/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #include "ErrorBarItemConverter.hxx" #include "SchWhichPairs.hxx" #include "macros.hxx" #include "ItemPropertyMap.hxx" #include "ErrorBar.hxx" #include "PropertyHelper.hxx" #include "ChartModelHelper.hxx" #include "ChartTypeHelper.hxx" #include "StatisticsHelper.hxx" #include "GraphicPropertyItemConverter.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace ::com::sun::star; namespace { void lcl_getErrorValues( const uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > & xErrorBarProp, double & rOutPosError, double & rOutNegError ) { if( ! xErrorBarProp.is()) return; try { xErrorBarProp->getPropertyValue( "PositiveError" ) >>= rOutPosError; xErrorBarProp->getPropertyValue( "NegativeError" ) >>= rOutNegError; } catch( const uno::Exception & ex ) { ASSERT_EXCEPTION( ex ); } } void lcl_getErrorIndicatorValues( const uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > & xErrorBarProp, bool & rOutShowPosError, bool & rOutShowNegError ) { if( ! xErrorBarProp.is()) return; try { xErrorBarProp->getPropertyValue( "ShowPositiveError" ) >>= rOutShowPosError; xErrorBarProp->getPropertyValue( "ShowNegativeError" ) >>= rOutShowNegError; } catch( const uno::Exception & ex ) { ASSERT_EXCEPTION( ex ); } } } // anonymous namespace namespace chart { namespace wrapper { ErrorBarItemConverter::ErrorBarItemConverter( const uno::Reference< frame::XModel > & xModel, const uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > & rPropertySet, SfxItemPool& rItemPool, SdrModel& rDrawModel, const uno::Reference< lang::XMultiServiceFactory > & xNamedPropertyContainerFactory ) : ItemConverter( rPropertySet, rItemPool ), m_spGraphicConverter( new GraphicPropertyItemConverter( rPropertySet, rItemPool, rDrawModel, xNamedPropertyContainerFactory, GraphicPropertyItemConverter::LINE_PROPERTIES )), m_xModel( xModel ) {} ErrorBarItemConverter::~ErrorBarItemConverter() {} void ErrorBarItemConverter::FillItemSet( SfxItemSet & rOutItemSet ) const { m_spGraphicConverter->FillItemSet( rOutItemSet ); // own items ItemConverter::FillItemSet( rOutItemSet ); } bool ErrorBarItemConverter::ApplyItemSet( const SfxItemSet & rItemSet ) { bool bResult = m_spGraphicConverter->ApplyItemSet( rItemSet ); // own items return ItemConverter::ApplyItemSet( rItemSet ) || bResult; } const sal_uInt16 * ErrorBarItemConverter::GetWhichPairs() const { // must span all used items! return nErrorBarWhichPairs; } bool ErrorBarItemConverter::GetItemProperty( tWhichIdType /* nWhichId */, tPropertyNameWithMemberId & /* rOutProperty */ ) const { return false; } bool ErrorBarItemConverter::ApplySpecialItem( sal_uInt16 nWhichId, const SfxItemSet & rItemSet ) throw( uno::Exception ) { bool bChanged = false; switch( nWhichId ) { // Attention !!! This case must be passed before SCHATTR_STAT_PERCENT, // SCHATTR_STAT_BIGERROR, SCHATTR_STAT_CONSTPLUS, // SCHATTR_STAT_CONSTMINUS and SCHATTR_STAT_INDICATE case SCHATTR_STAT_KIND_ERROR: { uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xErrorBarProp( GetPropertySet()); SvxChartKindError eErrorKind = static_cast< const SvxChartKindErrorItem & >( rItemSet.Get( nWhichId )).GetValue(); if( !xErrorBarProp.is() && eErrorKind == CHERROR_NONE) { //nothing to do } else { sal_Int32 nStyle = ::com::sun::star::chart::ErrorBarStyle::NONE; switch( eErrorKind ) { case CHERROR_NONE: nStyle = ::com::sun::star::chart::ErrorBarStyle::NONE; break; case CHERROR_VARIANT: nStyle = ::com::sun::star::chart::ErrorBarStyle::VARIANCE; break; case CHERROR_SIGMA: nStyle = ::com::sun::star::chart::ErrorBarStyle::STANDARD_DEVIATION; break; case CHERROR_PERCENT: nStyle = ::com::sun::star::chart::ErrorBarStyle::RELATIVE; break; case CHERROR_BIGERROR: nStyle = ::com::sun::star::chart::ErrorBarStyle::ERROR_MARGIN; break; case CHERROR_CONST: nStyle = ::com::sun::star::chart::ErrorBarStyle::ABSOLUTE; break; case CHERROR_STDERROR: nStyle = ::com::sun::star::chart::ErrorBarStyle::STANDARD_ERROR; break; case CHERROR_RANGE: nStyle = ::com::sun::star::chart::ErrorBarStyle::FROM_DATA; break; } xErrorBarProp->setPropertyValue( "ErrorBarStyle" , uno::makeAny( nStyle )); bChanged = true; } } break; case SCHATTR_STAT_PERCENT: case SCHATTR_STAT_BIGERROR: { OSL_FAIL( "Deprecated item" ); uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xErrorBarProp( GetPropertySet()); double fValue = static_cast< const SvxDoubleItem & >( rItemSet.Get( nWhichId )).GetValue(); double fPos(0.0), fNeg(0.0); lcl_getErrorValues( xErrorBarProp, fPos, fNeg ); if( ! ( ::rtl::math::approxEqual( fPos, fValue ) && ::rtl::math::approxEqual( fNeg, fValue ))) { xErrorBarProp->setPropertyValue( "PositiveError" , uno::makeAny( fValue )); xErrorBarProp->setPropertyValue( "NegativeError" , uno::makeAny( fValue )); bChanged = true; } } break; case SCHATTR_STAT_CONSTPLUS: { double fValue = static_cast< const SvxDoubleItem & >( rItemSet.Get( nWhichId )).GetValue(); double fPos(0.0), fNeg(0.0); lcl_getErrorValues( GetPropertySet(), fPos, fNeg ); if( ! ::rtl::math::approxEqual( fPos, fValue )) { GetPropertySet()->setPropertyValue( "PositiveError" , uno::makeAny( fValue )); bChanged = true; } } break; case SCHATTR_STAT_CONSTMINUS: { uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xErrorBarProp( GetPropertySet()); double fValue = static_cast< const SvxDoubleItem & >( rItemSet.Get( nWhichId )).GetValue(); double fPos(0.0), fNeg(0.0); lcl_getErrorValues( xErrorBarProp, fPos, fNeg ); if( ! ::rtl::math::approxEqual( fNeg, fValue )) { xErrorBarProp->setPropertyValue( "NegativeError" , uno::makeAny( fValue )); bChanged = true; } } break; case SCHATTR_STAT_INDICATE: { uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xErrorBarProp( GetPropertySet()); SvxChartIndicate eIndicate = static_cast< const SvxChartIndicateItem & >( rItemSet.Get( nWhichId )).GetValue(); bool bNewIndPos = (eIndicate == CHINDICATE_BOTH || eIndicate == CHINDICATE_UP ); bool bNewIndNeg = (eIndicate == CHINDICATE_BOTH || eIndicate == CHINDICATE_DOWN ); bool bShowPos(false), bShowNeg(false); lcl_getErrorIndicatorValues( xErrorBarProp, bShowPos, bShowNeg ); if( ( bShowPos != bNewIndPos || bShowNeg != bNewIndNeg )) { xErrorBarProp->setPropertyValue( "ShowPositiveError" , uno::makeAny( bNewIndPos )); xErrorBarProp->setPropertyValue( "ShowNegativeError" , uno::makeAny( bNewIndNeg )); bChanged = true; } } break; case SCHATTR_STAT_RANGE_POS: case SCHATTR_STAT_RANGE_NEG: { // @todo: also be able to deal with x-error bars const bool bYError = static_cast(rItemSet.Get(SCHATTR_STAT_ERRORBAR_TYPE)).GetValue(); uno::Reference< chart2::data::XDataSource > xErrorBarSource( GetPropertySet(), uno::UNO_QUERY ); uno::Reference< chart2::XChartDocument > xChartDoc( m_xModel, uno::UNO_QUERY ); uno::Reference< chart2::data::XDataProvider > xDataProvider; if( xChartDoc.is()) xDataProvider.set( xChartDoc->getDataProvider()); if( xErrorBarSource.is() && xDataProvider.is()) { OUString aNewRange( static_cast< const SfxStringItem & >( rItemSet.Get( nWhichId )).GetValue()); bool bApplyNewRange = false; bool bIsPositiveValue( nWhichId == SCHATTR_STAT_RANGE_POS ); if( xChartDoc->hasInternalDataProvider()) { if( !aNewRange.isEmpty()) { uno::Reference< chart2::data::XDataSequence > xSeq( StatisticsHelper::getErrorDataSequenceFromDataSource( xErrorBarSource, bIsPositiveValue, bYError )); if( ! xSeq.is()) { // no data range for error bars yet => create uno::Reference< chart2::XInternalDataProvider > xIntDataProvider( xDataProvider, uno::UNO_QUERY ); OSL_ASSERT( xIntDataProvider.is()); if( xIntDataProvider.is()) { xIntDataProvider->appendSequence(); aNewRange = "last"; bApplyNewRange = true; } } } } else { uno::Reference< chart2::data::XDataSequence > xSeq( StatisticsHelper::getErrorDataSequenceFromDataSource( xErrorBarSource, bIsPositiveValue, bYError )); bApplyNewRange = ! ( xSeq.is() && (aNewRange == xSeq->getSourceRangeRepresentation())); } if( bApplyNewRange ) StatisticsHelper::setErrorDataSequence( xErrorBarSource, xDataProvider, aNewRange, bIsPositiveValue, bYError ); } } break; } return bChanged; } void ErrorBarItemConverter::FillSpecialItem( sal_uInt16 nWhichId, SfxItemSet & rOutItemSet ) const throw( uno::Exception ) { switch( nWhichId ) { case SCHATTR_STAT_KIND_ERROR: { SvxChartKindError eErrorKind = CHERROR_NONE; uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xErrorBarProp( GetPropertySet()); sal_Int32 nStyle = 0; if( xErrorBarProp->getPropertyValue( "ErrorBarStyle" ) >>= nStyle ) { switch( nStyle ) { case ::com::sun::star::chart::ErrorBarStyle::NONE: break; case ::com::sun::star::chart::ErrorBarStyle::VARIANCE: eErrorKind = CHERROR_VARIANT; break; case ::com::sun::star::chart::ErrorBarStyle::STANDARD_DEVIATION: eErrorKind = CHERROR_SIGMA; break; case ::com::sun::star::chart::ErrorBarStyle::ABSOLUTE: eErrorKind = CHERROR_CONST; break; case ::com::sun::star::chart::ErrorBarStyle::RELATIVE: eErrorKind = CHERROR_PERCENT; break; case ::com::sun::star::chart::ErrorBarStyle::ERROR_MARGIN: eErrorKind = CHERROR_BIGERROR; break; case ::com::sun::star::chart::ErrorBarStyle::STANDARD_ERROR: eErrorKind = CHERROR_STDERROR; break; case ::com::sun::star::chart::ErrorBarStyle::FROM_DATA: eErrorKind = CHERROR_RANGE; break; } } rOutItemSet.Put( SvxChartKindErrorItem( eErrorKind, SCHATTR_STAT_KIND_ERROR )); } break; case SCHATTR_STAT_PERCENT: { double fPos(0.0), fNeg(0.0); lcl_getErrorValues( GetPropertySet(), fPos, fNeg ); rOutItemSet.Put( SvxDoubleItem( ( fPos + fNeg ) / 2.0, nWhichId )); } break; case SCHATTR_STAT_BIGERROR: { double fPos(0.0), fNeg(0.0); lcl_getErrorValues( GetPropertySet(), fPos, fNeg ); rOutItemSet.Put( SvxDoubleItem( ( fPos + fNeg ) / 2.0, nWhichId )); } break; case SCHATTR_STAT_CONSTPLUS: { double fPos(0.0), fNeg(0.0); lcl_getErrorValues( GetPropertySet(), fPos, fNeg ); rOutItemSet.Put( SvxDoubleItem( fPos, nWhichId )); } break; case SCHATTR_STAT_CONSTMINUS: { double fPos(0.0), fNeg(0.0); lcl_getErrorValues( GetPropertySet(), fPos, fNeg ); rOutItemSet.Put( SvxDoubleItem( fNeg, nWhichId )); } break; case SCHATTR_STAT_INDICATE: { SvxChartIndicate eIndicate = CHINDICATE_BOTH; bool bShowPos(false), bShowNeg(false); lcl_getErrorIndicatorValues( GetPropertySet(), bShowPos, bShowNeg ); if( bShowPos ) { if( bShowNeg ) eIndicate = CHINDICATE_BOTH; else eIndicate = CHINDICATE_UP; } else { if( bShowNeg ) eIndicate = CHINDICATE_DOWN; else eIndicate = CHINDICATE_NONE; } rOutItemSet.Put( SvxChartIndicateItem( eIndicate, SCHATTR_STAT_INDICATE )); } break; case SCHATTR_STAT_RANGE_POS: case SCHATTR_STAT_RANGE_NEG: { const bool bYError = static_cast(rOutItemSet.Get(SCHATTR_STAT_ERRORBAR_TYPE)).GetValue(); uno::Reference< chart2::data::XDataSource > xErrorBarSource( GetPropertySet(), uno::UNO_QUERY ); if( xErrorBarSource.is()) { uno::Reference< chart2::data::XDataSequence > xSeq( StatisticsHelper::getErrorDataSequenceFromDataSource( xErrorBarSource, (nWhichId == SCHATTR_STAT_RANGE_POS), bYError )); if( xSeq.is()) rOutItemSet.Put( SfxStringItem( nWhichId, xSeq->getSourceRangeRepresentation())); } } break; } } } // namespace wrapper } // namespace chart /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */