/************************************************************************* * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * $RCSfile: dbumiscres.src,v $ * * $Revision: 1.72 $ * * last change: $Author: obo $ $Date: 2006-07-10 15:37:39 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to * the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1. * * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * ************************************************************************/ #ifndef _DBU_MISC_HRC_ #include "dbu_misc.hrc" #endif #ifndef _DBU_MISCRES_HRC_ #include "dbumiscres.hrc" #endif //------------------------------------------------------------------------- Resource RSC_DATASOURCE_TYPES { String STR_MYSQL_ODBC { Text ="sdbc:mysql:odbc:"; }; String STR_MYSQL_JDBC { Text ="sdbc:mysql:jdbc:"; }; String STR_ADABAS { Text ="sdbc:adabas:"; }; String STR_ORACLE_JDBC { Text ="jdbc:oracle:thin:"; }; String STR_JDBC { Text ="jdbc:"; }; String STR_ODBC { Text ="sdbc:odbc:"; }; String STR_DBASE { Text ="sdbc:dbase:"; }; String STR_ADO { Text ="sdbc:ado:"; }; String STR_MSACCESS { Text ="sdbc:ado:access:PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;DATA SOURCE="; }; String STR_FLAT { Text ="sdbc:flat:"; }; String STR_CALC { Text ="sdbc:calc:"; }; String STR_MOZILLA { Text ="sdbc:address:mozilla:"; }; String STR_THUNDERBIRD { Text ="sdbc:address:thunderbird:"; }; String STR_LDAP { Text ="sdbc:address:ldap:"; }; String STR_OUTLOOK { Text ="sdbc:address:outlook"; }; String STR_OUTLOOKEXP { Text ="sdbc:address:outlookexp"; }; String STR_EVOLUTION { Text ="sdbc:address:evolution:local"; }; String STR_EVOLUTION_GROUPWISE { Text ="sdbc:address:evolution:groupwise"; }; String STR_EVOLUTION_LDAP { Text ="sdbc:address:evolution:ldap"; }; String STR_KAB { Text ="sdbc:address:kab"; }; String STR_EMBEDDED { Text = "sdbc:embedded:"; }; }; Resource RSC_DATASOURCE_TYPE_UINAMES { String STR_MYSQL_ODBC { Text [ de ] = "MySQL (ODBC)"; Text[ en-US ] = "MySQL (ODBC)"; }; String STR_MYSQL_JDBC { Text [ de ] = "MySQL (JDBC)"; Text[ en-US ] = "MySQL (JDBC)"; }; String STR_ADABAS { Text [ de ] = "Adabas D"; Text[ en-US ] = "Adabas D"; }; String STR_ORACLE_JDBC { Text [ de ] = "Oracle JDBC"; Text[ en-US ] = "Oracle JDBC"; }; String STR_JDBC { Text [ de ] = "JDBC"; Text[ en-US ] = "JDBC"; }; String STR_ODBC { Text [ de ] = "ODBC"; Text[ en-US ] = "ODBC"; }; String STR_DBASE { Text [ de ] = "dBASE"; Text[ en-US ] = "dBASE"; }; String STR_ADO { Text [ de ] = "ADO"; Text[ en-US ] = "ADO"; }; String STR_MSACCESS { Text [ de ] = "Microsoft Access"; Text[ en-US ] = "Microsoft Access"; }; String STR_FLAT { Text [ de ] = "Text"; Text[ en-US ] = "Text"; }; String STR_CALC { Text [ de ] = "Tabellendokument"; Text[ en-US ] = "Spreadsheet"; }; String STR_MOZILLA { Text [ de ] = "Mozilla Adressbuch"; Text[ en-US ] = "Mozilla Address Book"; }; String STR_LDAP { Text [ de ] = "LDAP Adressbuch"; Text[ en-US ] = "LDAP Address Book"; }; String STR_OUTLOOK { Text [ de ] = "Microsoft Outlook Adressbuch"; Text[ en-US ] = "Microsoft Outlook Address Book"; }; String STR_OUTLOOKEXP { Text [ de ] = "Microsoft Windows Adressbuch"; Text[ en-US ] = "Microsoft Windows Address Book"; }; String STR_EVOLUTION { Text [ de ] = "Evolution Local Adressbuch"; Text[ en-US ] = "Evolution Local"; }; String STR_EVOLUTION_GROUPWISE { Text [ de ] = "Groupwise Adressbuch"; Text[ en-US ] = "Groupwise"; }; String STR_EVOLUTION_LDAP { Text [ de ] = "Evolution LDAP Adressbuch"; Text[ en-US ] = "Evolution LDAP"; }; String STR_KAB { Text [ de ] = "KDE Adressbuch"; Text[ en-US ] = "KDE Address Book"; }; String STR_EMBEDDED { Text [ de ] = "Interne Datenbank"; Text[ en-US ] = "Embedded database"; }; String STR_THUNDERBIRD { Text [ de ] = "Thunderbird Adressbuch"; Text[ en-US ] = "Thunderbird Address Book"; }; }; Resource RSC_CHARSETS { String 1 { Text [ de ] = "System"; Text [ en-US ] = "System"; }; }; String STR_ERROR_DURING_CREATION { Text [ de ] = "Fehler beim Erzeugen"; Text [ en-US ] = "Error during creation"; }; String STR_UNEXPECTED_ERROR { Text [ de ] = "Ein unerwarteter Fehler ist aufgetreten. Die operation kann nicht ausgeführt werden."; Text [ en-US ] = "An unexpected error occurred. The operation could not be performed."; }; String STR_COULDNOTOPEN_LINKEDDOC { Text [ de ] = "Das Dokument\n\n$file$\n\nkonnte nicht geöffnet werden."; Text [ en-US ] = "The document\n\n$file$\n\ncould not be opened."; }; String STR_MISSING_TABLES_XDROP { Text [ de ] = "Die Tabelle kann nicht gelöscht werden, da die Datenbankverbindung diese nicht unterstützt."; Text [ en-US ] = "The table cannot be deleted because the database connection does not support this."; }; String STR_BUTTON_TEXT_ALL { Text [ de ] = "~Alle"; Text [ en-US ] = "~All"; }; String STR_UNDO_COLON { Text [ de ] = "Rückgängig:" ; Text [ en-US ] = "Undo:"; }; String STR_REDO_COLON { Text [ de ] = "Wiederherstellen:" ; Text [ en-US ] = "Redo:"; }; String STR_UNKNOWN_TYPE_FOUND { Text [ de ] = "Für die Spalte '#1' konnte kein passender Spaltentyp gefunden werden." ; Text [ en-US ] = "No corresponding column type could be found for column '#1'." ; }; String STR_FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST { Text [ de ] ="Die Datei \"$file$\" existiert nicht."; Text[ en-US ] = "The file \"$file$\" does not exist."; }; String STR_WARNINGS_DURING_CONNECT { Text [ de ] = "Beim Verbindungsaufbau sind Warnungen aufgetreten. Drücken Sie \"Mehr\", um sie anzuzeigen."; Text [ en-US ] = "Warnings were encountered while connecting to the data source. Press \"More\" to view them."; }; String STR_NAMED_OBJECT_ALREADY_EXISTS { Text [ de ] = "Der Name '$#$' existiert bereits.\nBitte geben Sie einen neuen Namen an." ; Text [ en-US ] = "The name '$#$' already exists.\nPlease enter another name." ; };