/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: monst.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: $ * * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-18 16:30:10 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #include #include "monst.hxx" #include "invader.hrc" #include "expl.hxx" #include "shapes.hxx" #ifndef _SV_OUTDEV_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _TOOLS_TIME_HXX //autogen #include #endif Gegner::Gegner(Fighter* pFig, Bombe* pBom, ResMgr* pRes) : pFighter(pFig), GegnerListe(0,0), bDown(FALSE), bLeft(TRUE), bAuseMode(FALSE), pBombe(pBom), pBitMonst1(0L), pBitMonst2(0L), pBitMonst3(0L), pBitMonst4(0L), pBitMonst1b(0L), pBitMonst2b(0L), pBitMonst3b(0L), pBitMonst4b(0L), pBitMonst5(0L), pBitMonst5a(0L), pBitMonst5b(0L), nDown(MOVEY) { pBitMonst1 = ImplLoadImage( MONSTER1, pRes ); pBitMonst2 = ImplLoadImage( MONSTER2, pRes ); pBitMonst3 = ImplLoadImage( MONSTER3, pRes ); pBitMonst4 = ImplLoadImage( MONSTER4, pRes ); pBitMonst1b = ImplLoadImage( MONSTER1B, pRes ); pBitMonst2b = ImplLoadImage( MONSTER2B, pRes ); pBitMonst3b = ImplLoadImage( MONSTER3B, pRes ); pBitMonst4b = ImplLoadImage( MONSTER4B, pRes ); pBitMonst5 = ImplLoadImage( MONSTER5, pRes ); pBitMonst5a = ImplLoadImage( MONSTER5A, pRes ); pBitMonst5b = ImplLoadImage( MONSTER5B, pRes ); aOutSize = pBitMonst1->GetSizePixel(); nRandWert = 200; } Gegner::~Gegner() { ClearAll(); delete pBitMonst1; delete pBitMonst2; delete pBitMonst3; delete pBitMonst4; delete pBitMonst1b; delete pBitMonst2b; delete pBitMonst3b; delete pBitMonst4b; delete pBitMonst5; delete pBitMonst5a; delete pBitMonst5b; } void Gegner::InsertGegner(USHORT nType, USHORT x, USHORT y) { Gegner_Impl* pWork = new Gegner_Impl(); pWork->aType = (enum GegnerType)nType; pWork->aMode = MOVE1; pWork->aXY = Point(x,y); pWork->aX = x; pWork->nHits = 0; switch(pWork->aType) { case GEGNER1: pWork->nPoints = 50; pWork->nMaxHits = 1; break; case GEGNER2: pWork->nPoints = 75; pWork->nMaxHits = 2; break; case GEGNER3: pWork->nPoints = 150; pWork->nMaxHits = 3; break; case GEGNER4: pWork->nPoints = 225; pWork->nMaxHits = 5; break; case GEGNER5: pWork->nPoints = 500; pWork->nMaxHits = 3; pWork->aMode = HIDE; break; } Insert(pWork); } void Gegner::Move() { BOOL bNextDown = FALSE; for(long i=0; i nMaxX) bNextDown = TRUE; } else { SetGegnerPos(i,Point(GegnerX(i)-MOVEX,GegnerY(i))); if(GegnerX(i)-MOVEX <= 0) bNextDown = TRUE; } } if(bDown) { if(bLeft) bLeft = FALSE; else bLeft = TRUE; } bDown = FALSE; if(bNextDown) bDown = TRUE; } void Gegner::DrawGegner(OutputDevice* pDev,Point* pStart) { Time aTime; srand(aTime.GetTime() % 1000); nMaxX = pDev->GetOutputSizePixel().Width()-pStart->X(); for(long i=0; iDrawImage(Point(pStart->X()+GegnerX(i), pStart->Y()+GegnerY(i)),*pBitMonst1); SetMode(i,MOVE2); } else if(GegMode(i) == MOVE2) { pDev->DrawImage(Point(pStart->X()+GegnerX(i), pStart->Y()+GegnerY(i)),*pBitMonst1b); SetMode(i,MOVE1); } break; case GEGNER2: if(GegMode(i) == MOVE1) { pDev->DrawImage(Point(pStart->X()+GegnerX(i), pStart->Y()+GegnerY(i)),*pBitMonst2); SetMode(i,MOVE2); } else if(GegMode(i) == MOVE2) { pDev->DrawImage(Point(pStart->X()+GegnerX(i), pStart->Y()+GegnerY(i)),*pBitMonst2b); SetMode(i,MOVE1); } break; case GEGNER3: if(GegMode(i) == MOVE1) { pDev->DrawImage(Point(pStart->X()+GegnerX(i), pStart->Y()+GegnerY(i)),*pBitMonst3); SetMode(i,MOVE2); } else if(GegMode(i) == MOVE2) { pDev->DrawImage(Point(pStart->X()+GegnerX(i), pStart->Y()+GegnerY(i)),*pBitMonst3b); SetMode(i,MOVE1); } break; case GEGNER4: if(GegMode(i) == MOVE1) { pDev->DrawImage(Point(pStart->X()+GegnerX(i), pStart->Y()+GegnerY(i)),*pBitMonst4); SetMode(i,MOVE2); } else if(GegMode(i) == MOVE2) { pDev->DrawImage(Point(pStart->X()+GegnerX(i), pStart->Y()+GegnerY(i)),*pBitMonst4b); SetMode(i,MOVE1); } break; case GEGNER5: if(GegMode(i) == MOVE1) { pDev->DrawImage(Point(pStart->X()+GegnerX(i), pStart->Y()+GegnerY(i)),*pBitMonst5); DecDelay(i); if(!GetDelay(i)) { SetDelay(i); SetMode(i,MOVE2); } } if(GegMode(i) == MOVE2) { pDev->DrawImage(Point(pStart->X()+GegnerX(i), pStart->Y()+GegnerY(i)),*pBitMonst5a); DecDelay(i); if(!GetDelay(i)) { SetDelay(i); SetMode(i,MOVE3); } } if(GegMode(i) == MOVE3) { pDev->DrawImage(Point(pStart->X()+GegnerX(i), pStart->Y()+GegnerY(i)),*pBitMonst5b); DecDelay(i); if(!GetDelay(i)) { pBombe->InsertBombe(Point(GegnerX(i)+aOutSize.Width()/2, GegnerY(i)+aOutSize.Height())); SetDelay(i); SetMode(i,MOVE4); } } if(GegMode(i) == MOVE4) { pDev->DrawImage(Point(pStart->X()+GegnerX(i), pStart->Y()+GegnerY(i)),*pBitMonst5a); DecDelay(i); if(!GetDelay(i)) { SetDelay(i); SetMode(i,MOVE5); } } if(GegMode(i) == MOVE5) { pDev->DrawImage(Point(pStart->X()+GegnerX(i), pStart->Y()+GegnerY(i)),*pBitMonst5); DecDelay(i); if(!GetDelay(i)) SetMode(i,HIDE); } break; } SetKoll(i,Rectangle(Point(GegnerX(i)+KOLLXY,GegnerY(i)+KOLLXY), Point(GegnerX(i)+aOutSize.Width()-KOLLXY, GegnerY(i)+aOutSize.Height()-KOLLXY))); if(bAuseMode && GegMode(i) == MOVE1) { if(GegnerX(i) < pFighter->GetHalf() && GegnerX(i)+aOutSize.Width() > pFighter->GetHalf()) pBombe->InsertBombe(Point(pFighter->GetPoint().X(), GegnerY(i)+aOutSize.Height())); } else { int ran = rand(); if(ran < nRandWert) { if(GegType(i) != GEGNER5) pBombe->InsertBombe(Point(GegnerX(i)+aOutSize.Width()/2, GegnerY(i)+aOutSize.Height())); else if(GegMode(i) == HIDE) { SetMode(i,MOVE1); SetDelay(i); } } } } Move(); } long Gegner::Kollision(Rectangle& rRect, Explosion* pExpl) { long nWert = -1; Rectangle aWork; for(long i=0; i= rRect.Right()) && (aWork.Top() <= rRect.Top() && aWork.Bottom() >= rRect.Bottom()) && GegMode(i) != DELETED) { nWert = 0; if(GegnerDest(i)) { SetMode(i,DELETED); if(nWert == -1) nWert = GegnerPoints(i); else nWert += GegnerPoints(i); } pExpl->InsertExpl(GegnerPos(i)); } } return nWert; } BOOL Gegner::GegnerDest(long nWert) { GegnerHit(nWert); if(GetObject(nWert)->nHits >= GetObject(nWert)->nMaxHits) return TRUE; return FALSE; } Rectangle Gegner::GetKoll(long nWert) { return Rectangle(Point(GegnerX(nWert)+aOutSize.Width()/2, GegnerY(nWert)+aOutSize.Height()), Point(GegnerX(nWert)+aOutSize.Width()/2, GegnerY(nWert)+aOutSize.Height())); } BOOL Gegner::RemoveGegner() { for(long i=Count()-1; i>=0; i--) { Gegner_Impl* pWork = GetObject(i); if(pWork->aMode == DELETED) { Remove(pWork); delete pWork; } } if(Count()) return FALSE; else return TRUE; } void Gegner::ClearAll() { for(long i=0; i