path: root/vcl/unx/source/gdi/salgdi3.cxx
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Diffstat (limited to 'vcl/unx/source/gdi/salgdi3.cxx')
1 files changed, 1074 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vcl/unx/source/gdi/salgdi3.cxx b/vcl/unx/source/gdi/salgdi3.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5b738f2a5de8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vcl/unx/source/gdi/salgdi3.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,1074 @@
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: salgdi3.cxx,v $
+ *
+ * $Revision: $
+ *
+ * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-18 17:05:43 $
+ *
+ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
+ * either of the following licenses
+ *
+ * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ *
+ * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
+ *
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * =============================================
+ * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ *
+ * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ * =================================================
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
+ * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
+ * License at
+ *
+ * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
+ * obligations concerning the Software.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s): _______________________________________
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#define _SV_SALGDI3_CXX
+// -=-= #includes =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <alloca.h>
+#include <salunx.h>
+#ifndef _SV_SALDATA_HXX
+#include <saldata.hxx>
+#ifndef _SV_SALDISP_HXX
+#include <saldisp.hxx>
+#ifndef _SV_SALGDI_HXX
+#include <salgdi.hxx>
+#ifndef _SV_OUTFONT_HXX
+#include <outfont.hxx>
+#ifndef _STRING_HXX
+#include <tools/string.hxx>
+#ifndef _SV_POLY_HXX
+#include <poly.hxx>
+#ifndef _RTL_TENCINFO_H
+#include <rtl/tencinfo.h>
+#include <tools/debug.hxx>
+#include <tools/stream.hxx>
+#define Font XLIB_Font
+#define Region XLIB_Region
+#include <xprinter/xp.h>
+#undef Font
+#undef Region
+#ifndef ANSI1252_HXX_
+#include "ansi1252.hxx"
+#include "xlfd_attr.hxx"
+#include "xlfd_smpl.hxx"
+#include "xlfd_extd.hxx"
+#include "salcvt.hxx"
+#include <osl/types.h>
+// -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
+static void
+FaxPhoneComment( Display* pDisplay, const sal_Unicode* pStr, USHORT nLen )
+ #define FAX_PHONE_TOKEN "@@#"
+ #define FAX_END_TOKEN "@@"
+ USHORT nPos;
+ ByteString aPhone( pStr, nLen, gsl_getSystemTextEncoding() );
+ static ByteString aPhoneNumber;
+ static BOOL bIsCollecting = FALSE;
+ if( ! bIsCollecting )
+ {
+ if( ( nPos = aPhone.Search( FAX_PHONE_TOKEN ) ) != STRING_NOTFOUND )
+ {
+ aPhone.Erase( 0, nPos + FAX_PHONE_TOKEN_LENGTH );
+ bIsCollecting = TRUE;
+ aPhoneNumber.Erase();
+ }
+ }
+ if( bIsCollecting )
+ {
+ if( ( nPos = aPhone.Search( FAX_END_TOKEN ) ) != STRING_NOTFOUND )
+ {
+ aPhone.Erase( nPos );
+ bIsCollecting = FALSE;
+ }
+ aPhoneNumber += aPhone;
+ if( ! bIsCollecting )
+ {
+ aPhone = "PhoneNumber(";
+ aPhone += aPhoneNumber;
+ aPhone += ")\n";
+ XpPSComment( pDisplay, aPhone.GetBuffer() );
+ aPhoneNumber = ByteString();
+ }
+ }
+ if( aPhoneNumber.Len() > 1024 )
+ {
+ bIsCollecting = FALSE;
+ aPhoneNumber = ByteString();
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// SalDisplay
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ if ( mpFontList != NULL )
+ {
+ return mpFontList;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // on a display an xlfd of *-0-0-75-75-* means this is a scalable
+ // bitmap font, thus it is ugly and thus to avoid. On a printer
+ // *-0-0-300-300-* means this is a printer resident font thus nice
+ // thus to prefer :-(
+ eDeviceT eDevice = this->IsDisplay() ? eDeviceDisplay : eDevicePrinter;
+ mpFactory = new AttributeProvider( eDevice );
+ mpFontList = new XlfdStorage();
+ int i, nFontCount;
+ const int nMaxCount = 64 * 1024 - 1;
+ Display *pDisplay = GetDisplay();
+ char **ppFontList = XListFonts(pDisplay, "-*", nMaxCount, &nFontCount);
+ //
+ // create a list of simple Xlfd font information
+ //
+ Xlfd *pXlfdList = (Xlfd*)malloc( nFontCount * sizeof(Xlfd) );
+ int nXlfdCount = 0;
+ for ( i = 0; i < nFontCount; i++ )
+ {
+ if ( pXlfdList[ nXlfdCount ].FromString(ppFontList[i], mpFactory) )
+ ++nXlfdCount;
+ }
+ XFreeFontNames( ppFontList );
+ // classification information is needed for sorting, classification
+ // of charset (i.e. iso8859-1 <-> ansi-1252) depends on wether the
+ // display points to a printer or to a real display. On a printer all
+ // iso8859-1 fonts are really capable of ansi-1252
+ mpFactory->AddClassification();
+ // add some pretty print description
+ mpFactory->AddAnnotation();
+ // misc feature checking
+ mpFactory->TagFeature();
+ // sort according to font style
+ qsort( pXlfdList, nXlfdCount, sizeof(Xlfd), XlfdCompare );
+ //
+ // create a font list with merged encoding information
+ //
+ BitmapXlfdStorage aBitmapList;
+ ScalableXlfd *pScalableFont = NULL;
+ PrinterFontXlfd *pPrinterFont = NULL;
+ int nFrom = 0;
+ for ( i = 0; i < nXlfdCount; i++ )
+ {
+ // exclude openlook glyph and cursor
+ Attribute *pAttr = mpFactory->RetrieveFamily(pXlfdList[i].mnFamily);
+ if ( pAttr->HasFeature( XLFD_FEATURE_OL_GLYPH
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // exclude fonts with unknown encoding
+ if ( pXlfdList[i].GetEncoding() == RTL_TEXTENCODING_DONTKNOW )
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ Bool bSameOutline = pXlfdList[i].SameFontoutline(pXlfdList + nFrom);
+ XlfdFonttype eType = pXlfdList[i].Fonttype();
+ // flush the old merged font list if the name doesn't match any more
+ if ( !bSameOutline )
+ {
+ mpFontList->Add( pScalableFont ); pScalableFont = NULL;
+ mpFontList->Add( pPrinterFont ); pPrinterFont = NULL;
+ mpFontList->Add( &aBitmapList ); aBitmapList.Reset();
+ }
+ // merge the font or generate a new one
+ switch( eType )
+ {
+ case eTypeScalable:
+ if ( pScalableFont == NULL )
+ pScalableFont = new ScalableXlfd;
+ pScalableFont->AddEncoding(pXlfdList + i);
+ break;
+ case eTypeBitmap:
+ aBitmapList.AddBitmapFont( pXlfdList + i );
+ break;
+ case eTypePrinterBuiltIn:
+ case eTypePrinterDownload:
+ if ( pPrinterFont == NULL )
+ pPrinterFont = new PrinterFontXlfd;
+ pPrinterFont->AddEncoding( pXlfdList + i );
+ break;
+ case eTypeScalableBitmap:
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ nFrom = i;
+ }
+ // flush the merged list into the global list
+ mpFontList->Add( pScalableFont );
+ mpFontList->Add( pPrinterFont );
+ mpFontList->Add( &aBitmapList );
+ // cleanup the list of simple font information
+ if ( pXlfdList != NULL )
+ free( pXlfdList );
+ return mpFontList;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+SalDisplay::GetFont( ExtendedXlfd *pRequestedFont, int nPixelSize )
+ if( !pFontCache_ )
+ {
+ mpCvtCache = new SalConverterCache;
+ pFontCache_ = new SalFontCache( 64, 64, 16 ); // ???
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ExtendedFontStruct *pItem;
+ for ( pItem = pFontCache_->First();
+ pItem != NULL;
+ pItem = pFontCache_->Next() )
+ {
+ if ( pItem->Match(pRequestedFont, nPixelSize) )
+ {
+ if( pFontCache_->GetCurPos() )
+ {
+ pFontCache_->Remove( pItem );
+ pFontCache_->Insert( pItem, 0UL );
+ }
+ return pItem;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // before we expand the cache, we look for very old and unused items
+ if( pFontCache_->Count() >= 64 )
+ {
+ ExtendedFontStruct *pItem;
+ for ( pItem = pFontCache_->Last();
+ pItem != NULL;
+ pItem = pFontCache_->Prev() )
+ {
+ if( 1 == pItem->GetRefCount() )
+ {
+ pFontCache_->Remove( pItem );
+ pItem->ReleaseRef();
+ if( pFontCache_->Count() < 64 )
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ExtendedFontStruct *pItem = new ExtendedFontStruct( GetDisplay(),
+ nPixelSize, pRequestedFont, mpCvtCache );
+ pFontCache_->Insert( pItem, 0UL );
+ pItem->AddRef();
+ return pItem;
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ if( pFontCache_ )
+ {
+ ExtendedFontStruct *pItem = pFontCache_->First();
+ while( pItem )
+ {
+ delete pItem;
+ pItem = pFontCache_->Next();
+ }
+ delete pFontCache_;
+ }
+ if( mpFontList )
+ {
+ mpFontList->Dispose();
+ delete mpFontList;
+ }
+ if ( mpFactory )
+ {
+ delete mpFactory;
+ }
+ if ( mpCvtCache )
+ {
+ delete mpCvtCache;
+ }
+ pFontCache_ = (SalFontCache*)NULL;
+ mpFontList = (XlfdStorage*)NULL;
+ mpFactory = (AttributeProvider*)NULL;
+ mpCvtCache = (SalConverterCache*)NULL;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// SalGraphicsData
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Display *pDisplay = GetXDisplay();
+ if( !pFontGC_ )
+ {
+ XGCValues values;
+ values.subwindow_mode = IncludeInferiors;
+ values.fill_rule = EvenOddRule; // Pict import/ Gradient
+ values.graphics_exposures = True;
+ values.foreground = nTextPixel_;
+ pFontGC_ = XCreateGC( pDisplay, hDrawable_,
+ GCSubwindowMode | GCFillRule
+ | GCGraphicsExposures | GCForeground,
+ &values );
+ }
+ if( !bFontGC_ )
+ {
+ XSetForeground( pDisplay, pFontGC_, nTextPixel_ );
+ SetClipRegion( pFontGC_ );
+ bFontGC_ = TRUE;
+ }
+ return pFontGC_;
+// Select the max size of a font, which is token for real
+// This routine is (and should be) called only once, the result should be
+// stored in some static variable
+static int
+ int nMaxFontHeight = 0;
+ char *FontHeight = getenv ("SAL_MAXFONTHEIGHT");
+ if (FontHeight)
+ nMaxFontHeight = atoi (FontHeight);
+ if (nMaxFontHeight <= 0)
+ return nMaxFontHeight;
+SalGraphicsData::SetFont( const ImplFontSelectData *pEntry )
+ bFontGC_ = FALSE;
+ xFont_ = NULL; // ->ReleaseRef()
+ aScale_ = Fraction( 1, 1 );
+ nFontOrientation_ = pEntry->mnOrientation;
+ if( pEntry->mpFontData && pEntry->mpFontData->mpSysData )
+ {
+ ExtendedXlfd *pSysFont = (ExtendedXlfd*)pEntry->mpFontData->mpSysData;
+ static int nMaxFontHeight = GetMaxFontHeight();
+ USHORT nH, nW;
+ if( bWindow_ )
+ {
+ // see BugId #44528# FontWork (-> #45038#) and as well Bug #47127#
+ if( pEntry->mnHeight > nMaxFontHeight )
+ nH = nMaxFontHeight;
+ else if( pEntry->mnHeight > 2 )
+ nH = pEntry->mnHeight;
+ else
+ nH = 2;
+ nW = 0; // pEntry->mnWidth;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ nH = pEntry->mnHeight;
+ nW = pEntry->mnWidth;
+ }
+ xFont_ = GetDisplay()->GetFont( pSysFont, nH );
+ if( pEntry->mnHeight > nMaxFontHeight || pEntry->mnHeight < 2 )
+ aScale_ = Fraction( pEntry->mnHeight, nH );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ #ifdef DEBUG
+ // XXX Fix me: provide a fallback for poor font installations
+ // we may be reach this if no font matches the GUI font
+ // MS Sans Serif;Geneva;Helv;WarpSans;Dialog;Lucida; ... */
+ fprintf( stderr, "SalGraphicsData::SetFont: Invalid Font Selection\n" );
+ #endif
+ }
+static sal_Unicode
+SwapBytes( const sal_Unicode nIn )
+ return ((nIn >> 8) & 0x00ff) | ((nIn << 8) & 0xff00);
+// draw string in a specific multibyte encoding
+static void
+ConvertTextItem16( XTextItem16* pTextItem,
+ SalConverterCache* pCvt, rtl_TextEncoding nEncoding )
+ if ( pTextItem && pTextItem->nchars > 0 )
+ {
+ // convert the string into the font encoding
+ sal_Size nSize;
+ sal_Size nBufferSize = pTextItem->nchars * 2;
+ sal_Char *pBuffer = (sal_Char*)alloca( nBufferSize );
+ nSize = ConvertStringUTF16( (sal_Unicode*)pTextItem->chars, pTextItem->nchars,
+ pBuffer, nBufferSize, pCvt->GetU2TConverter(nEncoding));
+ sal_Char *pTextChars = (sal_Char*)pTextItem->chars;
+ int n = 0, m = 0;
+ if ( nEncoding == RTL_TEXTENCODING_GB_2312
+ || nEncoding == RTL_TEXTENCODING_GBT_12345
+ || nEncoding == RTL_TEXTENCODING_GBK
+ || nEncoding == RTL_TEXTENCODING_BIG5 )
+ {
+ // GB and Big5 needs special treatment since chars can be single or
+ // double byte: encoding is
+ // [ 0x00 - 0x7f ] | [ 0x81 - 0xfe ] [ 0x40 - 0x7e 0x80 - 0xfe ]
+ while ( n < nSize )
+ {
+ if ( (unsigned char)pBuffer[ n ] < 0x80 )
+ {
+ pTextChars[ m++ ] = 0x0;
+ pTextChars[ m++ ] = pBuffer[ n++ ];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pTextChars[ m++ ] = pBuffer[ n++ ];
+ pTextChars[ m++ ] = pBuffer[ n++ ];
+ }
+ }
+ pTextItem->nchars = m / 2;
+ }
+ else
+ if ( pCvt->IsSingleByteEncoding(nEncoding) )
+ {
+ // Single Byte encoding has to be padded
+ while ( n < nSize )
+ {
+ pTextChars[ m++ ] = 0x0;
+ pTextChars[ m++ ] = pBuffer[ n++ ];
+ }
+ pTextItem->nchars = nSize;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ while ( n < nSize )
+ {
+ pTextChars[ m++ ] = pBuffer[ n++ ];
+ }
+ pTextItem->nchars = nSize / 2;
+ }
+ }
+// XXX this is a hack since XPrinter is not multibyte capable
+// XXX for printing this routine is called for each character
+XPrinterDrawText16( Display* pDisplay, Drawable nDrawable, GC nGC,
+ int nX, int nY, int nAngle, XTextItem16 *pTextItem16, int nItem )
+ // convert XTextItem16 to XTextItem
+ XTextItem *pTextItem = (XTextItem*)alloca( nItem * sizeof(XTextItem) );
+ for ( int nCurItem = 0; nCurItem < nItem; nCurItem++ )
+ {
+ int nChars = pTextItem16[ nCurItem ].nchars;
+ char* pDstCharPtr = (char*)alloca( nChars * sizeof(char) );
+ XChar2b* pSrcCharPtr = pTextItem16[ nCurItem ].chars;
+ pTextItem[ nCurItem ].chars = pDstCharPtr;
+ pTextItem[ nCurItem ].nchars = nChars;
+ pTextItem[ nCurItem ].delta = pTextItem16[ nCurItem ].delta;
+ pTextItem[ nCurItem ].font = pTextItem16[ nCurItem ].font;
+ for ( int nCurChar = 0;
+ nCurChar < nChars;
+ nCurChar++, pDstCharPtr++, pSrcCharPtr++ )
+ {
+ *pDstCharPtr = (char)pSrcCharPtr->byte2;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( nAngle != 0 )
+ {
+ for ( int nCurItem = 0; nCurItem < nItem; nCurItem++ )
+ {
+ // XXX FIXME this is broken, because nX and nY is not sufficiently updated
+ XSetFont( pDisplay, nGC, pTextItem[ nItem ].font );
+ if ( XSalCanDrawRotString(pDisplay, nGC) )
+ {
+ XSalDrawRotString( pDisplay, nDrawable, nGC, nX, nY,
+ pTextItem[ nCurItem ].chars, pTextItem[ nCurItem ].nchars, nAngle );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ XDrawString( pDisplay, nDrawable, nGC, nX, nY,
+ pTextItem[ nCurItem ].chars, pTextItem[ nCurItem ].nchars );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ XDrawText( pDisplay, nDrawable, nGC, nX, nY, pTextItem, nItem );
+ }
+// draw string in one of the fonts / encodings that are available in the
+// extended font
+static void
+DrawString( Display *pDisplay, Drawable nDrawable, GC nGC,
+ int nX, int nY, const sal_Unicode *pStr, int nLength, int nAngle,
+ SalConverterCache *pCvt, ExtendedFontStruct *pFont )
+ // sanity check
+ if ( pFont == NULL || nLength == 0 )
+ return;
+ rtl_TextEncoding nAsciiEnc = pFont->GetAsciiEncoding();
+ {
+ // plain Unicode, can handle all chars and can be handled straight forward
+ XFontStruct* pFontStruct = pFont->GetFontStruct( nAsciiEnc );
+ if ( pFontStruct == NULL )
+ return;
+ XSetFont( pDisplay, nGC, pFontStruct->fid );
+ sal_Unicode *pBuffer = (sal_Unicode*)alloca( nLength * sizeof(sal_Unicode) );
+ for ( int i = 0; i < nLength; i++ )
+ pBuffer[ i ] = SwapBytes(pStr[ i ]) ;
+ #else
+ sal_Unicode *pBuffer = const_cast<sal_Unicode*>(pStr);
+ #endif
+ XDrawString16( pDisplay, nDrawable, nGC, nX, nY, (XChar2b*)pBuffer, nLength );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // convert the string to a XTextItem16 with each item chars having the
+ // encoding matching the font of fontid
+ XTextItem16 *pTextItem = (XTextItem16*)alloca( nLength * sizeof(XTextItem16) );
+ XChar2b *pMBChar = (XChar2b*)alloca( nLength * sizeof(XChar2b) );
+ memcpy( pMBChar, pStr, nLength * sizeof(XChar2b) );
+ rtl_TextEncoding nEncoding = nAsciiEnc;
+ XFontStruct* pFontStruct = pFont->GetFontStruct( nEncoding );
+ if ( pFontStruct == NULL )
+ return;
+ for ( int nChar = 0, nItem = -1; nChar < nLength; nChar++ )
+ {
+ rtl_TextEncoding nOldEnc = nEncoding;
+ pFont->GetFontStruct( pStr[nChar], &nEncoding, &pFontStruct, pCvt );
+ if ( (nItem != -1) && (pFontStruct->fid == pTextItem[ nItem ].font) )
+ {
+ pTextItem[ nItem ].nchars += 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( nItem != -1 )
+ ConvertTextItem16( &pTextItem[ nItem ], pCvt, nOldEnc );
+ ++nItem;
+ pTextItem[ nItem ].chars = pMBChar + nChar;
+ pTextItem[ nItem ].delta = 0;
+ pTextItem[ nItem ].font = pFontStruct->fid;
+ pTextItem[ nItem ].nchars = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ ConvertTextItem16( &pTextItem[ nItem ], pCvt, nEncoding );
+ ++nItem;
+ if ( XSalIsDisplay( pDisplay ) )
+ XDrawText16( pDisplay, nDrawable, nGC, nX, nY, pTextItem, nItem );
+ else
+ XPrinterDrawText16( pDisplay, nDrawable, nGC, nX, nY, nAngle,
+ pTextItem, nItem );
+ }
+SalGraphicsData::DrawText( long nX, long nY,
+ const sal_Unicode *pStr, USHORT nLen )
+ if( bPrinter_ )
+ FaxPhoneComment( GetXDisplay(), pStr, nLen );
+ #ifdef __notdef__
+ // XXX Fix me this part is not unicode / multibyte aware
+ // Bug: #45670#
+ // some monospace ISO8859-1 fonts have a hole between chars 128 and 159
+ // some applications assume these characters have also the default width
+ if( ! bPrinter_ &&
+ PITCH_FIXED == xFont_->GetFont()->mePitch &&
+ nLen > 1 )
+ {
+ XFontStruct *pXFS = GetFontInfo();
+ long nWidth = xFont_->GetDim()->GetWidth();
+ if( xFont_->GetFixedWidth() != nWidth
+ || xFont_->GetDefaultWidth() != nWidth )
+ {
+ unsigned int min_char = pXFS->min_char_or_byte2;
+ unsigned int max_char = pXFS->max_char_or_byte2;
+ XCharStruct *pXCS = pXFS->per_char - min_char;
+ for( USHORT i = 0; i < nLen-1; i++ )
+ {
+ unsigned int c = ((unsigned char*)pStr)[i];
+ long nW = c < min_char || c > max_char || ! pXFS->per_char
+ ? xFont_->GetDefaultWidth()
+ : pXCS[c].width;
+ if( nW != nWidth )
+ {
+ long *pDXAry = new long[nLen];
+ for( i = 0; i < nLen; i++ )
+ pDXAry[i] = nWidth * (i+1);
+ DrawText( nX, nY, pStr, nLen, pDXAry );
+ delete pDXAry;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ #endif /* __notdef__ */
+ Display *pDisplay = GetXDisplay();
+ SalConverterCache *pCvt = GetDisplay()->GetConverter();
+ GC pGC = SelectFont();
+ DrawString( pDisplay, hDrawable_, pGC, nX, nY,
+ pStr, nLen, nFontOrientation_ * 64 / 10, pCvt, xFont_ );
+SalGraphics::DrawText( long nX, long nY, const xub_Unicode* pStr, USHORT nLen )
+ maGraphicsData.DrawText( nX, nY, pStr, nLen );
+static BOOL
+ /* Motivation: one of our clients uses a Solaris 2.4 X86 system with an
+ XServer for the Matrox Mystique graphics card. This board/server
+ sometimes does not draw Text with negative x-coordinates into a
+ virtual device (for unknown reasons). A stock X-server just clips the
+ part in the negative area. */
+ static int nCheck = -2;
+ if( nCheck == -2 )
+ {
+ char* pCmp = getenv( "SAL_NO_NEGATIVE_TEXT_OFFSET" );
+ if( pCmp && ! strncasecmp( pCmp, "true", 4 ) )
+ nCheck = 1;
+ else
+ nCheck = 0;
+ }
+ return nCheck ? TRUE : FALSE;
+ long nX, long nY,
+ const sal_Unicode* pStr, USHORT nLen, const long* pDXAry )
+ if( bPrinter_ )
+ FaxPhoneComment( GetXDisplay(), pStr, nLen );
+ #endif
+ GC pGC = SelectFont();
+ // workaround for problems with negative coordinates
+ long* pTmpAry = NULL;
+ if( nX < 0 && CheckNoNegativeCoordinateWorkaround() )
+ {
+ long nOldX = nX;
+ while( nX < 0 )
+ {
+ nX = nOldX + *pDXAry;
+ pStr++, pDXAry++, nLen--;
+ if( nLen < 1 )
+ return;
+ }
+ pTmpAry = new long[ nLen ];
+ for( int q = 0; q < nLen-1; q++ )
+ pTmpAry[q] = pDXAry[q] - ( nX - nOldX );
+ pDXAry = pTmpAry;
+ }
+ // draw every single character
+ SalConverterCache *pCvt = GetDisplay()->GetConverter();
+ int angle = nFontOrientation_ * 64 / 10;
+ Polygon aPolygon(1);
+ Point aOrigin( nX, nY );
+ Point aCharPos;
+ DrawString( GetXDisplay(), hDrawable_, pGC,
+ aOrigin.X(), aOrigin.Y(), pStr, 1, angle, pCvt, xFont_ );
+ for( int i = 1; i < nLen ; i++ )
+ {
+ aCharPos = Point( aOrigin.X() + pDXAry[ i - 1 ], aOrigin.Y() );
+ aPolygon.SetPoint( aCharPos, 0 );
+ aPolygon.Rotate( aOrigin, nFontOrientation_ );
+ aCharPos = aPolygon.GetPoint( 0 );
+ DrawString( GetXDisplay(), hDrawable_, pGC,
+ aCharPos.X(), aCharPos.Y(), pStr + i, 1, angle, pCvt, xFont_ );
+ }
+ if( pTmpAry )
+ delete pTmpAry;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// SalGraphics
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+SalGraphics::SetFont( ImplFontSelectData *pEntry )
+ maGraphicsData.SetFont( pEntry );
+ return _IsPrinter() ? SAL_SETFONT_USEDRAWTEXTARRAY : 0;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+SalGraphics::DrawTextArray( long nX, long nY,
+ const xub_Unicode *pStr, USHORT nLen, const long *pDXAry )
+ maGraphicsData.DrawText( nX, nY, pStr, nLen, pDXAry );
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+SalGraphics::SetTextColor( SalColor nSalColor )
+ if( _GetTextColor() != nSalColor )
+ {
+ _GetTextColor() = nSalColor;
+ _GetTextPixel() = _GetPixel( nSalColor );
+ _IsFontGC() = FALSE;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+SalGraphics::GetDevFontList( ImplDevFontList *pList )
+ XlfdStorage* pFonts = _GetDisplay()->GetXlfdList();
+ for ( int nIdx = 0; nIdx < pFonts->GetCount(); nIdx++ )
+ {
+ ImplFontData *pFontData = new ImplFontData;
+ pFonts->Get(nIdx)->ToImplFontData( pFontData );
+ pList->Add( pFontData );
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+inline long
+sal_DivideNeg( long n1, long n2 )
+ return ( n1 < 0 ) ? (n1 - n2 / 2) / n2 : (n1 + n2 / 2) / n2;
+SalGraphics::GetFontMetric( ImplFontMetricData *pMetric )
+ ExtendedFontStruct* pFont = maGraphicsData.xFont_;
+ if ( pFont != NULL )
+ {
+ pFont->ToImplFontMetricData( pMetric );
+ if( XSalCanDrawRotString( maGraphicsData.GetXDisplay(), None ) )
+ pMetric->mnOrientation = maGraphicsData.nFontOrientation_;
+ long n;
+ n = maGraphicsData.aScale_.GetNumerator();
+ if( n != 1 )
+ {
+ pMetric->mnWidth *= n;
+ pMetric->mnAscent *= n;
+ pMetric->mnDescent *= n;
+ pMetric->mnLeading *= n;
+ pMetric->mnSlant *= n;
+ }
+ n = maGraphicsData.aScale_.GetDenominator();
+ if( n != 1 )
+ {
+ pMetric->mnWidth = Divide( pMetric->mnWidth, n );
+ pMetric->mnAscent = sal_DivideNeg( pMetric->mnAscent, n );
+ pMetric->mnDescent = sal_DivideNeg( pMetric->mnDescent, n );
+ pMetric->mnLeading = sal_DivideNeg( pMetric->mnLeading, n );
+ pMetric->mnSlant = sal_DivideNeg( pMetric->mnSlant, n );
+ }
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+static long
+InitializeWidthArray( long *pWidthArray, sal_Size nItems, int nValue = 0 )
+ const long nPrecision = 1;
+ for ( int i = 0; i < nItems; i++, pWidthArray++ )
+ *pWidthArray = nValue;
+ return nPrecision;
+SalGraphics::GetCharWidth( USHORT nChar1, USHORT nChar2, long *pWidthAry )
+ // return the precision of the calculated charwidth, e.g. 1000 = 3 digits
+ // defaultet to 1 for now
+ const long nPrecision = 1;
+ int nRequestedWidth = nChar2 - nChar1 + 1;
+ int nCharWidth;
+ // XXX sanity check, this may happen if no font at all is installed
+ // or no system font matches the requirements for the user interface
+ if ( maGraphicsData.xFont_ == NULL )
+ return InitializeWidthArray( pWidthAry, nRequestedWidth, 12 );
+ // the font should know it's metrics best
+ SalDisplay *pSalDisplay = maGraphicsData.GetDisplay();
+ nCharWidth = maGraphicsData.xFont_->GetCharWidth(
+ pSalDisplay->GetConverter(), nChar1, nChar2, pWidthAry );
+ // XXX sanity check, this may happen if the font cannot be loaded/queried
+ // either because of a garbled fontpath or because of invalid fontfile
+ if ( nCharWidth != nRequestedWidth )
+ InitializeWidthArray( pWidthAry + nCharWidth,
+ nRequestedWidth - nCharWidth );
+ // handle internal scaling
+ const long nNumerator = maGraphicsData.aScale_.GetNumerator();
+ const long nDenominator = maGraphicsData.aScale_.GetDenominator();
+ long *pPtr;
+ sal_Unicode nChar;
+ if ( nNumerator != 1 )
+ for( pPtr = pWidthAry, nChar = nChar1; nChar <= nChar2; nChar++, pPtr++)
+ *pPtr *= nNumerator;
+ if ( nDenominator != 1 )
+ for( pPtr = pWidthAry, nChar = nChar1; nChar <= nChar2; nChar++, pPtr++)
+ *pPtr = Divide( *pPtr, nDenominator );
+ // return
+ return nPrecision;
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+extern unsigned char TranslateCharName( char* );
+SalGraphics::GetKernPairs( ULONG nPairs, ImplKernPairData *pKernPairs )
+ if( ! _IsPrinter() )
+ return 0;
+ // get pair kerning table ( internal data from xprinter )
+ int i, nCurPair=0;
+ // XXX Fix me, improve this to be multi encoding aware: merge kern
+ // pair list for all encodings available in the xfont
+ rtl_TextEncoding nEncoding = maGraphicsData.xFont_->GetAsciiEncoding();
+ XFontStruct *pXFS = maGraphicsData.xFont_->GetFontStruct( nEncoding );
+ XExtData *pXES = pXFS->ext_data;
+ for( i = 0; pXES && i < 2; i++, pXES = pXES->next );
+ if( i < 2 )
+ return 0;
+ XpPairKernData* pXpPKD = (XpPairKernData*)(pXES->private_data);
+ PairKernData* pPKD = pXpPKD->pkd;
+ for( i = 0, nCurPair=0; i < pXpPKD->numOfPairs; i++ )
+ {
+ unsigned char c1 = TranslateCharName( pPKD[i].name1 );
+ unsigned char c2 = TranslateCharName( pPKD[i].name2 );
+ if( c1 && c2 )
+ {
+ if( pKernPairs && nCurPair < nPairs )
+ {
+ pKernPairs[ nCurPair ].mnChar1 = c1;
+ pKernPairs[ nCurPair ].mnChar2 = c2;
+ pKernPairs[ nCurPair ].mnKern =
+ (long)(pPKD[i].xamt * pXpPKD->pointsize / 1000 );
+ }
+ nCurPair++;
+ }
+ }
+ return nCurPair;
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+SalGraphics::GetGlyphBoundRect( xub_Unicode c,
+ long *pX, long *pY, long *pDX, long *pDY )
+ return FALSE;
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+SalGraphics::GetGlyphOutline( xub_Unicode c,
+ USHORT **ppPolySizes, SalPoint **ppPoints, BYTE **ppFlags )
+ return 0;