path: root/vos/inc/vos/socket.hxx
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1 files changed, 1178 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vos/inc/vos/socket.hxx b/vos/inc/vos/socket.hxx
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index 000000000000..250666e6046b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vos/inc/vos/socket.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,1178 @@
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: socket.hxx,v $
+ *
+ * $Revision: $
+ *
+ * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-18 15:18:13 $
+ *
+ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
+ * either of the following licenses
+ *
+ * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ *
+ * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
+ *
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * =============================================
+ * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ *
+ * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ * =================================================
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
+ * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
+ * License at
+ *
+ * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
+ * obligations concerning the Software.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s): _______________________________________
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#ifndef _VOS_SOCKET_HXX_
+#define _VOS_SOCKET_HXX_
+#ifndef _VOS_TYPES_HXX_
+# include <vos/types.hxx>
+#ifndef _VOS_OBJECT_HXX_
+# include <vos/object.hxx>
+#ifndef _VOS_ISTREAM_HXX_
+# include <vos/istream.hxx>
+# include <vos/refernce.hxx>
+#ifndef _VOS_REFOBJ_HXX_
+# include <vos/refobj.hxx>
+#ifndef _RTL_USTRING_
+# include <rtl/ustring>
+#ifndef _OSL_SOCKET_H_
+# include <osl/socket.h>
+namespace vos
+/** Base data types
+class ISocketTypes
+ ISocketTypes() { }
+ virtual ~ISocketTypes() { }
+ /*
+ Represents the address-family of a socket
+ */
+ enum TAddrFamily {
+ TFamily_Inet = osl_Socket_FamilyInet, /* IP */
+ TFamily_Ipx = osl_Socket_FamilyIpx, /* Novell IPX/SPX */
+ TFamily_Invalid = osl_Socket_FamilyInvalid
+ };
+ /*
+ represent a specific protocol within a address-family
+ */
+ enum TProtocol {
+ TProtocol_Ip = osl_Socket_ProtocolIp, /* for all af_inet */
+ TProtocol_Ipx = osl_Socket_ProtocolIpx, /* af_ipx datagram sockets (IPX) */
+ TProtocol_Spx = osl_Socket_ProtocolSpx, /* af_ipx seqpacket or stream for SPX */
+ TProtocol_SpxII = osl_Socket_ProtocolSpxII, /* af_ipx seqpacket or stream for SPX II */
+ TProtocol_Invalid = osl_Socket_ProtocolInvalid
+ };
+ /*
+ Represents the type of a socket
+ */
+ enum TSocketType {
+ TType_Stream = osl_Socket_TypeStream,
+ TType_Dgram = osl_Socket_TypeDgram,
+ TType_Raw = osl_Socket_TypeRaw,
+ TType_Rdm = osl_Socket_TypeRdm,
+ TType_SeqPacket = osl_Socket_TypeSeqPacket,
+ TType_Invalid = osl_Socket_TypeInvalid
+ };
+ /*
+ Represents socket-options
+ */
+ enum TSocketOption {
+ TOption_Debug = osl_Socket_OptionDebug,
+ TOption_AcceptConn = osl_Socket_OptionAcceptConn,
+ TOption_ReuseAddr = osl_Socket_OptionReuseAddr,
+ TOption_KeepAlive = osl_Socket_OptionKeepAlive,
+ TOption_DontRoute = osl_Socket_OptionDontRoute,
+ TOption_Broadcast = osl_Socket_OptionBroadcast,
+ TOption_UseLoopback = osl_Socket_OptionUseLoopback,
+ TOption_Linger = osl_Socket_OptionLinger,
+ TOption_OOBinLine = osl_Socket_OptionOOBinLine,
+ TOption_SndBuf = osl_Socket_OptionSndBuf,
+ TOption_RcvBuf = osl_Socket_OptionRcvBuf,
+ TOption_SndLowat = osl_Socket_OptionSndLowat,
+ TOption_RcvLowat = osl_Socket_OptionRcvLowat,
+ TOption_SndTimeo = osl_Socket_OptionSndTimeo,
+ TOption_RcvTimeo = osl_Socket_OptionRcvTimeo,
+ TOption_Error = osl_Socket_OptionError,
+ TOption_Type = osl_Socket_OptionType,
+ TOption_TcpNoDelay = osl_Socket_OptionTcpNoDelay,
+ TOption_Invalid = osl_Socket_OptionInvalid
+ };
+ /*
+ Represents the different socket-option levels
+ */
+ enum TSocketOptionLevel {
+ TLevel_Socket = osl_Socket_LevelSocket,
+ TLevel_Tcp = osl_Socket_LevelTcp,
+ TLevel_Invalid = osl_Socket_LevelInvalid
+ };
+ /*
+ Represents flags to be used with send/recv-calls.
+ */
+ enum TSocketMsgFlag {
+ TMsg_Normal = osl_Socket_MsgNormal,
+ TMsg_OOB = osl_Socket_MsgOOB,
+ TMsg_Peek = osl_Socket_MsgPeek,
+ TMsg_DontRoute = osl_Socket_MsgDontRoute,
+ TMsg_MaxIOVLen = osl_Socket_MsgMaxIOVLen,
+ TMsg_Invalid = osl_Socket_MsgInvalid
+ };
+ /*
+ Used by shutdown to denote which end of the socket to "close".
+ */
+ enum TSocketDirection {
+ TDirection_Read = osl_Socket_DirRead,
+ TDirection_Write = osl_Socket_DirWrite,
+ TDirection_ReadWrite = osl_Socket_DirReadWrite,
+ TDirection_Invalid = osl_Socket_DirInvalid
+ };
+ enum TSocketError {
+ E_None = osl_Socket_E_None, /* no error */
+ E_NotSocket = osl_Socket_E_NotSocket, /* Socket operation on non-socket */
+ E_DestAddrReq = osl_Socket_E_DestAddrReq, /* Destination address required */
+ E_MsgSize = osl_Socket_E_MsgSize, /* Message too sal_Int32 */
+ E_Prototype = osl_Socket_E_Prototype, /* Protocol wrong type for socket */
+ E_NoProtocol = osl_Socket_E_NoProtocol, /* Protocol not available */
+ E_ProtocolNoSupport = osl_Socket_E_ProtocolNoSupport, /* Protocol not supported */
+ E_TypeNoSupport = osl_Socket_E_TypeNoSupport, /* Socket type not supported */
+ E_OpNotSupport = osl_Socket_E_OpNotSupport, /* Operation not supported on socket */
+ E_PfNoSupport = osl_Socket_E_PfNoSupport, /* Protocol family not supported */
+ E_AfNoSupport = osl_Socket_E_AfNoSupport, /* Address family not supported by */
+ /* protocol family */
+ E_AddrInUse = osl_Socket_E_AddrInUse, /* Address already in use */
+ E_AddrNotAvail = osl_Socket_E_AddrNotAvail, /* Can't assign requested address */
+ E_NetDown = osl_Socket_E_NetDown, /* Network is down */
+ E_NetUnreachable = osl_Socket_E_NetUnreachable, /* Network is unreachable */
+ E_NetReset = osl_Socket_E_NetReset, /* Network dropped connection because */
+ /* of reset */
+ E_ConnAborted = osl_Socket_E_ConnAborted, /* Software caused connection abort */
+ E_ConnReset = osl_Socket_E_ConnReset, /* Connection reset by peer */
+ E_NoBufferSpace = osl_Socket_E_NoBufferSpace, /* No buffer space available */
+ E_IsConnected = osl_Socket_E_IsConnected, /* Socket is already connected */
+ E_NotConnected = osl_Socket_E_NotConnected, /* Socket is not connected */
+ E_Shutdown = osl_Socket_E_Shutdown, /* Can't send after socket shutdown */
+ E_TooManyRefs = osl_Socket_E_TooManyRefs, /* Too many references: can't splice */
+ E_TimedOut = osl_Socket_E_TimedOut, /* Connection timed out */
+ E_ConnRefused = osl_Socket_E_ConnRefused, /* Connection refused */
+ E_HostDown = osl_Socket_E_HostDown, /* Host is down */
+ E_HostUnreachable = osl_Socket_E_HostUnreachable, /* No route to host */
+ E_WouldBlock = osl_Socket_E_WouldBlock, /* call would block on non-blocking socket */
+ E_Already = osl_Socket_E_Already, /* operation already in progress */
+ E_InProgress = osl_Socket_E_InProgress, /* operation now in progress */
+ E_Invalid = osl_Socket_E_InvalidError /* unmapped error */
+ };
+ enum TResult {
+ TResult_Ok = osl_Socket_Ok, /* successful completion */
+ TResult_Error = osl_Socket_Error, /* error occured, check osl_getLastSocketError() for details */
+ TResult_TimedOut = osl_Socket_TimedOut, /* blocking operation timed out */
+ TResult_Interrupted = osl_Socket_Interrupted, /* blocking operation was interrupted */
+ TResult_InProgress = osl_Socket_InProgress /* nonblocking operation is in progress */
+ };
+/** Base class for socket addresses.
+class ISocketAddr : public NAMESPACE_VOS(ISocketTypes)
+ virtual ~ISocketAddr() { }
+ virtual TAddrFamily SAL_CALL getFamily() const= 0;
+ virtual TResult SAL_CALL getHostname(NAMESPACE_RTL(OUString)& strHostName) const= 0;
+ virtual SAL_CALL operator oslSocketAddr() const= 0;
+ virtual void SAL_CALL operator= (oslSocketAddr Addr)= 0;
+ virtual sal_Bool SAL_CALL operator== (oslSocketAddr Addr)= 0;
+class OSocketAddr : public NAMESPACE_VOS(ISocketAddr),
+ public NAMESPACE_VOS(OObject)
+ /** Creates socket address of unknown type.
+ */
+ OSocketAddr();
+ /** Copy constructor.
+ */
+ OSocketAddr(const OSocketAddr& Addr);
+ /**
+ */
+ OSocketAddr(oslSocketAddr Addr);
+ /** destroys underlying oslSocketAddress
+ */
+ virtual ~OSocketAddr();
+ /** Queries the socket for its address family.
+ @return the address family of the socket.
+ */
+ virtual TAddrFamily SAL_CALL getFamily() const;
+ /** Cast Object to the underlying oslSocketAddr.
+ */
+ virtual SAL_CALL operator oslSocketAddr() const;
+ /** Converts the address to a (human readable) domain-name.
+ @return the hostname represented by the address.
+ On failure returns the empty string.
+ */
+ virtual TResult SAL_CALL getHostname(NAMESPACE_RTL(OUString)& strHostName) const;
+ /** Get the hostname for the local interface.
+ @return the hostname or an error.
+ */
+ static TResult SAL_CALL getLocalHostname(NAMESPACE_RTL(OUString)& strLocalHostName);
+ /** Tries to find an address for a host.
+ @return A new created socket-address or 0 if the name could not be found.
+ */
+ static oslSocketAddr SAL_CALL resolveHostname(const NAMESPACE_RTL(OUString)& strHostName);
+ /** Wraps itself around the osl Socket-Address.
+ The object assumes ownership of the Addr, it
+ will be destroyed by destructor(). If the socket is already attached to
+ an oslSocketAddr, the existing one will be destroyed.
+ */
+ virtual void SAL_CALL operator= (oslSocketAddr Addr);
+ /** Compares to Addr
+ */
+ virtual sal_Bool SAL_CALL operator== (oslSocketAddr Addr);
+ /** Makes a copy of Addr.
+ */
+ OSocketAddr& SAL_CALL operator= (const OSocketAddr& Addr);
+ oslSocketAddr m_SockAddr;
+/** Represents an internet-address.
+class OInetSocketAddr : public NAMESPACE_VOS(OSocketAddr)
+ /** Creates an empty internet-address (INADDR_ANY).
+ */
+ OInetSocketAddr();
+ /** Wraps itself around the osl Socket-Address.
+ The object assumes ownership of the Addr, it
+ will be destroyed by ~OInetSocketAddr().
+ */
+ OInetSocketAddr(oslSocketAddr Addr);
+ /**
+ Create a socket address either from a dotted decimal address
+ (e.g. or a hostname (e.g.
+ */
+ OInetSocketAddr(const NAMESPACE_RTL(OUString)& strAddrOrHostName, sal_Int32 Port);
+ /**
+ Copy constructor.
+ */
+ OInetSocketAddr(const OInetSocketAddr& Addr);
+ /**
+ */
+ OInetSocketAddr(const OSocketAddr& Addr);
+ virtual ~OInetSocketAddr();
+ /**
+ */
+ virtual void SAL_CALL operator= (oslSocketAddr Addr);
+ /**
+ */
+ virtual sal_Bool SAL_CALL operator== (oslSocketAddr Addr);
+ /**
+ */
+ OInetSocketAddr& SAL_CALL operator= (const OInetSocketAddr& Addr);
+ /**
+ */
+ OInetSocketAddr& SAL_CALL operator= (const OSocketAddr& Addr);
+ /**
+ Tries to find the port associated with the given service/protocol-
+ pair (e.g. "ftp"/"tcp").
+ @return the port number in host-byte order or CVOS_PORT_NONE
+ if no service/protocol pair could be found.
+ */
+ static sal_Int32 SAL_CALL getServicePort(const NAMESPACE_RTL(OUString)& strServiceName,
+ const NAMESPACE_RTL(OUString)& strProtocolName= ::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "tcp" ) );
+ /** Delivers the port number of the address.
+ @return the port in host-byte order or or OSL_INVALID_PORT on errors.
+ */
+ sal_Int32 SAL_CALL getPort() const;
+ /** Sets the port number of the address.
+ @return False if the port couldn't be set
+ (e.g because the address is not of family TFamily_Inet).
+ */
+ sal_Bool SAL_CALL setPort(sal_Int32 Port);
+ /** @return the dotted-address-form ( of this address.
+ On failure returns the empty string.
+ */
+ TResult SAL_CALL getDottedAddr(NAMESPACE_RTL(OUString)& strDottedAddr) const;
+ /** Sets the host-part of the address from the dotted-address-form (
+ or from a hostname.
+ @param strDottedAddrOrHostname the address in dotted form or a hostname.
+ */
+ sal_Bool SAL_CALL setAddr(const NAMESPACE_RTL(OUString)& strDottedAddrOrHostname);
+/** Represents an IPX/SPX address.
+class OIpxSocketAddr : public NAMESPACE_VOS(OSocketAddr)
+ typedef oslSocketIpxNetNumber TIpxNetNumber;
+ typedef oslSocketIpxNodeNumber TIpxNodeNumber;
+ /** Creates an empty ipx-address.
+ */
+ OIpxSocketAddr();
+ /** Wraps itself around the osl Socket-Address.
+ The object assumes ownership of the Addr, it
+ will be destroyed by the destructor.
+ */
+ OIpxSocketAddr(oslSocketAddr Addr);
+ /** Create an IPX/SPX socketaddress from native parameters.
+ */
+ OIpxSocketAddr(const NAMESPACE_RTL(OUString)& strNetNumber,
+ const NAMESPACE_RTL(OUString)& strNodeNumber,
+ sal_uInt32 SocketNumber);
+ /** Copy constructor.
+ */
+ OIpxSocketAddr(const OIpxSocketAddr& Addr);
+ /**
+ */
+ OIpxSocketAddr(const OSocketAddr& Addr);
+ virtual ~OIpxSocketAddr();
+ /**
+ */
+ virtual void SAL_CALL operator= (oslSocketAddr Addr);
+ /**
+ */
+ virtual sal_Bool SAL_CALL operator== (oslSocketAddr Addr);
+ /**
+ */
+ OIpxSocketAddr& SAL_CALL operator= (const OIpxSocketAddr& Addr);
+ /**
+ */
+ OIpxSocketAddr& SAL_CALL operator= (const OSocketAddr& Addr);
+ /**
+ */
+ TResult SAL_CALL getNetNumber(TIpxNetNumber& NetNumber) const;
+ /**
+ */
+ TResult SAL_CALL getNodeNumber(TIpxNodeNumber& NodeNumber) const;
+ /**
+ */
+ sal_uInt32 SAL_CALL getSocketNumber() const;
+ /** Builds a human readable string in the format network.node:socket.
+ The numbers are given in hexadecimal form.
+ */
+ void SAL_CALL getAddressString(NAMESPACE_RTL(OUString)& strAddressString) const;
+/** Represents a socket.
+class OSocket : public NAMESPACE_VOS(ISocketTypes),
+ public NAMESPACE_VOS(OReference),
+ public NAMESPACE_VOS(OObject)
+ typedef ORefObj<oslSocket> SockRef;
+ SockRef* m_pSockRef;
+ TimeValue* m_pSendTimeout;
+ TimeValue* m_pRecvTimeout;
+ /** Does not create a socket. Use assignment operator to
+ make this a useable socket.
+ */
+ OSocket();
+ /** Creates a socket.
+ @param Family
+ @param Type
+ @param Protocol
+ */
+ OSocket(TSocketType Type,
+ TAddrFamily Family = TFamily_Inet,
+ TProtocol Protocol = TProtocol_Ip);
+ /** Copy constructor.
+ */
+ OSocket(const OSocket& sock);
+ /** Creates socket as wrapper around the underlying oslSocket.
+ @param Socket
+ */
+ OSocket(oslSocket Socket);
+ /** Destructor. Destroys the underlying oslSocket.
+ */
+ virtual ~OSocket();
+ /** Create a socket with the given attributes.
+ If socket was already created, the old one will be discarded.
+ @param Type
+ @param Family
+ @param Protocol
+ @return True if socket was successfully created.
+ */
+ sal_Bool SAL_CALL create(TSocketType Type,
+ TAddrFamily Family = TFamily_Inet,
+ TProtocol Protocol = TProtocol_Ip);
+ /** Assignment operator. If socket was already created, the old one will
+ be discarded.
+ */
+ OSocket& SAL_CALL operator= (const OSocket& sock);
+ /** Allow cast to underlying oslSocket.
+ */
+ SAL_CALL operator oslSocket() const;
+ /** Checks if the socket is valid.
+ @return True if the object represents a valid socket.
+ */
+ sal_Bool SAL_CALL isValid() const;
+ sal_Bool SAL_CALL operator==( const OSocket& rSocket )
+ {
+ return m_pSockRef == rSocket.m_pSockRef;
+ }
+ /** Closes the socket.
+ */
+ virtual void SAL_CALL close();
+ /** Retrieves the address of the local interface of this socket.
+ @param Addr [out] receives the address.
+ */
+ void SAL_CALL getLocalAddr(OSocketAddr& Addr) const;
+ /** Get the local port of the socket.
+ @return the port number or OSL_INVALID_PORT on errors.
+ */
+ sal_Int32 SAL_CALL getLocalPort() const;
+ /** Get the hostname for the local interface.
+ @return the hostname or an empty string ("").
+ */
+ TResult SAL_CALL getLocalHost(NAMESPACE_RTL(OUString)& strLocalHost) const;
+ /** Retrieves the address of the remote host of this socket.
+ @param Addr [out] receives the address.
+ */
+ void SAL_CALL getPeerAddr(OSocketAddr& Addr) const;
+ /** Get the remote port of the socket.
+ @return the port number or OSL_INVALID_PORT on errors.
+ */
+ sal_Int32 SAL_CALL getPeerPort() const;
+ /** Get the hostname for the remote interface.
+ @return the hostname or an empty string ("").
+ */
+ TResult SAL_CALL getPeerHost(NAMESPACE_RTL(OUString)& strPeerHost) const;
+ /** Binds the socket to the specified (local) interface.
+ @param LocalInterface Address of the Interface
+ @return True if bind was successful.
+ */
+ sal_Bool SAL_CALL bind(const OSocketAddr& LocalInterface);
+ /** Blocking send operations will unblock after the send-timeout.
+ @return 0 for disables timeout else timeout value.
+ */
+ const TimeValue* SAL_CALL getSendTimeout() const
+ { return m_pSendTimeout; }
+ /** Blocking receive operations will unblock after the send-timeout.
+ @return 0 for disables timeout else timeout value.
+ */
+ const TimeValue* SAL_CALL getRecvTimeout() const
+ { return m_pRecvTimeout; }
+ /** Blocking send operations will unblock after the send-timeout.
+ @param time pTimeout == 0 disables timeout. pTimeout != 0 sets timeout value.
+ */
+ void SAL_CALL setSendTimeout(const TimeValue* pTimeout = 0);
+ /** Blocking receive operations will unblock after the send-timeout.
+ @param time pTimeout == 0 disables timeout. pTimeout != 0 sets timeout value.
+ */
+ void SAL_CALL setRecvTimeout(const TimeValue* pTimeout = 0);
+ /** Checks if read operations will block.
+ You can specify a timeout-value in seconds/nanoseconds that denotes
+ how sal_Int32 the operation will block if the Socket is not ready.
+ @return True if read operations (recv, recvFrom, accept) on the Socket
+ will NOT block; False if it would block or if an error occured.
+ @param pTimeout if 0, the operation will block without a timeout. Otherwise
+ the specified amout of time.
+ */
+ sal_Bool SAL_CALL isRecvReady(const TimeValue* pTimeout = 0) const;
+ /** Checks if send operations will block.
+ You can specify a timeout-value in seconds/nanoseconds that denotes
+ how sal_Int32 the operation will block if the Socket is not ready.
+ @return True if send operations (send, sendTo) on the Socket
+ will NOT block; False if it would block or if an error occured.
+ @param pTimeout if 0, the operation will block without a timeout. Otherwise
+ the specified amout of time.
+ */
+ sal_Bool SAL_CALL isSendReady(const TimeValue* pTimeout = 0) const;
+ /** Checks if a request for out-of-band data will block.
+ You can specify a timeout-value in seconds/nanoseconds that denotes
+ how sal_Int32 the operation will block if the Socket has no pending OOB data.
+ @return True if OOB-request operations (recv with appropriate flags)
+ on the Socket will NOT block; False if it would block or if an error occured.
+ @param pTimeout if 0, the operation will block without a timeout. Otherwise
+ the specified amout of time.
+ */
+ sal_Bool SAL_CALL isExceptionPending(const TimeValue* pTimeout = 0) const;
+ /** Retrieves option-attributes associated with the socket.
+ @param Option The attribute to query.
+ Valid values (depending on the Level) are:
+ <ul>
+ <li> TOption_Debug
+ <li> TOption_AcceptConn
+ <li> TOption_ReuseAddr
+ <li> TOption_KeepAlive
+ <li> TOption_DontRoute
+ <li> TOption_Broadcast
+ <li> TOption_UseLoopback
+ <li> TOption_Linger
+ <li> TOption_OOBinLine
+ <li> TOption_SndBuf
+ <li> TOption_RcvBuf
+ <li> TOption_SndLowat
+ <li> TOption_RcvLowat
+ <li> TOption_SndTimeo
+ <li> TOption_RcvTimeo
+ <li> TOption_Error
+ <li> TOption_Type
+ <li> TOption_TcpNoDelay
+ </ul>
+ If not above mentioned otherwise, the options are only valid for
+ level TLevel_Socket.
+ @param pBuffer The Buffer will be filled with the attribute.
+ @param BufferSize The size of pBuffer.
+ @param Level The option level. Valid values are:
+ <ul>
+ <li> TLevel_Socket : Socket Level
+ <li> TLevel_Tcp : Level of Transmission Control Protocol
+ </ul>
+ @return The size of the attribute copied into pBuffer ot -1 if an error
+ occured.
+ */
+ sal_Int32 SAL_CALL getOption(TSocketOption Option,
+ void* pBuffer,
+ sal_uInt32 BufferLen,
+ TSocketOptionLevel Level= TLevel_Socket) const;
+ /** Sets the sockets attributes.
+ @param Option denotes the option to modify.
+ Valid values (depending on the Level) are:
+ <ul>
+ <li> TOption_Debug
+ <li> TOption_AcceptConn
+ <li> TOption_ReuseAddr
+ <li> TOption_KeepAlive
+ <li> TOption_DontRoute
+ <li> TOption_Broadcast
+ <li> TOption_UseLoopback
+ <li> TOption_Linger
+ <li> TOption_OOBinLine
+ <li> TOption_SndBuf
+ <li> TOption_RcvBuf
+ <li> TOption_SndLowat
+ <li> TOption_RcvLowat
+ <li> TOption_SndTimeo
+ <li> TOption_RcvTimeo
+ <li> TOption_Error
+ <li> TOption_Type
+ <li> TOption_TcpNoDelay
+ </ul>
+ If not above mentioned otherwise, the options are only valid for
+ level TLevel_Socket.
+ @param pBuffer Pointer to a Buffer which contains the attribute-value.
+ @param BufferSize contains the length of the Buffer.
+ @param Level selects the level for which an option should be changed.
+ Valid values are:
+ <ul>
+ <li> TLevel_Socket : Socket Level
+ <li> TLevel_Tcp : Level of Transmission Control Protocol
+ </ul>
+ @return True if the option could be changed.
+ */
+ sal_Bool SAL_CALL setOption(TSocketOption Option,
+ void* pBuffer,
+ sal_uInt32 BufferLen,
+ TSocketOptionLevel Level= TLevel_Socket) const;
+ /** Enables/disables non-blocking mode of the socket.
+ @param On If True, non-blocking mode will be switched on, if False
+ socket will become a blocking socket, which is the default behaviour of a
+ socket.
+ @return True if mode could be set.
+ */
+ sal_Bool SAL_CALL enableNonBlockingMode(sal_Bool On= sal_True);
+ /** Query non-blocking mode of the socket.
+ @return True if non-blocking mode is set.
+ */
+ sal_Bool SAL_CALL isNonBlockingMode() const;
+ /** Queries the socket for its type.
+ @return one of:
+ <ul>
+ <li> TType_Stream
+ <li> TType_Dgram
+ <li> TType_Raw
+ <li> TType_Rdm
+ <li> TType_SeqPacket
+ <li> TType_Invalid
+ </ul>
+ */
+ TSocketType SAL_CALL getType() const;
+ /** Gets and clears the error status of the socket.
+ @returns the current error state.
+ */
+ sal_Int32 SAL_CALL clearError() const;
+ /** Enables/Disables debugging.
+ @param opt 1 sets, 0 resets, -1 won't change anything
+ @return the previous setting
+ */
+ sal_Int32 SAL_CALL setDebug(sal_Int32 opt = -1) const;
+ /** Allow the socket to be bound to an address that is already in use.
+ @param opt 1 sets, 0 resets, -1 won't change anything
+ @return the previous setting
+ */
+ sal_Int32 SAL_CALL setReuseAddr(sal_Int32 opt = -1) const;
+ /** Send keepalive-packets.
+ @param opt 1 sets, 0 resets, -1 won't change anything
+ @return the previous setting
+ */
+ sal_Int32 SAL_CALL setKeepAlive(sal_Int32 opt = -1) const;
+ /** Do not route: send directly to interface.
+ @param opt 1 sets, 0 resets, -1 won't change anything
+ @return the previous setting
+ */
+ sal_Int32 SAL_CALL setDontRoute(sal_Int32 opt = -1) const;
+ /** Allow transmission of broadcast messages on the socket.
+ @param opt 1 sets, 0 resets, -1 won't change anything
+ @return the previous setting
+ */
+ sal_Int32 SAL_CALL setBroadcast(sal_Int32 opt = -1) const;
+ /** Receive out-of-band data in the normal data stream.
+ @param opt 1 sets, 0 resets, -1 won't change anything
+ @return the previous setting
+ */
+ sal_Int32 SAL_CALL setOobinline(sal_Int32 opt = -1) const;
+ /** Linger on close if unsent data is present.
+ @param time values > 0 enable lingering with a timeout of time in seconds.
+ If time is 0, lingering will be disabled. If time is -1 no changes will occur.
+ @return the previous setting (0 == off, > 0 timeout-value in seconds).
+ */
+ sal_Int32 SAL_CALL setLinger(sal_Int32 time = -1) const;
+ /** Specify buffer size for sends.
+ You might want to use getOption() to check if the size changes were
+ really successful.
+ @param size Size >= 0 sets the size, -1 won't change anything.
+ @return the previous setting
+ */
+ sal_Int32 SAL_CALL setSendBufSize(sal_Int32 size =-1) const;
+ /** Specify buffer size for receives.
+ You might want to use getOption() to check if the size changes were
+ really successful.
+ @param size Size >= 0 sets the size, -1 won't change anything.
+ @return the previous setting
+ */
+ sal_Int32 SAL_CALL setRecvBufSize(sal_Int32 size =-1) const;
+ /** Disables the Nagle algorithm for send coalescing. (Do not
+ collect data until a packet is full, instead send immediatly.
+ This increases network traffic but might improve response-times.)
+ @param opt 1 sets, 0 resets, -1 won't change anything
+ @return the previous setting
+ */
+ sal_Int32 SAL_CALL setTcpNoDelay(sal_Int32 sz =-1) const;
+ /** Builds a string with the last error-message for the socket.
+ @param pBuffer is filled with the error message.
+ @param nSize the size of pBuffer. The message will be cut
+ sal_Int16 if the buffer isn't large enough, but still remains
+ a valid zero-terminated string.
+ */
+ void SAL_CALL getError(NAMESPACE_RTL(OUString)& strError) const;
+ /** Delivers a constant decribing the last error for the socket system.
+ @return ENONE if no error occured, invalid_SocketError if
+ an unknown (unmapped) error occured, otherwise an enum describing the
+ error.
+ */
+ TSocketError SAL_CALL getError() const;
+/** A socket to send or receive a stream of data.
+class OStreamSocket : public NAMESPACE_VOS(OSocket),
+ public NAMESPACE_VOS(IStream)
+ /** Creates an unattached socket. You must attach the socket to an oslSocket
+ e.g. by using the operator=(oslSocket), before you can use the stream-
+ functionality of the object.
+ */
+ OStreamSocket();
+ /** Creates socket as wrapper around the underlying oslSocket.
+ @param Socket
+ */
+ OStreamSocket(oslSocket Socket);
+ /** Copy constructor.
+ @param Socket
+ */
+ OStreamSocket(const OStreamSocket& Socket);
+ /**
+ */
+ OStreamSocket(const OSocket& Socket);
+ /** Destructor. Calls shutdown(readwrite) and close().
+ */
+ virtual ~OStreamSocket();
+ /** Closes the socket after calling shutdown.
+ */
+ virtual void SAL_CALL close();
+ /** Attaches the oslSocket to this object. If the object
+ already was attached to an oslSocket, the old one will
+ be closed and destroyed.
+ @param Socket.
+ */
+ OStreamSocket& SAL_CALL operator=(oslSocket Socket);
+ /**
+ */
+ OStreamSocket& SAL_CALL operator=(const OSocket& Socket);
+ /**
+ */
+ OStreamSocket& SAL_CALL operator=(const OStreamSocket& Socket);
+ /** Retrieves n bytes from the stream and copies them into pBuffer.
+ The method avoids incomplete reads due to packet boundaries.
+ @param pBuffer receives the read data.
+ @param n the number of bytes to read. pBuffer must be large enough
+ to hold the n bytes!
+ @return the number of read bytes. The number will only be smaller than
+ n if an exceptional condition (e.g. connection closed) occurs.
+ */
+ virtual sal_Int32 SAL_CALL read(void* pBuffer, sal_uInt32 n) const;
+ /** Writes n bytes from pBuffer to the stream. The method avoids
+ incomplete writes due to packet boundaries.
+ @param pBuffer contains the data to be written.
+ @param n the number of bytes to write.
+ @return the number of written bytes. The number will only be smaller than
+ n if an exceptional condition (e.g. connection closed) occurs.
+ */
+ virtual sal_Int32 SAL_CALL write(const void* pBuffer, sal_uInt32 n);
+ /** Checks if socket is closed.
+ @return True if socket is closed.
+ */
+ virtual sal_Bool SAL_CALL isEof() const;
+ /** Tries to receives BytesToRead data from the connected socket,
+ @param pBuffer [out] Points to a buffer that will be filled with the received
+ data.
+ @param BytesToRead [in] The number of bytes to read. pBuffer must have at least
+ this size.
+ @param Flag [in] Modifier for the call. Valid values are:
+ <ul>
+ <li> TMsg_Normal
+ <li> TMsg_OOB
+ <li> TMsg_Peek
+ <li> TMsg_DontRoute
+ <li> TMsg_MaxIOVLen
+ </ul>
+ @return the number of received bytes.
+ */
+ sal_Int32 SAL_CALL recv(void* pBuffer,
+ sal_uInt32 BytesToRead,
+ TSocketMsgFlag Flag= TMsg_Normal);
+ /** Tries to sends BytesToSend data from the connected socket.
+ @param pBuffer [in] Points to a buffer that contains the send-data.
+ @param BytesToSend [in] The number of bytes to send. pBuffer must have at least
+ this size.
+ @param Flag [in] Modifier for the call. Valid values are:
+ <ul>
+ <li> TMsg_Normal
+ <li> TMsg_OOB
+ <li> TMsg_Peek
+ <li> TMsg_DontRoute
+ <li> TMsg_MaxIOVLen
+ </ul>
+ @return the number of transfered bytes.
+ */
+ sal_Int32 SAL_CALL send(const void* pBuffer,
+ sal_uInt32 BytesToSend,
+ TSocketMsgFlag Flag= TMsg_Normal);
+ /** Closes a connection in a controlled manner.
+ @param Direction Says which "end" of the socket is to be closed.
+ */
+ sal_Bool SAL_CALL shutdown(TSocketDirection Direction= TDirection_ReadWrite);
+ /** Creates a socket. This constructor is used only by derived classes
+ (e.g. OConnectorSocket).
+ @param Family
+ @param Protocol
+ @param Type For some protocols it might be desirable to
+ use a different type than sock_stream (like sock_seqpacket).
+ Therefore we do not hide this parameter here.
+ */
+ OStreamSocket(TAddrFamily Family,
+ TProtocol Protocol,
+ TSocketType Type= TType_Stream);
+/** A socket to accept incoming connections.
+class OAcceptorSocket : public NAMESPACE_VOS(OSocket)
+ /** Creates a socket that can accept connections.
+ @param Type For some protocols it might be desirable to
+ use a different type than sock_stream (like sock_seqpacket).
+ Therefore we do not hide this parameter here.
+ */
+ OAcceptorSocket(TAddrFamily Family= TFamily_Inet,
+ TProtocol Protocol= TProtocol_Ip,
+ TSocketType Type= TType_Stream);
+ /** Copy constructor.
+ */
+ OAcceptorSocket(const OAcceptorSocket& Socket);
+ /** Destructor. Closes the socket and destroys the underlying oslSocket.
+ */
+ virtual ~OAcceptorSocket();
+ /** Closes the socket. Also calls shutdown, needed to unblock
+ accept on some systems.
+ */
+ virtual void SAL_CALL close();
+ /** Prepare a socket for the accept-call.
+ @param MaxPendingConnections The maximum number of pending
+ connections (waiting to be accepted) on this socket. If you use
+ -1, a system default value is used.
+ @return True if call was successful.
+ */
+ sal_Bool SAL_CALL listen(sal_Int32 MaxPendingConnections= -1);
+ /** Accepts incoming connections on the socket. You must
+ precede this call with bind() and listen().
+ @param Connection receives the incoming connection.
+ @return result_ok: if a connection has been accepted,
+ result_timeout: if m_RecvTimeout milliseconds passed without connect,
+ result_error: on errors.
+ */
+ TResult SAL_CALL acceptConnection(OStreamSocket& Connection);
+ /** Accepts incoming connections on the socket. You must
+ precede this call with bind() and listen().
+ @param PeerAddr receives the address of the connecting entity
+ (your communication partner).
+ @param Connection receives the incoming connection.
+ @return True if a connection has been accepted, False on errors.
+ @return result_ok: if a connection has been accepted,
+ result_timeout: if m_RecvTimeout milliseconds passed without connect,
+ result_error: on errors.
+ */
+ TResult SAL_CALL acceptConnection(OStreamSocket& Connection,
+ OSocketAddr& PeerAddr);
+/** A socket to initiate a conenction.
+class OConnectorSocket : public NAMESPACE_VOS(OStreamSocket)
+ /** Creates a socket that can accept connections.
+ @param Type For some protocols it might be desirable to
+ use a different type than sock_stream (like sock_seqpacket).
+ Therefore we do not hide this parameter here.
+ */
+ OConnectorSocket(TAddrFamily Family= TFamily_Inet,
+ TProtocol Protocol= TProtocol_Ip,
+ TSocketType Type= TType_Stream);
+ /** Copy constructor. Doesn't duplicate oslSocket.
+ */
+ OConnectorSocket(const OConnectorSocket& Socket);
+ /** Destructor. Relies on ~OStreamSocket to close down connection gracefully.
+ */
+ virtual ~OConnectorSocket();
+ /** Connects the socket to a (remote) host.
+ @param TargetHost The address of the target.
+ @param msTimeout The timeout in milliseconds. Use -1 to block.
+ @return result_ok if connected successfully,
+ result_timeout on timeout,
+ result_interrupted if unblocked forcefully (by close()),
+ result_error if connect failed.
+ */
+ TResult SAL_CALL connect(const OSocketAddr& TargetHost, const TimeValue* pTimeout = 0);
+/** A connectionless socket to send and receive datagrams.
+class ODatagramSocket : public NAMESPACE_VOS(OSocket)
+ /** Creates a datagram socket.
+ @param Type is sock_dgram by default.
+ */
+ ODatagramSocket(TAddrFamily Family= TFamily_Inet,
+ TProtocol Protocol= TProtocol_Ip,
+ TSocketType Type= TType_Dgram);
+ /** Copy constructor.
+ */
+ ODatagramSocket(const ODatagramSocket& Socket);
+ /** Destructor. Closes the socket.
+ */
+ virtual ~ODatagramSocket();
+ /** Tries to receives BufferSize data from the socket, if no error occurs.
+ @param pSenderAddr [out] You must provide pointer to a SocketAddr.
+ It will be filled with the address of the datagrams sender.
+ If pSenderAddr is 0, it is ignored.
+ @param pBuffer [out] Points to a buffer that will be filled with the received
+ datagram.
+ @param BufferSize [in] The size of pBuffer.
+ @param Flag [in] Modifier for the call. Valid values are:
+ <ul>
+ <li> TMsg_Normal
+ <li> TMsg_OOB
+ <li> TMsg_Peek
+ <li> TMsg_DontRoute
+ <li> TMsg_MaxIOVLen
+ </ul>
+ @return the number of received bytes.
+ */
+ sal_Int32 SAL_CALL recvFrom(void* pBuffer,
+ sal_uInt32 BufferSize,
+ OSocketAddr* pSenderAddr= 0,
+ TSocketMsgFlag Flag= TMsg_Normal);
+ /** Tries to send one datagram with BytesToSend data to the given ReceiverAddr.
+ Since we only send one packet, we don't need to concern ourselfes here with
+ incomplete sends due to packet boundaries.
+ @param ReceiverAddr [in] A SocketAddr that contains
+ the destination address for this send.
+ @param pBuffer [in] Points to a buffer that contains the send-data.
+ @param BufferSize [in] The number of bytes to send. pBuffer must have at least
+ this size.
+ @param Flag [in] Modifier for the call. Valid values are:
+ <ul>
+ <li> TMsg_Normal
+ <li> TMsg_OOB
+ <li> TMsg_Peek
+ <li> TMsg_DontRoute
+ <li> TMsg_MaxIOVLen
+ </ul>
+ @return the number of transfered bytes.
+ */
+ sal_Int32 SAL_CALL sendTo(const OSocketAddr& ReceiverAddr,
+ const void* pBuffer,
+ sal_uInt32 BufferSize,
+ TSocketMsgFlag Flag= TMsg_Normal);
+#endif // _VOS_SOCKET_HXX_