/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: grid.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: $ * * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-18 16:16:52 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include ResId SaneResId( ULONG ); /*********************************************************************** * * GridWindow * ***********************************************************************/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- GridWindow::GridWindow( double* pXValues, double* pYValues, int nValues, Window* pParent, BOOL bCutValues ) : ModalDialog( pParent, SaneResId( GRID_DIALOG ) ), m_aOKButton( this, SaneResId( GRID_DIALOG_OK_BTN ) ), m_aCancelButton( this, SaneResId( GRID_DIALOG_CANCEL_BTN ) ), m_aResetTypeBox( this, SaneResId( GRID_DIALOG_TYPE_BOX ) ), m_aResetButton( this, SaneResId( GRID_DIALOG_RESET_BTN ) ), m_aGridArea( 50, 15, 100, 100 ), m_pXValues( pXValues ), m_pOrigYValues( pYValues ), m_nValues( nValues ), m_pNewYValues( NULL ), m_aIAOManager( this ), m_pLeftMarker( NULL ), m_pRightMarker( NULL ), m_pDragMarker( NULL ), m_aMarkerBitmap( Bitmap( SaneResId( GRID_DIALOG_HANDLE_BMP ) ), Color( 255, 255, 255 ) ), m_bCutValues( bCutValues ) { USHORT nPos = m_aResetTypeBox.InsertEntry( String( SaneResId( RESET_TYPE_LINEAR_ASCENDING ) ) ); m_aResetTypeBox.SetEntryData( nPos, (void *)RESET_TYPE_LINEAR_ASCENDING ); nPos = m_aResetTypeBox.InsertEntry( String( SaneResId( RESET_TYPE_LINEAR_DESCENDING ) ) ); m_aResetTypeBox.SetEntryData( nPos, (void *)RESET_TYPE_LINEAR_DESCENDING ); nPos = m_aResetTypeBox.InsertEntry( String( SaneResId( RESET_TYPE_RESET ) ) ); m_aResetTypeBox.SetEntryData( nPos, (void *)RESET_TYPE_RESET ); nPos = m_aResetTypeBox.InsertEntry( String( SaneResId( RESET_TYPE_EXPONENTIAL ) ) ); m_aResetTypeBox.SetEntryData( nPos, (void *)RESET_TYPE_EXPONENTIAL ); m_aResetTypeBox.SelectEntryPos( 0 ); m_aResetButton.SetClickHdl( LINK( this, GridWindow, ClickButtonHdl ) ); SetMapMode( MapMode( MAP_PIXEL ) ); Size aSize = GetOutputSizePixel(); Size aBtnSize = m_aOKButton.GetOutputSizePixel(); m_aGridArea.setWidth( aSize.Width() - aBtnSize.Width() - 80 ); m_aGridArea.setHeight( aSize.Height() - 40 ); if( m_pOrigYValues && m_nValues ) { m_pNewYValues = new double[ m_nValues ]; memcpy( m_pNewYValues, m_pOrigYValues, sizeof( double ) * m_nValues ); } setBoundings( 0, 0, 1023, 1023 ); computeExtremes(); m_pLeftMarker = new B2dIAOBitmapExReference( &m_aIAOManager, transform( findMinX(), findMinY() ), &m_aMarkerBitmap, m_aMarkerBitmap.GetSizePixel().Width()/2, m_aMarkerBitmap.GetSizePixel().Height()/2 ); m_pLeftMarker->SetHittable( TRUE ); m_pRightMarker = new B2dIAOBitmapExReference( &m_aIAOManager, transform( findMaxX(), findMaxY() ), &m_aMarkerBitmap, m_aMarkerBitmap.GetSizePixel().Width()/2, m_aMarkerBitmap.GetSizePixel().Height()/2 ); m_pRightMarker->SetHittable( TRUE ); FreeResource(); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------- GridWindow::~GridWindow() { if( m_pNewYValues ) delete m_pNewYValues; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------- double GridWindow::findMinX() { if( ! m_pXValues ) return 0.0; double fMin = m_pXValues[0]; for( int i = 1; i < m_nValues; i++ ) if( m_pXValues[ i ] < fMin ) fMin = m_pXValues[ i ]; return fMin; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------- double GridWindow::findMinY() { if( ! m_pNewYValues ) return 0.0; double fMin = m_pNewYValues[0]; for( int i = 1; i < m_nValues; i++ ) if( m_pNewYValues[ i ] < fMin ) fMin = m_pNewYValues[ i ]; return fMin; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------- double GridWindow::findMaxX() { if( ! m_pXValues ) return 0.0; double fMax = m_pXValues[0]; for( int i = 1; i < m_nValues; i++ ) if( m_pXValues[ i ] > fMax ) fMax = m_pXValues[ i ]; return fMax; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------- double GridWindow::findMaxY() { if( ! m_pNewYValues ) return 0.0; double fMax = m_pNewYValues[0]; for( int i = 1; i < m_nValues; i++ ) if( m_pNewYValues[ i ] > fMax ) fMax = m_pNewYValues[ i ]; return fMax; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------- void GridWindow::computeExtremes() { if( m_nValues && m_pXValues && m_pOrigYValues ) { m_fMaxX = m_fMinX = m_pXValues[0]; m_fMaxY = m_fMinY = m_pOrigYValues[0]; for( int i = 1; i < m_nValues; i++ ) { if( m_pXValues[ i ] > m_fMaxX ) m_fMaxX = m_pXValues[ i ]; else if( m_pXValues[ i ] < m_fMinX ) m_fMinX = m_pXValues[ i ]; if( m_pOrigYValues[ i ] > m_fMaxY ) m_fMaxY = m_pOrigYValues[ i ]; else if( m_pOrigYValues[ i ] < m_fMinY ) m_fMinY = m_pOrigYValues[ i ]; } setBoundings( m_fMinX, m_fMinY, m_fMaxX, m_fMaxY ); } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------- Point GridWindow::transform( double x, double y ) { Point aRet; aRet.X() = ( x - m_fMinX ) * (double)m_aGridArea.GetWidth() / ( m_fMaxX - m_fMinX ) + m_aGridArea.Left(); aRet.Y() = m_aGridArea.Bottom() - ( y - m_fMinY ) * (double)m_aGridArea.GetHeight() / ( m_fMaxY - m_fMinY ); return aRet; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------- void GridWindow::transform( const Point& rOriginal, double& x, double& y ) { x = ( rOriginal.X() - m_aGridArea.Left() ) * (m_fMaxX - m_fMinX) / (double)m_aGridArea.GetWidth() + m_fMinX; y = ( m_aGridArea.Bottom() - rOriginal.Y() ) * (m_fMaxY - m_fMinY) / (double)m_aGridArea.GetHeight() + m_fMinY; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------- void GridWindow::drawPoint( double x, double y ) { DrawPixel( transform( x, y ) ); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------- void GridWindow::drawLine( double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2 ) { DrawLine( transform( x1, y1 ), transform( x2, y2 ) ); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------- void GridWindow::computeChunk( double fMin, double fMax, double& fChunkOut, double& fMinChunkOut ) { // get a nice chunk size like 10, 100, 25 or such fChunkOut = ( fMax - fMin ) / 6.0; int logchunk = (int)log10( fChunkOut ); int nChunk = (int)( fChunkOut / exp( (double)(logchunk-1) * M_LN10 ) ); if( nChunk >= 75 ) nChunk = 100; else if( nChunk >= 35 ) nChunk = 50; else if ( nChunk > 20 ) nChunk = 25; else if ( nChunk >= 13 ) nChunk = 20; else if( nChunk > 5 ) nChunk = 10; else nChunk = 5; fChunkOut = (double) nChunk * exp( (double)(logchunk-1) * M_LN10 ); // compute whole chunks fitting into fMin nChunk = (int)( fMin / fChunkOut ); fMinChunkOut = (double)nChunk * fChunkOut; while( fMinChunkOut < fMin ) fMinChunkOut += fChunkOut; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------- void GridWindow::computeNew() { // special case: only left and right markers if( m_aIAOManager.GetIAOCount() == 2 ) { double xleft, yleft; double xright, yright; transform( m_pLeftMarker->GetBasePosition(), xleft, yleft ); transform( m_pRightMarker->GetBasePosition(), xright, yright ); double factor = (yright-yleft)/(xright-xleft); for( int i = 0; i < m_nValues; i++ ) { m_pNewYValues[ i ] = yleft + ( m_pXValues[ i ] - xleft )*factor; } return; } // X sort markers int nMarkers = m_aIAOManager.GetIAOCount(); int nSorted = 0; B2dIAObject** pList = new B2dIAObject*[ nMarkers ]; for( B2dIAObject* pMarker = m_aIAOManager.GetIAObjectList(); pMarker; pMarker = pMarker->GetNext() ) { int n = nSorted; for( int i = 0; i < nSorted; i++ ) { if( pList[ i ]->GetBasePosition().X() > pMarker->GetBasePosition().X() ) { for( n=nSorted; n > i; n-- ) pList[ n ] = pList[ n-1 ]; pList[ i ] = pMarker; nSorted++; break; } } if( n >= nSorted ) pList[ nSorted++ ] = pMarker; } // get node arrays double* nodex = new double[ nSorted ]; double* nodey = new double[ nSorted ]; int i; for( i = 0; i < nSorted; i++ ) transform( pList[ i ]->GetBasePosition(), nodex[ i ], nodey[ i ] ); for( i = 0; i < m_nValues; i++ ) { double x = m_pXValues[ i ]; m_pNewYValues[ i ] = interpolate( x, nodex, nodey, nSorted ); if( m_bCutValues ) { if( m_pNewYValues[ i ] > m_fMaxY ) m_pNewYValues[ i ] = m_fMaxY; else if( m_pNewYValues[ i ] < m_fMinY ) m_pNewYValues[ i ] = m_fMinY; } } delete nodex; delete nodey; delete pList; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------- double GridWindow::interpolate( double x, double* pNodeX, double* pNodeY, int nNodes ) { // compute Lagrange interpolation double ret = 0; for( int i = 0; i < nNodes; i++ ) { double sum = pNodeY[ i ]; for( int n = 0; n < nNodes; n++ ) { if( n != i ) { sum *= x - pNodeX[ n ]; sum /= pNodeX[ i ] - pNodeX[ n ]; } } ret += sum; } return ret; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------- void GridWindow::setBoundings( double fMinX, double fMinY, double fMaxX, double fMaxY ) { m_fMinX = fMinX; m_fMinY = fMinY; m_fMaxX = fMaxX; m_fMaxY = fMaxY; computeChunk( m_fMinX, m_fMaxX, m_fChunkX, m_fMinChunkX ); computeChunk( m_fMinY, m_fMaxY, m_fChunkY, m_fMinChunkY ); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------- void GridWindow::drawGrid() { char pBuf[256]; SetLineColor( Color( COL_BLACK ) ); TextAlign aAlign = GetTextAlign(); // draw vertical lines for( double fX = m_fMinChunkX; fX < m_fMaxX; fX += m_fChunkX ) { drawLine( fX, m_fMinY, fX, m_fMaxY ); // draw tickmarks Point aPt = transform( fX, m_fMinY ); sprintf( pBuf, "%g", fX ); String aMark( pBuf, gsl_getSystemTextEncoding() ); Size aTextSize( GetTextWidth( aMark ), GetTextHeight() ); aPt.X() -= aTextSize.Width()/2; aPt.Y() += aTextSize.Height()/2; DrawText( aPt, aMark ); } // draw horizontal lines for( double fY = m_fMinChunkY; fY < m_fMaxY; fY += m_fChunkY ) { drawLine( m_fMinX, fY, m_fMaxX, fY ); // draw tickmarks Point aPt = transform( m_fMinX, fY ); sprintf( pBuf, "%g", fY ); String aMark( pBuf, gsl_getSystemTextEncoding() ); Size aTextSize( GetTextWidth( aMark ), GetTextHeight() ); aPt.X() -= aTextSize.Width() + 2; aPt.Y() -= aTextSize.Height()/2; DrawText( aPt, aMark ); } // draw boundings drawLine( m_fMinX, m_fMinY, m_fMaxX, m_fMinY ); drawLine( m_fMinX, m_fMaxY, m_fMaxX, m_fMaxY ); drawLine( m_fMinX, m_fMinY, m_fMinX, m_fMaxY ); drawLine( m_fMaxX, m_fMinY, m_fMaxX, m_fMaxY ); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------- void GridWindow::drawOriginal() { if( m_nValues && m_pXValues && m_pOrigYValues ) { SetLineColor( Color( COL_RED ) ); for( int i = 0; i < m_nValues-1; i++ ) { drawLine( m_pXValues[ i ], m_pOrigYValues[ i ], m_pXValues[ i+1 ], m_pOrigYValues[ i+1 ] ); } } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------- void GridWindow::drawNew() { if( m_nValues && m_pXValues && m_pNewYValues ) { SetClipRegion( m_aGridArea ); SetLineColor( Color( COL_YELLOW ) ); for( int i = 0; i < m_nValues-1; i++ ) { drawLine( m_pXValues[ i ], m_pNewYValues[ i ], m_pXValues[ i+1 ], m_pNewYValues[ i+1 ] ); } SetClipRegion(); } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------- void GridWindow::Paint( const Rectangle& rRect ) { ModalDialog::Paint( rRect ); drawGrid(); drawOriginal(); drawNew(); m_aIAOManager.UpdateDisplay(); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------- void GridWindow::MouseMove( const MouseEvent& rEvt ) { if( rEvt.GetButtons() == MOUSE_LEFT && m_pDragMarker ) { Point aPoint( rEvt.GetPosPixel() ); if( m_pDragMarker == m_pLeftMarker || m_pDragMarker == m_pRightMarker ) { aPoint.X() = m_pDragMarker->GetBasePosition().X(); } if( aPoint.Y() < m_aGridArea.Top() ) aPoint.Y() = m_aGridArea.Top(); else if( aPoint.Y() > m_aGridArea.Bottom() ) aPoint.Y() = m_aGridArea.Bottom(); // avoid flicker if( aPoint != m_pDragMarker->GetBasePosition() ) { m_pDragMarker->SetBasePosition( aPoint ); m_aIAOManager.UpdateDisplay(); } } ModalDialog::MouseMove( rEvt ); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------- void GridWindow::MouseButtonUp( const MouseEvent& rEvt ) { if( rEvt.GetButtons() == MOUSE_LEFT ) { if( m_pDragMarker ) { m_pDragMarker = NULL; computeNew(); Invalidate( m_aGridArea ); Paint( m_aGridArea ); } } ModalDialog::MouseButtonUp( rEvt ); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------- void GridWindow::MouseButtonDown( const MouseEvent& rEvt ) { Point aPoint( rEvt.GetPosPixel() ); B2dIAObject* pMarker = m_aIAOManager.GetIAObjectList(); while( pMarker && ! pMarker->IsHit( aPoint ) ) pMarker = pMarker->GetNext(); if( rEvt.GetButtons() == MOUSE_LEFT ) { // user wants to drag a button if( pMarker ) m_pDragMarker = (B2dIAOBitmapExReference*)pMarker; } else if( rEvt.GetButtons() == MOUSE_RIGHT ) { // user wants to add/delete a button if( pMarker && pMarker != m_pLeftMarker && pMarker != m_pRightMarker ) { // delete marker under mouse if( m_pDragMarker == pMarker ) m_pDragMarker = NULL; delete pMarker; } else if( ! pMarker ) { pMarker = new B2dIAOBitmapExReference( &m_aIAOManager, aPoint, &m_aMarkerBitmap, m_aMarkerBitmap.GetSizePixel().Width()/2, m_aMarkerBitmap.GetSizePixel().Height()/2 ); pMarker->SetHittable( TRUE ); } computeNew(); Invalidate( m_aGridArea ); Paint( m_aGridArea ); } ModalDialog::MouseButtonDown( rEvt ); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPL_LINK( GridWindow, ClickButtonHdl, Button*, pButton ) { if( pButton == &m_aResetButton ) { int nType = (int)m_aResetTypeBox.GetEntryData( m_aResetTypeBox.GetSelectEntryPos() ); switch( nType ) { case RESET_TYPE_LINEAR_ASCENDING: { for( int i = 0; i < m_nValues; i++ ) { m_pNewYValues[ i ] = m_fMinY + (m_fMaxY-m_fMinY)/(m_fMaxX-m_fMinX)*(m_pXValues[i]-m_fMinX); } } break; case RESET_TYPE_LINEAR_DESCENDING: { for( int i = 0; i < m_nValues; i++ ) { m_pNewYValues[ i ] = m_fMaxY - (m_fMaxY-m_fMinY)/(m_fMaxX-m_fMinX)*(m_pXValues[i]-m_fMinX); } } break; case RESET_TYPE_RESET: { if( m_pOrigYValues && m_pNewYValues && m_nValues ) memcpy( m_pNewYValues, m_pOrigYValues, m_nValues*sizeof(double) ); } break; case RESET_TYPE_EXPONENTIAL: { for( int i = 0; i < m_nValues; i++ ) { m_pNewYValues[ i ] = m_fMinY + (m_fMaxY-m_fMinY)*(exp((m_pXValues[i]-m_fMinX)/(m_fMaxX-m_fMinX))-1.0)/(M_E-1.0); } } break; default: break; } int nMarkers = m_aIAOManager.GetIAOCount(); B2dIAObject* pMarker = m_aIAOManager.GetIAObjectList(); for( int i = 0 ; i < nMarkers; i++, pMarker = pMarker->GetNext() ) { // find nearest xvalue double x, y; transform( pMarker->GetBasePosition(), x, y ); int nIndex = 0; double delta = fabs( x-m_pXValues[0] ); for( int n = 1; n < m_nValues; n++ ) { if( delta > fabs( x - m_pXValues[ n ] ) ) { delta = fabs( x - m_pXValues[ n ] ); nIndex = n; } } if( pMarker == m_pLeftMarker ) pMarker->SetBasePosition( transform( m_fMinX, m_pNewYValues[ nIndex ] ) ); else if( pMarker == m_pRightMarker ) pMarker->SetBasePosition( transform( m_fMaxX, m_pNewYValues[ nIndex ] ) ); else pMarker->SetBasePosition( transform( m_pXValues[ nIndex ], m_pNewYValues[ nIndex ] ) ); } Invalidate( m_aGridArea ); Paint(Rectangle()); } return 0; }