path: root/editeng/prj
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2011-03-29drop bogus executable flag from idl/build/src and config filesFrancisco Saito2-0/+0
2011-03-25set build depencencies against the new "translations" modulePetr Mladek1-1/+1
2011-03-19Documented and Unit-tested the SvxBorderLine::SetLinesWidthCédric Bosdonnat1-1/+0
2011-03-12Merge commit 'ooo/DEV300_m101' into integration/dev300_m101Thorsten Behrens3-26/+42
2011-02-22masterfix DEV300: #i10000# usage of L10N build_typeIvo Hinkelmann1-1/+1
2011-02-04gnumake3: clear d.lst of converted modulesMichael Stahl1-14/+0
2011-02-02CWS gnumake3: convert editeng to gbuildMathias Bauer2-11/+41
2010-01-09#i107450#: wrong d.lst for WindowsMathias Bauer1-1/+1
2010-01-06#i107450#: move code from svx to new module editengMathias Bauer2-0/+27