/* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ package complex.framework.autosave; // __________ Imports __________ // others import javax.swing.*; import java.io.*; import java.sql.*; // __________ Implementation __________ /** * Implements a log mechanism to create a protocol of all steps of e.g. an api test * It provides the possibility to write the logged meesages to a file and/or * to stdout/stderr (if necessary at the same time!). * * TODO * - implement filter, which e.g. suppress showing of INFO data */ public class Protocol extends JComponent { /** * Note: Following values can be combined - they are interpreted as flags. * * @const MODE_STDOUT messages are logged to stdout * @const MODE_STDERR messages are logged to stderr * @const MODE_ASCII messages are logged to an ascii file * @const MODE_HTML messages are logged to a html file * * @const TYPE_SCOPE_OPEN open, mark or count a new scope for following log statements * @const TYPE_SCOPE_CLOSE close, mark or count the current scope * @const TYPE_TESTMARK it marks the beginning of a (sub)test, can be used for statistic purposes * @const TYPE_OK this protocol line is marked as a OK message * @const TYPE_ERROR this protocol line is marked as an error * @const TYPE_WARNING this protocol line is marked as a warning * @const TYPE_INFO this protocol line represent some debug data for analyzing */ public static final int MODE_STDOUT = 1; private static final int MODE_STDERR = 2; private static final int MODE_ASCII = 4; public static final int MODE_HTML = 8; public static final int TYPE_OK = 1; public static final int TYPE_ERROR = 2; public static final int TYPE_WARNING = 4; public static final int TYPE_INFO = 8; public static final int TYPE_SCOPE_OPEN = 16; public static final int TYPE_SCOPE_CLOSE = 32; public static final int TYPE_TESTMARK = 64; private static final int TYPE_ERROR_INFO = 128; public static final int TYPE_WARNING_INFO = 256; private static final int TYPE_STATISTIC = 512; private static final int TYPE_LINK = 1024; public static final int FILTER_NONE = 0; /** */ private static final int MARK_DIFF = 5; private static final String BGCOLOR_LINECOL = "#95CC77"; private static final String FGCOLOR_LINECOL_NORMAL = "#ffffbd"; private static final String FGCOLOR_LINECOL_MARKED = "#000088"; private static final String BGCOLOR_STANDARD = "#ffffff"; private static final String FGCOLOR_STANDARD = "#000000"; private static final String BGCOLOR_SCOPE = "#eeeeee"; private static final String FGCOLOR_SCOPE = "#000000"; private static final String BGCOLOR_TIMESTAMP = "#e0e0e0"; private static final String FGCOLOR_TIMESTAMP = "#000000"; private static final String BGCOLOR_TESTMARK = "#0000ff"; private static final String FGCOLOR_TESTMARK = "#ffffff"; private static final String BGCOLOR_OK = "#88dd88"; private static final String FGCOLOR_OK = "#ffffff"; private static final String BGCOLOR_WARNING = "#ffff00"; private static final String FGCOLOR_WARNING = "#000000"; private static final String BGCOLOR_WARNING_INFO = "#ffffcc"; private static final String FGCOLOR_WARNING_INFO = "#000000"; private static final String BGCOLOR_ERROR = "#ff0000"; private static final String FGCOLOR_ERROR = "#ffff00"; private static final String BGCOLOR_ERROR_INFO = "#ffbbbb"; private static final String FGCOLOR_ERROR_INFO = "#000000"; private static final String BGCOLOR_INFO = "#eeeeee"; private static final String FGCOLOR_INFO = "#000000"; private static final String BGCOLOR_STATISTIC = "#0000ff"; private static final String FGCOLOR_STATISTIC = "#ffffff"; private static final String BGCOLOR_LINK = BGCOLOR_INFO; private static final String FGCOLOR_LINK = FGCOLOR_INFO; /** * @member m_nMode the mode, in which this protocol object runs * @member m_nFilter can be used to filter log messages by type * @member m_sFileName we need it to open the log file on demand (if nMode require such log file) * @member m_nLine used as line number for the protocol * @member m_nScope used to format scopes * @member m_nErrors count errors in protocol * @member m_nWarnings count warnings in protocol * @member m_nTestMarks count test marker in protocol */ private final int m_nMode ; private final int m_nFilter ; private final String m_sFileName ; private long m_nLine ; private long m_nScope ; private long m_nErrors ; private long m_nWarnings ; private long m_nTestMarks; private Timestamp m_aStartTime; /** * special helper class to represent one line of a protocol. * Such line can be specified as a special one (ERROR, WARNING ...). * That makes it possible to analyze the whole protocol using tools. */ private class ProtocolLine { /// the line number of this protocol line (size of the vector of all protocol lines cn be used to count such lines!) private final long m_nLine; /// deepness of the current scope private final long m_nScope; /// mark line as an error, warning, data entry ... (see const definitions before) private final int m_nType; /// of course, we have to know the logged message too :-) private final String m_sMessage; /// and it can be useful to know the current time, when this line was created private final Timestamp m_aStamp; /** ctor for fast initializing of such line */ private ProtocolLine( long nLine , long nScope , int nType , String sMessage ) { m_aStamp = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()); m_nLine = nLine ; m_nScope = nScope ; m_nType = nType ; m_sMessage = sMessage; } /** format this line as an ascii string for writing log files */ @Override public synchronized String toString() { StringBuffer sLine = new StringBuffer(1000); // insert line number // Use right bound notation and format 6 digits! sLine.append("[" ); if (m_nLine<10) sLine.append(" "); else if (m_nLine<100) sLine.append(" "); else if (m_nLine<1000) sLine.append(" "); else if (m_nLine<10000) sLine.append(" "); else if (m_nLine<100000) sLine.append(" "); sLine.append(m_nLine); sLine.append("] " ); // add time stamp // close with a "TAB" ... because some time stamps are not normalized to // a well defined string length .-) sLine.append(m_aStamp.toString()+" \t"); // add special line type if ((m_nType & TYPE_OK) == TYPE_OK) sLine.append(" OK "); else if ((m_nType & TYPE_ERROR) == TYPE_ERROR) sLine.append(" ERROR "); else if ((m_nType & TYPE_ERROR_INFO) == TYPE_ERROR_INFO) sLine.append(" ERROR INFO "); else if ((m_nType & TYPE_WARNING) == TYPE_WARNING) sLine.append(" WARNING "); else if ((m_nType & TYPE_WARNING_INFO) == TYPE_WARNING_INFO) sLine.append(" WARNING INFO "); else if ((m_nType & TYPE_INFO) == TYPE_INFO) sLine.append(" INFO "); else if ((m_nType & TYPE_TESTMARK) == TYPE_TESTMARK) sLine.append(" TEST "); else if ((m_nType & TYPE_LINK) == TYPE_LINK) sLine.append(" LINK "); else if ((m_nType & TYPE_STATISTIC) == TYPE_STATISTIC) sLine.append(" STATISTIC "); else if ( ((m_nType & TYPE_SCOPE_OPEN ) == TYPE_SCOPE_OPEN ) || ((m_nType & TYPE_SCOPE_CLOSE) == TYPE_SCOPE_CLOSE) ) sLine.append(" SCOPE "); else sLine.append(" "); // add scope information for (int s=0; s"); // insert line number if (m_nLine % MARK_DIFF == 0) impl_generateColoredHTMLCell(sLine, Long.toString(m_nLine), BGCOLOR_LINECOL, FGCOLOR_LINECOL_MARKED, true); else impl_generateColoredHTMLCell(sLine, Long.toString(m_nLine), BGCOLOR_LINECOL, FGCOLOR_LINECOL_NORMAL, false); // add time stamp impl_generateColoredHTMLCell(sLine, m_aStamp.toString()+" ", BGCOLOR_TIMESTAMP, FGCOLOR_TIMESTAMP, false); // add log type info boolean bTypeCellFilled = false; if ((m_nType & TYPE_ERROR_INFO) == TYPE_ERROR_INFO) { impl_generateColoredHTMLCell(sLine, "ERROR INFO", BGCOLOR_ERROR_INFO, FGCOLOR_ERROR_INFO, false); bTypeCellFilled = true; } else if ((m_nType & TYPE_ERROR) == TYPE_ERROR) { impl_generateColoredHTMLCell(sLine, "ERROR", BGCOLOR_ERROR, FGCOLOR_ERROR, true); bTypeCellFilled = true; } else if ((m_nType & TYPE_WARNING_INFO) == TYPE_WARNING_INFO) { impl_generateColoredHTMLCell(sLine, "WARNING INFO", BGCOLOR_WARNING_INFO, FGCOLOR_WARNING_INFO, false); bTypeCellFilled = true; } else if ((m_nType & TYPE_WARNING) == TYPE_WARNING) { impl_generateColoredHTMLCell(sLine, "WARNING", BGCOLOR_WARNING, FGCOLOR_WARNING, true); bTypeCellFilled = true; } else if ((m_nType & TYPE_OK) == TYPE_OK) { impl_generateColoredHTMLCell(sLine, "OK", BGCOLOR_OK, FGCOLOR_OK, true); bTypeCellFilled = true; } else if ((m_nType & TYPE_INFO) == TYPE_INFO) { impl_generateColoredHTMLCell(sLine, "INFO", BGCOLOR_INFO, FGCOLOR_INFO, false); bTypeCellFilled = true; } else if ((m_nType & TYPE_TESTMARK) == TYPE_TESTMARK) { impl_generateColoredHTMLCell(sLine, "TEST", BGCOLOR_TESTMARK, FGCOLOR_TESTMARK, true); bTypeCellFilled = true; } else if ((m_nType & TYPE_STATISTIC) == TYPE_STATISTIC) { impl_generateColoredHTMLCell(sLine, "STATISTIC", BGCOLOR_STATISTIC, FGCOLOR_STATISTIC, false); bTypeCellFilled = true; } else if ((m_nType & TYPE_LINK) == TYPE_LINK) { impl_generateColoredHTMLCell(sLine, "LINK", BGCOLOR_LINK, FGCOLOR_LINK, false); bTypeCellFilled = true; } else if ( ((m_nType & TYPE_SCOPE_OPEN ) == TYPE_SCOPE_OPEN ) || ((m_nType & TYPE_SCOPE_CLOSE) == TYPE_SCOPE_CLOSE) ) { impl_generateColoredHTMLCell(sLine, "SCOPE", BGCOLOR_SCOPE, FGCOLOR_SCOPE, false); bTypeCellFilled = true; } // if no type information was added to the current column, we must // write any content into this cell. Otherwise some browser // shows a strange layout! if (! bTypeCellFilled) impl_generateColoredHTMLCell(sLine, " ", BGCOLOR_STANDARD, FGCOLOR_STANDARD, false); // add scope information sLine.append(""); for (int s=0; s{ "+m_nScope+""); else if ((m_nType & TYPE_SCOPE_CLOSE) == TYPE_SCOPE_CLOSE) sLine.append(""+m_nScope+" }"); sLine.append("\n"); // add message sLine.append("" ); sLine.append(m_sMessage); sLine.append("\n" ); sLine.append("\n" ); return sLine.toString(); } /** detect, if this line object represent an error */ public synchronized boolean isError() { return ( ((m_nType & TYPE_ERROR) == TYPE_ERROR) && ((m_nType & TYPE_INFO ) != TYPE_INFO ) ); } /** detect, if this line object represent a warning */ public synchronized boolean isWarning() { return ( ((m_nType & TYPE_WARNING) == TYPE_WARNING) && ((m_nType & TYPE_INFO ) != TYPE_INFO ) ); } /** detect, if this line object represent a marked position */ public synchronized boolean isTestMark() { return ((m_nType & TYPE_TESTMARK) == TYPE_TESTMARK); } /** * create a colored table cell formatted as HTML. * * @param sCell * an outside string buffer, which can be * used to generate the * needed HTML code there. * * @param sContent * the text content of this cell. * * @param sBGColor * a string, which represent the background color * coded in HTML. * * @param sFGColor * a string, which represent the foreground color * coded in HTML. * * @param bBold * enable/disable bold state for the text content. */ private void impl_generateColoredHTMLCell(StringBuffer sCell , String sContent, String sBGColor, String sFGColor, boolean bBold ) { sCell.append(""); sCell.append(""); if (bBold) sCell.append(""); sCell.append(sContent); if (bBold) sCell.append(""); sCell.append("\n"); } } /** * ctor * It creates a new instance of this class and initializes it in the right mode. * * @param nMode * specify how the log should be generated. * * @param nFilter * can be used to filter log messages by its type. * * @param sFileName * the name of the log file (if nMode requires a log file) */ public Protocol(int nMode , int nFilter , String sFileName) { m_nMode = nMode; m_nFilter = nFilter; m_sFileName = sFileName; m_nLine = 0; m_nScope = 1; m_nWarnings = 0; m_nErrors = 0; m_aStartTime = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()); } /** * log an unspecified message. * * Sometimes it's not necessary to set a special type for an message. * The pure message seems to be enough. The type of such "pure messages" * will be set to INFO. * * @param sMessage * the pure message * * @see #log(int, String) */ public synchronized void log( /*IN*/ String sMessage ) { log(TYPE_INFO, sMessage); } /** * log an exception. * * It uses all information available by this exception object * to generate the log. So exceptions are printed out using a * standard format. * * @param exThrowable * the exception */ public synchronized void log( /*IN*/ Throwable exThrowable ) { log(TYPE_SCOPE_OPEN | TYPE_ERROR, "exception \""+exThrowable.getMessage()+"\""); StackTraceElement[] lStack = exThrowable.getStackTrace(); for (int i=0; i 0 ) && ((nType & TYPE_SCOPE_CLOSE) == TYPE_SCOPE_CLOSE) ) { --m_nScope; } // update statistic values if (aLine.isTestMark()) ++m_nTestMarks; if (aLine.isWarning()) ++m_nWarnings; if (aLine.isError()) ++m_nErrors; // no else - it's a bit field of possible reactions! if ((m_nMode & MODE_STDOUT) == MODE_STDOUT) System.out.print(sAsciiLog); // no else - it's a bit field of possible reactions! if ((m_nMode & MODE_STDERR) == MODE_STDERR) System.err.print(sAsciiLog); // no else - it's a bit field of possible reactions! // But these both conditions must be handled together. // Because we can't generate different types of log contents to the same log file. // We prefer HTML if both types are set. if ( ((m_nMode & MODE_HTML ) == MODE_HTML ) || ((m_nMode & MODE_ASCII) == MODE_ASCII) ) { boolean bAppend = (m_nLine>1); String sContent; if ((m_nMode & MODE_HTML) == MODE_HTML) { if (! bAppend) sContent = impl_generateHTMLHeader()+sHTMLLog; else sContent = sHTMLLog; } else { if (! bAppend) sContent = impl_generateAsciiHeader()+sAsciiLog; else sContent = sAsciiLog; } impl_writeToLogFile(m_sFileName, bAppend, sContent); } } /** * log the current statistic values * We write it into our protocol buffer and * reset it. */ public synchronized void logStatistics() { Timestamp aEndTime = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()); Timestamp aDiff = new Timestamp(aEndTime.getTime()-m_aStartTime.getTime()); int nLogType = TYPE_STATISTIC; if (m_nErrors > 0) nLogType = TYPE_ERROR_INFO; else if (m_nWarnings > 0) nLogType = TYPE_WARNING_INFO; log(nLogType | TYPE_SCOPE_OPEN , "statistic:" ); log(nLogType , "tests = "+m_nTestMarks ); log(nLogType , "errors = "+m_nErrors ); log(nLogType , "warnings = "+m_nWarnings ); log(nLogType , "elapsed time = "+aDiff.toString()); log(nLogType | TYPE_SCOPE_CLOSE, "" ); resetStatistics(); } private synchronized void resetStatistics() { m_nTestMarks = 0; m_nWarnings = 0; m_nErrors = 0; m_aStartTime = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()); } /** * returns a generic html header for generating html log files * * It's used from the method finish() to generate a valid html formatted file. * For that it's necessary to open some special html targets like e.g. . * * @return A string, which includes the whole header. * * @see #finish() * @see #impl_generateHTMLFooter() */ private String impl_generateHTMLHeader() { return "\n\n"+m_sFileName+"\n\n\n\n"; } private String impl_generateAsciiHeader() { return "********************************************************************************\n"; } /** * helper to log different representations of a property(array) * * @param sOut * used to generate the log output there. * * @param lProps * represent the property(array) to be logged. */ private void impl_logPropertyArray( /*OUT*/ StringBuffer sOut , /*IN */ com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue[] lProps ) { int i = 0; int c = lProps.length; for (i=0; i] {"); sOut.append("}"); } else if (aAny instanceof com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue[]) { sOut.append("[sequence< PropertyValue >] {"); com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue[] lSubProps = (com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue[])com.sun.star.uno.AnyConverter.toArray(aAny); impl_logPropertyArray(sOut, lSubProps); sOut.append("}"); } else if (aAny instanceof com.sun.star.beans.NamedValue[]) { sOut.append("[sequence< NamedValue >] {"); com.sun.star.beans.NamedValue[] lSubProps = (com.sun.star.beans.NamedValue[])com.sun.star.uno.AnyConverter.toArray(aAny); impl_logPropertyArray(sOut, lSubProps); sOut.append("}"); } else { sOut.append("[unknown array] {-}"); } } else if (com.sun.star.uno.AnyConverter.isObject(aAny)) { sOut.append("[object] {"); // TODO sOut.append("}"); } if ((m_nMode & MODE_HTML) == MODE_HTML) sOut.append("
"); else sOut.append("\n"); } catch(com.sun.star.lang.IllegalArgumentException exIll) { sOut.append("Got exception during property conversion.\n"); sOut.append(exIll.getMessage()); sOut.append("\n"); } } /** * Writes the given content to the specified log file. */ private void impl_writeToLogFile(String sFileName, boolean bAppend , String sContent ) { try { FileWriter aLogFile = new FileWriter(sFileName, bAppend); aLogFile.write(sContent); aLogFile.flush(); aLogFile.close(); aLogFile = null; } catch (java.io.IOException exIO) { System.err.println("Can't dump protocol into log file."); System.err.println(exIO); exIO.printStackTrace(); } } }