path: root/svtools/source/misc/svtdata.cxx
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2011-11-27remove include of pch header from svtoolsNorbert Thiebaud1-2/+0
2011-03-11Merge commit 'ooo/DEV300_m101' into intm101Jan Holesovsky1-19/+5
2011-01-10removetooltypes: #i112600# remove tooltypesMikhail Voytenko1-2/+2
2010-10-28CWS gnumake: resync to m91; conflicts unresolvedMathias Bauer1-19/+0
2010-10-25convert vos/process.hxx and related APINorbert Thiebaud1-1/+0
2010-10-14Add vim/emacs modelines to all source filesSebastian Spaeth1-0/+2
2010-08-09vcl114: #i113755# remove unused svp resourcePhilipp Lohmann [pl]1-19/+0
2010-04-17CWS gnumake2: rebase to DEV300_m76; fix build problemsMathias Bauer1-4/+1
2010-04-16CWS gnumake2: move delivered header files from sfx2/inc to sfx2/inc/sfx2; rem...Mathias Bauer1-0/+5
2010-02-12changefileheader2: #i109125#: change source file copyright notice from Sun Mi...Jens-Heiner Rechtien1-4/+1
2009-10-08#i103496#: make svtools buildableMathias Bauer1-31/+13
2009-10-08#i103496#: split svtools in two libs, depending on whether the code needs vcl...Mathias Bauer1-0/+113