path: root/sd/source/ui/annotations/annotationmanager.cxx
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2011-01-17removetooltypes01: #i112600# Remove tools types from sdCarsten Driesner1-19/+19
2010-06-14cws impress190: rebase m82Christian Lippka1-2/+2
2010-05-05#i89450# removed unused codeChristian Lippka1-2/+2
2010-03-24#i108917# fixed confusing behaviour of context menu and meta drop down menu i...Vladimir Glazunov1-2/+2
2010-03-11autorecovery: merged changes from m74. Still need to find out how to re-do tw...Frank Schoenheit [fs]1-14/+11
2010-02-17CWS-TOOLING: integrate CWS changefileheader2Vladimir Glazunov1-4/+1
2010-02-12changefileheader2: #i109125#: change source file copyright notice from Sun Mi...Jens-Heiner Rechtien1-4/+1
2010-01-08autorecovery: merge after rebase to m69Frank Schoenheit [fs]1-1/+1
2010-01-08#i107450#: build all other modules with new editeng libMathias Bauer1-10/+10
2009-12-15autorecovery: SfxViewFrame's SfxFrame is a reference now, no pointer (it can ...Frank Schoenheit [fs]1-1/+1
2009-12-14CWS-TOOLING: integrate CWS ooo32gsl08_DEV300Vladimir Glazunov1-1/+1
2009-11-25fixed typoChristian Lippka1-1/+1
2009-10-26merge commit for m62Mathias Bauer1-11/+23
2009-10-16#i103496#: split svtools; improve ConfitItemsMathias Bauer1-3/+3
2009-10-06#103496#: move VCL free ConfigItems to unotoolsMathias Bauer1-2/+2
2009-10-01CWS-TOOLING: integrate CWS impressnotes03Vladimir Glazounov1-11/+23
2009-09-16CWS-TOOLING: integrate CWS impressnotes01Ivo Hinkelmann1-0/+1264