/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /************************************************************************* * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: IBM Corporation * * Copyright: 2008 by IBM Corporation * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ /************************************************************************* * @file * For LWP filter architecture prototype ************************************************************************/ /************************************************************************* * Change History Jan 28 2005 Created ************************************************************************/ #ifndef _LWPLAYOUTPIECE_HXX #define _LWPLAYOUTPIECE_HXX #include "lwppiece.hxx" #include "lwpbasetype.hxx" class LwpRotor { public: LwpRotor(); ~LwpRotor(); void Read(LwpObjectStream *pStrm); private: sal_Int16 m_nRotation; //angle }; class LwpLayoutGeometry : public LwpVirtualPiece { public: LwpLayoutGeometry(LwpObjectHeader& objHdr, LwpSvStream* pStrm); virtual ~LwpLayoutGeometry(); virtual void Parse(IXFStream* pOutputStream) SAL_OVERRIDE; sal_Int32 GetWidth() { return m_nWidth; } sal_Int32 GetHeight() { return m_nHeight; } LwpPoint GetOrigin() { return m_Origin; } LwpPoint GetAbsoluteOrigin() { return m_AbsoluteOrigin; } sal_uInt8 GetContentOrientation(){ return m_ContentOrientation;} protected: virtual void Read() SAL_OVERRIDE; protected: sal_Int32 m_nWidth; sal_Int32 m_nHeight; LwpPoint m_Origin; LwpPoint m_AbsoluteOrigin; LwpRotor m_ContainerRotor; sal_uInt8 m_ContentOrientation; }; class LwpLayoutScale : public LwpVirtualPiece { public: enum {ORIGINAL_SIZE = 1, FIT_IN_FRAME = 2, PERCENTAGE = 4, CUSTOM = 8, MAINTAIN_ASPECT_RATIO = 16}; enum {CENTERED = 1, TILED = 2}; LwpLayoutScale(LwpObjectHeader& objHdr, LwpSvStream* pStrm); virtual ~LwpLayoutScale(); virtual void Parse(IXFStream* pOutputStream) SAL_OVERRIDE; sal_uInt16 GetScaleMode(){return m_nScaleMode;} sal_uInt32 GetScalePercentage(){return m_nScalePercentage;} void SetScalePercentage(sal_uInt32 nVal){m_nScalePercentage = nVal;} sal_Int32 GetScaleWidth(){return m_nScaleWidth;} void SetScaleWidth(sal_Int32 nVal){m_nScaleWidth = nVal;} sal_Int32 GetScaleHeight(){return m_nScaleHeight;} void SetScaleHeight(sal_Int32 nVal){m_nScaleHeight = nVal;} sal_uInt16 GetContentRotation(){return m_nContentRotation;} void SetContentRotation(sal_uInt16 nVal){m_nContentRotation = nVal;} sal_uInt16 GetPlacement(){return m_nPlacement;} void SetPlacement(sal_uInt16 nVal){m_nPlacement = nVal;} inline LwpPoint* GetOffset() {return &m_Offset;} protected: virtual void Read() SAL_OVERRIDE; protected: sal_uInt16 m_nScaleMode; sal_uInt32 m_nScalePercentage; sal_Int32 m_nScaleWidth; sal_Int32 m_nScaleHeight; sal_uInt16 m_nContentRotation; LwpPoint m_Offset; sal_uInt16 m_nPlacement; }; #include "lwpmargins.hxx" class LwpLayoutMargins : public LwpVirtualPiece { public: LwpLayoutMargins(LwpObjectHeader& objHdr, LwpSvStream* pStrm); virtual ~LwpLayoutMargins(); virtual void Parse(IXFStream* pOutputStream) SAL_OVERRIDE; LwpMargins* GetMargins() { return &m_Margins; } LwpMargins* GetExtMargins(){ return &m_ExtMargins;} protected: virtual void Read() SAL_OVERRIDE; protected: LwpMargins m_Margins; LwpMargins m_ExtMargins; LwpMargins m_ExtraMargins; }; #include "lwpborderstuff.hxx" class LwpLayoutBorder : public LwpVirtualPiece { public: LwpLayoutBorder(LwpObjectHeader& objHdr, LwpSvStream* pStrm); virtual ~LwpLayoutBorder(); virtual void Parse(IXFStream* pOutputStream) SAL_OVERRIDE; LwpBorderStuff* GetBorderStuff(){ return &m_BorderStuff;} protected: virtual void Read() SAL_OVERRIDE; protected: LwpBorderStuff m_BorderStuff; }; class LwpLayoutBackground : public LwpVirtualPiece { public: LwpLayoutBackground(LwpObjectHeader& objHdr, LwpSvStream* pStrm); virtual ~LwpLayoutBackground(); virtual void Parse(IXFStream* pOutputStream) SAL_OVERRIDE; LwpBackgroundStuff* GetBackgoudStuff(){return &m_BackgroundStuff;} protected: virtual void Read() SAL_OVERRIDE; protected: LwpBackgroundStuff m_BackgroundStuff; }; class LwpExternalBorder { public: LwpExternalBorder(); ~LwpExternalBorder(); void Read(LwpObjectStream *pStrm); private: LwpAtomHolder m_LeftName; LwpAtomHolder m_TopName; LwpAtomHolder m_RightName; LwpAtomHolder m_BottomName; }; //It seems that this class is used for designer border. Only read now. class LwpLayoutExternalBorder : public LwpVirtualPiece { public: LwpLayoutExternalBorder(LwpObjectHeader& objHdr, LwpSvStream* pStrm); virtual ~LwpLayoutExternalBorder(); virtual void Parse(IXFStream* pOutputStream) SAL_OVERRIDE; protected: virtual void Read() SAL_OVERRIDE; protected: LwpExternalBorder m_ExtranalBorder; }; class LwpColumnInfo { public: LwpColumnInfo(); ~LwpColumnInfo(); void Read(LwpObjectStream *pStrm); inline double GetWidth(){return LwpTools::ConvertFromUnitsToMetric(m_nWidth);} inline void SetWidth(sal_Int32 w){m_nWidth = w;} inline double GetGap(){return LwpTools::ConvertFromUnitsToMetric(m_nGap);} inline void SetGap(sal_Int32 g){m_nGap = g;} private: sal_Int32 m_nWidth; sal_Int32 m_nGap; }; class LwpLayoutColumns : public LwpVirtualPiece { public: LwpLayoutColumns(LwpObjectHeader& objHdr, LwpSvStream* pStrm); virtual ~LwpLayoutColumns(); virtual void Parse(IXFStream* pOutputStream) SAL_OVERRIDE; inline sal_uInt16 GetNumCols(){return m_nNumCols;} double GetColWidth(sal_uInt16 nIndex); double GetColGap(sal_uInt16 nIndex); protected: virtual void Read() SAL_OVERRIDE; protected: sal_uInt16 m_nNumCols; LwpColumnInfo* m_pColumns; }; class LwpLayoutGutters : public LwpVirtualPiece { public: LwpLayoutGutters(LwpObjectHeader& objHdr, LwpSvStream* pStrm); virtual ~LwpLayoutGutters(); virtual void Parse(IXFStream* pOutputStream) SAL_OVERRIDE; inline virtual LwpBorderStuff* GetBorderStuff(){return &m_BorderBuffer;} protected: virtual void Read() SAL_OVERRIDE; protected: LwpBorderStuff m_BorderBuffer; }; class LwpJoinStuff { public: LwpJoinStuff(); ~LwpJoinStuff(); void Read(LwpObjectStream *pStrm); private: sal_uInt16 m_nPercentage; sal_uInt16 m_nCorners; sal_Int32 m_nWidth; sal_Int32 m_nHeight; enum JoinType { MITRE = 1, NEGATE = 2, ROUNDED = 3, RECTANGLE = 4, SPECIAL = 5, DIAGONAL = 6, NEGATE_NO_CROSS = 7, DOG_EAR_PAGE = 8, DESKTOP = 9, BOX_HIGHLIGHT = 10, STAR = 11, ROPE = 12, DECO1 = 13, DECO2 = 14, RAIN = 15, PIN = 16, ROSE = 17, SUNF = 18, DECO3 = 19, WARNING = 20, BUBBLE = 21, GIRDER = 22, SMILE = 23, ARROW = 24, MAXJOIN = 24 }; sal_uInt16 m_nID;//JoinType sal_uInt16 m_nScaling; LwpColor m_Color; }; class LwpLayoutJoins : public LwpVirtualPiece { public: LwpLayoutJoins(LwpObjectHeader& objHdr, LwpSvStream* pStrm); virtual ~LwpLayoutJoins(); virtual void Parse(IXFStream* pOutputStream) SAL_OVERRIDE; protected: virtual void Read() SAL_OVERRIDE; protected: LwpJoinStuff m_JoinStuff; }; #include "lwpshadow.hxx" class LwpLayoutShadow : public LwpVirtualPiece { public: LwpLayoutShadow(LwpObjectHeader& objHdr, LwpSvStream* pStrm); virtual ~LwpLayoutShadow(); virtual void Parse(IXFStream* pOutputStream) SAL_OVERRIDE; LwpShadow* GetShadow(){return &m_Shadow;} protected: virtual void Read() SAL_OVERRIDE; protected: LwpShadow m_Shadow; }; class LwpLayoutRelativityGuts { public: LwpLayoutRelativityGuts(); void Read(LwpObjectStream *pStrm); sal_uInt8 GetRelativeType(){ return m_nRelType;} sal_uInt8 GetRelativeFromWhere(){ return m_nRelFromWhere;} LwpPoint GetRelativeDistance(){ return m_RelDistance;} sal_uInt8 GetTetherType(){ return m_nTether;} sal_uInt8 GetTetherWhere(){ return m_nTetherWhere;} public: enum RelativeType { LAY_PARENT_RELATIVE = 1, LAY_PARA_RELATIVE, LAY_INLINE, LAY_INLINE_NEWLINE, LAY_CONTENT_RELATIVE, LAY_INLINE_VERTICAL }; enum WhereType { LAY_UPPERLEFT = 1, LAY_MIDDLETOP, LAY_UPPERRIGHT, LAY_MIDDLELEFT, LAY_MIDDLERIGHT, LAY_LOWERLEFT, LAY_MIDDLEBOTTOM, LAY_LOWERRIGHT, LAY_MIDDLE }; enum TetherWhereType { LAY_INTERNAL = 1, LAY_EXTERNAL, LAY_BORDER }; private: sal_uInt8 m_nRelType; sal_uInt8 m_nRelFromWhere; LwpPoint m_RelDistance; sal_uInt8 m_nTether; sal_uInt8 m_nTetherWhere; sal_uInt8 m_nFlags; }; class LwpLayoutRelativity: public LwpVirtualPiece { public: LwpLayoutRelativity(LwpObjectHeader& objHdr, LwpSvStream* pStrm); virtual ~LwpLayoutRelativity(); virtual void Parse(IXFStream* pOutputStream) SAL_OVERRIDE; LwpLayoutRelativityGuts* GetRelGuts(){return &m_RelGuts;} protected: virtual void Read() SAL_OVERRIDE; protected: LwpLayoutRelativityGuts m_RelGuts; }; #endif /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */