/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /************************************************************************* * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: IBM Corporation * * Copyright: 2008 by IBM Corporation * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ /************************************************************************* * Change History Mar 2005 Created ************************************************************************/ #include "lwppagelayout.hxx" #include "lwplaypiece.hxx" #include "lwpfootnote.hxx" #include "lwpdoc.hxx" #include "lwpholder.hxx" #include "lwppagehint.hxx" #include "lwpdivinfo.hxx" #include "lwpstory.hxx" #include "xfilter/xfstylemanager.hxx" #include "xfilter/xfmasterpage.hxx" #include "xfilter/xfcontentcontainer.hxx" #include "xfilter/xfheader.hxx" #include "xfilter/xfheaderstyle.hxx" #include "xfilter/xffooterstyle.hxx" #include "xfilter/xffooter.hxx" #include #include "lwpchangemgr.hxx" #include "lwpglobalmgr.hxx" LwpPageLayout::LwpPageLayout(LwpObjectHeader &objHdr, LwpSvStream* pStrm) : LwpLayout(objHdr, pStrm), m_pPrinterBinName(new LwpAtomHolder), m_pPaperName(new LwpAtomHolder),m_pXFPageMaster(NULL) { } LwpPageLayout::~LwpPageLayout() { if (m_pPrinterBinName) { delete m_pPrinterBinName; } if (m_pPaperName) { delete m_pPaperName; } } void LwpPageLayout::Read() { LwpLayout::Read(); if (LwpFileHeader::m_nFileRevision < 0x000B) { // read PreRevBLayout... } m_nPrinterBin = m_pObjStrm->QuickReaduInt16(); m_pPrinterBinName->Read(m_pObjStrm); if (LwpFileHeader::m_nFileRevision >= 0x000B) m_nBdroffset = m_pObjStrm->QuickReadInt32(); if (m_pObjStrm->CheckExtra()) { m_pPaperName->Read(m_pObjStrm); m_pObjStrm->SkipExtra(); } } void LwpPageLayout::Parse(IXFStream* pOutputStream) { //Only parse this layout LwpObject* pStory = m_Content.obj(); if(pStory) { pStory->SetFoundry(m_pFoundry); pStory->Parse(pOutputStream); //Do not parse the next story } } /** * @descr: set page margins * */ void LwpPageLayout::ParseMargins(XFPageMaster* pm1) { double fLeft = GetMarginsValue(MARGIN_LEFT); double fRight = GetMarginsValue(MARGIN_RIGHT); double fTop = GetMarginsValue(MARGIN_TOP); double fBottom = GetMarginsValue(MARGIN_BOTTOM); pm1->SetMargins( fLeft, fRight, fTop, fBottom ); } /** * @descr: set page height and width * */ void LwpPageLayout::ParseGeometry(XFPageMaster* pm1) { /* LwpLayoutGeometry* pLayoutGeo = GetGeometry(); if(pLayoutGeo) { pm1->SetPageHeight( GetGeometryHeight() ); pm1->SetPageWidth( GetGeometryWidth() ); } */ double fWidth =0; double fHeight = 0; GetWidthAndHeight(fWidth, fHeight); pm1->SetPageWidth( fWidth ); pm1->SetPageHeight( fHeight ); } /** * @descr: set page watermark * */ void LwpPageLayout::ParseWaterMark(XFPageMaster *pm1) { XFBGImage* pXFBGImage = GetXFBGImage(); if(pXFBGImage) { pm1->SetBackImage(pXFBGImage); } } /** * @descr: set page columns * */ void LwpPageLayout::ParseColumns(XFPageMaster * pm1) { XFColumns* pColumns = GetXFColumns(); if(pColumns) { pm1->SetColumns(pColumns); } } /** * @descr: set page borders * */ void LwpPageLayout::ParseBorders(XFPageMaster *pm1) { XFBorders* pBordres = GetXFBorders(); if(pBordres) { pm1->SetBorders(pBordres); } } /** * @descr: set page shadow * */ void LwpPageLayout::ParseShadow(XFPageMaster *pm1) { XFShadow* pXFShadow = GetXFShadow(); if(pXFShadow) { pm1->SetShadow(pXFShadow); } } /** * @descr: set page back pattern * */ void LwpPageLayout::ParsePatternFill(XFPageMaster* pm1) { XFBGImage* pXFBGImage = this->GetFillPattern(); if (pXFBGImage) { pm1->SetBackImage(pXFBGImage); } } /** * @descr: set page background * */ void LwpPageLayout::ParseBackGround(XFPageMaster* pm1) { if (this->IsPatternFill()) { ParsePatternFill(pm1); } else { ParseBackColor(pm1); } } /** * @descr: set page back color * */ void LwpPageLayout::ParseBackColor(XFPageMaster* pm1) { LwpColor* pColor = GetBackColor(); if(pColor) { pm1->SetBackColor(XFColor(pColor->To24Color())); } } /** * @descr: set page footnote separator information * */ void LwpPageLayout::ParseFootNoteSeparator(XFPageMaster * pm1) { //Get the footnoteoptions for the root document LwpDocument* pDocument = m_pFoundry->GetDocument(); if(pDocument) { LwpObjectID* pFontnodeId = pDocument->GetValidFootnoteOpts(); LwpFootnoteOptions* pFootnoteOpts = pFontnodeId ? dynamic_cast(pFontnodeId->obj()) : NULL; if(pFootnoteOpts) { LwpFootnoteSeparatorOptions* pFootnoteSep = pFootnoteOpts->GetFootnoteSeparator(); //set length sal_uInt32 nLengthPercent = 100; double fWidth = 0; if(pFootnoteSep->HasSeparator()) { fWidth = pFootnoteSep->GetTopBorderWidth(); } if(pFootnoteSep->HasCustomLength()) { nLengthPercent = static_cast(100*LwpTools::ConvertFromUnitsToMetric(pFootnoteSep->GetLength())/GetMarginWidth()); if(nLengthPercent > 100) nLengthPercent = 100; } double fAbove = LwpTools::ConvertFromUnitsToMetric(pFootnoteSep->GetAbove()); double fBelow = LwpTools::ConvertFromUnitsToMetric(pFootnoteSep->GetBelow()); LwpColor aColor = pFootnoteSep->GetTopBorderColor(); enumXFAlignType eAlignType = enumXFAlignStart; if(pFootnoteSep->GetIndent() > 0) { //SODC don't support indent sal_uInt32 nIndentPercent = static_cast(100*LwpTools::ConvertFromUnitsToMetric(pFootnoteSep->GetIndent())/GetMarginWidth()); if(nIndentPercent + nLengthPercent >= 100) eAlignType = enumXFAlignEnd; } if(aColor.IsValidColor()) { XFColor aXFColor(aColor.To24Color()); pm1->SetFootNoteSeparator(eAlignType,fWidth, nLengthPercent, fAbove, fBelow, aXFColor); } } } } /** * @descr: Register master page and page master style * */ void LwpPageLayout::RegisterStyle() { XFPageMaster* pm1 = new XFPageMaster(); m_pXFPageMaster = pm1; ParseGeometry( pm1 ); //Does not process LayoutScale, for watermark is not supported in SODC. ParseWaterMark( pm1); ParseMargins( pm1); ParseColumns(pm1); ParseBorders(pm1); ParseShadow(pm1); // ParseBackColor(pm1); ParseBackGround(pm1); ParseFootNoteSeparator(pm1); pm1->SetTextDir(GetTextDirection()); LwpUseWhen* pUseWhen = GetUseWhen(); if(IsComplex() ||( pUseWhen && pUseWhen->IsUseOnAllOddPages())) { pm1->SetPageUsage(enumXFPageUsageMirror); } //Add the page master to stylemanager XFStyleManager* pXFStyleManager = LwpGlobalMgr::GetInstance()->GetXFStyleManager(); OUString pmname = pXFStyleManager->AddStyle(pm1)->GetStyleName(); //Add master page XFMasterPage* mp1 = new XFMasterPage(); mp1->SetStyleName(GetName()->str()); mp1->SetPageMaster(pmname); m_StyleName = pXFStyleManager->AddStyle(mp1)->GetStyleName(); //Set footer style LwpFooterLayout* pLayoutFooter = GetFooterLayout(); if(pLayoutFooter) { pLayoutFooter->SetFoundry(m_pFoundry); pLayoutFooter->RegisterStyle(pm1); pLayoutFooter->RegisterStyle(mp1); } //Set header style LwpHeaderLayout* pLayoutHeader = GetHeaderLayout(); if(pLayoutHeader) { pLayoutHeader->SetFoundry(m_pFoundry); pLayoutHeader->RegisterStyle(pm1); pLayoutHeader->RegisterStyle(mp1); } //register child layout style for mirror page and frame RegisterChildStyle(); } /** * @descr: Register master page for endnote which name is "endnote" * @return: Return the master page name. */ OUString LwpPageLayout::RegisterEndnoteStyle() { XFPageMaster* pm1 = new XFPageMaster(); m_pXFPageMaster = pm1; ParseGeometry( pm1 ); ParseWaterMark( pm1); ParseMargins( pm1); ParseColumns(pm1); ParseBorders(pm1); ParseShadow(pm1); // ParseBackColor(pm1); ParseBackGround(pm1); //ParseFootNoteSeparator(pm1); pm1->SetTextDir(GetTextDirection()); LwpUseWhen* pUseWhen = GetUseWhen(); if(IsComplex() ||( pUseWhen && pUseWhen->IsUseOnAllOddPages())) { pm1->SetPageUsage(enumXFPageUsageMirror); } //Add the page master to stylemanager XFStyleManager* pXFStyleManager = LwpGlobalMgr::GetInstance()->GetXFStyleManager(); OUString pmname = pXFStyleManager->AddStyle(pm1)->GetStyleName(); //Add master page XFMasterPage* mp1 = new XFMasterPage(); mp1->SetStyleName(A2OUSTR("Endnote")); mp1->SetPageMaster(pmname); //Set footer style LwpFooterLayout* pLayoutFooter = GetFooterLayout(); if(pLayoutFooter) { pLayoutFooter->SetFoundry(m_pFoundry); pLayoutFooter->RegisterStyle(pm1); pLayoutFooter->RegisterStyle(mp1); } //Set header style LwpHeaderLayout* pLayoutHeader = GetHeaderLayout(); if(pLayoutHeader) { pLayoutHeader->SetFoundry(m_pFoundry); pLayoutHeader->RegisterStyle(pm1); pLayoutHeader->RegisterStyle(mp1); } return pXFStyleManager->AddStyle(mp1)->GetStyleName(); } /** * @descr: Whether current page layout has columns * */ sal_Bool LwpPageLayout::HasColumns() { return GetNumCols() > 1 ? sal_True : sal_False; } /** * @descr: Whether has filler page text in current page layout * */ sal_Bool LwpPageLayout::HasFillerPageText(LwpFoundry* pFoundry) { if(!pFoundry) return sal_False; sal_Bool bFillerPage = sal_False; LwpLayout::UseWhenType eWhenType = GetUseWhenType(); if(eWhenType==LwpLayout::StartOnOddPage||eWhenType==LwpLayout::StartOnEvenPage) { //get pagenumber sal_uInt16 nPageNumber = 0; //get the page number that current page layout inserted nPageNumber = GetPageNumber(FIRST_LAYOUTPAGENO)-1; if(nPageNumber>0) { if((eWhenType==LwpLayout::StartOnOddPage)&&(LwpTools::IsOddNumber(nPageNumber))) { bFillerPage = sal_True; } else if((eWhenType==LwpLayout::StartOnEvenPage)&&(LwpTools::IsEvenNumber(nPageNumber))) { bFillerPage = sal_True; } else { bFillerPage = sal_False; } } } return bFillerPage; } /** * @descr: Parse filler page text * */ void LwpPageLayout::ConvertFillerPageText(XFContentContainer* pCont) { if(HasFillerPageText(m_pFoundry)) { //get filerpage story from division info LwpDocument* pDoc = m_pFoundry->GetDocument(); LwpDivInfo* pDivInfo = dynamic_cast(pDoc->GetDivInfoID()->obj()); LwpStory* pStory = dynamic_cast(pDivInfo->GetFillerPageTextID()->obj()); //parse fillerpage story if(pStory) { pStory->XFConvert(pCont); } } } /** * @descr: Clear columns style in page layout * */ void LwpPageLayout::ResetXFColumns() { if(m_pXFPageMaster) { m_pXFPageMaster->SetColumns(NULL); } } LwpHeaderLayout* LwpPageLayout::GetHeaderLayout() { LwpVirtualLayout* pLay = dynamic_cast(GetChildHead()->obj()); while(pLay) { if( pLay->GetLayoutType() == LWP_HEADER_LAYOUT ) return ( static_cast (pLay) ); pLay = dynamic_cast (pLay->GetNext()->obj()); } return NULL; } LwpFooterLayout* LwpPageLayout::GetFooterLayout() { LwpVirtualLayout* pLay = dynamic_cast(GetChildHead()->obj()); while(pLay) { if( pLay->GetLayoutType() == LWP_FOOTER_LAYOUT ) return ( static_cast (pLay) ); pLay = dynamic_cast (pLay->GetNext()->obj()); } return NULL; } /** * @descr: Get the odd layout if current page layout is mirror page * */ LwpPageLayout* LwpPageLayout::GetOddChildLayout() { if(IsComplex()) { LwpVirtualLayout* pLay = dynamic_cast(GetChildHead()->obj()); while(pLay) { if( pLay->GetLayoutType() == LWP_PAGE_LAYOUT ) { LwpPageLayout* pPageLayout = static_cast (pLay); LwpUseWhen* pUseWhen = pPageLayout->GetUseWhen(); if(pUseWhen && pUseWhen->IsUseOnAllOddPages()) { return pPageLayout; } } pLay = dynamic_cast (pLay->GetNext()->obj()); } } return NULL; } /** * @descr: Get margin width of page * */ double LwpPageLayout::GetMarginWidth() { double fPagewidth = GetGeometryWidth(); double fLeftMargin = GetMarginsValue(MARGIN_LEFT); double fRightMargin = GetMarginsValue(MARGIN_RIGHT); return fPagewidth - (fLeftMargin + fRightMargin); } /** * @descr: Get the pagenumber * @param: if nLayoutNumber =FIRST_LAYOUTPAGENO, return the first page number that current page layout covers =LAST_LAYOUTPAGENO, return the last page number that current page layout covers else, return the specified page number that current page layout covers * @param: * @return: if reture value >=0, success to find the page number, or fail. */ sal_Int32 LwpPageLayout::GetPageNumber(sal_uInt16 nLayoutNumber) { sal_Int16 nPageNumber = -1; LwpFoundry* pFoundry = this->GetFoundry(); LwpDocument* pDoc = pFoundry->GetDocument(); LwpDLVListHeadTailHolder* pHeadTail = dynamic_cast(pDoc->GetPageHintsID()->obj()); if(!pHeadTail) return nPageNumber; //get first pagehint LwpPageHint* pPageHint = dynamic_cast(pHeadTail->GetHead()->obj()); while(pPageHint) { if(*(this->GetObjectID()) == *(pPageHint->GetPageLayoutID())) { sal_uInt16 nNumber = pPageHint->GetPageNumber(); if(nLayoutNumber==FIRST_LAYOUTPAGENO && pPageHint->GetLayoutPageNumber()==1) { //get the first page number nPageNumber = nNumber; break; } else if( nLayoutNumber ==LAST_LAYOUTPAGENO && nNumber >nPageNumber ) { //get the last page number nPageNumber = nNumber; if(pPageHint->GetNext()->IsNull()) { //if is last page number of entire document, reture directly return nPageNumber + pDoc->GetNumberOfPagesBefore(); } } else if(nLayoutNumber > 0 && pPageHint->GetLayoutPageNumber() == nLayoutNumber) { //get specified page number nPageNumber = nNumber; break; } } pPageHint = dynamic_cast(pPageHint->GetNext()->obj()); } if(nPageNumber>=0) { return nPageNumber + 1 + pDoc->GetNumberOfPagesBefore(); } return -1; } /** * @descr: Get page width and height * */ void LwpPageLayout::GetWidthAndHeight(double& fWidth, double& fHeight) { //use customized size LwpLayoutGeometry* pLayoutGeo = GetGeometry(); if(pLayoutGeo) { fWidth = GetGeometryWidth(); fHeight = GetGeometryHeight(); } if(GetUsePrinterSettings()) { //replaced by printer paper size Printer aPrinter; sal_Bool bScreen = aPrinter.IsDisplayPrinter(); if (!bScreen)//Printer available { Size aPaperSize = aPrinter.GetPaperSize(); aPaperSize = aPrinter.PixelToLogic( aPaperSize, MapMode( MAP_10TH_MM ) ); fWidth = static_cast(aPaperSize.Width())/100; //cm unit fHeight = static_cast(aPaperSize.Height())/100; } } //Follow the former design of Lotus WordPro filter, some default will be given: //Page Width: 8.5 Inch -> 21.59 cm //Page Height: 11 Inch -> 27.94 cm if (fWidth < 4.39) fWidth = 21.59; if (fHeight < 4.49) fHeight = 27.94; //End of modification, by ZF } /** * @descr: Get page width * */ double LwpPageLayout::GetWidth() { double fWidth =0, fHeight = 0; GetWidthAndHeight(fWidth, fHeight); return fWidth; } /** * @descr: Get page height * */ double LwpPageLayout::GetHeight() { double fWidth =0, fHeight = 0; GetWidthAndHeight(fWidth, fHeight); return fHeight; } /** * @descr: Compare the position of layout. If the poistion of this layout is earlier than other layout,return ture, or return false * */ sal_Bool LwpPageLayout::operator<(LwpPageLayout& Other) { LwpPara* pThisPara = GetPagePosition(); LwpPara* pOtherPara = Other.GetPagePosition(); if(pThisPara && pOtherPara) { if(pThisPara == pOtherPara) { //If the two layouts in the same para, compare which layout is earlied according to frib order return pThisPara->ComparePagePosition(this, &Other); } else { return *pThisPara < *pOtherPara; } } if(!pThisPara) return sal_True; return sal_False; } /** * @descr: Get the position of pagelayout * */ LwpPara* LwpPageLayout::GetPagePosition() { LwpPara* pPara = dynamic_cast(GetPosition()->obj()); if(pPara) return pPara; //Get the position from its related section LwpSection* pSection = NULL; LwpFoundry* pFoundry = GetFoundry(); if(pFoundry) { while( (pSection = pFoundry->EnumSections(pSection)) ) { if(pSection->GetPageLayout() == this) return dynamic_cast(pSection->GetPosition()->obj()); } } return NULL; } LwpHeaderLayout::LwpHeaderLayout( LwpObjectHeader &objHdr, LwpSvStream* pStrm ) : LwpPlacableLayout(objHdr, pStrm) { } LwpHeaderLayout::~LwpHeaderLayout() { } void LwpHeaderLayout::Read() { LwpPlacableLayout::Read(); if(LwpFileHeader::m_nFileRevision >= 0x000E) m_nBorderOffset = m_pObjStrm->QuickReadInt32(); else m_nBorderOffset = 0; m_pObjStrm->SkipExtra(); } void LwpHeaderLayout::RegisterStyle(XFPageMaster* pm1) { XFHeaderStyle* pHeaderStyle = new XFHeaderStyle(); //Modify page top margin //page top maring: from top of header to the top edge double top = GetMarginsValue(MARGIN_TOP); pm1->SetMargins(-1, -1, top, -1); ParseMargins(pHeaderStyle); ParseBorder(pHeaderStyle); ParseShadow(pHeaderStyle); // ParseBackColor(pHeaderStyle); ParseBackGround(pHeaderStyle); ParseWaterMark(pHeaderStyle); //End by pm1->SetHeaderStyle(pHeaderStyle); } void LwpHeaderLayout::ParseMargins(XFHeaderStyle* ph1) { //Set height: from top of header to top of body, including the spacing between header and body double height = GetGeometryHeight()- GetMarginsValue(MARGIN_TOP); if( IsAutoGrowDown() ) { ph1->SetMinHeight(height); } else { ph1->SetHeight(height); } //Set left,right,bottom margins LwpMiddleLayout* parent = dynamic_cast (GetParent()->obj()); //left margin in SODC: the space from the left edge of body to the left edge of header double left = GetMarginsValue(MARGIN_LEFT) - (parent ? parent->GetMarginsValue(MARGIN_LEFT) : 0); if(left<=0) //The left margin in SODC can not be minus value { left = -1; } //left margin in SODC: the space from the right edge of header to the right edge of body double right = GetMarginsValue(MARGIN_RIGHT) - (parent ? parent->GetMarginsValue(MARGIN_RIGHT) : 0); if(right<=0)//The right margin in SODC can not be minus value { right = -1; } ph1->SetMargins( left, right, GetMarginsValue(MARGIN_BOTTOM)); //Word Pro has no dynamic spacing, should be set to false ph1->SetDynamicSpace(sal_False); } void LwpHeaderLayout::ParseBorder(XFHeaderStyle* pHeaderStyle) { XFBorders* pBordres = GetXFBorders(); if(pBordres) { pHeaderStyle->SetBorders(pBordres); } } void LwpHeaderLayout::ParseShadow(XFHeaderStyle* pHeaderStyle) { XFShadow* pXFShadow = GetXFShadow(); if(pXFShadow) { pHeaderStyle->SetShadow(pXFShadow); } } /** * @descr: set header back pattern * */ void LwpHeaderLayout::ParsePatternFill(XFHeaderStyle* pHeaderStyle) { XFBGImage* pXFBGImage = this->GetFillPattern(); if (pXFBGImage) { pHeaderStyle->SetBackImage(pXFBGImage); } } /** * @descr: set header background * */ void LwpHeaderLayout::ParseBackGround(XFHeaderStyle* pHeaderStyle) { if (this->IsPatternFill()) { ParsePatternFill(pHeaderStyle); } else { ParseBackColor(pHeaderStyle); } } void LwpHeaderLayout::ParseBackColor(XFHeaderStyle* pHeaderStyle) { LwpColor* pColor = GetBackColor(); if(pColor) { pHeaderStyle->SetBackColor(XFColor(pColor->To24Color())); } } void LwpHeaderLayout::ParseWaterMark(XFHeaderStyle * pHeaderStyle) { XFBGImage* pXFBGImage = GetXFBGImage(); if(pXFBGImage) { pHeaderStyle->SetBackImage(pXFBGImage); } } //End by void LwpHeaderLayout::RegisterStyle(XFMasterPage* mp1) { XFHeader* pHeader = new XFHeader(); LwpObject* pStory = m_Content.obj(); if(pStory) { LwpGlobalMgr* pGlobal = LwpGlobalMgr::GetInstance(); LwpChangeMgr* pChangeMgr = pGlobal->GetLwpChangeMgr(); pChangeMgr->SetHeadFootFribMap(sal_True); //Call the RegisterStyle first to register the styles in header paras, and then XFConvert() pStory->SetFoundry(m_pFoundry); pStory->RegisterStyle(); //, 06/27/2005 //register child layout style for framelayout, RegisterChildStyle(); //End pChangeMgr->SetHeadFootChange(pHeader); pStory->XFConvert(pHeader); pChangeMgr->SetHeadFootFribMap(sal_False); } mp1->SetHeader(pHeader); } LwpFooterLayout::LwpFooterLayout( LwpObjectHeader &objHdr, LwpSvStream* pStrm ) : LwpPlacableLayout( objHdr, pStrm ) { } LwpFooterLayout::~LwpFooterLayout() { } void LwpFooterLayout::Read() { LwpPlacableLayout::Read(); if(LwpFileHeader::m_nFileRevision >= 0x000E) m_nBorderOffset = m_pObjStrm->QuickReadInt32(); else m_nBorderOffset = 0; m_pObjStrm->SkipExtra(); } void LwpFooterLayout::RegisterStyle(XFPageMaster* pm1) { XFFooterStyle* pFooterStyle = new XFFooterStyle(); //Modify page bottom margin //page bottom maring: from bottom of footer to the bottom edge double bottom = GetMarginsValue(MARGIN_BOTTOM); pm1->SetMargins(-1, -1, -1, bottom); ParseMargins(pFooterStyle); ParseBorder(pFooterStyle); ParseShadow(pFooterStyle); ParseBackGround(pFooterStyle); // ParseBackColor(pFooterStyle); ParseWaterMark(pFooterStyle); //End by pm1->SetFooterStyle(pFooterStyle); } void LwpFooterLayout::ParseMargins(XFFooterStyle* pFooterStyle) { //Set height: from top of header to top of body, including the spacing between header and body double height = GetGeometryHeight() - GetMarginsValue(MARGIN_BOTTOM); if( IsAutoGrowUp() ) { pFooterStyle->SetMinHeight(height); } else { pFooterStyle->SetHeight(height); } //Set left,right,top margins LwpMiddleLayout* parent = dynamic_cast (GetParent()->obj()); double left = GetMarginsValue(MARGIN_LEFT) - (parent ? parent->GetMarginsValue(MARGIN_LEFT) : 0); if(left<=0) //The left margin in SODC can not be minus value { left = -1; } double right = GetMarginsValue(MARGIN_RIGHT) - (parent ? parent->GetMarginsValue(MARGIN_RIGHT) : 0); if(right<=0)//The left margin in SODC can not be minus value { right = -1; } pFooterStyle->SetMargins( left, right, GetMarginsValue(MARGIN_TOP)); //Word Pro has no dynamic spacing, should be set to false pFooterStyle->SetDynamicSpace(sal_False); } void LwpFooterLayout::ParseBorder(XFFooterStyle* pFooterStyle) { XFBorders* pBordres = GetXFBorders(); if(pBordres) { pFooterStyle->SetBorders(pBordres); } } void LwpFooterLayout::ParseShadow(XFFooterStyle* pFooterStyle) { XFShadow* pXFShadow = GetXFShadow(); if(pXFShadow) { pFooterStyle->SetShadow(pXFShadow); } } /** * @descr: set footer back pattern * */ void LwpFooterLayout::ParsePatternFill(XFFooterStyle* pFooterStyle) { XFBGImage* pXFBGImage = this->GetFillPattern(); if (pXFBGImage) { pFooterStyle->SetBackImage(pXFBGImage); } } /** * @descr: set footer background * */ void LwpFooterLayout::ParseBackGround(XFFooterStyle* pFooterStyle) { if (this->IsPatternFill()) { ParsePatternFill(pFooterStyle); } else { ParseBackColor(pFooterStyle); } } void LwpFooterLayout::ParseBackColor(XFFooterStyle* pFooterStyle) { LwpColor* pColor = GetBackColor(); if(pColor) { pFooterStyle->SetBackColor(XFColor(pColor->To24Color())); } } void LwpFooterLayout::RegisterStyle(XFMasterPage* mp1) { XFFooter* pFooter = new XFFooter(); LwpObject* pStory = m_Content.obj(VO_STORY); //Call the RegisterStyle first to register the styles in footer paras, and then XFConvert() if(pStory) { LwpGlobalMgr* pGlobal = LwpGlobalMgr::GetInstance(); LwpChangeMgr* pChangeMgr = pGlobal->GetLwpChangeMgr(); pChangeMgr->SetHeadFootFribMap(sal_True); pStory->SetFoundry(m_pFoundry); pStory->RegisterStyle(); //, 06/27/2005 //register child layout style for framelayout, RegisterChildStyle(); //End pChangeMgr->SetHeadFootChange(pFooter);//add by ,7/6 pStory->XFConvert(pFooter); pChangeMgr->SetHeadFootFribMap(sal_False); } mp1->SetFooter(pFooter); } void LwpFooterLayout::ParseWaterMark(XFFooterStyle * pFooterStyle) { XFBGImage* pXFBGImage = GetXFBGImage(); if(pXFBGImage) { pFooterStyle->SetBackImage(pXFBGImage); } } //End by /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */