path: root/vcl/
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2013-04-30Move to MPLv2 license headers, with ESC decision and author's permission.Michael Meeks1-21/+4
2012-09-28gbuild: invert handling of standard system libraries:Michael Stahl1-2/+0
2012-09-28gbuild: replace direct gb_STDLIBS use with ...Michael Stahl1-1/+2
2012-04-08gbuild: "use" vs. "add":Michael Stahl1-1/+1
2012-04-03vcl: use CustomTarget makefile for kde_mocMatúš Kukan1-4/+0
2012-04-02KDE3 file picker moved from fpicker to vclCédric Bosdonnat1-0/+66