/************************************************************************* * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * $RCSfile: query.src,v $ * * $Revision: 1.96 $ * * last change: $Author: obo $ $Date: 2006-07-10 15:44:55 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to * the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1. * * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * ************************************************************************/ #ifndef _DBU_QRY_HRC_ #include "dbu_qry.hrc" #endif #ifndef DBAUI_QUERY_HRC #include "Query.hrc" #endif #ifndef _GLOBLMN_HRC #include #endif #ifndef _CNTIDS_HRC #include #endif #ifndef DBACCESS_UI_BROWSER_ID_HXX #include "browserids.hxx" #endif #ifndef _DBA_DBACCESS_HELPID_HRC_ #include "dbaccess_helpid.hrc" #endif #ifndef DBAUI_TOOLBOX_HXX #include "toolbox.hrc" #endif #define MN_EDIT 20 #define MN_VIEW 21 #define MN_EXTRA 22 #define MN_INSERT 23 #define MN_WIN 30 #define MN_HELP 31 Menu RID_MENU_JOINVIEW_CONNECTION { ItemList = { MenuItem { ITEM_EDIT_DELETE }; MenuItem { MID_DBUI_QUERY_EDIT_JOINCONNECTION }; }; }; Menu RID_MENU_JOINVIEW_TABLE { ItemList = { MenuItem { ITEM_EDIT_DELETE }; }; }; Menu RID_QUERYCOLPOPUPMENU { ItemList = { MenuItem { MID_COLUMN_WIDTH }; MenuItem { Separator = TRUE ; }; MenuItem { ITEM_EDIT_DELETE }; }; }; ImageList IMG_JOINS { Prefix = "jo"; MaskColor = Color { Red = 0xffff; Green = 0x0000; Blue = 0xffff; }; IdList = { IMG_PRIMARY_KEY; IMG_FOREIGN_KEY; }; IdCount = { 2; }; }; ImageList IMG_JOINS_H { Prefix = "joh"; MaskColor = Color { Red = 0xffff; Green = 0x0000; Blue = 0xffff; }; IdList = { IMG_PRIMARY_KEY; IMG_FOREIGN_KEY; }; IdCount = { 2; }; }; String STR_QUERY_UNDO_TABWINSHOW { Text [ de ] = "Tabellenfenster hinzufügen" ; Text [ en-US ] = "Add Table Window" ; Text [ x-comment ] = " "; }; String STR_QUERY_UNDO_MOVETABWIN { Text [ de ] = "Tabellenfenster verschieben" ; Text [ en-US ] = "Move table window" ; Text [ x-comment ] = " "; }; String STR_QUERY_UNDO_INSERTCONNECTION { Text [ de ] = "Verknüpfung einfügen" ; Text [ en-US ] = "Insert Join" ; Text [ x-comment ] = " "; }; String STR_QUERY_UNDO_REMOVECONNECTION { Text [ de ] = "Verknüpfung löschen" ; Text [ en-US ] = "Delete Join" ; Text [ x-comment ] = " "; }; String STR_QUERY_UNDO_SIZETABWIN { Text [ de ] = "Tabellenfenster - Größe aendern" ; Text [ en-US ] = "Resize table window" ; Text [ x-comment ] = " "; }; String STR_QUERY_UNDO_TABFIELDDELETE { Text [ de ] = "Spalte löschen" ; Text [ en-US ] = "Delete Column" ; Text [ x-comment ] = " "; }; String STR_QUERY_UNDO_TABFIELDMOVED { Text [ de ] = "Spalte verschieben" ; Text [ en-US ] = "Move column"; }; String STR_QUERY_UNDO_TABFIELDCREATE { Text [ de ] = "Spalte hinzufügen" ; Text [ en-US ] = "Add Column" ; Text [ x-comment ] = " "; }; String RID_STR_TABLE_DOESNT_EXIST { Text [ de ] = "Der Ausdruck ist ungültig, da keine Tabelle '$name$' existiert ."; Text [ en-US ] = "Invalid expression, table '$name$' does not exist."; Text [ x-comment ] = " "; }; String RID_STR_FIELD_DOESNT_EXIST { Text [ de ] = "Der Ausdruck ist ungültig, da der Feldname '$name$' nicht zugeordnet werden kann."; Text [ en-US ] = "Invalid expression, field name '$name$' does not exist."; Text [ x-comment ] = " "; }; String RID_STR_TOMUCHTABLES { Text [ de ] = "Die Abfrage enthält #num# Tabellen. Der aktuelle Datenbanktyp kann aber maximal #maxnum# Tabelle(n) pro Statement verarbeiten."; Text [ en-US ] = "The query covers #num# tables. The selected database type, however, can only process a maximum of #maxnum# table(s) per statement."; Text [ x-comment ] = " "; }; String STR_QUERY_UNDO_TABWINDELETE { Text [ de ] = "Tabellenfenster löschen" ; Text [ en-US ] = "Delete Table Window" ; Text [ x-comment ] = " "; }; String STR_QUERY_UNDO_MODIFY_CELL { Text [ de ] = "Spaltenbeschreibung ändern" ; Text [ en-US ] = "Edit Column Description"; Text [ x-comment ] = " "; }; String STR_QUERY_UNDO_SIZE_COLUMN { Text [ de ] = "Spaltenbreite ändern" ; Text [ en-US ] = "Adjust column width"; Text [ x-comment ] = " "; }; String STR_QUERY_SORTTEXT { Text [ de ] = "(nicht sortiert);aufsteigend;absteigend" ; Text [ en-US ] = "(not sorted);ascending;descending" ; Text [ x-comment ] = " "; }; String STR_QUERY_FUNCTIONS { Text [ de ] = "(keine Funktion);Gruppierung"; Text [ en-US ] = "(no function);Group"; Text [ x-comment ] = " "; }; String STR_QUERY_NOTABLE { Text [ de ] = "(keine Tabelle)"; Text [ en-US ] = "(no table)"; Text [ x-comment ] = "; nk26.10.99: was bedeutet das?"; }; String STR_QRY_ORDERBY_UNRELATED { Text [ de ] = "Die Datenbank unterstützt die Sortierung nur für sichtbare Felder."; Text [ en-US ] = "The database only supports sorting for visible fields."; Text [ x-comment ] = " "; }; Menu RID_QUERYFUNCTION_POPUPMENU { ItemList = { MenuItem { Identifier = ID_QUERY_FUNCTION ; HelpID = HID_QUERY_FUNCTION; Text [ de ] = "Funktionen" ; Text [ en-US ] = "Functions"; Text [ x-comment ] = " "; }; MenuItem { Separator = TRUE ; }; MenuItem { Identifier = ID_QUERY_TABLENAME ; HelpID = HID_QUERY_TABLENAME ; Text [ de ] = "Tabellenname" ; Text [ en-US ] = "Table Name"; Text [ x-comment ] = " "; }; MenuItem { Identifier = ID_QUERY_ALIASNAME ; HelpID = HID_QUERY_ALIASNAME ; Text [ de ] = "Aliasname" ; Text [ en-US ] = "Alias"; Text [ x-comment ] = " "; }; MenuItem { Separator = TRUE; }; MenuItem { Identifier = ID_QUERY_DISTINCT ; HelpID = HID_QUERY_DISTINCT ; Text [ de ] = "Eindeutige Werte" ; Text [ en-US ] = "Distinct Values"; Text [ x-comment ] = " "; }; }; }; String STR_QUERY_HANDLETEXT { Text [ de ] = "Feld;Alias;Tabelle;Sortierung;Sichtbar;Funktion;Kriterium;oder;oder" ; Text [ en-US ] = "Field;Alias;Table;Sort;Visible;Function;Criterion;Or;Or"; Text [ x-comment ] = " "; }; String STR_QRY_TOO_MANY_COLUMNS { Text [ de ] = "Es sind zu viele Spalten vorhanden." ; Text [ en-US ] = "There are too many columns."; Text [ x-comment ] = " "; }; ErrorBox ERR_QRY_CRITERIA_ON_ASTERISK { Message [ de ] = "Eine Bedingung für Feld [*] ist nicht möglich" ; Message [ en-US ] = "A condition cannot be applied to field [*]" ; }; String STR_QRY_TOO_LONG_STATEMENT { Text [ de ] = "Der erzeugte SQL Ausdruck ist zu lang." ; Text [ en-US ] = "The SQL statement created is too long."; Text [ x-comment ] = " "; }; String STR_QRY_TOOCOMPLEX { Text [ de ] = "Anfrage ist zu komplex" ; Text [ en-US ] = "Query is too complex" ; Text [ x-comment ] = " "; }; String STR_QRY_NOSELECT { Text [ de ] = "Es fehlt eine Selektion." ; Text [ en-US ] = "Nothing has been selected." ; Text [ x-comment ] = " "; }; String STR_QRY_TOOMANYCOND { Text [ de ] = "Zu viele Suchkriterien" ; Text [ en-US ] = "Too many search criteria" ; Text [ x-comment ] = " "; }; String STR_QRY_SYNTAX { Text [ de ] = "Fehler in der SQL Syntax" ; Text [ en-US ] = "SQL syntax error" ; Text [ x-comment ] = " "; }; ErrorBox ERR_QRY_ORDERBY_ON_ASTERISK { Message [ de ] = "Nach [*] kann nicht sortiert werden."; Message [ en-US ] = "[*] cannot be used as a sort criterion."; Message [ x-comment ] = " "; }; String STR_QUERY_TRUE { Text [ de ] = "WAHR" ; Text [ en-US ] = "TRUE" ; }; String STR_QUERY_FALSE { Text [ de ] = "FALSCH" ; Text [ en-US ] = "FALSE" ; }; String STR_QRY_TOO_MANY_TABLES { Text [ de ] = "Es sind zu viele Tabellen vorhanden." ; Text [ en-US ] = "There are too many tables."; Text [ x-comment ] = " "; }; String STR_QRY_NATIVE { Text [ de ] = "Bei Anfrage im SQL-Dialekt der Datenbank wird das Statement nicht übernommen" ; Text [ en-US ] = "The statement will not be applied when querying in the SQL dialect of the database." ; Text [ x-comment ] = " "; }; ErrorBox ERR_QRY_AMB_FIELD { Message [ de ] = "Feldname nicht gefunden oder eindeutig" ; Message [ en-US ] = "Field name not found or not unique" ; Message [ x-comment ] = " "; }; String STR_QRY_ILLEGAL_JOIN { Text [ de ] = "Verknüpfung konnte nicht ausgeführt werden" ; Text [ en-US ] = "Join could not be processed" ; Text [ x-comment ] = " "; }; String STR_QUERY_SAVEMODIFIED { Text [ de ] = "$object$ wurde geändert.\nSollen die Änderungen gespeichert werden?" ; Text [ en-US ] = "$object$ has been changed.\nDo you want to save the changes?" ; }; Resource RSC_QUERY_OBJECT_TYPE { String 1 { Text [ x-comment ] = "This string is to be used as part of the QUERY_SAVEMODIFIED string - both together have to form a grammaticaly correct sentence."; Text [ de ] = "Die Abfrage"; Text [ en-US ] = "The query"; }; String 2 { Text [ x-comment ] = "This string is to be used as part of the QUERY_SAVEMODIFIED string - both together have to form a grammaticaly correct sentence."; Text [ de ] = "Die Tabellensicht"; Text [ en-US ] = "The table view"; }; String 3 { Text [ x-comment ] = "This string is to be used as part of the QUERY_SAVEMODIFIED string - both together have to form a grammaticaly correct sentence."; Text [ de ] = "Der SQL-Befehl"; Text [ en-US ] = "The SQL statement"; }; }; String STR_SVT_SQL_SYNTAX_ERROR { Text [ de ] = "Syntaxfehler im SQL-Ausdruck" ; Text [ en-US ] = "Syntax error in SQL statement" ; }; String STR_QUERYDESIGN_NO_VIEW_SUPPORT { Text [ de ] = "Diese Datenbank unterstützt keine Tabellenansichten."; Text [ en-US ] = "This database does not support table views."; }; String STR_QUERYDESIGN_NO_VIEW_ASK { Text [ de ] = "Möchten Sie statt dessen eine Abfrage erzeugen?"; Text [ en-US ] = "Do you want to create a query instead?"; }; ErrorBox ERR_QRY_NOSTATEMENT { Message [ de ] = "Es konnte keine Abfrage erstellt werden." ; Message [ en-US ] = "No query could be created."; }; ErrorBox ERR_QRY_NOCRITERIA { Message [ de ] = "Es konnte keine Abfrage erstellt werden, da keine Felder ausgewählt wurden." ; Message [ en-US ] = "No query could be created because no fields were selected."; }; /* The menubar resource has become obsolete - you can now find the menubar definition at: /uiconfig/dbquery/menubar/menubar.xml */ String STR_DATASOURCE_DELETED { Text [ de ] = "Die zugehörige Datenquelle wurde gelöscht. Es können keine dies bezüglichen Daten gespeichert werden."; Text [ en-US ] = "The corresponding data source has been deleted. Therefore, data relevant to that data source cannot be saved."; }; String STR_QRY_COLUMN_NOT_FOUND { Text [ de ] = "Die Spalte '$name$' ist unbekannt."; Text [ en-US ] = "The column '$name$' is unknown."; }; String STR_QRY_JOIN_COLUMN_COMPARE { Text [ de ] = "Spalten dürfen nur mit '=' verglichen werden."; Text [ en-US ] = "Columns can only be compared using '='."; }; String STR_QRY_LIKE_LEFT_NO_COLUMN { Text [ de ] = "Vor dem 'WIE' muss ein Spaltenname stehen."; Text [ en-US ] = "You must use a column name before 'LIKE'."; }; String STR_QRY_CHECK_CASESENSITIVE { Text [ de ] = "Die Spalte konnte nicht gefunden werden. Bitte beachten Sie, dass die Datenbank Gross- und Kleinschreibung unterscheidet."; Text [ en-US ] = "The column could not be found. Please note that the database is case-sensitive."; }; String STR_QUERYDESIGN { Text [ de ] = " - %PRODUCTNAME Base: Abfrageentwurf"; Text [ en-US ] = " - %PRODUCTNAME Base: Query Design"; }; String STR_VIEWDESIGN { Text [ de ] = " - %PRODUCTNAME Base: Ansichtsentwurf"; Text [ en-US ] = " - %PRODUCTNAME Base: View Design"; }; String STR_ERROR_PARSING_STATEMENT { Text [ de ] = "Der der Abfrage zu Grunde liegende SQL-Befehl konnte nicht analysiert werden."; Text [ en-US ] = "The SQL command which constitutes the query could not be parsed."; }; String STR_INFO_OPENING_IN_SQL_VIEW { Text [ de ] = "Die Abfrage wird in der SQL-Ansicht geöffnet."; Text [ en-US ] = "The query will be opened in SQL view."; }; String STR_STATEMENT_WITHOUT_RESULT_SET { Text [ de ] = "Die Abfrage erzeugt keine Ergebnismenge, und kann deswegen nicht Teil einer anderen Abfrage sein."; Text [ en-US ] = "The query does not create a result set, and thus cannot be part of another query."; };