path: root/icon-themes/breeze/res
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2016-01-11Breeze icons: add savemodified iconandreas kainz2-0/+0
2015-12-028 bit palettes are on the slow path for quartz/svp/gtk3Caolán McNamara69-0/+0
2015-10-28Breeze Icons: optimize png files reduce file sizeandreas kainz13-0/+0
2015-10-19Breeze: Rename incorrectly named help folderYousuf Philips3-0/+0
2015-10-13Breeze Icons: remove double icons and move them into links.txtYousuf Philips82-0/+0
2015-10-06Breeze Icons: add missing writer table and help iconsandreas kainz3-0/+0
2015-10-05optipng icon themesChristian Lohmaier11-0/+0
2015-08-18Breeze: StartCenter icon size fixed to 32px tdf#93064 tdf#92242andreask6-0/+0
2015-06-22Breeze: StartCenter close iconsandreask2-0/+0
2015-06-09Breeze: StartCenter new icons according to tdf#90452andreas_ka6-0/+0
2015-06-06Breeze: fix bug 91432 and add Calc InsertXBeforeAfter iconsandreas_ka2-0/+0
2015-05-09Breeze: fix tdf#90387 in writer and calcandreas_ka2-0/+0
2015-05-09Breeze: update icon theme, and fix tdf#90387andreas_ka32-0/+0
2015-04-28set the executable bit offTakeshi Abe17-0/+0
2015-04-22Optimization of icon themes.Andrew17-0/+0
2015-04-20Optimize Breeze icon theme - Pt.3Andrew14-0/+0
2015-04-16Breeze: modifications and missing iconsandreas_k7-0/+0
2015-04-16Breeze: point fixesandreas_k6-0/+0
2015-04-12Breeze: missing cmd iconsandreas_k1-0/+0
2015-04-06Optimize Breeze icon theme Pt2.Andrew88-0/+0
2015-04-05Breeeze: updated Iconsandreas_k5-0/+0
2015-03-31Breeze: missing icons resandreas_k2-0/+0
2015-03-29Breeze: Style and Formatting sidebarandreas_k1-0/+0
2015-03-25tdf#87234 Another round of breeze icon updatesAndreas Kainz80-0/+0
2015-03-19Optimize 'Breeze' icon themeAndrew115-0/+0
2015-03-18tdf#87234 - Addition of many large and small breeze iconsYousuf Philips115-0/+0