path: root/wizards/source/formwizard/dbwizres.src
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Diffstat (limited to 'wizards/source/formwizard/dbwizres.src')
1 files changed, 328 insertions, 250 deletions
diff --git a/wizards/source/formwizard/dbwizres.src b/wizards/source/formwizard/dbwizres.src
index e5912407cb37..b769be250fd8 100644
--- a/wizards/source/formwizard/dbwizres.src
+++ b/wizards/source/formwizard/dbwizres.src
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
* $RCSfile: dbwizres.src,v $
- * $Revision: 1.47 $
+ * $Revision: 1.48 $
- * last change: $Author: kz $ $Date: 2002-12-09 11:41:37 $
+ * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2003-03-27 17:58:39 $
* The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
* either of the following licenses
@@ -59,13 +59,13 @@
#define RID_DB_COMMON_START 1000
+// #define RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START 2000
+// #define RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START 2300
+// #define RID_DB_TABLE_WIZARD_START 2500
+// #define RID_DB_GRID_WIZARD_START 2600
+// #define RID_DB_COMBO_WIZARD_START 2700
// ============================================================================
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ String RID_DB_COMMON_START + 0
Text[ dutch ] = "~Voltooien";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "完成(~R)";
Text[ greek ] = "";
- Text[ korean ] = "완성(~R)";
+ Text[ korean ] = "만들기(~R)";
Text[ turkish ] = "~Olutur";
Text[ catalan ] = "Cr~ea";
Text[ finnish ] = "~Luo";
@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ String RID_DB_COMMON_START + 5
Text[ portuguese ] = "~Nome da tabela";
Text[ russian ] = "~ ";
Text[ dutch ] = "~Tabelnaam";
- Text[ french ] = "Nom de ~table";
+ Text[ french ] = "Nom de la ~table";
Text[ spanish ] = "~Nombre de la tabla";
Text[ italian ] = "Nome ~tabella";
Text[ danish ] = "~Tabelnavn";
@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ String RID_DB_COMMON_START + 5
Text[ dutch ] = "~Tabelnaam";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "表格名称(~T)";
Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = " 티에블 명칭(~T)";
+ Text[ korean ] = "테이블 이름(~T)";
Text[ turkish ] = "~Tablo ad";
Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
Text[ catalan ] = "Nom de la ~taula";
@@ -237,10 +237,10 @@ String RID_DB_COMMON_START + 6
Text = "Whrend der Ausfhrung des AutoPiloten ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Der AutoPilot wird beendet.";
Text [ english_us] = "An error occurred while running the AutoPilot. The AutoPilot will be terminated.";
Text[ portuguese ] = "Surgiu um erro durante a execuo do AutoPiloto. Este ser encerrado.";
- Text[ russian ] = " . .";
+ Text[ russian ] = " . .";
Text[ dutch ] = "Tijdens het werken met de AutoPiloot is er een fout opgetreden. De AutoPiloot wordt gestopt.";
Text[ french ] = "Une erreur s'est produite au cours de l'excution de l'AutoPilote. Ce dernier va tre ferm.";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Durante la ejecucin del AutoPiloto se ha producido un error. El AutoPiloto se cerrar.";
+ Text[ spanish ] = "Durante la ejecucin del Piloto automtico se ha producido un error. El Piloto automtico se cerrar.";
Text[ italian ] = "Nel corso dell'esecuzione del Pilota automatico si verificato un errore. Il Pilota automatico viene interrotto.";
Text[ danish ] = "Der opstod en fejl under udfrelse af AutoPilot. AutoPilot afsluttes.";
Text[ swedish ] = "Ett fel uppstod nr AutoPiloten krdes. AutoPiloten kommer att avslutas.";
@@ -253,48 +253,22 @@ String RID_DB_COMMON_START + 6
Text[ dutch ] = "Tijdens het werken met de AutoPiloot is er een fout opgetreden. De AutoPiloot wordt gestopt.";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "执行自动文件助理时出现一个错误。现在结束自动文件助理。";
Text[ greek ] = " AutoPilot. AutoPilot .";
- Text[ korean ] = "자동 파일럿의 실행 중 오류가 발생했습니다. 자동 파일럿이 종료됩니다";
+ Text[ korean ] = "자동 파일럿의 실행 중 오류가 발생했습니다. 자동 파일럿이 종료됩니다.";
Text[ turkish ] = "OtoPilot altrlrken bir hata olutu. Otopilot kapatlacak.";
Text[ catalan ] = "S'ha produt un error en executar l'AutoPilot. L'AutoPilot s'aturar.";
Text[ finnish ] = "Ohjatun toiminnon ohjauksen suorituksessa on ilmennyt virhe. Ohjattu toiminto lopetetaan.";
Text[ thai ] = "เกิดข้อผิดพลาดขณะใช้งานการนำร่องอัตโนมัติ การนำร่องอัตโนมัติจะยุติ";
- Text = "Whrend der Ausfhrung des Autopiloten darf kein Formular geffnet sein. Bitte schlieen Sie das Formular.";
- Text [ english_us] = "A form cannot be open while the AutoPilot is running. Please close the form.";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Durante a execuo do AutoPiloto no pode estar aberto nenhum formulrio. Feche o formulrio.";
- Text[ russian ] = " . .";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Tijdens het bewerken met de AutoPiloot mag er geen formulier geopend zijn. Sluit het formulier.";
- Text[ french ] = "L'AutoPilote ne peut tre excut alors qu'un formulaire est ouvert. Veuillez fermer le formulaire.";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Durante la ejecucin del AutoPiloto no debe haber ningn formulario abierto. Cierre el formulario.";
- Text[ italian ] = "Durante l'esecuzione del Pilota automatico nessun formulario deve essere aperto. Chiudete il formulario.";
- Text[ danish ] = "Under udfrelse af AutoPilot m der ikke vre bne formularer. Luk formularen.";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Inga formulr fr vara ppna nr AutoPiloten krs. Stng formulret.";
- Text[ polish ] = "Podczas uruchamiania AutoPilotw wszystkie formularze musz by zamknite. Zamknij i ten formularz.";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "W?hrend der Ausf?rung des Autopiloten darf kein Formular ge?fnet sein. Bitte schlie?en Sie das Formular.";
- Text[ japanese ] = "オートパイロットの実行中に、フォームが開いてはいけません。フォームを閉じてください。";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "在执行自动文件助理时不可以有使用中的表单。请您关闭已经打开的表单。";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "在使用自動助理程式時不能有開啟的表單。請您關閉開啟的表單。";
- Text[ arabic ] = " . .";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Tijdens het bewerken met de AutoPiloot mag er geen formulier geopend zijn. Sluit het formulier.";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "在执行自动文件助理时不可以有使用中的表单。请您关闭已经打开的表单。";
- Text[ greek ] = " . .";
- Text[ korean ] = "자동 파일럿 실행 중 양식을 열어서는 안됩니다. 양식을 닫아 주십시오.";
- Text[ turkish ] = "OtoPilot alrken ak form bulunmamaldr. Ltfen formu kapatn.";
- Text[ catalan ] = "No es pot obrir cap formulari mentre s'executa l'AutoPilot. Si us plau, tanqueu el formulari.";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Lomake ei voi olla avoin ohjattua toimintoa suoritettaessa. Sulje lomake.";
- Text[ thai ] = "ไม่สามารถเปิดแบบฟอร์มขณะกำลังใช้งานการนำร่องอัตโนมัติ กรุณาปิดแบบฟอร์ม";
Text = "Es ist keine Datenbank installiert. Sie bentigen mindestens eine Datenbank um den AutoPiloten fr Formulare starten zu knnen.";
Text [ english_us] = "No database has been installed. At least one database is required before the AutoPilot for forms can be started.";
Text[ portuguese ] = "Nenhuma base de dados instalada. Para poder activar o AutoPiloto de formulrios necessria, pelo menos, uma base de dados.";
- Text[ russian ] = " . .";
+ Text[ russian ] = " . .";
Text[ dutch ] = "Er is geen database genstalleerd. U heeft minstens n database nodig om de AutoPiloot voor formulieren te kunnen starten.";
Text[ french ] = "Aucune base de donnes n'est installe. Vous avez besoin d'au moins une base de donnes afin de pouvoir lancer l'AutoPilote de formulaire.";
- Text[ spanish ] = "No hay ninguna base de datos instalada. Necesita al menos una base de datos para poder iniciar el AutoPiloto para formularios.";
+ Text[ spanish ] = "No hay ninguna base de datos instalada. Necesita al menos una base de datos para poder iniciar el Piloto automtico para formularios.";
Text[ italian ] = "Non stato installato nessun datase. Occorre almeno un database per poter avviare il Pilota automatico per i formulari.";
Text[ danish ] = "Der er ikke installeret nogen database. Mindst n database er ndvendig for at kunne starte AutoPilot til formularer.";
Text[ swedish ] = "Ingen databas r installerad. Du behver minst en databas fr att kunna starta AutoPiloten fr formulr.";
@@ -307,7 +281,7 @@ String RID_DB_COMMON_START + 8
Text[ dutch ] = "Er is geen database genstalleerd. U heeft minstens n database nodig om de AutoPiloot voor formulieren te kunnen starten.";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "没有安装数据库。您至少需要一个数据库来启动自动文件助理程序,制作表单。";
Text[ greek ] = " . .";
- Text[ korean ] = "데이터베이스가 설치되지 않았습니다. 최소한 하나 이상의 데이터베이스가 있어야 양식을 위한 자동 파일럿이 시작될 수 있습니다.";
+ Text[ korean ] = "데이터베이스가 설치되지 않았습니다. 최소한 하나 이상의 데이터베이스가 있어야 양식을 위한 자동 파일럿을 시작할 수 있습니다.";
Text[ turkish ] = "Kurulmu veritaban yok. Form OtoPilot'unu balatabilmek iin en az bir veritaban mevcut olmaldr.";
Text[ catalan ] = "No s'ha cap base de dades. Com a mnim hi ha d'haver una base de dades per executar l'Autopilot per a formularis.";
Text[ finnish ] = "Tietokantoja ei ole asennettu. Ohjattu lomakkeiden luominen edellytt, ett jrjestelmn on asennettu vhintn yksi tietokanta.";
@@ -362,7 +336,7 @@ String RID_DB_COMMON_START + 10
Text[ dutch ] = "Deze naam bestaat reeds in de database. Kies een andere naam.";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "数据库中已经存在此标题。请您选择另一个标题。";
Text[ greek ] = " . .";
- Text[ korean ] = "이 제목이 이미 데이터베이스에 있습니다. 다른 제목을 선택하십시오.";
+ Text[ korean ] = "이 제목은 이미 데이터베이스에 있습니다. 다른 제목을 선택하십시오.";
Text[ turkish ] = "Bu balk veritabannda zaten mevcut. Ltfen baka bir balk ad seiniz.";
Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
Text[ catalan ] = "Aquest ttol ja existeix. Introduu un altre nom.";
@@ -390,7 +364,7 @@ String RID_DB_COMMON_START + 11
Text[ dutch ] = "De naam mag geen spaties of speciale tekens bevatten.";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "标题不得含有空白字符或特殊字符。";
Text[ greek ] = " .";
- Text[ korean ] = "제목에 공백이나 특수문자가 들어가서는 안됩니다.";
+ Text[ korean ] = "제목에 공백이나 특수문자가 포함되면 안됩니다.";
Text[ turkish ] = "Balkta boluk ya da zel karakterler bulunmamaldr.";
Text[ catalan ] = "El ttol no pot contenir espais o carcters especials.";
Text[ finnish ] = "Otsikossa ei saa olla vlilyntej tai erikoismerkkej.";
@@ -402,7 +376,7 @@ String RID_DB_COMMON_START + 12
Text = "Der Datenbank-Service ( konnte nicht instantiiert werden.";
Text [ english_us] = "The database service ( could not be instantiated.";
Text[ portuguese ] = "Foi impossvel instanciar o servio da base de dados (";
- Text[ russian ] = " (";
+ Text[ russian ] = " (";
Text[ dutch ] = "De databaseservice ( kan niet worden genitieerd.";
Text[ french ] = "Impossible d'instancier le service de base de donnes ( !";
Text[ spanish ] = "No se pudo instanciar el servicio de base de datos (";
@@ -443,7 +417,7 @@ String RID_DB_COMMON_START + 13
Text[ polish ] = "Nie mona otworzy danej tabeli lub kwerendy.";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "The selected table or query could not be opened.";
Text[ japanese ] = "選択したテ-ブル、またはクエリーは開けませんでした。";
- Text[ korean ] = "선택된 표 또는 질의를 열지 못했습니다.";
+ Text[ korean ] = "선택된 테이블 또는 쿼리를 열지 못했습니다.";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "无法打开选中的表格和查询。";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "無法開啟已經選中的表格或查詢。";
Text[ arabic ] = " .";
@@ -472,7 +446,7 @@ String RID_DB_COMMON_START + 14
Text[ polish ] = "Brak poczenia z baz danych!";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "A Connection to the database could not be established";
Text[ japanese ] = "データベースへの接続はできませんでした。";
- Text[ korean ] = "데이터베이스로의 연결이 설정되지 못했습니다.";
+ Text[ korean ] = "데이터베이스로 연결하지 못했습니다.";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "无法和数据库建立连接!";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "無法連線到資料庫!";
Text[ turkish ] = "A Connection to the database could not be established";
@@ -551,7 +525,7 @@ String RID_DB_COMMON_START + 30
Text[ swedish ] = "Det gick inte att spara dokumentet.";
Text[ polish ] = "The document could not be stored.";
Text[ japanese ] = "ドキュメントは保存できませんでした。";
- Text[ korean ] = "문서를 저장할 수 없었습니다.";
+ Text[ korean ] = "문서를 저장하지 못했습니다.";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "无法存盘这个文档。";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "無法儲存這個文件。";
Text[ turkish ] = "The document could not be stored.";
@@ -576,7 +550,7 @@ String RID_DB_COMMON_START + 31
Text[ swedish ] = "Det gick inte att skapa en lnk till datakllan.";
Text[ polish ] = "A link to the datasource could not be created.";
Text[ japanese ] = "データソースへのリンクは作成できませんでした。";
- Text[ korean ] = "데이터 소스로 연결할 수 없습니다.";
+ Text[ korean ] = "데이터 원본으로 연결하지 못했습니다.";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "无法建立数据源的链接。";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "無法建立資料源的捷徑。";
Text[ turkish ] = "A link to the datasource could not be created.";
@@ -600,7 +574,7 @@ String RID_DB_COMMON_START + 32
Text[ swedish ] = "En lnk till datakllan skapas automatiskt.";
Text[ polish ] = "A link to the datasource will be created automatically.";
Text[ japanese ] = "データソースへのリンクは自動的に作成されます。";
- Text[ korean ] = "데이터 소스로 연결하는 링크가 자동으로 만들어집니다.";
+ Text[ korean ] = "데이터 원본으로 연결하는 링크를 자동으로 만듭니다.";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "将会自动建立一个数据源的链接。";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "將會自動建立一個資料源的捷徑。";
Text[ turkish ] = "A link to the datasource will be created automatically.";
@@ -618,7 +592,7 @@ String RID_DB_COMMON_START + 33
Text[ greek ] = "The AutoPilot will be terminated!";
Text[ dutch ] = "The AutoPilot will be terminated!";
Text[ french ] = "Fermeture de l'AutoPilote !";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Cierre del AutoPiloto.";
+ Text[ spanish ] = "Cierre del Piloto automtico";
Text[ finnish ] = "The AutoPilot will be terminated!";
Text[ italian ] = "Chiusura del Pilota Automatico.";
Text[ danish ] = "The AutoPilot will be terminated!";
@@ -649,7 +623,7 @@ String RID_DB_COMMON_START + 34
Text[ swedish ] = "Kopplar till datakllan...";
Text[ polish ] = "Connection to the Datasource will be established...";
Text[ japanese ] = "データソースへ接続しています...";
- Text[ korean ] = "데이터 소스로 연결 중...";
+ Text[ korean ] = "데이터 원본으로 연결 중...";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "正在连接数据源...";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "正在連線到資料源...";
Text[ turkish ] = "Connection to the Datasource will be established...";
@@ -673,7 +647,7 @@ String RID_DB_COMMON_START + 35
Text[ swedish ] = "Det gick inte att koppla till datakllan";
Text[ polish ] = "The connection to the Datasource could not be established";
Text[ japanese ] = "データソースへ接続できませんでした。";
- Text[ korean ] = "데이터 소스로 연결할 수 없습니다.";
+ Text[ korean ] = "데이터 원본으로 연결할 수 없습니다.";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "无法和数据源连接!";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "無法連線到資料源!";
Text[ turkish ] = "The connection to the Datasource could not be established";
@@ -699,7 +673,7 @@ String RID_DB_COMMON_START + 36
Text[ polish ] = "Your entered file path is not valid!";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Your entered file path is not valid!";
Text[ japanese ] = "入力したファイルのパスは無効です。";
- Text[ korean ] = "입력하신 파일 경로는 유효하지 않습니다.";
+ Text[ korean ] = "입력하신 파일 경로는 잘못되었습니다.";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "您输入的文件路径无效!";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "您輸入的檔案路徑無效!";
Text[ turkish ] = "Your entered file path is not valid!";
@@ -709,7 +683,99 @@ String RID_DB_COMMON_START + 36
+ Text = "Bitte whlen Sie eine Datenquelle";
+ Text [ english ] = "Please select a data source";
+ Text[ english_us ] = "Please select a data source";
+ Text[ french ] = "Slectionnez une source de donnes";
+ Text[ spanish ] = "Seleccione una fuente de datos";
+ Text[ italian ] = "Selezionate una sorgente dati";
+ Text[ swedish ] = "Vlj en dataklla";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "Please select a data source";
+ Text[ korean ] = "데이터 원본을 선택하십시오.";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "请选择一个数据源";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "請選擇一個資料源";
+ Text = "Bitte whlen Sie eine Tabelle oder Abfrage";
+ Text [ english ] = "Please select a data source";
+ Text[ english_us ] = "Please select a table or query";
+ Text[ french ] = "Slectionnez une table ou requte";
+ Text[ spanish ] = "Seleccione una tabla o consulta";
+ Text[ italian ] = "Selezionate una tabella o una ricerca";
+ Text[ swedish ] = "Vlj en tabell eller skning";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "Please select a table or query";
+ Text[ korean ] = "테이블이나 쿼리를 선택하십시오.";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "请选择一个表格或查询";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "請選擇一個表格或查詢";
+ Text = "Fge Feld hinzu";
+ Text [ english ] = "Add field";
+ Text[ english_us ] = "Add field";
+ Text[ french ] = "Ajout de champ";
+ Text[ spanish ] = "Aadir campo";
+ Text[ italian ] = "Aggiungi campo";
+ Text[ swedish ] = "Lgg till flt";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "Add field";
+ Text[ korean ] = "필드 추가";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "新增字段";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "新增欄位";
+ Text = "Entferne Feld";
+ Text [ english ] = "Remove field";
+ Text[ english_us ] = "Remove field";
+ Text[ french ] = "Suppression de champ";
+ Text[ spanish ] = "Borrar campo";
+ Text[ italian ] = "Elimina campo";
+ Text[ swedish ] = "Ta bort flt";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "Remove field";
+ Text[ korean ] = "필드 제거";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "删除字段";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "移除欄位";
+ Text = "Fge alle Felder hinzu";
+ Text [ english ] = "Add all fields";
+ Text[ english_us ] = "Add all fields";
+ Text[ french ] = "Ajout de tous les champs";
+ Text[ spanish ] = "Aadir todos los campos";
+ Text[ italian ] = "Aggiungi tutti i campi";
+ Text[ swedish ] = "Lgg till alla flt";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "Add all fields";
+ Text[ korean ] = "모든 필드 추가";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "新增全部的字段";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "新增所有的欄位";
+ Text = "Entferne alle Felder";
+ Text [ english ] = "Remove all fields";
+ Text[ english_us ] = "Remove all fields";
+ Text[ french ] = "Suppression de tous les champs";
+ Text[ spanish ] = "Borrar todos los campos";
+ Text[ italian ] = "Elimina tutti i campi";
+ Text[ swedish ] = "Ta bort alla flt";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "Remove all fields";
+ Text[ korean ] = "모든 필드 제거";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "删除全部的字段";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "移除全部的欄位";
// ============================================================================
+#ifdef null
@@ -719,7 +785,7 @@ String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 0
Text[ russian ] = " ";
Text[ dutch ] = "AutoPiloot groepselement";
Text[ french ] = "AutoPilote d'lment de groupe";
- Text[ spanish ] = "AutoPiloto - Elemento de grupo";
+ Text[ spanish ] = "Piloto automtico - Elemento de grupo";
Text[ italian ] = "Pilota automatico - Elemento di gruppo";
Text[ danish ] = "AutoPilot Gruppeelement";
Text[ swedish ] = "AutoPilot fr gruppelement";
@@ -732,7 +798,7 @@ String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 0
Text[ dutch ] = "AutoPiloot groepselement";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "自动文件助理 小组单元";
Text[ greek ] = " AutoPilot";
- Text[ korean ] = "오토파일럿 그룹 요소";
+ Text[ korean ] = "자동 파일럿 그룹 요소";
Text[ turkish ] = "OtoPilot Grup esi";
Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
Text[ catalan ] = "Element de grup de l'AutoPilot";
@@ -789,7 +855,7 @@ String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 2
Text[ dutch ] = "Groep maken";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "生成小组";
Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "그룹 완성";
+ Text[ korean ] = "그룹 만들기";
Text[ turkish ] = "Grup olutur";
Text[ catalan ] = "Crea un grup";
Text[ finnish ] = "Luo ryhm";
@@ -875,7 +941,7 @@ String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 5
Text[ dutch ] = ": standaardveld selecteren";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ":选择标准字段";
Text[ greek ] = ": ";
- Text[ korean ] = ": 표준 필드 선택";
+ Text[ korean ] = ": 기본값 필드 선택";
Text[ turkish ] = ": Standart alan seimi";
Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
Text[ catalan ] = ": Selecci de camp per defecte";
@@ -904,7 +970,7 @@ String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 6
Text[ dutch ] = ": veldwaarden";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ":字段数值";
Text[ greek ] = ": ";
- Text[ korean ] = ": 필드 수치";
+ Text[ korean ] = ": 필드값";
Text[ turkish ] = ": Alan deerleri";
Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
Text[ catalan ] = ": Valor de camp";
@@ -962,7 +1028,7 @@ String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 8
Text[ dutch ] = ": optiegroep maken";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ":制作选项小组";
Text[ greek ] = ": ";
- Text[ korean ] = ": 옵션 그룹 제작";
+ Text[ korean ] = ": 옵션 그룹 만들기";
Text[ turkish ] = ": Seenek grubu olutur";
Text[ catalan ] = ": Crea un grup d'opcions";
Text[ finnish ] = ": Luo valintaryhm";
@@ -990,7 +1056,7 @@ String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 9
Text[ dutch ] = "Vul in dit dialoogvenster alle optievelden in";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "请在这个对话框内填入全部的选项字段。";
Text[ greek ] = " .";
- Text[ korean ] = "이 대화상자에 모든 옵션 필드를 입력하십시오.";
+ Text[ korean ] = "이 대화 상자에 모든 옵션 필드를 입력하십시오.";
Text[ turkish ] = "Bu pencerede tm seenek alanlarn giriniz.";
Text[ catalan ] = "Introduu tots els camps d'opci en aquest dileg.";
Text[ finnish ] = "Syt kaikki valintaikkunan valintakentt.";
@@ -1018,7 +1084,7 @@ String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 10
Text[ dutch ] = "Welke namen wilt u de optievelden geven?";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "选项字段的名称?";
Text[ greek ] = " ;";
- Text[ korean ] = "옵션 필드들은 어떤 이름을 가질까요?";
+ Text[ korean ] = "어떤 이름을 옵션 필드에 지정할까요?";
Text[ turkish ] = "Seenek alanlarna hangi adlar vermek istiyorsunuz?";
Text[ catalan ] = "Quins noms voleu donar als camps d'opcions?";
Text[ finnish ] = "Miten haluat nimet valintakentt?";
@@ -1074,7 +1140,7 @@ String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 12
Text[ dutch ] = "Wilt u een bepaald optieveld als standaard selecteren?";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "要选择一个默认的选项字段?";
Text[ greek ] = " ( ) ;";
- Text[ korean ] = "옵션 필드를 기본으로 선택할까요?";
+ Text[ korean ] = "한 옵션 필드를 기본값으로 선택하시겠습니까?";
Text[ turkish ] = "Bir seenek alan standart olarak seili olsun mu?";
Text[ catalan ] = "Hi ha d'haver un camp d'opci seleccionat per defecte?";
Text[ finnish ] = "Valitaanko yksi valintakentt oletuskentksi?";
@@ -1102,7 +1168,7 @@ String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 13
Text[ dutch ] = "Ja, en wel het volgende:";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "是,选择下列:";
Text[ greek ] = ", :";
- Text[ korean ] = "예, 다음과 같이:";
+ Text[ korean ] = "예, 다음과 같습니다:";
Text[ turkish ] = "Evet, aadaki:";
Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
Text[ catalan ] = "S, el segent:";
@@ -1159,7 +1225,7 @@ String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 15
Text[ dutch ] = "Als u een optie kiest, wordt er een bepaalde waarde toegewezen aan de optiegroep.";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "如果选中了一个选项,这个选项小组就会获得一个数值。";
Text[ greek ] = " .";
- Text[ korean ] = "옵션을 선택하면 옵션 그룹에 특정한 값이 지정됩니다.";
+ Text[ korean ] = "옵션을 선택하면 옵션 그룹에 특정값이 지정됩니다.";
Text[ turkish ] = "Bir seenek belirlendiinde, seenek grubuna belirli bir deer atanr.";
Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
Text[ catalan ] = "Quan seleccioneu una opci, s'assignar al grup d'opcions un valor determinat.";
@@ -1188,7 +1254,7 @@ String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 16
Text[ dutch ] = "Welke waarden wilt u toewijzen aan de opties?";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "指定给每个选项的数值?";
Text[ greek ] = " ;";
- Text[ korean ] = "어느 값을 각 옵션에 지정하겠습니까?";
+ Text[ korean ] = "어느 값을 각 옵션에 할당하시겠습니까?";
Text[ turkish ] = "Her bir seenee hangi deeri atamak istiyorsunuz?";
Text[ catalan ] = "Quin valor voleu assignar a cada opci?";
Text[ finnish ] = "Mink arvon haluat antaa valinnoille?";
@@ -1244,7 +1310,7 @@ String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 18
Text[ dutch ] = "U kunt de waarde van de optiegroep opslaan in een databaseveld of deze een andere keer gebruiken.";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "您能够将选项小组的数值存入一个数据库字段或以备后用。";
Text[ greek ] = " ?";
- Text[ korean ] = "옵션 그룹의 값을 데이터베이스 필드에 저장하거나 또는 차후로의 작업에 사용할 수 있습니다.";
+ Text[ korean ] = "옵션 그룹의 값을 데이터베이스 필드에 저장하거나 차후의 작동에 사용할 수 있습니다.";
Text[ turkish ] = "Seenek alannn deerini bir veritaban alannda kaydedebilir ya da bu deeri daha sonra yaplacak bir ilemde kullanabilirsiniz.";
Text[ catalan ] = "Podeu desar el valor del grup d'opcions en un camp de base de dades o utilitzar-lo per una acci posterior.";
Text[ finnish ] = "Voit joko tallentaa valintaryhmn arvon tietokannan kenttn tai kytt sit myhemmss toiminnossa.";
@@ -1272,7 +1338,7 @@ String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 19
Text[ dutch ] = "Wilt u de waarde opslaan in een databaseveld?";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "您要将这个数值存入一个数据库字段?";
Text[ greek ] = " ;";
- Text[ korean ] = "데이터베이스 필드에 값을 저장하겠습니까?";
+ Text[ korean ] = "데이터베이스 필드에 값을 저장하시겠습니까?";
Text[ turkish ] = "Deeri bir veritaban alannda kaydetmek istiyor musunuz?";
Text[ catalan ] = "Voleu desar el valor en un camp de la base de dades?";
Text[ finnish ] = "Haluatko tallentaa arvon tietokannan kenttn?";
@@ -1312,7 +1378,7 @@ String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 21
Text = "Nein, ich mchte den Wert nur im Formular speichern.";
Text [ english_us ] = "No, I only want to save the value in the form.";
Text[ portuguese ] = "No. Guardar apenas no formulrio.";
- Text[ russian ] = ", .";
+ Text[ russian ] = ", .";
Text[ dutch ] = "Nee, ik wil de waarde alleen opslaan in het formulier.";
Text[ french ] = "Non, enregistrer la valeur uniquement dans le formulaire.";
Text[ spanish ] = "No, deseo guardar el valor slo en el formulario.";
@@ -1356,7 +1422,7 @@ String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 22
Text[ dutch ] = "Welk naam wilt u uw optiegroep geven?";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "选项小组的名称?";
Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "옵션 그룹에 어느 라벨을 지정하겠습니까?";
+ Text[ korean ] = "옵션 그룹에 어떤 캡션을 지정하시겠습니까?";
Text[ turkish ] = "Seenek grubunuza hangi resim altyazs verilsin?";
Text[ catalan ] = "Quin ttol ha de tenir el grup d'opcions?";
Text[ finnish ] = "Mik on valintaryhmn otsikko?";
@@ -1384,13 +1450,15 @@ String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 23
Text[ dutch ] = "De gegevens voor het maken van de optiegroep zijn nu compleet.";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "这些是制作选项小组所需的全部资料。";
Text[ greek ] = " .";
- Text[ korean ] = "이것이 옵션 그룹 만들기에 필요한 모든 사항이었습니다.";
+ Text[ korean ] = "지금까지 옵션 그룹 만들기에 필요한 지정 내용이었습니다.";
Text[ turkish ] = "Seenek grubunun oluturulmas iin gereken tm bilgiler bunlardr.";
Text[ catalan ] = "Aquests sn tots els detalls necessaris per crear un grup d'opcions.";
Text[ finnish ] = "Kaikki valintaryhmn luontiin tarvittavat tiedot on nyt mritetty.";
Text[ thai ] = "เหล่านั่นคือรายละเอียดทั้งหมดที่จำเป็นในการสร้างกลุ่มทางเลือก";
// ============================================================================
@@ -1401,7 +1469,7 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 0
Text[ russian ] = " ";
Text[ dutch ] = "AutoPiloot Formulier";
Text[ french ] = "AutoPilote de formulaire";
- Text[ spanish ] = "AutoPiloto Formulario ";
+ Text[ spanish ] = "Piloto automtico - Formulario ";
Text[ italian ] = "Pilota automatico - Formulario";
Text[ danish ] = "AutoPilot-formular";
Text[ swedish ] = "AutoPilot fr formulr";
@@ -1414,7 +1482,7 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 0
Text[ dutch ] = "AutoPiloot Formulier";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "自动文件助理 表单";
Text[ greek ] = " AutoPilot";
- Text[ korean ] = "자동 파일럿 서식 용지";
+ Text[ korean ] = "자동 파일럿 양식";
Text[ turkish ] = "Form OtoPilotu";
Text[ catalan ] = "Formularis de l'AutoPilot";
Text[ finnish ] = "Ohjattu lomakkeiden luominen";
@@ -1442,7 +1510,7 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 1
Text[ dutch ] = "De naam is niet bruikbaar. Kies een andere naam.";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "无法使用这个标题。请您选择一个其他的标题。";
Text[ greek ] = " . .";
- Text[ korean ] = "이 제목은 사용될 수 없습니다. 다른 제목을 선택하십시오.";
+ Text[ korean ] = "이 제목은 사용할 수 없습니다. 다른 제목을 선택하십시오.";
Text[ turkish ] = "Bu balk kullanlamyor. Ltfen baka bir balk ad seiniz.";
Text[ catalan ] = "No es pot usar aquest ttol. Escolliu-ne un altre.";
Text[ finnish ] = "Tt otsikkoa ei voi kytt. Valitse toinen otsikko.";
@@ -1470,7 +1538,7 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 2
Text[ dutch ] = "Formulier maken";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "生成表单";
Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "용지 만들기";
+ Text[ korean ] = "양식 만들기";
Text[ turkish ] = "Form olutur";
Text[ catalan ] = "Crea un formulari";
Text[ finnish ] = "Luo lomake";
@@ -1498,7 +1566,7 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 3
Text[ dutch ] = "Formulier_";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "表单_";
Text[ greek ] = "_";
- Text[ korean ] = "용지_";
+ Text[ korean ] = "양식_";
Text[ turkish ] = "Form_";
Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
Text[ catalan ] = "Formulari_";
@@ -1527,7 +1595,7 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 4
Text[ dutch ] = "(Datum)";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = " (日期)";
Text[ greek ] = "()";
- Text[ korean ] = " (날짜)";
+ Text[ korean ] = "(날짜)";
Text[ turkish ] = "(Tarih)";
Text[ catalan ] = "(Data)";
Text[ finnish ] = "(Pivmr)";
@@ -1654,7 +1722,7 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 9
Text[ russian ] = ": ";
Text[ dutch ] = ": sjablonen";
Text[ french ] = " : Styles";
- Text[ spanish ] = ": Estilos";
+ Text[ spanish ] = ": Plantillas";
Text[ italian ] = ": Modelli";
Text[ danish ] = ": Skabeloner";
Text[ swedish ] = ": mallar";
@@ -1667,7 +1735,7 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 9
Text[ dutch ] = ": sjablonen";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ":样式";
Text[ greek ] = ": ";
- Text[ korean ] = ": 템플릿";
+ Text[ korean ] = ": 서식 파일";
Text[ turkish ] = ": ablonlar";
Text[ catalan ] = ": Plantilles";
Text[ finnish ] = ": Mallit";
@@ -1723,7 +1791,7 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 11
Text[ dutch ] = "~Gegevensbron";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "数据源(~U)";
Text[ greek ] = "~ ";
- Text[ korean ] = "데이터 관리(~U)";
+ Text[ korean ] = "데이터 원본(~U)";
Text[ turkish ] = "Veri kayna";
Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
Text[ catalan ] = "F~ont de les dades";
@@ -1780,7 +1848,7 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 13
Text[ dutch ] = "Velden in ~formulier";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "表单内的字段";
Text[ greek ] = " ~";
- Text[ korean ] = "서식 용지 내의 필드";
+ Text[ korean ] = "양식 필드";
Text[ turkish ] = "Form iindeki alanlar";
Text[ catalan ] = "Camps del formulari";
Text[ finnish ] = "Lomakkeen kentt";
@@ -1808,7 +1876,7 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 14
Text[ dutch ] = "~Stijl";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "式样(~L)";
Text[ greek ] = "~";
- Text[ korean ] = "유형(~L)";
+ Text[ korean ] = "레이아웃(~L)";
Text[ turkish ] = "~Biim";
Text[ catalan ] = "~Format";
Text[ finnish ] = "~Asettelu";
@@ -1836,7 +1904,7 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 15
Text[ dutch ] = "~Kolomgerinteerd";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "按照列";
Text[ greek ] = "~ ";
- Text[ korean ] = "열 중심";
+ Text[ korean ] = "열 방향";
Text[ turkish ] = "Stunlar halinde";
Text[ catalan ] = "Orientat a columna";
Text[ finnish ] = "Sarakesuunnattu";
@@ -1851,7 +1919,7 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 16
Text[ russian ] = "~";
Text[ dutch ] = "~Geoptimaliseerd";
Text[ french ] = "~Optimis";
- Text[ spanish ] = "~Optimado";
+ Text[ spanish ] = "~Optimizado";
Text[ italian ] = "~Ottimizzato";
Text[ danish ] = "~Optimeret";
Text[ swedish ] = "~Optimerad";
@@ -1920,7 +1988,7 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 18
Text[ dutch ] = "Naam / ~gegevens";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "标题/数据(~D)";
Text[ greek ] = " / ~";
- Text[ korean ] = "표제/데이터(~D)";
+ Text[ korean ] = "제목/데이터(~D)";
Text[ turkish ] = "Balk / ~Veriler";
Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
Text[ catalan ] = "Ttol / ~Dades";
@@ -1949,7 +2017,7 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 19
Text[ dutch ] = "~Naast elkaar";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "并排(~T)";
Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "병렬(~T)";
+ Text[ korean ] = "바둑판식 배치(~T)";
Text[ turkish ] = "~Yan yana";
Text[ catalan ] = "~Ttol";
Text[ finnish ] = "~Vierekkin";
@@ -1977,7 +2045,7 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 20
Text[ dutch ] = "~Gestapeld";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "重叠(~S)";
Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "겹침(~S)";
+ Text[ korean ] = "누적(~S)";
Text[ turkish ] = "~st ste";
Text[ catalan ] = "~Apilats";
Text[ finnish ] = "~Pinottu";
@@ -2034,7 +2102,7 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 22
Text[ dutch ] = "Geef de titel op";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "请您输入一个标题";
Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "문서 제목을 입력하십시오";
+ Text[ korean ] = "문서 제목을 입력하십시오.";
Text[ turkish ] = "~Belge bal";
Text[ catalan ] = "Ttol del ~document";
Text[ finnish ] = "Anna otsikko";
@@ -2062,7 +2130,7 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 23
Text[ dutch ] = "Na ~voltooiing...";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "完成之后(~A)...";
Text[ greek ] = " ~ ...";
- Text[ korean ] = "완성 후(~A)...";
+ Text[ korean ] = "완료 후(~A)...";
Text[ turkish ] = "~Oluturulduktan sonra...";
Text[ catalan ] = "~En acabar...";
Text[ finnish ] = "Valmistumisen ~jlkeen...";
@@ -2223,7 +2291,7 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 29
Text[ polish ] = "Bez obramowania";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "No Border";
Text[ japanese ] = "枠なし";
- Text[ korean ] = "외곽선 없음";
+ Text[ korean ] = "테두리 없음";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "无边框";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "無邊框";
Text[ turkish ] = "No Border";
@@ -2251,7 +2319,7 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 30
Text[ polish ] = "Trjwymiarowy";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "3D Look";
Text[ japanese ] = "3D ルック";
- Text[ korean ] = "3D 보기";
+ Text[ korean ] = "3D Look";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "3 维外观";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "3D 外觀";
Text[ turkish ] = "3D Look";
@@ -2306,7 +2374,7 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 32
Text[ polish ] = "Wyrwnanie pl etykiety";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Alignment";
Text[ japanese ] = "ラベル書きフィールドの位置";
- Text[ korean ] = "라벨 필드 맞춤";
+ Text[ korean ] = "레이블 위치 맞춤";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "标签字段对齐";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "標籤欄位對準";
Text[ turkish ] = "Alignment";
@@ -2325,7 +2393,7 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 33
Text[ russian ] = " ";
Text[ greek ] = "Align Labels on left Edge";
Text[ dutch ] = "Linkslijnend";
- Text[ french ] = "Align gauche";
+ Text[ french ] = "Aligner gauche";
Text[ spanish ] = "Izquierda";
Text[ finnish ] = "Tasaa vasemmalle";
Text[ italian ] = "Allinea a sinistra";
@@ -2353,7 +2421,7 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 34
Text[ russian ] = " ";
Text[ greek ] = "Align Labels on right Edge";
Text[ dutch ] = "Rechtslijnend";
- Text[ french ] = "Align droite";
+ Text[ french ] = "Aligner droite";
Text[ spanish ] = "Derecha";
Text[ finnish ] = "Tasaa oikealle";
Text[ italian ] = "Allinea a destra";
@@ -2382,7 +2450,7 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 35
Text[ greek ] = "Arrangement of DB Fields";
Text[ dutch ] = "Plaatsing van databasevelden";
Text[ french ] = "Disposition des champs de BD";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Ajuste de los campos de la base de datos";
+ Text[ spanish ] = "Disposicin de los campos de la base de datos";
Text[ finnish ] = "Tietokantakenttien jrjestys";
Text[ italian ] = "Assegna i campi DB";
Text[ danish ] = "DB-felternes placering";
@@ -2390,7 +2458,7 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 35
Text[ polish ] = "Rozmieszczenie pl bazy danych";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Arrangement of DB Fields";
Text[ japanese ] = "データベースフィールドの整列";
- Text[ korean ] = "DB 필드의 맞춤";
+ Text[ korean ] = "DB 필드 배치";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "对齐数据库字段";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "對齊資料庫欄位";
Text[ turkish ] = "Arrangement of DB Fields";
@@ -2417,7 +2485,7 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 36
Text[ polish ] = "Kolumny - etykiety po lewej";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Columnar - Labels left";
Text[ japanese ] = "欄で、ラベル書きは左に";
- Text[ korean ] = "종란식 - 왼쪽에 라벨";
+ Text[ korean ] = "열에서 레이블을 왼쪽으로";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "在列内 - 标签向左";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "在欄位內 - 標籤向左";
Text[ turkish ] = "Columnar - Labels left";
@@ -2445,7 +2513,7 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 37
Text[ polish ] = "Kolumny - etykiety u gry";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Columnar - Labels on Top";
Text[ japanese ] = "欄で、ラベル書きは上に";
- Text[ korean ] = "종란식 - 위쪽에 라벨";
+ Text[ korean ] = "열에서 레이블을 위쪽에";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "在列内 - 标签向上";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "在欄位內 - 標籤向上";
Text[ turkish ] = "Columnar - Labels on Top";
@@ -2472,7 +2540,7 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 38
Text[ polish ] = "Bloki - etykiety po lewej";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Inf Blocks - Labels left";
Text[ japanese ] = "ブロックで、ラベル書きは左に";
- Text[ korean ] = "블록 내 - 왼쪽에 라벨 왼쪽";
+ Text[ korean ] = "블록에서 레이블을 왼쪽에";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "在条块内 - 标签向左";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "在條塊內 - 標籤向左";
Text[ turkish ] = "Inf Blocks - Labels left";
@@ -2500,7 +2568,7 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 39
Text[ polish ] = "Bloki - etykiety u gry";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "In Blocks - Labels oben";
Text[ japanese ] = "ブロックで、ラベル書きは上に";
- Text[ korean ] = "블록 내 - 위쪽에 라벨";
+ Text[ korean ] = "블록에서 레이블을 위쪽에";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "在条块内 - 标签向上";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "在條塊內 - 標籤向上";
Text[ turkish ] = "In Blocks - Labels oben";
@@ -2528,7 +2596,7 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 40
Text[ polish ] = "Jako arkusz z danymi";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "As Grid";
Text[ japanese ] = "データ表として";
- Text[ korean ] = "눈금대로";
+ Text[ korean ] = "데이터 표로";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "当作数据表";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "當作資料表";
Text[ turkish ] = "As Grid";
@@ -2588,7 +2656,7 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 46
Text[ polish ] = "Ukad";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Layout";
Text[ japanese ] = "レイアウト";
- Text[ korean ] = "배치";
+ Text[ korean ] = "레이아웃 선택";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "版式";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "版式";
Text[ turkish ] = "Layout";
@@ -2635,7 +2703,7 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 50
Text[ russian ] = " ";
Text[ greek ] = "Presentation of Binary Fields";
Text[ dutch ] = "Binaire velden weergeven";
- Text[ french ] = "Reprsentation des champs binaires";
+ Text[ french ] = "Affichage des champs binaires";
Text[ spanish ] = "Representacin de campo binario";
Text[ finnish ] = "Binaarikenttien esitystapa";
Text[ italian ] = "Presentazione del campo binario";
@@ -2644,7 +2712,7 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 50
Text[ polish ] = "Pola binarne";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Presentation of Binary Fields";
Text[ japanese ] = "2進法フィールドの表示";
- Text[ korean ] = "바이너리 필드 표시";
+ Text[ korean ] = "이진 필드 표시";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "二进制字段显示";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "二元欄位顯示";
Text[ turkish ] = "Presentation of Binary Fields";
@@ -2700,7 +2768,7 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 52
Text[ polish ] = "Pola binarne jako grafiki";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Binary Fields as Images";
Text[ japanese ] = "2進法フィールドを図で";
- Text[ korean ] = "이미지 이진 필드";
+ Text[ korean ] = "이진 필드를 이미지로";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "二进制字段当作图形";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "二元欄位當作圖形";
Text[ turkish ] = "Binary Fields as Images";
@@ -2727,7 +2795,7 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 55
Text[ polish ] = "Ilustracja ta";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Background Picture";
Text[ japanese ] = "背景デザイン";
- Text[ korean ] = "배경 그림";
+ Text[ korean ] = "배경 이미지";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "背景颜色";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "背景圖片";
Text[ turkish ] = "Background Picture";
@@ -2749,7 +2817,7 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 56
Text[ greek ] = " ";
Text[ dutch ] = "~Getegeld";
Text[ french ] = "Carrelage";
- Text[ spanish ] = "~Embaldosado";
+ Text[ spanish ] = "~Mosaico";
Text[ italian ] = "Affianca";
Text[ danish ] = "~Side om side";
Text[ swedish ] = "Sida vid sida";
@@ -2784,7 +2852,7 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 57
Text[ polish ] = "Skalowany";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Scaled";
Text[ japanese ] = "拡大して表示(~S)";
- Text[ korean ] = "늘이기(~S)";
+ Text[ korean ] = "확대하여 표시(~S)";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "采用显示比例(~S)";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "採用顯示比例(~S)";
Text[ turkish ] = "~Scaled";
@@ -2841,7 +2909,7 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 65
Text[ polish ] = "Zmniejszenie okna dialogowego";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Dialog will be reduced";
Text[ japanese ] = "ダイアログを縮小";
- Text[ korean ] = "대화상자가 축소됩니다";
+ Text[ korean ] = "대화 상자가 축소됩니다";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "对话框会缩小";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "對話方塊會縮小。";
Text[ turkish ] = "Dialog will be reduced";
@@ -2869,7 +2937,7 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 66
Text[ polish ] = "Powikszenie okna dialogowego";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Dialog will be enlarged";
Text[ japanese ] = "ダイアログを拡大";
- Text[ korean ] = "대화상자가 확대됩니다";
+ Text[ korean ] = "대화 상자가 확대됩니다";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "对话框会放大";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "對話方塊會放大。";
Text[ turkish ] = "Dialog will be enlarged";
@@ -2926,7 +2994,7 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 71
Text[ polish ] = "Writer 6.0 - Szablon";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Writer 6.0 Template";
Text[ japanese ] = "Writer 6.0 テンプレート";
- Text[ korean ] = "Writer 6.0 템플릿";
+ Text[ korean ] = "Writer 6.0 서식 파일";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Writer 6.0 样式";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Writer 6.0 樣式";
Text[ turkish ] = "Writer 6.0 Template";
@@ -2938,6 +3006,7 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 71
// ============================================================================
+#ifdef null
@@ -2947,7 +3016,7 @@ String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 0
Text[ russian ] = " ";
Text[ dutch ] = "AutoPiloot Query";
Text[ french ] = "AutoPilote de requte";
- Text[ spanish ] = "AutoPiloto Consulta";
+ Text[ spanish ] = "Piloto automtico - Consulta";
Text[ italian ] = "Pilota automatico - Ricerca";
Text[ danish ] = "AutoPilot Foresprgsel";
Text[ swedish ] = "AutoPilot fr skning";
@@ -2960,7 +3029,7 @@ String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 0
Text[ dutch ] = "AutoPiloot Query";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "自动文件助理 查询";
Text[ greek ] = " - ";
- Text[ korean ] = "오토파일럿 질의";
+ Text[ korean ] = "자동 파일럿 쿼리";
Text[ turkish ] = "Sorgu OtoPilotu";
Text[ catalan ] = "Consulta de l'AutoPilot";
Text[ finnish ] = "Ohjattu kyselyn luominen";
@@ -2975,7 +3044,7 @@ String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 1
Text[ russian ] = " . .";
Text[ dutch ] = "Er is geen database genstalleerd. U heeft tenminste n database nodig om de autopiloot voor query's te kunnen starten.";
Text[ french ] = "Aucune base de donnes n'est installe. Vous avez besoin d'au moins une base de donnes afin de pouvoir lancer l'AutoPilote de requte.";
- Text[ spanish ] = "No hay ninguna base de datos instalada. Necesita al menos una base de datos para poder iniciar el AutoPiloto para consultas.";
+ Text[ spanish ] = "No hay ninguna base de datos instalada. Necesita al menos una base de datos para poder iniciar el Piloto automtico para consultas.";
Text[ italian ] = "Non stato installato nessun database. necessario installare almeno un database per poter avviare il Pilota automatico per le ricerche.";
Text[ danish ] = "Der er ikke installeret nogen database. Mindst n database er ndvendig for at kunne starte AutoPilot til foresprgsler.";
Text[ swedish ] = "Ingen databas r installerad. Du behver minst en databas fr att kunna starta AutoPiloten fr skningar.";
@@ -2988,7 +3057,7 @@ String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 1
Text[ dutch ] = "Er is geen database genstalleerd. U heeft tenminste n database nodig om de autopiloot voor query's te kunnen starten.";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "没有安装任何数据库。执行自动文件助理的询问功能之前必须安装一个数据库。";
Text[ greek ] = " . .";
- Text[ korean ] = "데이터베이스가 설치되어 있지 않습니다. 질의 자동 파일럿을 시작하기 위해서는 데이터베이스가 최소한 하나는 필요합니다.";
+ Text[ korean ] = "데이터베이스가 설치되어 있지 않습니다. 쿼리 자동 파일럿을 시작하기 위해서는 데이터베이스가 최소한 하나는 필요합니다.";
Text[ turkish ] = "Kurulmu veritaban yok. Sorgu OtoPilot'unu balatabilmek iin en az bir veritaban mevcut olmaldr.";
Text[ catalan ] = "No s'ha cap base de dades. Hi ha d'haver una base de dades per poder iniciar l'AutoPilot Query.";
Text[ finnish ] = "Tietokantaa ei ole asennettu. Ohjattua kyselyjen luomista varten jrjestelmss on oltava mritettyn vhintn yksi tietokanta.";
@@ -3016,7 +3085,7 @@ String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 2
Text[ dutch ] = "Er is een fout opgetreden bij de uitvoering of bij het maken van de query.";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "在执行或建立查询时发生一个错误。";
Text[ greek ] = " .";
- Text[ korean ] = "질의를 실행하거나 지정할 때 오류가 발생했습니다.";
+ Text[ korean ] = "쿼리를 실행하거나 지정 중 오류가 발생했습니다.";
Text[ turkish ] = "Yrtmede ya da sorgu oluturmada bir hata olutu.";
Text[ catalan ] = "S'ha produt un error en executar o definir una consulta.";
Text[ finnish ] = "Kyselyn suorituksen tai mrityksen aikana on ilmennyt virhe.";
@@ -3028,7 +3097,7 @@ String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 3
Text = "Die Abfrage wurde im Explorer abgelegt.";
Text [ english_us ] = "The query has been saved in the Explorer.";
Text[ portuguese ] = "A consulta foi guardada no Explorer.";
- Text[ russian ] = " .";
+ Text[ russian ] = " .";
Text[ dutch ] = "De query is opgenomen in de Explorer.";
Text[ french ] = "La requte a t archive dans l'Explorer.";
Text[ spanish ] = "La consulta se ha guardado en el Explorador.";
@@ -3044,7 +3113,7 @@ String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 3
Text[ dutch ] = "De query is opgenomen in de Explorer.";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "这个查询存盘在资源管理器内。";
Text[ greek ] = " .";
- Text[ korean ] = "질의가 익스플로러에 철해졌습니다.!처";
+ Text[ korean ] = "쿼리가 탐색기에 저장되었습니다.";
Text[ turkish ] = "Sorgu Explorer'da kaydedildi.";
Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
Text[ catalan ] = "S'ha desat la consulta en l'Explorer.";
@@ -3073,7 +3142,7 @@ String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 4
Text[ dutch ] = "Er is een fout opgetreden. De query kan niet worden opgeslagen.";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "发生了一个错误。因此无法建立这个查询。";
Text[ greek ] = " . .";
- Text[ korean ] = "오류 발생. 질의를 저장하지 못했습니다.";
+ Text[ korean ] = "오류가 발생했습니다. 쿼리를 저장하지 못했습니다.";
Text[ turkish ] = "Bir hata olutu. Sorgu kaydedilemedi.";
Text[ catalan ] = "S'ha produt un error. No s'ha pogut desar la consulta.";
Text[ finnish ] = "On tapahtunut virhe. Kysely ei voitu tallentaa.";
@@ -3101,7 +3170,7 @@ String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 5
Text[ dutch ] = "Dubbele veldnaam. Er bestaat reeds een veld met de naam $1.";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "双重字段名称。已经存在一个字段名称 $1。";
Text[ greek ] = " . $1.";
- Text[ korean ] = "이중 필드 명칭. 이름이 $1인 필드가 이미 존재합니다.";
+ Text[ korean ] = "중복되는 필드 이름입니다. 이름이 $1인 필드가 이미 있습니다.";
Text[ turkish ] = "Alan ad kullanmda. $1 adnda baka bir alan mevcut.";
Text[ catalan ] = "Duplica el nom del camp. Ja existeix un camp anomenat $1.";
Text[ finnish ] = "Samat kenttien nimet Kentt $1 on jo olemassa.";
@@ -3129,7 +3198,7 @@ String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 6
Text[ dutch ] = "Query_";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "查询_";
Text[ greek ] = "_";
- Text[ korean ] = "질의_";
+ Text[ korean ] = "쿼리_";
Text[ turkish ] = "Sorgu_";
Text[ catalan ] = "Consulta_";
Text[ finnish ] = "Kysely_";
@@ -3185,7 +3254,7 @@ String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 8
Text[ dutch ] = "leeg";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "空缺";
Text[ greek ] = "";
- Text[ korean ] = "비어 있음";
+ Text[ korean ] = "빈";
Text[ turkish ] = "bo";
Text[ catalan ] = "buit";
Text[ finnish ] = "tyhj";
@@ -3213,7 +3282,7 @@ String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 9
Text[ dutch ] = "niet leeg";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "不空缺";
Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "공백 없슴.";
+ Text[ korean ] = "비어있지 않음";
Text[ turkish ] = "bo deil";
Text[ catalan ] = "no buit";
Text[ finnish ] = "ei tyhj";
@@ -3241,7 +3310,7 @@ String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 10
Text[ dutch ] = "als";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "等同";
Text[ greek ] = "";
- Text[ korean ] = "동일함";
+ Text[ korean ] = "같음";
Text[ turkish ] = "yle";
Text[ catalan ] = "com";
Text[ finnish ] = "samanlainen kuin";
@@ -3269,7 +3338,7 @@ String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 11
Text[ dutch ] = "niet als";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "不同于";
Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "지정한 조건과 다름";
+ Text[ korean ] = "같지 않음";
Text[ turkish ] = "yle deil";
Text[ catalan ] = "diferent";
Text[ finnish ] = "ei samanlainen kuin";
@@ -3297,7 +3366,7 @@ String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 12
Text[ dutch ] = "EN";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "和";
Text[ greek ] = "";
- Text[ korean ] = "그리고";
+ Text[ korean ] = "와(과)";
Text[ turkish ] = "VE";
Text[ catalan ] = "AND";
Text[ finnish ] = "JA";
@@ -3409,7 +3478,7 @@ String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 16
Text[ dutch ] = ": filteren";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ":筛选";
Text[ greek ] = ": ";
- Text[ korean ] = ": 필터링";
+ Text[ korean ] = ": 필터";
Text[ turkish ] = ": Filtreleme";
Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
Text[ catalan ] = ": Filtre";
@@ -3438,7 +3507,7 @@ String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 17
Text[ dutch ] = ": sorteren";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ":排序";
Text[ greek ] = ": ";
- Text[ korean ] = ": 정렬";
+ Text[ korean ] = ": 정렬 순서";
Text[ turkish ] = ": Sralama";
Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
Text[ catalan ] = ": Ordre";
@@ -3467,7 +3536,7 @@ String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 18
Text[ dutch ] = ": voltooien";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ":完成";
Text[ greek ] = ": ";
- Text[ korean ] = ": 완성";
+ Text[ korean ] = ": 만들기";
Text[ turkish ] = ": Olutur";
Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
Text[ catalan ] = ": Crea";
@@ -3524,7 +3593,7 @@ String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 20
Text[ dutch ] = "~Gegevensbron";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "数据源";
Text[ greek ] = "~ ";
- Text[ korean ] = "데이터 소스";
+ Text[ korean ] = "데이터 원본";
Text[ turkish ] = "Veri kayna";
Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
Text[ catalan ] = "Font de dades";
@@ -3582,7 +3651,7 @@ String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 22
Text[ dutch ] = "Velden in ~query";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "查询之中的字段";
Text[ greek ] = "~ ";
- Text[ korean ] = "질의에 있는 필드";
+ Text[ korean ] = "쿼리에 있는 필드";
Text[ turkish ] = "Sorgu iindeki alanlar";
Text[ catalan ] = "Camps de la consulta";
Text[ finnish ] = "Kyselyn kentt";
@@ -3610,7 +3679,7 @@ String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 23
Text[ dutch ] = "Filtering";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "筛选";
Text[ greek ] = "";
- Text[ korean ] = "필터링";
+ Text[ korean ] = "필터";
Text[ turkish ] = "Filtreleme";
Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
Text[ catalan ] = "Filtre";
@@ -3667,7 +3736,7 @@ String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 25
Text[ dutch ] = "Veldnaam";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "字段名称";
Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "필드 명칭";
+ Text[ korean ] = "필드 이름";
Text[ turkish ] = "Alan ad";
Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
Text[ catalan ] = "Nom del camp";
@@ -3696,7 +3765,7 @@ String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 26
Text[ dutch ] = "Voorwaarde";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "条件";
Text[ greek ] = "";
- Text[ korean ] = "전제 조건";
+ Text[ korean ] = "조건";
Text[ turkish ] = "Koul";
Text[ catalan ] = "Condici";
Text[ finnish ] = "Ehto";
@@ -3724,7 +3793,7 @@ String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 27
Text[ dutch ] = "Waarde";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "数值";
Text[ greek ] = "";
- Text[ korean ] = "수치";
+ Text[ korean ] = "값";
Text[ turkish ] = "Deer";
Text[ catalan ] = "Valor";
Text[ finnish ] = "Arvo";
@@ -3752,7 +3821,7 @@ String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 28
Text[ dutch ] = "Sortering";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "排序";
Text[ greek ] = "";
- Text[ korean ] = "분류";
+ Text[ korean ] = "정렬 순서";
Text[ turkish ] = "Sralama";
Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
Text[ catalan ] = "Ordre";
@@ -3781,7 +3850,7 @@ String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 29
Text[ dutch ] = "Naam ~query";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "查询标题";
Text[ greek ] = "~ ";
- Text[ korean ] = "질의 표제";
+ Text[ korean ] = "쿼리 제목";
Text[ turkish ] = "Sorgu bal";
Text[ catalan ] = "Ttol de consulta";
Text[ finnish ] = "Kyselyn otsikko";
@@ -3809,7 +3878,7 @@ String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 30
Text[ dutch ] = "Na voltooiing...";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "完成之后...";
Text[ greek ] = " ...";
- Text[ korean ] = "종료 후...";
+ Text[ korean ] = "완료 후...";
Text[ turkish ] = "Oluturulduktan sonra...";
Text[ catalan ] = "En acabar...";
Text[ finnish ] = "Valmistumisen jlkeen...";
@@ -3837,7 +3906,7 @@ String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 31
Text[ dutch ] = "Query meteen ~uitvoeren";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "立刻执行查询";
Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "질의 즉시 실시";
+ Text[ korean ] = "쿼리 즉시 실행";
Text[ turkish ] = "Sorguyu hemen yrt";
Text[ catalan ] = "Executa immediatament la consulta";
Text[ finnish ] = "Suorita kysely heti";
@@ -3865,13 +3934,14 @@ String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 32
Text[ dutch ] = "Query ~opslaan";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "存盘查询";
Text[ greek ] = "~ ";
- Text[ korean ] = "질의 철하기";
+ Text[ korean ] = "쿼리 저장";
Text[ turkish ] = "Sorguyu kaydet";
Text[ catalan ] = "Desa la consulta";
Text[ finnish ] = "Tallenna kysely";
Text[ thai ] = "บันทึกแบบสอบถาม";
// ============================================================================
@@ -3882,7 +3952,7 @@ String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 0
Text[ russian ] = " ";
Text[ dutch ] = "AutoPiloot Berichten";
Text[ french ] = "AutoPilote d'tat";
- Text[ spanish ] = "AutoPiloto - Informe";
+ Text[ spanish ] = "Piloto automtico - Informe";
Text[ italian ] = "Pilota automatico - rapporto";
Text[ danish ] = "AutoPilot Rapporter";
Text[ swedish ] = "AutoPilot fr rapporter";
@@ -3923,7 +3993,7 @@ String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 1
Text[ dutch ] = "Het bericht kan niet in de Explorer worden opgenomen.";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "无法在资源管理器内创建报告。";
Text[ greek ] = " .";
- Text[ korean ] = "보고서를 익스플로러에 철할 수 없었습니다.";
+ Text[ korean ] = "보고서를 탐색기에 저장하지 못했습니다.";
Text[ turkish ] = "Rapor, Explorer'da kaydedilemedi.";
Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
Text[ catalan ] = "No s'ha pogut desar l'informe en l'Explorer.";
@@ -3939,7 +4009,7 @@ String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 2
Text[ russian ] = " . .";
Text[ dutch ] = "Er is geen database genstalleerd. U heeft tenminste n database nodig om de autopiloot voor berichten te kunnen starten.";
Text[ french ] = "Aucune base de donnes n'est installe. Vous avez besoin d'au moins une base de donnes afin de pouvoir lancer l'AutoPilote d'tats.";
- Text[ spanish ] = "No hay ninguna base de datos instalada. Necesita al menos una base de datos para poder iniciar el AutoPiloto para informes.";
+ Text[ spanish ] = "No hay ninguna base de datos instalada. Necesita al menos una base de datos para poder iniciar el Piloto automtico de informes.";
Text[ italian ] = "Non stato installato nessun database. necessario installare almeno un database per poter avviare il Pilota automatico per i rapporti.";
Text[ danish ] = "Der er ikke installeret en database. Der krves mindst en database for at kunne starte AutoPiloten for rapporter.";
Text[ swedish ] = "Ingen databas r installerad. Du behver minst en databas fr att kunna starta AutoPiloten fr rapporter.";
@@ -3952,7 +4022,7 @@ String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 2
Text[ dutch ] = "Er is geen database genstalleerd. U heeft tenminste n database nodig om de autopiloot voor berichten te kunnen starten.";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "没有安装数据库。要执行自动文件助理的报告功能您必须安装一个数据库。";
Text[ greek ] = " . AutoPilot .";
- Text[ korean ] = "데이터베이스가 설치되어 있지 않습니다. 최소한 하나 이상의 데이터베이스가 있어야 리포트 자동 파일럿을 시작할 수 있습니다.";
+ Text[ korean ] = "데이터베이스가 설치되어 있지 않습니다. 최소한 하나 이상의 데이터베이스가 있어야 자동 파일럿 보고서를 시작할 수 있습니다.";
Text[ turkish ] = "Kurulmu veritaban yok. Rapor OtoPilot'unu balatabilmek iin en az bir veritaban mevcut olmaldr.";
Text[ catalan ] = "No hi ha cap base de dades instal.lada. En necessiteu una com a mnim per iniciar l'Autopilot Report.";
Text[ finnish ] = "Tietokantaa ei ole asennettu. Jrjestelmss on oltava vhintn yksi tietokanta ennen kuin ohjattua raportin luomista voi kytt.";
@@ -3980,7 +4050,7 @@ String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 3
Text[ dutch ] = "~Tabel";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "表格(~T)";
Text[ greek ] = "";
- Text[ korean ] = "시트(~T)";
+ Text[ korean ] = "테이블(~T)";
Text[ turkish ] = "~Tablo";
Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
Text[ catalan ] = "~Taula";
@@ -4009,7 +4079,7 @@ String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 4
Text[ dutch ] = "~Kolommen";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "列(~M)";
Text[ greek ] = "";
- Text[ korean ] = "단(~M)";
+ Text[ korean ] = "열(~M)";
Text[ turkish ] = "~Stunlar";
Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
Text[ catalan ] = "Colu~mnes";
@@ -4038,7 +4108,7 @@ String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 5
Text[ dutch ] = "~Overzicht A";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "大纲 A";
Text[ greek ] = " A";
- Text[ korean ] = "아웃트라인 A";
+ Text[ korean ] = "개요 A";
Text[ turkish ] = "~Anahat A";
Text[ catalan ] = "Contorn A";
Text[ finnish ] = "Jsennys A";
@@ -4066,7 +4136,7 @@ String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 6
Text[ dutch ] = "~Links A";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "左向 A";
Text[ greek ] = " A";
- Text[ korean ] = "좌측 A";
+ Text[ korean ] = "왼쪽 A";
Text[ turkish ] = "S~ol A";
Text[ catalan ] = "Esquerra A";
Text[ finnish ] = "Vasen A";
@@ -4122,7 +4192,7 @@ String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 8
Text[ dutch ] = "(geen)";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "- 未定义 -";
Text[ greek ] = "()";
- Text[ korean ] = "- 정의되지 않음 -";
+ Text[ korean ] = "- 지정되지 않음 -";
Text[ turkish ] = "(yok)";
Text[ catalan ] = "(cap)";
Text[ finnish ] = "(ei mitn)";
@@ -4222,7 +4292,7 @@ String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 13
Text[ russian ] = ": ";
Text[ dutch ] = ": stijl selecteren";
Text[ french ] = "Slection de la mise en page";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Seleccin de estilo";
+ Text[ spanish ] = "Seleccin del diseo";
Text[ italian ] = "Selezione layout";
Text[ danish ] = ": Typografiudvalg";
Text[ swedish ] = "Layouturval";
@@ -4376,7 +4446,7 @@ String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 20
Text[ dutch ] = "~Sortering";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "排序按照(~S)";
Text[ greek ] = "~";
- Text[ korean ] = "기준별 정렬";
+ Text[ korean ] = "정렬 기준";
Text[ turkish ] = "~Sralama";
Text[ catalan ] = "~Ordre";
Text[ finnish ] = "~Lajittelujrjestys";
@@ -4434,7 +4504,7 @@ String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 22
Text[ dutch ] = "~Staand";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "纵向";
Text[ greek ] = "";
- Text[ korean ] = "맞춤";
+ Text[ korean ] = "방향";
Text[ turkish ] = "~Dikey";
Text[ catalan ] = "~Vertical";
Text[ finnish ] = "~Pysty";
@@ -4509,7 +4579,7 @@ String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 28
Text[ swedish ] = "Vilka flt ska finnas med i din rapport?";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Welche Felder sollen in Ihrem Bericht erscheinen?";
Text[ japanese ] = "どのフィールドを作成するレポートで表示させますか。";
- Text[ korean ] = "어떤 필드가 보고서에 표시되기를 원하시는지요?";
+ Text[ korean ] = "어떤 필드를 보고서에 표시하시겠습니까?";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "报表之内应该包含的字段?";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "報表之内應該包含的欄位?";
Text[ portuguese ] = "E~squerda B";
@@ -4530,13 +4600,13 @@ String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 29
Text = "Mchten Sie Gruppierungen hinzufgen?";
Text [ english_us ] = "Do you want to add grouping levels?";
- Text[ french ] = "Souhaitez-vous ajouter des groupements ?";
+ Text[ french ] = "Ajout de groupements :";
Text[ spanish ] = "Desea aadir niveles de agrupacin?";
Text[ italian ] = "Volete aggiungere livelli di raggruppamento?";
Text[ swedish ] = "Vill du lgga till grupperingar?";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Mchten Sie Gruppierungen hinzufgen?";
Text[ japanese ] = "分類を追加しますか。";
- Text[ korean ] = "그룹화를 추가하시겠습니까?";
+ Text[ korean ] = "그룹화 수준을 추가하시겠습니까?";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "要加入分组?";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "要加入群組?";
Text[ portuguese ] = "~Escalonado";
@@ -4590,7 +4660,7 @@ String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 31
Text[ swedish ] = "Hur ska din rapport se ut?";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Wie soll Ihr Bericht aussehen?";
Text[ japanese ] = "どのスタイルを使用しますか。";
- Text[ korean ] = "보고서의 스타일은 어떻게 하시겠습니까? ";
+ Text[ korean ] = "보고서의 모양을 어떻게 하시겠습니까? ";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "您的报表版式?";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "您的報表版式?";
Text[ portuguese ] = "~Estilos";
@@ -4629,7 +4699,7 @@ String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 32
Text[ dutch ] = "~Naam bericht";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "新建的报表采用的类型?";
Text[ greek ] = "~ ";
- Text[ korean ] = "어떤 종류의 보고서를 작성하시겠습니까?";
+ Text[ korean ] = "어떤 종류의 보고서를 만드시겠습니까?";
Text[ turkish ] = "~Raporun ad";
Text[ language_user1 ] = "EM2.Mai.01: Die gleiche bersetzung wie fr \"Nach der Fertigstellung...\".";
Text[ catalan ] = "~Nom de l'informe";
@@ -4688,7 +4758,7 @@ String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 34
Text[ dutch ] = "Bericht ~weergeven";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "显示报表";
Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "리포트 표시";
+ Text[ korean ] = "보고서 표시";
Text[ turkish ] = "Raporu grntle";
Text[ catalan ] = "visualitza l'informe";
Text[ finnish ] = "Nyt raportti";
@@ -4716,7 +4786,7 @@ String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 35
Text[ dutch ] = "Bericht ~opslaan";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "存盘报表";
Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "리포트 철하기";
+ Text[ korean ] = "보고서 저장";
Text[ turkish ] = "Raporu kaydet";
Text[ catalan ] = "desa l'informe";
Text[ finnish ] = "Tallenna raportti";
@@ -4793,7 +4863,7 @@ String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 40
Text[ polish ] = "Dynamic Report template";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Dynamic Report template";
Text[ japanese ] = "ダイナミックなレポートテンプレート";
- Text[ korean ] = "다이나믹한 보고서 템플릿";
+ Text[ korean ] = "동적 보고서 서식 파일";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "可变式报表样式";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "可變式報表樣式";
Text[ turkish ] = "Dynamic Report template";
@@ -4820,7 +4890,7 @@ String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 41
Text[ polish ] = "Use report template immediately";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Use report template immediately";
Text[ japanese ] = "レポートテンプレートをすぐ使用する";
- Text[ korean ] = "보고서 템플릿 즉시 사용";
+ Text[ korean ] = "보고서 서식 파일 즉시 사용";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "立即使用报表样式";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "立即使用報表樣式";
Text[ turkish ] = "Use report template immediately";
@@ -4837,7 +4907,7 @@ String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 42
Text[ russian ] = "Modify report template";
Text[ greek ] = "Modify report template";
Text[ dutch ] = "Modify report template";
- Text[ french ] = "Modifier le modle d'tat";
+ Text[ french ] = "diter le modle d'tat";
Text[ spanish ] = "Editar plantilla de informe";
Text[ finnish ] = "Modify report template";
Text[ italian ] = "Modifica il modello di rapporto";
@@ -4846,7 +4916,7 @@ String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 42
Text[ polish ] = "Modify report template";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Modify report template";
Text[ japanese ] = "レポートテンプレートの編集を続ける";
- Text[ korean ] = "보고서 템플릿의 편집을 변경";
+ Text[ korean ] = "보고서 서식 파일 변경";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "修改报表样式";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "修改報表樣式";
Text[ turkish ] = "Modify report template";
@@ -4872,7 +4942,7 @@ String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 43
Text[ polish ] = "Static report";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Static report";
Text[ japanese ] = "スタティックなレポート";
- Text[ korean ] = "스태틱 보고서";
+ Text[ korean ] = "정적 보고서";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "固定式报表";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "固定式報表";
Text[ turkish ] = "Static report";
@@ -5187,7 +5257,7 @@ String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 60
Text[ swedish ] = "Det gr inte att visa binra flt i rapporten.";
Text[ polish ] = "Binary Fields cannot be displayed in the report";
Text[ japanese ] = "バイナリフィールドは、レポートでは表示できません。";
- Text[ korean ] = "바이너리 필드를 보고서에 표시할 수 없습니다.";
+ Text[ korean ] = "이진 필드를 보고서에 표시할 수 없습니다.";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "无法在报表之中显示二进制字段";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "無法在報表之中顯示二元欄位";
Text[ turkish ] = "Binary Fields cannot be displayed in the report";
@@ -5303,7 +5373,7 @@ String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 65
Text[ swedish ] = "Det gick inte att utfra skningen med uttrycket <BR>'<STATEMENT>' <BR>. <BR> Kontrollera din dataklla.";
Text[ polish ] = "The query with the statement<BR>'<STATEMENT>' <BR> could not be executed. <BR> Verify your Datasource.";
Text[ japanese ] = "命令文 <BR>'<STATEMENT>' を使ったクエリーは、<BR> 実行できませんでした。<BR> データソースをチェックしてください。";
- Text[ korean ] = "<BR>'<STATEMENT>' 문장의 쿼리를 실행할 수 없습니다. <BR> 데이터 소스를 검사해주십시오.";
+ Text[ korean ] = "<BR>'<STATEMENT>' 문장의 쿼리를 실행할 수 없습니다. <BR> 데이터 원본을 검사해 보십시오.";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "无法执行含有陈述<BR>'<STATEMENT>' <BR>的查询命令。<BR>请检查所使用的数据源。";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "無法執行含有陳述<BR>'<STATEMENT>' <BR> 的查詢指令。<BR>請檢查所使用的資料源。";
Text[ turkish ] = "The query with the statement<BR>'<STATEMENT>' <BR> could not be executed. <BR> Verify your Datasource.";
@@ -5312,23 +5382,23 @@ String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 65
- Text = "Folgendes versteckte Kontrollelement im Formular '<FORMNAME>' konnte nicht ausgelesen werden: '<CONTROLNAME>'.";
+ Text = "Folgendes versteckte Kontrollelement im Formular '<REPORTFORM>' konnte nicht ausgelesen werden: '<CONTROLNAME>'.";
Text [ english_us ] = "The following hidden control in the form '<REPORTFORM>' could not be read: '<CONTROLNAME>'.";
Text[ portuguese ] = "The following hidden control in the form '<FORMNAME>' could not be read: '<CONTROLNAME>'.";
Text[ russian ] = "The following hidden control in the form '<FORMNAME>' could not be read: '<CONTROLNAME>'.";
Text[ greek ] = "The following hidden control in the form '<FORMNAME>' could not be read: '<CONTROLNAME>'.";
Text[ dutch ] = "The following hidden control in the form '<FORMNAME>' could not be read: '<CONTROLNAME>'.";
- Text[ french ] = "Impossible de lire le contrle suivant masqu dans le formulaire '<FORMNAME>' : '<CONTROLNAME>'.";
+ Text[ french ] = "Impossible de lire le contrle suivant masqu dans le formulaire '<REPORTFORM>' : '<CONTROLNAME>'.";
Text[ spanish ] = "No se ha podido leer el control siguiente oculto en el formulario '<REPORTFORM>' : '<CONTROLNAME>'.";
Text[ finnish ] = "The following hidden control in the form '<FORMNAME>' could not be read: '<CONTROLNAME>'.";
- Text[ italian ] = "Impossibile leggere il controllo nascosto '<FORMNAME>': '<CONTROLNAME>'.";
+ Text[ italian ] = "Impossibile leggere il controllo nascosto '<REPORTFORM>': '<CONTROLNAME>'.";
Text[ danish ] = "The following hidden control in the form '<FORMNAME>' could not be read: '<CONTROLNAME>'.";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Det gick inte att lsa fljande dolda control i formulret '<FORMNAME>': '<CONTROLNAME>'.";
+ Text[ swedish ] = "Det gick inte att lsa fljande dolda kontrollelement i formulret '<REPORTFORM>': '<CONTROLNAME>'.";
Text[ polish ] = "The following hidden control in the form '<FORMNAME>' could not be read: '<CONTROLNAME>'.";
Text[ japanese ] = "フォーム '<FORMNAME>' にある隠しコントロールは読み取れませんでした。'<CONTROLNAME>'";
- Text[ korean ] = "다음의 '<FORMNAME>' 양식 안에 숨겨진 제어기는 읽을 수 없습니다: '<CONTROLNAME>'.";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "无法读取以下隐藏在表单 '<FORMNAME>' 之内的控制项:'<CONTROLNAME>'";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "無法存取下列隱藏在表單 '<FORMNAME>' 之内的控制:'<CONTROLNAME>' 。";
+ Text[ korean ] = "다음의 '<FORMNAME>' 양식 안에 숨겨진 컨트롤을 읽지 못했습니다: '<CONTROLNAME>'.";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "无法读取以下隐藏在表单 '<REPORTFORM>' 之内的控制项:'<CONTROLNAME>'";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "無法存取下列隱藏在表單 '<REPORTFORM>' 之内的控制:'<CONTROLNAME>' 。";
Text[ turkish ] = "The following hidden control in the form '<FORMNAME>' could not be read: '<CONTROLNAME>'.";
Text[ arabic ] = "The following hidden control in the form '<FORMNAME>' could not be read: '<CONTROLNAME>'.";
@@ -5365,18 +5435,18 @@ String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 68
Text[ russian ] = "Labeling Fields";
Text[ greek ] = "Labeling Fields";
Text[ dutch ] = "Labeling Fields";
- Text[ french ] = "Labeling Fields";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Labeling Fields";
+ Text[ french ] = "tiquetage des champs";
+ Text[ spanish ] = "Etiquetaje de los campos ";
Text[ finnish ] = "Labeling Fields";
- Text[ italian ] = "Labeling Fields";
+ Text[ italian ] = "Campi dicitura";
Text[ danish ] = "Labeling Fields";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Labeling Fields";
+ Text[ swedish ] = "Etikettera flt";
Text[ polish ] = "Labeling Fields";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Labeling Fields";
- Text[ japanese ] = "Labeling Fields";
- Text[ korean ] = "Labeling Fields";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Labeling Fields";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Labeling Fields";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "フィールドのラベル付け";
+ Text[ korean ] = "필드 입력";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "注明字段名称";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "標籤欄位";
Text[ turkish ] = "Labeling Fields";
Text[ arabic ] = "Labeling Fields";
Text[ catalan ] = "Labeling Fields";
@@ -5392,18 +5462,18 @@ String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 69
Text[ russian ] = "How do you want to label the fields?";
Text[ greek ] = "How do you want to label the fields?";
Text[ dutch ] = "How do you want to label the fields?";
- Text[ french ] = "How do you want to label the fields?";
- Text[ spanish ] = "How do you want to label the fields?";
+ Text[ french ] = "Type d'tiquetage des champs :";
+ Text[ spanish ] = "Cmo desea etiquetar los campos?";
Text[ finnish ] = "How do you want to label the fields?";
- Text[ italian ] = "How do you want to label the fields?";
+ Text[ italian ] = "Volete indicare una dicitura ai campi?";
Text[ danish ] = "How do you want to label the fields?";
- Text[ swedish ] = "How do you want to label the fields?";
+ Text[ swedish ] = "Hur vill du etikettera flten?";
Text[ polish ] = "How do you want to label the fields?";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "How do you want to label the fields?";
- Text[ japanese ] = "How do you want to label the fields?";
- Text[ korean ] = "How do you want to label the fields?";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "How do you want to label the fields?";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "How do you want to label the fields?";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "フィールドのラベル付け方法を選択してください。";
+ Text[ korean ] = "어떻게 필드에 레이블을 붙이겠습니까?";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "您要如何注明字段名称?";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "您想使用何種欄位標籤?";
Text[ turkish ] = "How do you want to label the fields?";
Text[ arabic ] = "How do you want to label the fields?";
Text[ catalan ] = "How do you want to label the fields?";
@@ -5418,18 +5488,18 @@ String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 70
Text[ russian ] = "Label";
Text[ greek ] = "Label";
Text[ dutch ] = "Label";
- Text[ french ] = "Label";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Label";
+ Text[ french ] = "tiquette";
+ Text[ spanish ] = "Etiqueta";
Text[ finnish ] = "Label";
- Text[ italian ] = "Label";
+ Text[ italian ] = "Dicitura";
Text[ danish ] = "Label";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Label";
+ Text[ swedish ] = "Etikett";
Text[ polish ] = "Label";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Label";
- Text[ japanese ] = "Label";
- Text[ korean ] = "Label";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Label";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Label";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "ラベル";
+ Text[ korean ] = "레이블";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "标签";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "標籤";
Text[ turkish ] = "Label";
Text[ arabic ] = "Label";
Text[ catalan ] = "Label";
@@ -5445,18 +5515,18 @@ String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 71
Text[ russian ] = "Field";
Text[ greek ] = "Field";
Text[ dutch ] = "Field";
- Text[ french ] = "Field";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Field";
+ Text[ french ] = "Champ";
+ Text[ spanish ] = "Campo";
Text[ finnish ] = "Field";
- Text[ italian ] = "Field";
+ Text[ italian ] = "Campo";
Text[ danish ] = "Field";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Field";
+ Text[ swedish ] = "Flt";
Text[ polish ] = "Field";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Field";
- Text[ japanese ] = "Field";
- Text[ korean ] = "Field";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Field";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Field";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "フィールド";
+ Text[ korean ] = "필드";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "字段";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "欄位";
Text[ turkish ] = "Field";
Text[ arabic ] = "Field";
Text[ catalan ] = "Field";
@@ -5472,18 +5542,18 @@ String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 72
Text[ russian ] = "An error occurred in the AutoPilot.<BR>The template '%PATH' could be erroneous.<BR>Either the required sections or tables do not exist or exist under the wrong name.<BR>See the Help for more detailed information.<BR>Please select another template.";
Text[ greek ] = "An error occurred in the AutoPilot.<BR>The template '%PATH' could be erroneous.<BR>Either the required sections or tables do not exist or exist under the wrong name.<BR>See the Help for more detailed information.<BR>Please select another template.";
Text[ dutch ] = "An error occurred in the AutoPilot.<BR>The template '%PATH' could be erroneous.<BR>Either the required sections or tables do not exist or exist under the wrong name.<BR>See the Help for more detailed information.<BR>Please select another template.";
- Text[ french ] = "An error occurred in the AutoPilot.<BR>The template '%PATH' could be erroneous.<BR>Either the required sections or tables do not exist or exist under the wrong name.<BR>See the Help for more detailed information.<BR>Please select another template.";
- Text[ spanish ] = "An error occurred in the AutoPilot.<BR>The template '%PATH' could be erroneous.<BR>Either the required sections or tables do not exist or exist under the wrong name.<BR>See the Help for more detailed information.<BR>Please select another template.";
+ Text[ french ] = "Erreur dans l'AutoPilote :<BR>Le modle '%PATH' a probablement un dfaut.<BR>Soit les sections ou tables requises n'existent pas, soit elles existent sous un nom erron.<BR>Pour plus de dtails, reportez-vous l'aide.<BR>Slectionnez un autre modle.";
+ Text[ spanish ] = "Se ha producido un error en el Piloto automtico.<BR>La plantilla '%PATH' puede tener un defecto.<BR>O bien las secciones o tablas necesarias no existen o existen con un nombre equivocado.<BR>Consulte la Ayuda si desea informacin ms detallada.<BR>Seleccione otra plantilla.";
Text[ finnish ] = "An error occurred in the AutoPilot.<BR>The template '%PATH' could be erroneous.<BR>Either the required sections or tables do not exist or exist under the wrong name.<BR>See the Help for more detailed information.<BR>Please select another template.";
- Text[ italian ] = "An error occurred in the AutoPilot.<BR>The template '%PATH' could be erroneous.<BR>Either the required sections or tables do not exist or exist under the wrong name.<BR>See the Help for more detailed information.<BR>Please select another template.";
+ Text[ italian ] = "Si verificato un errore nel Pilota automatico.<BR>Probabilmente il modello '%PATH' errato.<BR>Possibile causa: le sezioni/tabelle richieste non esistono oppure esistono sotto un nome errato.<BR>Per informazioni pi dettagliate consultate la Guida.<BR>Selezionate un altro modello.";
Text[ danish ] = "An error occurred in the AutoPilot.<BR>The template '%PATH' could be erroneous.<BR>Either the required sections or tables do not exist or exist under the wrong name.<BR>See the Help for more detailed information.<BR>Please select another template.";
- Text[ swedish ] = "An error occurred in the AutoPilot.<BR>The template '%PATH' could be erroneous.<BR>Either the required sections or tables do not exist or exist under the wrong name.<BR>See the Help for more detailed information.<BR>Please select another template.";
+ Text[ swedish ] = "Det har uppsttt ett fel i AutoPiloten.<BR>Mallen '%PATH' kan vara felaktig.<BR>Antingen finns inte de krvda omrdena resp. tabellerna eller s har de ett felaktigt namn.<BR>Se hjlpen fr mer information.<BR>Vlj en annan mall.";
Text[ polish ] = "An error occurred in the AutoPilot.<BR>The template '%PATH' could be erroneous.<BR>Either the required sections or tables do not exist or exist under the wrong name.<BR>See the Help for more detailed information.<BR>Please select another template.";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "An error occurred in the AutoPilot.<BR>The template '%PATH' could be erroneous.<BR>Either the required sections or tables do not exist or exist under the wrong name.<BR>See the Help for more detailed information.<BR>Please select another template.";
- Text[ japanese ] = "An error occurred in the AutoPilot.<BR>The template '%PATH' could be erroneous.<BR>Either the required sections or tables do not exist or exist under the wrong name.<BR>See the Help for more detailed information.<BR>Please select another template.";
- Text[ korean ] = "An error occurred in the AutoPilot.<BR>The template '%PATH' could be erroneous.<BR>Either the required sections or tables do not exist or exist under the wrong name.<BR>See the Help for more detailed information.<BR>Please select another template.";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "An error occurred in the AutoPilot.<BR>The template '%PATH' could be erroneous.<BR>Either the required sections or tables do not exist or exist under the wrong name.<BR>See the Help for more detailed information.<BR>Please select another template.";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "An error occurred in the AutoPilot.<BR>The template '%PATH' could be erroneous.<BR>Either the required sections or tables do not exist or exist under the wrong name.<BR>See the Help for more detailed information.<BR>Please select another template.";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "AutoPilot にエラーが発生しました。<BR>テンプレート「%PATH」が間違っている可能性があります。<BR>要求されたセクションまたはテーブルが存在しないか、間違った名前で存在します。<BR>詳細については、「ヘルプ」を参照してください。<BR>別のテンプレートを選択してください。";
+ Text[ korean ] = "자동 파일럿에 오류가 발생했습니다.<BR>'%PATH' 서식 파일의 오류일 수 있습니다.<BR>요청된 구역 또는 테이블이 없거나 잘못된 이름으로 있을 수 있습니다.<BR>여기에 관한 자세한 정보는 도움말을 참조하십시오.<BR>다른 서식 파일을 선택해주십시오.";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "自动文件助理发生了一个错误。<BR>样式 '%PATH' 含有错误。<BR>所需的区域或表格不存在,或者指定的名称无效<BR>请在帮助之内查阅相关的详细说明。<BR>请选择另一个样式。";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "AutoPilot 中發生錯誤。<BR>樣式 '%PATH' 可能有錯誤。<BR>需要的區域或表格不存在,或以錯誤的名稱存在。<BR>請參閱說明取得更詳細的資訊。<BR>請選取另一個樣式。";
Text[ turkish ] = "An error occurred in the AutoPilot.<BR>The template '%PATH' could be erroneous.<BR>Either the required sections or tables do not exist or exist under the wrong name.<BR>See the Help for more detailed information.<BR>Please select another template.";
Text[ arabic ] = "An error occurred in the AutoPilot.<BR>The template '%PATH' could be erroneous.<BR>Either the required sections or tables do not exist or exist under the wrong name.<BR>See the Help for more detailed information.<BR>Please select another template.";
Text[ catalan ] = "An error occurred in the AutoPilot.<BR>The template '%PATH' could be erroneous.<BR>Either the required sections or tables do not exist or exist under the wrong name.<BR>See the Help for more detailed information.<BR>Please select another template.";
@@ -5499,18 +5569,18 @@ String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 73
Text[ russian ] = "There is an invalid user field in a table.";
Text[ greek ] = "There is an invalid user field in a table.";
Text[ dutch ] = "There is an invalid user field in a table.";
- Text[ french ] = "There is an invalid user field in a table.";
- Text[ spanish ] = "There is an invalid user field in a table.";
+ Text[ french ] = "La table contient un champ utilisateur non valide !";
+ Text[ spanish ] = "La tabla contiene un campo de usuario no vlido.";
Text[ finnish ] = "There is an invalid user field in a table.";
- Text[ italian ] = "There is an invalid user field in a table.";
+ Text[ italian ] = "Campo utente nella tabella non valido.";
Text[ danish ] = "There is an invalid user field in a table.";
- Text[ swedish ] = "There is an invalid user field in a table.";
+ Text[ swedish ] = "Det finns ett ogiltigt anvndarflt i en tabell.";
Text[ polish ] = "There is an invalid user field in a table.";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "There is an invalid user field in a table.";
- Text[ japanese ] = "There is an invalid user field in a table.";
- Text[ korean ] = "There is an invalid user field in a table.";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "There is an invalid user field in a table.";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "There is an invalid user field in a table.";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "テーブルに無効なユーザーフィールドが存在します。";
+ Text[ korean ] = "잘못된 사용자 필드가 테이블 안에 있습니다.";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "表格之内存在一个无效的自订字段!";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "表格中有無效的使用者欄位。";
Text[ turkish ] = "There is an invalid user field in a table.";
Text[ arabic ] = "There is an invalid user field in a table.";
Text[ catalan ] = "There is an invalid user field in a table.";
@@ -5523,6 +5593,8 @@ String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 73
// ============================================================================
+#ifdef null
Text = "AutoPilot Tabelle";
@@ -5531,7 +5603,7 @@ String RID_DB_TABLE_WIZARD_START + 0
Text[ russian ] = " ";
Text[ dutch ] = "AutoPiloot Tabel";
Text[ french ] = "AutoPilote de table";
- Text[ spanish ] = "AutoPiloto - Tabla";
+ Text[ spanish ] = "Piloto automtico - Tabla";
Text[ italian ] = "Pilota automatico - Tabella";
Text[ danish ] = "AutoPilot Tabeller";
Text[ swedish ] = "AutoPilot fr tabeller";
@@ -5544,7 +5616,7 @@ String RID_DB_TABLE_WIZARD_START + 0
Text[ dutch ] = "AutoPiloot Tabel";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "自动文件助理 表格";
Text[ greek ] = " AutoPilot";
- Text[ korean ] = "자동 파일럿 표";
+ Text[ korean ] = "자동 파일럿 테이블";
Text[ turkish ] = "Tablo OtoPilotu";
Text[ catalan ] = "Taula de l'AutoPilot";
Text[ finnish ] = "Ohjattu taulukon luominen";
@@ -5559,7 +5631,7 @@ String RID_DB_TABLE_WIZARD_START + 1
Text[ russian ] = " . .";
Text[ dutch ] = "Er is geen database genstalleerd. U heeft ten minste n database nodig om de autopiloot voor tabellen te kunnen starten.";
Text[ french ] = "Aucune base de donnes n'est installe. Vous avez besoin d'au moins une base de donnes afin de pouvoir lancer l'AutoPilote de table.";
- Text[ spanish ] = "No hay ninguna base de datos instalada. Necesita al menos una base de datos para poder iniciar el AutoPiloto para tablas.";
+ Text[ spanish ] = "No hay ninguna base de datos instalada. Necesita al menos una base de datos para poder iniciar el Piloto automtico para tablas.";
Text[ italian ] = "Non stato installato nessun database. necessario installare almeno un database per poter avviare il Pilota automatico per le tabelle.";
Text[ danish ] = "Der er ikke installeret nogen database. Mindst n database er ndvendig for at kunne starte AutoPilot til tabeller.";
Text[ swedish ] = "Ingen databas r installerad. Du behver minst en databas fr att kunna starta AutoPiloten fr tabeller.";
@@ -5572,7 +5644,7 @@ String RID_DB_TABLE_WIZARD_START + 1
Text[ dutch ] = "Er is geen database genstalleerd. U heeft ten minste n database nodig om de autopiloot voor tabellen te kunnen starten.";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "没有安装数据库。要执行自动文件助理的表格功能就须先建立一个数据库。";
Text[ greek ] = " . .";
- Text[ korean ] = "데이터베이스가 설치되어 있지 않습니다. 표에 대해 자동 파일럿을 시작하려면 최소 하나의 데이터베이스가 필요합니다.";
+ Text[ korean ] = "데이터베이스가 설치되어 있지 않습니다. 테이블 자동 파일럿을 시작하려면 최소 하나의 데이터베이스가 필요합니다.";
Text[ turkish ] = "Kurulmu veritaban yok. Tablo OtoPilot'unu balatabilmek iin en az bir veritaban mevcut olmaldr.";
Text[ catalan ] = "No hi ha cap base de dades instal.lada. N'hi ha d'haver una com a mnim per poder executar l'AutoPilot Table.";
Text[ finnish ] = "Tietokantaa ei ole asennettu. Ohjattua taulukoiden luomista varten jrjestelmss on oltava mritettyn vhintn yksi tietokanta.";
@@ -5600,7 +5672,7 @@ String RID_DB_TABLE_WIZARD_START + 2
Text[ dutch ] = "De naam $1 komt reeds voor in de lijst.";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "这个名称 $1 已经在列单之中。";
Text[ greek ] = " $1 .";
- Text[ korean ] = "이름 $1은 (는) 이미 목록에 있습니다.";
+ Text[ korean ] = "이름 $1은(는) 이미 목록에 있습니다.";
Text[ turkish ] = "Tantc $1 listede mevcut.";
Text[ catalan ] = "L'identificador $1 ja existeix en la llista.";
Text[ finnish ] = "Tunnus $1 on jo luettelossa.";
@@ -5628,7 +5700,7 @@ String RID_DB_TABLE_WIZARD_START + 3
Text[ dutch ] = "Database $1 kan niet worden geopend.";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "无法打开数据库 $1 。";
Text[ greek ] = " $1.";
- Text[ korean ] = "데이터베이스 $1을(를) 열 수 없었습니다.";
+ Text[ korean ] = "데이터베이스 $1을(를) 열지 못했습니다.";
Text[ turkish ] = "$1 veritaban alamad.";
Text[ catalan ] = "No s'ha pogut obrir la base de dades $1.";
Text[ finnish ] = "Tietokantaa $1 ei voitu avata.";
@@ -5656,7 +5728,7 @@ String RID_DB_TABLE_WIZARD_START + 4
Text[ dutch ] = "De tabel is gemaakt.";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "已经创建这个表格。";
Text[ greek ] = " .";
- Text[ korean ] = "표가 생성되었습니다.";
+ Text[ korean ] = "테이블을 만들었습니다.";
Text[ turkish ] = "Tablo oluturuldu.";
Text[ catalan ] = "S'ha creat la taula.";
Text[ finnish ] = "Taulukko on luotu.";
@@ -5684,7 +5756,7 @@ String RID_DB_TABLE_WIZARD_START + 5
Text[ dutch ] = "De tabel kan niet worden gemaakt.";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "无法创建这个表格。";
Text[ greek ] = " .";
- Text[ korean ] = "표가 생성되지 못했습니다.";
+ Text[ korean ] = "테이블을 만들지 못했습니다.";
Text[ turkish ] = "Tablo oluturulamad.";
Text[ catalan ] = "No s'ha pogut crear la taula.";
Text[ finnish ] = "Taulukkoa ei voitu luoda.";
@@ -5796,7 +5868,7 @@ String RID_DB_TABLE_WIZARD_START + 9
Text[ dutch ] = ": tabel maken";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ":制作表格";
Text[ greek ] = ": ";
- Text[ korean ] = ": 표 만들기";
+ Text[ korean ] = ": 테이블 만들기";
Text[ turkish ] = ": Tablo olutur";
Text[ catalan ] = ": Crea una taula";
Text[ finnish ] = ": Luo taulukko";
@@ -5853,7 +5925,7 @@ String RID_DB_TABLE_WIZARD_START + 11
Text[ dutch ] = "~Tabel";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "表格(~T)";
Text[ greek ] = "";
- Text[ korean ] = "시트(~T)";
+ Text[ korean ] = "테이블(~T)";
Text[ turkish ] = "~Tablo";
Text[ catalan ] = "~Taula";
Text[ finnish ] = "Tau~lukko:";
@@ -5896,7 +5968,7 @@ String RID_DB_TABLE_WIZARD_START + 13
Text[ russian ] = "~";
Text[ dutch ] = "~Overgenomen";
Text[ french ] = "Champs ~appliqus";
- Text[ spanish ] = "~Aceptado";
+ Text[ spanish ] = "~Aplicado";
Text[ italian ] = "~Applicato";
Text[ danish ] = "~Anvendt";
Text[ swedish ] = "~vertagna";
@@ -5909,7 +5981,7 @@ String RID_DB_TABLE_WIZARD_START + 13
Text[ dutch ] = "~Overgenomen";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "已经采用(~A)";
Text[ greek ] = "";
- Text[ korean ] = "인수됨(~A)";
+ Text[ korean ] = "적용됨(~A)";
Text[ turkish ] = "~Seilen";
Text[ catalan ] = "~Aplicats";
Text[ finnish ] = "K~ytss";
@@ -5952,7 +6024,7 @@ String RID_DB_TABLE_WIZARD_START + 15
Text[ russian ] = "~";
Text[ dutch ] = "~Overnemen";
Text[ french ] = "Appliquer";
- Text[ spanish ] = "~Aceptar";
+ Text[ spanish ] = "~Aplicar";
Text[ italian ] = "~Applica";
Text[ danish ] = "~Anvend";
Text[ swedish ] = "~verta";
@@ -5965,7 +6037,7 @@ String RID_DB_TABLE_WIZARD_START + 15
Text[ dutch ] = "~Overnemen";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "采用(~A)";
Text[ greek ] = "";
- Text[ korean ] = "인수(~A)";
+ Text[ korean ] = "적용(~A)";
Text[ turkish ] = "~Seilen";
Text[ catalan ] = "~Aplica";
Text[ finnish ] = "K~yt";
@@ -6021,7 +6093,7 @@ String RID_DB_TABLE_WIZARD_START + 17
Text[ dutch ] = "~Gegevens invoeren in tabel";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "数据输入表格之中";
Text[ greek ] = " ~ ";
- Text[ korean ] = "표에 데이터 입력";
+ Text[ korean ] = "테이블에 데이터 입력";
Text[ turkish ] = "~Verileri tabloya gir";
Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
Text[ catalan ] = "Introdueix les dades en la taula";
@@ -6050,7 +6122,7 @@ String RID_DB_TABLE_WIZARD_START + 18
Text[ dutch ] = "Tabel ~weergeven";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "显示表格";
Text[ greek ] = " ~";
- Text[ korean ] = "표 표시";
+ Text[ korean ] = "테이블 표시";
Text[ turkish ] = "Tabloyu grntle";
Text[ catalan ] = "mostra la taula";
Text[ finnish ] = "Nyt taulukko";
@@ -6078,7 +6150,7 @@ String RID_DB_TABLE_WIZARD_START + 19
Text[ dutch ] = "Tabel ~niet weergeven";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "不显示表格";
Text[ greek ] = "~ ";
- Text[ korean ] = "시트 표시하지 않기";
+ Text[ korean ] = "테이블을 표시하지 않음";
Text[ turkish ] = "Tabloyu grntleme";
Text[ catalan ] = "No mostris la taula";
Text[ finnish ] = "l nyt taulukkoa";
@@ -6095,7 +6167,7 @@ String RID_DB_GRID_WIZARD_START + 0
Text[ russian ] = " ";
Text[ dutch ] = "AutoPiloot Tabelelement";
Text[ french ] = "AutoPilote d'lment de table";
- Text[ spanish ] = "AutoPiloto - Elemento de tabla";
+ Text[ spanish ] = "Piloto automtico - Elemento de tabla";
Text[ italian ] = "Pilota automatico - Elemento tabella";
Text[ danish ] = "AutoPilot Tabelelement";
Text[ swedish ] = "AutoPilot fr tabellelement";
@@ -6108,7 +6180,7 @@ String RID_DB_GRID_WIZARD_START + 0
Text[ dutch ] = "AutoPiloot Tabelelement";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "自动文件助理 表格单元";
Text[ greek ] = " AutoPilot";
- Text[ korean ] = "자동 파일럿 표 요소";
+ Text[ korean ] = "자동 파일럿 테이블 요소";
Text[ turkish ] = "OtoPilot Tablo esi";
Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
Text[ catalan ] = "Element de taula de l'AutoPilot";
@@ -6137,7 +6209,7 @@ String RID_DB_GRID_WIZARD_START + 1
Text[ dutch ] = "Tabelelement maken";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "生成表格元件";
Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "표 요소 만들기";
+ Text[ korean ] = "테이블 요소 만들기";
Text[ turkish ] = "Tablo esi olutur";
Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
Text[ catalan ] = "Crea un element de taula";
@@ -6166,7 +6238,7 @@ String RID_DB_GRID_WIZARD_START + 2
Text[ dutch ] = "(Datum)";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = " (日期)";
Text[ greek ] = "()";
- Text[ korean ] = " (날짜)";
+ Text[ korean ] = "(날짜)";
Text[ turkish ] = "(Tarih)";
Text[ catalan ] = "(Data)";
Text[ finnish ] = "(Pivmr)";
@@ -6335,7 +6407,7 @@ String RID_DB_GRID_WIZARD_START + 8
Text[ dutch ] = ": opmaakprofielen";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ":样式";
Text[ greek ] = ": ";
- Text[ korean ] = ": 템플릿";
+ Text[ korean ] = ": 스타일";
Text[ turkish ] = ": ablonlar";
Text[ catalan ] = ": Estils";
Text[ finnish ] = ": Tyylit";
@@ -6465,7 +6537,7 @@ String RID_DB_COMBO_WIZARD_START + 0
Text[ russian ] = " ";
Text[ dutch ] = "AutoPiloot - Combinatieveld";
Text[ french ] = "AutoPilote de zone combine";
- Text[ spanish ] = "AutoPiloto - Campo combinado";
+ Text[ spanish ] = "Piloto automtico - Cuadro combinado";
Text[ italian ] = "Pilota automatico - Casella combinata";
Text[ danish ] = "AutoPilot - kombinationsboks";
Text[ swedish ] = "AutoPilot - kombinationsflt";
@@ -6494,7 +6566,7 @@ String RID_DB_COMBO_WIZARD_START + 1
Text[ russian ] = " ";
Text[ dutch ] = "AutoPiloot - Keuzelijst";
Text[ french ] = "AutoPilote de zone de liste";
- Text[ spanish ] = "AutoPiloto - Listado";
+ Text[ spanish ] = "Piloto automtico - Listado";
Text[ italian ] = "Pilota automatico - Casella di riepilogo";
Text[ danish ] = "AutoPilot - rulleliste";
Text[ swedish ] = "AutoPilot - listruta";
@@ -6535,7 +6607,7 @@ String RID_DB_COMBO_WIZARD_START + 2
Text[ dutch ] = "Controleveld maken";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "生成控制";
Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "컨트롤 필드 만들기";
+ Text[ korean ] = "컨트롤 만들기";
Text[ turkish ] = "Komut alan olutur";
Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
Text[ catalan ] = "Crea un control";
@@ -6832,7 +6904,7 @@ String RID_DB_COMBO_WIZARD_START + 13
Text[ russian ] = " .";
Text[ dutch ] = "De inhoud van het geselecteerde veld wordt in de lijst onder het combinatieveld weergegeven..";
Text[ french ] = "Le contenu du champ slectionn sera affich dans la liste de la zone combine.";
- Text[ spanish ] = "El contenido del campo seleccionado se mostrar en la lista del campo combinado.";
+ Text[ spanish ] = "El contenido del campo seleccionado se mostrar en la lista del cuadro combinado.";
Text[ italian ] = "Il contenuto del campo selezionto viene mostrato nell'elenco della casella combinata.";
Text[ danish ] = "Indholdet af det valgte felt vises p kombinationsfeltets liste.";
Text[ swedish ] = "Innehllet i det utvalda fltet visas i kombinationsfltets lista.";
@@ -6873,7 +6945,7 @@ String RID_DB_COMBO_WIZARD_START + 14
Text[ dutch ] = "De inhoud van het geselecteerde veld wordt in de keuzelijst weergegeven als de gekoppelde velden overeenkomen.";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "如果链接的字段相一致,选中的字段内容就会显示在列单栏内。";
Text[ greek ] = " .";
- Text[ korean ] = "링크된 필드가 일치하면, 선택된 필드의 내용이 목록 필드에 표시됩니다.";
+ Text[ korean ] = "연결된 필드가 일치하면 선택된 필드의 내용이 목록 필드에 표시됩니다.";
Text[ turkish ] = "Seilen alann ierii, balantl alanlarn elemesi durumunda liste alannda grntlenir";
Text[ catalan ] = "El contingut del camp seleccionat es mostrar en el llistat si coincideixen els camps enllaats.";
Text[ finnish ] = "Valitun kentn sislt nytetn luetteloruudussa, jos linkitetyt kentt ovat identtiset.";
@@ -6972,7 +7044,7 @@ String RID_DB_COMBO_WIZARD_START + 18
Text[ russian ] = " .";
Text[ dutch ] = "U kunt de waarde van het combinatieveld in een databaseveld opslaan of deze alleen weergeven.";
Text[ french ] = "Vous pouvez soit enregistrer la valeur de la zone combine dans un champ de base de donnes, soit l'utiliser seulement pour l'affichage.";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Puede guardar el valor del campo combinado en un campo de base de datos o utilizarlo slo para visualizarlo.";
+ Text[ spanish ] = "Puede guardar el valor del cuadro combinado en un campo de base de datos o utilizarlo slo para visualizarlo.";
Text[ italian ] = "Potete salvare il valore della casella combinata in un campo database oppure utilizzarlo solo per visualizzarlo.";
Text[ danish ] = "Vrdien fra kombinationsboksen kan enten gemmes i et databasefelt eller anvendes udelukkende til visning.";
Text[ swedish ] = "Du kan antingen spara kombinationsfltets vrde i ett databasflt eller bara anvnda det fr visning.";
@@ -7105,3 +7177,9 @@ String RID_DB_COMBO_WIZARD_START + 22
Text[ thai ] = "ไม่ใช่ ฉันต้องการใช้ค่าเพื่อแสดงวัตถุประสงค์เท่านั้น";