Contains preferences the Logger components. contains preferences for a single Logger. Specifies the log level of the logger. 2147483647 Specifies the UNO service name of the default handler for the logger. Specifies the settings for the default handler (DefaultHandler property) of the logger. Plain properties below the HandlerSettings node are passed to the log handler upon creation, as sequence of NamedValues. Specifies the file URL for the log handler. This URL will be resolved using the ::com::sun::star::util::PathSubstitution service. That is, it is allowed to include placeholders supported by that service, such as $(userurl). Beside these, the following default placeholders can also be included: $(loggername) - the name of the logger $(date) - the current date $(time) - the current time $(datetime) - the current date time $(pid) - the process identifier The default value here will expand to a file with the same name as the logger for which the handler is used, with extension ".log". It will be located in the user's OOo data folder. $(userurl)/$(loggername).log Specifies the UNO service name of the default formatter for the logger. Specifies the settings for the default formatter (DefaultFormatter property) of the logger. Plain properties below the FormatterSettings node are passed to the log formatter upon creation, as sequence of NamedValues. contains the settings for all known loggers in