#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; py-indent-offset: 4 -*- # # This file is part of the LibreOffice project. # # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # # This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: # # Copyright (c) 2018 Martin Pieuchot # Copyright (c) 2018 Samuel Thibault # # Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any # purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above # copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES # WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR # ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES # WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN # ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF # OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. # Take LibreOffice (glade) .ui files and check for non accessible widgets from __future__ import print_function import os import sys import getopt try: import lxml.etree as ET lxml = True except ImportError: if sys.version_info < (2,7): exit() import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET lxml = False progname = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) suppressions = {} gen_suppr = None gen_supprfile = None suppr_prefix = "" outfile = None pflag = False Werror = False Wnone = False errors = 0 errexists = 0 warnings = 0 warnexists = 0 def step_elm(elm): """ Return the XML class path step corresponding to elm. This can be empty if the elm does not have any class or id. """ step = elm.attrib.get('class') if step is None: step = "" oid = elm.attrib.get('id') if oid is not None: oid = oid.encode('ascii','ignore').decode('ascii') step += "[@id='%s']" % oid if len(step) > 0: step += '/' return step def find_elm(root, elm): """ Return the XML class path of the element from the given root. This is the slow version used when getparent is not available. """ if root == elm: return "" for o in root: path = find_elm(o, elm) if path is not None: step = step_elm(o) return step + path return None def errpath(filename, tree, elm): """ Return the XML class path of the element """ if elm is None: return "" path = "" if 'class' in elm.attrib: path += elm.attrib['class'] oid = elm.attrib.get('id') if oid is not None: oid = oid.encode('ascii','ignore').decode('ascii') path += "[@id='%s']" % oid if lxml: elm = elm.getparent() while elm is not None: step = step_elm(elm) path = step + path elm = elm.getparent() else: path = find_elm(tree.getroot(), elm)[:-1] path = filename + ':' + path return path def elm_prefix(filename, elm): """ Return the display prefix of the element """ if elm == None or not lxml: return "%s:" % filename else: return "%s:%u" % (filename, elm.sourceline) def elm_name(elm): """ Return a display name of the element """ if elm is not None: name = "" if 'class' in elm.attrib: name = "'%s' " % elm.attrib['class'] if 'id' in elm.attrib: id = elm.attrib['id'].encode('ascii','ignore').decode('ascii') name += "'%s' " % id return name return "" def elm_suppr(filename, tree, elm, msgtype): """ Return the prefix to be displayed to the user and the suppression line for the warning type "msgtype" for element "elm" """ global gen_suppr, gen_supprfile, suppr_prefix, pflag if suppressions or gen_suppr is not None or pflag: prefix = errpath(filename, tree, elm) if prefix[0:len(suppr_prefix)] == suppr_prefix: prefix = prefix[len(suppr_prefix):] if suppressions or gen_suppr is not None: suppr = '%s %s' % (prefix, msgtype) if gen_suppr is not None and msgtype is not None: if gen_supprfile is None: gen_supprfile = open(gen_suppr, 'w') print(suppr, file=gen_supprfile) else: suppr = None if not pflag: # Use user-friendly line numbers prefix = elm_prefix(filename, elm) if prefix[0:len(suppr_prefix)] == suppr_prefix: prefix = prefix[len(suppr_prefix):] return (prefix, suppr) def err(filename, tree, elm, msgtype, msg): """ Emit an error for an element """ global errors, errexists (prefix, suppr) = elm_suppr(filename, tree, elm, msgtype) if suppr in suppressions: # Suppressed errexists += 1 return errors += 1 msg = "%s ERROR: %s%s" % (prefix, elm_name(elm), msg) print(msg) if outfile is not None: print(msg, file=outfile) def warn(filename, tree, elm, msgtype, msg): """ Emit a warning for an element """ global Werror, Wnone, errors, errexists, warnings, warnexists if Wnone: return (prefix, suppr) = elm_suppr(filename, tree, elm, msgtype) if suppr in suppressions: # Suppressed if Werror: errexists += 1 else: warnexists += 1 return if Werror: errors += 1 else: warnings += 1 msg = "%s WARNING: %s%s" % (prefix, elm_name(elm), msg) print(msg) if outfile is not None: print(msg, file=outfile) def check_objects(filename, tree, elm, objects, target): """ Check that objects contains exactly one object """ length = len(list(objects)) if length == 0: err(filename, tree, elm, "undeclared-target", "uses undeclared target '%s'" % target) elif length > 1: err(filename, tree, elm, "multiple-target", "several targets are named '%s'" % target) def check_props(filename, tree, root, elm, props): """ Check the given list of relation properties """ for prop in props: objects = root.iterfind(".//object[@id='%s']" % prop.text) check_objects(filename, tree, elm, objects, prop.text) def check_rels(filename, tree, root, elm, rels): """ Check the given list of relations """ for rel in rels: target = rel.attrib['target'] targets = root.iterfind(".//object[@id='%s']" % target) check_objects(filename, tree, elm, targets, target) def elms_lines(elms): """ Return the list of lines for the given elements. """ if lxml: return ": lines " + ', '.join([str(l.sourceline) for l in elms]) else: return "" def check_a11y_relation(filename, tree): """ Emit an error message if any of the 'object' elements of the XML document represented by `root' doesn't comply with Accessibility rules. """ root = tree.getroot() for obj in root.iter('object'): label_for = obj.findall("accessibility/relation[@type='label-for']") check_rels(filename, tree, root, obj, label_for) labelled_by = obj.findall("accessibility/relation[@type='labelled-by']") check_rels(filename, tree, root, obj, labelled_by) member_of = obj.findall("accessibility/relation[@type='member-of']") check_rels(filename, tree, root, obj, member_of) if obj.attrib['class'] == 'GtkLabel': # Case 0: A 'GtkLabel' must contain one or more "label-for" # pointing to existing elements or... if len(label_for) > 0: continue # ...a single "mnemonic_widget" properties = obj.findall("property[@name='mnemonic_widget']") check_props(filename, tree, root, obj, properties) if len(properties) > 1: # It does not make sense for a label to be a mnemonic for # several actions. err(filename, tree, obj, "multiple-mnemonic", "has too many sub-elements" ", expected single " "%s" % elms_lines(properties)) continue if len(properties) == 1: continue # TODO: warn that it is a label for nothing continue # Case 1: has a sub-element children = obj.findall("child[@internal-child='accessible']") if children: if len(children) > 1: err(filename, tree, obj, "multiple-accessible", "has too many sub-elements" ", expected single " "%s" % elms_lines(children)) continue # Case 2: has an sub-element with a "labelled-by" # pointing to an existing element. if len(labelled_by) > 0: continue # Case 3/4: has an ID... oid = obj.attrib.get('id') if oid is not None: # ...referenced by a single "label-for" rels = root.iterfind(".//relation[@target='%s']" % oid) labelfor = [r for r in rels if r.attrib.get('type') == 'label-for'] if len(labelfor) == 1: continue if len(labelfor) > 1: err(filename, tree, obj, "multiple-label-for", "has too many elements" ", expected single " "%s" % (oid, elm_lines(labelfor))) continue # ...referenced by a single "mnemonic_widget" props = root.iterfind(".//property[@name='mnemonic_widget']") props = [p for p in props if p.text == oid] # TODO: warn when more than one. if len(props) >= 1: continue # TODO: after a few more checks and false-positives filtering, warn # that this does not have a label if obj.attrib['class'] == "GtkScale": # GtkScale definitely needs a context err(filename, tree, obj, "no-labelled-by", "has no accessibility label") def usage(): print("%s [-W error|none] [-p] [-g SUPPR_FILE] [-s SUPPR_FILE] [-P SUPPR_PREFIX] [-o LOG_FILE] [file ... | -L filelist]" % progname, file=sys.stderr) print(" -p print XML class path instead of line number"); print(" -g Generate suppression file SUPPR_FILE"); print(" -s Suppress warnings given by file SUPPR_FILE"); print(" -P Suppress SUPPR_PREFIX from emitted warnings, e.g. absolute source directory"); print(" -o Also prints errors and warnings to given file"); sys.exit(2) def main(): global pflag, Werror, Wnone, gen_suppr, gen_supprfile, suppressions, suppr_prefix, errors, outfile try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "W:pg:s:P:o:L:") except getopt.GetoptError: usage() suppr = None out = None filelist = None for o, a in opts: if o == "-W": if a == "error": Werror = True elif a == "none": Wnone = True elif o == "-p": pflag = True elif o == "-g": gen_suppr = a elif o == "-s": suppr = a elif o == "-P": suppr_prefix = a elif o == "-o": out = a elif o == "-L": filelist = a # Read suppression file before overwriting it if suppr is not None: try: supprfile = open(suppr, 'r') for line in supprfile.readlines(): prefix = line.rstrip() suppressions[prefix] = True supprfile.close() except IOError: pass if out is not None: outfile = open(out, 'w') if filelist is not None: try: filelistfile = open(filelist, 'r') for line in filelistfile.readlines(): line = line.strip() if line: args += line.split(' ') filelistfile.close() except IOError: err(filelist, None, None, "unable to read file list file") for filename in args: try: tree = ET.parse(filename) except ET.ParseError: err(filename, None, None, "parse", "malformatted xml file") continue except IOError: err(filename, None, None, None, "unable to read file") continue try: check_a11y_relation(filename, tree) except Exception as error: import traceback traceback.print_exc() err(filename, None, None, "parse", "error parsing file") if errors > 0 or errexists > 0: estr = "%s new error%s" % (errors, 's' if errors > 1 else '') if errexists > 0: estr += " (%s suppressed by %s)" % (errexists, suppr) print(estr) if warnings > 0 or warnexists > 0: wstr = "%s new warning%s" % (warnings, 's' if warnings > 1 else '') if warnexists > 0: wstr += " (%s suppressed by %s)" % (warnexists, suppr) print(wstr) if gen_supprfile is not None: gen_supprfile.close() if outfile is not None: outfile.close() if errors > 0 and gen_suppr is None: sys.exit(1) if __name__ == "__main__": try: main() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass # vim: set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: