path: root/icon-themes/oxygen/cmd
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2012-06-01Remove unused and unnecessary help-related iconsStefan Knorr (astron)15-0/+0
2012-05-24Shamelessly copied the file open icons for the two new commands.Kohei Yoshida4-0/+0
2012-04-14Correct icons for flipping images in Oxygen/Human themesStefan Knorr4-0/+0
2012-01-16Move form control icons into icon-themesStefan Knorr (astron)28-0/+0
2011-12-30Clear out HC icons from Oxygen themeStefan Knorr (astron)2067-0/+0
2011-12-29EasyHack fdo#42454, remove code associated with unused iconsGustavo Buzzatti Pacheco2-0/+0
2011-12-27Rename folder ooo_custom_images to icon-themesStefan Knorr (astron)4035-0/+0