path: root/javaunohelper/com
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2011-06-16silence a javadoc warningNorbert Thiebaud1-1/+1
2011-06-16silence a couple of javadoc warningsNorbert Thiebaud1-2/+2
2011-03-08Merge commit 'ooo/DEV300_m101' into integration/dev300_m101Norbert Thiebaud2-22/+29
* commit 'ooo/DEV300_m101': (185 commits) chart52: cleanup unused legend entry stuff in preparation of issue #i82802# masterfix: #i10000# add missing dependency in offapi sb138: #i115619# fix for MinGW sb138: #i115619#, #i116038# use osl_setThreadName in binaryurp sb138: #i115619# osl_setThreadName gridsort: i116682: update UnoControlDialog to reflect XDialog gridsort: minor changes to the new API: - renamed XMutableGridDataModel::setRowHeading to updateRowHeading for consistency reasons - renamed XSortableGridDataModel to XSortableGridData - actually, this is not a full-fledged model in itself. gridsort: grid control related unit tests (first set, more to come) sb138: #i116038# fresh implementation of binary URP bridge chart52: #28670# make the legend within charts resizeable - part 2 gridsort: re-did the column resizing - introduced XGridColumn.Flexibility, determining to which degree the column is resized during auto-column-resizing - removed XGridColumn.PreferredWidth - there really is no need for this anymore now - documented the relationship between XGridColumn.Flexibility and XGridColumn.Resizeable - re-implemented TableControl_Impl::impl_ni_updateColumnWidths, with (hopefully) less magic sb139: #i116530# improve Java URP bridge error notification by utilizing the java.lang.Throwable cause facility gridsort: document the relationship between soorting the data and notifying XGridDataListeners gridsort: introduce XGridColumn::DataModelIndex. this allows for column removal/insertion at the GridColumnModel, without the need to touch the GridDataModel locales34: #i112431# adapt documentation to reality gridsort: introduce XSortableGridDataModel::removeColumnSort gridsort: #163172# added UNO API support for sorting grid data. Implementation still unfinished. Things missing in the SortableGridData implementation - add as listener to the delegator, so we're notified of changes - translate and multiplex those changes - do own notifications (XGridDataListener.dataChanged) when the sort order changed - (possibly) update the sort order when the data in the current sort-column changed gridsort: made the row title a row heading, being an Any instead of a string gridsort: XMutableGridData: renamed updateRow to updateRowData for consistency; introduced updateRowToolTip as shortcut for multiple updateCellToolTip calls gridsort: updateCell->updateCellData, setCellToolTip->updateCellToolTip; in both methods, have (Col,Row) params instead of (Row,Col), for consistency reasons ... Conflicts: bridges/inc/bridges/remote/bridgeimpl.hxx bridges/inc/bridges/remote/connection.h bridges/inc/bridges/remote/context.h bridges/inc/bridges/remote/helper.hxx bridges/inc/bridges/remote/mapping.hxx bridges/inc/bridges/remote/proxy.hxx bridges/inc/bridges/remote/remote.h bridges/inc/bridges/remote/remote.hxx bridges/inc/bridges/remote/stub.hxx bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_linux_x86-64/uno2cpp.cxx bridges/source/remote/context/context.cxx bridges/source/remote/static/helper.cxx bridges/source/remote/static/mapping.cxx bridges/source/remote/static/proxy.cxx bridges/source/remote/static/remote.cxx bridges/source/remote/static/remote_types.cxx bridges/source/remote/static/remote_types.hxx bridges/source/remote/static/stub.cxx bridges/source/remote/urp/urp_bridgeimpl.cxx bridges/source/remote/urp/urp_bridgeimpl.hxx bridges/source/remote/urp/urp_cache.h bridges/source/remote/urp/urp_cache.hxx bridges/source/remote/urp/urp_dispatch.cxx bridges/source/remote/urp/urp_dispatch.hxx bridges/source/remote/urp/urp_environment.cxx bridges/source/remote/urp/urp_job.cxx bridges/source/remote/urp/urp_job.hxx bridges/source/remote/urp/urp_log.cxx bridges/source/remote/urp/urp_log.hxx bridges/source/remote/urp/urp_marshal.cxx bridges/source/remote/urp/urp_marshal.hxx bridges/source/remote/urp/urp_marshal_decl.hxx bridges/source/remote/urp/urp_property.hxx bridges/source/remote/urp/urp_propertyobject.cxx bridges/source/remote/urp/urp_propertyobject.hxx bridges/source/remote/urp/urp_reader.cxx bridges/source/remote/urp/urp_reader.hxx bridges/source/remote/urp/urp_replycontainer.hxx bridges/source/remote/urp/urp_threadid.cxx bridges/source/remote/urp/urp_threadid.hxx bridges/source/remote/urp/urp_unmarshal.cxx bridges/source/remote/urp/urp_unmarshal.hxx bridges/source/remote/urp/urp_writer.cxx bridges/source/remote/urp/urp_writer.hxx cppu/source/threadpool/threadpool.cxx cppu/util/target.pmk cppuhelper/qa/propertysetmixin/comp_propertysetmixin.cxx cppuhelper/source/interfacecontainer.cxx cpputools/source/regcomplazy/regcomplazy.cxx jurt/prj/d.lst jvmfwk/source/elements.cxx offapi/com/sun/star/awt/grid/GridDataEvent.idl offapi/com/sun/star/awt/grid/XGridColumn.idl offapi/com/sun/star/awt/tab/ offapi/com/sun/star/chart2/ExplicitIncrementData.idl offapi/com/sun/star/chart2/XPlotter.idl offapi/com/sun/star/chart2/XUndoHelper.idl offapi/com/sun/star/document/MediaDescriptor.idl offapi/com/sun/star/document/ offapi/com/sun/star/linguistic2/XLanguageGuessing.idl offapi/com/sun/star/script/ModuleInfo.idl offapi/com/sun/star/script/ModuleType.idl offapi/com/sun/star/text/TextMarkupType.idl offapi/com/sun/star/util/XTextSearch.idl offapi/com/sun/star/xml/sax/XFastAttributeList.idl pyuno/source/loader/ remotebridges/source/bridge/bridge_connection.cxx remotebridges/source/bridge/bridge_connection.hxx remotebridges/source/bridge/bridge_provider.cxx remotebridges/source/bridge/remote_bridge.cxx remotebridges/source/bridge/remote_bridge.hxx remotebridges/source/dynamicloader/dynamicloader.cxx remotebridges/source/factory/bridgefactory.cxx remotebridges/source/factory/bridgeimpl.cxx remotebridges/source/factory/bridgeimpl.hxx remotebridges/source/factory/ sal/cppunittester/cppunittester.cxx sal/inc/osl/diagnose.h sal/osl/os2/system.h sal/osl/unx/diagnose.c sal/osl/unx/file_misc.cxx sal/osl/unx/process_impl.cxx sal/osl/w32/diagnose.c sal/osl/w32/process.cxx sal/prj/build.lst sal/qa/rtl/math/ sal/qa/rtl/math/rtl_math.cxx sal/qa/rtl/math/rtl_old_testint64.cxx sal/qa/rtl/math/test_rtl_math.cxx sal/systools/win32/kill/kill.cxx sal/textenc/tencinfo.c sal/util/ stoc/source/inspect/introspection.cxx stoc/source/security/file_policy.cxx stoc/source/simpleregistry/simpleregistry.cxx
2010-12-06Replace all occured, occurance etc.Takeshi Abe3-4/+4
2010-10-21sb131: #i114962# allow for explicit implementation name in ↵sb1-5/+29
2010-09-10sb129: #i113189# change UNO components to use passive registrationsb1-17/+0
2010-06-04calc55: #i112084# All charts in a Calc document are loaded when saving the ↵Thomas Benisch1-4/+7
2010-02-12changefileheader2: #i109125#: change source file copyright notice from Sun ↵Jens-Heiner Rechtien29-121/+29
Microsystems to Oracle; remove CVS style keywords (RCSfile, Revision)
2009-09-16CWS-TOOLING: integrate CWS sb113Jens-Heiner Rechtien9-73/+67
2009-09-01 sb #i76393# second attempt at properly #ifdef-ing previous HG commit d598efdbf012 2009-08-28 sb #i102469# change back <T extends XInterface> to just <T> on queryInterface, to avoid binary incompatibility (method changing its signature from (Ljava/lang/Class;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object; to (Ljava/lang/Class;Ljava/lang/Object;)Lcom/sun/star/uno/XInterface;) 2009-08-28 sb #i76393# properly #ifdef previous HG commit d598efdbf012 2009-08-27 sb #i94421# work around compiler error (based on a patch supplied by cloph) 2009-08-26 sb merged in DEV300_m56 2009-08-26 sb #i76393# on Linux, include dynamic section offset in crash report so as to be able to map "prelinked" callstacks back to original (patch by cmc) 2009-08-26 sb #i88162# remove unnecessary whitespace lines from per-locale xcu files (patch by tora) 2009-08-17 Juergen Schmidt #i104292# set context classloader after create new custom UNO loader 2009-08-17 Juergen Schmidt #i103749# integrate patch 2009-08-14 sb #i103269# cherry-picked ssh:// -r 5124ebd5edd1 ("#i101955# changed encoding of XML file content from erroneous ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8") 2009-08-12 sb #i102469# fixed mis-applications of UnoRuntime.queryInterface (detected via the simplified UnoRuntime.queryInterface, the HG changeset 29de35fc9554) to use AnyConverter instead; changed qadevOOo's lib.MultiMethodTest.before to allow throwing arbitrary exceptions, to cater for IllegalArgumentException thrown by AnyConverter 2009-08-12 sb #i104178# drop extra libxml2-config script from libxmlsec 2009-08-10 sb #i101754# simplified osl_getProcessInfo for LINUX (patch by cmc) 2009-08-10 sb #i95018# avoid closing -1 fds (patch supplied by cmc) 2009-08-10 sb #i103585# removed (apparently unnecessary) zlib support from libxml2; in turn, removed zlib dependencies from libxmlsec, libxslt, and redland (assuming those were transitive dependencies brought in by direct dependencies on libxml2) 2009-08-10 sb #i102469# simplified UnoRuntime.queryInterface using Java 5 generics; adapted URE-related modules accordingly 2009-08-10 sb #i101213# adapted setsolar env (solenv/config/) to set PYTHONPATH (and not set PYTHONHOME) in accordance with configure env (; fixed testtools/source/bridgetest/pyuno (which now should work everywhere out of the box, thanks to the fixed setsolar PYTHONPATH) 2009-08-10 sb cherry-picked ssh:// -r ea8de6d9396b ("#i101955# work in progress for a .hgignore file, continued")
2009-05-07CWS-TOOLING: integrate CWS cmcfixes58Release Engineers11-29/+0
2009-05-04 13:51:10 +0200 cmc r271450 : #i101533# latest sw warnings 2009-05-04 00:02:46 +0200 cmc r271436 : #i101517# silence new warnings 2009-05-03 23:13:53 +0200 cmc r271435 : #i101305# add that one back in 2009-05-02 16:30:42 +0200 cmc r271431 : #i101493# get it to build, and remove some warnings 2009-05-02 16:12:37 +0200 cmc r271430 : CWS-TOOLING: rebase CWS cmcfixes58 to trunk@271427 (milestone: DEV300:m47) 2009-04-23 13:19:33 +0200 cmc r271163 : #i101305# remove annoying import foo is unused warnings 2009-04-21 17:10:34 +0200 cmc r271048 : #i101246# remove AVMEDIA_MANAGER_SERVICE_NAME defines again 2009-04-21 17:07:41 +0200 cmc r271047 : #i86323# remove xml2cmp unused methods
2008-07-11INTEGRATION: CWS jsc21 (1.15.14); FILE MERGEDRüdiger Timm1-2/+2
2008/04/23 09:54:49 jsc RESYNC: (1.15-1.16); FILE MERGED 2008/04/03 07:56:47 jsc #i86121# use NativeLibraryLoader instead of System loader
2008-06-09INTEGRATION: CWS sb87 (1.7.6); FILE MERGEDRüdiger Timm1-7/+2
2008/05/07 11:35:25 sb #i88687# URE code cannot know OOo data (unoil.jar)
2008-04-11INTEGRATION: CWS changefileheader (1.8.52); FILE MERGEDRüdiger Timm1-23/+19
2008/03/31 07:24:06 rt #i87441# Change license header to LPGL v3.
2008-04-11INTEGRATION: CWS changefileheader (1.3.56); FILE MERGEDRüdiger Timm4-92/+72
2008/03/31 07:24:06 rt #i87441# Change license header to LPGL v3.
2008-04-11INTEGRATION: CWS changefileheader (1.2.56); FILE MERGEDRüdiger Timm1-23/+18
2008/03/31 07:24:06 rt #i87441# Change license header to LPGL v3.
2008-04-11INTEGRATION: CWS changefileheader (1.5.56); FILE MERGEDRüdiger Timm1-23/+18
2008/03/31 07:24:06 rt #i87441# Change license header to LPGL v3.
2008-04-11INTEGRATION: CWS changefileheader (1.4.22); FILE MERGEDRüdiger Timm1-21/+18
2008/03/31 07:24:06 rt #i87441# Change license header to LPGL v3.
2008-04-11INTEGRATION: CWS changefileheader (1.10.2); FILE MERGEDRüdiger Timm1-23/+18
2008/03/31 07:24:06 rt #i87441# Change license header to LPGL v3.
2008-04-11INTEGRATION: CWS changefileheader (1.4.56); FILE MERGEDRüdiger Timm1-23/+18
2008/03/31 07:24:06 rt #i87441# Change license header to LPGL v3.
2008-04-11INTEGRATION: CWS changefileheader (1.6.56); FILE MERGEDRüdiger Timm2-46/+37
2008/03/31 07:24:05 rt #i87441# Change license header to LPGL v3.
2008-04-11INTEGRATION: CWS changefileheader (1.4.56); FILE MERGEDRüdiger Timm2-46/+36
2008/03/31 07:24:05 rt #i87441# Change license header to LPGL v3.
2008-04-11INTEGRATION: CWS changefileheader (1.3.56); FILE MERGEDRüdiger Timm4-92/+72
2008/03/31 07:24:05 rt #i87441# Change license header to LPGL v3.
2008-04-11INTEGRATION: CWS changefileheader (1.2.24); FILE MERGEDRüdiger Timm1-23/+19
2008/03/31 07:24:05 rt #i87441# Change license header to LPGL v3.
2008-04-11INTEGRATION: CWS changefileheader (1.3.22); FILE MERGEDRüdiger Timm1-23/+18
2008/03/31 07:24:05 rt #i87441# Change license header to LPGL v3.
2008-04-11INTEGRATION: CWS changefileheader (1.8.56); FILE MERGEDRüdiger Timm2-46/+37
2008/03/31 07:24:05 rt #i87441# Change license header to LPGL v3.
2008-04-11INTEGRATION: CWS changefileheader (1.6.44); FILE MERGEDRüdiger Timm1-23/+18
2008/03/31 07:24:05 rt #i87441# Change license header to LPGL v3.
2008-04-11INTEGRATION: CWS changefileheader (1.7.56); FILE MERGEDRüdiger Timm1-23/+18
2008/03/31 07:24:05 rt #i87441# Change license header to LPGL v3.
2008-04-11INTEGRATION: CWS changefileheader (1.7.56); FILE MERGEDRüdiger Timm1-23/+18
2008/03/31 07:24:04 rt #i87441# Change license header to LPGL v3.
2008-04-11INTEGRATION: CWS changefileheader (1.4.56); FILE MERGEDRüdiger Timm1-23/+18
2008/03/31 07:24:04 rt #i87441# Change license header to LPGL v3.
2008-04-11INTEGRATION: CWS changefileheader (1.15.12); FILE MERGEDRüdiger Timm1-23/+18
2008/03/31 07:24:04 rt #i87441# Change license header to LPGL v3.
2008-04-11INTEGRATION: CWS changefileheader (1.3.22); FILE MERGEDRüdiger Timm2-46/+37
2008/03/31 07:24:04 rt #i87441# Change license header to LPGL v3.
2008-01-29INTEGRATION: CWS dba24e_SRC680 (1.9.50); FILE MERGEDVladimir Glazounov1-4/+2
2007/12/19 10:00:03 oj #i84339# remove check for read only attribute
2007-06-27INTEGRATION: CWS sb70 (1.14.32); FILE MERGEDJens-Heiner Rechtien1-4/+8
2007/06/06 08:21:10 sb #i66196# In Bootstrap.bootstrap, give up waiting for an soffice connection after 5 min.
2007-01-03INTEGRATION: CWS sb67 (1.3.28); FILE MERGEDJens-Heiner Rechtien1-30/+38
2006/12/13 10:13:18 sb #i72311# Throw UnknownPropertyException from add|removeProperty|VetoableChangeListener.
2006-12-14#i10000# correct licenseKurt Zenker2-58/+48
2006-12-14#i10000# add unoil.jarKurt Zenker1-3/+3
2006-12-01INTEGRATION: CWS smoketest11 (1.1.2); FILE ADDEDRüdiger Timm1-0/+58
2006/11/02 16:03:01 jl #i71115# new service for use with smoketest
2006-12-01INTEGRATION: CWS smoketest11 (1.1.2); FILE ADDEDRüdiger Timm1-0/+168
2006/11/02 16:02:45 jl #i71115# new service for use with smoketest
2006-12-01INTEGRATION: CWS smoketest11 (1.1.2); FILE ADDEDRüdiger Timm1-0/+57
2006/11/02 16:01:11 jl #i71115# new class which is used to register the services in this module
2006-12-01INTEGRATION: CWS smoketest11 (1.1.2); FILE ADDEDRüdiger Timm1-0/+101
2006/11/02 16:00:51 jl #i71115# new class which is used to register the services in this module
2006-01-20INTEGRATION: CWS tbe25 (1.5.8); FILE MERGEDOliver Bolte1-19/+56
2005/10/31 10:43:48 tbe #i57018# extend UnoInfo with additional UNO types
2006-01-20INTEGRATION: CWS tbe25 (1.13.8); FILE MERGEDOliver Bolte1-4/+7
2005/11/14 11:38:04 tbe #i57511# API: SimpleUnoBootstap pops UI
2005-11-11INTEGRATION: CWS pj42 (1.2.4); FILE MERGEDRüdiger Timm1-47/+19
2005/11/10 21:40:28 pjanik #i57567#: Remove SISSL license.
2005-10-27INTEGRATION: CWS skeletonmaker (1.5.20); FILE MERGEDJens-Heiner Rechtien1-15/+12
2005/10/14 16:09:43 jsc RESYNC: (1.6-1.7); FILE MERGED 2005/08/18 09:52:29 sb #i53316# Clean-up. 2005/07/20 11:31:26 jsc RESYNC: (1.5-1.6); FILE MERGED 2005/07/19 13:25:34 jsc #i52167# move PropertySetMixin from to
2005-10-27INTEGRATION: CWS skeletonmaker (1.1.2); FILE ADDEDJens-Heiner Rechtien1-0/+1123
2005/10/25 08:15:58 jsc #i52167# remove not longer necessary import of WeakBase 2005/08/18 09:52:15 sb #i53316# Documentation fixes. 2005/08/17 15:39:20 sb #i53316# Added absentOptional; added oldValue/newValue to prepareSet; fixed handle numbering. 2005/07/22 08:15:33 jsc #i52167# rename package 2005/07/19 13:24:34 jsc #i52167# move from to
2005-09-07INTEGRATION: CWS ooo19126 (1.6.6); FILE MERGEDRüdiger Timm1-48/+21
2005/09/05 15:19:29 rt #i54170# Change license header: remove SISSL
2005-09-07INTEGRATION: CWS ooo19126 (1.2.142); FILE MERGEDRüdiger Timm1-47/+21
2005/09/05 15:19:28 rt #i54170# Change license header: remove SISSL
2005-09-07INTEGRATION: CWS ooo19126 (1.1.142); FILE MERGEDRüdiger Timm1-47/+21
2005/09/05 15:19:28 rt #i54170# Change license header: remove SISSL
2005-09-07INTEGRATION: CWS ooo19126 (1.4.10); FILE MERGEDRüdiger Timm1-47/+21
2005/09/05 15:19:28 rt #i54170# Change license header: remove SISSL
2005-09-07INTEGRATION: CWS ooo19126 (1.8.20); FILE MERGEDRüdiger Timm1-47/+21
2005/09/05 15:19:28 rt #i54170# Change license header: remove SISSL