/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4; fill-column: 100 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "mysqlc_table.hxx" #include "mysqlc_tables.hxx" #include "mysqlc_catalog.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include //----- OCollection ----------------------------------------------------------- void connectivity::mysqlc::Tables::impl_refresh() { static_cast(m_rParent).refreshTables(); } static void lcl_unescape(OUString& rName) { // Remove ending ` if there's one sal_Int32 nLastIndexBacktick = rName.lastIndexOf("`"); if ((nLastIndexBacktick > 0) && (nLastIndexBacktick == (rName.getLength() - 1))) { rName = rName.copy(0, nLastIndexBacktick); } // Remove beginning ` nLastIndexBacktick = rName.indexOf("`"); if (nLastIndexBacktick == 0) { rName = rName.copy(1, rName.getLength() - 1); } // Replace double ` by simple ` rName = rName.replaceAll("``", "`"); } connectivity::sdbcx::ObjectType connectivity::mysqlc::Tables::createObject(const OUString& rName) { OUString sCatalog, sSchema, sTable; ::dbtools::qualifiedNameComponents(m_xMetaData, rName, sCatalog, sSchema, sTable, ::dbtools::EComposeRule::InDataManipulation); css::uno::Any aCatalog; if (!sCatalog.isEmpty()) { lcl_unescape(sCatalog); aCatalog <<= sCatalog; } lcl_unescape(sSchema); lcl_unescape(sTable); // Only retrieving a single table, so table type is irrelevant (param 4) css::uno::Reference xTables = m_xMetaData->getTables(aCatalog, sSchema, sTable, css::uno::Sequence()); if (!xTables.is()) throw css::uno::RuntimeException("Could not acquire table."); css::uno::Reference xRow(xTables, css::uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW); if (!xTables->next()) throw css::uno::RuntimeException(); connectivity::sdbcx::ObjectType xRet( new Table(this, m_rMutex, m_xMetaData->getConnection(), xRow->getString(1), // Catalog xRow->getString(2), // Schema xRow->getString(3), // Name xRow->getString(4), // Type xRow->getString(5))); // Description / Remarks / Comments if (xTables->next()) throw css::uno::RuntimeException("Found more tables than expected."); return xRet; } css::uno::Reference connectivity::mysqlc::Tables::createDescriptor() { // There is some internal magic so that the same class can be used as either // a descriptor or as a normal table. See VTable.cxx for the details. In our // case we just need to ensure we use the correct constructor. return new Table(this, m_rMutex, m_xMetaData->getConnection()); } //----- XAppend --------------------------------------------------------------- void connectivity::mysqlc::Tables::createTable( const css::uno::Reference& descriptor) { const css::uno::Reference xConnection = m_xMetaData->getConnection(); OUString aSql = ::dbtools::createSqlCreateTableStatement(descriptor, xConnection); css::uno::Reference xStmt = xConnection->createStatement(); if (xStmt.is()) { xStmt->execute(aSql); ::comphelper::disposeComponent(xStmt); } } // XAppend connectivity::sdbcx::ObjectType connectivity::mysqlc::Tables::appendObject( const OUString& _rForName, const css::uno::Reference& descriptor) { createTable(descriptor); return createObject(_rForName); } void connectivity::mysqlc::Tables::appendNew(const OUString& _rsNewTable) { insertElement(_rsNewTable, nullptr); // notify our container listeners css::container::ContainerEvent aEvent(static_cast(this), css::uno::Any(_rsNewTable), css::uno::Any(), css::uno::Any()); comphelper::OInterfaceIteratorHelper3 aListenerLoop(m_aContainerListeners); while (aListenerLoop.hasMoreElements()) aListenerLoop.next()->elementInserted(aEvent); } OUString connectivity::mysqlc::Tables::getNameForObject(const connectivity::sdbcx::ObjectType& _xObject) { OSL_ENSURE(_xObject.is(), "OTables::getNameForObject: Object is NULL!"); return ::dbtools::composeTableName(m_xMetaData, _xObject, ::dbtools::EComposeRule::InDataManipulation, false) .replaceAll(u"`", u"̀ `"); } //----- XDrop ----------------------------------------------------------------- void connectivity::mysqlc::Tables::dropObject(sal_Int32 nPosition, const OUString& sName) { css::uno::Reference xTable(getObject(nPosition)); if (connectivity::sdbcx::ODescriptor::isNew(xTable)) return; OUString sType; xTable->getPropertyValue("Type") >>= sType; m_xMetaData->getConnection()->createStatement()->execute("DROP " + sType + " " + sName); } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab cinoptions=b1,g0,N-s cinkeys+=0=break: */