path: root/wizards/source/schedule/DlgControl.xba
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'wizards/source/schedule/DlgControl.xba')
1 files changed, 122 insertions, 236 deletions
diff --git a/wizards/source/schedule/DlgControl.xba b/wizards/source/schedule/DlgControl.xba
index 659f8c02fd2c..deee7546ae4f 100644
--- a/wizards/source/schedule/DlgControl.xba
+++ b/wizards/source/schedule/DlgControl.xba
@@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE script:module PUBLIC "-// OfficeDocument 1.0//EN" "module.dtd">
<script:module xmlns:script="" script:name="DlgControl" script:language="StarBasic">Option Explicit
Dim CalBitmap As Object
+Public bDoSelect as Boolean
+&apos; Todo: Adjustmentlistener an der Scrollbar anmelden
Sub Main()
Call CalAutopilotTable()
@@ -40,110 +42,27 @@ End Sub
-Sub CalCalcPictureData()
- Dim bFittingX%, bFittingY%, DlgWidth%, DlgHeight%, nXMove%, nYMove%, Width%, Height%
- Dim x#, y#
- Width% = 152
- Height% = 189
- BitmapDir = GetBitmapDir()
- Set CalBitmap = LoadPicture(BitmapDir &amp; GetPathSeparator() &amp; sBitmapFilename$ &apos;(sCurLangLocale))
- If 1 = GetGUIType() Then
- DlgHeight% = CInt(DlgBuffer.Preview1.Height * GetDialogZoomFactorY(DlgBuffer.Preview1.Height))
- DlgWidth% = CInt(DlgBuffer.Preview1.Width * GetDialogZoomFactorX(DlgBuffer.Preview1.Width))
- nXMove% = TwipsPerPixelX() * 3
- nYMove% = TwipsPerPixelX() * 3
- Else
- DlgHeight% = CInt((DlgBuffer.Preview1.Height - TwipsPerPixelY() * 3) * GetDialogZoomFactorY(DlgBuffer.Preview1.Height))
- DlgWidth% = CInt((DlgBuffer.Preview1.Width - TwipsPerPixelX() * 3) * GetDialogZoomFactorX(DlgBuffer.Preview1.Width))
- nXMove% = 0
- nYMove% = 0
- End If
- CalTWIPSPicWidth% = TwipsPerPixelX() * Width%
- CalTWIPSPicHeight% = TwipsPerPixelY() * Height%
- &apos; Beste Möglichkeit: Bild in Orignalgroesse zentrieren
- &apos; Alternative : Nach schlchechter passenden Faktor skalieren
- If (Not ((CalTWIPSPicWidth% &lt;= DlgWidth%) And (CalTWIPSPicHeight% &lt;= DlgHeight%))) Then
- x# = (CalTWIPSPicWidth% / DlgWidth%)
- y# = (CalTWIPSPicHeight% / DlgHeight%)
- If (x# &gt; y#) Then
- CalTWIPSPicWidth% = CInt(DlgWidth%)
- CalTWIPSPicHeight% = CInt(CalTWIPSPicHeight% / x#)
- Else
- CalTWIPSPicHeight% = CInt(DlgHeight%)
- CalTWIPSPicWidth% = CInt(CalTWIPSPicWidth% / y#)
- End If
- End If
- CalStartX% = CInt((DlgWidth% / 2) - (CalTWIPSPicWidth% / 2)) - nXMove%
- CalStartY% = CInt((DlgHeight% / 2) - (CalTWIPSPicHeight% / 2)) - nYMove%
-End Sub
-Sub CalPreviewPaint()
- Preview1.Cls()
- Preview1.DrawPicture(CalBitmap, CalStartX%, CalStartY%, CalStartX% + CalTWIPSPicWidth%, CalStartY% + CalTWIPSPicHeight%)
- Preview1.DrawBox(CalStartX%, CalStartY%, CalStartX% + CalTWIPSPicWidth%, CalStartY% + CalTWIPSPicHeight%)
-End Sub
Sub CalcmdDeleteSelect()
- Dim Count%, CountMarked%, MsgBoxResult%, AllSelected%
- AllSelected = False
- CountMarked% = 0
- For Count% = 0 To lbOwnData.ListCount-1
- If (DlgBuffer.lbOwnData.Selected(Count%) = True) Then CountMarked% = CountMarked% + 1
- Next
- If (CountMarked% &gt; 0) Then
- MsgBoxResult% = MsgBox(cCalSubCmdDeleteSelect_DeleteSelEntry$, 4+32, cCalSubCmdDeleteSelect_DeleteSelEntryTitle$)
- If MsgBoxResult% = 6 Then
- If Not AllSelected% Then
- Call CalDeleteAllSelected()
- Else
- DlgBuffer.lbOwnData.Clear()
- End If
- &apos; Flag zum Speichern der neuen Daten.
- CalOwnDataChanged% = True
- cmdDelete.Enabled = False
+Dim MsgBoxResult as Integer
+ If Ubound(DlgCalModel.lstOwnData.SelectedItems()) &gt; -1 Then
+ MsgBoxResult = MsgBox(cCalSubcmdDeleteSelect_DeleteSelEntry$, 4+32, cCalSubcmdDeleteSelect_DeleteSelEntryTitle$)
+ If MsgBoxResult = 6 Then
+ DlgCalModel.lstOwnData.StringItemList() = RemoveSelected(DlgCalModel.lstOwnData)
+ &apos; Flag zum Speichern der neuen Daten.
+ bCalOwnDataChanged = True
+ DlgCalModel.cmdDelete.Enabled = Ubound(DlgCalModel.lstOwnData.StringItemList()) &gt; -1
Call CalClearInputMask()
End If
End If
End Sub
-Sub CalDeleteAllSelected()
- Dim Count%, LastSelPos%
- While LastSelPos% &lt;&gt; -1
- LastSelPos% = -1
- For Count%=0 To lbOwnData.ListCount()-1
- If DlgBuffer.lbOwnData.Selected(Count%) Then LastSelPos% = Count%
- Next
- If LastSelPos% &lt;&gt; - 1 Then
- DlgBuffer.lbOwnData.RemoveItem(LastSelPos%)
- End If
- Wend
- DlgBuffer.lbOwnData.Refresh()
-End Sub
Sub CalSaveOwnEventControls()
- DlgBuffer.txtOwnEventDay.Tag = DlgBuffer.txtOwnEventDay.Text
- DlgBuffer.txtOwnEventMonth.Tag = DlgBuffer.txtOwnEventMonth.Text
- DlgBuffer.txtOwnEventYear.Tag = DlgBuffer.txtOwnEventYear.Text
+ With DlgCalModel
+ .txtOwnEventDay.Tag = .txtOwnEventDay.Text
+ .txtOwnEventMonth.Tag = .txtOwnEventMonth.Text
+ .DlgCalModel.txtOwnEventYear.Tag = .DlgCalModel.txtOwnEventYear.Text
+ End With
End Sub
@@ -174,105 +93,47 @@ Sub ModIntTextBox (txtYear As Object, ByVal nMax%, ByVal nMin%, ByVal sDefault$,
End Sub
-Sub CalSpinOwnEventDayUp()
- Call ModIntTextBox(txtOwnEventDay, 31, 1, &quot;1&quot;, 1)
-End Sub
-Sub CalSpinOwnEventDayDown()
- Call ModIntTextBox(txtOwnEventDay, 31, 1, &quot;1&quot;, -1)
-End Sub
-Sub CalSpinGeneralYearUp()
- Call ModIntTextBox(txtYear, 9956, 1583, Trim(Str(Year(Now()))),1)
-End Sub
-Sub CalSpinGeneralYearDown()
- Call ModIntTextBox(txtYear, 9956, 1583, Trim(Str(Year(Now()))), -1 )
-End Sub
-Sub CalSpinOwnEventYearDown()
- Call ModIntTextBox(txtOwnEventYear, 9956, 1583, Trim(Str(Year(Now()))), -1 )
-End Sub
-Sub CalSpinOwnEventYearUp()
- Call ModIntTextBox(txtOwnEventYear, 9956, 1583, Trim(Str(Year(Now()))) , 1)
-End Sub
-Sub CalModMonthTextBox(txtMonth As Object,IncFactor as Integer)
- Dim nActVal&amp;
- nActVal&amp; = Val(txtMonth.Text)
- If (1 &lt;= nActVal&amp; And 12 &gt;= nActVal) Then
- txtMonth.Text = cCalShortMonthNames$(nActVal&amp;)
- End If
- nActVal&amp; = CalGetIntOfShortMonthName%(txtMonth.Text)
- If 0 = nActVal&amp; Then
- Beep
- txtMonth.Text = cCalShortMonthNames$(1)
- ElseIf (1 &lt; nActVal&amp;) AND (IncFactor = -1) Then
- txtMonth.Text = cCalShortMonthNames$(nActVal&amp; + IncFactor)
- ElseIf (12 &gt; nActVal&amp;)AND (IncFactor = 1) Then
- txtMonth.Text = cCalShortMonthNames$(nActVal&amp; + IncFactor)
- End If
-End Sub
-Sub CalSpinGeneralMonthUp()
- CalModMonthTextBox(txtMonth, 1)
-End Sub
-Sub CalSpinGeneralMonthDown()
- CalModMonthTextBox(txtMonth,-1)
-End Sub
-Sub CalSpinOwnEventMonthDown()
- Call CalModMonthTextBox(txtOwnEventMonth, -1)
-End Sub
-Sub CalSpinOwnEventMonthUp()
- Call CalModMonthTextBox(txtOwnEventMonth, 1)
-End Sub
-Sub CalChkYearEnDisabled()
- &apos; Falls der RadioButton für einen Jahreskalender angeklickt
- &apos; worden ist, müssen die Controls für den Monat Disabled
- &apos; werden, da ihre Werte in einer Jahrestabelle aufgehen.
- lblEventYear.Enabled = Not lblEventYear.Enabled
- txtownEventYear.Enabled = Not txtownEventYear.Enabled
- SpinOwnEventYear.Enabled = Not SpinOwnEventYear.Enabled
- If (txtOwnEventYear.Text = &quot;&quot;) And (lblEventYear.Enabled = True) Then
- txtOwnEventYear.Text = Trim$(Str$(Year(Now())))
- End If
+Sub ToggleYearBox()
+&apos; Falls der RadioButton für einen Jahreskalender angeklickt
+&apos; worden ist, müssen die Controls für den Monat Disabled
+&apos; werden, da ihre Werte in einer Jahrestabelle aufgehen.
+ With DlgCalModel
+ .txtOwnEventYear.Enabled = .chkEventOnce.State = 1
+ .lblEventYear.Enabled = .chkEventOnce.State = 1
+ If .txtOwnEventYear.Text = &quot;&quot; And .lblEventYear.Enabled Then
+ .txtOwnEventYear.Text = Trim$(Str$(Year(Now())))
+ End If
+ End With
End Sub
-Sub CalMouseMoved(Button as integer, Shift as integer, X as single, Y as single)
+Sub CalMouseMoved(aEvent as object)
+Dim ListIndex as Integer
+ oStatusline.SetText(aEvent.ClickCount)
+&apos; If aEvent.ClickCount = 2 Then
+&apos; oStatusLine.SetText(&quot;Click&quot;)
+&apos; bDoSelect = False
+&apos; Else
+&apos; oStatusLine.SetText(&quot;&quot;)
+&apos; End If
&apos; Nimmt Mousemoves ueber dem Bitmap entgegen, und wertet sie je nach
&apos; Land aus.
Select Case sCurLangLocale
- Case &quot;de&quot; &apos;cLANGUAGE_GERMAN
- &apos; Ermittelt das Land auf dem sich der MausCursor befindet, und
- &apos; aktualisiert die Textbox mit der Bundeslandbezeichnung, falls
- &apos; ein Mausklick stattfandt.
- Dim Land$
- If (Button = 1) Or (MouseClicked% = False)Then
- cmbState.ListIndex = CalGetGermanLandAtMousePos(X, Y, Land$)
- End If
+ &apos; Ermittelt das Land auf dem sich der MausCursor befindet, und aktualisiert
+ &apos; die Textbox mit der Bundeslandbezeichnung, falls ein Mausklick stattfandt.
+&apos; If bDoSelect Then
+ ListIndex = CalGetGermanLandAtMousePos(aEvent.X, aEvent.Y, Land$)
+ DlgCalendar.GetControl(&quot;lstHolidays&quot;).SelectItemPos(ListIndex, True)
+ If aEvent.ClickCount = 2 Then
+ bDoSelect = False
+ End If
+&apos; End If
End Select
- LastMousePosX = X
- LastMousePosY = Y
+ LastMousePosX = aEvent.X
+ LastMousePosY = aEvent.Y
End Sub
@@ -281,19 +142,19 @@ Sub CalChangeGeneralMonth()
Dim MonthToCheck$
Dim ValMonthToCheck%
- MonthToCheck$ = DlgBuffer.txtMonth.Text
+ MonthToCheck$ = DlgCalModel.txtMonth.Text
ValMonthToCheck% = Val(MonthToCheck$)
If (ValMonthToCheck% &gt;= 1) And (ValMonthToCheck% &lt;=12) Then
- DlgBuffer.txtMonth.Text = cCalShortMonthNames$(ValMonthToCheck%)
+ DlgCalModel.txtMonth.Text = cCalShortMonthNames$(ValMonthToCheck%)
Exit Sub
End If
If CalGetIntOfShortMonthName%(Trim(Left(MonthToCheck$, 3))) = 0 Then
- DlgBuffer.txtMonth.Text = DlgBuffer.txtMonth.Tag
+ DlgCalModel.txtMonth.Text = DlgCalModel.txtMonth.Tag
- DlgBuffer.txtMonth.Text = Trim(Left(MonthToCheck, 3))
+ DlgCalModel.txtMonth.Text = Trim(Left(MonthToCheck, 3))
End If
End Sub
@@ -301,69 +162,94 @@ End Sub
Sub CalChkForChangeInsertAccept
- &apos; Aktualisiert die Caption des Insert/Accept Buttons
- If (DataSelectedFromList=True) And (ButtonCaptionIsInsert) Then
- DlgBuffer.cmdInsert.Caption = cSubChkForChangeInsertAccept_Accpet$
+ &apos; Aktualisiert die Label des Insert/Accept Buttons
+ If (DataSelectedFromList=True) And (ButtonLabelIsInsert) Then
+ DlgCalModel.cmdInsert.Label = cSubChkForChangeInsertAccept_Accpet$
End If
End Sub
Sub CalClearInputMask()
- &apos; Löscht die Werte der Eingabe Controls für ein
- &apos; neues Ereignis.
- chkEventOnce.Value = False
- lblEventYear.Enabled = False
- txtownEventYear.Enabled = False
- SpinOwnEventYear.Enabled = False
- txtOwnEventYear.Text = &quot;&quot;
- txtEvent.Text = &quot;&quot;
- txtOwnEventDay.Text = &quot;&quot;
- txtOwnEventMonth.Text = &quot;&quot;
- txtEvent.SetFocus()
+Dim NullList() as String
+&apos; Löscht die Werte der Eingabe Controls für ein neues Ereignis.
+ With DlgCalModel
+ .chkEventOnce.State = 0
+ .lblEventYear.Enabled = False
+ .txtOwnEventYear.Enabled = False
+&apos; SpinOwnEventYear.Enabled = False
+ .txtOwnEventYear.Text = &quot;&quot;
+ .txtEvent.Text = &quot;&quot;
+ .txtOwnEventDay.Text = &quot;&quot;
+&apos; Todo: Wie kriegt man den Focus auf dieses verdammte Control?
+&apos; .txtEvent.DefaultButton = True
+ End With
+ DlgCalModel.lstOwnEventMonth.SelectedItems() = Nulllist()
End Sub
-Function CalCountSelected%(ByVal listBox as Object, PosSelect%)
- &apos; Zählt die selekierten Einträge im Control listBox.
- &apos; PosSelect liefert den Index des selektierten Eintrags
- &apos; zurück. Dieser Wert ist natürlich nur zu gebrachen,
- &apos; wenn nur ein Eintrag selektiert ist.
- Dim Count%, Result%
- Result% = 0
- For Count% = 0 To listBox.ListCount-1
- If ListBox.Selected(Count%) Then
- Result% = Result% + 1
- PosSelect% = Count%
- End If
- Next
- CalCountSelected% = Result%
-End Function
Sub CalmdSwitchOwnDataOrGeneral()
&apos;Ändert den Titel der Dialogbox beim Seitenwechsel und die
&apos;Beschriftungen der Knöpfe
- If DlgBuffer.CurrentStep = 1 Then
- DlgBuffer.CurrentStep = 2
- DlgBuffer.DlgCmdOwnData.Caption = cCalSubcmdSwitchOwnDataOrGeneral_Back$
+ If DlgCalModel.Step = 1 Then
+ DlgCalModel.Step = 2
+ DlgCalModel.cmdOwnData.Label = cCalSubcmdSwitchOwnDataOrGeneral_Back$
+ DlgCalModel.cmdInsert.Enabled = DlgCalModel.txtEvent.Text &lt;&gt; &quot;&quot;
+ ToggleYearBox()
- DlgBuffer.CurrentStep = 1
- DlgBuffer.DlgCmdOwnData.Caption = cCalSubcmdSwitchOwnDataOrGeneral_OwnData$
+ DlgCalModel.Step = 1
+ DlgCalModel.cmdOwnData.Label = cCalSubcmdSwitchOwnDataOrGeneral_OwnData$
End If
End Sub
-Sub LoadDialog()
- DlgBuffer.load
+Sub ToggleInsertButton()
+ DlgCalModel.cmdInsert.Enabled = LTrim(DlgCalModel.txtEvent.Text) &lt;&gt; &quot;&quot;
End Sub
-Sub ShowDialog()
- DlgBuffer.Show
+Sub CalModMonthTextBox(txtMonth As Object,IncFactor as Integer)
+ Dim nActVal&amp;
+ nActVal&amp; = Val(txtMonth.Text)
+ If (1 &lt;= nActVal&amp; And 12 &gt;= nActVal) Then
+ txtMonth.Text = cCalShortMonthNames$(nActVal&amp;)
+ End If
+ nActVal&amp; = CalGetIntOfShortMonthName%(txtMonth.Text)
+ If 0 = nActVal&amp; Then
+ Beep
+ txtMonth.Text = cCalShortMonthNames$(1)
+ ElseIf (1 &lt; nActVal&amp;) AND (IncFactor = -1) Then
+ txtMonth.Text = cCalShortMonthNames$(nActVal&amp; + IncFactor)
+ ElseIf (12 &gt; nActVal&amp;)AND (IncFactor = 1) Then
+ txtMonth.Text = cCalShortMonthNames$(nActVal&amp; + IncFactor)
+ End If
End Sub
+Sub CalUpdateNewEventFrame()
+Dim bDoEnable as Boolean
+Dim sSelectedItem
+Dim ListIndex as Integer
+Dim MaxSelIndex as Integer
+ bDoEnable = False
+ With DlgCalModel
+ MaxSelIndex = Ubound(DlgCalModel.lstOwnData.SelectedItems())
+ If MaxSelIndex &gt; -1 Then
+ ListIndex = .lstOwnData.SelectedItems(MaxSelIndex)
+ .txtEvent.Text = CalGetNameofEvent(ListIndex)
+ .txtOwnEventDay.Text = CalGetDayOfEvent(ListIndex)
+ DlgCalendar.GetControl(&quot;lstOwnEventMonth&quot;).SelectItem(CalGetMonthOfEvent(ListIndex), True)
+ .txtOwnEventYear.Text = CalGetYearofEvent(ListIndex)
+ bDoEnable = DlgCalModel.txtOwnEventYear.Text = &quot;&quot;
+ .chkEventOnce.State = Abs(bDoEnable)
+ .lblEventYear.Enabled = bDoEnable
+ .txtOwnEventYear.Enabled = bDoEnable
+ .cmdDelete.Enabled = True
+ Else
+ Call CalClearInputMask()
+ .cmdDelete.Enabled = False
+ End If
+ End With
+End Sub
</script:module> \ No newline at end of file