path: root/vcl/source/gdi/gdimtf.cxx
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Diffstat (limited to 'vcl/source/gdi/gdimtf.cxx')
1 files changed, 1724 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vcl/source/gdi/gdimtf.cxx b/vcl/source/gdi/gdimtf.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..852dbfcb87a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vcl/source/gdi/gdimtf.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,1724 @@
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: gdimtf.cxx,v $
+ *
+ * $Revision: $
+ *
+ * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-18 17:05:37 $
+ *
+ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
+ * either of the following licenses
+ *
+ * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ *
+ * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
+ *
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * =============================================
+ * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ *
+ * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ * =================================================
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
+ * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
+ * License at
+ *
+ * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
+ * obligations concerning the Software.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s): _______________________________________
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#define _SV_GDIMTF_CXX
+#ifndef _RTL_CRC_H_
+#include <rtl/crc.h>
+#ifndef _STREAM_HXX
+#include <tools/stream.hxx>
+#ifndef _VCOMPAT_HXX
+#include <tools/vcompat.hxx>
+#ifndef _SV_METAACT_HXX
+#include <metaact.hxx>
+#include <salbtype.hxx>
+#ifndef _SV_OUTDEV_HXX
+#include <outdev.hxx>
+#ifndef _SV_WINDOW_HXX
+#include <window.hxx>
+#ifndef _SV_CVTSVM_HXX
+#include <cvtsvm.hxx>
+#include <gdimtf.hxx>
+// -----------
+// - Defines -
+// -----------
+#define GAMMA( _def_cVal, _def_InvGamma ) ((BYTE)MinMax(FRound(pow( _def_cVal/255.0,_def_InvGamma)*255.0),0L,255L))
+// --------------------------
+// - Color exchange structs -
+// --------------------------
+struct ImplColAdjustParam
+ BYTE* pMapR;
+ BYTE* pMapG;
+ BYTE* pMapB;
+struct ImplBmpAdjustParam
+ short nLuminancePercent;
+ short nContrastPercent;
+ short nChannelRPercent;
+ short nChannelGPercent;
+ short nChannelBPercent;
+ double fGamma;
+ BOOL bInvert;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+struct ImplColConvertParam
+ MtfConversion eConversion;
+struct ImplBmpConvertParam
+ BmpConversion eConversion;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+struct ImplColMonoParam
+ Color aColor;
+struct ImplBmpMonoParam
+ Color aColor;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+struct ImplColReplaceParam
+ ULONG* pMinR;
+ ULONG* pMaxR;
+ ULONG* pMinG;
+ ULONG* pMaxG;
+ ULONG* pMinB;
+ ULONG* pMaxB;
+ const Color* pDstCols;
+ ULONG nCount;
+struct ImplBmpReplaceParam
+ const Color* pSrcCols;
+ const Color* pDstCols;
+ ULONG nCount;
+ const ULONG* pTols;
+// ---------
+// - Label -
+// ---------
+struct ImpLabel
+ String aLabelName;
+ ULONG nActionPos;
+ ImpLabel( const String& rLabelName, ULONG _nActionPos ) :
+ aLabelName( rLabelName ),
+ nActionPos( _nActionPos ) {}
+// -------------
+// - LabelList -
+// -------------
+class ImpLabelList : private List
+ ImpLabelList() : List( 8, 4, 4 ) {}
+ ImpLabelList( const ImpLabelList& rList );
+ ~ImpLabelList();
+ void ImplInsert( ImpLabel* p ) { Insert( p, LIST_APPEND ); }
+ ImpLabel* ImplRemove( ULONG nPos ) { return (ImpLabel*) Remove( nPos ); }
+ void ImplReplace( ImpLabel* p ) { Replace( (void*)p ); }
+ ImpLabel* ImplFirst() { return (ImpLabel*) First(); }
+ ImpLabel* ImplNext() { return (ImpLabel*) Next(); }
+ ImpLabel* ImplGetLabel( ULONG nPos ) const { return (ImpLabel*) GetObject( nPos ); }
+ ULONG ImplGetLabelPos( const String& rLabelName );
+ ULONG ImplCount() const { return Count(); }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ImpLabelList::ImpLabelList( const ImpLabelList& rList ) :
+ List( rList )
+ for( ImpLabel* pLabel = ImplFirst(); pLabel; pLabel = ImplNext() )
+ ImplReplace( new ImpLabel( *pLabel ) );
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ for( ImpLabel* pLabel = ImplFirst(); pLabel; pLabel = ImplNext() )
+ delete pLabel;
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ULONG ImpLabelList::ImplGetLabelPos( const String& rLabelName )
+ for( ImpLabel* pLabel = ImplFirst(); pLabel; pLabel = ImplNext() )
+ {
+ if ( rLabelName == pLabel->aLabelName )
+ {
+ nLabelPos = GetCurPos();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return nLabelPos;
+// ---------------
+// - GDIMetaFile -
+// ---------------
+GDIMetaFile::GDIMetaFile() :
+ List ( 0x3EFF, 64, 64 ),
+ aPrefSize ( 1, 1 ),
+ pPrev ( NULL ),
+ pNext ( NULL ),
+ pOutDev ( NULL ),
+ pLabelList ( NULL ),
+ bPause ( FALSE ),
+ bRecord ( FALSE )
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+GDIMetaFile::GDIMetaFile( const GDIMetaFile& rMtf ) :
+ List ( rMtf ),
+ aPrefMapMode ( rMtf.aPrefMapMode ),
+ aPrefSize ( rMtf.aPrefSize ),
+ aHookHdlLink ( rMtf.aHookHdlLink ),
+ pPrev ( rMtf.pPrev ),
+ pNext ( rMtf.pNext ),
+ pOutDev ( NULL ),
+ bPause ( FALSE ),
+ bRecord ( FALSE )
+ // RefCount der MetaActions erhoehen
+ for( void* pAct = First(); pAct; pAct = Next() )
+ ( (MetaAction*) pAct )->Duplicate();
+ if( rMtf.pLabelList )
+ pLabelList = new ImpLabelList( *rMtf.pLabelList );
+ else
+ pLabelList = NULL;
+ if( rMtf.bRecord )
+ {
+ Record( rMtf.pOutDev );
+ if ( rMtf.bPause )
+ Pause( TRUE );
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Clear();
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+GDIMetaFile& GDIMetaFile::operator=( const GDIMetaFile& rMtf )
+ if( this != &rMtf )
+ {
+ Clear();
+ List::operator=( rMtf );
+ // RefCount der MetaActions erhoehen
+ for( void* pAct = First(); pAct; pAct = Next() )
+ ( (MetaAction*) pAct )->Duplicate();
+ if( rMtf.pLabelList )
+ pLabelList = new ImpLabelList( *rMtf.pLabelList );
+ else
+ pLabelList = NULL;
+ aPrefMapMode = rMtf.aPrefMapMode;
+ aPrefSize = rMtf.aPrefSize;
+ aHookHdlLink = rMtf.aHookHdlLink;
+ pPrev = rMtf.pPrev;
+ pNext = rMtf.pNext;
+ pOutDev = NULL;
+ bPause = FALSE;
+ bRecord = FALSE;
+ if( rMtf.bRecord )
+ {
+ Record( rMtf.pOutDev );
+ if( rMtf.bPause )
+ Pause( TRUE );
+ }
+ }
+ return *this;
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+BOOL GDIMetaFile::operator==( const GDIMetaFile& rMtf ) const
+ const ULONG nCount = Count();
+ BOOL bRet = FALSE;
+ if( this == &rMtf )
+ bRet = TRUE;
+ else if( rMtf.GetActionCount() == nCount &&
+ rMtf.GetPrefSize() == aPrefSize &&
+ rMtf.GetPrefMapMode() == aPrefMapMode )
+ {
+ bRet = TRUE;
+ for( ULONG n = 0UL; n < nCount; n++ )
+ {
+ if( GetObject( n ) != rMtf.GetObject( n ) )
+ {
+ bRet = FALSE;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return bRet;
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void GDIMetaFile::Clear()
+ if( bRecord )
+ Stop();
+ for( void* pAct = First(); pAct; pAct = Next() )
+ ( (MetaAction*) pAct )->Delete();
+ List::Clear();
+ delete pLabelList;
+ pLabelList = NULL;
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void GDIMetaFile::Linker( OutputDevice* pOut, BOOL bLink )
+ if( bLink )
+ {
+ pNext = NULL;
+ pPrev = pOut->GetConnectMetaFile();
+ pOut->SetConnectMetaFile( this );
+ if( pPrev )
+ pPrev->pNext = this;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( pNext )
+ {
+ pNext->pPrev = pPrev;
+ if( pPrev )
+ pPrev->pNext = pNext;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( pPrev )
+ pPrev->pNext = NULL;
+ pOut->SetConnectMetaFile( pPrev );
+ }
+ pPrev = NULL;
+ pNext = NULL;
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+long GDIMetaFile::Hook()
+ return aHookHdlLink.Call( this );
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void GDIMetaFile::Record( OutputDevice* pOut )
+ if( bRecord )
+ Stop();
+ Last();
+ pOutDev = pOut;
+ bRecord = TRUE;
+ Linker( pOut, TRUE );
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void GDIMetaFile::Play( GDIMetaFile& rMtf, ULONG nPos )
+ if ( !bRecord && !rMtf.bRecord )
+ {
+ MetaAction* pAction = GetCurAction();
+ const ULONG nCount = Count();
+ if( nPos > nCount )
+ nPos = nCount;
+ for( ULONG nCurPos = GetCurPos(); nCurPos < nPos; nCurPos++ )
+ {
+ if( !Hook() )
+ {
+ pAction->Duplicate();
+ rMtf.AddAction( pAction );
+ }
+ pAction = (MetaAction*) Next();
+ }
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void GDIMetaFile::Play( OutputDevice* pOut, ULONG nPos )
+ if( !bRecord )
+ {
+ MetaAction* pAction = GetCurAction();
+ const ULONG nCount = Count();
+ ULONG i = 0, nSyncCount = ( pOut->GetOutDevType() == OUTDEV_WINDOW ) ? 0x000000ff : 0xffffffff;
+ if( nPos > nCount )
+ nPos = nCount;
+ for( ULONG nCurPos = GetCurPos(); nCurPos < nPos; nCurPos++ )
+ {
+ if( !Hook() )
+ {
+ pAction->Execute( pOut );
+ // flush output from time to time
+ if( i++ > nSyncCount )
+ ( (Window*) pOut )->Flush(), i = 0;
+ }
+ pAction = (MetaAction*) Next();
+ }
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void GDIMetaFile::Play( OutputDevice* pOut, const Point& rPos,
+ const Size& rSize, ULONG nPos )
+ Region aDrawClipRegion;
+ MapMode aDrawMap( GetPrefMapMode() );
+ Size aDestSize( pOut->LogicToPixel( rSize ) );
+ if( aDestSize.Width() && aDestSize.Height() )
+ {
+ Size aTmpPrefSize( pOut->LogicToPixel( GetPrefSize(), aDrawMap ) );
+ GDIMetaFile* pMtf = pOut->GetConnectMetaFile();
+ if( !aTmpPrefSize.Width() )
+ aTmpPrefSize.Width() = aDestSize.Width();
+ if( !aTmpPrefSize.Height() )
+ aTmpPrefSize.Height() = aDestSize.Height();
+ Fraction aScaleX( aDestSize.Width(), aTmpPrefSize.Width() );
+ Fraction aScaleY( aDestSize.Height(), aTmpPrefSize.Height() );
+ aScaleX *= aDrawMap.GetScaleX(); aDrawMap.SetScaleX( aScaleX );
+ aScaleY *= aDrawMap.GetScaleY(); aDrawMap.SetScaleY( aScaleY );
+ aDrawMap.SetOrigin( pOut->PixelToLogic( pOut->LogicToPixel( rPos ), aDrawMap ) );
+ pOut->Push();
+ if ( pMtf && pMtf->IsRecord() && ( pOut->GetOutDevType() != OUTDEV_PRINTER ) )
+ pOut->SetRelativeMapMode( aDrawMap );
+ else
+ pOut->SetMapMode( aDrawMap );
+ Play( pOut, nPos );
+ pOut->Pop();
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void GDIMetaFile::Pause( BOOL _bPause )
+ if( bRecord )
+ {
+ if( _bPause )
+ {
+ if( !bPause )
+ Linker( pOutDev, FALSE );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( bPause )
+ Linker( pOutDev, TRUE );
+ }
+ bPause = _bPause;
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void GDIMetaFile::Stop()
+ if( bRecord )
+ {
+ bRecord = FALSE;
+ if( !bPause )
+ Linker( pOutDev, FALSE );
+ else
+ bPause = FALSE;
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void GDIMetaFile::WindStart()
+ if( !bRecord )
+ First();
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void GDIMetaFile::WindEnd()
+ if( !bRecord )
+ Last();
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void GDIMetaFile::Wind( ULONG nActionPos )
+ if( !bRecord )
+ Seek( nActionPos );
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void GDIMetaFile::WindPrev()
+ if( !bRecord )
+ Prev();
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void GDIMetaFile::WindNext()
+ if( !bRecord )
+ Next();
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void GDIMetaFile::AddAction( MetaAction* pAction )
+ Insert( pAction, LIST_APPEND );
+ if( pPrev )
+ {
+ pAction->Duplicate();
+ pPrev->AddAction( pAction );
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void GDIMetaFile::AddAction( MetaAction* pAction, ULONG nPos )
+ Insert( pAction, nPos );
+ if( pPrev )
+ {
+ pAction->Duplicate();
+ pPrev->AddAction( pAction, nPos );
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+MetaAction* GDIMetaFile::CopyAction( ULONG nPos ) const
+ return ( (MetaAction*) GetObject( nPos ) )->Clone();
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ULONG GDIMetaFile::GetActionPos( const String& rLabel )
+ ImpLabel* pLabel = NULL;
+ if( pLabelList )
+ pLabel = pLabelList->ImplGetLabel( pLabelList->ImplGetLabelPos( rLabel ) );
+ else
+ pLabel = NULL;
+ return( pLabel ? pLabel->nActionPos : METAFILE_LABEL_NOTFOUND );
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+BOOL GDIMetaFile::InsertLabel( const String& rLabel, ULONG nActionPos )
+ BOOL bRet = FALSE;
+ if( !pLabelList )
+ pLabelList = new ImpLabelList;
+ if( pLabelList->ImplGetLabelPos( rLabel ) == METAFILE_LABEL_NOTFOUND )
+ {
+ pLabelList->ImplInsert( new ImpLabel( rLabel, nActionPos ) );
+ bRet = TRUE;
+ }
+ return bRet;
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void GDIMetaFile::RemoveLabel( const String& rLabel )
+ if( pLabelList )
+ {
+ const ULONG nLabelPos = pLabelList->ImplGetLabelPos( rLabel );
+ delete pLabelList->ImplRemove( nLabelPos );
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void GDIMetaFile::RenameLabel( const String& rLabel, const String& rNewLabel )
+ if( pLabelList )
+ {
+ const ULONG nLabelPos = pLabelList->ImplGetLabelPos( rLabel );
+ pLabelList->ImplGetLabel( nLabelPos )->aLabelName = rNewLabel;
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ULONG GDIMetaFile::GetLabelCount() const
+ return( pLabelList ? pLabelList->ImplCount() : 0UL );
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+String GDIMetaFile::GetLabel( ULONG nLabel )
+ String aString;
+ if( pLabelList )
+ {
+ const ImpLabel* pLabel = pLabelList->ImplGetLabel( nLabel );
+ if( pLabel )
+ aString = pLabel->aLabelName;
+ }
+ return aString;
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+BOOL GDIMetaFile::SaveStatus()
+ if ( bRecord )
+ {
+ if ( bPause )
+ Linker( pOutDev, TRUE );
+ AddAction( new MetaLineColorAction( pOutDev->GetLineColor(),
+ pOutDev->IsLineColor() ) );
+ AddAction( new MetaFillColorAction( pOutDev->GetFillColor(),
+ pOutDev->IsFillColor() ) );
+ AddAction( new MetaFontAction( pOutDev->GetFont() ) );
+ AddAction( new MetaTextColorAction( pOutDev->GetTextColor() ) );
+ AddAction( new MetaTextFillColorAction( pOutDev->GetTextFillColor(),
+ pOutDev->IsTextFillColor() ) );
+ AddAction( new MetaTextLineColorAction( pOutDev->GetTextLineColor(),
+ pOutDev->IsTextLineColor() ) );
+ AddAction( new MetaTextAlignAction( pOutDev->GetTextAlign() ) );
+ AddAction( new MetaRasterOpAction( pOutDev->GetRasterOp() ) );
+ AddAction( new MetaMapModeAction( pOutDev->GetMapMode() ) );
+ AddAction( new MetaClipRegionAction( pOutDev->GetClipRegion(),
+ pOutDev->IsClipRegion() ) );
+ if ( bPause )
+ Linker( pOutDev, FALSE );
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ return FALSE;
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void GDIMetaFile::Move( long nX, long nY )
+ for( MetaAction* pAct = (MetaAction*) First(); pAct; pAct = (MetaAction*) Next() )
+ {
+ MetaAction* pModAct;
+ if( pAct->GetRefCount() > 1 )
+ {
+ Replace( pModAct = pAct->Clone(), pAct );
+ pAct->Delete();
+ }
+ else
+ pModAct = pAct;
+ pModAct->Move( nX, nY );
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void GDIMetaFile::Scale( double fScaleX, double fScaleY )
+ for( MetaAction* pAct = (MetaAction*) First(); pAct; pAct = (MetaAction*) Next() )
+ {
+ MetaAction* pModAct;
+ if( pAct->GetRefCount() > 1 )
+ {
+ Replace( pModAct = pAct->Clone(), pAct );
+ pAct->Delete();
+ }
+ else
+ pModAct = pAct;
+ pModAct->Scale( fScaleX, fScaleY );
+ }
+ aPrefSize.Width() = FRound( aPrefSize.Width() * fScaleX );
+ aPrefSize.Height() = FRound( aPrefSize.Height() * fScaleY );
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void GDIMetaFile::Scale( const Fraction& rScaleX, const Fraction& rScaleY )
+ Scale( (double) rScaleX, (double) rScaleY );
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Color GDIMetaFile::ImplColAdjustFnc( const Color& rColor, const void* pColParam )
+ return Color( rColor.GetTransparency(),
+ ( (const ImplColAdjustParam*) pColParam )->pMapR[ rColor.GetRed() ],
+ ( (const ImplColAdjustParam*) pColParam )->pMapG[ rColor.GetGreen() ],
+ ( (const ImplColAdjustParam*) pColParam )->pMapB[ rColor.GetBlue() ] );
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+BitmapEx GDIMetaFile::ImplBmpAdjustFnc( const BitmapEx& rBmpEx, const void* pBmpParam )
+ const ImplBmpAdjustParam* p = (const ImplBmpAdjustParam*) pBmpParam;
+ BitmapEx aRet( rBmpEx );
+ aRet.Adjust( p->nLuminancePercent, p->nContrastPercent,
+ p->nChannelRPercent, p->nChannelGPercent, p->nChannelBPercent,
+ p->fGamma, p->bInvert );
+ return aRet;
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Color GDIMetaFile::ImplColConvertFnc( const Color& rColor, const void* pColParam )
+ BYTE cLum = rColor.GetLuminance();
+ if( MTF_CONVERSION_1BIT_THRESHOLD == ( (const ImplColConvertParam*) pColParam )->eConversion )
+ cLum = ( cLum < 128 ) ? 0 : 255;
+ return Color( rColor.GetTransparency(), cLum, cLum, cLum );
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+BitmapEx GDIMetaFile::ImplBmpConvertFnc( const BitmapEx& rBmpEx, const void* pBmpParam )
+ BitmapEx aRet( rBmpEx );
+ aRet.Convert( ( (const ImplBmpConvertParam*) pBmpParam )->eConversion );
+ return aRet;
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Color GDIMetaFile::ImplColMonoFnc( const Color& rColor, const void* pColParam )
+ return( ( (const ImplColMonoParam*) pColParam )->aColor );
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+BitmapEx GDIMetaFile::ImplBmpMonoFnc( const BitmapEx& rBmpEx, const void* pBmpParam )
+ BitmapPalette aPal( 3 );
+ aPal[ 0 ] = Color( COL_BLACK );
+ aPal[ 1 ] = Color( COL_WHITE );
+ aPal[ 2 ] = ( (const ImplBmpMonoParam*) pBmpParam )->aColor;
+ Bitmap aBmp( rBmpEx.GetSizePixel(), 4, &aPal );
+ aBmp.Erase( ( (const ImplBmpMonoParam*) pBmpParam )->aColor );
+ if( rBmpEx.IsAlpha() )
+ return BitmapEx( aBmp, rBmpEx.GetAlpha() );
+ else if( rBmpEx.IsTransparent() )
+ return BitmapEx( aBmp, rBmpEx.GetMask() );
+ else
+ return aBmp;
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Color GDIMetaFile::ImplColReplaceFnc( const Color& rColor, const void* pColParam )
+ const ULONG nR = rColor.GetRed(), nG = rColor.GetGreen(), nB = rColor.GetBlue();
+ for( ULONG i = 0; i < ( (const ImplColReplaceParam*) pColParam )->nCount; i++ )
+ {
+ if( ( ( (const ImplColReplaceParam*) pColParam )->pMinR[ i ] <= nR ) &&
+ ( ( (const ImplColReplaceParam*) pColParam )->pMaxR[ i ] >= nR ) &&
+ ( ( (const ImplColReplaceParam*) pColParam )->pMinG[ i ] <= nG ) &&
+ ( ( (const ImplColReplaceParam*) pColParam )->pMaxG[ i ] >= nG ) &&
+ ( ( (const ImplColReplaceParam*) pColParam )->pMinB[ i ] <= nB ) &&
+ ( ( (const ImplColReplaceParam*) pColParam )->pMaxB[ i ] >= nB ) )
+ {
+ return( ( (const ImplColReplaceParam*) pColParam )->pDstCols[ i ] );
+ }
+ }
+ return rColor;
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+BitmapEx GDIMetaFile::ImplBmpReplaceFnc( const BitmapEx& rBmpEx, const void* pBmpParam )
+ const ImplBmpReplaceParam* p = (const ImplBmpReplaceParam*) pBmpParam;
+ BitmapEx aRet( rBmpEx );
+ aRet.Replace( p->pSrcCols, p->pDstCols, p->nCount, p->pTols );
+ return aRet;
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void GDIMetaFile::ImplExchangeColors( ColorExchangeFnc pFncCol, const void* pColParam,
+ BmpExchangeFnc pFncBmp, const void* pBmpParam )
+ GDIMetaFile aMtf;
+ aMtf.aPrefSize = aPrefSize;
+ aMtf.aPrefMapMode = aPrefMapMode;
+ for( MetaAction* pAction = (MetaAction*) First(); pAction; pAction = (MetaAction*) Next() )
+ {
+ const USHORT nType = pAction->GetType();
+ switch( nType )
+ {
+ {
+ MetaPixelAction* pAct = (MetaPixelAction*) pAction;
+ aMtf.Insert( new MetaPixelAction( pAct->GetPoint(), pFncCol( pAct->GetColor(), pColParam ) ), LIST_APPEND );
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ MetaLineColorAction* pAct = (MetaLineColorAction*) pAction;
+ if( !pAct->IsSetting() )
+ pAct->Duplicate();
+ else
+ pAct = new MetaLineColorAction( pFncCol( pAct->GetColor(), pColParam ), TRUE );
+ aMtf.Insert( pAct, LIST_APPEND );
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ MetaFillColorAction* pAct = (MetaFillColorAction*) pAction;
+ if( !pAct->IsSetting() )
+ pAct->Duplicate();
+ else
+ pAct = new MetaFillColorAction( pFncCol( pAct->GetColor(), pColParam ), TRUE );
+ aMtf.Insert( pAct, LIST_APPEND );
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ MetaTextColorAction* pAct = (MetaTextColorAction*) pAction;
+ aMtf.Insert( new MetaTextColorAction( pFncCol( pAct->GetColor(), pColParam ) ), LIST_APPEND );
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ MetaTextFillColorAction* pAct = (MetaTextFillColorAction*) pAction;
+ if( !pAct->IsSetting() )
+ pAct->Duplicate();
+ else
+ pAct = new MetaTextFillColorAction( pFncCol( pAct->GetColor(), pColParam ), TRUE );
+ aMtf.Insert( pAct, LIST_APPEND );
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ MetaTextLineColorAction* pAct = (MetaTextLineColorAction*) pAction;
+ if( !pAct->IsSetting() )
+ pAct->Duplicate();
+ else
+ pAct = new MetaTextLineColorAction( pFncCol( pAct->GetColor(), pColParam ), TRUE );
+ aMtf.Insert( pAct, LIST_APPEND );
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ MetaFontAction* pAct = (MetaFontAction*) pAction;
+ Font aFont( pAct->GetFont() );
+ aFont.SetColor( pFncCol( aFont.GetColor(), pColParam ) );
+ aFont.SetFillColor( pFncCol( aFont.GetFillColor(), pColParam ) );
+ aMtf.Insert( new MetaFontAction( aFont ), LIST_APPEND );
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ MetaWallpaperAction* pAct = (MetaWallpaperAction*) pAction;
+ Wallpaper aWall( pAct->GetWallpaper() );
+ const Rectangle& rRect = pAct->GetRect();
+ aWall.SetColor( pFncCol( aWall.GetColor(), pColParam ) );
+ if( aWall.IsBitmap() )
+ aWall.SetBitmap( pFncBmp( aWall.GetBitmap(), pBmpParam ) );
+ if( aWall.IsGradient() )
+ {
+ Gradient aGradient( aWall.GetGradient() );
+ aGradient.SetStartColor( pFncCol( aGradient.GetStartColor(), pColParam ) );
+ aGradient.SetEndColor( pFncCol( aGradient.GetEndColor(), pColParam ) );
+ aWall.SetGradient( aGradient );
+ }
+ aMtf.Insert( new MetaWallpaperAction( rRect, aWall ), LIST_APPEND );
+ }
+ break;
+ case( META_BMP_ACTION ):
+ {
+ DBG_ERROR( "Don't use bitmap actions of this type in metafiles!" );
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ MetaBmpScaleAction* pAct = (MetaBmpScaleAction*) pAction;
+ aMtf.Insert( new MetaBmpScaleAction( pAct->GetPoint(), pAct->GetSize(),
+ pFncBmp( pAct->GetBitmap(), pBmpParam ).GetBitmap() ),
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ MetaBmpScalePartAction* pAct = (MetaBmpScalePartAction*) pAction;
+ aMtf.Insert( new MetaBmpScalePartAction( pAct->GetDestPoint(), pAct->GetDestSize(),
+ pAct->GetSrcPoint(), pAct->GetSrcSize(),
+ pFncBmp( pAct->GetBitmap(), pBmpParam ).GetBitmap() ),
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ MetaBmpExScaleAction* pAct = (MetaBmpExScaleAction*) pAction;
+ aMtf.Insert( new MetaBmpExScaleAction( pAct->GetPoint(), pAct->GetSize(),
+ pFncBmp( pAct->GetBitmapEx(), pBmpParam ) ),
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ MetaBmpExScalePartAction* pAct = (MetaBmpExScalePartAction*) pAction;
+ aMtf.Insert( new MetaBmpExScalePartAction( pAct->GetDestPoint(), pAct->GetDestSize(),
+ pAct->GetSrcPoint(), pAct->GetSrcSize(),
+ pFncBmp( pAct->GetBitmapEx(), pBmpParam ) ),
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ MetaMaskScaleAction* pAct = (MetaMaskScaleAction*) pAction;
+ aMtf.Insert( new MetaMaskScaleAction( pAct->GetPoint(), pAct->GetSize(),
+ pAct->GetBitmap(),
+ pFncCol( pAct->GetColor(), pColParam ) ),
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ MetaMaskScalePartAction* pAct = (MetaMaskScalePartAction*) pAction;
+ aMtf.Insert( new MetaMaskScalePartAction( pAct->GetDestPoint(), pAct->GetDestSize(),
+ pAct->GetSrcPoint(), pAct->GetSrcSize(),
+ pAct->GetBitmap(),
+ pFncCol( pAct->GetColor(), pColParam ) ),
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ MetaGradientAction* pAct = (MetaGradientAction*) pAction;
+ Gradient aGradient( pAct->GetGradient() );
+ aGradient.SetStartColor( pFncCol( aGradient.GetStartColor(), pColParam ) );
+ aGradient.SetEndColor( pFncCol( aGradient.GetEndColor(), pColParam ) );
+ aMtf.Insert( new MetaGradientAction( pAct->GetRect(), aGradient ), LIST_APPEND );
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ MetaGradientExAction* pAct = (MetaGradientExAction*) pAction;
+ Gradient aGradient( pAct->GetGradient() );
+ aGradient.SetStartColor( pFncCol( aGradient.GetStartColor(), pColParam ) );
+ aGradient.SetEndColor( pFncCol( aGradient.GetEndColor(), pColParam ) );
+ aMtf.Insert( new MetaGradientExAction( pAct->GetPolyPolygon(), aGradient ), LIST_APPEND );
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ MetaHatchAction* pAct = (MetaHatchAction*) pAction;
+ Hatch aHatch( pAct->GetHatch() );
+ aHatch.SetColor( pFncCol( aHatch.GetColor(), pColParam ) );
+ aMtf.Insert( new MetaHatchAction( pAct->GetPolyPolygon(), aHatch ), LIST_APPEND );
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ MetaFloatTransparentAction* pAct = (MetaFloatTransparentAction*) pAction;
+ GDIMetaFile aTransMtf( pAct->GetGDIMetaFile() );
+ aTransMtf.ImplExchangeColors( pFncCol, pColParam, pFncBmp, pBmpParam );
+ aMtf.Insert( new MetaFloatTransparentAction( aTransMtf,
+ pAct->GetPoint(), pAct->GetSize(),
+ pAct->GetGradient() ),
+ }
+ break;
+ case( META_EPS_ACTION ):
+ {
+ MetaEPSAction* pAct = (MetaEPSAction*) pAction;
+ GDIMetaFile aSubst( pAct->GetSubstitute() );
+ aSubst.ImplExchangeColors( pFncCol, pColParam, pFncBmp, pBmpParam );
+ aMtf.Insert( new MetaEPSAction( pAct->GetPoint(), pAct->GetSize(),
+ pAct->GetLink(), aSubst ),
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ {
+ pAction->Duplicate();
+ aMtf.Insert( pAction, LIST_APPEND );
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ *this = aMtf;
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void GDIMetaFile::Adjust( short nLuminancePercent, short nContrastPercent,
+ short nChannelRPercent, short nChannelGPercent,
+ short nChannelBPercent, double fGamma, BOOL bInvert )
+ // nothing to do? => return quickly
+ if( nLuminancePercent || nContrastPercent ||
+ nChannelRPercent || nChannelGPercent || nChannelBPercent ||
+ ( fGamma != 1.0 ) || bInvert )
+ {
+ double fM, fROff, fGOff, fBOff, fOff;
+ ImplColAdjustParam aColParam;
+ ImplBmpAdjustParam aBmpParam;
+ aColParam.pMapR = new BYTE[ 256 ];
+ aColParam.pMapG = new BYTE[ 256 ];
+ aColParam.pMapB = new BYTE[ 256 ];
+ // calculate slope
+ if( nContrastPercent >= 0 )
+ fM = 128.0 / ( 128.0 - 1.27 * MinMax( nContrastPercent, 0L, 100L ) );
+ else
+ fM = ( 128.0 + 1.27 * MinMax( nContrastPercent, -100L, 0L ) ) / 128.0;
+ // total offset = luminance offset + contrast offset
+ fOff = MinMax( nLuminancePercent, -100L, 100L ) * 2.55 + 128.0 - fM * 128.0;
+ // channel offset = channel offset + total offset
+ fROff = nChannelRPercent * 2.55 + fOff;
+ fGOff = nChannelGPercent * 2.55 + fOff;
+ fBOff = nChannelBPercent * 2.55 + fOff;
+ // calculate gamma value
+ fGamma = ( fGamma <= 0.0 || fGamma > 10.0 ) ? 1.0 : ( 1.0 / fGamma );
+ const BOOL bGamma = ( fGamma != 1.0 );
+ // create mapping table
+ for( long nX = 0L; nX < 256L; nX++ )
+ {
+ aColParam.pMapR[ nX ] = (BYTE) MinMax( FRound( nX * fM + fROff ), 0L, 255L );
+ aColParam.pMapG[ nX ] = (BYTE) MinMax( FRound( nX * fM + fGOff ), 0L, 255L );
+ aColParam.pMapB[ nX ] = (BYTE) MinMax( FRound( nX * fM + fBOff ), 0L, 255L );
+ if( bGamma )
+ {
+ aColParam.pMapR[ nX ] = GAMMA( aColParam.pMapR[ nX ], fGamma );
+ aColParam.pMapG[ nX ] = GAMMA( aColParam.pMapG[ nX ], fGamma );
+ aColParam.pMapB[ nX ] = GAMMA( aColParam.pMapB[ nX ], fGamma );
+ }
+ if( bInvert )
+ {
+ aColParam.pMapR[ nX ] = ~aColParam.pMapR[ nX ];
+ aColParam.pMapG[ nX ] = ~aColParam.pMapG[ nX ];
+ aColParam.pMapB[ nX ] = ~aColParam.pMapB[ nX ];
+ }
+ }
+ aBmpParam.nLuminancePercent = nLuminancePercent;
+ aBmpParam.nContrastPercent = nContrastPercent;
+ aBmpParam.nChannelRPercent = nChannelRPercent;
+ aBmpParam.nChannelGPercent = nChannelGPercent;
+ aBmpParam.nChannelBPercent = nChannelBPercent;
+ aBmpParam.fGamma = fGamma;
+ aBmpParam.bInvert = bInvert;
+ // do color adjustment
+ ImplExchangeColors( ImplColAdjustFnc, &aColParam, ImplBmpAdjustFnc, &aBmpParam );
+ delete[] aColParam.pMapR;
+ delete[] aColParam.pMapG;
+ delete[] aColParam.pMapB;
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void GDIMetaFile::Convert( MtfConversion eConversion )
+ // nothing to do? => return quickly
+ if( eConversion != MTF_CONVERSION_NONE )
+ {
+ ImplColConvertParam aColParam;
+ ImplBmpConvertParam aBmpParam;
+ aColParam.eConversion = eConversion;
+ ImplExchangeColors( ImplColConvertFnc, &aColParam, ImplBmpConvertFnc, &aBmpParam );
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void GDIMetaFile::ReplaceColors( const Color& rSearchColor, const Color& rReplaceColor, ULONG nTol )
+ ReplaceColors( &rSearchColor, &rReplaceColor, 1, &nTol );
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void GDIMetaFile::ReplaceColors( const Color* pSearchColors, const Color* pReplaceColors, ULONG nColorCount, ULONG* pTols )
+ ImplColReplaceParam aColParam;
+ ImplBmpReplaceParam aBmpParam;
+ aColParam.pMinR = new ULONG[ nColorCount ];
+ aColParam.pMaxR = new ULONG[ nColorCount ];
+ aColParam.pMinG = new ULONG[ nColorCount ];
+ aColParam.pMaxG = new ULONG[ nColorCount ];
+ aColParam.pMinB = new ULONG[ nColorCount ];
+ aColParam.pMaxB = new ULONG[ nColorCount ];
+ for( ULONG i = 0; i < nColorCount; i++ )
+ {
+ const long nTol = pTols ? ( pTols[ i ] * 255 ) / 100 : 0;
+ long nVal;
+ nVal = pSearchColors[ i ].GetRed();
+ aColParam.pMinR[ i ] = (ULONG) Max( nVal - nTol, 0L );
+ aColParam.pMaxR[ i ] = (ULONG) Min( nVal + nTol, 255L );
+ nVal = pSearchColors[ i ].GetGreen();
+ aColParam.pMinG[ i ] = (ULONG) Max( nVal - nTol, 0L );
+ aColParam.pMaxG[ i ] = (ULONG) Min( nVal + nTol, 255L );
+ nVal = pSearchColors[ i ].GetBlue();
+ aColParam.pMinB[ i ] = (ULONG) Max( nVal - nTol, 0L );
+ aColParam.pMaxB[ i ] = (ULONG) Min( nVal + nTol, 255L );
+ }
+ aColParam.pDstCols = pReplaceColors;
+ aColParam.nCount = nColorCount;
+ aBmpParam.pSrcCols = pSearchColors;
+ aBmpParam.pDstCols = pReplaceColors;
+ aBmpParam.nCount = nColorCount;
+ aBmpParam.pTols = pTols;
+ ImplExchangeColors( ImplColReplaceFnc, &aColParam, ImplBmpReplaceFnc, &aBmpParam );
+ delete[] aColParam.pMinR;
+ delete[] aColParam.pMaxR;
+ delete[] aColParam.pMinG;
+ delete[] aColParam.pMaxG;
+ delete[] aColParam.pMinB;
+ delete[] aColParam.pMaxB;
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+GDIMetaFile GDIMetaFile::GetMonochromeMtf( const Color& rColor ) const
+ GDIMetaFile aRet( *this );
+ ImplColMonoParam aColParam;
+ ImplBmpMonoParam aBmpParam;
+ aColParam.aColor = rColor;
+ aBmpParam.aColor = rColor;
+ aRet.ImplExchangeColors( ImplColMonoFnc, &aColParam, ImplBmpMonoFnc, &aBmpParam );
+ return aRet;
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ULONG GDIMetaFile::GetChecksum() const
+ GDIMetaFile aMtf;
+ SvMemoryStream aMemStm( 65535, 65535 );
+ ImplMetaWriteData aWriteData; aWriteData.meActualCharSet = aMemStm.GetStreamCharSet();
+ SVBT16 aBT16;
+ SVBT32 aBT32;
+ ULONG nCrc = 0;
+ for( ULONG i = 0, nCount = GetActionCount(); i < nCount; i++ )
+ {
+ MetaAction* pAction = GetAction( i );
+ switch( pAction->GetType() )
+ {
+ case( META_BMP_ACTION ):
+ {
+ MetaBmpAction* pAct = (MetaBmpAction*) pAction;
+ ShortToSVBT16( pAct->GetType(), aBT16 );
+ nCrc = rtl_crc32( nCrc, aBT16, 2 );
+ LongToSVBT32( pAct->GetBitmap().GetChecksum(), aBT32 );
+ nCrc = rtl_crc32( nCrc, aBT32, 4 );
+ LongToSVBT32( pAct->GetPoint().X(), aBT32 );
+ nCrc = rtl_crc32( nCrc, aBT32, 4 );
+ LongToSVBT32( pAct->GetPoint().Y(), aBT32 );
+ nCrc = rtl_crc32( nCrc, aBT32, 4 );
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ MetaBmpScaleAction* pAct = (MetaBmpScaleAction*) pAction;
+ ShortToSVBT16( pAct->GetType(), aBT16 );
+ nCrc = rtl_crc32( nCrc, aBT16, 2 );
+ LongToSVBT32( pAct->GetBitmap().GetChecksum(), aBT32 );
+ nCrc = rtl_crc32( nCrc, aBT32, 4 );
+ LongToSVBT32( pAct->GetPoint().X(), aBT32 );
+ nCrc = rtl_crc32( nCrc, aBT32, 4 );
+ LongToSVBT32( pAct->GetPoint().Y(), aBT32 );
+ nCrc = rtl_crc32( nCrc, aBT32, 4 );
+ LongToSVBT32( pAct->GetSize().Width(), aBT32 );
+ nCrc = rtl_crc32( nCrc, aBT32, 4 );
+ LongToSVBT32( pAct->GetSize().Height(), aBT32 );
+ nCrc = rtl_crc32( nCrc, aBT32, 4 );
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ MetaBmpScalePartAction* pAct = (MetaBmpScalePartAction*) pAction;
+ ShortToSVBT16( pAct->GetType(), aBT16 );
+ nCrc = rtl_crc32( nCrc, aBT16, 2 );
+ LongToSVBT32( pAct->GetBitmap().GetChecksum(), aBT32 );
+ nCrc = rtl_crc32( nCrc, aBT32, 4 );
+ LongToSVBT32( pAct->GetDestPoint().X(), aBT32 );
+ nCrc = rtl_crc32( nCrc, aBT32, 4 );
+ LongToSVBT32( pAct->GetDestPoint().Y(), aBT32 );
+ nCrc = rtl_crc32( nCrc, aBT32, 4 );
+ LongToSVBT32( pAct->GetDestSize().Width(), aBT32 );
+ nCrc = rtl_crc32( nCrc, aBT32, 4 );
+ LongToSVBT32( pAct->GetDestSize().Height(), aBT32 );
+ nCrc = rtl_crc32( nCrc, aBT32, 4 );
+ LongToSVBT32( pAct->GetSrcPoint().X(), aBT32 );
+ nCrc = rtl_crc32( nCrc, aBT32, 4 );
+ LongToSVBT32( pAct->GetSrcPoint().Y(), aBT32 );
+ nCrc = rtl_crc32( nCrc, aBT32, 4 );
+ LongToSVBT32( pAct->GetSrcSize().Width(), aBT32 );
+ nCrc = rtl_crc32( nCrc, aBT32, 4 );
+ LongToSVBT32( pAct->GetSrcSize().Height(), aBT32 );
+ nCrc = rtl_crc32( nCrc, aBT32, 4 );
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ MetaBmpExAction* pAct = (MetaBmpExAction*) pAction;
+ ShortToSVBT16( pAct->GetType(), aBT16 );
+ nCrc = rtl_crc32( nCrc, aBT16, 2 );
+ LongToSVBT32( pAct->GetBitmapEx().GetChecksum(), aBT32 );
+ nCrc = rtl_crc32( nCrc, aBT32, 4 );
+ LongToSVBT32( pAct->GetPoint().X(), aBT32 );
+ nCrc = rtl_crc32( nCrc, aBT32, 4 );
+ LongToSVBT32( pAct->GetPoint().Y(), aBT32 );
+ nCrc = rtl_crc32( nCrc, aBT32, 4 );
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ MetaBmpExScaleAction* pAct = (MetaBmpExScaleAction*) pAction;
+ ShortToSVBT16( pAct->GetType(), aBT16 );
+ nCrc = rtl_crc32( nCrc, aBT16, 2 );
+ LongToSVBT32( pAct->GetBitmapEx().GetChecksum(), aBT32 );
+ nCrc = rtl_crc32( nCrc, aBT32, 4 );
+ LongToSVBT32( pAct->GetPoint().X(), aBT32 );
+ nCrc = rtl_crc32( nCrc, aBT32, 4 );
+ LongToSVBT32( pAct->GetPoint().Y(), aBT32 );
+ nCrc = rtl_crc32( nCrc, aBT32, 4 );
+ LongToSVBT32( pAct->GetSize().Width(), aBT32 );
+ nCrc = rtl_crc32( nCrc, aBT32, 4 );
+ LongToSVBT32( pAct->GetSize().Height(), aBT32 );
+ nCrc = rtl_crc32( nCrc, aBT32, 4 );
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ MetaBmpExScalePartAction* pAct = (MetaBmpExScalePartAction*) pAction;
+ ShortToSVBT16( pAct->GetType(), aBT16 );
+ nCrc = rtl_crc32( nCrc, aBT16, 2 );
+ LongToSVBT32( pAct->GetBitmapEx().GetChecksum(), aBT32 );
+ nCrc = rtl_crc32( nCrc, aBT32, 4 );
+ LongToSVBT32( pAct->GetDestPoint().X(), aBT32 );
+ nCrc = rtl_crc32( nCrc, aBT32, 4 );
+ LongToSVBT32( pAct->GetDestPoint().Y(), aBT32 );
+ nCrc = rtl_crc32( nCrc, aBT32, 4 );
+ LongToSVBT32( pAct->GetDestSize().Width(), aBT32 );
+ nCrc = rtl_crc32( nCrc, aBT32, 4 );
+ LongToSVBT32( pAct->GetDestSize().Height(), aBT32 );
+ nCrc = rtl_crc32( nCrc, aBT32, 4 );
+ LongToSVBT32( pAct->GetSrcPoint().X(), aBT32 );
+ nCrc = rtl_crc32( nCrc, aBT32, 4 );
+ LongToSVBT32( pAct->GetSrcPoint().Y(), aBT32 );
+ nCrc = rtl_crc32( nCrc, aBT32, 4 );
+ LongToSVBT32( pAct->GetSrcSize().Width(), aBT32 );
+ nCrc = rtl_crc32( nCrc, aBT32, 4 );
+ LongToSVBT32( pAct->GetSrcSize().Height(), aBT32 );
+ nCrc = rtl_crc32( nCrc, aBT32, 4 );
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ MetaMaskAction* pAct = (MetaMaskAction*) pAction;
+ ShortToSVBT16( pAct->GetType(), aBT16 );
+ nCrc = rtl_crc32( nCrc, aBT16, 2 );
+ LongToSVBT32( pAct->GetBitmap().GetChecksum(), aBT32 );
+ nCrc = rtl_crc32( nCrc, aBT32, 4 );
+ LongToSVBT32( pAct->GetColor().GetColor(), aBT32 );
+ nCrc = rtl_crc32( nCrc, aBT32, 4 );
+ LongToSVBT32( pAct->GetPoint().X(), aBT32 );
+ nCrc = rtl_crc32( nCrc, aBT32, 4 );
+ LongToSVBT32( pAct->GetPoint().Y(), aBT32 );
+ nCrc = rtl_crc32( nCrc, aBT32, 4 );
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ MetaMaskScaleAction* pAct = (MetaMaskScaleAction*) pAction;
+ ShortToSVBT16( pAct->GetType(), aBT16 );
+ nCrc = rtl_crc32( nCrc, aBT16, 2 );
+ LongToSVBT32( pAct->GetBitmap().GetChecksum(), aBT32 );
+ nCrc = rtl_crc32( nCrc, aBT32, 4 );
+ LongToSVBT32( pAct->GetColor().GetColor(), aBT32 );
+ nCrc = rtl_crc32( nCrc, aBT32, 4 );
+ LongToSVBT32( pAct->GetPoint().X(), aBT32 );
+ nCrc = rtl_crc32( nCrc, aBT32, 4 );
+ LongToSVBT32( pAct->GetPoint().Y(), aBT32 );
+ nCrc = rtl_crc32( nCrc, aBT32, 4 );
+ LongToSVBT32( pAct->GetSize().Width(), aBT32 );
+ nCrc = rtl_crc32( nCrc, aBT32, 4 );
+ LongToSVBT32( pAct->GetSize().Height(), aBT32 );
+ nCrc = rtl_crc32( nCrc, aBT32, 4 );
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ MetaMaskScalePartAction* pAct = (MetaMaskScalePartAction*) pAction;
+ ShortToSVBT16( pAct->GetType(), aBT16 );
+ nCrc = rtl_crc32( nCrc, aBT16, 2 );
+ LongToSVBT32( pAct->GetBitmap().GetChecksum(), aBT32 );
+ nCrc = rtl_crc32( nCrc, aBT32, 4 );
+ LongToSVBT32( pAct->GetColor().GetColor(), aBT32 );
+ nCrc = rtl_crc32( nCrc, aBT32, 4 );
+ LongToSVBT32( pAct->GetDestPoint().X(), aBT32 );
+ nCrc = rtl_crc32( nCrc, aBT32, 4 );
+ LongToSVBT32( pAct->GetDestPoint().Y(), aBT32 );
+ nCrc = rtl_crc32( nCrc, aBT32, 4 );
+ LongToSVBT32( pAct->GetDestSize().Width(), aBT32 );
+ nCrc = rtl_crc32( nCrc, aBT32, 4 );
+ LongToSVBT32( pAct->GetDestSize().Height(), aBT32 );
+ nCrc = rtl_crc32( nCrc, aBT32, 4 );
+ LongToSVBT32( pAct->GetSrcPoint().X(), aBT32 );
+ nCrc = rtl_crc32( nCrc, aBT32, 4 );
+ LongToSVBT32( pAct->GetSrcPoint().Y(), aBT32 );
+ nCrc = rtl_crc32( nCrc, aBT32, 4 );
+ LongToSVBT32( pAct->GetSrcSize().Width(), aBT32 );
+ nCrc = rtl_crc32( nCrc, aBT32, 4 );
+ LongToSVBT32( pAct->GetSrcSize().Height(), aBT32 );
+ nCrc = rtl_crc32( nCrc, aBT32, 4 );
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ {
+ pAction->Write( aMemStm, &aWriteData );
+ nCrc = rtl_crc32( nCrc, aMemStm.GetData(), aMemStm.Tell() );
+ aMemStm.Seek( 0 );
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return nCrc;
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+SvStream& operator>>( SvStream& rIStm, GDIMetaFile& rGDIMetaFile )
+ if( !rIStm.GetError() )
+ {
+ char aId[ 7 ];
+ ULONG nStmPos = rIStm.Tell();
+ USHORT nOldFormat = rIStm.GetNumberFormatInt();
+ BOOL bError = FALSE;
+ rIStm.Read( aId, 6 );
+ aId[ 6 ] = 0;
+ if ( !strcmp( aId, "VCLMTF" ) )
+ {
+ // new format
+ VersionCompat* pCompat;
+ MetaAction* pAction;
+ UINT32 nStmCompressMode;
+ UINT32 nCount;
+ pCompat = new VersionCompat( rIStm, STREAM_READ );
+ rIStm >> nStmCompressMode;
+ rIStm >> rGDIMetaFile.aPrefMapMode;
+ rIStm >> rGDIMetaFile.aPrefSize;
+ rIStm >> nCount;
+ delete pCompat;
+ ImplMetaReadData aReadData;
+ aReadData.meActualCharSet = rIStm.GetStreamCharSet();
+ for( UINT32 nAction = 0UL; ( nAction < nCount ) && !rIStm.IsEof(); nAction++ )
+ {
+ pAction = MetaAction::ReadMetaAction( rIStm, &aReadData );
+ if( pAction )
+ rGDIMetaFile.AddAction( pAction );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // to avoid possible compiler optimizations => new/delete
+ rIStm.Seek( nStmPos );
+ delete( new SVMConverter( rIStm, rGDIMetaFile, CONVERT_FROM_SVM1 ) );
+ }
+ // check for errors
+ if( rIStm.GetError() )
+ {
+ rGDIMetaFile.Clear();
+ rIStm.Seek( nStmPos );
+ }
+ rIStm.SetNumberFormatInt( nOldFormat );
+ }
+ return rIStm;
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+SvStream& operator<<( SvStream& rOStm, const GDIMetaFile& rGDIMetaFile )
+ if( !rOStm.GetError() )
+ {
+ if( rOStm.GetVersion() >= SOFFICE_FILEFORMAT_50 )
+ ((GDIMetaFile&) rGDIMetaFile ).Write( rOStm );
+ else
+ delete( new SVMConverter( rOStm, (GDIMetaFile&) rGDIMetaFile, CONVERT_TO_SVM1 ) );
+ }
+ return rOStm;
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+SvStream& GDIMetaFile::Read( SvStream& rIStm )
+ Clear();
+ rIStm >> *this;
+ return rIStm;
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+SvStream& GDIMetaFile::Write( SvStream& rOStm )
+ VersionCompat* pCompat;
+ const UINT32 nStmCompressMode = rOStm.GetCompressMode();
+ USHORT nOldFormat = rOStm.GetNumberFormatInt();
+ rOStm.Write( "VCLMTF", 6 );
+ pCompat = new VersionCompat( rOStm, STREAM_WRITE, 1 );
+ rOStm << nStmCompressMode;
+ rOStm << aPrefMapMode;
+ rOStm << aPrefSize;
+ rOStm << (UINT32) GetActionCount();
+ delete pCompat;
+ ImplMetaWriteData aWriteData;
+ aWriteData.meActualCharSet = rOStm.GetStreamCharSet();
+ MetaAction* pAct = (MetaAction*)First();
+ while ( pAct )
+ {
+ pAct->Write( rOStm, &aWriteData );
+ pAct = (MetaAction*)Next();
+ }
+ rOStm.SetNumberFormatInt( nOldFormat );
+ return rOStm;