package complex.connectivity; import; import; import; import; import; import complexlib.ComplexTestCase; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class FlatFileAccess extends ComplexTestCase { public FlatFileAccess() { super(); } @Override public String[] getTestMethodNames() { return new String[] { "testBasicAccess", "testCalendarFunctions", "testSortingByFunction" }; } @Override public String getTestObjectName() { return "FlatFileAccess"; } public void before() throws Exception { m_database = new CsvDatabase( (XMultiServiceFactory)param.getMSF() ); // proper settings final XPropertySet dataSourceSettings = m_database.getDataSource().geSettings(); dataSourceSettings.setPropertyValue( "Extension", "csv" ); dataSourceSettings.setPropertyValue( "HeaderLine", Boolean.TRUE ); dataSourceSettings.setPropertyValue( "FieldDelimiter", " " );; // write the table(s) for our test final String tableLocation = m_database.getTableFileLocation().getAbsolutePath(); final PrintWriter tableWriter = new PrintWriter( new FileOutputStream( tableLocation + File.separatorChar + "dates.csv", false ) ); tableWriter.println( "ID date" ); tableWriter.println( "1 2013-01-01" ); tableWriter.println( "2 2012-02-02" ); tableWriter.println( "3 2011-03-03" ); tableWriter.close(); } public void after() { } private class EqualityDate extends Date { EqualityDate( short i_day, short i_month, short i_year ) { super( i_day, i_month, i_year ); } EqualityDate( Date i_date ) { super( i_date.Day, i_date.Month, i_date.Year ); } @Override public boolean equals( Object i_compare ) { if ( !( i_compare instanceof Date ) ) return false; return Day == ((Date)i_compare).Day && Month == ((Date)i_compare).Month && Year == ((Date)i_compare).Year; } } /** * ensures simple SELECTs from our table(s) work, and deliver the expected results */ public void testBasicAccess() { testRowSetResults( "SELECT * FROM \"dates\"", new RowSetIntGetter(1), new Integer[] { 1, 2, 3 }, "simple select", "wrong IDs" ); testRowSetResults( "SELECT * FROM \"dates\"", new RowSetDateGetter( 2 ), new EqualityDate[] { new EqualityDate( (short)1, (short)1, (short)2013 ), new EqualityDate( (short)2, (short)2, (short)2012 ), new EqualityDate( (short)3, (short)3, (short)2011 ) }, "simple select", "wrong dates" ); testRowSetResults( "SELECT \"date\", \"ID\" FROM \"dates\" ORDER BY \"ID\" DESC", new RowSetIntGetter( 2 ), new Integer[] { 3, 2, 1 }, "explicit column selection, sorted by IDs", "wrong IDs" ); testRowSetResults( "SELECT * FROM \"dates\" ORDER BY \"date\"", new RowSetIntGetter( 1 ), new Integer[] { 3, 2, 1 }, "sorted by date", "wrong IDs" ); } /** * ensures the basic functionality for selecting calendar functions from a CSV table - this is a prerequisite for * later tests. */ public void testCalendarFunctions() { // simple check for proper results of the calendar functions (DATE/MONTH) // The * at the first position is crucial here - there was code which wrongly calculated // column positions of function columns when * was present in the statement testRowSetResults( "SELECT \"dates\".*, YEAR( \"date\" ) FROM \"dates\"", new RowSetIntGetter( 3 ), new Integer[] { 2013, 2012, 2011 }, "YEAR function", "wrong calculated years" ); testRowSetResults( "SELECT \"dates\".*, MONTH( \"date\" ) FROM \"dates\"", new RowSetIntGetter( 3 ), new Integer[] { 1, 2, 3 }, "MONTH function", "wrong calculated months" ); } /** * ensures that sorting by a function column works */ public void testSortingByFunction() { // most simple case: select a function, and sort by it testRowSetResults( "SELECT YEAR( \"date\" ) AS \"year\" FROM \"dates\" ORDER BY \"year\"", new RowSetIntGetter(1), new Integer[] { 2011, 2012, 2013 }, "single YEAR selection, sorted by years", "wrong calculated years" ); // somewhat more "difficult" (this used to crash): Select all columns, plus a function, so the calculated // column has a position greater than column count testRowSetResults( "SELECT \"dates\".*, YEAR( \"date\" ) AS \"year\" FROM \"dates\" ORDER BY \"year\" DESC", new RowSetIntGetter(3), new Integer[] { 2013, 2012, 2011 }, "extended YEAR selection, sorted by years", "wrong calculated years" ); } private interface RowSetValueGetter { public Object getValue( final RowSet i_rowSet ) throws SQLException; } private abstract class RowSetColumnValueGetter implements RowSetValueGetter { RowSetColumnValueGetter( final int i_columnIndex ) { m_columnIndex = i_columnIndex; } protected final int m_columnIndex; } private class RowSetIntGetter extends RowSetColumnValueGetter { RowSetIntGetter( final int i_columnIndex ) { super( i_columnIndex ); } public Object getValue( final RowSet i_rowSet ) throws SQLException { return i_rowSet.getInt( m_columnIndex ); } } private class RowSetDateGetter extends RowSetColumnValueGetter { RowSetDateGetter( final int i_columnIndex ) { super( i_columnIndex ); } public Object getValue( final RowSet i_rowSet ) throws SQLException { return i_rowSet.getDate( m_columnIndex ); } } private void testRowSetResults( String i_command, RowSetValueGetter i_getter, T[] i_expectedValues, String i_context, String i_failureDesc ) { RowSet rowSet = null; try { rowSet = m_database.createRowSet( CommandType.COMMAND, i_command ); rowSet.execute(); List< T > values = new ArrayList< T >(); while ( ) { values.add( (T)i_getter.getValue( rowSet ) ); } assureEquals( i_context + ": " + i_failureDesc, i_expectedValues, values.toArray(), true ); } catch( final SQLException e ) { failed( i_context + ": caught an exception: " + e.toString(), false ); } finally { if ( rowSet != null ) rowSet.dispose(); } } private CsvDatabase m_database = null; }