path: root/sc/source/core
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2014-11-29test rows for validityCaolán McNamara1-0/+3
2014-11-26fix fdo#79441 again and keep references to other sheets during sortEike Rathke3-0/+49
2014-11-23added Lithuanian "LTL" to EUROCONVERT(), CONVERT()Aurimas Fišeras1-1/+2
2014-11-20fdo#83765 do not update references in SortReorderByColumn() if disabledEike Rathke2-5/+8
2014-10-27fdo#85282: Correct adjustment of range reference on delete & shift.Kohei Yoshida1-6/+61
2014-10-27fdo#85215: Ensure that formula broadcasting works after sort.Kohei Yoshida1-0/+15
2014-10-26fdo#85215: Don't adjust references wrt cell position when disabled.Kohei Yoshida1-2/+5
2014-10-18fdo#82047: Correctly adjust references in range names on row deletion.Kohei Yoshida1-0/+47
2014-10-18fdo#80284: Avoid broadcasting during cell delete & shift.Kohei Yoshida1-5/+2
2014-10-17fdo#81633: Add a hidden configuration option to toggle ref update on sort.Kohei Yoshida3-63/+91
2014-10-17fdo#73080: Fix the single cell reference cases as well.Kohei Yoshida1-22/+32
2014-10-15fdo#73080: Correctly count blank cells in COUNTBLANK.Kohei Yoshida1-2/+20
2014-10-12fdo#83901: ROW() and COLUMN() to be properly recalculated on cell move.Kohei Yoshida2-1/+7
2014-10-06cp#1000103: Set 3D flag when adjusting reference on cell move.Kohei Yoshida1-0/+4
2014-10-06resolved fdo#82936 do not clear the 3D flag on refupdateEike Rathke1-1/+2
2014-09-23bnc#592918: Display data description in pivot table.Kohei Yoshida1-0/+9
2014-09-23fdo#83764: Ensure that the row position is below MAXROW.Kohei Yoshida2-3/+11
2014-09-15check for empty slots' valid NULL pointer, fdo#79441Eike Rathke1-1/+2
2014-09-15Resolves fdo#81084 fdo#81696 fdo#80874 fdo#81010 : sort causes crashDeena Francis1-0/+4
2014-09-09fix copy&paste of conditional format between sheetsMarkus Mohrhard1-4/+0
2014-09-09prevent duplicated conditional formatting during copying of sheeetsMarkus Mohrhard1-2/+0
2014-08-23correct references after sort, fdo#79441cp-4.2-8Eike Rathke5-10/+103
2014-08-21fdo#80501: Ensure that we notify each listener only once.Kohei Yoshida5-36/+51
2014-08-21fdo#81330: When moving to a different sheet, set 3D flag on.Kohei Yoshida1-0/+5
2014-08-21fdo#79578: Properly update formulas upon change in db collection.Kohei Yoshida7-107/+54
2014-08-21fdo#81617: Split formula groups at sort range boundaries.Kohei Yoshida2-0/+16
2014-07-22resolved fdo#81294 store correct sheet number during range names updateEike Rathke1-6/+12
2014-07-22resolved fdo#80195 act on implicitly propagated error, if anyEike Rathke1-0/+5
2014-07-18bnc#885548: Adjust xlsx export of revisions to get it to work in Excel.Kohei Yoshida1-0/+7
2014-07-16fdo#81445: Display correct label for empty cell.Kohei Yoshida1-3/+2
2014-07-14Preserve the "end of list" flag for xls round-tripping.Kohei Yoshida1-18/+28
2014-07-14fdo#81309: Adjust references during sort.Kohei Yoshida10-137/+682
2014-07-14resolved fdo#77018 keep external references intact during sortEike Rathke1-0/+17
2014-07-14resolved fdo#79441 keep 3D references intact during sortEike Rathke2-3/+4
2014-07-06fdo#80813 - avoid FMR by re-fetch pattern after a potential re-calculation.Michael Meeks1-2/+6
2014-06-19fdo#71076, fdo#71767: Preserve number formats when charts are copied.Kohei Yoshida3-4/+21
2014-06-18resolved fdo#79957 propagate ForceArray through jump tokensEike Rathke1-1/+1
2014-06-18resolved fdo#79978 propagate error through DoubleArray of matrixEike Rathke3-8/+20
2014-06-11fdo#76324: Make pasting a lot of cell notes faster by disabling broadcasting.Matúš Kukan1-0/+12
2014-06-10unify the handling of string position arguments, fdo#75971 relatedEike Rathke2-24/+78
2014-06-10Resolves fdo#75971 Crash when invoking "Insert > Names > Create"Julien Nabet1-2/+2
2014-06-10Try not to use ScDocument as a "anything can go in" storage place.Kohei Yoshida1-2/+1
2014-06-10Integrate branch of IAccessible2Steve Yin5-2/+194
2014-06-02resolved fdo#70455 B1:SOMENAME is not a valid singleton referenceEike Rathke1-6/+15
2014-06-02do not replace a General format with a General formatEike Rathke1-3/+14
2014-06-02Resolves: fdo#79392 don't access after last row, when last row is max last rowCaolán McNamara1-10/+13
2014-06-02coverity#1078626 Missing break in switchCaolán McNamara1-1/+1
2014-06-02resolved rhbz#1101224 do not attempt to obtain names for NULL tabsEike Rathke1-2/+7
2014-06-02fdo#78976: Correct way to determine the end position for matrix check.Kohei Yoshida1-1/+1
2014-06-02fdo#78903: Don't broadcast prematurely during cell deletion.Kohei Yoshida1-22/+0