const sal_uInt8 OOBIN_TOK_ATTR_SUM = 0x10; /// SUM function with one parameter. const sal_uInt8 OOBIN_TOK_ATTR_ASSIGN = 0x20; /// BASIC style assignment. const sal_uInt8 OOBIN_TOK_ATTR_SPACE = 0x40; /// Spaces in formula representation. const sal_uInt8 OOBIN_TOK_ATTR_SPACE_VOLATILE = 0x41; /// Leading spaces and volatile formula. const sal_uInt8 OOBIN_TOK_ATTR_IFERROR = 0x80; /// Start of condition in IFERROR function. const sal_uInt8 BIFF_TOK_ATTR_VOLATILE = 0x01; /// Volatile function. const sal_uInt8 BIFF_TOK_ATTR_IF = 0x02; /// Start of true condition in IF function. const sal_uInt8 BIFF_TOK_ATTR_CHOOSE = 0x04; /// Jump array of CHOOSE function. const sal_uInt8 BIFF_TOK_ATTR_SKIP = 0x08; /// Skip tokens. const sal_uInt8 BIFF_TOK_ATTR_SUM = 0x10; /// SUM function with one parameter. const sal_uInt8 BIFF_TOK_ATTR_ASSIGN = 0x20; /// BASIC style assignment. const sal_uInt8 BIFF_TOK_ATTR_SPACE = 0x40; /// Spaces in formula representation. const sal_uInt8 BIFF_TOK_ATTR_SPACE_VOLATILE = 0x41; /// Leading spaces and volatile formula. const sal_uInt8 BIFF_TOK_ATTR_SPACE_SP = 0x00; /// Spaces before next token. const sal_uInt8 BIFF_TOK_ATTR_SPACE_BR = 0x01; /// Line breaks before next token. const sal_uInt8 BIFF_TOK_ATTR_SPACE_SP_OPEN = 0x02; /// Spaces before opening parenthesis. const sal_uInt8 BIFF_TOK_ATTR_SPACE_BR_OPEN = 0x03; /// Line breaks before opening parenthesis. const sal_uInt8 BIFF_TOK_ATTR_SPACE_SP_CLOSE = 0x04; /// Spaces before closing parenthesis. const sal_uInt8 BIFF_TOK_ATTR_SPACE_BR_CLOSE = 0x05; /// Line breaks before closing parenthesis. const sal_uInt8 BIFF_TOK_ATTR_SPACE_SP_PRE = 0x06; /// Spaces before formula (BIFF3). const sal_uInt16 BIFF_TOK_FUNCVAR_CMD = 0x8000; /// Macro command. const sal_uInt16 BIFF_TOK_FUNCVAR_FUNCIDMASK = 0x7FFF; /// Mask for function/command index. const sal_uInt8 BIFF_TOK_FUNCVAR_CMDPROMPT = 0x80; /// User prompt for macro commands. const sal_uInt8 BIFF_TOK_FUNCVAR_COUNTMASK = 0x7F; /// Mask for parameter count. const sal_uInt16 OOBIN_TOK_REF_COLMASK = 0x3FFF; /// Mask to extract column from reference. const sal_Int32 OOBIN_TOK_REF_ROWMASK = 0xFFFFF; /// Mask to extract row from reference. const sal_uInt16 OOBIN_TOK_REF_COLREL = 0x4000; /// True = column is relative. const sal_uInt16 OOBIN_TOK_REF_ROWREL = 0x8000; /// True = row is relative. const sal_uInt16 BIFF_TOK_REF_COLMASK = 0x00FF; /// Mask to extract BIFF8 column from reference. const sal_uInt16 BIFF_TOK_REF_ROWMASK = 0x3FFF; /// Mask to extract BIFF2-BIFF5 row from reference. const sal_uInt16 BIFF_TOK_REF_COLREL = 0x4000; /// True = column is relative. const sal_uInt16 BIFF_TOK_REF_ROWREL = 0x8000; /// True = row is relative. const sal_uInt16 OOBIN_TOK_TABLE_COLUMN = 0x0001; /// Table reference: Single column. const sal_uInt16 OOBIN_TOK_TABLE_COLRANGE = 0x0002; /// Table reference: Range of columns. const sal_uInt16 OOBIN_TOK_TABLE_ALL = 0x0004; /// Table reference: Special [#All] range. const sal_uInt16 OOBIN_TOK_TABLE_HEADERS = 0x0008; /// Table reference: Special [#Headers] range. const sal_uInt16 OOBIN_TOK_TABLE_DATA = 0x0010; /// Table reference: Special [#Data] range. const sal_uInt16 OOBIN_TOK_TABLE_TOTALS = 0x0020; /// Table reference: Special [#Totals] range. const sal_uInt16 OOBIN_TOK_TABLE_THISROW = 0x0040; /// Table reference: Special [#This Row] range. const sal_uInt16 OOBIN_TOK_TABLE_SP_BRACKETS = 0x0080; /// Table reference: Spaces in outer brackets. const sal_uInt16 OOBIN_TOK_TABLE_SP_SEP = 0x0100; /// Table reference: Spaces after separators. const sal_uInt16 OOBIN_TOK_TABLE_ROW = 0x0200; /// Table reference: Single row. const sal_uInt16 OOBIN_TOK_TABLE_CELL = 0x0400; /// Table reference: Single cell. const sal_uInt8 BIFF_TOK_NLR_ERR = 0x01; /// NLR: Invalid/deleted. const sal_uInt8 BIFF_TOK_NLR_ROWR = 0x02; /// NLR: Row index. const sal_uInt8 BIFF_TOK_NLR_COLR = 0x03; /// NLR: Column index. const sal_uInt8 BIFF_TOK_NLR_ROWV = 0x06; /// NLR: Value in row. const sal_uInt8 BIFF_TOK_NLR_COLV = 0x07; /// NLR: Value in column. const sal_uInt8 BIFF_TOK_NLR_RANGE = 0x0A; /// NLR: Range. const sal_uInt8 BIFF_TOK_NLR_SRANGE = 0x0B; /// Stacked NLR: Range. const sal_uInt8 BIFF_TOK_NLR_SROWR = 0x0C; /// Stacked NLR: Row index. const sal_uInt8 BIFF_TOK_NLR_SCOLR = 0x0D; /// Stacked NLR: Column index. const sal_uInt8 BIFF_TOK_NLR_SROWV = 0x0E; /// Stacked NLR: Value in row. const sal_uInt8 BIFF_TOK_NLR_SCOLV = 0x0F; /// Stacked NLR: Value in column. const sal_uInt8 BIFF_TOK_NLR_RANGEERR = 0x10; /// NLR: Invalid/deleted range. const sal_uInt8 BIFF_TOK_NLR_SXNAME = 0x1D; /// NLR: Pivot table name. const sal_uInt16 BIFF_TOK_NLR_REL = 0x8000; /// True = NLR is relative. const sal_uInt16 BIFF_TOK_NLR_MASK = 0x3FFF; /// Mask to extract BIFF8 column from NLR. const sal_uInt32 BIFF_TOK_NLR_ADDREL = 0x80000000; /// NLR relative (in appended data). const sal_uInt32 BIFF_TOK_NLR_ADDMASK = 0x3FFFFFFF; /// Mask for number of appended ranges. // function constants --------------------------------------------------------- const sal_uInt8 OOX_MAX_PARAMCOUNT = 255; /// Maximum parameter count for OOXML/OOBIN files. const sal_uInt8 BIFF_MAX_PARAMCOUNT = 30; /// Maximum parameter count for BIFF files. const sal_uInt16 OOBIN_FUNC_IF = 1; /// OOBIN function id of the IF function. const sal_uInt16 OOBIN_FUNC_SUM = 4; /// OOBIN function id of the SUM function. const sal_uInt16 OOBIN_FUNC_TRUE = 34; /// OOBIN function id of the TRUE function. const sal_uInt16 OOBIN_FUNC_FALSE = 35; /// OOBIN function id of the FALSE function. const sal_uInt16 OOBIN_FUNC_ROWS = 76; /// OOBIN function id of the ROWS function. const sal_uInt16 OOBIN_FUNC_COLUMNS = 77; /// OOBIN function id of the COLUMNS function. const sal_uInt16 OOBIN_FUNC_OFFSET = 78; /// OOBIN function id of the OFFSET function. const sal_uInt16 OOBIN_FUNC_FLOOR = 285; /// OOBIN function id of the FLOOR function. const sal_uInt16 OOBIN_FUNC_CEILING = 288; /// OOBIN function id of the CEILING function. const sal_uInt16 OOBIN_FUNC_HYPERLINK = 359; /// OOBIN function id of the HYPERLINK function. const sal_uInt16 OOBIN_FUNC_WEEKNUM = 465; /// OOBIN function id of the WEEKNUM function. const sal_uInt16 BIFF_FUNC_SUM = 4; /// BIFF function id of the SUM function. const sal_uInt16 BIFF_FUNC_EXTERNCALL = 255; /// BIFF function id of the EXTERN.CALL function. // reference helpers ========================================================== /** A 2D formula cell reference struct with relative flags. */ struct BinSingleRef2d { sal_Int32 mnCol; /// Column index. sal_Int32 mnRow; /// Row index. bool mbColRel; /// True = relative column reference. bool mbRowRel; /// True = relative row reference. explicit BinSingleRef2d(); void setOobData( sal_uInt16 nCol, sal_Int32 nRow, bool bRelativeAsOffset ); void setBiff2Data( sal_uInt8 nCol, sal_uInt16 nRow, bool bRelativeAsOffset ); void setBiff8Data( sal_uInt16 nCol, sal_uInt16 nRow, bool bRelativeAsOffset ); void readOobData( RecordInputStream& rStrm, bool bRelativeAsOffset ); void readBiff2Data( BiffInputStream& rStrm, bool bRelativeAsOffset ); void readBiff8Data( BiffInputStream& rStrm, bool bRelativeAsOffset ); }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** A 2D formula cell range reference struct with relative flags. */ struct BinComplexRef2d { BinSingleRef2d maRef1; /// Start (top-left) cell address. BinSingleRef2d maRef2; /// End (bottom-right) cell address. void readOobData( RecordInputStream& rStrm, bool bRelativeAsOffset ); void readBiff2Data( BiffInputStream& rStrm, bool bRelativeAsOffset ); void readBiff8Data( BiffInputStream& rStrm, bool bRelativeAsOffset ); }; // token vector, sequence ===================================================== typedef ::com::sun::star::sheet::FormulaToken ApiToken; typedef ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< ApiToken > ApiTokenSequence; /** A vector of formula tokens with additional convenience functions. */ class ApiTokenVector : public ::std::vector< ApiToken > { public: explicit ApiTokenVector(); /** Appends a new token with the passed op-code, returns its data field. */ ::com::sun::star::uno::Any& append( sal_Int32 nOpCode ); /** Appends a new token with the passed op-code and data. */ template< typename Type > inline void append( sal_Int32 nOpCode, const Type& rData ) { append( nOpCode ) <<= rData; } }; // token sequence iterator ==================================================== /** Token sequence iterator that is able to skip space tokens. */ class ApiTokenIterator { public: explicit ApiTokenIterator( const ApiTokenSequence& rTokens, sal_Int32 nSpacesOpCode, bool bSkipSpaces ); /** Copy constructor that allows to change the skip spaces mode. */ explicit ApiTokenIterator( const ApiTokenIterator& rIter, bool bSkipSpaces ); inline bool is() const { return mpToken != mpTokenEnd; } inline const ApiToken* get() const { return mpToken; } inline const ApiToken* operator->() const { return mpToken; } inline const ApiToken& operator*() const { return *mpToken; } ApiTokenIterator& operator++(); private: void skipSpaces(); private: const ApiToken* mpToken; /// Pointer to current token of the token sequence. const ApiToken* mpTokenEnd; /// Pointer behind last token of the token sequence. const sal_Int32 mnSpacesOpCode; /// Op-code for whitespace tokens. const bool mbSkipSpaces; /// true = Skip whitespace tokens. }; // list of API op-codes ======================================================= /** Contains all API op-codes needed to build formulas with tokens. */ struct ApiOpCodes { // special sal_Int32 OPCODE_UNKNOWN; /// Internal: function name unknown to mapper. sal_Int32 OPCODE_EXTERNAL; /// External function call (e.g. add-ins). // formula structure sal_Int32 OPCODE_PUSH; /// Op-code for common value operands. sal_Int32 OPCODE_MISSING; /// Placeholder for a missing function parameter. sal_Int32 OPCODE_SPACES; /// Spaces between other formula tokens. sal_Int32 OPCODE_NAME; /// Index of a defined name. sal_Int32 OPCODE_DBAREA; /// Index of a database area. sal_Int32 OPCODE_NLR; /// Natural language reference. sal_Int32 OPCODE_DDE; /// DDE link function. sal_Int32 OPCODE_MACRO; /// Macro function call. sal_Int32 OPCODE_BAD; /// Bad token (unknown name, formula error). sal_Int32 OPCODE_NONAME; /// Function style #NAME? error. // separators sal_Int32 OPCODE_OPEN; /// Opening parenthesis. sal_Int32 OPCODE_CLOSE; /// Closing parenthesis. sal_Int32 OPCODE_SEP; /// Function parameter separator. // array separators sal_Int32 OPCODE_ARRAY_OPEN; /// Opening brace for constant arrays. sal_Int32 OPCODE_ARRAY_CLOSE; /// Closing brace for constant arrays. sal_Int32 OPCODE_ARRAY_ROWSEP; /// Row separator in constant arrays. sal_Int32 OPCODE_ARRAY_COLSEP; /// Column separator in constant arrays. // unary operators sal_Int32 OPCODE_PLUS_SIGN; /// Unary plus sign. sal_Int32 OPCODE_MINUS_SIGN; /// Unary minus sign. sal_Int32 OPCODE_PERCENT; /// Percent sign. // binary operators sal_Int32 OPCODE_ADD; /// Addition operator. sal_Int32 OPCODE_SUB; /// Subtraction operator. sal_Int32 OPCODE_MULT; /// Multiplication operator. sal_Int32 OPCODE_DIV; /// Division operator. sal_Int32 OPCODE_POWER; /// Power operator. sal_Int32 OPCODE_CONCAT; /// String concatenation operator. sal_Int32 OPCODE_EQUAL; /// Compare equal operator. sal_Int32 OPCODE_NOT_EQUAL; /// Compare not equal operator. sal_Int32 OPCODE_LESS; /// Compare less operator. sal_Int32 OPCODE_LESS_EQUAL; /// Compare less or equal operator. sal_Int32 OPCODE_GREATER; /// Compare greater operator. sal_Int32 OPCODE_GREATER_EQUAL; /// Compare greater or equal operator. sal_Int32 OPCODE_INTERSECT; /// Range intersection operator. sal_Int32 OPCODE_LIST; /// Range list operator. sal_Int32 OPCODE_RANGE; /// Range operator. }; // Function parameter info ==================================================== /** Enumerates validity modes for a function parameter. */ enum FuncParamValidity { FUNC_PARAM_NONE = 0, /// Default for an unspecified entry in a C-array. FUNC_PARAM_REGULAR, /// Parameter supported by Calc and Excel. FUNC_PARAM_CALCONLY, /// Parameter supported by Calc only. FUNC_PARAM_EXCELONLY /// Parameter supported by Excel only. }; /** Enumerates different types of token class conversion in function parameters. */ enum FuncParamConversion { FUNC_PARAMCONV_ORG, /// Use original class of current token. FUNC_PARAMCONV_VAL, /// Convert tokens to VAL class. FUNC_PARAMCONV_ARR, /// Convert tokens to ARR class. FUNC_PARAMCONV_RPT, /// Repeat parent conversion in VALTYPE parameters. FUNC_PARAMCONV_RPX, /// Repeat parent conversion in REFTYPE parameters. FUNC_PARAMCONV_RPO /// Repeat parent conversion in operands of operators. }; /** Structure that contains all needed information for a parameter in a function. The member meValid specifies which application supports the parameter. If set to CALCONLY, import filters have to insert a default value for this parameter, and export filters have to skip the parameter. If set to EXCELONLY, import filters have to skip the parameter, and export filters have to insert a default value for this parameter. The member mbValType specifies whether the parameter requires tokens to be of value type (VAL or ARR class). If set to false, the parameter is called to be REFTYPE. Tokens with REF default class can be inserted for the parameter (e.g. tAreaR tokens). If set to true, the parameter is called to be VALTYPE. Tokens with REF class need to be converted to VAL tokens first (e.g. tAreaR will be converted to tAreaV), and further conversion is done according to this new token class. The member meConv specifies how to convert the current token class of the token inserted for the parameter. If the token class is still REF this means that the token has default REF class and the parameter is REFTYPE (see member mbValType), the token will not be converted at all and remains in REF class. Otherwise, token class conversion is depending on the actual token class of the return value of the function containing this parameter. The function may return REF class (tFuncR, tFuncVarR, tFuncCER), or it may return VAL or ARR class (tFuncV, tFuncA, tFuncVarV, tFuncVarA, tFuncCEV, tFuncCEA). Even if the function is able to return REF class, it may return VAL or ARR class instead due to the VALTYPE data type of the parent function parameter that calls the own function. Example: The INDIRECT function returns REF class by default. But if called from a VALTYPE function parameter, e.g. in the formula =ABS(INDIRECT("A1")), it returns VAL or ARR class instead. Additionally, the repeating conversion types RPT and RPX rely on the conversion executed for the function token class. 1) ORG: Use the original class of the token (VAL or ARR), regardless of any conversion done for the function return class. 2) VAL: Convert ARR tokens to VAL class, regardless of any conversion done for the function return class. 3) ARR: Convert VAL tokens to ARR class, regardless of any conversion done for the function return class. 4) RPT: If the own function returns REF class (thus it is called from a REFTYPE parameter, see above), and the parent conversion type (for the function return class) was ORG, VAL, or ARR, ignore that conversion and always use VAL conversion for the own token instead. If the parent conversion type was RPT or RPX, repeat the conversion that would have been used if the function would return value type. If the own function returns value type (VAL or ARR class, see above), and the parent conversion type (for the function return class) was ORG, VAL, ARR, or RPT, repeat this conversion for the own token. If the parent conversion type was RPX, always use ORG conversion type for the own token instead. 5) RPX: This type of conversion only occurs in functions returning VAL class by default. If the own token is value type, and the VAL return class of the own function has been changed to ARR class (due to direct ARR conversion, or due to ARR conversion repeated by RPT or RPX), set the own token to ARR type. Otherwise use the original token type (VAL conversion from parent parameter will not be repeated at all). If nested functions have RPT or value-type RPX parameters, they will not repeat this conversion type, but will use ORG conversion instead (see description of RPT above). 6) RPO: This type of conversion is only used for the operands of all operators (unary and binary arithmetic operators, comparison operators, and range operators). It is not used for function parameters. On conversion, it will be replaced by the last conversion type that was not the RPO conversion. This leads to a slightly different behaviour than the RPT conversion for operands in conjunction with a parent RPX conversion. */ struct FunctionParamInfo { FuncParamValidity meValid; /// Parameter validity. FuncParamConversion meConv; /// Token class conversion type. bool mbValType; /// Data type (false = REFTYPE, true = VALTYPE). }; // function data ============================================================== /** This enumeration contains constants for all known external libraries containing supported sheet functions. */ enum FunctionLibraryType { FUNCLIB_EUROTOOL, /// EuroTool add-in with EUROCONVERT function. FUNCLIB_UNKNOWN /// Unknown library. }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Represents information for a spreadsheet function. The member mpParamInfos points to an array of type information structures for all parameters of the function. The last initialized structure describing a regular parameter (member meValid == EXC_PARAMVALID_ALWAYS) in this array is used repeatedly for all following parameters supported by a function. */ struct FunctionInfo { ::rtl::OUString maOdfFuncName; /// ODF function name. ::rtl::OUString maOoxFuncName; /// OOXML function name. ::rtl::OUString maBiffMacroName; /// Expected macro name in EXTERN.CALL function. ::rtl::OUString maExtProgName; /// Programmatic function name for external functions. FunctionLibraryType meFuncLibType; /// The external library this function is part of. sal_Int32 mnApiOpCode; /// API function opcode. sal_uInt16 mnOobFuncId; /// OOBIN function identifier. sal_uInt16 mnBiffFuncId; /// BIFF function identifier. sal_uInt8 mnMinParamCount; /// Minimum number of parameters. sal_uInt8 mnMaxParamCount; /// Maximum number of parameters. sal_uInt8 mnRetClass; /// BIFF token class of the return value. const FunctionParamInfo* mpParamInfos; /// Information about all parameters. bool mbParamPairs; /// true = optional parameters are expected to appear in pairs. bool mbVolatile; /// True = volatile function. bool mbExternal; /// True = external function in Calc. bool mbMacroFunc; /// True = macro sheet function or command. bool mbVarParam; /// True = use a tFuncVar token, also if min/max are equal. }; typedef RefVector< FunctionInfo > FunctionInfoVector; // function info parameter class iterator ===================================== /** Iterator working on the mpParamInfos member of the FunctionInfo struct. This iterator can be used to iterate through the array containing the token class conversion information of function parameters. This iterator repeats the last valid structure in the array - it stops automatically before the first empty array entry or before the end of the array, even for repeated calls to the increment operator. */ class FunctionParamInfoIterator { public: explicit FunctionParamInfoIterator( const FunctionInfo& rFuncInfo ); const FunctionParamInfo& getParamInfo() const; bool isCalcOnlyParam() const; bool isExcelOnlyParam() const; FunctionParamInfoIterator& operator++(); private: const FunctionParamInfo* mpParamInfo; const FunctionParamInfo* mpParamInfoEnd; bool mbParamPairs; }; // base function provider ===================================================== struct FunctionProviderImpl; /** Provides access to function info structs for all available sheet functions. */ class FunctionProvider // not derived from WorkbookHelper to make it usable in file dumpers { public: explicit FunctionProvider( FilterType eFilter, BiffType eBiff, bool bImportFilter ); virtual ~FunctionProvider(); /** Returns the function info for an ODF function name, or 0 on error. */ const FunctionInfo* getFuncInfoFromOdfFuncName( const ::rtl::OUString& rFuncName ) const; /** Returns the function info for an OOX function name, or 0 on error. */ const FunctionInfo* getFuncInfoFromOoxFuncName( const ::rtl::OUString& rFuncName ) const; /** Returns the function info for an OOBIN function index, or 0 on error. */ const FunctionInfo* getFuncInfoFromOobFuncId( sal_uInt16 nFuncId ) const; /** Returns the function info for a BIFF function index, or 0 on error. */ const FunctionInfo* getFuncInfoFromBiffFuncId( sal_uInt16 nFuncId ) const; /** Returns the function info for a macro function referred by the EXTERN.CALL function, or 0 on error. */ const FunctionInfo* getFuncInfoFromMacroName( const ::rtl::OUString& rFuncName ) const; /** Returns the library type associated with the passed URL of a function library (function add-in). */ FunctionLibraryType getFuncLibTypeFromLibraryName( const ::rtl::OUString& rLibraryName ) const; protected: /** Returns the list of all function infos. */ const FunctionInfoVector& getFuncs() const; private: typedef ::boost::shared_ptr< FunctionProviderImpl > FunctionProviderImplRef; FunctionProviderImplRef mxFuncImpl; /// Shared implementation between all copies of the provider. }; // op-code and function provider ============================================== struct OpCodeProviderImpl; /** Provides access to API op-codes for all available formula tokens and to function info structs for all available sheet functions. */ class OpCodeProvider : public FunctionProvider // not derived from WorkbookHelper to make it usable as UNO service { public: explicit OpCodeProvider( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::lang::XMultiServiceFactory >& rxFactory, FilterType eFilter, BiffType eBiff, bool bImportFilter ); virtual ~OpCodeProvider(); /** Returns the structure containing all token op-codes for operators and special tokens used by the Calc document and its formula parser. */ const ApiOpCodes& getOpCodes() const; /** Returns the function info for an API token, or 0 on error. */ const FunctionInfo* getFuncInfoFromApiToken( const ApiToken& rToken ) const; /** Returns the op-code map that is used by the OOX formula parser. */ ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< ::com::sun::star::sheet::FormulaOpCodeMapEntry > getOoxParserMap() const; private: typedef ::boost::shared_ptr< OpCodeProviderImpl > OpCodeProviderImplRef; OpCodeProviderImplRef mxOpCodeImpl; /// Shared implementation between all copies of the provider. }; // API formula parser wrapper ================================================= /** A wrapper around the FormulaParser service provided by the Calc document. */ class ApiParserWrapper : public OpCodeProvider { public: explicit ApiParserWrapper( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::lang::XMultiServiceFactory >& rxFactory, const OpCodeProvider& rOpCodeProv ); /** Returns read/write access to the formula parser property set. */ inline PropertySet& getParserProperties() { return maParserProps; } /** Calls the XFormulaParser::parseFormula() function of the API parser. */ ApiTokenSequence parseFormula( const ::rtl::OUString& rFormula, const ::com::sun::star::table::CellAddress& rRefPos ); private: ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::sheet::XFormulaParser > mxParser; PropertySet maParserProps; }; // formula contexts =========================================================== class FormulaContext { public: inline void setBaseAddress( const ::com::sun::star::table::CellAddress& rBaseAddress ) { maBaseAddress = rBaseAddress; } inline const ::com::sun::star::table::CellAddress& getBaseAddress() const { return maBaseAddress; } inline bool isRelativeAsOffset() const { return mbRelativeAsOffset; } inline bool is2dRefsAs3dRefs() const { return mb2dRefsAs3dRefs; } inline bool isNulCharsAllowed() const { return mbAllowNulChars; } virtual void setTokens( const ApiTokenSequence& rTokens ) = 0; virtual void setSharedFormula( const ::com::sun::star::table::CellAddress& rBaseAddr ); protected: explicit FormulaContext( bool bRelativeAsOffset, bool b2dRefsAs3dRefs, bool bAllowNulChars = false ); virtual ~FormulaContext(); private: ::com::sun::star::table::CellAddress maBaseAddress; bool mbRelativeAsOffset; bool mb2dRefsAs3dRefs; bool mbAllowNulChars; }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Stores the converted formula token sequence in a class member. */ class TokensFormulaContext : public FormulaContext { public: explicit TokensFormulaContext( bool bRelativeAsOffset, bool b2dRefsAs3dRefs, bool bAllowNulChars = false ); inline const ApiTokenSequence& getTokens() const { return maTokens; } virtual void setTokens( const ApiTokenSequence& rTokens ); private: ApiTokenSequence maTokens; }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Uses the com.sun.star.sheet.XFormulaTokens interface to set a token sequence. */ class SimpleFormulaContext : public FormulaContext { public: explicit SimpleFormulaContext( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::sheet::XFormulaTokens >& rxTokens, bool bRelativeAsOffset, bool b2dRefsAs3dRefs, bool bAllowNulChars = false ); virtual void setTokens( const ApiTokenSequence& rTokens ); private: ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::sheet::XFormulaTokens > mxTokens; }; // formula parser/printer base class for filters ============================== /** Base class for import formula parsers and export formula compilers. */ class FormulaProcessorBase : public OpCodeProvider, protected ApiOpCodes, public WorkbookHelper { public: explicit FormulaProcessorBase( const WorkbookHelper& rHelper ); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** Generates a cell address string in A1 notation from the passed cell address. @param rAddress The cell address containing column and row index. @param bAbsolute True = adds dollar signs before column and row. */ static ::rtl::OUString generateAddress2dString( const ::com::sun::star::table::CellAddress& rAddress, bool bAbsolute ); /** Generates a cell address string in A1 notation from the passed binary cell address. @param rAddress The cell address containing column and row index. @param bAbsolute True = adds dollar signs before column and row. */ static ::rtl::OUString generateAddress2dString( const BinAddress& rAddress, bool bAbsolute ); /** Generates a cell range string in A1:A1 notation from the passed cell range address. @param rRange The cell range address containing column and row indexes. @param bAbsolute True = adds dollar signs before columns and rows. */ static ::rtl::OUString generateRange2dString( const ::com::sun::star::table::CellRangeAddress& rRange, bool bAbsolute ); /** Generates a cell range string in A1:A1 notation from the passed binary cell range address. @param rRange The cell range address containing column and row indexes. @param bAbsolute True = adds dollar signs before columns and rows. */ static ::rtl::OUString generateRange2dString( const BinRange& rRange, bool bAbsolute ); /** Generates a cell range list string in A1:A1 notation from the passed cell range addresses. May enclose multiple ranges into parentheses. @param rRanges The list of cell range addresses. @param bAbsolute True = adds dollar signs before columns and rows. @param cSeparator Separator character between ranges. @param bEncloseMultiple True = enclose multiple ranges in parentheses. */ static ::rtl::OUString generateRangeList2dString( const ApiCellRangeList& rRanges, bool bAbsolute, sal_Unicode cSeparator, bool bEncloseMultiple ); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** Generates a cell address string in Calc's absolute $Sheet.$A$1 notation from the passed cell address. @param rAddress The cell address to be converted to a string. */ ::rtl::OUString generateApiAddressString( const ::com::sun::star::table::CellAddress& rAddress ) const; /** Generates a cell range string in Calc's absolute $Sheet.$A$1:$A$ notation from the passed cell range address. @param rRange The cell range address to be converted to a string. */ ::rtl::OUString generateApiRangeString( const ::com::sun::star::table::CellRangeAddress& rRange ) const; /** Generates a cell range list string in Calc's absolute $Sheet.$A$1:$A$1 notation from the passed cell range addresses. @param rRanges The list of cell ranges to be converted to a string. */ ::rtl::OUString generateApiRangeListString( const ApiCellRangeList& rRanges ) const; /** Generates a string in Calc formula notation from the passed string. @param rString The string value. @return The string enclosed in double quotes, where all contained quote characters are doubled. */ static ::rtl::OUString generateApiString( const ::rtl::OUString& rString ); /** Generates an array string in Calc formula notation from the passed matrix with Any's containing double values or strings. @param rMatrix The matrix containing double values or strings. */ static ::rtl::OUString generateApiArray( const Matrix< ::com::sun::star::uno::Any >& rMatrix ); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** Tries to extract a single cell reference from a formula token sequence. @param rTokens The token sequence to be parsed. Should contain exactly one address token or cell range address token. The token sequence may contain whitespace tokens. @return If the token sequence is valid, this function returns an Any containing a com.sun.star.sheet.SingleReference object, or a com.sun.star.sheet.ComplexReference object. If the token sequence contains too many, or unexpected tokens, an empty Any is returned. */ ::com::sun::star::uno::Any extractReference( const ApiTokenSequence& rTokens ) const; /** Tries to extract a single cell address from a formula token sequence. @param orAddress (output parameter) If the token sequence is valid, this parameter will contain the extracted cell address. If the token sequence contains unexpected tokens, nothing meaningful is inserted, and the function returns false. @param rTokens The token sequence to be parsed. Should contain exactly one cell address token. The token sequence may contain whitespace tokens. @param bAllowRelative True = it is allowed that rTokens contains relative references (based on cell A1 of the current sheet). False = only real absolute references will be accepted. @return True, if the token sequence contains a valid cell address which has been extracted to orAddress, false otherwise. */ bool extractCellAddress( ::com::sun::star::table::CellAddress& orAddress, const ApiTokenSequence& rTokens, bool bAllowRelative ) const; /** Tries to extract a cell range address from a formula token sequence. @param orAddress (output parameter) If the token sequence is valid, this parameter will contain the extracted cell range address. If the token sequence contains unexpected tokens, nothing meaningful is inserted, and the function returns false. @param rTokens The token sequence to be parsed. Should contain exactly one cell range address token. The token sequence may contain whitespace tokens. @param bAllowRelative True = it is allowed that rTokens contains relative references (based on cell A1 of the current sheet). False = only real absolute references will be accepted. @return True, if the token sequence contains a valid cell range address which has been extracted to orRange, false otherwise. */ bool extractCellRange( ::com::sun::star::table::CellRangeAddress& orRange, const ApiTokenSequence& rTokens, bool bAllowRelative ) const; /** Tries to extract a cell range list from a formula token sequence. @param orRanges (output parameter) If the token sequence is valid, this parameter will contain the extracted cell range list. Deleted cells or cell ranges (shown as #REF! error in a formula) will be skipped. If the token sequence contains unexpected tokens, an empty list is returned here. @param rTokens The token sequence to be parsed. Should contain cell address tokens or cell range address tokens, separated by the standard function parameter separator token. The token sequence may contain parentheses and whitespace tokens. @param bAllowRelative True = it is allowed that rTokens contains relative references (based on cell A1 of the current sheet). False = only real absolute references will be accepted. @param nFilterBySheet If non-negative, this function returns only cell ranges located in the specified sheet, otherwise returns all cell ranges contained in the token sequence. */ void extractCellRangeList( ApiCellRangeList& orRanges, const ApiTokenSequence& rTokens, bool bAllowRelative, sal_Int32 nFilterBySheet = -1 ) const; /** Tries to extract a string from a formula token sequence. @param orString (output parameter) The extracted string. @param rTokens The token sequence to be parsed. Should contain exactly one string token, may contain whitespace tokens. @return True = token sequence is valid, output parameter orString contains the string extracted from the token sequence. */ bool extractString( ::rtl::OUString& orString, const ApiTokenSequence& rTokens ) const; /** Converts a single string with separators in the passed formula token sequence to a list of string tokens. @param orTokens (input/output parameter) Expects a single string token in this token sequence (whitespace tokens are allowed). The string is split into substrings. A list of string tokens separated with parameter separator tokens is returned in this psrameter. @param cStringSep The separator character used to split the input string. @param bTrimLeadingSpaces True = removes leading whitespace from all substrings inserted into the formula token sequence. */ void convertStringToStringList( ApiTokenSequence& orTokens, sal_Unicode cStringSep, bool bTrimLeadingSpaces ) const; }; // ============================================================================ } // namespace xls } // namespace oox #endif