Contains database pieces, drivers, etc. [[dbaccess]] builds UI on top of this. === PostgreSQL === For testing, use: podman pull postgres:latest podman run --name=postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=foobarbaz -p postgres:latest In Base, Connect to an existing database, select PostgreSQL: URL: host= port=5432 dbname=postgres User: postgres Password: foobarbaz podman stop postgres podman rm postgres In order to test SCRAM authentication, create the container like this: podman run --name=postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=foobarbaz -e POSTGRES_INITDB_ARGS=--auth-host=scram-sha-256 -e POSTGRES_HOST_AUTH_METHOD=scram-sha-256 -p postgres:latest === mysql_test === - The CppunitTest_mysql_test unit test can be used to test the mysqlc library with any versions of mysql or mariadb server of your choice. - This test does not run automatically. It can be triggered with setting the environment variable "CONNECTIVITY_TEST_MYSQL_DRIVER". - The environment variable should contain a URL of the following format: [user]/[passwd]@sdbc:mysql:mysqlc:[host]:[port]/db_name - tl;dr: podman pull mariadb/server podman run --name=mariadb -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=foobarbaz -p mariadb/server podman exec -it mariadb /bin/bash -c "echo -e CREATE DATABASE test | /usr/bin/mysql -u root" (cd connectivity && make -srj8 CppunitTest_connectivity_mysql_test CONNECTIVITY_TEST_MYSQL_DRIVER="root/foobarbaz@sdbc:mysql:mysqlc:") podman stop mariadb podman rm mariadb