/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #pragma once #include #include #include // Includes for ADO #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace connectivity::ado { class WpADOConnection; class WpADOCommand; class WpADORecordset; class WpADOField; class WpADOParameter; class WpADOError; class WpADOProperty; typedef WpOLEAppendCollection< ADOFields, WpADOField> WpADOFields; typedef WpOLECollection< ADOProperties, WpADOProperty> WpADOProperties; class WpADOConnection : public WpOLEBase { public: WpADOConnection() = default; WpADOConnection(const WpADOConnection& rhs) : WpOLEBase(rhs) {} WpADOConnection& operator=(const WpADOConnection& rhs) {WpOLEBase::operator=(rhs); return *this;} WpADOProperties get_Properties() const; OUString GetConnectionString() const; bool PutConnectionString(std::u16string_view aCon) const; sal_Int32 GetCommandTimeout() const; void PutCommandTimeout(sal_Int32 nRet); sal_Int32 GetConnectionTimeout() const ; void PutConnectionTimeout(sal_Int32 nRet); bool Close( ) ; bool Execute(std::u16string_view CommandText,OLEVariant& RecordsAffected,long Options, WpADORecordset** ppiRset); bool BeginTrans(); bool CommitTrans( ) ; bool RollbackTrans( ); bool Open(std::u16string_view ConnectionString, std::u16string_view UserID,std::u16string_view Password,long Options); bool GetErrors(ADOErrors** pErrors); OUString GetDefaultDatabase() const; bool PutDefaultDatabase(std::u16string_view _bstr); IsolationLevelEnum get_IsolationLevel() const ; bool put_IsolationLevel(const IsolationLevelEnum& eNum) ; sal_Int32 get_Attributes() const; bool put_Attributes(sal_Int32 nRet); CursorLocationEnum get_CursorLocation() const; bool put_CursorLocation(const CursorLocationEnum &eNum) ; ConnectModeEnum get_Mode() const; bool put_Mode(const ConnectModeEnum &eNum) ; OUString get_Provider() const; bool put_Provider(std::u16string_view _bstr); sal_Int32 get_State() const; bool OpenSchema(SchemaEnum eNum,OLEVariant const & Restrictions,OLEVariant const & SchemaID,ADORecordset**pprset); OUString get_Version() const; // special methods ADORecordset* getExportedKeys( const css::uno::Any& catalog, const OUString& schema, std::u16string_view table ); ADORecordset* getImportedKeys( const css::uno::Any& catalog, const OUString& schema, std::u16string_view table ); ADORecordset* getPrimaryKeys( const css::uno::Any& catalog, const OUString& schema, std::u16string_view table ); ADORecordset* getIndexInfo( const css::uno::Any& catalog, const OUString& schema, std::u16string_view table, bool unique, bool approximate ); ADORecordset* getTablePrivileges( const css::uno::Any& catalog, const OUString& schemaPattern, std::u16string_view tableNamePattern ); ADORecordset* getCrossReference( const css::uno::Any& primaryCatalog, const OUString& primarySchema, std::u16string_view primaryTable, const css::uno::Any& foreignCatalog, const OUString& foreignSchema, std::u16string_view foreignTable); ADORecordset* getProcedures( const css::uno::Any& catalog, const OUString& schemaPattern, std::u16string_view procedureNamePattern ); ADORecordset* getProcedureColumns( const css::uno::Any& catalog, const OUString& schemaPattern, std::u16string_view procedureNamePattern, std::u16string_view columnNamePattern ); ADORecordset* getTables( const css::uno::Any& catalog, const OUString& schemaPattern, std::u16string_view tableNamePattern, const css::uno::Sequence< OUString >& types ); ADORecordset* getColumns( const css::uno::Any& catalog, const OUString& schemaPattern, std::u16string_view tableNamePattern, std::u16string_view columnNamePattern ); ADORecordset* getColumnPrivileges( const css::uno::Any& catalog, const OUString& schemaPattern, std::u16string_view table, std::u16string_view columnNamePattern ); ADORecordset* getTypeInfo(DataTypeEnum _eType = adEmpty ); }; class WpADOCommand : public WpOLEBase { public: WpADOCommand() = default; // Ctors, operator= // They only call the superclass WpADOCommand(const WpADOCommand& rhs) : WpOLEBase(rhs) {} WpADOCommand& operator=(const WpADOCommand& rhs) { WpOLEBase::operator=(rhs); return *this;} bool putref_ActiveConnection(const WpADOConnection& rCon); void put_ActiveConnection(/* [in] */ const OLEVariant& vConn); void Create(); sal_Int32 get_State() const; OUString get_CommandText() const; bool put_CommandText(std::u16string_view aCon) ; sal_Int32 get_CommandTimeout() const; void put_CommandTimeout(sal_Int32 nRet); bool get_Prepared() const; bool put_Prepared(VARIANT_BOOL bPrepared) const; bool Execute(OLEVariant& RecordsAffected,OLEVariant& Parameters,long Options, ADORecordset** ppiRset); ADOParameter* CreateParameter(std::u16string_view _bstr,DataTypeEnum Type,ParameterDirectionEnum Direction,long nSize,const OLEVariant &Value); ADOParameters* get_Parameters() const; bool put_CommandType( /* [in] */ CommandTypeEnum lCmdType); CommandTypeEnum get_CommandType( ) const ; // Returns the field's name OUString GetName() const ; bool put_Name(std::u16string_view Name); bool Cancel(); }; class WpADOError : public WpOLEBase { public: // Ctors, operator= // They only call the superclass WpADOError() = default; WpADOError(const WpADOError& rhs) : WpOLEBase(rhs) {} WpADOError& operator=(const WpADOError& rhs) {WpOLEBase::operator=(rhs); return *this;} OUString GetDescription() const; OUString GetSource() const ; sal_Int32 GetNumber() const ; OUString GetSQLState() const ; sal_Int32 GetNativeError() const ; }; class WpADOField : public WpOLEBase { // friend class WpADOFields; public: // Ctors, operator= // They only call the superclass WpADOField() = default; WpADOField(const WpADOField& rhs) : WpOLEBase(rhs) {} WpADOField& operator=(const WpADOField& rhs) {WpOLEBase::operator=(rhs); return *this;} WpADOProperties get_Properties(); sal_Int32 GetActualSize() const ; sal_Int32 GetAttributes() const ; sal_Int32 GetStatus() const ; sal_Int32 GetDefinedSize() const ; // Returns the field's name OUString GetName() const ; DataTypeEnum GetADOType() const ; void get_Value(OLEVariant& aValVar) const ; OLEVariant get_Value() const; bool PutValue(const OLEVariant& aVariant); sal_Int32 GetPrecision() const ; sal_Int32 GetNumericScale() const ; bool AppendChunk(const OLEVariant& Variant); OLEVariant GetChunk(long Length) const; void GetChunk(long Length,OLEVariant &aValVar) const; OLEVariant GetOriginalValue() const; void GetOriginalValue(OLEVariant &aValVar) const; OLEVariant GetUnderlyingValue() const; void GetUnderlyingValue(OLEVariant &aValVar) const; bool PutPrecision(sal_Int8 _prec); bool PutNumericScale(sal_Int8 _prec); void PutADOType(DataTypeEnum eType) ; bool PutDefinedSize(sal_Int32 _nDefSize); bool PutAttributes(sal_Int32 _nDefSize); }; class WpADOProperty: public WpOLEBase { public: // Ctors, operator= // They only call the superclass WpADOProperty() = default; WpADOProperty(const WpADOProperty& rhs) : WpOLEBase(rhs) {} WpADOProperty& operator=(const WpADOProperty& rhs) {WpOLEBase::operator=(rhs); return *this;} OLEVariant GetValue() const; void GetValue(OLEVariant &aValVar) const; bool PutValue(const OLEVariant &aValVar) ; OUString GetName() const ; DataTypeEnum GetADOType() const ; sal_Int32 GetAttributes() const ; bool PutAttributes(sal_Int32 _nDefSize); }; class WpADORecordset : public WpOLEBase { public: // Ctors, operator= // They only call the superclass WpADORecordset() = default; WpADORecordset(const WpADORecordset& rhs) : WpOLEBase() {operator=(rhs);} WpADORecordset& operator=(const WpADORecordset& rhs) { WpOLEBase::operator=(rhs); return *this; } void Create(); bool Open( /* [optional][in] */ VARIANT Source, /* [optional][in] */ VARIANT ActiveConnection, /* [defaultvalue][in] */ CursorTypeEnum CursorType, /* [defaultvalue][in] */ LockTypeEnum LockType, /* [defaultvalue][in] */ sal_Int32 Options); LockTypeEnum GetLockType(); void Close(); bool Cancel() const; sal_Int32 get_State( ); bool Supports( /* [in] */ CursorOptionEnum CursorOptions); PositionEnum_Param get_AbsolutePosition(); void GetDataSource(IUnknown** pIUnknown) const ; void PutRefDataSource(IUnknown* pIUnknown); void GetBookmark(VARIANT& var); OLEVariant GetBookmark(); CompareEnum CompareBookmarks(const OLEVariant& left,const OLEVariant& right); bool SetBookmark(const OLEVariant &pSafeAr); WpADOFields GetFields() const; bool Move(sal_Int32 nRows, VARIANT aBmk); bool MoveNext(); bool MovePrevious(); bool MoveFirst(); bool MoveLast(); bool IsAtBOF() const; bool IsAtEOF() const; bool Delete(AffectEnum eNum); bool AddNew(const OLEVariant &FieldList,const OLEVariant &Values); bool Update(const OLEVariant &FieldList,const OLEVariant &Values); bool CancelUpdate(); WpADOProperties get_Properties() const; bool NextRecordset(OLEVariant& RecordsAffected,ADORecordset** ppiRset); bool get_RecordCount(ADO_LONGPTR &_nRet) const; bool get_MaxRecords(ADO_LONGPTR &_nRet) const; bool put_MaxRecords(ADO_LONGPTR _nRet); bool get_CursorType(CursorTypeEnum &_nRet) const; bool put_CursorType(CursorTypeEnum _nRet); bool get_LockType(LockTypeEnum &_nRet) const; bool put_LockType(LockTypeEnum _nRet); bool get_CacheSize(sal_Int32 &_nRet) const; bool put_CacheSize(sal_Int32 _nRet); bool UpdateBatch(AffectEnum AffectRecords); }; class WpADOParameter:public WpOLEBase { public: // Ctors, operator= // They only call the superclass WpADOParameter() = default; WpADOParameter(const WpADOParameter& rhs):WpOLEBase(rhs){} WpADOParameter& operator=(const WpADOParameter& rhs) {WpOLEBase::operator=(rhs); return *this;} OUString GetName() const ; DataTypeEnum GetADOType() const ; void put_Type(const DataTypeEnum& _eType); bool put_Size(sal_Int32 _nSize); sal_Int32 GetAttributes() const ; sal_Int32 GetPrecision() const ; sal_Int32 GetNumericScale() const ; ParameterDirectionEnum get_Direction() const; void GetValue(OLEVariant& aValVar) const ; OLEVariant GetValue() const; bool PutValue(const OLEVariant& aVariant); bool AppendChunk(const OLEVariant& aVariant); }; class OTools { public: /** putValue set the property value at the ado column @param _rProps the properties where to set @param _aPosition which property to set @param _aValVar the value to set */ static void putValue(const WpADOProperties& _rProps,const OLEVariant &_aPosition,const OLEVariant &_aValVar); /** getValue returns a specific property value @param _rProps the properties where to set @param _aPosition the property @return the property value */ static OLEVariant getValue(const WpADOProperties& _rProps,const OLEVariant &_aPosition); }; } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */