/************************************************************************* * * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * Copyright 2008 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * $RCSfile: basmgr.hxx,v $ * $Revision: 1.5 $ * * This file is part of OpenOffice.org. * * OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * version 3 along with OpenOffice.org. If not, see * * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License. * ************************************************************************/ // #ifndef _BASMGR_HXX #define _BASMGR_HXX #include #include #include #include #include // Basic XML Import/Export com::sun::star::uno::Reference< com::sun::star::script::XStarBasicAccess > getStarBasicAccess( BasicManager* pMgr ); class SotStorage; #define BASERR_ID_STDLIBOPEN ERRCODE_BASMGR_STDLIBOPEN #define BASERR_ID_STDLIBSAVE ERRCODE_BASMGR_STDLIBSAVE #define BASERR_ID_LIBLOAD ERRCODE_BASMGR_LIBLOAD #define BASERR_ID_LIBCREATE ERRCODE_BASMGR_LIBCREATE #define BASERR_ID_LIBSAVE ERRCODE_BASMGR_LIBSAVE #define BASERR_ID_LIBDEL ERRCODE_BASMGR_LIBDEL #define BASERR_ID_MGROPEN ERRCODE_BASMGR_MGROPEN #define BASERR_ID_MGRSAVE ERRCODE_BASMGR_MGRSAVE #define BASERR_ID_REMOVELIB ERRCODE_BASMGR_REMOVELIB #define BASERR_ID_UNLOADLIB ERRCODE_BASMGR_UNLOADLIB #define BASERR_REASON_OPENSTORAGE 0x0001 #define BASERR_REASON_OPENLIBSTORAGE 0x0002 #define BASERR_REASON_OPENMGRSTREAM 0x0004 #define BASERR_REASON_OPENLIBSTREAM 0x0008 #define BASERR_REASON_LIBNOTFOUND 0x0010 #define BASERR_REASON_STORAGENOTFOUND 0x0020 #define BASERR_REASON_BASICLOADERROR 0x0040 #define BASERR_REASON_NOSTORAGENAME 0x0080 #define BASERR_REASON_STDLIB 0x0100 class BasicError { private: ULONG nErrorId; USHORT nReason; String aErrStr; public: BasicError(); BasicError( const BasicError& rErr ); BasicError( ULONG nId, USHORT nR, const String& rErrStr ); ULONG GetErrorId() const { return nErrorId; } USHORT GetReason() const { return nReason; } String GetErrorStr() { return aErrStr; } void SetErrorId( ULONG n ) { nErrorId = n; } void SetReason( USHORT n ) { nReason = n; } void SetErrorStr( const String& rStr) { aErrStr = rStr; } }; // class BasicLibs; class ErrorManager; class BasicLibInfo; class BasicErrorManager; namespace basic { class BasicManagerCleaner; } // Library password handling for 5.0 documents class OldBasicPassword { public: virtual void setLibraryPassword( const String& rLibraryName, const String& rPassword ) = 0; virtual String getLibraryPassword( const String& rLibraryName ) = 0; virtual void clearLibraryPassword( const String& rLibraryName ) = 0; virtual sal_Bool hasLibraryPassword( const String& rLibraryName ) = 0; }; struct LibraryContainerInfo { ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< com::sun::star::script::XPersistentLibraryContainer > mxScriptCont; ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< com::sun::star::script::XPersistentLibraryContainer > mxDialogCont; OldBasicPassword* mpOldBasicPassword; LibraryContainerInfo() :mpOldBasicPassword( NULL ) { } LibraryContainerInfo ( com::sun::star::uno::Reference< com::sun::star::script::XPersistentLibraryContainer > xScriptCont, com::sun::star::uno::Reference< com::sun::star::script::XPersistentLibraryContainer > xDialogCont, OldBasicPassword* pOldBasicPassword ) : mxScriptCont( xScriptCont ) , mxDialogCont( xDialogCont ) , mpOldBasicPassword( pOldBasicPassword ) {} }; struct BasicManagerImpl; #define LIB_NOTFOUND 0xFFFF class BasicManager : public SfxBroadcaster { friend class LibraryContainer_Impl; friend class StarBasicAccess_Impl; friend class BasMgrContainerListenerImpl; friend class ::basic::BasicManagerCleaner; private: BasicLibs* pLibs; BasicErrorManager* pErrorMgr; String aName; String maStorageName; BOOL bBasMgrModified; BOOL mbDocMgr; BasicManagerImpl* mpImpl; void Init(); protected: BOOL ImpLoadLibary( BasicLibInfo* pLibInfo ) const; BOOL ImpLoadLibary( BasicLibInfo* pLibInfo, SotStorage* pCurStorage, BOOL bInfosOnly = FALSE ) const; void ImpCreateStdLib( StarBASIC* pParentFromStdLib ); void ImpMgrNotLoaded( const String& rStorageName ); BasicLibInfo* CreateLibInfo(); void LoadBasicManager( SotStorage& rStorage, const String& rBaseURL, BOOL bLoadBasics = TRUE ); void LoadOldBasicManager( SotStorage& rStorage ); BOOL ImplLoadBasic( SvStream& rStrm, StarBASICRef& rOldBasic ) const; BOOL ImplEncryptStream( SvStream& rStream ) const; BasicLibInfo* FindLibInfo( StarBASIC* pBasic ) const; void CheckModules( StarBASIC* pBasic, BOOL bReference ) const; void SetFlagToAllLibs( short nFlag, BOOL bSet ) const; BasicManager(); // Nur zum anpassen von Pfaden bei 'Speichern unter'. ~BasicManager(); public: TYPEINFO(); BasicManager( SotStorage& rStorage, const String& rBaseURL, StarBASIC* pParentFromStdLib = NULL, String* pLibPath = NULL, BOOL bDocMgr = FALSE ); BasicManager( StarBASIC* pStdLib, String* pLibPath = NULL, BOOL bDocMgr = FALSE ); /** deletes the given BasicManager instance This method is necessary since normally, BasicManager instances are owned by the BasicManagerRepository, and expected to be deleted by the repository only. However, there exists quite some legacy code, which needs to explicitly delete a BasicManager itself. This code must not use the (protected) destructor, but LegacyDeleteBasicManager. */ static void LegacyDeleteBasicManager( BasicManager*& _rpManager ); void SetStorageName( const String& rName ) { maStorageName = rName; } String GetStorageName() const { return maStorageName; } void SetName( const String& rName ) { aName = rName; } String GetName() const { return aName; } USHORT GetLibCount() const; StarBASIC* GetLib( USHORT nLib ) const; StarBASIC* GetLib( const String& rName ) const; USHORT GetLibId( const String& rName ) const; String GetLibName( USHORT nLib ); /** announces the library containers which belong to this BasicManager The method will automatically add two global constants, BasicLibraries and DialogLibraries, to the BasicManager. */ void SetLibraryContainerInfo( const LibraryContainerInfo& rInfo ); const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< com::sun::star::script::XPersistentLibraryContainer >& GetDialogLibraryContainer() const; const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< com::sun::star::script::XPersistentLibraryContainer >& GetScriptLibraryContainer() const; BOOL LoadLib( USHORT nLib ); BOOL RemoveLib( USHORT nLib, BOOL bDelBasicFromStorage ); // Modify-Flag wird nur beim Speichern zurueckgesetzt. BOOL IsModified() const; BOOL IsBasicModified() const; BOOL HasErrors(); void ClearErrors(); BasicError* GetFirstError(); BasicError* GetNextError(); /** sets a global constant in the basic library, referring to some UNO object, to a new value. If a constant with this name already existed before, its value is changed, and the old constant is returned. If it does not yet exist, it is newly created, and inserted into the basic library. */ ::com::sun::star::uno::Any SetGlobalUNOConstant( const sal_Char* _pAsciiName, const ::com::sun::star::uno::Any& _rValue ); /** determines whether there are password-protected modules whose size exceedes the legacy module size @param _out_rModuleNames takes the names of modules whose size exceeds the legacy limit */ bool LegacyPsswdBinaryLimitExceeded( ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< rtl::OUString >& _out_rModuleNames ); private: BOOL IsReference( USHORT nLib ); BOOL SetLibName( USHORT nLib, const String& rName ); StarBASIC* GetStdLib() const; StarBASIC* AddLib( SotStorage& rStorage, const String& rLibName, BOOL bReference ); BOOL RemoveLib( USHORT nLib ); BOOL HasLib( const String& rName ) const; StarBASIC* CreateLibForLibContainer( const String& rLibName, const com::sun::star::uno::Reference< com::sun::star::script::XLibraryContainer >& xScriptCont ); // For XML import/export: StarBASIC* CreateLib( const String& rLibName ); StarBASIC* CreateLib( const String& rLibName, const String& Password, const String& LinkTargetURL ); }; void SetAppBasicManager( BasicManager* pBasMgr ); #endif //_BASMGR_HXX