path: root/sc/source/ui/view/cellsh1.cxx
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2012-02-04Fix 3 "Possible inefficient checking"Julien Nabet1-1/+1
2012-02-04No more ScStrCollection in pivot table code.Kohei Yoshida1-3/+3
2012-01-07Remove superfluous _ZFORLIST_DECLARE_TABLE definition.Marcel Metz1-1/+0
2011-11-27remove include of pch header from scNorbert Thiebaud1-2/+0
2011-11-24change ScRangeName's container to boost::ptr_mapMarkus Mohrhard1-1/+1
2011-11-23Reducing header dependency on markdata.hxx.Kohei Yoshida1-0/+1
2011-11-23ManageNames: make pasting of multiple names working and fix crashMarkus Mohrhard1-1/+10
2011-11-23ManageNames: add table to "Paste Names" dialogMarkus Mohrhard1-3/+1
2011-11-23ManageNames: make Define Name dialog work againMarkus Mohrhard1-0/+11
2011-11-23ManageNames: restructure the codeMarkus Mohrhard1-17/+2
2011-11-23Manage Names: add most logic to Define Name dialogMarkus Mohrhard1-1/+4
2011-11-23ManageNames: improve AddNames UI, no logic yetMarkus Mohrhard1-1/+4
2011-11-23ManageNames: add menu and dialog for Add NameMarkus Mohrhard1-0/+10
2011-11-17german comments translated to english On branch master Changes to be committe...Winfried Donkers1-46/+44
2011-11-08fdo#36100: show blink borders for cut like we do for copyMarkus Mohrhard1-3/+4
2011-09-12Moved PasteFromClipboard() from ScCellShell to ScClipUtil (new class).Kohei Yoshida1-51/+2
2011-06-15add local range names to ScNamePasteDlgMarkus Mohrhard1-1/+2
2011-06-10fdo#33137: Prevent crash on pivot table with invalid database connection.Kohei Yoshida1-1/+23
2011-05-27Replace DBG_* with OSL_* in sc/source/uiJacek Wolszczak1-37/+37
2011-05-13Renamed dbcolect.?xx to dbdata.?xx.Kohei Yoshida1-1/+1
2011-04-01Added bits for subtotals to make use of anonymous db ranges.Kohei Yoshida1-1/+14
2011-03-30centralize caserotateCaolán McNamara1-24/+2
2011-03-23Prefer early return and reduce indent level.Kohei Yoshida1-40/+39
2011-03-23Extracted method for subtotals function.Kohei Yoshida1-0/+64
2011-03-23Detect error conditions during initial datapilot construction.Kohei Yoshida1-4/+22
2011-03-21FIX BUG 32559 - calcDózsa Bálint1-0/+30
2011-03-10Merge commit 'ooo/DEV300_m101' into integration/dev300_m101Kohei Yoshida1-118/+118
2011-03-05More on adjusting for ScRangeName's new API.Kohei Yoshida1-13/+3
2011-03-05Identified and tagged all places where I need to modify.Kohei Yoshida1-0/+3
2011-03-02Remove bogus comments.Guillaume Poussel1-5/+5
2011-03-02Move DBG_ERROR to OSL_FAILThomas Arnhold1-4/+4
2011-03-01Put all the other pieces into place.Kohei Yoshida1-0/+25
2011-03-01Initial change to display named range option in the source dialog.Kohei Yoshida1-3/+3
2011-03-01Used boost::scoped_ptr to manage instances.Kohei Yoshida1-13/+20
2011-03-01Extracted datapilot handling code into its own method.Kohei Yoshida1-0/+143
2011-01-17removetooltypes01: #i112600# remove tooltypes from scMikhail Voytenko1-107/+107
2011-01-17Remove some dead code in 'view'Thomas Arnhold1-3/+0
2010-11-02replace use RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAMGert Faller1-7/+5
2010-10-13Add vim/emacs modelines to all source filesSebastian Spaeth1-0/+3
2010-10-04Port calc-xls-import-mem-footprint.diff from ooo-build.Kohei Yoshida1-3/+2
2010-10-04Ported calc-insert-current-time-sc.diff from ooo-build.Kohei Yoshida1-0/+8
2010-10-01Finished removing //CHINA comments and odd dead code from sc/source/ui/*Luke Symes1-60/+28
2010-09-28Port cws-koheicopyborder-sc.diff from ooo-build.Kohei Yoshida1-1/+8
2010-09-16calc-jump-on-formula-ref-sc.diff: MigratedKohei Yoshida1-0/+7
2010-03-11autorecovery: merged changes from m74. Still need to find out how to re-do tw...Frank Schoenheit [fs]1-5/+2
2010-02-17CWS-TOOLING: integrate CWS changefileheader2Vladimir Glazunov1-4/+1
2010-02-12changefileheader2: #i109125#: change source file copyright notice from Sun Mi...Jens-Heiner Rechtien1-4/+1
2010-01-08autorecovery: merge after rebase to m69Frank Schoenheit [fs]1-1/+1
2010-01-08#i107450#: build all other modules with new editeng libMathias Bauer1-1/+1
2009-12-15autorecovery: SfxViewFrame's SfxFrame is a reference now, no pointer (it can ...Frank Schoenheit [fs]1-1/+1