/************************************************************************* * * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * Copyright 2008 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * $RCSfile: InstallData.java,v $ * $Revision: 1.9 $ * * This file is part of OpenOffice.org. * * OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * version 3 along with OpenOffice.org. If not, see * * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License. * ************************************************************************/ package org.openoffice.setup; import org.openoffice.setup.SetupData.PackageDescription; import org.openoffice.setup.Util.Controller; import org.openoffice.setup.Util.SystemManager; import java.io.File; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Vector; public class InstallData { public static final String ACTION_TYPICAL = "ActionTypical"; public static final String ACTION_CUSTOM = "ActionCustom"; private static InstallData instance = null; static private boolean isUserInstallation; /* root or user installation? */ static private boolean isRootInstallation; /* root or user installation? */ static private boolean isInstallationMode; /* installation or uninstallation? */ static private boolean isUninstallationMode; /* installation or uninstallation? */ static private boolean isCustomInstallation = false; /* custom or typical? */ static private boolean isTypicalInstallation = true; /* custom or typical? */ static private boolean isSolarisUserInstallation = false; static private boolean isChangeInstallation = false; static private boolean stillRunning = false; static private boolean stillAnalyzing = true; static private boolean databaseAnalyzed = false; /* the database was already analyzed? */ static private boolean moduleSizeSet = false; /* the database was already analyzed? */ static private boolean preInstallDone = false; /* preInstall script already executed? */ static private boolean isAbortedInstallation = false; static private boolean isErrorInstallation = false; static private boolean logModuleStates = false; /* logging the current state of modules */ static private boolean visibleModulesChecked = false; /* checking, if the user selected modules */ static private boolean languageModulesChecked = false; /* checking, if the user selected language modules */ static private boolean applicationModulesChecked = false; /* checking, if the user selected application modules */ static private boolean isMaskedCompleteUninstallation = false; /* checking if all visible modules are uninstalled */ static private boolean typicalSelectionStateSaved = false; static private boolean customSelectionStateSaved = false; static private boolean startSelectionStateSaved = false; static private boolean olderVersionExists = false; static private boolean sameVersionExists = false; static private boolean newerVersionExists = false; static private boolean majorUpgrade = false; static private boolean isMultiLingual = false; static private boolean dontUpdate = false; static private boolean hideEula = false; static private boolean databaseQueried = false; static private boolean useRtl = false; static private boolean installedProductMinorSet = false; static private String installType; /* custom or typical installation */ static private String osType; /* Linux, SunOS, ... */ static private String installDir = null; static private String defaultDir = "/opt"; static private String installDefaultDir = null; static private String productDir = null; static private String packageFormat = null; static private String architecture = null; static private String packagePath = null; static private String packageSubdir = "packages"; static private String adminFileNameReloc = null; static private String adminFileNameRelocNoDepends = null; static private String adminFileNameNoReloc = null; static private String adminFileNameNoRelocNoDepends = null; static private String databasePath = null; static private String getUidPath = null; static private String installationPrivileges = null; static private String storedInstallationPrivileges = null; /* privileges saved in file */ static private String localTempPath = null; static private String installDirName = "installdata"; static private String uninstallDirName = "uninstalldata"; static private int availableDiscSpace = 0; static private int preselectedLanguages = 0; static private int productMinor = 0; static private int installedProductMinor = 0; static private File jarFilePath = null; static private File resourceRoot; static private File infoRoot; static private HashMap shellEnvironment = null; /* Solaris environment for user install */ static private HashMap databaseMap = null; static private PackageDescription updatePackage = null; static private Vector removeFiles = new Vector(); /* Files to remove, if installation is aborted */ static private Vector installPackages = new Vector(); static private Vector oldPackages = new Vector(); static private Vector systemLanguages = new Vector(); public static InstallData getInstance() { if (instance == null) { instance = new InstallData(); } return instance; } private InstallData() { installType = ACTION_TYPICAL; // default installation type isUserInstallation = SystemManager.isUserInstallation(); isRootInstallation = !isUserInstallation; setInstallationPrivileges(isUserInstallation); osType = SystemManager.getOSType(); resourceRoot = SystemManager.getResourceRoot(); setInstallationMode(); setSolarisUserInstall(); setHtmlFileExistence(); setBidiSupport(); } public void setInstallationType(String installationtype) { installType = installationtype; if ( installType.equals(this.getCustomActionCommand())) { isCustomInstallation = true; isTypicalInstallation = false; } if ( installType.equals(this.getTypicalActionCommand())) { isCustomInstallation = false; isTypicalInstallation = true; } } private void setInstallationMode() { // Exists a directory "uninstalldata" below the resource root? File uninstallDir = new File(resourceRoot, uninstallDirName); File installDir = new File(resourceRoot, installDirName); if ( SystemManager.exists_directory(uninstallDir.getPath())) { isInstallationMode = false; isUninstallationMode = true; infoRoot = uninstallDir; System.err.println("Mode: uninstallation"); } else if ( SystemManager.exists_directory(installDir.getPath())) { isInstallationMode = true; isUninstallationMode = false; infoRoot = installDir; System.err.println("Mode: installation"); } else { // isInstallationMode = null; // isUninstallationMode = null; infoRoot = null; System.err.println("Error: Did not find info path"); System.err.println("Error: No info about installation or uninstallation"); System.exit(1); } } private void setSolarisUserInstall() { if (( isUserInstallation ) && (osType.equalsIgnoreCase("SunOS"))) { isSolarisUserInstallation = true; if ( isInstallationMode ) { Controller.checkForUidFile(this); } } } private void setHtmlFileExistence() { // After inforoot is determined, the existence of files in subdirectory "html" can be checked File htmlDirectory = getInfoRoot("html"); ResourceManager.checkFileExistence(htmlDirectory); } private void setBidiSupport() { Locale locale = Locale.getDefault(); if (( locale.getLanguage().equals(new Locale("he", "", "").getLanguage()) ) || ( locale.getLanguage().equals(new Locale("ar", "", "").getLanguage()) )) { useRtl = true; } } private void setInstallationPrivileges(boolean isUserInstallation) { if ( isUserInstallation ) { installationPrivileges = "user"; } else { installationPrivileges = "root"; } } public String getInstallationType() { return installType; } public String getCustomActionCommand() { return ACTION_CUSTOM; } public String getTypicalActionCommand() { return ACTION_TYPICAL; } public String getInstallationPrivileges() { return installationPrivileges; } public String getOSType() { return osType; } public File getResourceRoot() { return resourceRoot; } public File getResourceRoot(String subDirectory) { File dir = getResourceRoot(); if (dir != null) { dir = new File(dir, subDirectory); if (!dir.exists()) { dir = null; } } return dir; } public File getInfoRoot() { return infoRoot; } public File getInfoRoot(String subDirectory) { File dir = new File(infoRoot, subDirectory); if (!dir.exists()) { dir = null; } return dir; } public boolean isUserInstallation() { return isUserInstallation; } public boolean isRootInstallation() { return isRootInstallation; } public boolean isInstallationMode() { return isInstallationMode; } public boolean isUninstallationMode() { return isUninstallationMode; } public boolean isSolarisUserInstallation() { return isSolarisUserInstallation; } public boolean useRtl() { return useRtl; } public String getDefaultDir() { return defaultDir; } public void setDefaultDir(String dir) { defaultDir = dir; } public String getProductDir() { return productDir; } public void setProductDir(String dir) { productDir = dir; } public int getProductMinor() { return productMinor; } public void setProductMinor(int minor) { productMinor = minor; } public int getInstalledProductMinor() { return installedProductMinor; } public void setInstalledProductMinor(int minor) { installedProductMinor = minor; } public String getInstallDirName() { return installDirName; } public String getUninstallDirName() { return uninstallDirName; } public String getInstallDir() { return installDir; } public void setInstallDir(String dir) { installDir = dir; } public String getInstallDefaultDir() { return installDefaultDir; } public void setInstallDefaultDir(String dir) { installDefaultDir = dir; } public String getDatabasePath() { return databasePath; } public void setDatabasePath(String path) { databasePath = path; } public String getPackagePath() { if ( packagePath == null ) { packagePath = SystemManager.getPackagePath(packageSubdir); } return packagePath; } public void setPackagePath(String path) { packagePath = path; } public String getPackageSubdir() { return packageSubdir; } public void setPackageSubdir(String dir) { packageSubdir = dir; } public String getPackageFormat() { return packageFormat; } public void setPackageFormat(String format) { packageFormat = format; } public String getArchitecture() { return architecture; } public void setArchitecture(String arch) { architecture = arch; } public String getLocalTempPath() { return localTempPath; } public void setLocalTempPath(String path) { localTempPath = path; } public int getAvailableDiscSpace() { return availableDiscSpace; } public void setAvailableDiscSpace(int space) { availableDiscSpace = space; } public int getPreselectedLanguages() { return preselectedLanguages; } public void setPreselectedLanguages(int count) { preselectedLanguages = count; } public String getAdminFileNameReloc() { return adminFileNameReloc; } public void setAdminFileNameReloc(String fileName) { adminFileNameReloc = fileName; } public String getAdminFileNameRelocNoDepends() { return adminFileNameRelocNoDepends; } public void setAdminFileNameRelocNoDepends(String fileName) { adminFileNameRelocNoDepends = fileName; } public String getAdminFileNameNoReloc() { return adminFileNameNoReloc; } public void setAdminFileNameNoReloc(String fileName) { adminFileNameNoReloc = fileName; } public String getAdminFileNameNoRelocNoDepends() { return adminFileNameNoRelocNoDepends; } public void setAdminFileNameNoRelocNoDepends(String fileName) { adminFileNameNoRelocNoDepends = fileName; } public String getGetUidPath() { return getUidPath; } public void setGetUidPath(String filePath) { getUidPath = filePath; } public String getStoredInstallationPrivileges() { return storedInstallationPrivileges; } public void setStoredInstallationPrivileges(String privileges) { storedInstallationPrivileges = privileges; } public void setStillRunning(boolean running) { stillRunning = running; } public boolean stillRunning() { return stillRunning; } public void setStillAnalyzing(boolean running) { stillAnalyzing = running; } public boolean stillAnalyzing() { return stillAnalyzing; } public void setDatabaseAnalyzed(boolean analyzed) { databaseAnalyzed = analyzed; } public boolean databaseAnalyzed() { return databaseAnalyzed; } public void setModuleSizeSet(boolean set) { moduleSizeSet = set; } public boolean moduleSizeSet() { return moduleSizeSet; } public void setPreInstallDone(boolean done) { preInstallDone = done; } public boolean preInstallDone() { return preInstallDone; } public boolean isChangeInstallation() { return isChangeInstallation; } public void setIsChangeInstallation(boolean changeInstallation) { isChangeInstallation = changeInstallation; } public boolean isTypicalInstallation() { return isTypicalInstallation; } public boolean isCustomInstallation() { return isCustomInstallation; } public boolean isAbortedInstallation() { return isAbortedInstallation; } public void setIsAbortedInstallation(boolean abortedInstallation) { isAbortedInstallation = abortedInstallation; } public boolean isErrorInstallation() { return isErrorInstallation; } public void setIsErrorInstallation(boolean errorInstallation) { isErrorInstallation = errorInstallation; } public boolean isMultiLingual() { return isMultiLingual; } public void setIsMultiLingual(boolean multiLingual) { isMultiLingual = multiLingual; } public boolean logModuleStates() { return logModuleStates; } public void setLogModuleStates(boolean log) { logModuleStates = log; } public boolean visibleModulesChecked() { return visibleModulesChecked; } public void setVisibleModulesChecked(boolean checked) { visibleModulesChecked = checked; } public boolean languageModulesChecked() { return languageModulesChecked; } public void setLanguageModulesChecked(boolean checked) { languageModulesChecked = checked; } public boolean applicationModulesChecked() { return applicationModulesChecked; } public void setApplicationModulesChecked(boolean checked) { applicationModulesChecked = checked; } public boolean isMaskedCompleteUninstallation() { return isMaskedCompleteUninstallation; } public void setMaskedCompleteUninstallation(boolean masked) { isMaskedCompleteUninstallation = masked; } public boolean typicalSelectionStateSaved() { return typicalSelectionStateSaved; } public void setTypicalSelectionStateSaved(boolean saved) { typicalSelectionStateSaved = saved; } public boolean customSelectionStateSaved() { return customSelectionStateSaved; } public void setCustomSelectionStateSaved(boolean saved) { customSelectionStateSaved = saved; } public boolean startSelectionStateSaved() { return startSelectionStateSaved; } public void setStartSelectionStateSaved(boolean saved) { startSelectionStateSaved = saved; } public boolean olderVersionExists() { return olderVersionExists; } public void setOlderVersionExists(boolean exists) { olderVersionExists = exists; } public boolean isMajorUpgrade() { return majorUpgrade; } public void setMajorUpgrade(boolean upgrade) { majorUpgrade = upgrade; } public boolean sameVersionExists() { return sameVersionExists; } public void setSameVersionExists(boolean exists) { sameVersionExists = exists; } public boolean newerVersionExists() { return newerVersionExists; } public void setNewerVersionExists(boolean exists) { newerVersionExists = exists; } public boolean dontUpdate() { return dontUpdate; } public void setDontUpdate(boolean value) { dontUpdate = value; } public boolean hideEula() { return hideEula; } public void setHideEula(boolean value) { hideEula = value; } public boolean installedProductMinorSet() { return installedProductMinorSet; } public void setInstalledProductMinorSet(boolean value) { installedProductMinorSet = value; } public boolean databaseQueried() { return databaseQueried; } public void setDatabaseQueried(boolean value) { databaseQueried = value; } public PackageDescription getUpdatePackage() { return updatePackage; } public void setUpdatePackage(PackageDescription onePackage) { updatePackage = onePackage; } public HashMap getShellEnvironment() { return shellEnvironment; } public HashMap getDatabaseMap() { return databaseMap; } public void setDatabaseMap(HashMap map) { databaseMap = map; } public Vector getRemoveFiles() { return removeFiles; } public Vector getInstallPackages() { return installPackages; } public void setInstallPackages(Vector packages) { installPackages = packages; } public Vector getOldPackages() { return oldPackages; } public void setOldPackages(Vector packages) { oldPackages = packages; } public Vector getSystemLanguages() { return systemLanguages; } public void setSystemLanguages(Vector languages) { systemLanguages = languages; } public void setShellEnvironment(HashMap environment) { shellEnvironment = environment; } public File getJarFilePath() { if ( jarFilePath == null ) { jarFilePath = SystemManager.getJarFilePath(); } return jarFilePath; } }