path: root/vcl/unx/source/app/saldisp.cxx
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Diffstat (limited to 'vcl/unx/source/app/saldisp.cxx')
1 files changed, 3653 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vcl/unx/source/app/saldisp.cxx b/vcl/unx/source/app/saldisp.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5c7ca51b0a6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vcl/unx/source/app/saldisp.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,3653 @@
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: saldisp.cxx,v $
+ *
+ * $Revision: $
+ *
+ * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-18 17:05:42 $
+ *
+ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
+ * either of the following licenses
+ *
+ * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ *
+ * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
+ *
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * =============================================
+ * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ *
+ * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ * =================================================
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
+ * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
+ * License at
+ *
+ * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
+ * obligations concerning the Software.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s): _______________________________________
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#define _SV_SALDISP_CXX
+#define SAL_XT
+// -=-= #includes =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include <pthread.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#ifdef __SunOS_5_5_1
+extern "C" { int gethostname(char*,int); }
+#include <prex.h>
+#include <X11/cursorfont.h>
+#include "nodrop_curs.h"
+#include "nodrop_mask.h"
+#include "wait_curs.h"
+#include "wait_mask.h"
+#include "hsplit_curs.h"
+#include "hsplit_mask.h"
+#include "vsplit_curs.h"
+#include "vsplit_mask.h"
+#include "neswsize_curs.h"
+#include "neswsize_mask.h"
+#include "nwsesize_curs.h"
+#include "nwsesize_mask.h"
+#include "magnify_curs.h"
+#include "magnify_mask.h"
+#include "rotate_curs.h"
+#include "rotate_mask.h"
+#include "hshear_curs.h"
+#include "hshear_mask.h"
+#include "vshear_curs.h"
+#include "vshear_mask.h"
+#include "drawline_curs.h"
+#include "drawline_mask.h"
+#include "drawrect_curs.h"
+#include "drawrect_mask.h"
+#include "drawpolygon_curs.h"
+#include "drawpolygon_mask.h"
+#include "drawbezier_curs.h"
+#include "drawbezier_mask.h"
+#include "drawarc_curs.h"
+#include "drawarc_mask.h"
+#include "drawpie_curs.h"
+#include "drawpie_mask.h"
+#include "drawcirclecut_curs.h"
+#include "drawcirclecut_mask.h"
+#include "drawellipse_curs.h"
+#include "drawellipse_mask.h"
+#include "drawconnect_curs.h"
+#include "drawconnect_mask.h"
+#include "drawtext_curs.h"
+#include "drawtext_mask.h"
+#include "mirror_curs.h"
+#include "mirror_mask.h"
+#include "crook_curs.h"
+#include "crook_mask.h"
+#include "crop_curs.h"
+#include "crop_mask.h"
+#include "move_curs.h"
+#include "move_mask.h"
+#include "movepoint_curs.h"
+#include "movepoint_mask.h"
+#include "movebezierweight_curs.h"
+#include "movebezierweight_mask.h"
+#include "drawfreehand_curs.h"
+#include "drawfreehand_mask.h"
+#include "drawcaption_curs.h"
+#include "drawcaption_mask.h"
+#include "movedata_curs.h"
+#include "movedata_mask.h"
+#include "copydata_curs.h"
+#include "copydata_mask.h"
+#include "linkdata_curs.h"
+#include "linkdata_mask.h"
+#include "movedlnk_curs.h"
+#include "movedlnk_mask.h"
+#include "copydlnk_curs.h"
+#include "copydlnk_mask.h"
+#include "movefile_curs.h"
+#include "movefile_mask.h"
+#include "copyfile_curs.h"
+#include "copyfile_mask.h"
+#include "linkfile_curs.h"
+#include "linkfile_mask.h"
+#include "moveflnk_curs.h"
+#include "moveflnk_mask.h"
+#include "copyflnk_curs.h"
+#include "copyflnk_mask.h"
+#include "movefiles_curs.h"
+#include "movefiles_mask.h"
+#include "copyfiles_curs.h"
+#include "copyfiles_mask.h"
+#include "chart_curs.h"
+#include "chart_mask.h"
+#include "detective_curs.h"
+#include "detective_mask.h"
+#include "pivotcol_curs.h"
+#include "pivotcol_mask.h"
+#include "pivotfld_curs.h"
+#include "pivotfld_mask.h"
+#include "pivotrow_curs.h"
+#include "pivotrow_mask.h"
+#include "chain_curs.h"
+#include "chain_mask.h"
+#include "chainnot_curs.h"
+#include "chainnot_mask.h"
+#include "timemove_curs.h"
+#include "timemove_mask.h"
+#include "timesize_curs.h"
+#include "timesize_mask.h"
+#include "ase_curs.h"
+#include "ase_mask.h"
+#include "asn_curs.h"
+#include "asn_mask.h"
+#include "asne_curs.h"
+#include "asne_mask.h"
+#include "asns_curs.h"
+#include "asns_mask.h"
+#include "asnswe_curs.h"
+#include "asnswe_mask.h"
+#include "asnw_curs.h"
+#include "asnw_mask.h"
+#include "ass_curs.h"
+#include "ass_mask.h"
+#include "asse_curs.h"
+#include "asse_mask.h"
+#include "assw_curs.h"
+#include "assw_mask.h"
+#include "asw_curs.h"
+#include "asw_mask.h"
+#include "aswe_curs.h"
+#include "aswe_mask.h"
+#include "null_curs.h"
+#include "null_mask.h"
+#include "airbrush_curs.h"
+#include "airbrush_mask.h"
+#include "fill_curs.h"
+#include "fill_mask.h"
+#include "invert50.h"
+#if !(defined S390 || defined AIX)
+#include <X11/extensions/XShm.h>
+#include <X11/keysym.h>
+#ifdef USE_XMU
+#include <X11/Xmu/Atoms.h>
+#include <X11/Xmu/SysUtil.h>
+#include <X11/Xatom.h>
+#include <postx.h>
+#include <salunx.h>
+#include "i18n_im.hxx"
+#include "i18n_xkb.hxx"
+#ifndef _SV_SALDISP_HXX
+#include <saldisp.hxx>
+#ifndef _SV_SALDATA_HXX
+#include <saldata.hxx>
+#ifndef _SV_SALINST_HXX
+#include <salinst.hxx>
+#ifndef _SV_SALGDI_HXX
+#include <salgdi.hxx>
+#include <salframe.hxx>
+#include <keycodes.hxx>
+#include <salbtype.hxx>
+#ifndef _SV_SALBMP_HXX
+#include <salbmp.hxx>
+#ifndef _SV_SALSYS_HXX
+#include <salsys.hxx>
+#ifndef _SV_DTINT_HXX
+#include <dtint.hxx>
+#ifndef _SV_SALOGL_HXX
+#include <salogl.hxx>
+#include <osl/mutex.h>
+#ifndef _SV_SALOBJ_HXX
+#include <salobj.hxx>
+#ifndef _VCL_SM_HXX
+#include <sm.hxx>
+#include <osl/socket.h>
+#include <rtl/ustring>
+// -=-= #defines -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
+// -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
+#define PSEUDOCOLOR12
+#define TRUECOLOR24
+#define TRUECOLOR16
+#define TRUECOLOR15
+#define TRUECOLOR12
+#define TRUECOLOR8
+#define SALCOLOR_BLACK MAKE_SALCOLOR( 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 )
+// -=-= Prototyps =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
+// -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
+EXTERN_C int XShmGetEventBase( Display* );
+// -=-= static variables -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
+// -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
+static const char* const VisualClassName[] = {
+ "StaticGray",
+ "GrayScale",
+ "StaticColor",
+ "PseudoColor",
+ "TrueColor",
+ "DirectColor"
+static const char* const AtomStrings[] =
+ "WM_PROTOCOLS", // window manager
+ "SAL_QUITEVENT", // client message events
+static const char* const EventNames[] =
+ "KeyPress",
+ "KeyRelease",
+ "ButtonPress",
+ "ButtonRelease",
+ "MotionNotify",
+ "EnterNotify",
+ "LeaveNotify",
+ "FocusIn",
+ "FocusOut",
+ "KeymapNotify",
+ "Expose",
+ "GraphicsExpose",
+ "NoExpose",
+ "VisibilityNotify",
+ "CreateNotify",
+ "DestroyNotify",
+ "UnmapNotify",
+ "MapNotify",
+ "MapRequest",
+ "ReparentNotify",
+ "ConfigureNotify",
+ "ConfigureRequest",
+ "GravityNotify",
+ "ResizeRequest",
+ "CirculateNotify",
+ "CirculateRequest",
+ "PropertyNotify",
+ "SelectionClear",
+ "SelectionRequest",
+ "SelectionNotify",
+ "ColormapNotify",
+ "ClientMessage",
+ "MappingNotify"
+static UINT32 nIn___, nOut___;
+// -=-= global inline =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
+// -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
+inline const char *Null( const char *p ) { return p ? p : ""; }
+inline const char *GetEnv( const char *p ) { return Null( getenv( p ) ); }
+inline const char *KeyStr( KeySym n ) { return Null( XKeysymToString( n ) ); }
+#ifdef USE_XMU
+final inline const char *GetAtomName( Display *d, Atom a )
+{ return Null( XmuGetAtomName( d, a ) ); }
+final inline const char *GetAtomName( Display *d, Atom a )
+{ return Null( XGetAtomName( d, a ) ); }
+final inline double Hypothenuse( long w, long h )
+{ return sqrt( (w*w)+(h*h) ); }
+final inline int ColorDiff( int r, int g, int b )
+{ return (r*r)+(g*g)+(b*b); }
+final inline int ColorDiff( SalColor c1, int r, int g, int b )
+{ return ColorDiff( (int)SALCOLOR_RED (c1)-r,
+ (int)SALCOLOR_GREEN(c1)-g,
+ (int)SALCOLOR_BLUE (c1)-b ); }
+// -=-= global functions -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
+// -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
+static int sal_Shift( Pixel nMask )
+ int i = 24;
+ if( nMask < 0x00010000 ) { nMask <<= 16; i -= 16; }
+ if( nMask < 0x01000000 ) { nMask <<= 8; i -= 8; }
+ if( nMask < 0x10000000 ) { nMask <<= 4; i -= 4; }
+ if( nMask < 0x40000000 ) { nMask <<= 2; i -= 2; }
+ if( nMask < 0x80000000 ) { nMask <<= 1; i -= 1; }
+ return i;
+// -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
+static BOOL sal_GetVisualInfo( Display *pDisplay, XID nVID, XVisualInfo &rVI )
+ int nInfos;
+ XVisualInfo aTemplate;
+ XVisualInfo*pInfos;
+ aTemplate.visualid = nVID;
+ pInfos = XGetVisualInfo( pDisplay, VisualIDMask, &aTemplate, &nInfos );
+ if( !pInfos )
+ return FALSE;
+ rVI = *pInfos;
+ XFree( pInfos );
+ DBG_ASSERT( rVI.visualid == nVID,
+ "sal_GetVisualInfo: could not get correct visual by visualId" )
+ return TRUE;
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// check wether displaystring is in format N.M or N. or just N
+// with N and M beeing natural numbers
+static BOOL
+sal_IsDisplayNumber( const char *pDisplayString )
+ if ( ! isdigit(*pDisplayString) )
+ return FALSE;
+ while ( isdigit(*(++pDisplayString)) )
+ ; /* do nothing */
+ if ( *pDisplayString == '.' )
+ {
+ while ( isdigit(*(++pDisplayString)) )
+ ; /* do nothing */
+ }
+ return (*pDisplayString == '\0');
+// check whether host1 and host2 point to the same ip address
+static BOOL
+sal_EqualHosts( const ::rtl::OUString& Host1, const ::rtl::OUString& Host2)
+ oslSocketAddr pHostAddr1;
+ oslSocketAddr pHostAddr2;
+ BOOL bEqualAddress;
+ if ( Host1.toChar() >= '0' && Host1.toChar() <= '9' )
+ pHostAddr1 = osl_createInetSocketAddr( Host1.pData, 0 );
+ else
+ pHostAddr1 = osl_resolveHostname( Host1.pData );
+ if ( Host2.toChar() >= '0' && Host2.toChar() <= '9' )
+ pHostAddr2 = osl_createInetSocketAddr( Host2.pData, 0 );
+ else
+ pHostAddr2 = osl_resolveHostname( Host2.pData );
+ bEqualAddress = osl_isEqualSocketAddr( pHostAddr1, pHostAddr2 ) ? TRUE : FALSE;
+ osl_destroySocketAddr( pHostAddr1 );
+ osl_destroySocketAddr( pHostAddr2 );
+ return bEqualAddress;
+static BOOL
+sal_IsLocalDisplay( Display *pDisplay )
+ const char *pDisplayString = DisplayString( pDisplay );
+ // no string, no idea
+ if ( pDisplayString == NULL || pDisplayString[ 0 ] == '\0')
+ return FALSE;
+ // check for ":x.y"
+ if ( pDisplayString[ 0 ] == ':' )
+ return sal_IsDisplayNumber( pDisplayString + 1 );
+ // check for fixed token which all mean localhost:x.y
+ const char pLocal[] = "localhost:";
+ const int nLocalLen = sizeof(pLocal) - 1;
+ if ( strncmp(pDisplayString, pLocal, nLocalLen) == 0 )
+ return sal_IsDisplayNumber( pDisplayString + nLocalLen );
+ const char pUnix[] = "unix:";
+ const int nUnixLen = sizeof(pUnix) - 1;
+ if ( strncmp(pDisplayString, pUnix, nUnixLen) == 0 )
+ return sal_IsDisplayNumber( pDisplayString + nUnixLen );
+ const char pLoopback[] = "";
+ const int nLoopbackLen= sizeof(pLoopback) - 1;
+ if ( strncmp(pDisplayString, pLoopback, nLoopbackLen) == 0 )
+ return sal_IsDisplayNumber( pDisplayString + nLoopbackLen );
+ // compare local hostname to displaystring, both may be ip address or
+ // hostname
+ BOOL bEqual = FALSE;
+ char *pDisplayHost = strdup( pDisplayString );
+ char *pPtr = strrchr( pDisplayHost, ':' );
+ if( pPtr != NULL )
+ {
+ ::rtl::OUString aLocalHostname;
+ if( osl_getLocalHostname( &aLocalHostname.pData ) == osl_Socket_Ok)
+ {
+ *pPtr = '\0';
+ ::rtl::OUString aDisplayHostname( pDisplayHost, strlen( pDisplayHost ), gsl_getSystemTextEncoding() );
+ bEqual = sal_EqualHosts( aLocalHostname, aDisplayHostname );
+ bEqual = bEqual && sal_IsDisplayNumber( pPtr + 1 );
+ }
+ }
+ free( pDisplayHost );
+ return bEqual;
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// IsLocal means soffice is running on the same host as the xserver
+// since it is not called very often and sal_IsLocalDisplay() is relative
+// expensive bLocal_ is initialized on first call
+BOOL SalDisplay::IsLocal()
+ if ( ! mbLocalIsValid )
+ {
+ bLocal_ = sal_IsLocalDisplay( pDisp_ );
+ mbLocalIsValid = TRUE;
+ }
+ return (BOOL)bLocal_;
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+extern "C" srv_vendor_t
+sal_GetServerVendor( Display *p_display )
+ typedef struct {
+ srv_vendor_t e_vendor; // vendor as enum
+ char *p_name; // vendor name as returned by VendorString()
+ unsigned int n_len; // number of chars to compare
+ } vendor_t;
+ const vendor_t p_vendorlist[] = {
+ { vendor_xfree, "The XFree86 Project, Inc", 13 },
+ { vendor_sun, "Sun Microsystems, Inc.", 10 },
+ { vendor_attachmate, "Attachmate Corporation", 10 },
+ { vendor_excursion,
+ "DECWINDOWS DigitalEquipmentCorporation, eXcursion", 42 },
+ { vendor_hp, "Hewlett-Packard Company", 17 },
+ { vendor_hummingbird, "Hummingbird Communications Ltd.", 11 },
+ { vendor_ibm, "International Business Machines", 24 },
+ { vendor_sgi, "Silicon Graphics", 9 },
+ { vendor_sco, "The Santa Cruz Operation", 16 },
+ { vendor_xinside, "X Inside Inc.", 10 },
+ // allways the last entry: vendor_none to indicate eol
+ { vendor_none, NULL, 0 },
+ };
+ // handle xprinter separately, since it doesn´t implement ServerVendor()
+ if ( ! XSalIsDisplay( p_display ) )
+ return vendor_xprinter;
+ // handle regular server vendors
+ char *p_name = ServerVendor( p_display );
+ vendor_t *p_vendor;
+ for (p_vendor = const_cast<vendor_t*>(p_vendorlist); p_vendor->e_vendor != vendor_none; p_vendor++)
+ {
+ if ( strncmp (p_name, p_vendor->p_name, p_vendor->n_len) == 0 )
+ return p_vendor->e_vendor;
+ }
+ // vendor not found in list
+ return vendor_unknown;
+// -=-= SalDisplay -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
+// -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
+final BOOL SalDisplay::BestVisual( Display *pDisplay,
+ int nScreen,
+ XVisualInfo &rVI )
+ VisualID nDefVID = XVisualIDFromVisual( DefaultVisual( pDisplay, nScreen ) );
+ VisualID nVID = 0;
+ char *pVID = getenv( "SAL_VISUAL" );
+ if( pVID )
+ sscanf( pVID, "%li", &nVID );
+ if( nVID && sal_GetVisualInfo( pDisplay, nVID, rVI ) )
+ return rVI.visualid == nDefVID;
+ XVisualInfo aVI;
+ // get all visuals
+ int nVisuals;
+ XVisualInfo* pVInfos = XGetVisualInfo( pDisplay, VisualNoMask,
+ &aVI, &nVisuals );
+ // pVInfos should contain at least one visual, otherwise
+ // we're in trouble
+ int* pWeight = new int[ nVisuals ];
+ int i;
+ for( i = 0; i < nVisuals; i++ )
+ {
+ BOOL bUsable = FALSE;
+ int nTrueColor = 1;
+ if ( pVInfos[i].screen != nScreen )
+ {
+ bUsable = FALSE;
+ }
+ else
+ if( pVInfos[i].c_class == TrueColor )
+ {
+ nTrueColor = 2048;
+ if( pVInfos[i].depth == 24 )
+ bUsable = TRUE;
+#ifdef TRUECOLOR8
+ else if( pVInfos[i].depth == 8 )
+ {
+ nTrueColor = -1; // strongly discourage 8 bit true color
+ bUsable = TRUE;
+ }
+#ifdef TRUECOLOR15
+ else if( pVInfos[i].depth == 15 )
+ bUsable = TRUE;
+#ifdef TRUECOLOR16
+ else if( pVInfos[i].depth == 16 )
+ bUsable = TRUE;
+#ifdef TRUECOLOR32
+ else if( pVInfos[i].depth == 32 )
+ {
+ nTrueColor = 256;
+ // we do not have use for an alpha channel
+ // better use a 24 or 16 bit truecolor visual if possible
+ bUsable = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ else if( pVInfos[i].c_class == PseudoColor )
+ {
+ if( pVInfos[i].depth <= 8 )
+ bUsable = TRUE;
+ else if( pVInfos[i].depth == 12 )
+ bUsable = TRUE;
+ }
+ pWeight[ i ] = bUsable ? nTrueColor*pVInfos[i].depth : -1024;
+ pWeight[ i ] -= pVInfos[ i ].visualid;
+ }
+ SalOpenGL::MakeVisualWeights( pDisplay, pVInfos, pWeight, nVisuals );
+ int nBestVisual = 0;
+ int nBestWeight = -1024;
+ for( i = 0; i < nVisuals; i++ )
+ {
+ if( pWeight[ i ] > nBestWeight )
+ {
+ nBestWeight = pWeight[ i ];
+ nBestVisual = i;
+ }
+ }
+ rVI = pVInfos[ nBestVisual ];
+ XFree( pVInfos );
+ return rVI.visualid == nDefVID;
+// -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
+final SalDisplay::SalDisplay( Widget w )
+ SalData *pSalData = GetSalData();
+ if( !pSalData->GetDefDisp() )
+ pSalData->SetDefDisp( this );
+ if( !pSalData->GetCurDisp() )
+ pSalData->SetCurDisp( this );
+ pXLib_ = pSalData->GetLib();
+ pDisp_ = XtDisplay( w );
+ nScreen_ = DefaultScreen( pDisp_ );
+ hShell_ = w;
+ hComposite_ = XtVaCreateManagedWidget(
+ "ShellComposite",
+ hShell_,
+ NULL );
+ Visual *pVisual = NULL;
+ Colormap hColMap = None;
+ Arg aArgs[10];
+ XtSetArg( aArgs[0], XtNvisual, &pVisual );
+ XtSetArg( aArgs[1], XtNcolormap, &hColMap );
+ XtGetValues( hShell_, aArgs, 2 );
+ if( !pVisual )
+ pVisual = DefaultVisual( pDisp_, nScreen_ );
+ if (!hColMap)
+ hColMap = DefaultColormap( pDisp_, nScreen_ );
+ if( !IsDisplay() && !hColMap)
+ hColMap = 1; // trick for XPrinter
+ XVisualInfo aXVI;
+ sal_GetVisualInfo( pDisp_, XVisualIDFromVisual( pVisual ), aXVI );
+ Init( hColMap, &aXVI );
+final SalDisplay::SalDisplay( Display *display, Visual *pVisual,
+ Colormap aColMap ) : pDisp_( display )
+ SalData *pSalData = GetSalData();
+ XVisualInfo aXVI;
+ if( !pSalData->GetDefDisp() )
+ pSalData->SetDefDisp( this );
+ if( !pSalData->GetCurDisp() )
+ pSalData->SetCurDisp( this );
+ pXLib_ = XSalIsDisplay( pDisp_ ) ? pSalData->GetLib() : NULL;
+ nScreen_ = DefaultScreen( pDisp_ );
+ if (!aColMap)
+ aColMap = DefaultColormap( display, nScreen_ );
+ if( !IsDisplay() && !aColMap)
+ aColMap = 1; // trick for XPrinter
+ if (!pVisual)
+ pVisual = DefaultVisual( pDisp_, nScreen_ );
+ sal_GetVisualInfo( pDisp_, XVisualIDFromVisual( pVisual ), aXVI );
+ Init( aColMap, &aXVI );
+// -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
+final SalDisplay::~SalDisplay( )
+ SalData *pSalData = GetSalData();
+ SalBitmap::ImplDestroyCache();
+ DestroyFontCache();
+ if( IsDisplay() )
+ {
+ osl_destroyMutex( hEventGuard_ );
+ XDestroyWindow( pDisp_, hRefWindow_ );
+ if( pMonoGC_ != pCopyGC_ )
+ XFreeGC( pDisp_, pMonoGC_ );
+ XFreeGC( pDisp_, pCopyGC_ );
+ XFreeGC( pDisp_, pAndInvertedGC_ );
+ XFreeGC( pDisp_, pAndGC_ );
+ XFreeGC( pDisp_, pOrGC_ );
+ XFreeGC( pDisp_, pStippleGC_ );
+ XFreePixmap( pDisp_, hInvert50_ );
+ hEventGuard_ = (oslMutex)ILLEGAL_POINTER;
+ hRefWindow_ = (XLIB_Window)ILLEGAL_POINTER;
+ pAndInvertedGC_ = (GC)ILLEGAL_POINTER;
+ hInvert50_ = None;
+ for( size_t i = 0; i < POINTER_COUNT; i++ )
+ {
+ XFreeCursor( pDisp_, aPointerCache_[i] );
+#ifdef DBG_UTIL
+ aPointerCache_[i] = None;
+ }
+ if( hComposite_ )
+ XtDestroyWidget( hComposite_ );
+ if( hShell_ )
+ XtDestroyWidget( hShell_ );
+ pXLib_->Remove( ConnectionNumber( pDisp_ ) );
+ delete mpInputMethod;
+ delete mpKbdExtension;
+ XtCloseDisplay( pDisp_ );
+ }
+ pDisp_ = (Display*)ILLEGAL_POINTER;
+ pSalData->Remove( this );
+ // free colormap before modifying pVisual_
+ xColor_.Clear();
+ delete pICCCM_;
+ delete pVisual_;
+ if( pRootVisual_ != pVisual_ )
+ delete pRootVisual_;
+ pVisual_ = (SalVisual*)ILLEGAL_POINTER;
+ pRootVisual_ = (SalVisual*)ILLEGAL_POINTER;
+ if( pSalData->GetDefDisp() == this )
+ pSalData->SetDefDisp( NULL );
+ if( pSalData->GetCurDisp() == this )
+ pSalData->SetCurDisp( NULL );
+static int DisplayHasEvent( int fd, SalDisplay *pDisplay )
+ DBG_ASSERT( ConnectionNumber( pDisplay->GetDisplay() ) == fd,
+ "wrong fd in DisplayHasEvent" )
+ return pDisplay->IsDisplay() && pDisplay->IsEvent();
+static int DisplayQueue( int fd, SalDisplay *pDisplay )
+ DBG_ASSERT( ConnectionNumber( pDisplay->GetDisplay() ) == fd,
+ "wrong fd in DisplayHasEvent" )
+ return XEventsQueued( pDisplay->GetDisplay(),
+ QueuedAfterReading );
+static int DisplayYield( int fd, SalDisplay *pDisplay )
+ DBG_ASSERT( ConnectionNumber( pDisplay->GetDisplay() ) == fd,
+ "wrong fd in DisplayHasEvent" )
+ pDisplay->Yield( TRUE );
+ return TRUE;
+// -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
+final void SalDisplay::Init( Colormap hXColmap, const XVisualInfo* pXVI )
+ GetSalData()->Insert( this );
+ for( size_t i = 0; i < POINTER_COUNT; i++ )
+ aPointerCache_[i] = None;
+ eWindowManager_ = otherwm;
+ nProperties_ = PROPERTY_DEFAULT;
+ nStateOfYield_ = 0;
+ nStateOfSendEvent_ = 0;
+ hEventGuard_ = NULL;
+ pEventQueue_ = NULL;
+ pDispatchStack_ = NULL;
+ pFontCache_ = NULL;
+ mpFontList = (XlfdStorage*)NULL;
+ mpFactory = (AttributeProvider*)NULL;
+ mpCvtCache = NULL;
+ pCapture_ = NULL;
+ pVisual_ = new SalVisual( pXVI );
+ aSize_ = Size( DisplayWidth ( pDisp_, nScreen_ ),
+ DisplayHeight( pDisp_, nScreen_ ) );
+ aResolution_ =
+ Pair( DPI( aSize_.Width(), DisplayWidthMM ( pDisp_, nScreen_ ) ),
+ DPI( aSize_.Height(), DisplayHeightMM( pDisp_, nScreen_ ) ) );
+ nMaxRequestSize_ = XExtendedMaxRequestSize( pDisp_ ) * 4;
+ if( !nMaxRequestSize_ )
+ nMaxRequestSize_ = XMaxRequestSize( pDisp_ ) * 4;
+ SetServerVendor();
+ SalBitmap::ImplCreateCache();
+ if( IsDisplay() )
+ {
+ hEventGuard_ = osl_createMutex();
+ pXLib_->Insert( ConnectionNumber( pDisp_ ),
+ this,
+ (YieldFunc) DisplayHasEvent,
+ (YieldFunc) DisplayQueue,
+ (YieldFunc) DisplayYield );
+ pICCCM_ = new SalICCCM( this );
+ pScreen_ = ScreenOfDisplay( pDisp_, nScreen_ );
+ hRootWindow_ = RootWindowOfScreen( pScreen_ );
+ // we are interested in create and destroy notify events
+ // for salsystem
+ if( hRootWindow_ != None )
+ XSelectInput( pDisp_, hRootWindow_, SubstructureNotifyMask );
+ bLocal_ = FALSE; /* dont care, initialize later by
+ calling SalDisplay::IsLocal() */
+ mbLocalIsValid = FALSE; /* bLocal_ is not yet initialized */
+ // - - - - - - - - - - Visuals - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+ Visual *pRootVisual = DefaultVisual( pDisp_, nScreen_ );
+ // if( pRootVisual != pXVI->visual )
+ if( pRootVisual->visualid != pVisual_->GetVisualId() )
+ {
+ XVisualInfo aXVI;
+ sal_GetVisualInfo( pDisp_, pRootVisual->visualid, aXVI );
+ pRootVisual_ = new SalVisual( &aXVI );
+ }
+ else
+ pRootVisual_ = pVisual_;
+ // start session management
+ SessionManagerClient::open();
+ // - - - - - - - - - - Reference Window/Default Drawable - -
+ XSetWindowAttributes aXWAttributes;
+ aXWAttributes.border_pixel = 0;
+ aXWAttributes.background_pixel = 0;
+ aXWAttributes.colormap = hXColmap;
+ hRefWindow_ = XCreateWindow( pDisp_,
+ hRootWindow_,
+ 0,0, 16,16, 0,
+ pVisual_->GetDepth(),
+ InputOutput,
+ pVisual_->GetVisual(),
+ CWBorderPixel|CWBackPixel|CWColormap,
+ &aXWAttributes );
+ // set client leader and session id
+ char* pSessionID = SessionManagerClient::getSessionID();
+ if( hRefWindow_ )
+ {
+ if( pSessionID )
+ {
+ XChangeProperty( pDisp_,
+ hRefWindow_,
+ XInternAtom( pDisp_, "SM_CLIENT_ID", False ),
+ 8,
+ PropModeReplace,
+ (unsigned char*)pSessionID,
+ strlen( pSessionID )
+ );
+ }
+ // client leader must have WM_CLIENT_LEADER pointing to itself
+ XChangeProperty( pDisp_,
+ hRefWindow_,
+ XInternAtom( pDisp_, "WM_CLIENT_LEADER", False ),
+ 32,
+ PropModeReplace,
+ (unsigned char*)&hRefWindow_,
+ 1
+ );
+ ByteString aExec( SessionManagerClient::getExecName(), gsl_getSystemTextEncoding() );
+ char* argv[2];
+ argv[0] = "/bin/sh";
+ argv[1] = const_cast<char*>(aExec.GetBuffer());
+ XSetCommand( pDisp_, hRefWindow_, argv, 2 );
+ }
+ // - - - - - - - - - - Synchronize - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+ if( getenv( "SAL_SYNCHRONIZE" ) )
+ XSynchronize( pDisp_, True );
+ // - - - - - - - - - - Window Manager - - - - - - - - - - -
+ const char *pWM = getenv( "SAL_WM" );
+ if( pWM )
+ sscanf( pWM, "%li", &eWindowManager_ );
+ else if( XInternAtom( pDisp_, "_SGI_TELL_WM", True ) )
+ eWindowManager_ = _4Dwm;
+ else if( XInternAtom( pDisp_, "KWM_RUNNING", True ) )
+ eWindowManager_ = mwm; // naja, eigentlich kwm ...
+ else if( XInternAtom( pDisp_, "_OL_WIN_ATTR", True ) )
+ eWindowManager_ = olwm;
+ // - - - - - - - - - - Properties - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+ const char *pProperties = getenv( "SAL_PROPERTIES" );
+ if( pProperties )
+ sscanf( pProperties, "%li", &nProperties_ );
+ else
+ {
+#if defined DBG_UTIL || defined SUN || defined LINUX
+ nProperties_ |= PROPERTY_FEATURE_Maximize;
+ // Server Bugs & Properties
+ if( GetServerVendor() == vendor_excursion )
+ {
+ nProperties_ |= PROPERTY_BUG_Stipple;
+ nProperties_ |= PROPERTY_BUG_DrawLine;
+ nProperties_ &= ~PROPERTY_SUPPORT_XSetClipMask;
+ }
+ else
+ if( GetServerVendor() == vendor_attachmate )
+ {
+ nProperties_ |= PROPERTY_BUG_CopyPlane_RevertBWPixel;
+ }
+ else
+ if( GetServerVendor() == vendor_ibm )
+ {
+ nProperties_ |= PROPERTY_BUG_XA_FAMILY_NAME_nil;
+ if( otherwm == eWindowManager_ ) eWindowManager_ = mwm;
+ }
+ else
+ if( GetServerVendor() == vendor_xfree )
+ {
+ nProperties_ |= PROPERTY_BUG_XCopyArea_GXxor;
+#ifdef ARM32 // ??? Server! nicht Client ???
+ nProperties_ &= ~PROPERTY_SUPPORT_XSetClipMask;
+#ifdef LINUX
+ // otherwm and olwm are a kind of default, which are not detected
+ // carefully. if we are running linux (i.e. not netbsd) on an xfree
+ // display, fvwm is most probable the wm to choose, confusing with mwm
+ // doesn't harm. #57791# start maximized if possible
+ if( (otherwm == eWindowManager_)
+ || (olwm == eWindowManager_ ))
+ {
+ eWindowManager_ = fvwm; // ???
+ nProperties_ |= PROPERTY_FEATURE_Maximize;
+ }
+ if( otherwm == eWindowManager_ ) eWindowManager_ = winmgr;
+#if defined SOLARIS && defined SPARC
+ nProperties_ |= PROPERTY_BUG_Bitmap_Bit_Order;
+ // solaris xlib seems to have problems with putting images
+ // in correct bit order to xfree 8 bit displays
+ }
+ else
+ if( GetServerVendor() == vendor_sun )
+ {
+ // nicht alle! (bekannt: nur Sparc II CG3, CG6?)
+ nProperties_ &= ~PROPERTY_SUPPORT_XSetClipMask;
+ // Fehler im Sun-Solaris X86 Server !
+ if (ImageByteOrder(GetDisplay()) == LSBFirst)
+ {
+ nProperties_ |= PROPERTY_BUG_Tile;
+ nProperties_ |= PROPERTY_SUPPORT_3ButtonMouse;
+ }
+ else // MSBFirst Sun-Solaris Sparc Server
+ {
+ // XCopyPlane reverts black and white for 1bit bitmaps
+ // only sun, only 8bit pseudocolor target
+ if ( (pVisual_->GetDepth() == 8)
+ && (pVisual_->GetClass() == PseudoColor))
+ nProperties_ |= PROPERTY_BUG_CopyPlane_RevertBWPixel;
+ // Fehler in Solaris 2.5.1
+ if (VendorRelease ( GetDisplay() ) < 3600)
+ nProperties_ |= PROPERTY_BUG_FillPolygon_Tile;
+ }
+ if( otherwm == eWindowManager_ )
+ if( XInternAtom( pDisp_, "_MOTIF_WM_INFO", True ) )
+ eWindowManager_ = dtwm;
+ else
+ eWindowManager_ = olwm;
+ }
+ else
+ if( GetServerVendor() == vendor_sco )
+ {
+ if( otherwm == eWindowManager_ ) eWindowManager_ = pmwm;
+ }
+ else
+ if( GetServerVendor() == vendor_sgi )
+ {
+ if( pVisual_->GetDepth() > 8 && pVisual_->GetDepth() <= 16 )
+ nProperties_ |= PROPERTY_BUG_XCopyArea_GXxor;
+ nProperties_ |= PROPERTY_SUPPORT_XSetClipMask;
+ if( otherwm == eWindowManager_ ) eWindowManager_ = _4Dwm;
+ }
+ else
+ if( GetServerVendor() == vendor_hp )
+ {
+ if( otherwm == eWindowManager_ ) eWindowManager_ = dtwm;
+ }
+ else
+ if( GetServerVendor() == vendor_hummingbird )
+ {
+ if (pVisual_->GetDepth() == 24)
+ nProperties_ |= PROPERTY_BUG_CopyArea_OnlySmallSlices;
+ }
+ if( otherwm == eWindowManager_ )
+ {
+ if( !XInternAtom( pDisp_, "_MOTIF_WM_INFO", True ) )
+ eWindowManager_ = olwm;
+ // ???
+ }
+ if( winmgr == eWindowManager_ )
+ {
+ nProperties_ &= ~PROPERTY_SUPPORT_WM_SetPos;
+ nProperties_ &= ~PROPERTY_SUPPORT_WM_Screen;
+ nProperties_ |= PROPERTY_FEATURE_Maximize;
+ }
+ else if( dtwm == eWindowManager_ )
+ {
+ nProperties_ &= ~PROPERTY_SUPPORT_WM_ClientPos;
+ }
+ else if( pmwm == eWindowManager_ )
+ {
+ nProperties_ &= ~PROPERTY_SUPPORT_WM_ClientPos;
+ }
+ }
+ // - - - - - - - - - - Shared Images - - - - - - - - - - - -
+#if defined _XSHM_H_ // && defined DBG_UTIL
+ // SharedMem wird nur noch ueber SalProperties enabled
+ // wegen Bugs #47289 und #46512
+ if( ( nProperties_ & PROPERTY_FEATURE_SharedMemory )
+ && ( *DisplayString( pDisp_ ) == ':'
+ || !strncmp( DisplayString( pDisp_ ), "localhost:", 10 ))
+ )
+ {
+ int nMinor, nMajor;
+ Bool bPixmaps;
+ nSharedImages_ = XShmQueryVersion( pDisp_,
+ &nMajor,
+ &nMinor,
+ &bPixmaps )
+ ? 0x80000000 : 0;
+ }
+ else
+ nSharedImages_ = 0;
+ nSharedImages_ = 0;
+ // - - - - - - - - - - Images - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+ nImageDepths_ = 0x00000000;
+ int nCount, *pDepths = XListDepths( pDisp_, nScreen_, &nCount );
+ if( pDepths )
+ {
+ for( int i = 0; i < nCount; i++ )
+ nImageDepths_ |= 1 << (pDepths[i]-1);
+ XFree( pDepths );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pScreen_ = NULL;
+ hRootWindow_ = None;
+ pRootVisual_ = pVisual_;
+#ifdef DBG_UTIL
+ hRefWindow_ = (XLIB_Window)ILLEGAL_POINTER;
+ hInvert50_ = None;
+ bLocal_ = TRUE; /* always true for xprinter */
+ mbLocalIsValid = TRUE; /* yes bLocal_ is initialized */
+ nProperties_ &= ~PROPERTY_SUPPORT_XSetClipMask; //XPrinter doesnt
+ nSharedImages_ = 0;
+ nImageDepths_ = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+ }
+ // - - - - - - - - - - Images - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+ // 0x8080C889
+ nImageDepths_ &= (1<<(32-1))
+ |(1<<(24-1))
+ |(1<<(16-1))
+ |(1<<(15-1))
+ |(1<<(12-1))
+ |(1<<(8-1))
+ |(1<<(4-1))
+ |(1<<(1-1));
+ xColor_ = new SalColormap( this, hXColmap );
+ // - - - - - - - - - - GCs - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+ XGCValues values;
+ values.graphics_exposures = True;
+ values.fill_style = FillOpaqueStippled;
+ values.background = (1<<pVisual_->GetDepth())-1;
+ values.foreground = 0;
+ pCopyGC_ = XCreateGC( pDisp_,
+ hRefWindow_,
+ GCGraphicsExposures
+ | GCForeground
+ | GCBackground,
+ &values );
+ pAndInvertedGC_ = XCreateGC( pDisp_,
+ hRefWindow_,
+ GCGraphicsExposures
+ | GCForeground
+ | GCBackground,
+ &values );
+ pAndGC_ = XCreateGC( pDisp_,
+ hRefWindow_,
+ GCGraphicsExposures
+ | GCForeground
+ | GCBackground,
+ &values );
+ pOrGC_ = XCreateGC( pDisp_,
+ hRefWindow_,
+ GCGraphicsExposures
+ | GCForeground
+ | GCBackground,
+ &values );
+ pStippleGC_ = XCreateGC( pDisp_,
+ hRefWindow_,
+ GCGraphicsExposures
+ | GCFillStyle
+ | GCForeground
+ | GCBackground,
+ &values );
+ XSetFunction( pDisp_, pAndInvertedGC_, GXandInverted );
+ XSetFunction( pDisp_, pAndGC_, GXand );
+ // #44556# PowerPC Solaris 2.5 (XSun 3500) Bug: GXor = GXnop
+ //XSetFunction( pDisp_, pOrGC_, GXor );
+ XSetFunction( pDisp_, pOrGC_, GXxor );
+ if( 1 == pVisual_->GetDepth() ) // irgendwer dreht immer
+ {
+ XSetFunction( pDisp_, pCopyGC_, GXcopyInverted );
+ pMonoGC_ = pCopyGC_;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Pixmap hPixmap = XCreatePixmap( pDisp_, hRefWindow_, 1, 1, 1 );
+ pMonoGC_ = XCreateGC( pDisp_,
+ hPixmap,
+ GCGraphicsExposures,
+ &values );
+ XFreePixmap( pDisp_, hPixmap );
+ }
+ if( IsDisplay() )
+ {
+ hInvert50_ = XCreateBitmapFromData( pDisp_,
+ hRefWindow_,
+ invert50_bits,
+ invert50_width,
+ invert50_height );
+ // - - - - - - - - - - Sound - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+ nBeepVolume_ = 0;
+ // - - - - - - - - - - Fonts - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+ const char *pFontPath = getenv( "SAL_FONTPATH" );
+ if( pFontPath )
+ AddFontPath( ByteString( pFontPath ) );
+ // - - - - - - - - - - Keyboardmapping - - - - - - - - - - -
+ ModifierMapping();
+ // - - - - - - - - - - ShellWidget - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+ if( !XtWindow( hShell_ ) )
+ {
+ Position w, h;
+ Arg aArgs[10];
+ XtSetArg( aArgs[0], XtNwidth, &w );
+ XtSetArg( aArgs[1], XtNheight, &h );
+ XtGetValues( hShell_, aArgs, 2 );
+ if( !w || !h )
+ {
+ if( GetProperties() & PROPERTY_FEATURE_Maximize )
+ {
+ XtSetArg( aArgs[0], XtNwidth, aSize_.Width() );
+ XtSetArg( aArgs[1], XtNheight, aSize_.Height() );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ XtSetArg( aArgs[0], XtNwidth, 500 );
+ XtSetArg( aArgs[1], XtNheight, 400 );
+ }
+ XtSetValues( hShell_, aArgs, 2 );
+ }
+ // X-Window erzeugen
+ XtSetMappedWhenManaged( hShell_, FALSE );
+ XtRealizeWidget( hShell_ );
+ }
+ if( !XtWindow( hComposite_ ) )
+ XtRealizeWidget( hComposite_ );
+ }
+#ifdef DBG_UTIL
+ PrintInfo();
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ fprintf( stderr, "Keyboard name: %s\n", GetKeyboardName() );
+ String aConvert = GetKeyNameFromKeySym( XK_Control_L );
+ fprintf( stderr, "Control: %s\n", aConvert.Len() ? ByteString( aConvert, gsl_getSystemTextEncoding() ).GetBuffer() : "<nil>" );
+ aConvert = GetKeyNameFromKeySym( XK_Shift_L );
+ fprintf( stderr, "Shift: %s\n", aConvert.Len() ? ByteString( aConvert, gsl_getSystemTextEncoding() ).GetBuffer() : "<nil>" );
+ aConvert = GetKeyNameFromKeySym( XK_Alt_L );
+ fprintf( stderr, "Alt: %s\n", aConvert.Len() ? ByteString( aConvert, gsl_getSystemTextEncoding() ).GetBuffer() : "<nil>" );
+ aConvert = GetKeyNameFromKeySym( XK_Alt_R );
+ fprintf( stderr, "AltGr: %s\n", aConvert.Len() ? ByteString( aConvert, gsl_getSystemTextEncoding() ).GetBuffer() : "<nil>" );
+ keep track of windows that are sized in ::Init but repositioned
+ by the window-mgr. If they are not resized by SalFrame::Set[Pos]Size
+ then SalFrameData::HandleReparentEvent takes a look at it, to prevent it
+ from beeing moved outside the screen
+ ------------------------------*/
+static unsigned int nRefWindow = 0;
+MarkWindowAsBadPositioned( unsigned int nWindow )
+ nRefWindow = nWindow;
+MarkWindowAsGoodPositioned( unsigned int nWindow )
+ if ( nRefWindow == nWindow )
+ nRefWindow = 0;
+WindowNeedGoodPosition( unsigned int nWindow )
+ return (Boolean) nWindow == nRefWindow;
+// Sound
+// -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
+beta void SalDisplay::Beep() const
+ XBell( pDisp_, nBeepVolume_ );
+// Keyboard
+// -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
+String SalDisplay::GetKeyNameFromKeySym( KeySym nKeySym ) const
+ String aRet;
+ if( !nKeySym )
+ aRet = String::CreateFromAscii( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "???" ) );
+ else
+ {
+ aRet = ::vcl_sal::getKeysymReplacementName( const_cast<SalDisplay*>(this)->GetKeyboardName(), nKeySym );
+ if( ! aRet.Len() )
+ {
+ const char *pString = XKeysymToString( nKeySym );
+ int n = strlen( pString );
+ if( n > 2 && pString[n-2] == '_' )
+ aRet = String( pString, n-2, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ISO_8859_1 );
+ else
+ aRet = String( pString, n, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ISO_8859_1 );
+ }
+ }
+ return aRet;
+inline KeySym sal_XModifier2Keysym( Display *pDisplay,
+ XModifierKeymap *pXModMap,
+ int n )
+ return XKeycodeToKeysym( pDisplay,
+ pXModMap->modifiermap[n*pXModMap->max_keypermod],
+ 0 );
+final void SalDisplay::ModifierMapping()
+ XModifierKeymap *pXModMap = XGetModifierMapping( pDisp_ );
+ bNumLockFromXS_ = True;
+ nShiftKeySym_ = sal_XModifier2Keysym( pDisp_, pXModMap, ShiftMapIndex );
+ nCtrlKeySym_ = sal_XModifier2Keysym( pDisp_, pXModMap, ControlMapIndex );
+ nMod1KeySym_ = sal_XModifier2Keysym( pDisp_, pXModMap, Mod1MapIndex );
+ // Auf Sun-Servern und SCO-Severn beruecksichtigt XLookupString
+ // nicht den NumLock Modifier.
+ if( (GetServerVendor() == vendor_sun)
+ || (GetServerVendor() == vendor_sco) )
+ {
+ XLIB_KeyCode aNumLock = XKeysymToKeycode( pDisp_, XK_Num_Lock );
+ if( aNumLock ) for( int i = ShiftMapIndex; i <= Mod5MapIndex; i++ )
+ {
+ if( pXModMap->modifiermap[i*pXModMap->max_keypermod] == aNumLock )
+ {
+ bNumLockFromXS_ = False;
+ nNumLockIndex_ = i;
+ nNumLockMask_ = 1<<i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ XFreeModifiermap( pXModMap );
+// -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
+final XubString SalDisplay::GetKeyName( USHORT nKeyCode ) const
+ String aStrMap;
+ if( nKeyCode & KEY_MOD2 )
+ {
+ aStrMap += GetKeyNameFromKeySym( nMod1KeySym_ );
+ }
+ if( nKeyCode & KEY_MOD1 )
+ {
+ if( aStrMap.Len() )
+ aStrMap += '+';
+ aStrMap += GetKeyNameFromKeySym( nCtrlKeySym_ );
+ }
+ if( nKeyCode & KEY_SHIFT )
+ {
+ if( aStrMap.Len() )
+ aStrMap += '+';
+ aStrMap += GetKeyNameFromKeySym( nShiftKeySym_ );
+ }
+ nKeyCode &= 0x0FFF;
+ KeySym nKeySym = 0;
+ if( KEY_0 <= nKeyCode && nKeyCode <= KEY_9 )
+ nKeySym = XK_0 + (nKeyCode - KEY_0);
+ else if( KEY_A <= nKeyCode && nKeyCode <= KEY_Z )
+ nKeySym = XK_A + (nKeyCode - KEY_A);
+ else if( KEY_F1 <= nKeyCode && nKeyCode <= KEY_F26 ) // Existiert die Taste
+ nKeySym = XK_F1 + (nKeyCode - KEY_F1);
+ else switch( nKeyCode )
+ {
+ case KEY_DOWN:
+ nKeySym = XK_Down;
+ break;
+ case KEY_UP:
+ nKeySym = XK_Up;
+ break;
+ case KEY_LEFT:
+ nKeySym = XK_Left;
+ break;
+ case KEY_RIGHT:
+ nKeySym = XK_Right;
+ break;
+ case KEY_HOME:
+ nKeySym = XK_Home;
+ break;
+ case KEY_END:
+ nKeySym = XK_End;
+ break;
+ case KEY_PAGEUP:
+ nKeySym = XK_Prior;
+ break;
+ nKeySym = XK_Next;
+ break;
+ case KEY_RETURN:
+ nKeySym = XK_Return;
+ break;
+ case KEY_ESCAPE:
+ nKeySym = XK_Escape;
+ break;
+ case KEY_TAB:
+ nKeySym = XK_Tab;
+ break;
+ nKeySym = XK_BackSpace;
+ break;
+ case KEY_SPACE:
+ nKeySym = XK_space;
+ break;
+ case KEY_INSERT:
+ nKeySym = XK_Insert;
+ break;
+ case KEY_DELETE:
+ nKeySym = XK_Delete;
+ break;
+ case KEY_OPEN:
+ nKeySym = XK_L7;
+ break;
+ case KEY_CUT:
+ nKeySym = XK_L10;
+ break;
+ case KEY_COPY:
+ nKeySym = XK_L6;
+ break;
+ case KEY_PASTE:
+ nKeySym = XK_L8;
+ break;
+ case KEY_UNDO:
+ nKeySym = XK_L4; // XK_Undo; ???
+ break;
+ case KEY_REPEAT:
+// nKeySym = XK_L2; // XK_Redo; ???
+ nKeySym = XK_Redo;
+ break;
+ case KEY_FIND:
+ nKeySym = XK_L9; // XK_Find; ???
+ break;
+ nKeySym = XK_L3;
+ break;
+ case KEY_FRONT:
+ nKeySym = XK_L5;
+ break;
+ case KEY_ADD:
+ nKeySym = XK_plus;
+ break;
+ nKeySym = XK_minus;
+ break;
+ nKeySym = XK_asterisk;
+ break;
+ case KEY_DIVIDE:
+ nKeySym = XK_slash;
+ break;
+ case KEY_POINT:
+ nKeySym = XK_period;
+ break;
+ case KEY_COMMA:
+ nKeySym = XK_comma;
+ break;
+ case KEY_LESS:
+ nKeySym = XK_less;
+ break;
+ nKeySym = XK_greater;
+ break;
+ case KEY_EQUAL:
+ nKeySym = XK_equal;
+ break;
+ case KEY_FRONT+1: // KEY_HELP
+ nKeySym = XK_F1; // XK_Help; ???
+ break;
+ default:
+ nKeySym = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ if( nKeySym )
+ {
+ if( aStrMap.Len() )
+ aStrMap += '+';
+ aStrMap += GetKeyNameFromKeySym( nKeySym );
+ }
+ return aStrMap;
+// -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
+#ifndef IsISOKey
+#define IsISOKey( n ) (0x0000FE00==((n)&0xFFFFFF00))
+final USHORT SalDisplay::GetKeyCode( KeySym keysym, char*pcPrintable ) const
+ USHORT nKey = 0;
+ if( XK_a <= keysym && XK_z >= keysym )
+ nKey = (USHORT)(KEY_A + (keysym - XK_a));
+ else if( XK_A <= keysym && XK_Z >= keysym )
+ nKey = (USHORT)(KEY_A + (keysym - XK_A));
+ else if( XK_0 <= keysym && XK_9 >= keysym )
+ nKey = (USHORT)(KEY_0 + (keysym - XK_0));
+ else if( IsModifierKey( keysym ) )
+ nop;
+ else if( IsKeypadKey( keysym ) )
+ {
+ if( (keysym >= XK_KP_0) && (keysym <= XK_KP_9) )
+ {
+ nKey = (USHORT)(KEY_0 + (keysym - XK_KP_0));
+ *pcPrintable = '0' + nKey - KEY_0;
+ }
+ else if( IsPFKey( keysym ) )
+ nKey = (USHORT)(KEY_F1 + (keysym - XK_KP_F1));
+ else switch( keysym )
+ {
+ case XK_KP_Space:
+ nKey = KEY_SPACE;
+ *pcPrintable = ' ';
+ break;
+ case XK_KP_Tab:
+ nKey = KEY_TAB;
+ break;
+ case XK_KP_Enter:
+ nKey = KEY_RETURN;
+ break;
+ case XK_KP_Begin:
+ case XK_KP_Home:
+ nKey = KEY_HOME;
+ break;
+ case XK_KP_Left:
+ nKey = KEY_LEFT;
+ break;
+ case XK_KP_Up:
+ nKey = KEY_UP;
+ break;
+ case XK_KP_Right:
+ nKey = KEY_RIGHT;
+ break;
+ case XK_KP_Down:
+ nKey = KEY_DOWN;
+ break;
+ case XK_KP_Prior: // XK_KP_Page_Up
+ nKey = KEY_PAGEUP;
+ break;
+ case XK_KP_Next: // XK_KP_Page_Down
+ break;
+ case XK_KP_End:
+ nKey = KEY_END;
+ break;
+ case XK_KP_Insert:
+ nKey = KEY_INSERT;
+ break;
+ case XK_KP_Delete:
+ nKey = KEY_DELETE;
+ break;
+ case XK_KP_Equal:
+ nKey = KEY_EQUAL;
+ *pcPrintable = '=';
+ break;
+ case XK_KP_Multiply:
+ *pcPrintable = '*';
+ break;
+ case XK_KP_Add:
+ nKey = KEY_ADD;
+ *pcPrintable = '+';
+ break;
+ case XK_KP_Separator:
+ nKey = KEY_COMMA; // ???
+ *pcPrintable = ',';
+ break;
+ case XK_KP_Subtract:
+ *pcPrintable = '-';
+ break;
+ case XK_KP_Decimal:
+ nKey = KEY_POINT;
+ *pcPrintable = '.';
+ break;
+ case XK_KP_Divide:
+ nKey = KEY_DIVIDE;
+ *pcPrintable = '/';
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else if( IsFunctionKey( keysym ) )
+ {
+ if( bNumLockFromXS_ )
+ {
+ if( keysym >= XK_F1 && keysym <= XK_F26 )
+ nKey = (USHORT)(KEY_F1 + keysym - XK_F1);
+ }
+ else switch( keysym )
+ {
+#if 1 // Sun schaltet mit "Alt Graph"/XK_Mode_switch um
+ // - - - - - Sun X-Server Tastatur ohne Cursorblock ??? - - -
+#if 0 // Sal supports F1 - F26
+ case XK_R1: // XK_F21:
+ break;
+ case XK_R2: // XK_F22:
+ break;
+ case XK_R3: // XK_F23:
+ break;
+ case XK_R4: // XK_F24:
+ nKey = KEY_F24; // KEY_EQUAL
+ break;
+ case XK_R5: // XK_F25:
+ nKey = KEY_F25; // KEY_DIVIDE
+ break;
+ case XK_R6: // XK_F26:
+ nKey = KEY_F26; // KEY_MULTIPLY
+ break;
+ case XK_R7: // XK_F27:
+ nKey = KEY_HOME;
+ break;
+ case XK_R8: // XK_F28:
+ nKey = KEY_UP;
+ break;
+ case XK_R9: // XK_F29:
+ nKey = KEY_PAGEUP;
+ break;
+ case XK_R10: // XK_F30:
+ nKey = KEY_LEFT;
+ break;
+ case XK_R11: // XK_F31:
+ nKey = 0; // KEY_F31
+ break;
+ case XK_R12: // XK_F32:
+ nKey = KEY_RIGHT;
+ break;
+ case XK_R13: // XK_F33:
+ nKey = KEY_END;
+ break;
+ case XK_R14: // XK_F34:
+ nKey = KEY_DOWN;
+ break;
+ case XK_R15: // XK_F35:
+ break;
+ // - - - - - Sun X-Server Tastatur ??? - - - - - - - - - - - -
+ case XK_L1: // XK_F11:
+ nKey = KEY_F11; // KEY_CANCEL
+ break;
+ case XK_L2: // XK_F12:
+ if ( GetServerVendor() == vendor_sun )
+ nKey = KEY_REPEAT;
+ else
+ nKey = KEY_F12;
+ break;
+ case XK_L3: // XK_F13:
+ break;
+ case XK_L4: // XK_F14:
+ nKey = KEY_UNDO; // KEY_F14
+ break;
+ case XK_L5: // XK_F15:
+ nKey = KEY_F15; // KEY_FRONT
+ break;
+ case XK_L6: // XK_F16:
+ nKey = KEY_COPY; // KEY_F16
+ break;
+ case XK_L7: // XK_F17:
+ nKey = KEY_F17; // KEY_OPEN
+ break;
+ case XK_L8: // XK_F18:
+ nKey = KEY_PASTE; // KEY_F18
+ break;
+ case XK_L9: // XK_F19:
+ nKey = KEY_F19; // KEY_FIND
+ break;
+ case XK_L10: // XK_F20:
+ nKey = KEY_CUT; // KEY_F20
+ break;
+ default:
+ if( keysym >= XK_F1 && keysym <= XK_F26 )
+ nKey = (USHORT)(KEY_F1 + keysym - XK_F1);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else if( IsCursorKey( keysym ) )
+ {
+ switch( keysym )
+ {
+ case XK_Begin:
+ case XK_Home:
+ nKey = KEY_HOME;
+ break;
+ case XK_Left:
+ nKey = KEY_LEFT;
+ break;
+ case XK_Up:
+ nKey = KEY_UP;
+ break;
+ case XK_Right:
+ nKey = KEY_RIGHT;
+ break;
+ case XK_Down:
+ nKey = KEY_DOWN;
+ break;
+ case XK_Prior: // XK_Page_Up
+ nKey = KEY_PAGEUP;
+ break;
+ case XK_Next: // XK_Page_Down
+ break;
+ case XK_End:
+ nKey = KEY_END;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else if( IsMiscFunctionKey( keysym ) )
+ {
+ switch( keysym )
+ {
+ case XK_Insert:
+ nKey = KEY_INSERT;
+ break;
+ case XK_Redo:
+ nKey = KEY_REPEAT;
+ break;
+ case XK_Undo:
+ nKey = KEY_UNDO;
+ break;
+ case XK_Find:
+ nKey = KEY_FIND;
+ break;
+ case XK_Help:
+ nKey = KEY_FRONT+1; // KEY_HELP
+ nKey = KEY_F1;
+ break;
+ case XK_Menu:
+ nKey = KEY_F10;
+ break;
+#if 0
+ case XK_Break:
+ case XK_Select:
+ case XK_Execute:
+ case XK_Print:
+ case XK_Cancel:
+ }
+ }
+ else if( IsISOKey( keysym ) ) // XK_ISO_
+ {
+ switch( keysym )
+ {
+ case 0xFE20: // XK_ISO_Left_Tab:
+ nKey = KEY_TAB;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else switch( keysym )
+ {
+ case XK_Return:
+ nKey = KEY_RETURN;
+ break;
+ case XK_BackSpace:
+ break;
+ case XK_Delete:
+ nKey = KEY_DELETE;
+ break;
+ case XK_space:
+ nKey = KEY_SPACE;
+ break;
+ case XK_Tab:
+ nKey = KEY_TAB;
+ break;
+ case XK_Escape:
+ nKey = KEY_ESCAPE;
+ break;
+ case XK_plus:
+ nKey = KEY_ADD;
+ break;
+ case XK_minus:
+ break;
+ case XK_asterisk:
+ break;
+ case XK_slash:
+ nKey = KEY_DIVIDE;
+ break;
+ case XK_period:
+ nKey = KEY_POINT;
+ break;
+ case XK_comma:
+ nKey = KEY_COMMA;
+ break;
+ case XK_less:
+ nKey = KEY_LESS;
+ break;
+ case XK_greater:
+ break;
+ case XK_equal:
+ nKey = KEY_EQUAL;
+ break;
+// case XK_Linefeed:
+// *pcPrintable = '\n';
+// break;
+ // - - - - - - - - - - - - - Apollo - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0x1000
+ case 0x1000FF02: // apXK_Copy
+ nKey = KEY_COPY;
+ break;
+ case 0x1000FF03: // apXK_Cut
+ nKey = KEY_CUT;
+ break;
+ case 0x1000FF04: // apXK_Paste
+ nKey = KEY_PASTE;
+ break;
+ case 0x1000FF14: // apXK_Repeat
+ nKey = KEY_REPEAT;
+ break;
+ // Exit, Save
+ // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - D E C - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0x1000
+ case 0x1000FF00:
+ nKey = KEY_DELETE;
+ break;
+ // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - H P - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0x1000
+ case 0x1000FF73: // hpXK_DeleteChar
+ nKey = KEY_DELETE;
+ break;
+ case 0x1000FF74: // hpXK_BackTab
+ case 0x1000FF75: // hpXK_KP_BackTab
+ nKey = KEY_TAB;
+ break;
+ // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I B M - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+ // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - O S F - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0x1004
+ case 0x1004FF02: // osfXK_Copy
+ nKey = KEY_COPY;
+ break;
+ case 0x1004FF03: // osfXK_Cut
+ nKey = KEY_CUT;
+ break;
+ case 0x1004FF04: // osfXK_Paste
+ nKey = KEY_PASTE;
+ break;
+ case 0x1004FF07: // osfXK_BackTab
+ nKey = KEY_TAB;
+ break;
+ case 0x1004FF08: // osfXK_BackSpace
+ break;
+ case 0x1004FF1B: // osfXK_Escape
+ nKey = KEY_ESCAPE;
+ break;
+ // Up, Down, Left, Right, PageUp, PageDown
+ // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - S C O - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+ // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - S G I - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0x1007
+ // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - S N I - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+ // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - S U N - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0x1005
+ case 0x1005FF10: // SunXK_F36
+ nKey = KEY_F11;
+ break;
+ case 0x1005FF11: // SunXK_F37
+ nKey = KEY_F12;
+ break;
+ case 0x1005FF70: // SunXK_Props
+ break;
+ case 0x1005FF71: // SunXK_Front
+ nKey = KEY_FRONT;
+ break;
+ case 0x1005FF72: // SunXK_Copy
+ nKey = KEY_COPY;
+ break;
+ case 0x1005FF73: // SunXK_Open
+ nKey = KEY_OPEN;
+ break;
+ case 0x1005FF74: // SunXK_Paste
+ nKey = KEY_PASTE;
+ break;
+ case 0x1005FF75: // SunXK_Cut
+ nKey = KEY_CUT;
+ break;
+ }
+ return nKey;
+// -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
+final KeySym SalDisplay::GetKeySym( XKeyEvent *pEvent,
+ unsigned char *pPrintable,
+ int *pLen,
+ Status *pStatusReturn,
+ XIC aInputContext ) const
+ KeySym nKeySym;
+ memset( pPrintable, 0, *pLen );
+ if ( (aInputContext == 0) || (pEvent->type == KeyRelease) )
+ {
+ XComposeStatus nStatus;
+ *pLen = XLookupString( pEvent, (char*)pPrintable, 1,
+ &nKeySym, &nStatus );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ *pStatusReturn = 0;
+ // not really sufficient for multibyte lookup: cannot handle more
+ // than one byte in sprintable, cannot handle conversion error
+ *pLen = XmbLookupString( aInputContext,
+ pEvent, (char*)pPrintable, *pLen - 1, &nKeySym, pStatusReturn );
+ // Lookup the string again, now with appropriate size
+ if ( *pStatusReturn == XBufferOverflow )
+ {
+ pPrintable[ 0 ] = (char)0;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ switch ( *pStatusReturn )
+ {
+ case XBufferOverflow:
+ /* unhandled error */
+ break;
+ case XLookupNone:
+ /* unhandled error */
+ break;
+ case XLookupKeySym:
+ /* #72223# this is a strange one: on exceed sometimes
+ * no printable is returned for the first char entered,
+ * just to retry lookup solves the problem. The problem
+ * is not yet fully understood, so restrict 2nd lookup
+ * to 7bit ascii chars */
+ if ( (XK_space <= nKeySym) && (XK_asciitilde >= nKeySym) )
+ {
+ *pLen = 1;
+ pPrintable[ 0 ] = (char)nKeySym;
+ }
+ break;
+ case XLookupBoth:
+ case XLookupChars:
+ /* nothing to, char allready in pPrintable */
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if( !bNumLockFromXS_
+ && (IsCursorKey(nKeySym)
+ || IsFunctionKey(nKeySym)
+ || IsKeypadKey(nKeySym)
+ || XK_Delete == nKeySym ) )
+ {
+ // Bei einigen X-Servern muss man bei den Keypadtasten
+ // schon sehr genau hinschauen. ZB. Solaris XServer:
+ // 2, 4, 6, 8 werden als Cursorkeys klassifiziert (Up, Down, Left, Right
+ // 1, 3, 5, 9 werden als Functionkeys klassifiziert (F27,F29,F33,F35)
+ // 0 als Keypadkey und der Dezimalpunkt gar nicht (KP_Insert)
+ KeySym nNewKeySym = XLookupKeysym( pEvent, nNumLockIndex_ );
+// fprintf( stderr, "Key%s: sym=%x state=%x code=%d new=%x\n",
+// KeyRelease == pEvent->type ? "Release" : "Press",
+// nKeySym, pEvent->state, pEvent->keycode, nNewKeySym );
+ if( nNewKeySym != NoSymbol )
+ nKeySym = nNewKeySym;
+ }
+// else
+// fprintf( stderr, "Key%s: sym=%x state=%x code=%d\n",
+// KeyRelease == pEvent->type ? "Release" : "Press",
+// nKeySym, pEvent->state, pEvent->keycode );
+ return nKeySym;
+// Pointer
+// -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
+#define MAKE_BITMAP( name ) \
+ XCreateBitmapFromData( pDisp_, \
+ DefaultRootWindow( pDisp_ ), \
+ name##_bits, \
+ name##_width, \
+ name##_height )
+#define MAKE_CURSOR( name ) \
+ aCursBitmap = MAKE_BITMAP( name##curs ); \
+ aMaskBitmap = MAKE_BITMAP( name##mask ); \
+ nXHot = name##curs_x_hot; \
+ nYHot = name##curs_y_hot
+final XLIB_Cursor SalDisplay::GetPointer( int ePointerStyle )
+ if( ePointerStyle > POINTER_COUNT )
+ return NULL;
+ XLIB_Cursor &aCur = aPointerCache_[ePointerStyle];
+ if( aCur != None )
+ return aCur;
+ Pixmap aCursBitmap, aMaskBitmap;
+ unsigned int nXHot, nYHot;
+ switch( ePointerStyle )
+ {
+ MAKE_CURSOR( null );
+ break;
+ aCur = XCreateFontCursor( pDisp_, XC_top_left_arrow );
+ break;
+ MAKE_CURSOR( wait_ );
+ break;
+ case POINTER_TEXT: // Mouse Pointer ist ein "I" Beam
+ aCur = XCreateFontCursor( pDisp_, XC_xterm );
+ break;
+ aCur = XCreateFontCursor( pDisp_, XC_question_arrow );
+ break;
+ case POINTER_CROSS: // Mouse Pointer ist ein Kreuz
+ aCur = XCreateFontCursor( pDisp_, XC_crosshair );
+ break;
+ aCur = XCreateFontCursor( pDisp_, XC_sb_v_double_arrow );
+ break;
+ aCur = XCreateFontCursor( pDisp_, XC_sb_v_double_arrow );
+ break;
+ aCur = XCreateFontCursor( pDisp_, XC_sb_h_double_arrow );
+ break;
+ aCur = XCreateFontCursor( pDisp_, XC_sb_h_double_arrow );
+ break;
+ aCur = XCreateFontCursor( pDisp_, XC_top_tee );
+ break;
+ aCur = XCreateFontCursor( pDisp_, XC_bottom_tee );
+ break;
+ aCur = XCreateFontCursor( pDisp_, XC_left_tee );
+ break;
+ aCur = XCreateFontCursor( pDisp_, XC_right_tee );
+ break;
+ MAKE_CURSOR( nwsesize_ );
+ break;
+ MAKE_CURSOR( neswsize_ );
+ break;
+ MAKE_CURSOR( neswsize_ );
+ break;
+ MAKE_CURSOR( nwsesize_ );
+ break;
+ aCur = XCreateFontCursor( pDisp_, XC_top_left_corner );
+ break;
+ aCur = XCreateFontCursor( pDisp_, XC_top_right_corner );
+ break;
+ aCur = XCreateFontCursor( pDisp_, XC_bottom_left_corner );
+ break;
+ aCur = XCreateFontCursor( pDisp_, XC_bottom_right_corner );
+ break;
+ MAKE_CURSOR( hsplit_ );
+ break;
+ MAKE_CURSOR( vsplit_ );
+ break;
+ aCur = XCreateFontCursor( pDisp_, XC_sb_h_double_arrow ); // ???
+ break;
+ aCur = XCreateFontCursor( pDisp_, XC_sb_v_double_arrow ); // ???
+ break;
+ aCur = XCreateFontCursor( pDisp_, XC_hand1 );
+ break;
+ aCur = XCreateFontCursor( pDisp_, XC_hand2 );
+ break;
+ MAKE_CURSOR( magnify_ );
+ break;
+ MAKE_CURSOR( fill_ );
+ break;
+ MAKE_CURSOR( move_ );
+ break;
+ MAKE_CURSOR( movedata_ );
+ break;
+ MAKE_CURSOR( copydata_ );
+ break;
+ MAKE_CURSOR( movefile_ );
+ break;
+ MAKE_CURSOR( copyfile_ );
+ break;
+ MAKE_CURSOR( movefiles_ );
+ break;
+ MAKE_CURSOR( copyfiles_ );
+ break;
+ MAKE_CURSOR( nodrop_ );
+ break;
+ MAKE_CURSOR( rotate_ );
+ break;
+ MAKE_CURSOR( hshear_ );
+ break;
+ MAKE_CURSOR( vshear_ );
+ break;
+ MAKE_CURSOR( drawline_ );
+ break;
+ MAKE_CURSOR( drawrect_ );
+ break;
+ MAKE_CURSOR( drawpolygon_ );
+ break;
+ MAKE_CURSOR( drawbezier_ );
+ break;
+ MAKE_CURSOR( drawarc_ );
+ break;
+ MAKE_CURSOR( drawpie_ );
+ break;
+ MAKE_CURSOR( drawcirclecut_ );
+ break;
+ MAKE_CURSOR( drawellipse_ );
+ break;
+ MAKE_CURSOR( drawconnect_ );
+ break;
+ MAKE_CURSOR( drawtext_ );
+ break;
+ MAKE_CURSOR( mirror_ );
+ break;
+ MAKE_CURSOR( crook_ );
+ break;
+ MAKE_CURSOR( crop_ );
+ break;
+ MAKE_CURSOR( movepoint_ );
+ break;
+ MAKE_CURSOR( movebezierweight_ );
+ break;
+ MAKE_CURSOR( drawfreehand_ );
+ break;
+ MAKE_CURSOR( drawcaption_ );
+ break;
+ case POINTER_PEN: // Mouse Pointer ist ein Stift
+ aCur = XCreateFontCursor( pDisp_, XC_pencil );
+ break;
+ MAKE_CURSOR( linkdata_ );
+ break;
+ MAKE_CURSOR( movedlnk_ );
+ break;
+ MAKE_CURSOR( copydlnk_ );
+ break;
+ MAKE_CURSOR( linkfile_ );
+ break;
+ MAKE_CURSOR( moveflnk_ );
+ break;
+ MAKE_CURSOR( copyflnk_ );
+ break;
+ MAKE_CURSOR( chart_ );
+ break;
+ MAKE_CURSOR( detective_ );
+ break;
+ MAKE_CURSOR( pivotcol_ );
+ break;
+ MAKE_CURSOR( pivotrow_ );
+ break;
+ MAKE_CURSOR( pivotfld_ );
+ break;
+ MAKE_CURSOR( chain_ );
+ break;
+ MAKE_CURSOR( chainnot_ );
+ break;
+ MAKE_CURSOR( timemove_ );
+ break;
+ MAKE_CURSOR( timesize_ );
+ break;
+ MAKE_CURSOR(asn_ );
+ break;
+ MAKE_CURSOR( ass_ );
+ break;
+ MAKE_CURSOR( asw_ );
+ break;
+ MAKE_CURSOR( ase_ );
+ break;
+ MAKE_CURSOR( asnw_ );
+ break;
+ MAKE_CURSOR( asne_ );
+ break;
+ MAKE_CURSOR( assw_ );
+ break;
+ MAKE_CURSOR( asse_ );
+ break;
+ MAKE_CURSOR( asns_ );
+ break;
+ MAKE_CURSOR( aswe_ );
+ break;
+ MAKE_CURSOR( asnswe_ );
+ break;
+ MAKE_CURSOR( airbrush_ );
+ break;
+ default:
+ DBG_ERROR("pointer not implemented");
+ aCur = XCreateFontCursor( pDisp_, XC_arrow );
+ break;
+ }
+ if( None == aCur )
+ {
+ XColor aBlack, aWhite, aDummy;
+ Colormap hColormap = xColor_->GetXColormap();
+ XAllocNamedColor( pDisp_, hColormap, "black", &aBlack, &aDummy );
+ XAllocNamedColor( pDisp_, hColormap, "white", &aWhite, &aDummy );
+ aCur = XCreatePixmapCursor( pDisp_,
+ aCursBitmap, aMaskBitmap,
+ &aBlack, &aWhite,
+ nXHot, nYHot );
+ XFreePixmap( pDisp_, aCursBitmap );
+ XFreePixmap( pDisp_, aMaskBitmap );
+ }
+ return aCur;
+int SalDisplay::CaptureMouse( SalFrameData *pCapture )
+ if( !pCapture )
+ {
+ pCapture_ = NULL;
+ XUngrabPointer( GetDisplay(), CurrentTime );
+ XFlush( GetDisplay() );
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if( pCapture_ )
+ //pCapture_->CaptureMouse( FALSE );
+ pCapture_ = NULL;
+ int ret = XGrabPointer( GetDisplay(),
+ pCapture->GetWindow(),
+ False,
+ PointerMotionMask| ButtonPressMask|ButtonReleaseMask,
+ GrabModeAsync,
+ GrabModeAsync,
+ None,
+ pCapture->GetCursor(),
+ CurrentTime );
+ if( ret != GrabSuccess )
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT( 1, "SalDisplay::CaptureMouse could not grab pointer\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ pCapture_ = pCapture;
+ return 1;
+// Fonts
+// -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
+static BOOL
+sal_IsValidFontpath( const ByteString &rFontPath,
+ const srv_vendor_t eServerVendor )
+ // filter fontpath with ':unscaled' attribute for server other
+ // than xfree (e.g.: /opt/Office51/fonts/75dpi:unscaled)
+ const char aAttr[] = ":unscaled";
+ const USHORT nAttrLen = sizeof( aAttr ) - 1;
+ USHORT nAttrPos;
+ nAttrPos = rFontPath.Search( aAttr, 0 );
+ if ( nAttrPos == (rFontPath.Len() - nAttrLen) )
+ return (eServerVendor == vendor_xfree);
+ return TRUE;
+final void SalDisplay::AddFontPath( const ByteString &rPath ) const
+ const char cSeparator = ';' ;
+ if( rPath.Len()
+ && (GetServerVendor() != vendor_excursion)
+ && (GetServerVendor() != vendor_hummingbird) )
+ {
+ USHORT nCount = rPath.GetTokenCount( cSeparator );
+ int i;
+ int nPaths = 0;
+ char **pOldFontPath = XGetFontPath( pDisp_, &nPaths );
+ int nOriginalPaths = nPaths;
+ char **pNewFontPath = new char*[nPaths+nCount];
+ BOOL bOld = pXLib_->GetIgnoreXErrors();
+ for( i = 0; i < nPaths; i++ )
+ pNewFontPath[i] = pOldFontPath[i];
+ for( USHORT nNew = 0; nNew < nCount; nNew++ )
+ {
+ ByteString aPathName = rPath.GetToken( nNew, cSeparator );
+ if( aPathName.Len() )
+ {
+ for( i = 0; i < nPaths; i++ )
+ if( !strcmp( pNewFontPath[i], aPathName.GetBuffer() ) )
+ break;
+ if ( (i == nPaths)
+ && sal_IsValidFontpath(aPathName, GetServerVendor()) )
+ {
+ pNewFontPath[nPaths] = new char[aPathName.Len()+1];
+ strcpy( pNewFontPath[nPaths++], aPathName.GetBuffer() );
+ pXLib_->SetIgnoreXErrors( TRUE ); // reset WasXError
+ XSetFontPath( pDisp_, pNewFontPath, nPaths );
+ XSync( pDisp_, False );
+ if( pXLib_->WasXError() )
+ delete pNewFontPath[--nPaths];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ while( nPaths-- > nOriginalPaths )
+ delete pNewFontPath[ nPaths ];
+ delete pNewFontPath;
+ XFreeFontPath( pOldFontPath );
+ pXLib_->SetIgnoreXErrors( bOld );
+ }
+// Events
+// -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
+final void SalDisplay::Remove( XEvent *pEvent )
+final void SalDisplay::SendEvent( Atom aEvent,
+ void *pData,
+ XLIB_Window hReceiver ) const
+ UINT32 aData[5];
+#if __SIZEOFLONG > 4
+ aData[0] = (UINT32)((long)pData & 0xffffffff);
+ aData[1] = (UINT32)((long)pData >> 32);
+ aData[0] = (UINT32)(long)pData;
+ aData[1] = NULL;
+ aData[2] = NULL;
+#ifndef DBG_UTIL
+ aData[3] = NULL;
+ aData[4] = NULL;
+ aData[3] = ++nIn___;
+ aData[4] = nOut___;
+ SendEvent( aEvent, aData, hReceiver );
+final void SalDisplay::SendEvent( Atom aEvent,
+ UINT32 *Data,
+ XLIB_Window hReceiver ) const
+#define pClient (&(aClient.xclient))
+ XEvent aClient;
+ if( !hReceiver )
+ hReceiver = GetWindow();
+ pClient->type = ClientMessage;
+ pClient->display = pDisp_;
+ pClient->window = hReceiver;
+ pClient->message_type = aEvent;
+ pClient->format = 32;
+ if( Data ) for( int i = 0; i < 5; i++ )
+ pClient->data.l[i] = Data[i];
+ if( osl_acquireMutex( hEventGuard_ ) )
+ {
+ pClient->send_event = 2;
+ if( pEventQueue_ )
+ {
+ SalXEvent *pEvent = pEventQueue_;
+ while( pEvent->pNext_ )
+ pEvent = pEvent->pNext_;
+ pEvent->pNext_ = new SalXEvent;
+ pEvent->pNext_->event_ = aClient;
+ pEvent->pNext_->pNext_ = NULL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ((SalDisplay*)this)->pEventQueue_ = new SalXEvent;
+ pEventQueue_->event_ = aClient;
+ pEventQueue_->pNext_ = NULL;
+ }
+ osl_releaseMutex( hEventGuard_ );
+ }
+ else
+ DBG_ASSERT( 1, "SalDisplay::SendEvent !acquireMutex\n" );
+#undef pClient
+final BOOL SalDisplay::IsEvent()
+ if( pEventQueue_ )
+ return TRUE;
+ if( XEventsQueued( pDisp_, QueuedAlready ) )
+ return TRUE;
+ XFlush( pDisp_ );
+ return FALSE;
+// -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
+final void SalDisplay::Yield( BOOL bWait )
+ SalXEvent aEvent;
+ while( !nStateOfYield_ )
+ {
+ if( pEventQueue_ )
+ {
+ nStateOfYield_ = 5;
+ if( osl_acquireMutex( hEventGuard_ ) )
+ {
+ nStateOfYield_ = 6;
+ SalXEvent *pEvent = pEventQueue_;
+ pEventQueue_ = pEventQueue_->pNext_;
+ osl_releaseMutex( hEventGuard_ );
+ aEvent.event_ = pEvent->event_;
+ delete pEvent;
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ DBG_ASSERT( 1, "SalDisplay::Yield !acquireMutex\n" );
+ }
+ nStateOfYield_ = 1;
+ DBG_ASSERT( XtAppPending( pXLib_->GetAppContext() ), "no pending event" );
+ SalData *pSalData = GetSalData();
+ SalYieldMutex* pSalInstYieldMutex =
+ pSalData->pFirstInstance_->maInstData.mpSalYieldMutex;
+ DBG_ASSERT( pSalInstYieldMutex->GetThreadId() ==
+ NAMESPACE_VOS(OThread)::getCurrentIdentifier(),
+ "will crash soon since solar mutex not locked in SalDisplay::Yield" );
+ // note: alternate input is dispatched by XtAppNextEvent
+ XtAppNextEvent( pXLib_->GetAppContext(), &aEvent.event_ );
+ }
+ nStateOfYield_ = 0;
+ BOOL bIgnoreXErrors = pXLib_->GetIgnoreXErrors();
+ aEvent.pNext_ = pDispatchStack_;
+ pDispatchStack_ = &aEvent;
+ Dispatch( &aEvent.event_ );
+ pDispatchStack_ = aEvent.pNext_;
+#ifdef DBG_UTIL
+ if( pXLib_->WasXError() )
+ {
+ XFlush( pDisp_ );
+ PrintEvent( "SalDisplay::Yield (WasXError)", &aEvent.event_ );
+ }
+ pXLib_->SetIgnoreXErrors( bIgnoreXErrors );
+final long SalDisplay::Dispatch( XEvent *pEvent )
+ if( pEvent->type == XLIB_KeyPress || pEvent->type == KeyRelease )
+ {
+ XLIB_Window aWindow = pEvent->xkey.window;
+ SalFrame* pFrame = NULL;
+ for( pFrame = GetSalData()->pFirstFrame_;
+ pFrame
+ && pFrame->maFrameData.GetWindow() != aWindow
+ && pFrame->maFrameData.GetShellWindow() != aWindow;
+ pFrame = pFrame->maFrameData.GetNextFrame() )
+ ;
+ if( pFrame )
+ if ( mpInputMethod->FilterEvent( pEvent ) )
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else
+ if ( mpInputMethod->FilterEvent( pEvent ) )
+ return 0;
+ DtIntegrator::HandleXEvent( pEvent );
+ switch( pEvent->type )
+ {
+ case MotionNotify:
+ while( XCheckWindowEvent( pEvent->xany.display,
+ pEvent->xany.window,
+ ButtonMotionMask,
+ pEvent ) )
+ nop;
+ break;
+ case MappingNotify:
+ if( MappingKeyboard == pEvent->xmapping.request )
+ XRefreshKeyboardMapping( &pEvent->xmapping );
+ else if( MappingModifier == pEvent->xmapping.request )
+ ModifierMapping();
+ break;
+ default:
+ if ( GetKbdExtension()->UseExtension()
+ && GetKbdExtension()->GetEventBase() == pEvent->type )
+ {
+ GetKbdExtension()->Dispatch( pEvent );
+ return 1;
+ }
+#ifdef _XSHM_H_
+ {
+ BOOL bPrevious = pXLib_->GetIgnoreXErrors();
+ pXLib_->SetIgnoreXErrors( TRUE );
+ if( pEvent->type == XShmGetEventBase( pDisp_ ) + ShmCompletion )
+ {
+ Remove( pEvent );
+ return 1;
+ }
+ pXLib_->SetIgnoreXErrors( bPrevious );
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ SalFrame *pFrame = GetSalData()->pFirstFrame_;
+ while( pFrame )
+ {
+ if( pFrame->maFrameData.GetWindow() == pEvent->xany.window ||
+ pFrame->maFrameData.GetShellWindow() == pEvent->xany.window )
+ {
+ return pFrame->maFrameData.Dispatch( pEvent );
+ }
+ if( pFrame->maFrameData.GetForeignParent() == pEvent->xany.window ||
+ pFrame->maFrameData.GetForeignTopLevelWindow() == pEvent->xany.window )
+ {
+ pFrame->maFrameData.Dispatch( pEvent );
+ break;
+ }
+ pFrame = pFrame->maFrameData.GetNextFrame(); // not allways NULL
+ }
+ // dispatch to Xt
+ XtDispatchEvent( pEvent );
+ // dispatch to salobjects
+ SalObjectData::Dispatch( pEvent );
+ return 0;
+// -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
+final void SalDisplay::PrintEvent( const ByteString &rComment,
+ XEvent *pEvent ) const
+ if( pEvent->type <= MappingNotify )
+ {
+ fprintf( stderr, "[%s] %s s=%d w=%ld\n",
+ rComment.GetBuffer(),
+ EventNames[pEvent->type],
+ pEvent->xany.send_event,
+ pEvent->xany.window );
+ switch( pEvent->type )
+ {
+ case XLIB_KeyPress:
+ case KeyRelease:
+ fprintf( stderr, "\t\ts=%d c=%d\n",
+ pEvent->xkey.state,
+ pEvent->xkey.keycode );
+ break;
+ case ButtonPress:
+ case ButtonRelease:
+ fprintf( stderr, "\t\ts=%d b=%d x=%d y=%d rx=%d ry=%d\n",
+ pEvent->xbutton.state,
+ pEvent->xbutton.button,
+ pEvent->xbutton.x,
+ pEvent->xbutton.y,
+ pEvent->xbutton.x_root,
+ pEvent->xbutton.y_root );
+ break;
+ case MotionNotify:
+ fprintf( stderr, "\t\ts=%d x=%d y=%d\n",
+ pEvent->xmotion.state,
+ pEvent->xmotion.x,
+ pEvent->xmotion.y );
+ break;
+ case EnterNotify:
+ case LeaveNotify:
+ fprintf( stderr, "\t\tm=%d f=%d x=%d y=%d\n",
+ pEvent->xcrossing.mode,
+ pEvent->xcrossing.focus,
+ pEvent->xcrossing.x,
+ pEvent->xcrossing.y );
+ break;
+ case FocusIn:
+ case FocusOut:
+ fprintf( stderr, "\t\tm=%d d=%d\n",
+ pEvent->xfocus.mode,
+ pEvent->xfocus.detail );
+ break;
+ case Expose:
+ case GraphicsExpose:
+ fprintf( stderr, "\t\tc=%d %d*%d %d+%d\n",
+ pEvent->xexpose.count,
+ pEvent->xexpose.width,
+ pEvent->xexpose.height,
+ pEvent->xexpose.x,
+ pEvent->xexpose.y );
+ break;
+ case VisibilityNotify:
+ fprintf( stderr, "\t\ts=%d\n",
+ pEvent->xvisibility.state );
+ break;
+ case CreateNotify:
+ case DestroyNotify:
+ break;
+ case MapNotify:
+ case UnmapNotify:
+ break;
+ case ReparentNotify:
+ fprintf( stderr, "\t\tp=%d x=%d y=%d\n",
+ pEvent->xreparent.parent,
+ pEvent->xreparent.x,
+ pEvent->xreparent.y );
+ break;
+ case ConfigureNotify:
+ fprintf( stderr, "\t\tb=%d %d*%d %d+%d\n",
+ pEvent->xconfigure.border_width,
+ pEvent->xconfigure.width,
+ pEvent->xconfigure.height,
+ pEvent->xconfigure.x,
+ pEvent->xconfigure.y );
+ break;
+ case PropertyNotify:
+ fprintf( stderr, "\t\ta=%s (0x%X)\n",
+ GetAtomName( pDisp_, pEvent->xproperty.atom ),
+ pEvent->xproperty.atom );
+ break;
+ case ColormapNotify:
+ fprintf( stderr, "\t\tc=%ld n=%d s=%d\n",
+ pEvent->xcolormap.colormap,
+ pEvent->xcolormap.c_new,
+ pEvent->xcolormap.state );
+ break;
+ case ClientMessage:
+ fprintf( stderr, "\t\ta=%s (0x%X) f=%i [0x%lX,0x%lX,0x%lX,0x%lX,0x%lX])\n",
+ GetAtomName( pDisp_, pEvent->xclient.message_type ),
+ pEvent->xclient.message_type,
+ pEvent->xclient.format,
+ pEvent->[0],
+ pEvent->[1],
+ pEvent->[2],
+ pEvent->[3],
+ pEvent->[4] );
+ break;
+ case MappingNotify:
+ fprintf( stderr, "\t\tr=%sd\n",
+ MappingModifier == pEvent->xmapping.request
+ ? "MappingModifier"
+ : MappingKeyboard == pEvent->xmapping.request
+ ? "MappingKeyboard"
+ : "MappingPointer" );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef _XSHM_H_
+ else if( pEvent->type == XShmGetEventBase( pDisp_ ) + ShmCompletion )
+ {
+#define pCompletionEvent ((XShmCompletionEvent*)pEvent)
+ fprintf( stderr, "[%s] %s s=%d d=%ld\n",
+ rComment.GetBuffer(),
+ "ShmCompletion",
+ pCompletionEvent->send_event,
+ pCompletionEvent->drawable );
+ fprintf( stderr, "\t\tc=%d.%d s=%ld o=%ld\n",
+ pCompletionEvent->major_code,
+ pCompletionEvent->minor_code,
+ pCompletionEvent->shmseg,
+ pCompletionEvent->offset );
+#undef pCompletionEvent
+ }
+ else
+ fprintf( stderr, "[%s] %d s=%d w=%ld\n",
+ rComment.GetBuffer(),
+ pEvent->type,
+ pEvent->xany.send_event,
+ pEvent->xany.window );
+// -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
+void SalDisplay::PrintInfo() const
+ if( IsDisplay() )
+ {
+ fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
+ fprintf( stderr, "Environment\n" );
+ fprintf( stderr, "\t$XENVIRONMENT \t\"%s\"\n",
+ GetEnv( "XENVIRONMENT" ) );
+ fprintf( stderr, "\t$DISPLAY \t\"%s\"\n",
+ GetEnv( "DISPLAY" ) );
+ fprintf( stderr, "\t$SAL_VISUAL \t\"%s\"\n",
+ GetEnv( "SAL_VISUAL" ) );
+ fprintf( stderr, "\t$SAL_FONTPATH \t\"%s\"\n",
+ GetEnv( "SAL_FONTPATH" ) );
+ fprintf( stderr, "\t$SAL_NOSEGV \t\"%s\"\n",
+ GetEnv( "SAL_NOSEGV" ) );
+ fprintf( stderr, "\t$SAL_IGNOREXERRORS\t\"%s\"\n",
+ fprintf( stderr, "\t$SAL_PROPERTIES \t\"%s\"\n",
+ GetEnv( "SAL_PROPERTIES" ) );
+ fprintf( stderr, "\t$SAL_WM \t\"%s\"\n",
+ GetEnv( "SAL_WM" ) );
+ fprintf( stderr, "\t$SAL_SYNCHRONIZE \t\"%s\"\n",
+ GetEnv( "SAL_SYNCHRONIZE" ) );
+ fprintf( stderr, "\t$XPPATH \t\"%s\"\n",
+ GetEnv( "XPPATH" ) );
+ char sHostname[ 120 ];
+# ifdef USE_XMU
+ XmuGetHostname( sHostname, 120 );
+# else
+ gethostname (sHostname, 120 );
+# endif
+ fprintf( stderr, "Client\n" );
+ fprintf( stderr, "\tHost \t\"%s\"\n",
+ sHostname );
+ fprintf( stderr, "Display\n" );
+ fprintf( stderr, "\tHost \t\"%s\"\n",
+ DisplayString(pDisp_) );
+ fprintf( stderr, "\tVendor (Release) \t\"%s (%d)\"\n",
+ ServerVendor(pDisp_), VendorRelease(pDisp_) );
+ fprintf( stderr, "\tProtocol \t%d.%d\n",
+ ProtocolVersion(pDisp_), ProtocolRevision(pDisp_) );
+ fprintf( stderr, "\tScreen (count,def)\t%d (%d,%d)\n",
+ nScreen_, ScreenCount(pDisp_), DefaultScreen(pDisp_) );
+ fprintf( stderr, "\tshift ctrl alt \t%s (0x%X) %s (0x%X) %s (0x%X)\n",
+ KeyStr( nShiftKeySym_ ), nShiftKeySym_,
+ KeyStr( nCtrlKeySym_ ), nCtrlKeySym_,
+ KeyStr( nMod1KeySym_ ), nMod1KeySym_ );
+ if( XExtendedMaxRequestSize(pDisp_) * 4 )
+ fprintf( stderr, "\tXMaxRequestSize \t%ld %ld [bytes]\n",
+ XMaxRequestSize(pDisp_) * 4, XExtendedMaxRequestSize(pDisp_) * 4 );
+ if( GetProperties() != PROPERTY_DEFAULT )
+ fprintf( stderr, "\tProperties \t0x%lX\n", GetProperties() );
+ if( eWindowManager_ != otherwm )
+ fprintf( stderr, "\tWindowmanager \t%d\n", eWindowManager_ );
+ }
+ fprintf( stderr, "Screen\n" );
+ fprintf( stderr, "\tResolution/Size \t%d*%d %d*%d %.1lf\"\n",
+ aResolution_.A(), aResolution_.B(),
+ aSize_.Width(), aSize_.Height(),
+ Hypothenuse( DisplayWidthMM ( pDisp_, nScreen_ ),
+ DisplayHeightMM( pDisp_, nScreen_ ) ) / 25.4 );
+ fprintf( stderr, "\tBlack&White \t%lu %lu\n",
+ xColor_->GetBlackPixel(), xColor_->GetWhitePixel() );
+ fprintf( stderr, "\tRGB \t0x%lx 0x%lx 0x%lx\n",
+ pVisual_->red_mask, pVisual_->green_mask, pVisual_->blue_mask );
+ fprintf( stderr, "\tVisual \t%d-bit %s ID=0x%x\n",
+ pVisual_->GetDepth(),
+ VisualClassName[ pVisual_->GetClass() ],
+ pVisual_->GetVisualId() );
+ if( pVisual_ != pRootVisual_ )
+ fprintf( stderr, "\tRoot visual \t%d-bit %s ID=0x%x\n",
+ pRootVisual_->GetDepth(),
+ VisualClassName[ pRootVisual_->GetClass() ],
+ pRootVisual_->GetVisualId() );
+ fprintf( stderr, "\tImages (Shared) \t0x%lx (%lx)\n",
+ nImageDepths_, nSharedImages_ );
+ if( nStateOfYield_ || nStateOfSendEvent_ )
+ {
+ fprintf( stderr, "Thread/Signal\n" );
+ fprintf( stderr, "\tNextEvent \t%d\n", nStateOfYield_ );
+ fprintf( stderr, "\tSendEvent \t%d\n", nStateOfSendEvent_ );
+ }
+ if( pDispatchStack_ )
+ {
+ fprintf( stderr, "Event\n" );
+ SalXEvent *pEvent = pDispatchStack_;
+ while( pEvent )
+ {
+ PrintEvent( "\t\x08\x08", &pEvent->event_ );
+ pEvent = pEvent->pNext_;
+ }
+ }
+// -=-= SalICCCM -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
+// -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
+SalICCCM::SalICCCM( SalDisplay *pDisplay )
+ Display *display = pDisplay->GetDisplay();
+ for( int i = 0; i < capacityof( AtomStrings ); i++ )
+ (&aWM_Protocols_)[i] = XInternAtom( display, AtomStrings[i], False );
+// -=-= SalVisual -=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
+// -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
+SalVisual::SalVisual( const XVisualInfo* pXVI )
+ *(XVisualInfo*)this = *pXVI;
+ if( GetClass() == TrueColor )
+ {
+ nRedShift_ = sal_Shift( red_mask );
+ nGreenShift_ = sal_Shift( green_mask );
+ nBlueShift_ = sal_Shift( blue_mask );
+ if( GetDepth() == 24 )
+ if( red_mask == 0xFF0000 )
+ if( green_mask == 0xFF00 )
+ if( blue_mask == 0xFF )
+ eRGBMode_ = RGB;
+ else
+ eRGBMode_ = other;
+ else if( blue_mask == 0xFF00 )
+ if( green_mask == 0xFF )
+ eRGBMode_ = RBG;
+ else
+ eRGBMode_ = other;
+ else
+ eRGBMode_ = other;
+ else if( green_mask == 0xFF0000 )
+ if( red_mask == 0xFF00 )
+ if( blue_mask == 0xFF )
+ eRGBMode_ = GRB;
+ else
+ eRGBMode_ = other;
+ else if( blue_mask == 0xFF00 )
+ if( red_mask == 0xFF )
+ eRGBMode_ = GBR;
+ else
+ eRGBMode_ = other;
+ else
+ eRGBMode_ = other;
+ else if( blue_mask == 0xFF0000 )
+ if( red_mask == 0xFF00 )
+ if( green_mask == 0xFF )
+ eRGBMode_ = BRG;
+ else
+ eRGBMode_ = other;
+ else if( green_mask == 0xFF00 )
+ if( red_mask == 0xFF )
+ eRGBMode_ = BGR;
+ else
+ eRGBMode_ = other;
+ else
+ eRGBMode_ = other;
+ else
+ eRGBMode_ = other;
+ else
+ eRGBMode_ = other;
+ }
+// -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
+ if( -1 == screen && -1 == visualid ) delete visual;
+// Konvertiert die Reihenfolge der Bytes eines Pixel in Bytes eines SalColors
+// fuer die 6 XXXA ist das nicht reversibel
+// -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
+// SalColor is RGB (ABGR) a=0xFF000000, r=0xFF0000, g=0xFF00, b=0xFF
+BOOL SalVisual::Convert( int &n0, int &n1, int &n2, int &n3 )
+ int n;
+ switch( GetMode() )
+ {
+ case other:
+ return FALSE;
+ break;
+ case SALCOLOR:
+ break;
+ case RBG:
+ case BRG:
+ case GBR:
+ case GRB:
+ return Convert( n0, n1, n2 );
+ break;
+ case RGBA:
+ n = n0;
+ n0 = n1;
+ n1 = n2;
+ n2 = n3;
+ n3 = n;
+ break;
+ case BGRA:
+ case RBGA:
+ case BRGA:
+ case GBRA:
+ case GRBA:
+ default:
+ fprintf( stderr, "SalVisual::Convert %d\n", GetMode() );
+ abort();
+ break;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+BOOL SalVisual::Convert( int &n0, int &n1, int &n2 )
+ int n;
+ switch( GetMode() )
+ {
+ case other:
+ return FALSE;
+ break;
+ case SALCOLOR:
+ break;
+ case RBG:
+ n = n0;
+ n0 = n1;
+ n1 = n;
+ break;
+ case GRB:
+ n = n1;
+ n1 = n2;
+ n2 = n;
+ break;
+ n = n0;
+ n0 = n2;
+ n2 = n;
+ break;
+ case BRG:
+ n = n0;
+ n0 = n1;
+ n1 = n2;
+ n2 = n;
+ break;
+ case GBR:
+ n = n2;
+ n2 = n1;
+ n1 = n0;
+ n0 = n;
+ break;
+ default:
+ fprintf( stderr, "SalVisual::Convert %d\n", GetMode() );
+ abort();
+ break;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+// -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
+final SalColor SalVisual::GetTCColor( Pixel nPixel ) const
+ if( SALCOLOR == eRGBMode_ )
+ return (SalColor)nPixel;
+ return MAKE_SALCOLOR( (nPixel & 0x0000FF),
+ (nPixel & 0x00FF00) >> 8,
+ (nPixel & 0xFF0000) >> 16);
+ Pixel r = nPixel & red_mask;
+ Pixel g = nPixel & green_mask;
+ Pixel b = nPixel & blue_mask;
+ if( other != eRGBMode_ ) // 8+8+8=24
+ return MAKE_SALCOLOR( r >> nRedShift_,
+ g >> nGreenShift_,
+ b >> nBlueShift_ );
+ if( nRedShift_ > 0 ) r >>= nRedShift_; else r <<= -nRedShift_;
+ if( nGreenShift_ > 0 ) g >>= nGreenShift_; else g <<= -nGreenShift_;
+ if( nBlueShift_ > 0 ) b >>= nBlueShift_; else b <<= -nBlueShift_;
+ return MAKE_SALCOLOR( r, g, b );
+final Pixel SalVisual::GetTCPixel( SalColor nSalColor ) const
+ if( SALCOLOR == eRGBMode_ )
+ return (Pixel)nSalColor;
+ Pixel r = (Pixel)SALCOLOR_RED( nSalColor );
+ Pixel g = (Pixel)SALCOLOR_GREEN( nSalColor );
+ Pixel b = (Pixel)SALCOLOR_BLUE( nSalColor );
+ return (b << 16) | (g << 8) | (r);
+ if( other != eRGBMode_ ) // 8+8+8=24
+ return (r << nRedShift_) | (g << nGreenShift_) | (b << nBlueShift_);
+ if( nRedShift_ > 0 ) r <<= nRedShift_; else r >>= -nRedShift_;
+ if( nGreenShift_ > 0 ) g <<= nGreenShift_; else g >>= -nGreenShift_;
+ if( nBlueShift_ > 0 ) b <<= nBlueShift_; else b >>= -nBlueShift_;
+ return (r&red_mask) | (g&green_mask) | (b&blue_mask);
+// -=-= SalColormap -=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
+// -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
+final SalColormap::SalColormap( SalDisplay *pDisplay, Colormap hColormap )
+ : pDisplay_( pDisplay ),
+ hColormap_( hColormap ),
+ pPalette_( NULL ),
+ pLookupTable_( NULL )
+ pVisual_ = pDisplay_->GetVisual();
+ if( pVisual_ == pDisplay_->GetRootVisual() )
+ {
+ nBlackPixel_ = BlackPixel( pDisplay_->GetDisplay(),
+ pDisplay_->GetScreenNumber() );
+ nWhitePixel_ = WhitePixel( pDisplay_->GetDisplay(),
+ pDisplay_->GetScreenNumber() );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ XColor aColor;
+ GetXPixel( aColor, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 );
+ nBlackPixel_ = aColor.pixel;
+ GetXPixel( aColor, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF );
+ nWhitePixel_ = aColor.pixel;
+ }
+ nUsed_ = 1 << pVisual_->GetDepth();
+ if( pVisual_->GetClass() == PseudoColor )
+ {
+ XColor aColor;
+ int r, g, b;
+ // black, white, gray, ~gray = 4
+ GetXPixels( aColor, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0 );
+ // light colors: 3 * 2 = 6
+// GetXPixels( aColor, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 );
+ GetXPixels( aColor, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF );
+ GetXPixels( aColor, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x00 );
+ GetXPixels( aColor, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF );
+// GetXPixels( aColor, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00 );
+// GetXPixels( aColor, 0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF );
+// GetXPixels( aColor, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00 );
+// GetXPixels( aColor, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF );
+ // standard colors: 7 * 2 = 14
+// GetXPixels( aColor, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 );
+ GetXPixels( aColor, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80 );
+ GetXPixels( aColor, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00 );
+ GetXPixels( aColor, 0x00, 0x80, 0x80 );
+ GetXPixels( aColor, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 );
+ GetXPixels( aColor, 0x80, 0x00, 0x80 );
+ GetXPixels( aColor, 0x80, 0x80, 0x00 );
+ GetXPixels( aColor, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80 );
+ GetXPixels( aColor, 0x00, 0xB8, 0xFF ); // Blau 7
+ // cube: 6*6*6 - 8 = 208
+ for( r = 0; r < 0x100; r += 0x33 ) // 0x33, 0x66, 0x99, 0xCC, 0xFF
+ for( g = 0; g < 0x100; g += 0x33 )
+ for( b = 0; b < 0x100; b += 0x33 )
+ GetXPixels( aColor, r, g, b );
+ // gray: 16 - 6 = 10
+ for( g = 0x11; g < 0xFF; g += 0x11 )
+ GetXPixels( aColor, g, g, g );
+ // green: 16 - 6 = 10
+ for( g = 0x11; g < 0xFF; g += 0x11 )
+ GetXPixels( aColor, 0, g, 0 );
+ // red: 16 - 6 = 10
+ for( r = 0x11; r < 0xFF; r += 0x11 )
+ GetXPixels( aColor, r, 0, 0 );
+ // blue: 16 - 6 = 10
+ for( b = 0x11; b < 0xFF; b += 0x11 )
+ GetXPixels( aColor, 0, 0, b );
+ }
+// PseudoColor
+final SalColormap::SalColormap( const BitmapPalette &rPalette )
+ : pDisplay_( GetSalData()->GetCurDisp() ),
+ hColormap_( None ),
+ pVisual_( NULL ),
+ nUsed_( rPalette.GetEntryCount() ),
+ nBlackPixel_( 0xFFFFFFFF ),
+ nWhitePixel_( 0xFFFFFFFF ),
+ pLookupTable_( NULL )
+ pPalette_ = new SalColor[nUsed_];
+ for( int i = 0; i < nUsed_; i++ )
+ {
+ const BitmapColor &rColor = rPalette[i];
+ pPalette_[i] = MAKE_SALCOLOR( rColor.GetRed(),
+ rColor.GetGreen(),
+ rColor.GetBlue() );
+ if( nBlackPixel_ == 0xFFFFFFFF && SALCOLOR_BLACK == pPalette_[i] )
+ nBlackPixel_ = i;
+ else if( nWhitePixel_ == 0xFFFFFFFF && SALCOLOR_WHITE == pPalette_[i] )
+ nWhitePixel_ = i;
+ }
+// MonoChrome
+final SalColormap::SalColormap()
+ : pDisplay_( GetSalData()->GetCurDisp() ),
+ hColormap_( None ),
+ pVisual_( NULL ),
+ nUsed_( 2 ),
+ nBlackPixel_( 0 ),
+ nWhitePixel_( 1 ),
+ pLookupTable_( NULL )
+ pPalette_ = new SalColor[nUsed_];
+ pPalette_[nBlackPixel_] = SALCOLOR_BLACK;
+ pPalette_[nWhitePixel_] = SALCOLOR_WHITE;
+// TrueColor
+final SalColormap::SalColormap( USHORT nDepth )
+ : pDisplay_( GetSalData()->GetCurDisp() ),
+ hColormap_( None ),
+ pPalette_( NULL ),
+ nUsed_( 1 << nDepth ),
+ nWhitePixel_( (1 << nDepth) - 1 ),
+ nBlackPixel_( 0x00000000 ),
+ pLookupTable_( NULL )
+ SalVisual *pVisual = pDisplay_->GetVisual();
+ if( pVisual->GetClass() == TrueColor && pVisual->GetDepth() == nDepth )
+ pVisual_ = pVisual;
+ else
+ {
+ XVisualInfo aVI;
+ if( !XMatchVisualInfo( pDisplay_->GetDisplay(),
+ pDisplay_->GetScreenNumber(),
+ nDepth,
+ TrueColor,
+ &aVI ) )
+ {
+ aVI.visual = new Visual();
+ aVI.visualid = (VisualID)-1;
+ aVI.screen = -1;
+ aVI.depth = nDepth;
+ aVI.c_class = TrueColor;
+ if( 24 == nDepth ) // 888
+ {
+ aVI.red_mask = 0xFF0000;
+ aVI.green_mask = 0x00FF00;
+ aVI.blue_mask = 0x0000FF;
+ }
+ else if( 16 == nDepth ) // 565
+ {
+ aVI.red_mask = 0x00F800;
+ aVI.green_mask = 0x0007E0;
+ aVI.blue_mask = 0x00001F;
+ }
+ else if( 15 == nDepth ) // 555
+ {
+ aVI.red_mask = 0x007C00;
+ aVI.green_mask = 0x0003E0;
+ aVI.blue_mask = 0x00001F;
+ }
+ else if( 12 == nDepth ) // 444
+ {
+ aVI.red_mask = 0x000F00;
+ aVI.green_mask = 0x0000F0;
+ aVI.blue_mask = 0x00000F;
+ }
+ else if( 8 == nDepth ) // 332
+ {
+ aVI.red_mask = 0x0000E0;
+ aVI.green_mask = 0x00001C;
+ aVI.blue_mask = 0x000003;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ aVI.red_mask = 0x000000;
+ aVI.green_mask = 0x000000;
+ aVI.blue_mask = 0x000000;
+ }
+ aVI.colormap_size = 0;
+ aVI.bits_per_rgb = 8;
+ aVI.visual->ext_data = NULL;
+ aVI.visual->visualid = aVI.visualid;
+ aVI.visual->c_class = aVI.c_class;
+ aVI.visual->red_mask = aVI.red_mask;
+ aVI.visual->green_mask = aVI.green_mask;
+ aVI.visual->blue_mask = aVI.blue_mask;
+ aVI.visual->bits_per_rgb = aVI.bits_per_rgb;
+ aVI.visual->map_entries = aVI.colormap_size;
+ }
+ pVisual_ = new SalVisual( &aVI );
+ }
+final SalColormap::~SalColormap()
+ if( hColormap_
+ && pDisplay_->IsDisplay()
+ && hColormap_ != DefaultColormap( GetXDisplay(), pDisplay_->GetScreenNumber() ) )
+ XFreeColormap( GetXDisplay(), hColormap_ );
+ delete pPalette_;
+ delete pLookupTable_;
+ if( pVisual_ != pDisplay_->GetVisual() )
+ delete pVisual_;
+#ifdef DBG_UTIL
+ hColormap_ = (Colormap)ILLEGAL_POINTER;
+ pDisplay_ = (SalDisplay*)ILLEGAL_POINTER;
+ pPalette_ = (SalColor*)ILLEGAL_POINTER;
+ pVisual_ = (SalVisual*)ILLEGAL_POINTER;
+// -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
+final void SalColormap::SetPalette( const BitmapPalette &rPalette )
+ if( this != &GetSalData()->GetCurDisp()->GetColormap() )
+ {
+ nBlackPixel_ = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+ nWhitePixel_ = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+ }
+ if( rPalette.GetEntryCount() > nUsed_ )
+ {
+ nBlackPixel_ = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+ nWhitePixel_ = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+ delete pPalette_;
+ pPalette_ = new SalColor[rPalette.GetEntryCount()];
+ nUsed_ = rPalette.GetEntryCount();
+ }
+ for( int i = 0; i < rPalette.GetEntryCount(); i++ )
+ {
+ const BitmapColor &rColor = rPalette[i];
+ pPalette_[i] = MAKE_SALCOLOR( rColor.GetRed(),
+ rColor.GetGreen(),
+ rColor.GetBlue() );
+ if( nBlackPixel_ == 0xFFFFFFFF && SALCOLOR_BLACK == pPalette_[i] )
+ nBlackPixel_ = i;
+ else if( nWhitePixel_ == 0xFFFFFFFF && SALCOLOR_WHITE == pPalette_[i] )
+ nWhitePixel_ = i;
+ }
+final void SalColormap::GetPalette()
+ Pixel i;
+ pPalette_ = new SalColor[nUsed_];
+ XColor *aColor = new XColor[nUsed_];
+ for( i = 0; i < nUsed_; i++ )
+ {
+ aColor[i].red = aColor[i].green = aColor[i].blue = 0;
+ aColor[i].pixel = i;
+ }
+ XQueryColors( pDisplay_->GetDisplay(), hColormap_, aColor, nUsed_ );
+ for( i = 0; i < nUsed_; i++ )
+ {
+ pPalette_[i] = MAKE_SALCOLOR( aColor[i].red >> 8,
+ aColor[i].green >> 8,
+ aColor[i].blue >> 8 );
+ }
+ delete aColor;
+// -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
+final static USHORT sal_Lookup( SalColor *pPalette,
+ int r, int g, int b,
+ Pixel nUsed )
+ USHORT nPixel = 0;
+ int nBest = ColorDiff( pPalette[0], r, g, b );
+ for( USHORT i = 1; i < nUsed; i++ )
+ {
+ int n = ColorDiff( pPalette[i], r, g, b );
+ if( n < nBest )
+ {
+ if( !n )
+ return i;
+ nPixel = i;
+ nBest = n;
+ }
+ }
+ return nPixel;
+final void SalColormap::GetLookupTable()
+ USHORT *p = pLookupTable_ = new USHORT[16*16*16];
+ for( int r = 0; r < 256; r += 17 )
+ for( int g = 0; g < 256; g += 17 )
+ for( int b = 0; b < 256; b += 17 )
+ *p++ = sal_Lookup( pPalette_, r, g, b, nUsed_ );
+// -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
+final SalColor SalColormap::GetColor( Pixel nPixel ) const
+ if( nBlackPixel_ == nPixel ) return SALCOLOR_BLACK;
+ if( nWhitePixel_ == nPixel ) return SALCOLOR_WHITE;
+ if( pVisual_ )
+ {
+ if( pVisual_->GetClass() == TrueColor )
+ return pVisual_->GetTCColor( nPixel );
+ if( !pPalette_
+ && ( hColormap_ || XSalIsPrinter( GetXDisplay() ) )
+ && pVisual_->GetDepth() <= 12
+ && pVisual_->GetDepth() <= 8
+ && pVisual_->GetClass() == PseudoColor )
+ ((SalColormap*)this)->GetPalette();
+ }
+ if( pPalette_ && nPixel < nUsed_ )
+ return pPalette_[nPixel];
+ if( !hColormap_ && !XSalIsPrinter( GetXDisplay() ) )
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT( 1, "SalColormap::GetColor() !hColormap_\n" );
+ return nPixel;
+ }
+ // DirectColor, StaticColor, StaticGray, GrayScale
+ XColor aColor;
+ aColor.pixel = nPixel;
+ XQueryColor( pDisplay_->GetDisplay(), hColormap_, &aColor );
+ return MAKE_SALCOLOR(>>8,>>8,>>8 );
+final inline BOOL SalColormap::GetXPixel( XColor &rColor,
+ int r,
+ int g,
+ int b ) const
+ = r * 257;
+ = g * 257;
+ = b * 257;
+ return XAllocColor( GetXDisplay(), hColormap_, &rColor );
+final BOOL SalColormap::GetXPixels( XColor &rColor,
+ int r,
+ int g,
+ int b ) const
+ if( !GetXPixel( rColor, r, g, b ) )
+ return FALSE;
+ if( rColor.pixel & 1 )
+ return TRUE;
+ return GetXPixel( rColor, r^0xFF, g^0xFF, b^0xFF );
+final Pixel SalColormap::GetPixel( SalColor nSalColor ) const
+ if( 0xFFFFFFFF == nSalColor ) return 0;
+ if( SALCOLOR_BLACK == nSalColor ) return nBlackPixel_;
+ if( SALCOLOR_WHITE == nSalColor ) return nWhitePixel_;
+ if( pVisual_ && pVisual_->GetClass() == TrueColor )
+ return pVisual_->GetTCPixel( nSalColor );
+ if( !pLookupTable_ )
+ {
+ if( !pPalette_
+ && ( hColormap_ || XSalIsPrinter( GetXDisplay() ) )
+ && pVisual_
+ && pVisual_->GetDepth() <= 12
+ && pVisual_->GetDepth() <= 8
+ && pVisual_->GetClass() == PseudoColor ) // what else ???
+ ((SalColormap*)this)->GetPalette();
+ if( pPalette_ )
+ for( Pixel i = 0; i < nUsed_; i++ )
+ if( pPalette_[i] == nSalColor )
+ return i;
+ if( hColormap_ || XSalIsPrinter( GetXDisplay() ) )
+ {
+ // DirectColor, StaticColor, StaticGray, GrayScale (PseudoColor)
+ XColor aColor;
+ if( GetXPixel( aColor,
+ SALCOLOR_RED ( nSalColor ),
+ SALCOLOR_GREEN( nSalColor ),
+ SALCOLOR_BLUE ( nSalColor ) ) )
+ {
+ if( pPalette_ && !pPalette_[aColor.pixel] )
+ {
+ pPalette_[aColor.pixel] = nSalColor;
+ if( !(aColor.pixel & 1) && !pPalette_[aColor.pixel+1] )
+ {
+ XColor aInversColor;
+ SalColor nInversColor = nSalColor ^ 0xFFFFFF;
+ GetXPixel( aInversColor,
+ SALCOLOR_RED ( nInversColor ),
+ SALCOLOR_GREEN( nInversColor ),
+ SALCOLOR_BLUE ( nInversColor ) );
+ if( !pPalette_[aInversColor.pixel] )
+ pPalette_[aInversColor.pixel] = nInversColor;
+#ifdef DBG_UTIL
+ else
+ fprintf( stderr, "SalColormap::GetPixel() 0x06lx=%d 0x06lx=%d\n",
+ nSalColor, aColor.pixel,
+ nInversColor, aInversColor.pixel);
+ }
+ }
+ return aColor.pixel;
+ }
+#ifdef DBG_UTIL
+ fprintf( stderr, "SalColormap::GetPixel() !XAllocColor %lx\n",
+ nSalColor );
+ }
+ if( !pPalette_ )
+ {
+ fprintf( stderr, "SalColormap::GetPixel() !pPalette_ %lx\n",
+ nSalColor);
+ return nSalColor;
+ }
+ ((SalColormap*)this)->GetLookupTable();
+ }
+ // Colormatching ueber Palette
+ USHORT r = SALCOLOR_RED ( nSalColor );
+ USHORT b = SALCOLOR_BLUE ( nSalColor );
+ return pLookupTable_[ (((r+8)/17) << 8)
+ + (((g+8)/17) << 4)
+ + ((b+8)/17) ];