path: root/vcl/unx/source/gdi/cdeint.cxx
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vcl/unx/source/gdi/cdeint.cxx')
1 files changed, 572 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vcl/unx/source/gdi/cdeint.cxx b/vcl/unx/source/gdi/cdeint.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8783958b79f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vcl/unx/source/gdi/cdeint.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,572 @@
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: cdeint.cxx,v $
+ *
+ * $Revision: $
+ *
+ * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-18 17:05:43 $
+ *
+ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
+ * either of the following licenses
+ *
+ * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ *
+ * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
+ *
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * =============================================
+ * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ *
+ * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ * =================================================
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
+ * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
+ * License at
+ *
+ * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
+ * obligations concerning the Software.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s): _______________________________________
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <sys/wait.h>
+#include <salunx.h>
+#include <saldisp.hxx>
+#include <salbmp.hxx>
+#include <salframe.hxx>
+#include <cdeint.hxx>
+#include <soicon.hxx>
+#include <strhelper.hxx>
+#include <tools/debug.hxx>
+void* CDEIntegrator::pDtSvcLib = 0;
+void* CDEIntegrator::pXtLib = 0;
+void* CDEIntegrator::pXmLib = 0;
+void* CDEIntegrator::pMrmLib = 0;
+void* CDEIntegrator::pttLib = 0;
+int CDEIntegrator::nRefCount = 0;
+char* CDEIntegrator::pFallbackRes[] = {
+ "title: OfficeCDEIntegrationShell",
+static char *ppDummyArgv[] = { "soffice.bin", NULL };
+static int nDummyArgc = 1;
+// function pointers
+// from DtSvc
+XLIB_Boolean (*CDEIntegrator::pDtAppInitialize)
+ ( XtAppContext, Display*, Widget, char*, char* ) = 0;
+void (*CDEIntegrator::pDtDtsLoadDataTypes)() = 0;
+void (*CDEIntegrator::pDtDtsRelease)() = 0;
+char* (*CDEIntegrator::pDtDtsFileToAttributeValue)
+ (const char*,const char*) = 0;
+void (*CDEIntegrator::pDtDtsFreeAttributeValue)( char* ) = 0;
+Status (*CDEIntegrator::pDtWsmGetWorkspaceInfo)( Display*, XLIB_Window, Atom,
+ DtWsmWorkspaceInfo** ) = 0;
+void (*CDEIntegrator::pDtWsmFreeWorkspaceInfo)( DtWsmWorkspaceInfo* ) = 0;
+Status (*CDEIntegrator::pDtWsmGetWorkspaceList)( Display*, XLIB_Window, Atom**,
+ int* ) = 0;
+Status (*CDEIntegrator::pDtWsmGetCurrentWorkspace)( Display*, XLIB_Window root, Atom* ) = 0;
+Status (*CDEIntegrator::pDtWsmGetWorkspacesOccupied)( Display*, XLIB_Window, Atom**, unsigned long* ) = 0;
+// from Mrm
+void (*CDEIntegrator::pMrmInitialize)() = 0;
+// from Xm
+WidgetClass* CDEIntegrator::pxmDrawingAreaWidgetClass = 0;
+WidgetClass* CDEIntegrator::pxmRowColumnWidgetClass = 0;
+WidgetClass* CDEIntegrator::pxmPushButtonWidgetClass = 0;
+// from Xt
+void (*CDEIntegrator::pXtToolkitInitialize)() = 0;
+XtAppContext (*CDEIntegrator::pXtCreateApplicationContext)() = 0;
+Widget (*CDEIntegrator::pXtAppCreateShell)
+ ( char*, char*, WidgetClass, Display*, ArgList, Cardinal ) = 0;
+Widget (*CDEIntegrator::pXtVaCreateManagedWidget)
+ ( char*, WidgetClass, Widget, ... ) = 0;
+void (*CDEIntegrator::pXtDisplayInitialize)
+ ( XtAppContext, Display*, char*, char*, XrmOptionDescRec*, Cardinal,
+ int*, char**) = 0;
+void (*CDEIntegrator::pXtAppSetFallbackResources)
+ ( XtAppContext, char** ) = 0;
+Widget (*CDEIntegrator::pXtAppInitialize)
+ (XtAppContext*, char*, XrmOptionDescList, Cardinal, int*, char**, char**,
+ ArgList, Cardinal ) = 0;
+Widget (*CDEIntegrator::pXtSetLanguageProc)
+ ( XtAppContext, XtLanguageProc, XtPointer ) = 0;
+DtActionInvocationID (*CDEIntegrator::pDtActionInvoke)
+ ( Widget, char*, DtActionArg*, int, char*, char*, char*, int,
+ DtActionCallbackProc, XtPointer ) = 0;
+void (*CDEIntegrator::pXtRealizeWidget)( Widget ) = 0;
+void (*CDEIntegrator::pXtUnrealizeWidget)( Widget ) = 0;
+XLIB_Boolean (*CDEIntegrator::pXtIsRealized)( Widget ) = 0;
+void (*CDEIntegrator::pXtConfigureWidget)
+ ( Widget, Position, Position, Dimension, Dimension, Dimension ) = 0;
+void (*CDEIntegrator::pXtAppProcessEvent)
+ ( XtAppContext, XtInputMask ) = 0;
+XtInputMask (*CDEIntegrator::pXtAppPending)( XtAppContext ) = 0;
+WidgetClass* CDEIntegrator::pAppShellClass = 0;
+CDEIntegrator::CDEIntegrator( SalFrame* pFrame ) :
+ DtIntegrator( pFrame ),
+ maAppWidget( 0 )
+ meType = DtCDE;
+ if( ! nRefCount )
+ GlobalInit();
+ nRefCount++;
+ // instanz daten initialisieren
+ maAppContext = pXtCreateApplicationContext();
+ pXtDisplayInitialize( maAppContext, mpDisplay,
+ "OfficeCDEIntegrationShell",
+ "OfficeCDEIntegrationShell",
+ 0, 0, &nDummyArgc, ppDummyArgv );
+ pXtAppSetFallbackResources( maAppContext, pFallbackRes );
+ maAppWidget = pXtAppCreateShell( "OfficeCDEIntegrationShell",
+ "OfficeCDEIntegrationShell",
+ *pAppShellClass,
+ mpDisplay, 0, 0 );
+ pXtConfigureWidget( maAppWidget, 10, 10, 10, 10, 0 );
+ //pXtRealizeWidget( maAppWidget );
+ pDtAppInitialize( maAppContext, mpDisplay, maAppWidget,
+ ppDummyArgv[ 0 ], "Office" );
+ pDtDtsLoadDataTypes();
+ if( maAppWidget )
+ pXtUnrealizeWidget( maAppWidget );
+ nRefCount--;
+ if( ! nRefCount )
+ GlobalDeInit();
+void CDEIntegrator::GlobalInit()
+ if( ! pDtSvcLib )
+ pDtSvcLib = _LoadLibrary( "" );
+ if( ! pttLib )
+ pttLib = _LoadLibrary( "" );
+ if( ! pXmLib )
+ pXmLib = _LoadLibrary( "" );
+ if( ! pMrmLib )
+ pMrmLib = _LoadLibrary( "" );
+ if( ! pXtLib )
+ pXtLib = _LoadLibrary( "" );
+ if( pDtSvcLib && pXtLib && pttLib && pXmLib && pMrmLib )
+ {
+ bSymbolLoadFailed = FALSE;
+ pDtAppInitialize = (XLIB_Boolean (*)( XtAppContext, Display*,
+ Widget, char*, char* ))
+ _LoadSymbol( pDtSvcLib, "DtAppInitialize" );
+ pDtDtsLoadDataTypes = (void (*)())
+ _LoadSymbol( pDtSvcLib, "DtDtsLoadDataTypes" );
+ pDtDtsRelease = (void (*)())
+ _LoadSymbol( pDtSvcLib, "DtDtsRelease" );
+ pDtDtsFileToAttributeValue = (char* (*)(const char*,const char*))
+ _LoadSymbol( pDtSvcLib, "DtDtsFileToAttributeValue" );
+ pDtDtsFreeAttributeValue = (void (*)( char* ))
+ _LoadSymbol( pDtSvcLib, "DtDtsFreeAttributeValue" );
+ pDtActionInvoke = (DtActionInvocationID(*)
+ ( Widget, char*,DtActionArg*, int, char*,
+ char*, char*, int,
+ DtActionCallbackProc, XtPointer ))
+ _LoadSymbol( pDtSvcLib, "DtActionInvoke" );
+ pDtWsmGetWorkspaceInfo = (Status(*)( Display*, XLIB_Window, Atom,
+ DtWsmWorkspaceInfo** ))
+ _LoadSymbol( pDtSvcLib, "DtWsmGetWorkspaceInfo" );
+ pDtWsmFreeWorkspaceInfo = (void(*)( DtWsmWorkspaceInfo* ))
+ _LoadSymbol( pDtSvcLib, "DtWsmFreeWorkspaceInfo" );
+ pDtWsmGetWorkspaceList = (Status(*)( Display*, XLIB_Window, Atom**, int* ))
+ _LoadSymbol( pDtSvcLib, "DtWsmGetWorkspaceList" );
+ pDtWsmGetCurrentWorkspace = (Status(*)( Display*, XLIB_Window, Atom*))
+ _LoadSymbol( pDtSvcLib, "DtWsmGetCurrentWorkspace" );
+ pDtWsmGetWorkspacesOccupied = (Status(*)( Display*, XLIB_Window, Atom**, unsigned long* ))
+ _LoadSymbol( pDtSvcLib, "DtWsmGetWorkspacesOccupied" );
+ pXtToolkitInitialize = (void (*)())
+ _LoadSymbol( pXtLib, "XtToolkitInitialize" );
+ pXtCreateApplicationContext = (XtAppContext (*)())
+ _LoadSymbol( pXtLib, "XtCreateApplicationContext" );
+ pXtAppCreateShell = (Widget (*)( char*, char*, WidgetClass,
+ Display*, ArgList,
+ Cardinal ))
+ _LoadSymbol( pXtLib, "XtAppCreateShell" );
+ pXtDisplayInitialize = (void (*)( XtAppContext, Display*, char*,
+ char*, XrmOptionDescRec*, Cardinal,
+ int*, char**) )
+ _LoadSymbol( pXtLib, "XtDisplayInitialize" );
+ pXtVaCreateManagedWidget = (Widget (*)( char*, WidgetClass, Widget, ... ))
+ _LoadSymbol( pXtLib, "XtVaCreateManagedWidget" );
+ pXtSetLanguageProc = (Widget (*)( XtAppContext, XtLanguageProc, XtPointer ))
+ _LoadSymbol( pXtLib, "XtSetLanguageProc" );
+ pXtAppSetFallbackResources = (void (*)( XtAppContext, char** ))
+ _LoadSymbol( pXtLib, "XtAppSetFallbackResources" );
+ pXtAppInitialize = (Widget (*)(XtAppContext*, char*, XrmOptionDescList,
+ Cardinal, int*, char**, char**, ArgList,
+ Cardinal ))
+ _LoadSymbol( pXtLib, "XtAppInitialize" );
+ pXtRealizeWidget = (void(*)( Widget ))
+ _LoadSymbol( pXtLib, "XtRealizeWidget" );
+ pXtIsRealized = (XLIB_Boolean(*)( Widget ))
+ _LoadSymbol( pXtLib, "XtIsRealized" );
+ pXtUnrealizeWidget = (void(*)( Widget ))
+ _LoadSymbol( pXtLib, "XtUnrealizeWidget" );
+ pXtAppProcessEvent = (void(*)( XtAppContext, XtInputMask ))
+ _LoadSymbol( pXtLib, "XtAppProcessEvent" );
+ pXtAppPending = (XtInputMask(*)( XtAppContext ))
+ _LoadSymbol( pXtLib, "XtAppPending" );
+ pXtConfigureWidget = (void (*)( Widget, Position, Position, Dimension,
+ Dimension, Dimension ))
+ _LoadSymbol( pXtLib, "XtConfigureWidget" );
+ pAppShellClass =
+ (WidgetClass*)_LoadSymbol( pXtLib, "applicationShellWidgetClass" );
+ pMrmInitialize = (void(*)())
+ _LoadSymbol( pMrmLib, "MrmInitialize" );
+ pxmDrawingAreaWidgetClass =
+ (WidgetClass*)_LoadSymbol( pXmLib, "xmDrawingAreaWidgetClass" );
+ pxmRowColumnWidgetClass =
+ (WidgetClass*)_LoadSymbol( pXmLib, "xmRowColumnWidgetClass" );
+ pxmPushButtonWidgetClass =
+ (WidgetClass*)_LoadSymbol( pXmLib, "xmPushButtonWidgetClass" );
+ pXtSetLanguageProc( NULL, NULL, NULL );
+ pMrmInitialize();
+ pXtToolkitInitialize();
+ XrmInitialize();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( pXtLib )
+ dlclose( pXtLib );
+ if( pXmLib )
+ dlclose( pXmLib );
+ if( pMrmLib )
+ dlclose( pMrmLib );
+ if( pttLib )
+ dlclose( pttLib );
+ if( pDtSvcLib )
+ dlclose( pDtSvcLib );
+ pttLib = pMrmLib = pXmLib = pXtLib = pDtSvcLib = 0;
+ }
+void CDEIntegrator::GlobalDeInit()
+ pDtDtsRelease();
+ if( pXtLib )
+ dlclose( pXtLib );
+ if( pXmLib )
+ dlclose( pXmLib );
+ if( pMrmLib )
+ dlclose( pMrmLib );
+ if( pttLib )
+ dlclose( pttLib );
+ if( pDtSvcLib )
+ dlclose( pDtSvcLib );
+ pttLib = pMrmLib = pXmLib = pXtLib = pDtSvcLib = 0;
+void CDEIntegrator::InvokeAction( const String& rAction, const String& rFiles )
+#if 1
+ String aActionLine( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "/usr/dt/bin/dtaction " ), RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US );
+ aActionLine += rAction;
+ aActionLine += ' ';
+ aActionLine += rFiles;
+ DtIntegrator::LaunchProcess( aActionLine );
+ int nTokens = GetCommandLineTokenCount( rFiles ), i;
+ DtActionArg* pArgs = new DtActionArg[ nTokens ];
+ char** pStrings = new char*[nTokens];
+ for( i = 0; i < nTokens ; i++ )
+ {
+ pStrings[ i ] = strdup( GetCommandLineToken( i, rFiles ).GetStr() );
+ pArgs[ i ].argClass = DtACTION_FILE;
+ pArgs[ i ] = pStrings[ i ];
+ }
+ pid_t nPID = fork();
+ if( ! nPID )
+ // child
+ {
+ // if the action fails for some reason, CDE tries to raise
+ // an error box which leads to a SIGSEGV somewhere
+ // in Motif (probably because we are not a real Motif app)
+ // so execute this in its own process. if it dies, so what ?
+ // this is not perfectly safe though. The second process
+ // can cause an X Error wich comes back through our connection
+ // at an unpredictable time. Some Actions do this reproducable
+ // eg SDTAudio
+ pDtActionInvoke( maAppWidget, const_cast<char*>(rAction.GetStr()), pArgs, nTokens,
+ _exit(0);
+ }
+ else
+ // parent
+ if( nPID > 0 )
+ waitpid( nPID, NULL, 0 );
+ // dtactioninvoke pops up the widget, pop it down again
+ if( pXtIsRealized( maAppWidget ) )
+ pXtUnrealizeWidget( maAppWidget );
+ for( i = 0; i < nTokens; i++ )
+ free( pStrings[i] );
+ delete pStrings;
+ delete pArgs;
+BOOL CDEIntegrator::StartProcess( String& rFile, String& rParams, const String& rDir )
+ String aFiles;
+ if( rFile.GetChar( 0 ) != '"' )
+ {
+ aFiles = '\"';
+ aFiles += rFile;
+ aFiles += '\"';
+ }
+ else
+ aFiles = rFile;
+ if( rParams.Len() )
+ {
+ aFiles += ' ';
+ aFiles += rParams;
+ }
+ // first try to launch it
+ if( LaunchProcess( aFiles, rDir ) )
+ return TRUE;
+ // if not successfull it must be a file of whatever type
+ // look for an apropriate action
+ ByteString aFile( rFile, gsl_getSystemTextEncoding() );
+ char* pAttrValue = pDtDtsFileToAttributeValue( aFile.GetBuffer(), "ACTIONS" );
+ if( pAttrValue )
+ {
+ // there is an action for this file. invoke the first one
+ // (since we do not know which one
+ String aAction( pAttrValue, strlen( pAttrValue ), gsl_getSystemTextEncoding() );
+ pDtDtsFreeAttributeValue( pAttrValue );
+ aAction =
+ WhitespaceToSpace( aAction.GetToken( 0, ',' ) ).GetToken( 0, ' ' );
+ if( ! aAction.Len() )
+ return FALSE;
+ BOOL bPreviousState =
+ mpSalDisplay->GetXLib()->GetIgnoreXErrors();
+ mpSalDisplay->GetXLib()->SetIgnoreXErrors( TRUE );
+ InvokeAction( aAction, aFiles );
+ XSync( mpDisplay, False );
+ mpSalDisplay->GetXLib()->SetIgnoreXErrors( bPreviousState );
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+static int getHexDigit( const char c )
+ if( c >= '0' && c <= '9' )
+ return (int)(c-'0');
+ else if( c >= 'a' && c <= 'f' )
+ return (int)(c-'a'+10);
+ else if( c >= 'A' && c <= 'F' )
+ return (int)(c-'A'+10);
+ return -1;
+BOOL CDEIntegrator::GetSystemLook( SystemLookInfo& rInfo )
+ static Color aColors[ 8 ];
+ static sal_Bool bRead = sal_False;
+ if( ! bRead )
+ {
+ // get used palette from xrdb
+ char **ppStringList = 0;
+ int nStringCount;
+ XTextProperty aTextProperty;
+ aTextProperty.value = 0;
+ int i;
+ static Atom nResMgrAtom = XInternAtom( mpDisplay, "RESOURCE_MANAGER", False );
+ if( XGetTextProperty( mpDisplay,
+ RootWindow( mpDisplay, 0 ),
+ &aTextProperty,
+ nResMgrAtom )
+ && aTextProperty.value
+ && XTextPropertyToStringList( &aTextProperty, &ppStringList, &nStringCount )
+ )
+ {
+ // format of ColorPalette resource:
+ // *n*ColorPalette: palettefile
+ ByteString aLines;
+ for( i=0; i < nStringCount; i++ )
+ aLines += ppStringList[i];
+ for( i = aLines.GetTokenCount( '\n' )-1; i >= 0; i-- )
+ {
+ ByteString aLine = aLines.GetToken( i, '\n' );
+ int nIndex = aLine.Search( "ColorPalette" );
+ if( nIndex != STRING_NOTFOUND )
+ {
+ int nPos = nIndex;
+ nIndex+=12;
+ const char* pStr = aLine.GetBuffer() +nIndex;
+ while( *pStr && isspace( *pStr ) && *pStr != ':' )
+ {
+ pStr++;
+ nIndex++;
+ }
+ if( *pStr != ':' )
+ continue;
+ pStr++, nIndex++;
+ for( ; *pStr && isspace( *pStr ); pStr++, nIndex++ )
+ ;
+ if( ! *pStr )
+ continue;
+ int nIndex2 = nIndex;
+ for( ; *pStr && ! isspace( *pStr ); pStr++, nIndex2++ )
+ ;
+ ByteString aPaletteFile( aLine.Copy( nIndex, nIndex2 - nIndex ) );
+ // extract number before ColorPalette;
+ for( ; nPos >= 0 && aLine.GetChar( nPos ) != '*'; nPos-- )
+ ;
+ nPos--;
+ for( ; nPos >= 0 && aLine.GetChar( nPos ) != '*'; nPos-- )
+ ;
+ int nNumber = aLine.Copy( ++nPos ).ToInt32();
+ DBG_TRACE2( "found palette %d in resource \"%s\"", nNumber, aLine.GetBuffer() );
+ // found no documentation what this number actually means;
+ // might be the screen number. 0 seems to be the right one
+ // in most cases.
+ if( nNumber )
+ continue;
+ DBG_TRACE1( "Palette file is \"%s\".\n", aPaletteFile.GetBuffer() );
+ String aPath( aHomeDir );
+ aPath.AppendAscii( "/.dt/palettes/" );
+ aPath += String( aPaletteFile, gsl_getSystemTextEncoding() );
+ SvFileStream aStream( aPath, STREAM_READ );
+ if( ! aStream.IsOpen() )
+ {
+ aPath = String::CreateFromAscii( "/usr/dt/palettes/" );
+ aPath += String( aPaletteFile, gsl_getSystemTextEncoding() );
+ aStream.Open( aPath, STREAM_READ );
+ if( ! aStream.IsOpen() )
+ continue;
+ }
+ ByteString aBuffer;
+ for( nIndex = 0; nIndex < 8; nIndex++ )
+ {
+ aStream.ReadLine( aBuffer );
+ // format is "#RRRRGGGGBBBB"
+ DBG_TRACE1( "\t\"%s\".\n", aBuffer.GetBuffer() );
+ if( aBuffer.Len() )
+ {
+ const char* pArr = (const char*)aBuffer.GetBuffer()+1;
+ aColors[nIndex] = Color(
+ getHexDigit( pArr[1] )
+ | ( getHexDigit( pArr[0] ) << 4 ),
+ getHexDigit( pArr[5] )
+ | ( getHexDigit( pArr[4] ) << 4 ),
+ getHexDigit( pArr[9] )
+ | ( getHexDigit( pArr[8] ) << 4 )
+ );
+ DBG_TRACE1( "\t\t%lx\n", aColors[nIndex].GetColor() );
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if( ppStringList )
+ XFreeStringList( ppStringList );
+ if( aTextProperty.value )
+ XFree( aTextProperty.value );
+ }
+ rInfo.windowActiveStart = aColors[0];
+ rInfo.windowActiveEnd = aColors[0];
+ rInfo.activeBorder = aColors[0];
+ rInfo.windowInactiveStart = aColors[1];
+ rInfo.windowInactiveEnd = aColors[1];
+ rInfo.inactiveBorder = aColors[1];
+ rInfo.activeForeground =
+ aColors[ 0 ].GetBlue() < 128 ||
+ aColors[ 0 ].GetGreen() < 128 ||
+ aColors[ 0 ].GetRed() < 128
+ ? Color( COL_WHITE ) : Color( COL_BLACK );
+ rInfo.inactiveForeground =
+ aColors[ 1 ].GetBlue() < 128 ||
+ aColors[ 1 ].GetGreen() < 128 ||
+ aColors[ 1 ].GetRed() < 128
+ ? Color( COL_WHITE ) : Color( COL_BLACK );
+ rInfo.foreground = rInfo.inactiveForeground;
+ rInfo.background = aColors[ 1 ];
+ return TRUE;