path: root/vcl/unx/source/gdi/dtint.cxx
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Diffstat (limited to 'vcl/unx/source/gdi/dtint.cxx')
1 files changed, 1169 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vcl/unx/source/gdi/dtint.cxx b/vcl/unx/source/gdi/dtint.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d851d48f27f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vcl/unx/source/gdi/dtint.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,1169 @@
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: dtint.cxx,v $
+ *
+ * $Revision: $
+ *
+ * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-18 17:05:43 $
+ *
+ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
+ * either of the following licenses
+ *
+ * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ *
+ * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
+ *
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * =============================================
+ * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ *
+ * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ * =================================================
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
+ * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
+ * License at
+ *
+ * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
+ * obligations concerning the Software.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s): _______________________________________
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#include <prex.h>
+#include <X11/Xatom.h>
+#include <X11/keysym.h>
+#include <postx.h>
+#include <cdeint.hxx>
+#include <kdeint.hxx>
+#include <soicon.hxx>
+#include <saldisp.hxx>
+#include <saldata.hxx>
+#include <salbmp.hxx>
+#include <salframe.hxx>
+#include <strhelper.hxx>
+#include <svapp.hxx>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <vos/process.hxx>
+#include <tools/urlobj.hxx>
+#ifdef SOLARIS
+// Solaris 2.5.1 misses it in unistd.h
+extern "C" int usleep(unsigned int);
+#define EVENTMASK_WHILE_DRAGGING ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask | PointerMotionMask
+BOOL bSymbolLoadFailed = FALSE;
+DtIntegratorList DtIntegrator::aIntegratorList;
+String DtIntegrator::aHomeDir;
+DtIntegrator::DtIntegrator( SalFrame* pFrame ) :
+ mpSalFrame( pFrame ),
+ mpSalDisplay( pFrame->maFrameData.GetDisplay() ),
+ meType( DtGeneric ),
+ mnRefCount( 0 ),
+ mpLastData( 0 ),
+ maDropSource( None ),
+ mpDropTarget( NULL ),
+ maDragTarget( None ),
+ meDragState( DtDragNone )
+ mpDisplay = mpSalDisplay->GetDisplay();
+ maSelectionWindow =
+ XCreateSimpleWindow( mpDisplay, DefaultRootWindow( mpDisplay ),
+ 10,10,10,10,0,0,1 );
+ mnClipboardAtom = XInternAtom( mpDisplay, "CLIPBOARD", False );
+ mnTargetsAtom = XInternAtom( mpDisplay, "TARGETS", False );
+ mnCompoundAtom = XInternAtom( mpDisplay, "COMPOUND_TEXT", False );
+ maExPropertyAtom = XInternAtom( mpDisplay, "VCLExchangeProperty", False );
+ mnXdndAware = XInternAtom( mpDisplay, "XdndAware", False );
+ mnXdndSelection = XInternAtom( mpDisplay, "XdndSelection", False );
+ mnXdndEnter = XInternAtom( mpDisplay, "XdndEnter", False );
+ mnXdndLeave = XInternAtom( mpDisplay, "XdndLeave", False );
+ mnXdndStatus = XInternAtom( mpDisplay, "XdndStatus", False );
+ mnXdndTypeList = XInternAtom( mpDisplay, "XdndTypeList", False );
+ mnXdndPosition = XInternAtom( mpDisplay, "XdndPosition", False );
+ mnXdndDrop = XInternAtom( mpDisplay, "XdndDrop", False );
+ mnXdndActionCopy = XInternAtom( mpDisplay, "XdndActionCopy", False );
+ mnXdndActionMove = XInternAtom( mpDisplay, "XdndActionMove", False );
+ mnXdndActionLink = XInternAtom( mpDisplay, "XdndActionLink", False );
+ mnXdndActionCopy = XInternAtom( mpDisplay, "XdndActionCopy", False );
+ mnXdndActionAsk = XInternAtom( mpDisplay, "XdndActionAsk", False );
+ mnXdndActionDescription = XInternAtom( mpDisplay, "XdndActionDescription", False );
+ mnXdndFinished = XInternAtom( mpDisplay, "XdndFinished", False ); mnXdndActionList = XInternAtom( mpDisplay, "XdndActionList", False );
+ aIntegratorList.Insert( this, LIST_APPEND );
+ aHomeDir = String( getenv( "HOME" ), gsl_getSystemTextEncoding() );
+ XDestroyWindow( mpDisplay, maSelectionWindow );
+ if( mpLastData )
+ delete mpLastData;
+ while( maDropTypes.Count() )
+ delete maDropTypes.Remove( (ULONG)0 );
+ while( maDragTypes.Count() )
+ delete maDragTypes.Remove( (ULONG)0 );
+BOOL DtIntegrator::CheckUnxClipboardChanged()
+ XLIB_Window aPrimWindow = XGetSelectionOwner( mpDisplay, XA_PRIMARY );
+ XLIB_Window aClipWindow = XGetSelectionOwner( mpDisplay, mnClipboardAtom );
+ if( aPrimWindow != maSelectionWindow && aPrimWindow != None )
+ return TRUE;
+ if( aClipWindow != maSelectionWindow && aClipWindow != None )
+ return TRUE;
+ return FALSE;
+void DtIntegrator::Copy( DtData* pData )
+ if( mpLastData )
+ delete mpLastData;
+ mpLastData = pData;
+ XSetSelectionOwner( mpDisplay, XA_PRIMARY,
+ maSelectionWindow, CurrentTime );
+ XSetSelectionOwner( mpDisplay, mnClipboardAtom,
+ maSelectionWindow, CurrentTime );
+#if defined DBG_UTIL || defined DEBUG
+ if( XGetSelectionOwner( mpDisplay, XA_PRIMARY ) != maSelectionWindow )
+ fprintf( stderr, "Could not acquire ownership of PRIMARY\n" );
+ if( XGetSelectionOwner( mpDisplay, mnClipboardAtom ) !=
+ maSelectionWindow )
+ fprintf( stderr, "Could not acquire ownership of CLIPBOARD\n" );
+void DtIntegrator::RegisterDropzone( SalFrame* pFrame )
+ for( int i = 0; i < maDropzones.Count(); i++ )
+ {
+ if( maDropzones.GetObject( i ) == pFrame )
+ return;
+ }
+ maDropzones.Insert( pFrame, LIST_APPEND );
+ // create XdndAware property on window to acknowledge DND awareness
+ static int nVersion = XDND_PROTOCOL_VERSION;
+ XChangeProperty( mpDisplay, pFrame->maFrameData.GetWindow(),
+ mnXdndAware, XA_ATOM, 32, PropModeReplace,
+ (unsigned char*)(&nVersion), 1 );
+ ImplRegisterDropzone( pFrame );
+void DtIntegrator::UnregisterDropzone( SalFrame* pFrame )
+ maDropzones.Remove( pFrame );
+ XDeleteProperty( mpDisplay, pFrame->maFrameData.GetWindow(), mnXdndAware );
+ ImplUnregisterDropzone( pFrame );
+void DtIntegrator::ImplRegisterDropzone( SalFrame* pFrame )
+void DtIntegrator::ImplUnregisterDropzone( SalFrame* pFrame )
+void DtIntegrator::ImplHandleXEvent( XEvent* pEvent )
+ if( pEvent->type == SelectionClear )
+ {
+ if( meDragState != DtDragNone &&
+ pEvent->xselectionclear.selection == mnXdndSelection )
+ {
+ meDragState = DtDragNone;
+ maDragSource = None;
+ maDragTarget = None;
+ }
+ else
+ maClipboardChangedHdl.Call( this );
+ }
+ else if( pEvent->type == SelectionRequest )
+ {
+ BOOL bConvertable = FALSE;
+ XSelectionRequestEvent& rSelEvent = pEvent->xselectionrequest;
+ XEvent aSendEvent;
+ aSendEvent.type = SelectionNotify;
+ aSendEvent.xselection.display = rSelEvent.display;
+ aSendEvent.xselection.send_event = True;
+ aSendEvent.xselection.requestor = rSelEvent.requestor;
+ aSendEvent.xselection.selection = rSelEvent.selection;
+ aSendEvent.xselection.time = rSelEvent.time;
+ // xterm seems to be the only one to care about time = CurrentTime
+ // clipboard and xdnd requests land here
+ if( rSelEvent.selection == XA_PRIMARY ||
+ rSelEvent.selection == mnClipboardAtom )
+ {
+#if defined DEBUG
+ char* pType = XGetAtomName( mpDisplay, );
+ fprintf( stderr, "Request for conversion of %s with type \"%s\"\n",
+ rSelEvent.selection == XA_PRIMARY ? "PRIMARY" : "CLIPBOARD", pType );
+ XFree( pType );
+ if( ( == XA_STRING ||
+ == mnCompoundAtom )
+ && mpLastData && mpLastData->mnBytes )
+ {
+ bConvertable = TRUE;
+ XChangeProperty( mpDisplay, rSelEvent.requestor,
+ 8, PropModeReplace,
+ mpLastData->mpBytes,
+ mpLastData->mnBytes );
+ =;
+ }
+ else if( == mnTargetsAtom )
+ {
+ bConvertable = TRUE;
+ Atom aAtom = XA_STRING;
+ XChangeProperty( mpDisplay, rSelEvent.requestor,
+ 32, PropModeReplace,
+ (unsigned char*)&aAtom, 1 );
+ = mnTargetsAtom;
+ }
+ }
+ else if( rSelEvent.selection == mnXdndSelection && meDragState != DtDragNone )
+ {
+ DtData aData;
+ aData.mpType = (unsigned char*)XGetAtomName( mpDisplay, );
+#if defined DEBUG
+ fprintf( stderr, "Request for convertion of XdndSelection with type \"%s\"\n", aData.mpType );
+ maQueryDragDataHdl.Call( &aData );
+ if( aData.mnBytes > 0 )
+ {
+ bConvertable = TRUE;
+ XChangeProperty( mpDisplay, rSelEvent.requestor,
+ 8, PropModeReplace,
+ aData.mpBytes,
+ aData.mnBytes );
+ =;
+ }
+ XFree( aData.mpType );
+ // drag and drop does NOT end here
+ // the target may ask more than once for the data
+ // hopefully this can work with the office
+ }
+ =
+ bConvertable ? : None;
+ if( ! XSendEvent( mpDisplay, rSelEvent.requestor,
+ False, 0, &aSendEvent ) )
+ fprintf( stderr, "HandleSelectionRequest: XSendEvent failed\n" );
+ }
+ else if( pEvent->type == ClientMessage )
+ {
+ int i = pEvent->xclient.message_type;
+ if( i == mnXdndEnter &&
+ ( pEvent->[1] >> 24 ) <= XDND_PROTOCOL_VERSION &&
+ ! mpDropTarget )
+ {
+#if defined DEBUG
+ fprintf( stderr, "XdndEnter with XDND protocol version %d\n",
+ pEvent->[1] >> 24 );
+ // a drop begins
+ // search the correct target frame
+ for( i = 0; i < maDropzones.Count(); i++ )
+ {
+ SalFrame *pFrame = maDropzones.GetObject( i );
+ if( pFrame->maFrameData.GetWindow() ==
+ pEvent->xclient.window )
+ {
+ mpDropTarget = pFrame;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if( ! mpDropTarget )
+ {
+#if defined DEBUG || defined DBG_UTIL
+ fprintf( stderr, "Received XdndEnter and have no corresponding dropzone !!!\n" );
+ return;
+ }
+ maDropSource = pEvent->[0];
+ // build a stringlist of types
+ while( maDropTypes.Count() )
+ delete maDropTypes.Remove( (ULONG)0 );
+ for( int i = 2; i < 5; i++ )
+ {
+ if( pEvent->[i] != None )
+ {
+ char *pAtomName = XGetAtomName( mpDisplay, pEvent->[i] );
+ maDropTypes.Insert( new String( pAtomName, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ISO_8859_1 ) );
+ XFree( pAtomName );
+ }
+ }
+ if( maDropTypes.Count() > 2 && (pEvent->[1] & 1) )
+ {
+ unsigned long nCount;
+ Atom aType;
+ int nFormat;
+ unsigned long nBytesLeft;
+ Atom* pTypeData = 0;
+ if( XGetWindowProperty( mpDisplay, maDropSource,
+ mnXdndTypeList, 0, 256,
+ False, XA_ATOM,
+ &aType, &nFormat,
+ &nCount, &nBytesLeft,
+ (unsigned char**)(&pTypeData) ) )
+ {
+ if( aType == XA_ATOM && nFormat == 32 && nCount )
+ {
+ while( nCount )
+ {
+ char * pTypeName =
+ XGetAtomName( mpDisplay, pTypeData[ --nCount ] );
+ maDropTypes.Insert( new String( pTypeData[ nCount ], RTL_TEXTENCODING_ISO_8859_1 ) );
+ }
+ }
+ if( pTypeData )
+ XFree( pTypeData );
+ }
+ }
+ maBeginDropHdl.Call( NULL );
+ }
+ else if( i == mnXdndPosition && maDropSource != None && mpDropTarget )
+ {
+#if defined DEBUG
+ fprintf( stderr, "Received XdndPosition\n" );
+ // remember time stamps
+ mnDropDataTime = pEvent->[3];
+ // put x,y and action into a structure here
+ DtDropQuery aDropQuery;
+ aDropQuery.m_pFrame = mpDropTarget;
+ int x = pEvent->[2] >> 16;
+ int y = pEvent->[2] & 0xffff;
+ XLIB_Window aChild;
+ XTranslateCoordinates( mpDisplay, DefaultRootWindow( mpDisplay ),
+ mpDropTarget->maFrameData.GetWindow(),
+ x, y,
+ &aDropQuery.m_nX,
+ &aDropQuery.m_nY,
+ &aChild );
+ if( pEvent->[4] == mnXdndActionLink )
+ aDropQuery.m_eAction = DtDropLink;
+ else if( pEvent->[4] == mnXdndActionMove )
+ aDropQuery.m_eAction = DtDropMove;
+ else
+ aDropQuery.m_eAction = DtDropCopy;
+ mnLastDropX = aDropQuery.m_nX;
+ mnLastDropY = aDropQuery.m_nY;
+ // query for dropping on new position
+ DtDropAction eResult = (DtDropAction)maQueryDropHdl.Call( &aDropQuery );
+#if defined DEBUG
+ fprintf( stderr, "QueryDropHdl returned result " );
+ switch( eResult )
+ {
+ case DtDropNone: fprintf( stderr, "DtDropNone\n\n" );break;
+ case DtDropCopy: fprintf( stderr, "DtDropCopy\n\n" );break;
+ case DtDropLink: fprintf( stderr, "DtDropLink\n\n" );break;
+ case DtDropMove: fprintf( stderr, "DtDropMove\n\n" );break;
+ case DtDropAny: fprintf( stderr, "DtDropAny\n\n" );break;
+ default: fprintf( stderr, "Unknown !!!\n\n" );break;
+ }
+ // give source a status
+ XEvent aSendEvent;
+ aSendEvent.type = ClientMessage;
+ aSendEvent.xclient.display = mpDisplay;
+ aSendEvent.xclient.window = maDropSource;
+ aSendEvent.xclient.message_type = mnXdndStatus;
+ aSendEvent.xclient.format = 32;
+[0] = mpDropTarget->maFrameData.GetWindow();
+[1] = 2;
+ switch( eResult )
+ {
+ case DtDropCopy:
+ case DtDropMove:
+ case DtDropLink:
+ case DtDropAny:
+[1] |= 1;
+ default: ;
+ }
+[2] = 0;
+[3] = 0;
+ if( eResult == DtDropCopy )
+[4] = mnXdndActionCopy;
+ else if( eResult == DtDropMove )
+[4] = mnXdndActionMove;
+ else if( eResult == DtDropLink )
+[4] = mnXdndActionLink;
+ else
+[4] = None;
+ XSendEvent( mpDisplay, maDropSource, False, NoEventMask, &aSendEvent );
+ }
+ else if( i == mnXdndLeave && maDropSource != None )
+ {
+#if defined DEBUG
+ fprintf( stderr, "Received XdndLeave\n" );
+ if( pEvent->[0] == maDropSource )
+ {
+ maDropSource = None;
+ mpDropTarget = NULL;
+ DtDropQuery aDropQuery;
+ aDropQuery.m_nX = mnLastDropX;
+ aDropQuery.m_nY = mnLastDropY;
+ aDropQuery.m_eAction = DtDropNone;
+ aDropQuery.m_pFrame = mpDropTarget;
+ maDropFinishHdl.Call( &aDropQuery );
+ }
+ }
+ else if( i == mnXdndDrop && maDropSource != None )
+ {
+#if defined DEBUG
+ fprintf( stderr, "Received XdndDrop\n" );
+ // remember time stamps
+ mnDropDataTime = pEvent->[2];
+ DtDropQuery aDropQuery;
+ aDropQuery.m_nX = mnLastDropX;
+ aDropQuery.m_nY = mnLastDropY;
+ aDropQuery.m_eAction = DtDropAny;
+ aDropQuery.m_pFrame = mpDropTarget;
+ // the drop finish handler should relay the data types
+ // FinishDrop should be called then which retrieves the data
+ // FinishDrop must not be called after this handler returns
+ maDropFinishHdl.Call( &aDropQuery );
+ // finally send a drop finished
+ XEvent aSendEvent;
+ aSendEvent.type = ClientMessage;
+ aSendEvent.xclient.display = mpDisplay;
+ aSendEvent.xclient.window = maDropSource;
+ aSendEvent.xclient.message_type = mnXdndFinished;
+ aSendEvent.xclient.format = 32;
+[0] = mpDropTarget->maFrameData.GetWindow();
+[1] = 0;
+[2] = 0;
+[3] = 0;
+[4] = 0;
+ XSendEvent( mpDisplay, maDropSource, True, NoEventMask, &aSendEvent );
+ maDropSource = None;
+ mpDropTarget = NULL;
+ }
+ else if( meDragState != DtDropNone &&
+ meDragState != DtWaitForDataRequest &&
+ pEvent->xclient.message_type == mnXdndStatus )
+ {
+ int nAction = pEvent->[4];
+ // set pointer correctly
+ XLIB_Cursor aCursor;
+ if( pEvent->[1] & 1 )
+ {
+ if( nAction == mnXdndActionCopy )
+ aCursor = mpSalDisplay->GetPointer( POINTER_COPYFILES );
+ else if( nAction == mnXdndActionMove )
+ aCursor = mpSalDisplay->GetPointer( POINTER_MOVEFILES );
+ else if( nAction == mnXdndActionLink )
+ aCursor = mpSalDisplay->GetPointer( POINTER_LINKFILE );
+ else
+ aCursor = mpSalDisplay->GetPointer( POINTER_CROP );
+ }
+ else
+ // target will not accept the drop
+ aCursor = mpSalDisplay->GetPointer( POINTER_NOTALLOWED );
+ XChangeActivePointerGrab( mpDisplay,
+ aCursor, CurrentTime );
+#if defined DEBUG
+ char* pAction = nAction != None ?
+ XGetAtomName( mpDisplay, nAction ) : "None";
+ fprintf( stderr, "Received XdndStatus %s(%s)\n",
+ pEvent->[1] & 1 ? "accept" : "deny",
+ pAction );
+ if( nAction != None )
+ XFree( pAction );
+ meDragState = DtDragging;
+ SendXdndPosition( pEvent );
+ }
+ else if( meDragState != DtDragNone &&
+ pEvent->xclient.message_type == mnXdndFinished )
+ {
+#if defined DEBUG
+ fprintf( stderr, "Received XdndFinished\n" );
+ maDragTarget = None;
+ maDragSource = None;
+ meDragState = DtDragNone;
+ }
+ }
+ else if( pEvent->type == MotionNotify ||
+ pEvent->type == XLIB_KeyPress ||
+ pEvent->type == KeyRelease
+ )
+ {
+ if( pEvent->type == XLIB_KeyPress )
+ {
+ char sDummy[2];
+ sDummy[0] = sDummy[1] = 0;
+ KeySym nKeySym = 0;
+ XLookupString( &pEvent->xkey, sDummy, 1, &nKeySym, NULL );
+ if( nKeySym == XK_Escape )
+ meDragState = DtDragNone;
+ }
+ if( meDragState != DtDragNone &&
+ meDragState != DtWaitForDataRequest )
+ {
+ // find XdndAware window beneath pointer
+ int nXdndVersion;
+ XLIB_Window aWindow = GetXdndAwareWindowBeneathPointer( nXdndVersion, pEvent );
+ if( maDragTarget != aWindow )
+ {
+ // send a XdndLeave to previous window
+ SendXdndLeave();
+ // then send a XdndEnter to new window
+ maDragTarget = aWindow;
+ SendXdndEnter();
+ }
+ // send a XdndPosition
+ SendXdndPosition( pEvent );
+ }
+ else
+ CheckXdndTimeout( pEvent->xmotion.time );
+ }
+ else if( pEvent->type == ButtonRelease )
+ {
+ if( meDragState != DtDragNone &&
+ meDragState != DtWaitForDataRequest )
+ {
+ int nXdndVersion;
+ XLIB_Window aWindow = GetXdndAwareWindowBeneathPointer( nXdndVersion, pEvent );
+ if( maDragTarget != aWindow )
+ {
+ SendXdndLeave();
+ maDragTarget = aWindow;
+ SendXdndEnter();
+ SendXdndPosition( pEvent );
+ }
+ if( maDragTarget != None )
+ {
+ // send XdndDrop
+ XEvent aEvent;
+ aEvent.type = ClientMessage;
+ aEvent.xclient.display = mpDisplay;
+ aEvent.xclient.window = maDragTarget;
+ aEvent.xclient.format = 32;
+ aEvent.xclient.message_type = mnXdndDrop;
+[0] = maDragSource;
+[1] = 0;
+[2] = pEvent->xbutton.time;
+ XSendEvent( mpDisplay, maDragTarget, False,
+ NoEventMask, &aEvent );
+#if defined DEBUG
+ fprintf( stderr, "Sending XdndDrop\n" );
+ meDragState = DtWaitForDataRequest;
+ mnWaitTimestamp = pEvent->xbutton.time;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+#if defined DEBUG
+ fprintf( stderr, "Received ButtonRelease and no DragTarget\n" );
+ maDragTarget = None;
+ maDragSource = None;
+ meDragState = DtDragNone;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ CheckXdndTimeout( pEvent->xbutton.time );
+ }
+DtData* DtIntegrator::DropFinish( const String& rType )
+ ByteString aTypeString( rType, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ISO_8859_1 );
+#if defined DEBUG
+ fprintf( stderr, "DtIntegerator::DropFinish( \"%s\" ) : ", aTypeString.GetBuffer() );
+ if( maDropSource == None || mpDropTarget == NULL )
+ {
+#if defined DEBUG
+ fprintf( stderr, "failed\n" );
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ DtData* pData = new DtData;
+ pData->meType = DtTypeKnown;
+ pData->mnX = mnLastDropX;
+ pData->mnY = mnLastDropY;
+ Atom aType = XInternAtom( mpDisplay, aTypeString.GetBuffer(), False );
+ // now initiate communication with selection owner
+ XConvertSelection( mpDisplay, mnXdndSelection,
+ aType, maExPropertyAtom, maSelectionWindow, mnDropDataTime );
+ // wait for selection notify
+ XEvent aXEvent;
+ int nTries;
+ for( nTries = 0;
+ ! XCheckTypedEvent( mpDisplay, SelectionNotify, &aXEvent ) &&
+ nTries++ )
+ usleep( 50000 );
+ // check if request could be converted
+ != maExPropertyAtom )
+ {
+ delete pData;
+ pData = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Atom aActualType;
+ int nActualFormat;
+ unsigned long nItems;
+ unsigned long nBytesAfter;
+ unsigned char *pBytes=0;
+ XGetWindowProperty( mpDisplay, maSelectionWindow, maExPropertyAtom,
+ 0, // long_offset
+ 65536, // long_length, a maximum of 256k will be retrieved
+ True, // delete property after reading
+ aType, // the type we want
+ &aActualType, &nActualFormat,
+ &nItems, &nBytesAfter, &pBytes );
+ if( pBytes )
+ {
+ pData->mnBytes = nItems * (nActualFormat/8);
+ pData->mpBytes = new unsigned char[ pData->mnBytes + 1 ];
+ memcpy( pData->mpBytes, pBytes, pData->mnBytes );
+ pData->mpBytes[ pData->mnBytes ] = 0;
+ XFree( pBytes );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ delete pData;
+ pData = 0;
+ }
+ }
+#if defined DEBUG
+ fprintf( stderr, "%s\n", pData ? "success" : "failed" );
+ return pData;
+DtData* DtIntegrator::Paste()
+ DtData* pDtData = 0;
+ // check if there IS something to copy
+ XLIB_Window aOwner = XGetSelectionOwner( mpDisplay, XA_PRIMARY );
+ if( aOwner == None || aOwner == maSelectionWindow )
+ return 0;
+ // get the proper Atoms
+ Atom aTypeAtom = XA_STRING;
+ // now initiate communication with selection owner
+ XConvertSelection( mpDisplay, XA_PRIMARY, aTypeAtom, maExPropertyAtom,
+ maSelectionWindow, CurrentTime );
+ // wait for selection notify
+ XEvent aXEvent;
+ int nTries;
+ for( nTries = 0;
+ ! XCheckTypedEvent( mpDisplay, SelectionNotify, &aXEvent ) &&
+ nTries++ )
+ usleep( 50000 );
+ // check if request could be converted
+ != maExPropertyAtom )
+ {
+ // let us try CLIPBOARD selection
+ XConvertSelection( mpDisplay, mnClipboardAtom, aTypeAtom,
+ maExPropertyAtom, maSelectionWindow, CurrentTime );
+ for( nTries = 0;
+ ! XCheckTypedEvent( mpDisplay, SelectionNotify, &aXEvent ) &&
+ nTries++ )
+ usleep( 50000 );
+ }
+ // check if request could be converted
+ != maExPropertyAtom )
+ return 0;
+ Atom aActualType;
+ int nActualFormat;
+ unsigned long nItems;
+ unsigned long nBytesAfter;
+ unsigned char *pData=0;
+ XGetWindowProperty( mpDisplay, maSelectionWindow, maExPropertyAtom,
+ 0, // long_offset
+ 16384, // long_length, a maximum of 64k will e retrieved
+ True, // delete property after reading
+ XA_STRING, // the type we want
+ &aActualType, &nActualFormat,
+ &nItems, &nBytesAfter, &pData );
+ if( pData )
+ {
+ pDtData = new DtData;
+ pDtData->meType = DtTypeText;
+ pDtData->mnBytes = nItems * (nActualFormat/8);
+ pDtData->mpBytes = new unsigned char[ pDtData->mnBytes + 1 ];
+ memcpy( pDtData->mpBytes, pData, pDtData->mnBytes );
+ pDtData->mpBytes[ pDtData->mnBytes ] = 0;
+ pDtData->mnBytes += 1;
+ XFree( pData );
+ return pDtData;
+ }
+ return 0;
+BOOL DtIntegrator::StartProcess( String& rFile, String& rParams, const String& rDir )
+ String aFiles( rFile );
+ if( rParams.Len() )
+ {
+ aFiles += ' ';
+ aFiles += rParams;
+ }
+ // try to launch it
+ return LaunchProcess( aFiles, rDir );
+DtIntegrator* DtIntegrator::CreateDtIntegrator( SalFrame* pFrame )
+ // hack for sclient
+ if( ! pFrame && aIntegratorList.Count() )
+ return aIntegratorList.GetObject( 0 );
+ for( int i = 0; i < aIntegratorList.Count(); i++ )
+ {
+ DtIntegrator* pIntegrator = aIntegratorList.GetObject( i );
+ if( pIntegrator->mpDisplay == pFrame->maFrameData.GetXDisplay() )
+ return pIntegrator;
+ }
+ if( ! pFrame )
+ pFrame = GetSalData()->pFirstFrame_;
+ Display* pDisplay = pFrame->maFrameData.GetXDisplay();
+ Atom nDtAtom;
+ void* pLibrary = NULL;
+ // check dt type
+ // CDE
+ nDtAtom = XInternAtom( pDisplay, "_DT_WM_READY", True );
+ if( nDtAtom && ( pLibrary = _LoadLibrary( "" ) ) )
+ {
+ // performance: do not dlopen DtSvc twice
+ CDEIntegrator::pDtSvcLib = pLibrary;
+ return new CDEIntegrator( pFrame );
+ }
+ nDtAtom = XInternAtom( pDisplay, "KWM_RUNNING", True );
+ if( nDtAtom ) // perhaps should check getenv( "KDEDIR" )
+ return new KDEIntegrator( pFrame );
+ // default: generic implementation
+ return new DtIntegrator( pFrame );
+void DtIntegrator::HandleXEvent( XEvent* pEvent )
+ Display *pDisplay = pEvent->xany.display;
+ for( int i = 0; i < aIntegratorList.Count(); i++ )
+ {
+ DtIntegrator* pIntegrator = aIntegratorList.GetObject( i );
+ if( pIntegrator->mpDisplay == pDisplay )
+ {
+ pIntegrator->ImplHandleXEvent( pEvent );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+BOOL DtIntegrator::LaunchProcess( const String& rParam, const String& rDirectory )
+ int nArg;
+ char *pDisplayName = DisplayString( mpDisplay );
+ int nToken = GetCommandLineTokenCount( rParam );
+ ::rtl::OUString* pArgs = new ::rtl::OUString[nToken];
+ for( nArg = 0; nArg < nToken ; nArg++ )
+ pArgs[ nArg ] = GetCommandLineToken( nArg, rParam );
+ NAMESPACE_VOS(OArgumentList) aArgList( pArgs+1, nToken-1 );
+ delete pArgs;
+ ::rtl::OUString aDisplay;
+ if( pDisplayName )
+ {
+ aDisplay = ::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "DISPLAY=" );
+ aDisplay += ::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( pDisplayName );
+ }
+ NAMESPACE_VOS(OEnvironment) aEnvironment( 1, &aDisplay );
+ NAMESPACE_VOS( OProcess ) aOProcess( pArgs[0], rDirectory );
+ BOOL bSuccess = aOProcess.execute(
+ ( NAMESPACE_VOS( OProcess )::TProcessOption)
+ ( NAMESPACE_VOS( OProcess )::TOption_Detached |
+ NAMESPACE_VOS( OProcess )::TOption_SearchPath ),
+ aArgList, aEnvironment )
+ == NAMESPACE_VOS( OProcess )::E_None ? TRUE : FALSE;
+ return bSuccess;
+DtDropAction DtIntegrator::ExecuteDrag( const StringList& rTypes, SalFrame* pDragFrame )
+ int i;
+ Atom* pTypes = new Atom[rTypes.Count() ];
+#if defined DEBUG
+ fprintf( stderr, "DtIntegrator::ExecuteDrag: " );
+ meDragState = DtDragging;
+ if( ! pDragFrame )
+ pDragFrame = maDropzones.GetObject( maDropzones.Count()-1 );
+ else
+ {
+ for( i = 0; i < maDropzones.Count(); i++ )
+ if( maDropzones.GetObject( i ) == pDragFrame )
+ break;
+ if( i >= maDropzones.Count() )
+ {
+#if defined DEBUG
+ fprintf( stderr, "DragFrame is no Dropzone !!! taking last dropzone as source instead ...\n" );
+ pDragFrame = maDropzones.GetObject( maDropzones.Count()-1 );
+ }
+ }
+ maDragSource = pDragFrame->maFrameData.GetWindow();
+ // set up drag types
+ while( maDragTypes.Count() )
+ delete maDragTypes.Remove( (ULONG)0 );
+ for( i = 0; i < rTypes.Count(); i++ )
+ {
+ maDragTypes.Insert( new String( *rTypes.GetObject( i ) ), LIST_APPEND );
+ pTypes[ i ] = XInternAtom( mpDisplay,
+ ByteString( *rTypes.GetObject( i ), RTL_TEXTENCODING_ISO_8859_1 ).GetBuffer(),
+ False );
+#if defined DEBUG
+ fprintf( stderr, " \"%s\"",
+ ByteString( *rTypes.GetObject( i ), RTL_TEXTENCODING_ISO_8859_1 ).GetBuffer() );
+ }
+#if defined DEBUG
+ fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
+ // set the types in the property XdndTypeList
+ XChangeProperty( mpDisplay, maDragSource, mnXdndTypeList, XA_ATOM,
+ 32, PropModeReplace, (unsigned char*)pTypes,
+ rTypes.Count() );
+ delete pTypes;
+ XLIB_Cursor aCur = mpSalDisplay->GetPointer( POINTER_MOVEFILES );
+ XLIB_Window aRoot = DefaultRootWindow( mpDisplay );
+ // set cursor
+ XGrabPointer( mpDisplay, aRoot, False,
+ GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync, None, aCur, CurrentTime );
+ XGrabKeyboard( mpDisplay, maDragSource, False, GrabModeAsync,
+ GrabModeAsync, CurrentTime );
+ XSetSelectionOwner( mpDisplay, mnXdndSelection,
+ maDragSource, CurrentTime );
+ while( meDragState != DtDragNone )
+ Application::Yield();
+ XSetSelectionOwner( mpDisplay, mnXdndSelection,
+ None, CurrentTime );
+ XUngrabKeyboard( mpDisplay, CurrentTime );
+ XUngrabPointer( mpDisplay, CurrentTime );
+ return DtDropCopy;
+XLIB_Window DtIntegrator::GetXdndAwareWindowBeneathPointer( int& rVersion,
+ XEvent* pEvent)
+ XLIB_Window aRoot = DefaultRootWindow( mpDisplay );
+ XLIB_Window aWindow = aRoot, aParent = aRoot;
+ int nXRoot, nYRoot, nX, nY;
+ if( pEvent->type == MotionNotify )
+ {
+ nX = pEvent->xmotion.x_root;
+ nY = pEvent->xmotion.y_root;
+ }
+ else if( pEvent->type == ButtonPress || pEvent->type == ButtonRelease )
+ {
+ nX = pEvent->xbutton.x_root;
+ nY = pEvent->xbutton.y_root;
+ }
+ else if( pEvent->type == XLIB_KeyPress || pEvent->type == KeyRelease )
+ {
+ nX = pEvent->xkey.x_root;
+ nY = pEvent->xkey.y_root;
+ }
+ rVersion = 0;
+ while( ! rVersion && aWindow != None )
+ {
+ XTranslateCoordinates( mpDisplay, aRoot, aParent,
+ nX, nY, &nXRoot, &nYRoot, &aWindow );
+ if( aWindow != None )
+ {
+ aParent = aWindow;
+ Atom aActualType;
+ int nActualFormat;
+ unsigned long nItems;
+ unsigned long nBytesAfter;
+ unsigned char *pData=0;
+ XGetWindowProperty( mpDisplay, aWindow,
+ mnXdndAware,
+ 0, 1, False, XA_ATOM,
+ &aActualType, &nActualFormat,
+ &nItems, &nBytesAfter, &pData );
+ if( pData &&
+ aActualType == XA_ATOM &&
+ nActualFormat == 32 &&
+ nItems == 1 )
+ {
+ rVersion = *((int*)pData );
+ }
+ if( pData )
+ XFree( pData );
+ }
+ }
+ if( ! rVersion )
+ return None;
+ return aWindow;
+void DtIntegrator::SendXdndLeave()
+ if( maDragTarget != None )
+ {
+ XEvent aEvent;
+ aEvent.type = ClientMessage;
+ aEvent.xclient.display = mpDisplay;
+ aEvent.xclient.window = maDragTarget;
+ aEvent.xclient.format = 32;
+ aEvent.xclient.message_type = mnXdndLeave;
+[0] = maDragSource;
+[1] = 0;
+ XSendEvent( mpDisplay, maDragTarget, False,
+ NoEventMask, &aEvent );
+#if defined DEBUG
+ fprintf( stderr, "Sending XdndLeave\n" );
+ }
+void DtIntegrator::SendXdndEnter()
+ if( maDragTarget != None )
+ {
+ int i;
+ XEvent aEvent;
+ aEvent.type = ClientMessage;
+ aEvent.xclient.display = mpDisplay;
+ aEvent.xclient.window = maDragTarget;
+ aEvent.xclient.format = 32;
+ aEvent.xclient.message_type = mnXdndEnter;
+[0] = maDragSource;
+[1] = maDragTypes.Count() > 3 ? 1 : 0;
+[2] = None;
+[3] = None;
+[4] = None;
+ for( i = 0; i < maDragTypes.Count() && i < 3; i++ )
+[i+2] =
+ XInternAtom( mpDisplay,
+ ByteString( *maDragTypes.GetObject( i ), RTL_TEXTENCODING_ISO_8859_1 ).GetBuffer(),
+ False );
+ XSendEvent( mpDisplay, maDragTarget, False,
+ NoEventMask, &aEvent );
+#if defined DEBUG
+ fprintf( stderr, "Sending XdndEnter\n" );
+ }
+void DtIntegrator::SendXdndPosition( XEvent* pEvent )
+ static int nLastSendX = -1;
+ static int nLastSendY = -1;
+ static int nLastState = 0, nState = 0;
+ if( pEvent->type == ButtonPress || pEvent->type == ButtonRelease )
+ {
+ mnLastDragX = pEvent->xbutton.x_root;
+ mnLastDragY = pEvent->xbutton.y_root;
+ mnLastDragTimestamp = pEvent->xbutton.time;
+ nState = pEvent->xbutton.state;
+ }
+ else if( pEvent->type == MotionNotify )
+ {
+ mnLastDragX = pEvent->xmotion.x_root;
+ mnLastDragY = pEvent->xmotion.y_root;
+ mnLastDragTimestamp = pEvent->xmotion.time;
+ nState = pEvent->xmotion.state;
+ }
+ else if( pEvent->type == XLIB_KeyPress || pEvent->type == KeyRelease )
+ {
+ mnLastDragX = pEvent->xkey.x_root;
+ mnLastDragY = pEvent->xkey.y_root;
+ mnLastDragTimestamp = pEvent->xkey.time;
+ nState = pEvent->xkey.state;
+ }
+ if( maDragTarget != None &&
+ meDragState != DtWaitForStatus &&
+ meDragState != DtWaitForDataRequest &&
+ ( mnLastDragX != nLastSendX ||
+ mnLastDragY != nLastSendY ||
+ nState != nLastState )
+ )
+ {
+ nLastSendX = mnLastDragX;
+ nLastSendY = mnLastDragY;
+ nLastState = nState;
+ XEvent aEvent;
+ aEvent.type = ClientMessage;
+ aEvent.xclient.display = mpDisplay;
+ aEvent.xclient.window = maDragTarget;
+ aEvent.xclient.format = 32;
+ aEvent.xclient.message_type = mnXdndPosition;
+[0] = maDragSource;
+[1] = 0;
+[2] =
+ ( mnLastDragX << 16 ) | ( mnLastDragY );
+[3] = mnLastDragTimestamp;
+ // Insert correct DropAction here
+ if( nLastState & ( ShiftMask | ControlMask ) )
+[4] = mnXdndActionLink;
+ else if( nLastState & ShiftMask )
+[4] = mnXdndActionMove;
+ else if( nLastState & ControlMask )
+[4] = mnXdndActionCopy;
+ else
+[4] = mnXdndActionCopy;
+ XSendEvent( mpDisplay, maDragTarget, False,
+ NoEventMask, &aEvent );
+ meDragState = DtWaitForStatus;
+ mnWaitTimestamp = mnLastDragTimestamp;
+#if defined DEBUG
+ fprintf( stderr, "Sending XdndPosition\n" );
+ }
+void DtIntegrator::CheckXdndTimeout( int nTime )
+ if( meDragState == DtWaitForDataRequest &&
+ ( nTime - mnWaitTimestamp > 5000 ||
+ mnWaitTimestamp > nTime ) )
+ {
+#if defined DEBUG
+ fprintf( stderr, "Timeout on DtWaitForRequestData\n" );
+ maDragTarget = None;
+ maDragSource = None;
+ meDragState = DtDragNone;
+ }
+ else if( meDragState == DtWaitForStatus &&
+ ( nTime - mnWaitTimestamp > 5000 ||
+ mnWaitTimestamp > nTime ) )
+ {
+#if defined DEBUG
+ fprintf( stderr, "Timeout on DtWaitForStatus\n" );
+ meDragState = DtDragging;
+ }
+BOOL DtIntegrator::GetSystemLook( SystemLookInfo& rInfo )
+ return FALSE;