/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: richtextmodel.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.3 $ * * last change: $Author: obo $ $Date: 2004-07-05 16:20:11 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #ifndef FORMS_SOURCE_RICHTEXT_RICHTEXTMODEL_CXX #include "richtextmodel.hxx" #endif #ifndef FORMS_SOURCE_RICHTEXT_RICHTEXTENGINE_HXX #include "richtextengine.hxx" #endif #ifndef FORMS_SOURCE_RICHTEXT_RICHTEXTUNOWRAPPER_HXX #include "richtextunowrapper.hxx" #endif /** === begin UNO includes === **/ /** === end UNO includes === **/ #ifndef _CPPUHELPER_TYPEPROVIDER_HXX_ #include #endif #ifndef _TOOLKIT_AWT_VCLXDEVICE_HXX_ #include #endif #ifndef _TOOLKIT_HELPER_VCLUNOHELPER_HXX_ #include #endif #ifndef _EDITSTAT_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SV_OUTDEV_HXX #include #endif //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- extern "C" void SAL_CALL createRegistryInfo_ORichTextModel() { static ::frm::OMultiInstanceAutoRegistration< ::frm::ORichTextModel > aRegisterModel; } //........................................................................ namespace frm { //........................................................................ using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno; using namespace ::com::sun::star::awt; using namespace ::com::sun::star::lang; using namespace ::com::sun::star::io; using namespace ::com::sun::star::beans; using namespace ::com::sun::star::form; using namespace ::com::sun::star::util; //==================================================================== //= OModifyListenerContainer //==================================================================== //-------------------------------------------------------------------- OModifyListenerContainer::OModifyListenerContainer( ::osl::Mutex& _rMutex ) :OModifyListenerContainer_Base( _rMutex ) { } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- bool OModifyListenerContainer::implNotify( const Reference< XModifyListener >& _rxListener, const EventObject& _rEvent ) SAL_THROW( ( Exception ) ) { _rxListener->modified( _rEvent ); return true; } //==================================================================== //= ORichTextModel //==================================================================== DBG_NAME( ORichTextModel ) //-------------------------------------------------------------------- ORichTextModel::ORichTextModel( const Reference< XMultiServiceFactory >& _rxFactory ) :OControlModel ( _rxFactory, ::rtl::OUString() ) ,FontControlModel ( true ) ,m_pEngine ( RichTextEngine::Create() ) ,m_aModifyListeners ( m_aMutex ) ,m_bSettingEngineText( false ) { DBG_CTOR( ORichTextModel, NULL ); m_nClassId = FormComponentType::TEXTFIELD; getPropertyDefaultByHandle( PROPERTY_ID_DEFAULTCONTROL ) >>= m_sDefaultControl; getPropertyDefaultByHandle( PROPERTY_ID_BORDER ) >>= m_nBorder; getPropertyDefaultByHandle( PROPERTY_ID_ENABLED ) >>= m_bEnabled; getPropertyDefaultByHandle( PROPERTY_ID_HARDLINEBREAKS ) >>= m_bHardLineBreaks; getPropertyDefaultByHandle( PROPERTY_ID_HSCROLL ) >>= m_bHScroll; getPropertyDefaultByHandle( PROPERTY_ID_VSCROLL ) >>= m_bVScroll; getPropertyDefaultByHandle( PROPERTY_ID_READONLY ) >>= m_bReadonly; getPropertyDefaultByHandle( PROPERTY_ID_PRINTABLE ) >>= m_bPrintable; getPropertyDefaultByHandle( PROPERTY_ID_ALIGN ) >>= m_aAlign; getPropertyDefaultByHandle( PROPERTY_ID_ECHO_CHAR ) >>= m_nEchoChar; getPropertyDefaultByHandle( PROPERTY_ID_MAXTEXTLEN ) >>= m_nMaxTextLength; getPropertyDefaultByHandle( PROPERTY_ID_MULTILINE ) >>= m_bMultiLine; getPropertyDefaultByHandle( PROPERTY_ID_RICH_TEXT ) >>= m_bReallyActAsRichText; getPropertyDefaultByHandle( PROPERTY_ID_HIDEINACTIVESELECTION ) >>= m_bHideInactiveSelection; implInit(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------ ORichTextModel::ORichTextModel( const ORichTextModel* _pOriginal, const Reference< XMultiServiceFactory >& _rxFactory ) :OControlModel ( _pOriginal, _rxFactory, sal_False ) ,FontControlModel ( _pOriginal ) ,m_pEngine ( NULL ) ,m_aModifyListeners ( m_aMutex ) ,m_bSettingEngineText( false ) { DBG_CTOR( ORichTextModel, NULL ); m_aTabStop = _pOriginal->m_aTabStop; m_aBackgroundColor = _pOriginal->m_aBackgroundColor; m_aBorderColor = _pOriginal->m_aBorderColor; m_sDefaultControl = _pOriginal->m_sDefaultControl; m_sHelpText = _pOriginal->m_sHelpText; m_sHelpURL = _pOriginal->m_sHelpURL; m_nBorder = _pOriginal->m_nBorder; m_bEnabled = _pOriginal->m_bEnabled; m_bHardLineBreaks = _pOriginal->m_bHardLineBreaks; m_bHScroll = _pOriginal->m_bHScroll; m_bVScroll = _pOriginal->m_bVScroll; m_bReadonly = _pOriginal->m_bReadonly; m_bPrintable = _pOriginal->m_bPrintable; m_bReallyActAsRichText = _pOriginal->m_bReallyActAsRichText; m_bHideInactiveSelection = _pOriginal->m_bHideInactiveSelection; m_aAlign = _pOriginal->m_aAlign; m_nEchoChar = _pOriginal->m_nEchoChar; m_nMaxTextLength = _pOriginal->m_nMaxTextLength; m_bMultiLine = _pOriginal->m_bMultiLine; m_pEngine = _pOriginal->m_pEngine->Clone(); m_sLastKnownEngineText = m_pEngine->GetText(); implInit(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------ void ORichTextModel::implInit() { OSL_ENSURE( m_pEngine, "ORichTextModel::implInit: where's the engine?" ); if ( m_pEngine ) { m_pEngine->SetModifyHdl( LINK( this, ORichTextModel, OnEngineContentModified ) ); ULONG nEngineControlWord = m_pEngine->GetControlWord(); nEngineControlWord = nEngineControlWord & ~EE_CNTRL_AUTOPAGESIZE; m_pEngine->SetControlWord( nEngineControlWord ); VCLXDevice* pUnoRefDevice = new VCLXDevice; pUnoRefDevice->SetOutputDevice( m_pEngine->GetRefDevice() ); m_xReferenceDevice = pUnoRefDevice; } implDoAggregation(); implRegisterProperties(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------ void ORichTextModel::implDoAggregation() { increment( m_refCount ); { m_xAggregate = new ORichTextUnoWrapper( *m_pEngine, this ); setAggregation( m_xAggregate ); doSetDelegator(); } decrement( m_refCount ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------ void ORichTextModel::implRegisterProperties() { REGISTER_PROP_2( DEFAULTCONTROL, m_sDefaultControl, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ); REGISTER_PROP_2( HELPTEXT, m_sHelpText, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ); REGISTER_PROP_2( HELPURL, m_sHelpURL, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ); REGISTER_PROP_2( ENABLED, m_bEnabled, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ); REGISTER_PROP_2( BORDER, m_nBorder, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ); REGISTER_PROP_2( HARDLINEBREAKS, m_bHardLineBreaks, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ); REGISTER_PROP_2( HSCROLL, m_bHScroll, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ); REGISTER_PROP_2( VSCROLL, m_bVScroll, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ); REGISTER_PROP_2( READONLY, m_bReadonly, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ); REGISTER_PROP_2( PRINTABLE, m_bPrintable, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ); REGISTER_PROP_2( REFERENCE_DEVICE, m_xReferenceDevice, BOUND, TRANSIENT ); REGISTER_PROP_2( RICH_TEXT, m_bReallyActAsRichText, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ); REGISTER_PROP_2( HIDEINACTIVESELECTION, m_bHideInactiveSelection, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ); REGISTER_VOID_PROP_2( TABSTOP, m_aTabStop, sal_Bool, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ); REGISTER_VOID_PROP_2( BACKGROUNDCOLOR, m_aBackgroundColor, sal_Int32, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ); REGISTER_VOID_PROP_2( BORDERCOLOR, m_aBorderColor, sal_Int32, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ); // properties which exist only for compatibility with the css.swt.UnoControlEditModel, // since we intend to replace the default implementation for this service REGISTER_PROP_2( ECHO_CHAR, m_nEchoChar, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ); REGISTER_PROP_2( MAXTEXTLEN, m_nMaxTextLength, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ); REGISTER_PROP_2( MULTILINE, m_bMultiLine, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ); REGISTER_PROP_2( TEXT, m_sLastKnownEngineText, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ); REGISTER_VOID_PROP_2( ALIGN, m_aAlign, sal_Int16, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- ORichTextModel::~ORichTextModel( ) { if ( !OComponentHelper::rBHelper.bDisposed ) { acquire(); dispose(); } DBG_DTOR( ORichTextModel, NULL ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------ Any SAL_CALL ORichTextModel::queryAggregation( const Type& _rType ) throw ( RuntimeException ) { Any aReturn = ORichTextModel_BASE::queryInterface( _rType ); if ( !aReturn.hasValue() ) aReturn = OControlModel::queryAggregation( _rType ); return aReturn; } //------------------------------------------------------------------ IMPLEMENT_FORWARD_XTYPEPROVIDER2( ORichTextModel, OControlModel, ORichTextModel_BASE ) //-------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLEMENT_SERVICE_REGISTRATION_7( ORichTextModel, OControlModel, FRM_SUN_COMPONENT_RICHTEXTCONTROL, ::rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "com.sun.star.text.TextRange" ) ), ::rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "com.sun.star.style.CharacterProperties" ) ), ::rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "com.sun.star.style.ParagraphProperties" ) ), ::rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "com.sun.star.style.CharacterPropertiesAsian" ) ), ::rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "com.sun.star.style.CharacterPropertiesComplex" ) ), ::rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "com.sun.star.style.ParagraphPropertiesAsian" ) ) ) //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IMPLEMENT_DEFAULT_CLONING( ORichTextModel ) //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void SAL_CALL ORichTextModel::disposing() { m_aModifyListeners.disposing( EventObject( *this ) ); OControlModel::disposing(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- Reference< XPropertySetInfo > SAL_CALL ORichTextModel::getPropertySetInfo() throw ( RuntimeException ) { return createPropertySetInfo( getInfoHelper() ); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- ::cppu::IPropertyArrayHelper& SAL_CALL ORichTextModel::getInfoHelper() { return *const_cast< ORichTextModel* >( this )->getArrayHelper(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ namespace { void lcl_removeProperty( Sequence< Property >& _rSeq, const ::rtl::OUString& _rPropertyName ) { Property* pLoop = _rSeq.getArray(); Property* pEnd = _rSeq.getArray() + _rSeq.getLength(); while ( pLoop != pEnd ) { if ( pLoop->Name == _rPropertyName ) { ::std::copy( pLoop + 1, pEnd, pLoop ); _rSeq.realloc( _rSeq.getLength() - 1 ); break; } ++pLoop; } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void ORichTextModel::fillProperties( Sequence< Property >& _rProps, Sequence< Property >& _rAggregateProps ) const { BEGIN_DESCRIBE_PROPERTIES( 1, OControlModel ) DECL_PROP2( TABINDEX, sal_Int16, BOUND, MAYBEDEFAULT ); END_DESCRIBE_PROPERTIES(); // properties which the OPropertyContainerHelper is responsible for Sequence< Property > aContainedProperties; describeProperties( aContainedProperties ); // properties which the FontControlModel is responsible for Sequence< Property > aFontProperties; describeFontRelatedProperties( aFontProperties ); // our aggregate (the SvxUnoText) declares a FontDescriptor property, as does // our FormControlFont base class. We remove it from the base class' sequence // here, and later on care for both instances being in sync lcl_removeProperty( _rAggregateProps, PROPERTY_FONT ); _rProps = concatSequences( aContainedProperties, aFontProperties, _rProps ); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- void SAL_CALL ORichTextModel::getFastPropertyValue( Any& _rValue, sal_Int32 _nHandle ) const { if ( isRegisteredProperty( _nHandle ) ) { OPropertyContainerHelper::getFastPropertyValue( _rValue, _nHandle ); } else if ( isFontRelatedProperty( _nHandle ) ) { FontControlModel::getFastPropertyValue( _rValue, _nHandle ); } else { OControlModel::getFastPropertyValue( _rValue, _nHandle ); } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_Bool SAL_CALL ORichTextModel::convertFastPropertyValue( Any& _rConvertedValue, Any& _rOldValue, sal_Int32 _nHandle, const Any& _rValue ) throw( IllegalArgumentException ) { sal_Bool bModified = sal_False; if ( isRegisteredProperty( _nHandle ) ) { bModified = OPropertyContainerHelper::convertFastPropertyValue( _rConvertedValue, _rOldValue, _nHandle, _rValue ); } else if ( isFontRelatedProperty( _nHandle ) ) { bModified = FontControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue( _rConvertedValue, _rOldValue, _nHandle, _rValue ); } else { bModified = OControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue( _rConvertedValue, _rOldValue, _nHandle, _rValue ); } return bModified; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- void SAL_CALL ORichTextModel::setFastPropertyValue_NoBroadcast( sal_Int32 _nHandle, const Any& _rValue ) throw ( Exception) { if ( isRegisteredProperty( _nHandle ) ) { OPropertyContainerHelper::setFastPropertyValue( _nHandle, _rValue ); if ( PROPERTY_ID_REFERENCE_DEVICE == _nHandle ) { #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 0 MapMode aOldMapMode = m_pEngine->GetRefDevice()->GetMapMode(); #endif OutputDevice* pRefDevice = VCLUnoHelper::GetOutputDevice( m_xReferenceDevice ); OSL_ENSURE( pRefDevice, "ORichTextModel::setFastPropertyValue_NoBroadcast: empty reference device?" ); m_pEngine->SetRefDevice( pRefDevice ); #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 0 MapMode aNewMapMode = m_pEngine->GetRefDevice()->GetMapMode(); OSL_ENSURE( aNewMapMode.GetMapUnit() == aOldMapMode.GetMapUnit(), "ORichTextModel::setFastPropertyValue_NoBroadcast: You should not tamper with the MapUnit of the ref device!" ); // if this assertion here is triggered, then we would need to adjust all // items in all text portions in all paragraphs in the attributes of the EditEngine, // as long as they are MapUnit-dependent. This holds at least for the FontSize. #endif } else if ( PROPERTY_ID_TEXT == _nHandle ) { implSetEngineText( m_sLastKnownEngineText ); } } else if ( isFontRelatedProperty( _nHandle ) ) { FontDescriptor aOldFont( getFont() ); FontControlModel::setFastPropertyValue_NoBroadcast( _nHandle, _rValue ); if ( isFontAggregateProperty( _nHandle ) ) firePropertyChange( PROPERTY_ID_FONT, makeAny( getFont() ), makeAny( aOldFont ) ); } else { OControlModel::setFastPropertyValue_NoBroadcast( _nHandle, _rValue ); } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- Any ORichTextModel::getPropertyDefaultByHandle( sal_Int32 _nHandle ) const { Any aDefault; switch ( _nHandle ) { case PROPERTY_ID_ECHO_CHAR: case PROPERTY_ID_ALIGN: case PROPERTY_ID_MAXTEXTLEN: aDefault <<= (sal_Int16)0; break; case PROPERTY_ID_TABSTOP: case PROPERTY_ID_BACKGROUNDCOLOR: case PROPERTY_ID_BORDERCOLOR: /* void */ break; case PROPERTY_ID_ENABLED: case PROPERTY_ID_PRINTABLE: case PROPERTY_ID_HIDEINACTIVESELECTION: aDefault <<= (sal_Bool)sal_True; break; case PROPERTY_ID_HARDLINEBREAKS: case PROPERTY_ID_HSCROLL: case PROPERTY_ID_VSCROLL: case PROPERTY_ID_READONLY: case PROPERTY_ID_MULTILINE: case PROPERTY_ID_RICH_TEXT: aDefault <<= (sal_Bool)sal_False; break; case PROPERTY_ID_DEFAULTCONTROL: aDefault <<= (::rtl::OUString)FRM_SUN_CONTROL_RICHTEXTCONTROL; break; case PROPERTY_ID_HELPTEXT: case PROPERTY_ID_HELPURL: case PROPERTY_ID_TEXT: aDefault <<= ::rtl::OUString(); break; case PROPERTY_ID_BORDER: aDefault <<= (sal_Int16)1; break; default: if ( isFontRelatedProperty( _nHandle ) ) aDefault = FontControlModel::getPropertyDefaultByHandle( _nHandle ); else aDefault = OControlModel::getPropertyDefaultByHandle( _nHandle ); } return aDefault; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- void ORichTextModel::implSetEngineText( const ::rtl::OUString& _rText ) { if ( m_pEngine ) { m_bSettingEngineText = true; m_pEngine->SetText( _rText ); m_bSettingEngineText = false; } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- ::rtl::OUString SAL_CALL ORichTextModel::getServiceName() throw ( RuntimeException) { return FRM_SUN_COMPONENT_RICHTEXTCONTROL; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- void SAL_CALL ORichTextModel::write(const Reference< XObjectOutputStream >& _rxOutStream) throw ( IOException, RuntimeException) { OControlModel::write( _rxOutStream ); // TODO: place your code here } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- void SAL_CALL ORichTextModel::read(const Reference< XObjectInputStream >& _rxInStream) throw ( IOException, RuntimeException) { OControlModel::read( _rxInStream ); // TODO: place your code here } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- RichTextEngine* ORichTextModel::getEditEngine( const Reference< XControlModel >& _rxModel ) { RichTextEngine* pEngine = NULL; Reference< XUnoTunnel > xTunnel( _rxModel, UNO_QUERY ); OSL_ENSURE( xTunnel.is(), "ORichTextModel::getEditEngine: invalid model!" ); if ( xTunnel.is() ) { try { pEngine = reinterpret_cast< RichTextEngine* >( xTunnel->getSomething( getEditEngineTunnelId() ) ); } catch( const Exception& ) { OSL_ENSURE( sal_False, "ORichTextModel::getEditEngine: caught an exception!" ); } } return pEngine; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- Sequence< sal_Int8 > ORichTextModel::getEditEngineTunnelId() { static ::cppu::OImplementationId * pId = 0; if (! pId) { ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( ::osl::Mutex::getGlobalMutex() ); if (! pId) { static ::cppu::OImplementationId aId; pId = &aId; } } return pId->getImplementationId(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPL_LINK( ORichTextModel, OnEngineContentModified, void*, _pNotInterestedIn ) { if ( !m_bSettingEngineText ) { EventObject aModifyEvent( *this ); m_aModifyListeners.notify( aModifyEvent ); potentialTextChange(); // is this a good idea? It may become expensive in case of larger texts, // and this method here is called for every single changed character ... // On the other hand, the API *requires* us to notify changes in the "Text" // property immediately ... } return 0L; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_Int64 SAL_CALL ORichTextModel::getSomething( const Sequence< sal_Int8 >& _rId ) throw (RuntimeException) { Sequence< sal_Int8 > aEditEngineAccessId( getEditEngineTunnelId() ); if ( ( _rId.getLength() == aEditEngineAccessId.getLength() ) && ( 0 == rtl_compareMemory( aEditEngineAccessId.getConstArray(), _rId.getConstArray(), _rId.getLength() ) ) ) return reinterpret_cast< sal_Int64 >( m_pEngine ); Reference< XUnoTunnel > xAggTunnel; if ( query_aggregation( m_xAggregate, xAggTunnel ) ) return xAggTunnel->getSomething( _rId ); return 0; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- void SAL_CALL ORichTextModel::addModifyListener( const Reference< XModifyListener >& _rxListener ) throw (RuntimeException) { m_aModifyListeners.addListener( _rxListener ); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- void SAL_CALL ORichTextModel::removeModifyListener( const Reference< XModifyListener >& _rxListener ) throw (RuntimeException) { m_aModifyListeners.removeListener( _rxListener ); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- void ORichTextModel::potentialTextChange( ) { ::rtl::OUString sCurrentEngineText; if ( m_pEngine ) sCurrentEngineText = m_pEngine->GetText(); if ( sCurrentEngineText != m_sLastKnownEngineText ) { sal_Int32 nHandle = PROPERTY_ID_TEXT; Any aOldValue; aOldValue <<= m_sLastKnownEngineText; Any aNewValue; aNewValue <<= sCurrentEngineText; fire( &nHandle, &aNewValue, &aOldValue, 1, sal_False ); m_sLastKnownEngineText = sCurrentEngineText; } } //........................................................................ } // namespace frm //........................................................................